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Shape and Dimensions of the Combustion Zone in Blast Furnaces, by L. Z. Khodak, 19 pp. 4-- RUSSIAN, per., Trudy Inst Meta.21urg imeni A. A. Baikova, No 32 10.58. oTs 6o-51C87 PL-48o Sci jun 62 11 )aft PST 336 LjL.ALjLjL-m-" ~ 9 1 IS97,643 Chaftm Ja the Fba" Comipo*LtJca =a the ue&"lun, of primmy SlAg ronsuan oaring SmwltlW of ore-tuel Pencts., by L. Z. amik T. Ya. malost"a. MBBW,, Por., MLno i=t. amuch. iakm.4 Tl:w:L 22,o 1,963, vp 79-92. =WT- 1785 scl - /-, --? , K 17 e/ d1v /~ Jul 67 333..870 Now ltuftbw at the Cobe OcolmotIca Proce" betbre TtWaam at s BUst Formoop by K. T&. CMtrooNsorp L. Z. XbdWko 14 :pp. MUM no per, Stsllj, Val Mrl,, No 10j, IV56# pp 967W. CrA)~W 11-41M set - NAM/Notas # I ', ep,41 AW Im am/aw Aromtic OamWounds With a Lmg Olft Chain. III. Reductim or AllWl Mwtom" bly a JGMl- fication Of the Ximbmr Motbadt by L. N. Nibalanko,, Be NO KKTPMSP Ve A, ShoOM6 4 pp. MWIM., POr. Mmr ftsbob Mdmo V01 MMP So 3p 1960,p j')P 1028-1030. (M Sci - Apr 61 P4 1 ft&W%WMI MAMM*s ot the Mm tb*44w aor the QWVMWddU and of 2W ft*s IW Yo. AO R==X#, OMOLOK I EMON9916 Ipp WL we IM"On low or 07'5'- -7-7-6.1r-- 6-061.F & dg AVal 65 2886825 Cormlation of Older Fbmetims of North- eutern China and the Bmthern Part of the Soviet Par But, by I&. A. Mwdsk am Mm.' 4 pp. WWXAN, per., Dak Ak Nauk SM,, Vol CM 11, ft 5o 1959.v pp 1036-1038. AGI sci V3 Jun 61 The Gmagals or loww Caubrim Dolamitoo of the Aldftn RegUm or, the Taktrt AOWp by Yno A. lbodak, BMW=# UM4imw pwp Dok Ak Sauk SM. Vol CVIq so 20 Wx PP 32&.W - :76,117 -Amoc Te& Serv RJ-376 no ~ aftw1wal" OM $6/d= Qmdstz7 of O~WVW Phos&r= cvmpo=u in the L-Ight of the stivatmiL lbeory, by Yu. V--RA*--Cly 19 ppo RMSM, pw, Zbvp meorgm Adn, vol 1, No 3, 195 pp. YO-3ft. AM-TrJ45P4 144 1 j W1, 0 13 Apr 63 at Absk ANIL woo Att ANS . i. IF-! 1 a , 1 :4- 1710" MOO owswu *a &ww min W' I ~ 16j, ,~~* M &. -.%. -rw~f 3 jr. mwm~~ laws *A A No* Monk VA c&4 ib &* 19&0, " "Jorl. AV ftr A" .0 &k %I Up as u ad mw do 1936IM9 Preparation and Dielectric imd Optical Properties of Single Crystals of Solid Solutions of Barium and Strontim Titsmtes,,, by A. L. M&mk&v M. L. .2 Sholokhovich,, S. G. Feseako., U. r.-Lysuarov., 4 pp. RWSlAWv per., Dok Ak Nauk SfkM,, Phys See, Vol CVIII, No 5. 19~6# pp 025-r",f. Amer lust of Phys Sov ptwa 191)(Aclady" Vol Iv So 3 SCI - Phys Aug 57 Noullnear Pmpertda of Preseum of Larip FI*3A Mxdakcw. 