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(ITY-1374/24). Experience in Balneo- and Clinato-Therapy of Patieats With Hypertenaive Di7mbease In the Khosta S=atorium, by P* A* a6itoncv) 7 RUSSIAN, p3-r., Voyenno-W Zhur, No 7, 1959, pp 43-47- JFRS 2551) Sci .- Med may 60 5-;211 The Antid4ated Growth v - K-b--I r kv)-M4 6 w HIMSM-41, per,, 111moveye 19641, pp -'Lq-23 JPR,S 274&7 USI:;R Econ Jan 65 of the Tool Industry., by KhoiWsystvop -',~osaowp No 9v 2-719878 The Agxcraft MWas a LwAing Appraxboach., by V. ScLeawv., V.1-Abaritomv., 16 pp. Foit uMCXAL USE ONLY WWaM, per, AvlaUjva i goommumtikap No 10, 1963- 96Y,&g-V M-BT-63--U laci fty 6k 26o,,o78 ,M---.b,od of Rmaring PWYazdde PAsin From Spinnaret s, v. M. l0mritt=7. RUSSTAN,t per, ia" Volans, So 6, 1961: pp 58-59. az K 8891 sal - Men mar 63 -amm-Op-waft ,g- y ,.;? C) 6 Od D91uutrllng Polymmlde Resin Wring Prod7-L-A:Ion, by V. M. Fiwritomw. MMXM3 Pax M" Volokm, no 6o 1961y PP 56-57, m v 8w Sol - Cbm )%r 63 - 4 p n 9 1,2,?l Kh&ritonov, V. M. and Mmp4 L A. ME7MM OF DEFINING INE PROMIRTMES OF TMANIUM DIWIDE SUSPENSION& 106418p 2rets Order from OTS, S" or ETC $1. 10 7T-64-14909 Trm& of lChIrDlic-hooklel VokA= (USSR) 1967, am Z p. 2D-2& TT-64-141109 1. Kharitamy, V. M. 11. MorSw4 I- A. ""m of Tomb~ salw"m Hoterochals Polyamides. Cmamication 4. Imestigm- tion of X14eqUes of FormtIon of Mixed. Polyamiden From Salts of ReamwUylonedlodoop by T.N. Khm it- -qw.. T. K. Frunse.. V.V. Norshako 3 PP - RMSIAN,, per, Is Ak Nmuk 5W%v Otd*1 Xhim Nauk, No -9.4 1957v PP 11%-1138- ('01GUSUItAnts Bureau Set - Ckwm PAY 39 17 A 0AItIobannal pulse Neight Analyzer Witb a Lopritbmlo Charaoterlatic, by L. S. BW-warip,,--, V. M. xftrito~cw- ..... ....... NUMAN, per; Pribary I T"h Ekaper, No 1, 1959, pp 70-72- Intern&tl Physizal ladex UactrmIcs Upress Vol II., no I Sal - Blectroolas 7 *W 59 Mechanism of the Liquid-lPhase Cxidatlon of Cyclcibc~mnol, by E. T. Deenisov, 'Y'. Xy. ~9 ~al~ il~q-Agy) 5 PP - RUSS~AN, per, Z~iur Piz Xhim, Vol )OUT, No 2, .ig6i, np 444-451. Cleaver-Hume Prese Sci 11?.2, il~; q XI jan 62 fieterovoialm Polyamid-je. C~,lnloatlon 3. Kinetics or 6 -C%pco:L-xct&x In Premen" of ]ljxawtbyl Ai~lm- ==I= jidipatep uy T.K. Xharltanov, T.N. Frunze, 3 RUSSIO,, parj, Is Ak ftuk MR, Mel Mr. Nauk, No 9o IMP pp L13k-LI35. CamialUnts Bura%u F)r set - GINN may 59 .101 admmcbU= poapolos. amemleatim 2. jWW"a 74cull"ItAve of taw ot Diomm" Vith DICSvtxw.,Llc by TO No lablodfAcamp 1. U. YJMIGUt To v0 rorabsk, 3 sip* ManXs pwo Is Ak ftak NIMP Otftl Shft wu*p go 6a 2Wj, W 1000-UM- COWAARRU suffem Bel - ChM 7 ;7 Notorodbaln ftlysoldes, CommaelcmUou Kinetics