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T.;-Ir- 3tructure of K2[RUCI,%(j, by T. 'S. noikashova.7 ~. VP a RMSIAX.t per, Mw Strukt-IMIm, Vol ij, No 3, 196o, T)? 333-336. CD I c f., ,~w c- v 0. a c -~., q 1 63 1 S~ructtxre of Potaosium Nitroso-Pentachloraruthenate2 by .1', S. M3o~ova G. B. Bokiy, lp-p-.18. I........ -0 %~ RWSIAN,p pors Zhur Struktwmy KhIm,, Vol I,, No 2,, ig6o,; pp. ipi58. CD Sci 14714 Sept 61 KWdcbmako. A. IL . Grefto. AL K. , Voo=W, fu-.-r.--JStAlTw*vIcb, K & THR EFFWr OP,,TlmE or CHISWAL RFBNW CIN TH13 OFMAL:SMWMA710H OF MaA.MCNS. 119631 120p] 2ftdi, omw fmm CTS or SLA St. tO 63-3W2D T"no. cg Zbormal Nauchmad I Prlkla&wi Powgrani i olsm 1%3. V. 8. am 3, P. 167+741. Is livatkble from AIM $9. 00 as A-M-4lQ71R 119631 op. DBSCRWMRS- *PbougrapUc ecu"omm6 Agtwg OftftrWS). OPtICSI PrOPOMOD. SWAMdtf. Dyft. Ov" compmuda, HoHdkon, Aboorptim opo=- An in"moption of a I- ot pbsograWc MUlc. at various suww 0t ripwAms v4di 2 1 F to tbdr capsUBty of bein mmdti=d with dyes *to, V*rYibg *WllskOD ASPOptim &Ulft abooqdon im "terWs I -rbooixa*c, 7T. v. 10. om 1% (ovvm) 63-30020 1. MwdcbookD. A. N. U. Grechko. X IL M. VU=&W. YtI6 L TV. Al)p~ch, NL A. I ow 40 OMU ed Todm" Uwe-8Vwtrqwt;r ZovestISMom vf the Suh3Llmt:icn or aw"Aw olarlato by L. N. ftrakhovj, Yu- 8- Kboftwo P- A* AkU&fto I BMW,, per# Xbw Noorgm Kblus, ftl Mp lb igip 1958, IV 2w 9%8. 49 Dot of cf~roe watlaml aw or stamdards ftl - Cbm 41*0,1 mbq 6x Mast Equilibria and Volumc: Relations ia the Acetylene-Ammogia, System at. Low Temperatures, by S. IN. n-0-4-ML, 3 PP. RUS3MN, per, Zh4r Piz Khivi Vol XX-XV, No 3, 1961, pp 0'29-634- Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd. Sci Feb 62 4.2, ~? a 6 Summation of Excitations During, Unconditioned ReflDforcement of a Condition&[ Reflex,, by 4 pp. B. T....,~3 ,jq4pXw RUSSIAN, per, Byul Eksper Biol i Med, Vol XLIX, No 10 Jan 1960., PP 3-7. CB Sci Aug 60 Concerning Some Peculiuritieei of -U'-he Crystal Chemistz,y of Complex Compouneto of Buthtnivin and Oimlum., by 0. B. BoUy., L. 0. Atovin,,ran., T. S. Kbodaulieva., 3 PP* RUSSIAN, p!~-rj Dok Ak Hauk Vol No - 1959: PP 78-- Aw~ Ixu3t of Pnys Sov Pbya-Doklady Vol IVP No 5 may 6o StrWb=V Of OrY*tN3A Of t. Umflumoormusu c0( ~or(o~md-- j by T. S., A %0 .. 1. POO UM Val -11 no 5.0 19578. Aver tort of ptue Bel rtb 6 o On Variation of the ChloMlast Size and Pigmut Concovbmtvloa During ProlonSW DarkenIng FoUved by musinstion* by T. W. Godnevs, A. V. leablams L. A. Moor* 5 pp. Eumwjp pro nodoi asstmasy, val vn, wo 6., 196%, pp 635wm. Amw 2wtlt of 3101 4 S*:L "P 61 Trace Changes in Cortical Excitability After Unconditioned Reinforcement of a Defensive Motor Reflex in the Dog, by B - I. Khodorov, 7 PP - RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Vysshe3r