9 pp. I ~- - Ferroelectrics In the Intmalties s by A. L. MMSIAN,, perp Zhur Tekh Fizp Vol XXVI, Mo 1,, inn 1956; pp 51-60. Awr lust of PtUs Soviet MVs-Tech Pays Vol 11 so 1 Sol - pbra Ang 57 Derivationj Dialecizic aDd Cptlcal Fmperties o V*nQcrYst&U of Solis 'Aa-ar )R'039 Soldtionap byA~ go L. Sholokboviv~Q~o. Ye. Go Fesenko,, 0. P. BUSSIM,p bk.% Rwt Kristallov, 1957# pp 294-304. ATM F-TS-9k47/V sci - Ch--;-- Oc-0 59 9Y DI*Uctr:Lc PropftwUts of 71mly Dispersed Bmrlum TIVOMAMvmj bV A- L- xygftkw, 4 pp. MSMMA piwi, Flz Tvardow Tolmi, Vol u.. No 9. 196o, pp "-213D. AIP SM FAM5 .0 804A Bute Vol IT,, lk 9 sci Apr 61 Prepu*tlm and the Olel"trlc Bropertles of Scme Bwl~m Tltmmt*-3u=&tG solid.-a"Utloo sing" pp. RMVWS v wlj, is Ak auk oak iser ns., voi max,, No.* i0o pp Awl". Colool". %Web Md to 60 C&AM&-wom Proaaft" fts ~ t ~ a a by L*', Xbo&*mp jp. rar lav"tioting the at Malinaar Capwltora,, Meer"# VMS, U AIL Nok WSRo Sw puo Val )=I,, V~ 190 :kms jW1,9914"o. Cakwbu Tock Sol rob 60 if /A s=e Mommurletics of 01044 cmt&U of PbT'03 #ad (maipb)2103 Bo2utlmsp 'by E. M, FeseWwp' 0* P. p A. L. Modalms U. L. Mwlokbovicho BMIM,v perp It A Do* NO,. Bar na, Vol XXI,, No 3,o 1957o PP 310MM 31V 002=61A T*cb ftl - Pbyslcs I- Grovth =A ImstlastIm of Fenroelectric Olmale Crrat"em, by N. S. Nowcallitsev, A. L. Dodobovo L. Obolokbovichp Ze as Feoe:**,v 0. P. Emommv., 3a" /Jpp, FOORMs, perp U Ak Nwk 8Mjp Ser nsp Vol XXIj, No 31 19"s pp VNIM afd--.3 aV colxmbta Tech ftl - rbyeles ja Dialectaric ProperUes of ft"ral 9011d Solutions Which 0DjUWA Dart= ft"Mteo by N. S. Navoell'teer.p A* L.a29W ,,..& 13 pp. FUSSIAN par# Zbw Tekh nsv Val =I., No 2.. V*b r94, Vp 310-3W. Amr Mast of Pk" Oww"t phre-voch pwa Vol is No -46. ;L 11 -/j // f Aug 57 Dielectric Hystereals In Jhd-10 %A--- so by N. S. NovmUstsevit A. L., mmano part zhur now i waret Fiso Vol XXVII0 ft Is 190v Ipp A-96., Asom 2ach Bervices W-3" ftl - h7sum 3 S,., :a a 7 AW % aunaw, b5' A- L- d. G. wokh viz.. Vol --it) r .~,cv I.S156, m) 2506.t 25(ff b,or PIWO r0 fe~ or SUN& 01YOUIS *r D*rjL= T:ttm"*.o Nby 3. B.. No#cwll*tsevj, A. L. Rhodalov., ftil tiv* MINUM.; tbrlbo-mo vor Bak Ak Navk SSM Vol LMM I I so 5j, 1.951P AW Tr 1167 sci - ph"Ies Ayr 52 C28 Dielecti# Lbbses'in Ceranic DIeUctrics aud Barium Titanatell'at High Frequencies, by A. L. Khodakov. Full translation. RUSSIAN., mo per, Zhur Ttkb Fizo LVMRJ, Vol X1, NO 59 1950p pp 529-532. AW'Tr 1420 Jr) 3cientific Physics,, Miumals/MetAklo.. electronics, dielectric, ceramic, barium tttanate 52 CTS*x Influeqce of the Medium on ]Fine Grinding of Solids.. by