of the Famtlon of Vbgwid Fr= lvfi ~Mmdlaxuw Asolaat* and 6-Capv1sciam, by V. M. xbq4tmgmm~ T. K. Framm, V. V. Xorwhikp 3 PPM MOURV vwv Is Ak AvAk DMO Otdol XW- ftair, pp W-U8. Cowoultomts Bureau WAY T -N 0 %5 ooo"tion or n"em so viwiuvm by tiw ft"m-, Of ft2MIC MMUMp -bw A. JOWANS, wo qws, Sbw sh"Or I toor* nat Vol so as 19"t VP T394"s. AW, Tr 16" SCIMUric - JWLY MI CTS Sal am Ub 90/94T7 61-13552 Kharitonov, V. -3., Svinarenko, V. A.. and Lyusov, V. F. 1. Kharitonov, V S~ EXPERIMEITI*AL PREVENTION OF NOISE IN DIESEL 11 Svinarenko, V A. ELECrRIC REFRIGERATION SHIPS. [1961] [t1p. [DSIR Ill. Lyu--,ov. V. F~ LLUJ M 1505. IV- INIR [A-C M~ 1305 Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-13552 Trans. of Sudostr-)),eniye (USSR) 1959 Iv. 25] no. 8, p. 30-33. DESCRIPTORS: *Shipnoise. Countermeasures. No,sc. Ships. Refrigeration systems. The noise level in lie engine roorns in diesel-electric refrigerator ships has been considerably reduced by the use of sound-in-ailating casings. Reduction of noie in the living and service accommodation of the after [xir i of dk,,..-l -cleci ric ships has been achieved mainl% bV reclumoo of noltt., in the engine rooms. (Author) Office of Technical Servicas (Engineering --Ship 3uilding, TT, v. 6. no. 3) FairIng FOXVes aal Ir Correlations in the ,4,, JN~_ Nuelsi U.204M91 ; bV& Go Ag Sol L. A. Sliv, Yu, 1. Nhwit=v .- A RUSSIMj, pw, Zhur Eksper i Toorst Pis,, Vol XL,, No 31, 1961,, PP- 946-953- AIF sov. no - JITP Vol XM, No 3 sci Calculation of the %orgy Lov*Is of T1206 sad Bi2l(), by Yu. 1. ftwitanov, 5 pp. RUSSIAUg par# Is Ak Mauk 383Rp Ser Fiz.. Val XXIII, No 12p 19590 pp 15M-1-512. Coluabia. Took Sol Fab 61 /- ;? ~f ",4 -~P I/ Tufrared Almorptim SWtra of Oxyfluorides of Sow MetRU of the fourth and. Fifth Groups of the Parlodle Tables, by Yu. U. 9baritonov., Yn. A. Buslayev., 3 99. WSOUN,j V*r., Is Ak Sauk SMIs, Otdol Mil Abukp No 3* 39621 PP 393-*M. OB Sci juU 63 :233,132 Empirical Ra-lations betuner thr) TFor~,c Tvingth and "uencies of the Valence Vibratiorn Of BY YU. Yo.. :,"l;-Yritonov pp. RUSSM, purs Is Ak Zmttr SPSI~, Otdol Khi-a Naukt No ii., pp. OB s0i Q. U, .5'AL Sep 0 Matra-Hed Abearption ftectn, of RhocUm (III) 8,31pblto-OaqAsxmj. by A. V. Babayeva., Ta. Ya. Mzr:i-uoawp. 5 pp rMIM., P=m, Zbor NUMSM I[hJnj, NO 7,, 1962., PP 153D-1537- cs scl J" 63 233..