Nerv Deyatel RKx imeni I. P. Pavlova, Vol IX, No 21 1959, pp 239-247. PP Sci 195,o62 1--lay 62 of powaft PWAMOS ft aft% mader fAmes No pow" of ft Oldw the stlwa a( IV & L I V. 1. E*lw"43 me UK I M" Val vVue 1964, ig wry TV 410AWC No M 62-16007 ENTRAINMENT OF MATERIALS FROM ROTARY 1. Title: Entrainment K"S (Uwe Materials iz Vrashchayushcbfkhoya 1. Khodorov. E. 1. Pechel). f 19621 f 131p. (foreign text Included) 7 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 62-16007 Trans. of Khtmicheskays Prornyshlennost' (USSR) 1961, no. 6. p. 416-42D. DESCRIPTORS: $Rotary furnace@. Temperature, Fuel cAmemption, Ganes, Particles, Motion, Velocity. Tur- bulence, Gas flow, Heating. AL (Baghteering--Cbernical. TT. v. 9. no. Ofts d Tuk*al Stryka The Functional Structure of Digital Controls, by T. Ya. Khodorov, 6 pp. RUSSINN, per, Avtomat i Telemekh, Vol XXIII, No 1, 1962, pp 4S-51. ISA Sci 213,M Aug 62 AffawokhRMINATION OF AZIMUM, LATITUDE AND OF THE CHRONOMETER OOR- REMON FROM OWERVATIONS OF PAIRS OF sTARs AT 0DRRESPONDING EQUAL ALTITUDES. Tram. an Soviet Coeodemy 1925-40. 10 Mar 611251p. 1JPRS: R-114-N/47. Order frobi LC or SLA mi$2.70, pb$4. 80 61-19066 Trans. of Goodezi at (USSR) 1936 tv. 121 no. 5/9, p. 41-55. 61-IOM 1. Cooodetic astronomy- Themy 1. Khodorovich, A. P. H. Title: Smist... M. JPRS-R-114-N/47 TV. joint Publications Research Service, New Ycwk Offic. of To"cJ S-ic.. Sciences- -Geodesy. TT. Y. S. no. 6) 61-191,58 Khodorovich, P. ON THE PROBLE-M OF TRANSFERRING GAUSS- 1. Geodesics-Theory KRUGER COORDINATES FROM ZONE TO ZONE. 1. Khodorovich, P. Trans. on Soviet Geodesy 1925-40. 17 Mar 61 1131p. 11. Title: Soviet... JPRS: R-113-N/60. Ill. JPRS-R-113-N/60 Order from LC or SLA mi$2.40. ph$3.30 61-19158 IV. joint Publications Research Service, New York Trans. of Geodczi st (USSR) 1935 [v. I I I no. 11, p. 48-54- M" of Td..kel Swvtc*. (Unannounced) oft swe"06wif 9w ftent" All =I im zi, ustow - FM""W --0 * if.% * X0 AW 4 a. - A SINUW* VW# TOSUM Milo Ls lb 9 (NO)p ftp 19&4 im 1600 I" a** 63 2209192 ylozkta~t.:Lca 04, Acti=s on the Trainer in sp~fciul Gages af Flir 4i~.t by S. 14. (.A~p 3 Vcatail- Vozdz-shnog--- rllotmj, Rr. II,, M -S- TAN A= F-TS-93D91V L/ AJFV;C~ 57 m`mw..%mww- 6 .4.06~4--w ~ -.WWM &A"&T T64 Z . t -.r%m~q at Om till lial I I IFIl I "Wwo nbm"4 Undu tte Laffea at L 0 we Vd LM 196% VP NAWW -id , -04LO Jul *5 -41 S-51-5:9 (rx-.2810). Cybernetics In Surgery,, by A. A. Viahwvakly, L. All. 810h.0 B. I. Khodorov, 6 pp. TRUW-,:[Ali,, perp Moper Kh1rargi;1a) No 1) Vol 1.959, PP 6-11- Jm-T81-D Sci - Nadi, Surlpry Sep 59 'The Movanmr~ of Y,;terUl In Rotary Plarnrices, by B. 1. Khodorov, 15 pp '- I .' RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekh riz, Vol ;MvM No 10, 