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Coidensatfon of Aldchyd03 With Thc. 2ka Diketonic Condensation oL C-c-.Lo L .,!!hydr-, !'A Ne-v Type of Gcndensa`-~~on o!' F--4%on2o Fit-~7 %--xnati~! hldnhy~ins~ lny 1! G, 7111-i-cl- pp I~a H~~SSIAN., ~;'Liuv 0166iLi~h Kit & Condenwituir)::i ni, Aldehydcn V15~th TV. furollrr,is Effect in the Alkaline Cond.F- mi a .L.,5-Diketone With Farfural, o-- j Ketols twid a I X= Kharchcrko; rp. '.Liam, Oloshch ma-liv,) T"' Duz-uL~..;, Sci I A 1~ AXy-ijt,LQaI'.a a Alicyclic Daa,~~41 ftno- amd DiaryllAcnacyclmonenj by A. P, Ifi-H.- clhzn~'O, Y. G. mm-rchmLICO., 11 PP. RLIBBIAW, per., Thrice-mo, Dok Ak faull~ SSSR: Vol C14P No 2" sap/Cmcat 1956., pp 226-M9. CODS&1tunta Bureau V;c.-& - Chm J-6, /P 6 Z/ DeC 57 R"J5tmmO M& Mat XadwaW I* a Perew Surftce "a --=-.& OrMUMb OU VIM# IW P. X. Rmwwiskog T. L, ~ - 22 Jr. RAWMA. pwo - nwr zbwo Vbl via ib ill 19630 JPM 2=3 Sol Feb & .1 q ql ~, -i I vaie 17 wlttL Of bv~ p. Tj. jtor.---mnln.~ a-553 mi -1 0 -- at vww In a mout at ---Smgdw cnwo J, bw T, xe Z"Mrp go 1, Iftwdwdol 26M j mono not 2B a" Mwe& awdensp Va VIJ, so & iw w .1 amm so dr, 04 a 2 / 13 aw 63 "d o=*m2lxlvg Preftatum or C-1 GODIRVI. Pxubwtmv by L. Darebwo, 6 jp. now# wwo vb~ Qbm 3b. 5v Mw lWal it- U3-M- am W238 L , ,~ ~\ A P- - ~\ e , A 0m Recm Avg 67 333#509 Maintenemco of the rrontline 'Bomber, by G. V. 4 pp RMIANIF ro per,, Vent Voz Kot, Ro 5, 1957, PP 53-62 CIA 605722 ATIC u17 e 9%.F1 USSR Military Mar 58 '~nveatigatlons of Unsy=etricF0. 0,,:-C-anic PrIl -Oxides. XIV. Transformettior4a of Fl- perylen-a Monoxide.. b y F - G - P 0 n ci A a G. Khamnko and M. F. ShaVeova, 5 PP, ItUWIAN9 per# Zhur Obahch WaLm, Vol 195-1> pp 1226-123o. 'Con.ill)-ttrants B-ur;~Co, Sci - Chem SeP 58 10ft"IN JDA to of as kftd Gamw lam# ,fAvT~'*m aftlm a-M-116 m Ufa* A" le-la AWS *6 S u I - Eiji---' Eecoly;2ry 01' 'as . V - N - 1) p - C...) Tp Nov C-D Gtu,4y of inner Dif=aion of Disacdved Material !L Granuleo of Active Cexbm by &mw of Radioactive ImUcators I ., by AmpUiogm,, LUameln. RUBSL%p mo per, Zbur Fla Milap Vial ZWj RD 3.0.1 1955# pp 447 j Tech and Cem Tr *0.00 SclOutitalc - Chamlutx7l PbYal" A "Urambay" operation an ftn"T 11"bess by 0. Aid- simow# A. Iftrinp: go ASUSUMp It ppo Full trauslat1cm. MAWMj, per~p Radio 30 2* 2WjP P 36& AM-F4.9-7M Usm ScleatMe - Slectreafts,, vefto,j bett=7.9 tubes Dyw=las of the Sorption at 74mintial Oll of rose* rvow Agueous Sautlow an to Oralm of Activated Carboup by As No 3bwAzt, aW L. M. Voitkcpa U MWIUR. no, VWP Zbw Pea man'l Vol =Vp No Alp 1952,p 9p WiNg. ocumitants anvou scioutific - Cbemisfty Drc 53 m 7W 7 Me Nbwuw ftu of me CONWA la us opwoum 4c C6000.1 280 Iffiftr VWIWW ,.