=4 Mmfrared AboorptlOO SP&atm Of Zimonim Plodsuide .. by Tu. '&- MWItcu~ wo 1. A. P428wvx C=Plexw 5 pp. M $ Pa. t Iz AK NWk SSW # ot"I Mda Nsuk i RUSST ft 3v 2969-o 1V ho-"- CB Bel 233#31' i= 63 ~.a of Platialm M) ~ - %;Oordiated SUIPUto--G"up, by i w*AyCM4 Yuo LU Mukritopovv 4 pp, RMSIANS, pers zhur 140onm KUNO No loo 1961, pp zical-2287 0 Clemr4bm Prws scli Oct 62 ZL3AW luf=*Rod Absorption Spectra of' Iridium(Ill) CMWIemes with a Coordinated Sulphito-GroWv by A. V., Babayevao Yub YJ6 Kh"WROVO 8 pp. - RUSSIAN. per,, Zhur Neorgm Khisi,. No 10,0 1961. pp 2263-2280. Cloaver-Hume P3.vss C 6 Oct 62 el3A26 ~Specifi*Lty of "4.oxLe ACtIon.of Ant1blotiao in GWZM-PLa (An and mrPhologiml LVeStIOLUOUP Maritown, 10 pp. per# MIIMVblOl ADWIM101 L bounablolip Val M=* Ib 6p WAI, pp 74-alL. poripma Ust ScL o god MRr 59 i;7 'o The BfIrect a %medral cm the Mothealcal and Mato- ebomical Cbwges ftesest in the Adre 1 GUnds of Pabbit with Pneumccoaccels, by 9. h. ftensukova A. 84. MBSUI, pers ftr=&" I Ttkaikal.0 Vol XXZ, We 1, J-958,, PV 57-63. OmsultiLuts Bumau Bel - Had Doe % 7 -7, 7.4 Un Vat im 0 a VAUGO of Ow pacenstift at NLnW tr =GwUMw SOMY lbtbofts, by No Z. 00"Iloftftp A. IL IMWltwbmf 15 pp. WASOMa, pwr TZ %wrot (ftuam)., VOL N=:;p 1b 2j, 19631, 1* C"D u4fdd so rasKm Jan, 65 usis Tntgwml um Qay Mj443 Ilarlwnce of AUoylj)g Umats on the StrougM at' Ab=Wua Anoy Oraln Domicries At NJ& IftWorel-wes., by L, D. Maritooww. BUSSUM, per, Mou-22. u ftm. abrob metenov. I No 3,9 m 51-55. W39/*.,t/W-d7b6 C3 - cl). &-" i - AUg 67 335j,197 Influence of AlloyIng Elements on the Strength of Aluminium-alloy Grain Boundaries A High Temperatures, by L. D. Kbu-itonava. RUSSIAN, pex., MctaU. U Tend. Obrab. Metallov No 3, 1959P 51-55. GB/33/162 sci Jul 67 334,324 influeric~i~. of L62 brass Dotted itructure on Its -4ech-- ani.(-.nl A.nd Tachriologleal. Properties, by A. I- Chipi-- zherika, L, C,, Kharitonova,, 3 PP 'T'svetnye MetaUy, No 5, 19 60, pp 66-68 Sci influence of AllWiM Miments on the "D,gtb of Almminium A1.Wy Grain Dmmdaries at Righ , bV L.16. Kharltawvu- IMIN,, per ~aU u.- Te tallov. jM No. 3. 1959, pp 51-55. K h sci - Aug 67 355-330 F4ARITONOVA, M. V. Determinatirm of Manganese in Ilron and4 S+,ep? with Red Lead. Z&Tlrlj'SK,kYA LARDIEZAT6RIYA, vol 16, 1.9 (,1, No 7,, .),. 376-7; '~)O words. . I- .W'; ,- ,, Brutcher No 27169 $ A ;~v The Virnlo6n-ical Charactarist-lice, of &n EpIcIcL.-ic Outbrerik of Poliomyelitis in Novosib~rsk in J-0," by H. F. Varob'yova, N. N. Kharitonova, L. K, Prrcr~a, Yv.. Simin, 5 RLWIA114, Voproay Virusolog-j'.Y, '401 !V, Nc) ?-950,j pergamorl press Sci jun 6ri metric Investigations of Cuprammlm 3e Solutions by U. 1. Arkhlpov and J. P. Mova'l 9 pp. RUSSUN p Zhur Prik Xhinj Vol, XXV, No 7# July 1951, pp 733-742 Ccusultenta Bureau Vca 2ki, July 1951 USSR Scientific - ChemistrY Dependence of the Speed of Photographic Lar-LIZ lc.~ Exposures Upon Cartalil F.