1958, PP 20-2339- Amer T=t of Phys sov FAA - Tisch Pbyu Vol III, 1b 10 Sci - Phys JUn 59 xOd I k.NY-5091) In The Days of the Revolution,, by M. V. Khode v, - -TI-1- 7 pp. RUSSUX, per,. Vestnik avyaztf No 11; 1957. JPM 7026 set jui 61 -, 5- Y V/ 0 I/ Hydrodynamic and Beat Transfer Conditions in Burning, Fine Glalned MaterlaU la an Air-Suspended Layer, by E. I. Xhodorov,, 10 pp. '"' 4 ... .... - ' " RUSSTAN, per, Teement.. wo 1., 1 P pp 14-2o. Consults=ts Bureau Sei - Engineering Jul 58 (BY-1374'/34) .attle Training in Field Hospitals, P, A. Khodorkov, 3 pp. WSSIAN.. rao per Voyenno Mad Zhuv, No 9; Aescow,o Sept 19LO, P 7. US A#.LS 7875 ExtiwUlDYL and Differentiation on? Conditioned Reflaxes Induotd Against a Background of' Uhconditioned Stim- lativap W B. 1. gygawo 5 Irp. RMIAM., Ver,, W MceW Blol i Medp Vol LO No 73 1960s VP 7-12. C:2; &I W/ J-1/ I., mar 63L (; N4 300J) CENTRALIZATION OF REPAIRS WITHCUT A CENTER, BY P. KHQDORO~, 4 pp. -- --- 1- - - RUSS I Ai-.:, 1,P,, MOSKOVSKAYA PRAVDA, IVlAk I ~ J~2 JPRs l3a~',-, USSR ECON SC I - ENGR MAY 62 X~Xxy, 1-, 61 , .1 ~-,6 Uho FAiture of the OmnMn of ribrinvCen 7uto k~'y V. As WIltswo L. Modorova. JSSM a pert AMIMSMO Vol xvilp 1952., PP 676-W3- Vova Scotia No P-17 )Wicinev biocb=ois try AUG 53 Apprcximate DeUrmination of the Direction of the True Meridian, by P. Xhodorovich. RMUN,, per., Gecdozist,, No 6, 1928,, pp 41-4~. CIA FM/X 44_ki, scl-phys 26 Aug 60 Khodarovich P.A. SDAULTANEOUS DETERMINATION OF AZDAUTH. LATITUDE AND CHRONOKWMR CORRECT10N FROM OBSERVATIONS OF STAR PAIRS AT CORHE- SPONDINGLY EQOAL ALTITUDES. Trans. on Soviet Geodesy 1925-40. 7 Apr 61 1241p. JPRS: R-114-N/R. Order from LC or SLA mi$2.70, ph$,4. 80 61-19411 Trans. of Geodezist (USSR) 1936 [v. 12] no. 11. 46-62. (Unannounced) 61-19411 1. Geodetic astronomy-- Theory 1. Khodoravich, P. A. 11 . Title: Soviet... 111. JPRS-R-114-N/52 IV . joint Publications Research Service, New York 010M Of Ted." swWkes I IT-64-13487 X hodoo, A. B. VASCLYI.-& R17ATION OF THE P914S. 11963) l i8p) I .K bodoo, A. B. (figs 9mitted) 34refs FASEB manuscript Do. S 73-3. It. FASEB-S-73-3 Order fmr.*i OTS. St.A, or STC $1.60 TT-64-134U7 III *Faderalam cit Arnerlcao Societies for Experim -nul Trow. Df Arkhlw Anstornil, Ctwalogil I Embritoklil 111010". Zwngtou. D. C. RMSR) 1962. v. 43. no. 11. p. 52-58. W. Scripts Technics, Inc., W"Magw% D. C. DESCRIPTORS: Oftepro&actlom symm, Offitad (Blowocal Sclemea-Awtomy. TT' V. 11, Tn. 9) SmUering of Ught In Media -idth Varlab2s OplAcia Farameten, by A. P. Ivawvg S. B. QW914 4 pp M&WR pmrs %- JL Svdft oll Val TM# go 42 X960., pp i*~-- OBA Scl 13Z Oys MW 61. ;1011 (IM 25"e) DlatrlbaUm of FAMP an& IOdIm in tam Qqpw ~,a Routes UMGW awma condiu4mos md pmbawma Nava"a SM Under SUvft Sw4tation, by 1* 1. 