- at ftowds sagums 41C ~ *LID rpm Avm~ somm"Wo 1w L. X. T4dVw ad A. S. Mosts It W Ilevtr*dyoamU salmwpmpb tov mccirdUW larams 31spIwmmt*,, b". A. Mm-la aW B ~ 6. Rm'-ffv., 4 pp, RMSIM,p part Is Ak Xaa'A S=p See Goofl2p go 19 ILW7,; vp 113-115 !Nsro.mm lwrt~ttxte Bel - Oftpbya Jul 58 (odo"", J~/ IMMM Barth Tremors from Surface Explosions, by D* A. lbarine RUSSIANj, bk. *CB 1966 May 65 I (PDD 2U79) I Abme of Hool-tALlityp by 0. INwinp 5 13P. 1 ---- li R a up-, Tiner ND 72p 11100CMI 25 Mhr 19%. -1 V74.10# t CAtM/0-60214 um A I Political 1!5r, Rf/ I tw. 54 CTS - - I 100 00 sew Awl* IV Vbm go AUV"o 46 No; A- 0 ot W6 4 IF war' a" of SWYANI Tr a* nail - ~, ~ . 'o . 6,) / ., 1 On a Contaminated Sector,. by V. Kunovalov, M. Kharin 6 pp. 7~ RUSSIMI perv Voyounyy 'Vestnik, No 10, 1963. ACSI I-1614-J ID 2201421 sci Jan 64 A41,07'- Automatic Dlecomection. Of a Mechanical Slave by NO&M of a Tlme Relay Switch, by N. 0. Xharin, 2 pp. RNSIAN, per, Tumm t No 28 1.957,, pp 29. Consultants Bureau Sci - Inginsering OTU1 58 6 61 3-11e glootics of tbA Coageation of Conoidal Solutlona of Alumirdus Rydrmlas, by S. B. V. A. Tt;~~. Vila' RWGMWj% pers Newh Z&pLakl ClftsskW Politeth rwt;o V*l Uv no Ij, 19559 -WOW& DSXR LW RM 1412 (Ll. 5s. 0d. Sai - Cbm a6~~ war 60 ft"tim at tim ---V"tim elf ads1w 803A0 by go I. 10mlop 1. V. Cbttbwp I q p 12 M. ftu tv KUM# um pwo am"" )am* va , , IT,# 3b 3,0 3mo w 39bool. O~Mmwbv Dam= Sol- - low # a"a 4w an ff an Kand" DMGC"kcy and Imnsad PrO63cuan, I by P. GremAkrAww, V aMig. 16 M 0 !A RUSSUN, p9r, &N-Mm-WA& No 8, May 1964, 37-67. pp" 25473 3 USSR ECOM AUS 64 X5,171 Vethc4s of I=re"lx&g the SensItivity of the Serological Tube Agglutination Test iz Brucellools by N. P. Xharina 4 pp. MWIAN. per, i Umundbiol. PP 109-113. Zktur Ydkrobiol, Spideadol Vol Ma, No 9, 1960, pp F~~b 6p MetbOd 01' r-rE:rM--.Vtn9 F1 Single ltmiaG CtwzLctaristic In Cfrmlito o!~;*"rf7~t-jn,!,, Ve-T~j,M)O5 of -rr4-2rIn6p, by A. IA. Kb5rIn&4Y, 11. 1. 3VatIOV, 12 P? u NIMAW I? q ,*TIC Conl=sutiaa of A3A--Wes w2d Ketcmes Vl. Cowereim. from PhexWl- and Furyltricyaobwaolonvae to 9 -Phemgrl- and Pary1hydroscridinwi., by M. IT. T'Llichenkop V. G. KIleachuxl'u., 3, -up ,C-~ RUSSIO., pwp Zhur O"hah Xhft., Vol UXr 110 'jj, 196o; pip T- 7c CB Aug 63L *aract,oristics of the ProdwAlon of Polysaides by Merfacial Pd4coodensation, by A. S. Mpital lnyy;, Ts. A. KWwltt It. B. ChernmwM.. 4rt all, It pp. RUSS rM, per., Prik XhIm. Vol XMIis NO 5.. 1960,v PP 11-50-1153- CB ftl Apr 61 Formtioxi af Polyamide Realas. X1. Pr-3P2xation of poiyamides zaploying Iuterfacial Polyconden&stion., by A. s. Shpitallayi, )%. A-Kharit, Be Be (lerncwrdik, 4 pp. 