--u1siou Proyertierl, by P. V. Meyklyar, V. it. Elhvarl.-z. AW%ilt=wa, 3 Pp. RUSSILAITI, jar, Zhur NMLCh i Prik Fotn-~waf i I I IT(A 17, 1143 MI, 3-9109, rF 38.r-.)8-) Clfi-/FDD XX, ;'b- Y 13 sLA 6o-i7t67'-,z 'IlLg 6u USIB 1TTEENAT, T.-J,9E ONLY UWD 279621 I"tuis propbwujda or Brwell"Ism by U. a. DroshvvkiM# T* I* parltowft# U VP- RMWp No VWp OW MRIIX molim I pp 73-79. VOL 13 I's No 3p M)MM# Iftr u 11 CV41pw A-#712 immimlow 5 O*t 56 Phuie Magran of the N, Khc Abrikomm, V. Eharitonovich,. 4 pp. ---------- - Bi-Se spitem by K. Bankinas RUSSIM,, per, Zhw Noorgan WLs, Vol VI, No 9l, 1W,~ pp 2M.1-2M6,,, Cleaver-41~ Pi Avg 61 Parifi-06tion of S1dps' Waste Water From oil I - Impurities, by P. Kharitonom, 4 pp. RUSSIAN., per., Recbnoy Tranolort, No 11) 1960. US Ilept of Cammerce lkrJ.tlm Admdn Office Services Sal ~3 Auz 61 _hlrllc,n,,,,a, V. P.. Habenkov. L. N. , Faksliver, I A 'llil 1*1-*):I(*" Of TIIF wriuvr or. cconivi,t) A(-"F'rH,' ACID IN CI LIAILOSI ACu,rATI LIN Tlif Fil. IT 8 NHILI I')' A.%D SPIN.%* ABILITY OF WON% H CIAL IKA'l S lVil)-aille Smk-r7hanlym S%,yarannof UkosunA noi Klmlol% %* AttwUlt.clivulaze na I II'trwmo*I* I Pt V- sc~imoo,t' Piol,,-.1~1venfivith Rapplvort:I4 111*21,p. Orde r It u, It A 1.%, $7. AT'--RIPNIH -rIiL---3. V. P. KN 11, MIN nko'. I Ill. Pak-hvrt. N. R. IN'. ~ I *, - '~ 111VA: 11 V. Aq%wi2-fii r,chmr,lf ~-rvlom, Im., 14.t C-Toni".. N I d,6, 110JI1 I IAIW- i'CKIIII-4, rr. v. A, no. 4) 11be AotL*u:ckf fbomm- %tow of un up"MI sumiu.sw OVA phowersolle pr"wu" and at the 106=4 bmiapp by A. V. lkw.[** Z. V. M -MISM - d pp. maisvis., :mri, Mraft v - zealot 91n0 Fbto List, No br:pr 1~069.- w 964M. cupw XY.-1664 no W42KOM LyLqm 65 am bftr4m& am Gay 2n,437 1 N-Y-2393). Develolment of Telephone Ccmmlni cations in BuIE;Aria) by V1. Khariz=mp,, 3 PP- WMIRIAN, per,, Poshtenets,, wo 4, Sof ia, ).959, PP 16 - 17 - im-3-950-N Mir Balwia 1,:~r Econ, ca"Munications Oct ;9 s-4279 (NY-1644) Polarogruphic Investigation of Blood Proteim. of Cancer Ptitirnte refore and Afti~-. R' c;entge rol c -71-c a---, Examinatlon, by I. P. Hitev, M. S. kliarizanuva, 8 pp. WSSTJO, mo per, Arkh Patol, Vol Xrp No 2, Moscow, Feb 1958., PP 10-17. US JPRS/NY-L-311 Bel - Nedielne, onocology,, radiology 3 ActUm of CmrWa I If=_ (bqpxglft an Tftcbqnwmw VWOD04.6 v 1w TO A_wumwn_o 3-1 PI). .wp 0 ~ Sdatenev Jb 3m, 1962,o pp 24-28. CIA/M m-Inh RD YONM M~ gel Oct 64 UMM late=al use Qay 267..661 av,U Dwgmse Jbejf~mw comoUoddm AqMMANodo o'! , tv jqpo 'Waums, part Isummm WAVAml, So 219 1960. Ipp OD44 am$ 4=9 A ion 69. 