74#WM , P. r. Z. P. Pedcrov ire. A. Gowtomp, A W* %=IMP thrica-M PW, U.1h, Ai~, Imaxmm Val C. So 2. M5v pp 3W3%. CIA/IMD/U-7610 JBBR Act, c4cs 3 iel - Nedlelnep namftalolaa (00wrifbt) blyaheals of Wasole Dariv4lves- XV. Denothiazo3qlpyrosolooftv by V. M. zwmroviddy., G. P. lhodbtp 4 pp. FWBIM. nor, Zbnr Mobah MLtsp Val XXXt RD pp 2.5%-150. ca 6/ C/, Sal Aug Synthesis of Thiazale IDerivaUves. XMI. Now Katoj of the Bionathlazolo Series an(I their Converalons, by V. M, Zubarawaki, 0. P. Khodot, 6 pp. RU,qEMO, per, Zhur Obshch Kbits, Vol KU-1 , No 5, 1962. pp 1574-1!00. CB Sci Nor 63 o?33j$-P 4 v - v - 'Alell ~ CC/ 0 ~ Zffea of Nbistvve an the Mtbow Oontent of Coal,, by V. V. nmxlot. RmIms PWD Lsv-estj~m M Otd Tekh Nauk.,., No 12,, 19529 pp 1OW-lalO. *" IT 72-53018 Mar 72 Uft4ftwth 1. go mg p jl~ro AMA Uw. Ta XF. ljo 2. jLg.%. IV 1^-266 AV ftw J14re AM! I VWI ZFv SD 2 xw 69 loom by 14. P. laiodov, L. N. ShchimkU-,,, V) r V A T.T B-con - TachroloGical AuLe 60 Ite Depenince on Temperature of the Shea-- Modulua and Internal Frict:Lon of Sme Nickel BaBed Alloys, by I. G. Polotakiy, Z. L. Khodov., 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Piz Metal i Metallov, Vol VII, Wo 2j 1959., pp 274-277. Sci Aug 6o S-,guw (NY-2649) Effmot of Supersonic Vibratims on the CrystaUizatlan Procenav by 1. 0. Polotakiy,, T - Ya . Dmiyeva, Z. L - Mlodov, 6 pp RWSVJ., per, Trudy lwtituts Cbernoy Vet4LUurgilp Ak Sauk Ukr 80, Val VI, .1953, Kiev., pp 91-100. iFEEI-L-814-N Sci - min/met Jun 59 Ow 40 fl "Parametric Resonance" in Luminescance as a Multi- Photon Process, by V. A. Qodov6i, 5 pp. RLLSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLVI, No 1, 1964, pp 331-338. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - JETP Vol XIX, 140 1 Sci- Aug 64 2650259 jog MA Zti*IM of tis by N. 1. wmln 9 pp. tODTASSMrXCD Pidl tramlation. ,RU3510 per Bev PSIM Vol 1 1,947, u0scow. C i ~9 - ' q4 / 9711 COG ~ ) ~ 1) Scientific - me"Cim J'uR 53 CMAU Problems KhoAukin RUSSIAN, NLL REF: July 69 of Regional pathology, by N. 1. BK, 17 pp. 0678.23F f j -i- AD 670 356 (. i" , '- ~ , '- 385,667 coif for Fluoride lonep U*UW Titanimi- Acid Reagents by AXe 336bko and P.V. ppe Fuil, "Translation. RMUNS bUm per# Our Azal Khlvi~ VbI VIIv No 5A, 1952j. VP 281-284. Consultants Bureau Scientific - ChemIstry Jan 54 =/izx 75f I NY-3WI/ 31 Allumimm as the Metal of the by V. chupr~kovl A.-PLo4fto pp. lawsmp ALM aazeta~ 8 ftp iqW2 p 2. 9693 r~ VIM Boon Aug 61 TT-65-64088 Field JA Kbodyko, Yu. V. , FLOWLOF A RELAXING GAS AROUND A TIIIN CONE OF 1. National Aeronautics and REVOLUTION (Obtakante Tonkogo Konusa Vrashchentys Space Administration. Ralakiiru~rusbchlzn GazonO. 