G. S. Khodakovj R. A. Rebinder., 10 pp. RUSSUN, per, Kolloid Zhur,, Vol XXII,, No 3, 1960, PP 365-375. CB Sci .run 6:L Lechanism of Disintegration of (4ural-tzl in Gurface, .active 1..cd.ia., by G. S. llhodahov~ P. A. Robin-ler,, 8 I)TI. u RUSSIAE, :per, Nolloidnyy Vmr, Vol XX-IIlp ~-;o ,, 1961., 1)1:, 4B2-49o. x CL Sci -,--o~, I P J,,m 62 1 Kinetics of the FIm Ccaminution of Quartz, by G. S. X~~~ 4 pp. MWIM, per, Dok Ak Imuk SSSR, Vol aMLw, No 3.- 1960, PP 574-- AIP Sov I:Tqs - Dok Vol 11, So 5 Sol Agr 61 1" 3 Klmtlcm of the Flne Oamdmtlm of Qmrtz, by G. S. M p 4 PPS .Vdal v _.W amin r. Dok Ak Sauk SBORo Vb1 aMCIV, O;c no 3v 1 0 pp W4-. AN &W Mira - Dok Vol vi, NO 5 Sol 3 Apr 61 The Effect of the AWegation. of Quartz Particles During GrInding on Their Adomptive Properties, by T. F. Kloolov, K. G. Mmal.1'&Uovp G. S. Khodakavy pp. R=um., per, D* Ak wok =a, voi cxxx, no 6, 1960, pp 243-146 - CB SCI Apr 61 On the IrLfluence of the Medium on the Amomhizatic Quartz Dix)-ing Its Mechanical Dispersionp by G. 3, Khodakov, P. A, Rebinder, 4 pp RUSSIAN ., ?ers, Dok Ak Wauk SSSR, Vol GXXXI, No 6.,1 pp 1316-1316 AIP Sov Phys - Doklady Vol V. No 2 Sci 9 3 Nov 6o 'Ustag An An AP14-1 PrInker A the Co~-,Vuur outputp -by V. To. mwd~p 6 IV- VP 31AA33 ut"Now of Y46mmumik m tlw A*Uv:Lir of 0 - dal" nuumso br zho M6 = ViiWilMs. T6& B6 mosaws 3 w a WOMW I~f is AIL a* =04 0b"1 M" &*a lb as bas w 3*w*. W- a I" ja 6t MAW so To t 4t Apb&Uou ;t the To2attle it " , - 1, 1 - jwvad&o Aww" st ammd O"Wuw at as Mato - i 32s: ft to Om 33001 -T' I (-'I awma Now TAft A- -7S Utilization of Pyrites Containing Carbon, A, Funda- woutals in the Burning of Pyrites Containing Carbon, by K. V. MxxIakvw -_x: EMSIM, ~ per., of GbULMI Indus Vol Irl No 8., 1933. AM Tr Xnamam of A=$ Boorstiom at fta and ad= ca in gym is % at OmMuft GaLl glarlxftn Cultwmd 13a a RAbosyborLe Bolu- tUm of On Rants by W. T. UNUMp MV AWS ft metallinvey in the ausine'r by R. Kordasevio', I- V. no&ftmwdy.. 6 iw. RUSRM,. np,. Pravft Maulmrs, 1.5 Aa 2962.9 p 3. im 16a2 um Boca Sm 62 6 V 111# CNOM W QUM T9410N IN TW CMVDMft "MCAMUM Or THE LE" VDaltlCLE 9AIING C*ADIAr. ~~ALAWM w V, so ROMIN AW6 me TAO 1"N 8 . MANIIANjj M OWMIMffALONAYA NHIMMIYA I hopulaMyA. w 3, layeam I*, pp 11-15. sclimm MN. 62 ift 15us 1,50,05 livthod at Fluom0804w" Hic,"MeOPY ()f P~ar#harl IL ym - WXAD Bloa.p by -TRA,5 VP- wams.9 VMS, Kamumil Vol Ts No 30 19600 IQ IV 30-372- jki - Apr 61 Fp 141~; t7f 0 . ~o B-5203 (NY-2619). Lunimacent Miaroscapy of the Blood In X-Ray