'ROBSIAT(,. perp Zhur Gbshch Xh-im, Vol )M, NO 10i 19601 11P _','43()-3433- CB ;71d j c~--t 61. Scme thowetic4a and Practiml Jurpects of PolYmalde Forwationy by A. S. Skildtall I nyi.. 1W X. A. gbpital#&WJLO Ta. A. MoT-1-t-JI-A pp. RUBSW# I?WPLw Pra ma, vca =rTn, 9s OB Sol (MY-4827) On tbo TramdesUm at Doomt:Lon Between Initiating Explosive I i - - - I I* M. fte Dbonsicas of Particlas IbmammIttim Un ftVm&ttott,, by A. Y. Delymr"p Ta. IL !Q~~ 20 pp. FMBDjt "WjP OW jmVW & Too"% pis, Vol Vuj, No is Ign* pp 198-M. JM 7218 so i - aws 1-4.; ~ - 4 r-4 . #/ EtTeat. r,-t HerlblclAoa on SoU Mwoflorv, by I. !~. Geller, Z* G. mimsitcam, 5 pp. MOSIM pwip A Iro-I )=; so I'p-19&' ]PP jQZwqv' AM scl / ~ W, '/' - ~/ I 7db 62 Pixtasomisti4c AmUtIonshipa Amoa 3ow 4RmUic Id - --d- or Vw Sugar Wetp by Be G. Owlton, 1. A. A;&4 5 IP. RUSSW,p per# Akrobl",, VtQ ZOUv go 1. 1958p pp 95-98. AwAr In" of Uol Bei ftL - nolow Jan 59 g-d, Ifl ZEM)OVICHO J. B., and U~, J. B. The Ghain Decomposition of Uraniim by Olow Neutrons Zhur Lks i Teoret Fiz No 10 '040 RUSSIAN AEC Tr CTS Oct 1949 (1/49) _iex- ,z,,,- (NY-4822) One Property of CoutaatsO by Ya. B. Zelldoviohl Yu. B. !!~ ~ttoul 5 pp. RUS83CAN . 'r ZJmw Rksper i ftoret Fiz, Vol X,, NO 3.2s lgtO,,Ipp AW, V423. JPRB 51511 sai - pbys / -3 ,'~ 6 Doe 6o Fission and Chain VialatiWatIon of Uranium,, by -fa. B. Zeltdav:Lch, Yu., B. lba I n. 25 pp. t RWSIO., per,, Uvpe= Piss. Wauk., Vol XXIII,, 1940p pp 329-357. ABC Tr 24Q? Assoc T*cb Services 2MI 3.a/ 4 9,11911C Sci - Minerals/*tale,, Nuclear PIW$ico The UUU=%i= of and of Other Hicroorgan' "or IncrMSIAS Yield as& Goocbwlalty or Sugar Beets,, I vy'l. A., GelLarp Be Ou UwzUos6 I=3IAIJ* =A T.1 I So 218 T7= .".'cientMe - bIoUW **W bbotop alt betermimUcm of the "no ac~ Co3aLc Asy Particles from Their ionizing Pwmr, -,'T marl-tompy 1. ~~ RIMI.ANj, thrice-w per,, I-Dok Ak NWA4=FLV no mr 1953., p - LU- 5 - V / I SCI - Phygics L) y on the Muk (The Herite and Defectt, of one Defensive Action) 1, by A.-Kharitanw-and A. Vinogradov, 6 pp. RUSSIANO Wj, Voyerw47 Vestnik,, No Sjp 1962. AGSI 1-0424-H ID a%530 SCI, Dou 62 ;~ -?.Y /a 0 I I . 1. 0 amobw em awk 4"w& ,big -i taws** 1w IL As A. AL ibndbMPF- ipw~ 2000 ob (Vi SM W To do ! ILL M, A" MultIspwd Slectric Motors, by A. M. Ouritonov., 2pp. BUSS=, bk,, SlaktrodvIgaUll, Imbl, by Sta*m Publishing House for thergeties, Moscow/Laningrad,, 1954, 22h 9p, Mel to IR-1799-55p AA Parls.9 Apr 1955, CIA D 222930- AF 66oB16 Um Set - X1*ctvvnIcs., IZW eagineepring Guided Masiless (Rawaft Costrol),, by A. lbariftnow, 7 pps O"ICIAL USR 01W RUBSIANv up, Fxasnays ZveMat 19 nor 1953. '~s 910 /' 4 V CIA/M/Z-1636 if 4,0h T - I ~' Scientific - jkaro=utIcs 'by 55 OTS Effect wl Deoiddizing and POuring Practices on the "ality of jCwObonj TUm Steel.. by A. F. K"mteav, A. S. MOM Kbarl to a G. D. HDIowy. RWSrM,, per,, rz V"AIM U*mb Zmedq Chern Netmi,. wo 8,, i961., pp 43-47- RB 5367 ftl - Ingr ;;p r, 4 I%b 62 Det"erminatioa of the Viscoalty of a Ma~etlte Suoperision %)y Mcamwing Its Pk4petic Permeability in Equilment Using a Raci1oactive Densitmeter, by A. Z. Kuliashenko, A. S. Kumnenko, r,. K. Garm&ih., 3 pp - RUSSIAN, per, Kolus i Xhim,, No 2, 1960, pp 11,15. Coal Tax Res Assoc sci Aug 6o Mw Dqwzsdentm of Lateml ftletton In Metals on the AqpkUtudo of VIbraU=jp by A. V.