1965, 8p, Grefs. Washington, D. C. NASA TT~-F-334; N65-32185. Order,fr~m CFSTIi SLA or ETC: HC$1.00. MF$0.50 as ?465~32185 Trans. of, Akademiya Navuk BSSR. Minsk. Doklady. v8 n8 p1-20 1994. I 14 n** CC a Rdftft OW Arood a TMU ICIM04* MA. V. * rdwes A 0 46 P-W--j I I . WWI I TT P-384 r SrA-Phys OOPC 65 290,M Labor FAI-of~aik-.Ikoiri in the Srho-'L; by A. nv-o4p~v,~ A. Shaatav-, 5 pp. HUSSIANj 171r, '-%kola-Internat, No 2., 1961. lnt.emtl A".'ts ~~- C-4- Pre3p- Saviet FAu-n-tion Vol ill, ND 11 U&SP soc Investigation of a Discharge Excited by a Traveling Wave, by R.A.,~ Lkwifthammp YuOS9. Xhodyrevs 7 pp. RWSXANg per,, Uur TOM Fir., Vol XXXII, No 1,, 1962v pp 313-320, Azar last of Phys Sov Phys - Tech Phys Vol VII, No 3 Sci 21306S3 62 owilOWW* NMoOMM 4M UdWat4a AmWIW In 8:4;.I~ ,i6 nmmmww MAN offtwom as wbe bar P,* A*i X, IL 4p-lw am WAINNO mullo Ta ==It lb & ii~w "C;ive; .0 A" Alw a ( NY-3432 ). The Penetration of R dim Bradde Mmught the Intmert Skin of ADINIU0 by M. A* 10iodyreval 7 ppo RMSIM., per, Nedit Hadioloav vol iv,* no 6j, ig5g. im 2m Sol - Yedicine oct 6o I / 4101 ~) -7i~r (253 71-D) Hygienic Effectiveness Hands Contaminated by by 14. A. Khodyreva, 7 of Some Agents for Wa-ching Radioactive Substa-mces, pp. RUSSIAN, monograph, Trudy Vse!; KonferentZiy po Med Radiolo.,riy- (VODrosy Gig i Dos:Lmctriy), MOSCOW. 195T, pp 52-57- JPRS" 74'1 -D Sci - Med, radiology Jun 5 '1" A Study of the Anomalme Abeozvtlcm of Radio Waves Wi ."a AiAom lonoppWrIc Ebt, by Ch. L. Khodzba-Akhmed , PD& mr- k'lJFJMM,q perw Geowipwt I Aomms, Vol 1l.. ND lp 1962. AM 63 2 (SF-5970) IMPROVE AND EXPAND THE INTERREGIOKAL TRANS- PORTATION AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS OF UZBEKISTAN., BY S. KHODZHAYEV 13 PP. RUSSIAN., PER NAROD KHOZ UZBEKISTANA., NO 3., 1962, PP 7iA. JPRS 14819 USSR ECON AUG 62 206.,967 oklooplalla" Am WOMMOUTION or Is"" uwm va 'ACTION a, AWTIGIaahl(zgk By G V. qwwwwo W A6 VVIUMwarow"W-Th"t 4 PPO Rmi#j4 Poo SIN m "M laws VOL CXL, ND %, L9610;pp ap.R~ ce Sk 62 2*362 of OKI&tlm of lb*be" an the Unetics 0 v0 Up Be A. D 0 VW& Nouida MWIP Vol Nnv no 60 loks pp 43m40. on 9 IW36 3 0 9L t onto 7 ev, by PAbluovich u9. (VAler) 020 63/Dw 54 Ale j-476c) j~ " e -,.T / Vy~) . What Harm Does Islam Do? by M. Khodzilayev, RUSSL~N.,, np, Sovetskaya Kirgiziya, 21 Oct 1~ 2. *JPRS USSR Soc - Reli-~;ion - Antireligion Nov 5-~', A Study a a0 Fxml;VscciWtla.Q 12mmilty of Gulittri VLgr, Rompr-m-madly Inmulatad vitb a StraIr. of' ov .MlW7LArv,j por,, Wul Mmyer Biel i Modo Vol XMIS 110 k, 10,59, In) 90.C14. 