3729820 Parasitic Modidatim CauwA IW OmmLU Aftitive Nolso tr I.L. Mokh wA Ak, 10 pp. Russia. pwo Radiouiftwms Yea xvii, wo n. 1962. AM Sol "Ayol %f? 14my 63 About the Posuibilities of Spectmn ,,,i A. A. Kharkevich, 13 P- ...- ~ 1.. .1 .. .. .. 1. M,SIMI, per, Mektroavyaz, 1958., 111,01 XII , 11.0 11, pp 3-9. SLA 59-17461 Scl jan 6c) / //,?0/ Vol 2, I'To '13 lb-I'll 3-0W ftm a* 740 fir VIM or 24 14p lmlq a A* A, Mmika I M- mmmumwv PWP "Nam d "s lb % MY IMs vp 73-16. slow"" loves"I Won vw~ To is a 10 ad Avg " 09-ff ?If codtaga OtabUlty With Rupect to ftd4- (Antiftdlng Codift)p by 2. L. Udbl, A. A. 9~ ~ch 7 PP. Ru=m, pero -tmv - 1 9 1960., Pf 3-6. J~ * Ilb 4 UBASTA Tr 122T ftl - XLOVUV& 14' t, ~:p a y m0 &L On the Value of Inforvation, IV A. A. Kbarkevich, 6 pp. =SIM.. Per, Protlaw KlbernetW, No 4, 1960., pp 53-57. Utwutl ft-sical InUx Autowtion Eqpvss Val 3m:, z* 8 Sol - j~= 61 767 AultinIvina Circultes, by A. A. Rharkevichp 13 PP- (A FE 95R -36T RMSIO,)% per& ReAlotakhnilat Vol Ixt No 3# Ifty/jun 1954, PP 12-18- AM F-7s43441/v Sci - Electroules Feb :1,M =/(I= 1-71,413 ~-R B"ic FM*Wm at taw Omura 7boMT of CMUMIMtIonot by A. A, ldmwkwUbp 3,5 99, - - -& RMBZM* PWV - --- - - . vc xxv no 50 no"MP SOP-Oct 19540 T QP 'T6 , 5j,6 Pfflic 7-n-85wiv Sciestific - 3lectronics :~111:4 Uziitln~; Capacity ot a by A, rani L. Ya by Lo 1-4 ljlm%j. 3 Pr-%- pur, Redloteltbulkn, Vc.~ X. ;-o *,.Qs 1955.. 75,1 f.6 On the LI=LtinG Cruxlv-~-t ~,f n Ca=mication Syst-=, Xharbavich., E. L. Bi.,~~:- c RUSSIAN,, Porp b1m,, MdiaWkbr. Vol X No 2 19554, Morris D. Frie4bmia $4.50 SL-P 1955 CTS/1M Geowiric Theory of the Threehold of the Capacit7jr of a CamynicatJon Systemp by R. L. Blokhp A. A. Xharkevich, 6 ppe RUSSBWj, :P mo per, Rediotekha, Vol Xp No 7, 19551 pp 3-7. Mo=J.o D. Fricd~ Scientific - Electronics Jan % M /D= $ 3.00 J To the Qutstlon of the Geametric Froof uf the Sbannim Theoremj. by E. L. Flokh and A. A. Kharkey ~b * 19 pp. RMIO,, per,, ft6lotekbalks, "?ol Xl,, F,- )1, 1956, v 5,6. SIA R 1583 scl Jul 53 00 QW W*UUtUft at OpeOtal at Modow ftvftases,, by A. A., MarbwwU*,, 20 ppp IftelowitUd. BMW per, I va 3=0 no 50 mv Mrs pp 5i-,u Bel - B:Wetrw As 59 Kotel'nikov's Theorem. A r-:,jv:Lew of Som Neii Publications, by A. A. KharXaVlcbp 10 pp. FrUSSINI., per, Radiotekbl va xnio No 8, ig5b, pp 3-11). pp S"' - EaSr Octt 59 0 / '~?. ) gr'?~ r~vl-i~)n of SevoTml Posuibl-lities oi~ I",- n Tr-nsmittln,j Simple Dmvings., by A. A. Xhar.ze-vicii RINSTANO pcr~ Electroqvity., 5, In' 768tm* - ---IpldU=p IW A.-. A. I&Wb*VU&. =alms ywo - -mut Vol XILTS so 56 Mgt p U.