Irradistiort_, by_!!. Ya. Mwdm, 10 pp. RUSSIANP,Cr.. NeUt Radidlog, No 3, Moscow, 1959 PP ims-L-moa-N So I Ma4la 1ne., RadIdIM ~7- 3 e111- Jul 59 /1 Thq E--nnmies of Auxiliary Ent6--.,prives, b-%.,- 'RE, Wbmia- eavichr 2 ppi RIWIAM, per., Vaprosy Ekcm, No 12, 1057~, pp -148-153- Interntl ATts nnd Scl Preas Vol 1, No 0, EVA OC* R Econ Jul Tb4 Protein md Paw Y-2-PLOOMONLdL. HMI, Al-k-LIS Tir 66-Slits Amino Acius of 11.1falt-as 3 P. 37 NO* Lot U57 g Vol 39 1958, k/~I (ja -S v The Part Played by Zimmeman-Heinhardt Mixture in the Permanganometric Determination of'Iron, by 0. A. Songina., S. A. Khodaiievich, o pp. RUSSIAN, per, Knhim, Vol XVI, No 5, lo6l, pp 516-5 CB sci jui 62 202.,634 lie omer"s or soviot cc" ~SWWgq by P'todcoovtows 5 ppe mWilmot per* jim"t. 27 Aug 1967* p'1. J IrW 44733 07 Oymaddation of God Pro& rlotatioz Cm:,onizaten at ligb Rremxurs,. by S. B. Laccov., V. lk. i~holthlcov, S. Vt Bulloaaro 5 ppt RLIOSM, porm U lry;%Wb Caved, TmVetn-r-yr- 15ptallurU 80 3p IIW-Jum 1950,p pp 94-A. JM-467 &on - Trichnologicsa mar 60 (liO M396) Orl 6utod JIOAIAX" In infants Dwruw tb* First year of Woo by N. 1. i v 20 ppo TIM 1 0 bluo per, zhur nOlstip V01 Mp No 2p Mumm., lur/AVr 1953,, CIA/FUDP-6255 set - usual" now"D IAO A. V. "Skud" tunes Tea - 139 1909 PP. lr?o- toumi. " ww". of add" at aldbakst2mg N*Ws with calem" Ararms. Amleaww Irram% awwr go. us). Autmatic Speed Control of a 1.3intering Yachine., by Uoklov- Russun,, mo per,, Stalp Jun 1957~ P 481- sci - Ew -,km 5$l Aji Automatic -Precision Devic- -I"Or DAD,,,. Tnie Course Pjid Latitude; h- k.. 10 'UG RUSSIRN, Per lzS VYf!F-hi1:U Uc-,,,:b Zavej Priborostroy., Vol T11p Wo -luctrou nvnmicg at the MmgwUo ooqpmw on an Aircraft., W- by A.F. Mokblow. MMMP pwl Is,# VMj Mbw*ffftWvnUs* No 5p 1958) 9661W. A= WX 3Wl-2-3 Sol - ow im SL / 5-'&- - - )) 1- 0 -1 Preparation of Some N-Oxidi-s -if Arylalkyl fatt-aes, by 11*~ G. Che=01%, A. S. ATQWgJ:"v- -5 pp- RUSSIAN., per, Zbur Obahch KI)isj Vol XIX; No 4 1 1960., *'T 1281-1283- Op sei June 1961 15--; q 4 -'-) A Me-thod Isolation,,ar4 Semi fication off the Ay.-Elbiotic rolymyxin, 11. by S. M. F-mawdofe., Z~ T, Sinitsyna, A. S. Khokb.Lov,,. 9 pp. RUBSIAR.. per,, Antibiotiki, Vol IV;, No 11 1959:- PrP 10-15. sLA 6o-iN, 53 sci 1e.2 M-a" Vol III, Ito 6 Sep 60 or IL Its A* S. 7%6 L. A. Am xm+T",. zbw mm- as n, 1 1;1 =-&&; "L t) xQ"6 DWI AM 35 ate us a all 11111 oftowom 4w so's own" MUMEWO 8000 1 joi *jag, it Boom %I Im, Jw Im Suu,-L'.(~6 in tbe App] j.. Atim Of the C.-Yax-t-c L.