59 Y37 The Reaction of the Im, a Host to flepeatM laadtion Witb Brucalla-lo.by Sh. )Djodsbayev,, 3 py. RMSURO per, Mar Mikrobiol 41desiol i I=mwbloi,, Vol nm No go 1958, pp 97-99. Parpma Zmat Bel - ad MY 59 UZBEKISTAN TRANSPORTATION., BY S. M. KliODZHAYEVj, 174 PP- RUSSIANi, SK., TRANSPORT UZBEKISTANAs, TASHKENTo ig6lp pp 1-212. JPRS, IT327 USSR ECON JAN 63 220..993 -ir-dioeiromtographic SepamtIon of Ilixtures of safur ond Vulcani=tion Accaezvkto". by I. V. I.Khodzl*ava,, Yu. V. timins h ppo W~SVI-s pW$ KoUold Zhkwo Vol =11,j No 11)610 ppe M&M co mar 62 StaWs and Tom of Mezekbistaaj, 12 pp. Sant Ithao6mriya" PP 1&)-163 - Maograirby . M-W-d-z h " " a 0 Morphological Characteristits of the Course of the Infectious Process in Immunized Guinea-Pigs After Single and Repeated Infectiont by Sh. Kh. Khodzhayev M. 1. Chernyshevat 7 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol i Immunobiol., Vol XXXI No 10# 1959v pp 67--72. Pp Sci Sej 6o the Theory of Approximation of per; Iz V~yealdkh Ulcheb ft6lQUI&J, Vol VIP No 3; "LS."s,3) Jr,,fIj.jjP,nc-::t -if Cool St!rroundingpa on the Oxygen Saturation an." Volumm of Blood o~~ InIhabit-ur.to ol' the Tropics, by W. Radama and G. G. Khtoen3 18 pn DUTO"I, C-eroo_q1t Tjj,,js&ir. -Ned . In(ii.e) , "k)-i 1940, PY) !U0--1151 SIT-A 57-1279 S-u-I.-M-edicine Mar lh ftP:Looobftiml-JbdmmUm of PhOtorgactivatLon of BaftWia VU*b Rave Oftm Bubjected to WAniViolOt Irr"i"lon, tar 1. Ontudly, pp. UNMM 0 Kdmuo VOL ZKMP 14, no. " =br. gal - DIOL 9-4~e 0 o2W) Apr 59 Formation des Hw2x Souterraines d1ongine Sedimentalre et Role Oeochinique do Leur Migrationp by A. 2. .r1jod ' ko,# 20 pp. FROM , rpt,, above tItle j, 1959. Isibrur,y of Geologleml Barway of Can-da Sal 3 6 Jun 61 Cbanpa in the SUsqot of Vw UncoWitioned Refloti as Us bmis for the ronoLiAm 6t a Norwava con.pectioup b7 D X. RUOSUN# pw# Dok AL Jkuk amp Vol =LV DD 61p, IMP A~ Mat at fta fti Sol am 60 7 79 IODUMIX From Wurehouse to Warehoure, b-., Kz nodzhay--,.r, A, Lifshite, 6 pp, RUSSIM4, ier, Narod Khoz Uzl>ek;, tio 6, z pp 49-.52, JMS 19544 USSR Ecoa o C. t Anmical stud:r of Phenoxy-Wthy!-Peni~-illin- i~~.pnration and Properties of -Amides of Pbenoxy-, 'I~ethylpenicillin, by A. S. Khohklov, et al. "I MMMW, per, .'intibiotiki, Vol V, 1958, .)P CSZRO C, - Chem Aug 6e Centrifapl 0--toting of Tubes in the People'B RepAblic of CbJv&j, by L. S. Konstentinov, B. D. ]jn~, A. N. Snol$mkov, 3 PP. MMIMp per) lbtallurg.. No 9, 1958, Pp A#39- Comultants Bureau Sci - min/met Jun 59 The Strength of Welded Connections in Aluminium Allogr Building Structures By R.G. Shnsiderow, L.L. Rubanovich, A,Kh.-Khokharin, -0 , p 6 RUSSM. per, 9varoch Prols. No 12. 1962, pp 9-n BWP.A set 621p - 0,6 1/ Oct 63 IrAfluence, of F-lotation Reawnte cm '6rle f.inaar AdsorpUon of Ylotation Oils Oqtiv a Onve-Faaae Wetting ftrIma'UV-;." 