-5zz SPY 9913it-W scl - gap 59 51- If . - ~77 ~,~/ zoj~~r On tha i-Iricciples of Designing F.eKdJ-,Lg -~achincs, by Y- A. A. hTan-k-- vich. RUSSIAN, per,, Radiotekh, Vol XV, No 2, 15~50, 4-9. InAterntl Ph~ys index Autcoation Express Vol XI: no Sci - 1410C 'Tun 6o 02 --2 Certain Proportion of Counwication SyuteaLs With Fading Type Interference, by E. L. HLokh, A. A. Xhw*vdeb, 9 pp - RUBSTAR, per, Rsaotekh, Vol. XV, No 9, 196o., w 3-9. FP Sci ,?0 ~/ jun 61 vo ftio" Of WANOM AD 60 fgbMM ot modke me at smosalm fta 117 01-1- '1 Pon 40 as =*WNW* tv **--IL 0 lb 16 SOIL ads 651 mill lkft- - r SpAut IW A..A. .......... ~- -IP- MMOMP pwo - -- I -I - ftl wo ND lot 196po w U-U. nz 60 Old - USWkrM Apr a Ca/M X-TO orced VIbratices of a ftatem 8trJXbW a Stop# by 0 0. Ruaaku-%,-,j, AO-Aq UOATAX# perj, Ow WO ftzv Vol IM6 1b 21-22s 9wo pp M-17n. A= ft ft" 59 47.z 02 / f Anelysis by Mcans of Resonators., by A. A. Khar- kcy!c.U, 11 pp. UNGLAWMED Full tranalation. 8t tmR, MCCIAIM, mo per... Zhurd Tekh Fis, Vol XXI, NO 1951, pp APE ?-TS-7852-RN Scientific .- Physice, resonators SeP 52 CN'-IDKI C T-A 657&~~ VbDofttlk" Optl~ C=MML*attan OnUas by A* A. 10=rbwlel4 7 9v6 b ---- I now" VMS - I -- VIY 0 so So My 1"70 pov-18. CIA 032546 Am F-ft-qw/v ~W~ - &L"tV9*9 a" is 7.,V, & / 6 61-23668 Kharkevich, A. A. oijTUNE OF THE GENERAL TI-lEORY OF COM- 1. Kharkevich, A. A. MUNICA110N. 1196! 1 [3751p. 29 refs. Title: Information Theory Order front ars or SLA $21.00 61-23668 'rrans. of mono. 06terki Obshchei Teorii svyazi, Moscow, 19.55, 2681) DESCRIIII'ORS: *Communications theory, *Communi - cation sysicins, *Functions. The theory is considered from the viewpoint of the technology of electrical communication. Topicscovere include: (1) Basic concepts; (2) Statistical tbeory. (3) Elimination of distortions; (4) Separation of signals; and (.13) Supplementary remarks. Appendices includea 2 table of the function Ix).2 C-x dx,atableof" 7x- ~. function (sm x)/x, n table of negative logarithms to the base 2 of numbers I roin 0.01 to 0.99, and a table to logarithms to the base 2 of nundx--rs from I to 99. (Research Methods --Commurn - cation Theorv, '17. v. 6. no. 4) I.- Qpeetwu and Analyuioj, by A. A. 10=1mvich, j!!~ pp,- WMDUp ';jkp Spektry i Amaizo 3d M. 00-1wil tauts Bu--Oau $8-75 Sai - phlyales Dac 6o :~ J-6~~ /Jl~ sz-~l 61-12.1#3 (.vDD 24-853) Energy ReW;ions in a nonp.~-, yeta-tionary Acoustical Wave Field., by A. A. KharbevLch, 13 Pp. RUSSIAN., irreg publm, Trud, 11 22 amimtike, y komins No 5: mosccnlp 1950# pp 95-19.2.. ciA/m/u-7424 Um SCi - Phyl3iC;(Js aCOUStiCS CTS 73 Oct r,;5 0/ ~~V/ ? TM J*Nt 0060m, by A. A. XhWbMZ" 8 pps (AIP 72MI ) a Nommmomm Namm, so VMS =WktV" a No 2p Feb 19560 VP 63:11 1 am Ir.".9w" Set - Almmtroofts 42 3r C-L Avg 57 ~$ "14t am va wam'4or