-Current Distribution Method. Part I. A SImple Ra-~ional. Design for tbe Elementary Cell. of P- Comter-Ciirreernt Distribution Apparatus.. by A. S. KhOkUovi V. M. Baikf'maj 7 pp. gw~ I RUSISUN, bf-". per., Zhur Anial xT, Tio 6, pp 651-657. 5-9 -3 Oxidative and Oxidative-Hydrolytuc Transformations of, ft#anic~Molecules. XV. The Transformations of ljP apht~oquinone Oxide by L, A. Shchukina,, A. S.. Aktokhl v and M. M. Shenyalain, 10 pp EUSSIAN,, mo~ per., Zhur Obahch KILIM, Vol XXI., No 5 USSR., HaY 1951,v PP 917-926 Cqnsultants Bureau.. Vol 21 1951 13 The Chemical Stud;r of Phenox-pwthy-L Penicillin. Cosinwdestion Y. The Production of DesthioyhenoWwthyl Penicillin MA the Study of lu Stability, by A. S, Mwldslw and R. V. KwIW I a., 10 pp. MSTMp pws Ant,11blotIkIp Vol IVO No 3., 1959,, pp 3-7. M sci 61 2be Ise' le" and PmperUss of the Antiviral Aitlbl*Uc, Viblarlu* by MOLD. M. Trakhtemborgj L. V. ftuvakovap A. S. lhokblav.- 5 PP- msmm,, per$ AnUblatl-Ide ~0-1 ~Ivs No 5, 1959s 1V 7-10o OB / V/ t/r, ~- / 7 SPA Aug 61 Isolation and PriuRZ7 CmWcB3. PurificgLtion Of the I AntAbdLoti c AlbofunsU4 by A. 8.-.9901mp 0. S. Hoswifeld,, 3 PP- MMTAN,, per., AnUblotlld.. Vol. IV, No 6., 1959, j3p 10-12, sat ja &L Studisq'in tbq.,App3.icat1O.4 of Counter-Current Dist'ro"ica. ;,;F*rr,. 2'. quant'lative analysis of Isomers and Their Rixtures by the Method or Counter-CurreDt Distribution.,O.Taking the Ortho mad Pare Isomers of Chlorobenzoic Acid an an ExuVIc. by V. H. BAkina and A. s. 8 pp. SIAN, per, Zhur Anal KhJ , Vol 4[XIIY So 1, 1957p Consultants W"au 74 0-4-" The Sepamtlon of 2.q4-MxdtrVO2GUyl DerIvati"s of S~me Aidno Acids by Camter Q=ent Distr1bution, by A4 S..KhakILLov.9 Chlh Chlang-Mllng, 5 Pip. mmiAn, pws, btakbftv v*L msNo 6,p ig6o,, VP ION-1034 CD Sol jai 61 Is-7j 5-0b roiximdolp?y of (L"Ovymtin). V. L-TbreO4-(p-nitrcrbea~S (dicUbioami Jdo)-IC--WcqeaeUol Subc *Oquwt *WWCrSlcm of the P.*A.-%=te Into 0.1j, by M. Hi Mim7gUni Lp;; M- AND60 , N. 1. Vinogradova, D- - P- VltkovWW.4;-*M.A. 'W~~Tjev.. V. 1;. Ormkbnwicb,,.A,i Yu. B. Mvotraov, L. A, Pau tv mxwms *0 Ow Obobdi Jbing Vol MVo No 3.1., 4 CU *.Va-C.- fml 3. consultimto BWMKU fti - Chmistry Ave 56 care VIC Degr0e, bf Ablliiy of b.y IML -k. 9 D. k. Titk O&COtle Towtormucas or des. M 60. ip *tven the latiou at alexbogyalle Oampounds and the ':1r Rlup to mi Climved HydrolyticaUys Oaklno.,~,,A. lbCbvk4vmp Yu. B. Shveta0y, WS A# So Wo RMS103, No pa ZbVr Mfth Ml:iujl Vol MCEs No 9,r Sep Mlj, ;6 -2677. IV '97 00oalbuft DMauvol