'W-.V- RANSIAN, per, Iz V~Mahm 0CM15 Zaved Trvct V:ZAA11, So 2, 1959v py 27-35. JU K. 3.342 /eg, Mir 62 W-2800/24) How to Conduct a Spartakisda in the Primary Organizations (DOBAAF and Komsomol Championships), by A.. Khokhlachev, 4 pp. RUISSIAIM,, np, Sovetakiy Patriot, Vol XXIII, No 42, 25 MAY 1960, P 3- JPRG 3971 ESSR Nil Sep 60 Ptrsleni,i by Ya. IL Oldxftus so Ke R21wmd~p 3 1 RUSUMpi mD pwp Zinw Owbob Map Vol No 1p M3# pp 164-W. Coofful-bants Bureau Scientific - Cbmastry CMAMZ 11fl'o 360 NM aw so simm"Is at me SdMM at Ckdo fm Us At Uft IV & IL 16 w :;Uw# NO '" 160 w am 840 or omw no 2~ 4" lbw No 18 More Attention to Method Geopbyalca.1 PrcA'pecting by A. Kbokhlovj 5 pp. -1-1- (DC-30"52). and Technology in in the Ukrainian SSR, RUSSIAN;, per, Geolog Neft J Gaz) 42MMVol !II, No 12, 1959 ~ pp 47, 48. JPRS 3306 Sal - Geophys Jun 6G C -~ r ~ ~- A Gyloscopic Device, by A. F. rhokhlovr, No- 120343, Acsi n--677-! 1D 2j-!V.Tlc,,9 Sci -- Eagr Aug 60 Chumical Structure and Biological Proportiu.,; of Antibiotics. by A. S. lGiokhlov, 12 Pp. WSSIANf, perf, Vastnik A-&Te-="Pj'L Nauk SSS.).. Vol ).;Wvg No 8 # i'wg 1964f, pp 39-46. ,JPII;S 27081U Sci-6iol If Hed Feb 6.5 272 0 876 Increwing the Strength D. G. Khokhlcm., Yu. RV8SL4j,'j paro Stalp Sai may 6o of p1j;Lxed Sinterp by A. G~~movo 3 PP - No lip 1g!;9.. pp 963-965. Bisi //1K, ~~17Z Olk the StabLUty oar ft OscILLeftow in a molecular Goaftmt*rp by Ih. Yiu Dsidrix,, R. v. MM&Jor. RMTMJ, pars Iz 'O"MuhM Ud!keb Zaved RmUUofizI",, Vol I I ig~- 5/60 1954, pp 60-65. XWY Tr 35W/An 304 $at - ft" &P 63 5 1/'// J~,3 Do-teminstion of OptIm, Heat Treatm=t of Cag* Thirteen Percent Mh Steel G13-L, by YoL, K. Alekseyer., P. T. KhokhlDv. RLSWIAN, per, Metal I Term Obra Metal-I-av, No iggg., pp W-62- RB 4978 sci - MiUlYA+- Jun FAmauh or "ON 0 - -1--?Wel In an OjPm Dearth oww"s 1w P. To. 6 Xuommv Port. Mals *1 3wn, imp as im, pp 179-lft* 94 ANS 99 Ozx z1f ,F 7~ pwte AMIltaft Aomtu waves in a D&Uadm WMIMR.. by S. I. 8019PU, 11. V. monciovi, 6 pp RMUN, pw, .Akwt MW# Vb;L Vnl,, ND 2s, 1962j. Vp 220-227. AN ow Ap - Aa"tlw vbl VM8 No 2 Sol am 63 239,674 Wave 1'roP&giktioU in Nonlinear LJmos with DIDPOrsions by R. V. Khokhlov, 3.1 ppo RUSSUN,, per# Radiotakh j SUktrvint No ?t 1961. AIa 7 72, sci March 1962 7he Theory of Radio Shook Waves in Nonlinear Transmission Lines,, by Re Ve Khokhiov, pp. 7. U'SIAN, per,, Radiotekh i Xlektronika., No 69 1?61. AIE--~ ,/ 9~~., 4 j4p Sc i 01 .M,ril 62 illom p I I in M~ lalb XMM"W m t I i To IL nolml ~lf a. V. mbd" a *. j BMWs Perp Safto I lLak# IbI VIllp No 120 196 . I= Sel Sept a 256#700 hVpWtUM Ot RMUAMW VW*Wift by - --------- U VYS*Ahb IMMIII~ ZW*6"dY *IWO PD boa" 1-fterisams vol-vil 16 4.*:196ap w 00-VAO 220s217 On the L--~!Lrin- of a Molecular Weil-lator by a Rxternal Force, b,,r R. V. Khokhlov, 6) pp. ------- - . - RUSSICUP per., BuLdi"CIth i Elektrora., Vol III, NG 4 ; 1958, 13P 566-568. Perg=oa Press Sci - Eleatroniall Sep 59 ~1-5- ,,