-.pNdUmQY.~ 6 ppo W9SW,o perp Akut Zbmrp Val Up No Ip 1963P Awr Int 'at pbp fty FAP - Acouat_;c-,p VbI xxv No 1 e, flat as Nov 63 U494 Sol bubs" at swumat - -- - ~wv %F U 46'IIWIodwt As T* - M~ws a Anna Aim" swo W, To ft at 1999v I* mur AV am is i U~ va Irs ft 2 Wom Extra-1-tmospheric Spectrophotometric Standards. Energy Distribution in the wSPectra of Skelected Stars in CGS Units, by A. V. Kharitonov., 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per., Astron Zhur, Vol XL, No 2, 1963, pp 339--350. Anier Inst of Phys Sov Ast-ron - AJ Vol VII, No 2 Sci Apr 64 254,508 PbotoolectrIc Photomtry of Sectlons of the Swtace of ""So. by V. I- Morom, A. T. 21. pp =SSW# Pero AmUmm PAwo, ftl =MVm No 6* 1957,. P9 903-wo. Amer bmt of To" Say Aftmvi - AJ T" is jb 6 Set - Astrou Apr 59 (M-WA). the PxvbUs at -=084 aw ibstum" wVwmW Pwtwo by A. T. *Wltmws, 5 jp. Wo perp It AstHCU lot (KNaft),q so 9 v It 0 53055t an " 40 Asta-M 4'4e 60 t-he Earth I o Albcdo,. b,,- E. IC. Dzh-,,s~bckova., V. M. Kazacbevsklyy A. V. Kbaritonov, 4 pp. RUSSIMp por, At3tron Zhur? Vol KOXII, No l.. l9bO) pp 131-134- AIP Sov Astron. -- A T ~j o1- IV NO i PhatagMpldc ObserwatUM of tb4, Op"Us With thO XtUldiOV NbUtMUS T024ftoW, bV V. A. Rodftowwyo V. S. VstyWup A. V. Offiritopov 10 pp. ~ MOUX, iporp Astramombiwakly zwn-ml, Vol XXXTO (AF IMMO Zwl to IR-14-.i9-58x AAD) PublUW to "v la= AU lao ab 33 Oct OU the CCQWmtlon BOWOM MAU129 Pbancmm and Pmesomm of rdver Bed Fomwbiono by D. D. lbwitowv. 4 pp. MIX. I*rt Bok Ak Nwk ON-P.; 701 MIr. go 3, 19570 PP Wf.L-. SOL - OBOJ42106 Aa 58 661719 ae of Aixplaues in StMpr Deft Stan Control, by T'. M* Rhm'Itonove "Aiss . per, Sant Agwous VbI 1910 No 2p 20b 19kSo --)p ". 1. 2D SOFA. USDA Tram No 197 ",4 11 1 ~ USSR ~;cieutlflc - BIoIqWv pavUs ab7lawas saW beat ica la"=d Partial-;!m- fLn ~Waord Fo-w1biddem 11MMAN.. j-,ar,. Zhar. Sk&W i T%owx~, .7,4',77G~-7:C; No 3(9)j. 2959.r. PP rt6-M. Amer lwt, of sov vo:L Sol Apr tki Determining the Optimal Grain Size of Siliceous Materials for Glass Formation,, by F. Ya. Kharitonav., 3 Py. RLUSIAN, rer., Steklo i Keramika., Vol XVII,, No 1. 