xn,, so 98, ft 1951 Scientific Chemistryp molacubtaj, addative, Campouads of 9=0 - - me aDd the Putbe Of ne dbW&MtW W& a grandied W- babioMM IW M, p6 9NOAklai, A- 5- N. =law. ~zw art And MWIL ~s V" LM=P SO i6p 43*0 ma an sol - Od mw 00 �R so pwo *AbdL ad& Vbl =IV 5 Jow Im w ymp-M T" 93L IM Arbitrcry Boundary Conditions of -the First Kinds In Simulating Fields by the Indwed-Current Method, by G.M. Gershtsin, AN. Khokhlov, 10 pp. RUSSILNv per, Zhur Tekb Pis, Vol XXX, No 5, 1960, pp 4W-490. ATY Swr Pbys-Tech Fbp Vol V, no 5 Sol A Nov Not-bad of U-1- wt af the Mottlag Tim of the Blood., by A. V. mmftlov,, 2 pp. RMIM.. per.. Prda=V Onotolq4I :L penjivulya r4vvi.. Vol V, ND 3, 3-960P PP 58,v 59s pp sci Oct 60 Theory sna Practice at Pzoftrtlm of Self- Fl=lDs:su&w rw mAwt, TWOMM D"'t IV D. a. V. ML. HLUAW9 m=w pwv Bull, vCm no so 6j, 1052, pp so 3w Nk^%48 low 96 M/M 341 .0 A yet Method of Determining the Softauiug Point of Siatere and Ores., by D. L. Xhold3lov,, Yu. A. Gyrdywv. RUSBIU,, per, Xf Zavod labp Vol xxivy No 40 1958, pp 443r444. -~~-Brutcher Tr 4288 $1.75 Sci 1"Op t Sep 58 Urfa- sommmodw BMW"= 3 mw ftb* not# %L WOMP aw Formtlollj, by V~ P, D=skiyp Z, Y- RUSSUH., bko Aarozoli v Sallskxo Miazyzy-,,tvt% AR Sel'Wcolc Nmuk.. imral. V, 1. Saft 10[)a G-0 PaWt'iOU C)f CYr-3-ic MA HetWOqrcUc GU -Diketonce with Umm End ~ (AWAidirie, ty D. F. KutepcFy,, A. A. PbtUhnUs V. A. TuzhiklnLp 3 Pp R=rM., per. Zaw Obehah Mda., Val MM.. r,~ tt, - 19.59; PP 855-85T C=Gxtanta sci AIr 60 11--3' 2 -Ie-oe - I--, Iri IV t, 4a Or rWS4 0!", it 4 n*u* a. s w i i!: D Wo ow amb* adal vat ==I lb at pr 06wauy but sop S,imee.besis of Diuraines o'L Sme ibre-requinvneal, by D. F. A. A, xUxX DO W. Khonizffa 3 PP. per., Zhur Obahch Yhim~ Vol )C-rfXIT,, 1958P 6W-6%. Consultants Bu,%-r,.u Chaa ~7 ~7e ~ r the Field Of Synthesis r-DC in the Diw7loarbamLde 1.3eriea ;~11. S~rntl-,Lris knilineB amd Diaryloexbavaides., Simaltaneouc-11y, 3ul>stituted in the Muclem by CULarina and Othar 31-1-astitueatso by D. F. Kutopms 1). ff. Xhokblovo V a IA. RPO RU-MULN, :per., Zbt Obahch Mai=., Vol MM,, lqo pp 2484-2 4M. CB 3cl icp 61 Conditione for deaulphurization during sintering,,by. D. T. lbokhlov) 3 VP - -RUBSTAN, per, sua, No 3, 1961, pp 193-197. Bisr sci // 6 ~~ / 1~ 5- jul 61 (OF-2047) )MAng Of FechcM 0=1 Depogdtas, by 1. V. lamgftlm~p 41 pp. =W=s Us Bu=6*Wa trom ~al %. - P, %N - pmebor ft ;r. dqp aw"Wma imum Not S, -/, y lbot 1,R2, 4-.q.-6 FWb 62 For Improvina bbo System of C13arlup In Qa Butlaaal Ecotaorat by L.