swomirtow, w A. A. xwvomw46_ 9 PPO amsem PA% MoKow KlowsaTonlo to 4a Lo" " %;3L im lims? SCI - PW3 MW 6L IV6111 To the Tb*=Y Of tht Fwfmt, Rooddv*r, b7 A. A. aw"d6 20 PP. - RUSWj, no pw, XI*k*rwvIw4,, Val X, Bo 4, 19560 pp 28-35. Sol - 1914xa4vacs Ott tine Reception oZ Weak Silgriala., by .4. A. Ih /2 pp. .Vich ~~&IrXA- -f RUSSUN,v ao per, Mektroavlamp So 5j, My IV56- j -3 1 Raud T-68 Sci Sluectronice A Sabematle for the Reception of Sigaals, by A, Kharkevicho 9 pp. UNCLAWIFIED IFJS'SMII,, perv FAektrosviaz, Vol XI, No 2, 195"(.# pp 5-9. cTA bo6866. ATIC F-T-S gi54/v Sci - Electronics Apr 58 4P Coding Which in Stable With Ple"ect to Fading (Anti-Uding by B. L. Ma&o A. A. Markmdoh, PP. MM=., per,, MAkftvwyadp VdL METp No 4.. 196ov pp 3-6. mv B-157 909sal 7~ Pj sel oct 61 Nomll"w ad fammtric n~~ in U--1 6 Sp IW Ao A. ~~ aftwo, *0 2,qc le 35/-. lmd= lufft 209" 16L I" I pi.,! i4. . /. (I lki-sm low " 3000M (NY-5235) Conmming Mixed QroqgAg ror Step-by-Stop Aubomtlo *lOPbmw orr1cmix by V. N. Rogind*j, A. D. 7 PP- WaSIM., per., Vosta* BTYW&j, SO 9j, 1953. im 120L Sci 11 "f ~l la'a AP 61 1 f7 Crosevar Fo. 5., IjY A- is- mwkwicb. RmcilANO per, E2,vktr-ozvy&z* No 6t 1958.s pp 53-59. Forgawin ?rasa Sol vAr 60 /// 11 ., / " -3 i~ Smic %Ws of Swedish-ProftMi DI&I TMIOPhOne SYStem With Crossbar MdUbesp bY A. D. MnLrkevichp 25 ipp. MmIAN,t per$ liektrouv7ml,. No 1# 1957, pp 57-72. OW F-TS-9155/V Sci - Xlect3mice Am 58 (~ -'r, 4/0 A Obtbcd fbr the tags a ximte Rvalustim of the TavuWasivity of a Tvo4KLmout Comatative Systmi by A. D. Xbuiwvleh 2 pp. NMXPX,, pers, Dak Ak Sauk WMp Vol CXIV, So 2, 1957P pp 308-- (bumitunts Bare= Ob Uw 001M1 Capolir of fte Iseselmtars by A. 00 lftrbwlabp T. N. RoaudgPj. VIM -Am ............... . .......... ym"$k evywas X0 30 Iftr 2,9%s BOA Tr go &1I CYO 6s-0 Aug C"A= Tendzmcioo in the Developmt of Ax*xvmtfc TpleThonp- - Tech=-.IoQr, -.y A. D. MCrtsvA"'tb.* 12 3;p, (AV 1019673)'. I RMIM, mo per, Elektrogvyaaj go .3, 1 i1hr 1956, pp 40-46. am -7-29 L0069/v sc:r- Blectranica J-'l - tiov 57 J I -t Design of Co=letaly AccezrAble Im - SvitchftV7~; rl;y"ama, by A. D. Markovich. 5 pp. RMSIARp thr.-ILce-nic pir,, Do% A1% Naiik MW,, Vol aII, so 6 pp Conaultanta Bureau 9& Sci - -Mrp~.Cu Dan 57 Grouping of Coordinate-Conneewr Telephone Substatlimov by A. D. ------ IMSEMP ]P,3r, Zlectrosvi"v "to 2) pp 43-50. PaIn3mm PMAID sci Fab 60 1e 9 , --7 -7 / The Influerce of 'Novocaine on Fessim! Inhibition in Various Links of the Reflex Are, by D. A. Kharkevich. M. I. Tlshchftakop 5 pp. RUSSIAN, pcr, Byul Lk3per Diol I 1.1jed; It"ol MTV, No 10J 195~1, pp 72-76. Consultanta Bureau SU 1