--!~~kh-Ppva 4 pp. MUMIS for.. VV-MY ZkOMMIkii, no lot 1958 PY latwfttl Arts &W Sol Pnse Tot it No w Mon ReCHN ~4 ) ool mar 59 (NY-1374) The Deteruination of the Maximim Pulmonary Ventilation -- One of the MethrxW of Studying the Side-Reaction Producing Capacity of Dry Live Vaccines for Aerogenic I=winization., by S. B. Xbrostovtsev., B. A. Onikiyenko, L. 1. Khokhlov-.o 6 pps RUSSIAN, per, Voyenno, Hadit-Zhur, No 3P 1960. JPW 5280 Sci - "d The Dieguostic Signifteamee of Champs In the Diamter of IUd B3x*d CoLU in Canouvw Neoplasms# by L. I. XboldLlows 9 Pp. RMIU,, per,, Toproxy OmJw' LI, Ifol Ts, so 6, pp 699-706. P No, r a ftess Sol Aw 6o f //If, c 0 Use. OLr Ram IANAOVW 0 ".;. ]5v"tj4ptlmg ,7 Solubillty ot WU In W.'-dC VaP" Of IArIP Parumftrst by N. A. ppoikcm-lobs I. Ih. HbaibaUfts L. 1. RMUM.P. W" somb Toub Naar Friv:aamm XwoA- i~;~ i Ibukep 1957m Vol IV,, r,fi 1 95 AW Tr-4206 sci 30= Sta4ist-dce,l Delay In Upitioa of Microvwve T"ul-ut, Discharge., by P. S. Balkin, M. Z. Khokblov.. 7 Pp. WSEUM,, per, Radlotekh I Elektron, Vol III, No 6, 1958, pp 806 -810. Pp Sol - X Electron OrA 59 &ectrieal Discharge in Air at 3.2 cm. Wave-leagth, by V4 S. Miteuk.. 0. S. Solutaev, M. Z. Khokb1ov, P. S. B41kIn, 0. N. Zwte&-cr, erw.- - -- IMSSIM, par Rudlotekh i Zlek Lrcn, VOI III I No "-- we"i 1 958) -63- Pergmoa Press Sci - Electron SeP 59 laaaGace of Radioactive irradiation on the Imitiation of Super-Righ 7requency Pulse DischewSc,, by M. Z. Khothlcm.. F. S. Bulkia3 T 19- Mitsuk, T. F.-VUU**ft-,'9 pp. MMIU., per, Radiotakh i Zlektrtm , Vol U1, No 5, 1958P PR 704-709- Pergmam Sci - Mectron Sep '19 Experimental Determination of Oscillator Strengths of the Lines of Lead by the Absorptiow Mthod, by M. Z. Kh6khlov. IRUS$IAN,, per, Iz Ak Nauk, Krywkaya Astrof iz Observ, vol xxn., i9w, iv da-127. *PL480 S'11- a Nov 63 Lyttr=ialwt BO 'T LIWO in ue sca" speuummj, by V. P. -Irachalovp 16 Z. Mxftlkcrw# Ll ppo MWMs PeXv IMJ%Iya &PUW. Astrafliddeskol ObapnatorUp MUL Dusk 82880 Vol XWU,, iqw, pp 44-51. sa am Tr 33M.Am qek Sol Tab 63 .~ a 1,, 5,0 y MAgla-Meatroao Higb Fr*Wfmay-MAcbWV at ZWM Prossures FAMON From A-ftv mm . I am of Mn"n7 to ~Illjpk*rfo Pressure and at a Vzoquanay of 31.7 1 , -11 ft y (Goinsev), a X. Z. At Podbas 9 pp. WASCAp per., Zbw i 1~ Toorat nsj. Va XUll 2959jo Pp 40b-413. AW 2r 2596 a ftl - =064=10ap pboics ozo, *z~ 14 Ym 5 6 C" (DO428W/10). Xlereaus" an 4 PPO RVOSMp Up AtmaWs BmWglpa I Flat N=covp maltwy pjbxumm smas Imi, IV 14-a5O. an 304 =a ma //a 3-a 7 or 60 z