1960., PP 18-20. CB Sci Sep 62 21U,334 The Effect- of the PrIoperties af Silicate Melts on the Formation of Forous Structimes During Bloating, by F. Ya., Kh Itonaw, 3 P.P* RUBSTAN, per, Steklo i Keramilux) Vol XVII., No 5, 1960, pp 30-32. CB Sci jul 62 21o,81i Acceleration of Glass Melting by Activation of the Batch, by L. G. Mellnichenko) F. Ya. Kharitonov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Steklo, i Kerwdka, Vol XV, 'No 5, 1958, lop 18-20. CB Sci oct 6o P,,-mfDing; by G. Khw7itonov, 'T pp. URCL RUSSIAN, np, Sovetskaya Aviatziyu, No 65, 12 M-Arch 1959; P 2. ATic mrL 95./Ill USSR jun 6o Effecto of certain parameters of tread desi&n on the life of tMe, by L. V. Desidley and L. G. Khrammov. 5 pp. RUMMI, par, Kauchuk i RezimL, Vol XII, No 3, 1962 pp 30-35 . UPM &4 Fab 63 .231)1 65-v itestoration of L~wphageal Patoncy in Inoperable Cancer by ftxmnent Intubation# by L, G, jiukritmaym IMUANO per,, Khixw&iia (Moscow), 140 39, 19630 pp 135-140, W11i 4-43-65 -r'4 4 7- 7- - h S-- -3 93.3 sci-B41A I W ay 65 28,08780 STUDY OF THE FUNCTIONAL FEATURES OF A PROSTHESIS REPLACED ESOPHAGUSp BY L. G. KHARITONOV,YE. M. KAGAN,XT 7 PP. RUSSIAN., PER,, GRUDNAYA KHIRURGIYA., VOL IV, NO b) io621 PP 60-83. JPRS 177206 SCI - MED FEB 63 223)624 Flight to the Cosmos ... On the Ground, by N. Kharitonov 3 pp. < RUSSIAN, np, Krasnaya Zvezda, No 11C~ 12 may 1962. CIA/FDD XX-I 137 NOT RhMEASABLE TO FOREIGII NXIIONALS Sci jun 62 201,241 USIB INTERIWi USE ONLY TT-65-23794 Field SG Kidtarov. N I.; Rengartea, E. V. ON THE SUBJECT OF GEOCHEMISTRY OF CARBONIC ACED IN GRANITIC INTRUSIONS (K Geokhtmii Ugleideloti v Granitnyti Intrusitab), 6p (figs omitted) 2refs. Order from SLA: S).10 as TT-65- 3794 Trans of Gookhtmiya (USSR) n2 p71-7 1956. Other trans. are available from SL.X as R-1672, 9p and R-1660. Air Force Fnglmental Coumander N. B. kUivritonay 4 1)p - -------------- ITJ3STANg, app Krasua3,m Zvezdr-, Va 143p 23 jua I.q56, Encl to JR-1-160-56. AID USSR .4zw, -~-/& Military Nar 57/M Tritiation of -3ilico-Organic Compounds by Lhe Method of Tritium Atola Amoil, by V.. D . Ref edov and N, P. Kharitont)y, 5 pp. RUSSIAN,, per,, ',2,ur Obahch lh.Lmv Vol XXXII, No 2, 1962, pp 64-&'L?. CB scl Feb.63 Cmstastsm -wire Strain Gaurm for Jd& NOWMAWi M ToWeratunsm, by E. Yju NekhenW. N. P, Kharitanov, 4 pp, RUSSIAN,O pers, lawritel Tekhs No It, 19621, pp 24-26, ISA sci Aug 62 213g669 ReaCtion of jrialkyjaJAafte with Phenol In the Presence of Metal NalMeas by B. N. D0190vv yu. it xbuaopb1zj N. P. XboritAwr. 6 pp. RUSS!"., per, Iz Ak Nauk 66&.~# G-tdal Kaim hauk, No 7" 1959, PP M8-193 - CB Sci .m. 61 /b 0?1 413Y SO" *OPWUM Of P-(ft-UWWy2mUyl)bws&lAabyde,, by B. N. loolgovs X,16 almumva, ii. P. n,,"t!o~j 3 pp RWWO., PW# IS Ak ftak BfffRs, Ob"I D" Mmko, ft 2$ IM.9 pp 351-30 ca sel / *5,-f3f ~r Ajpr 61 Cat,Alytic Debydr=- Lbeondematien of vitl~ Hyd7O27,, OX-ap mnd Wgamic Coupd, br~.A. 14. Dolgov,, Tu. 1. Miudeb'Al m, 5, P. nmritot~5v# 3 PP. ItUNW., pg-L., I% Ak ItQUk =Rv WCOI r),aiM A.Uhp No 1, 19!Att, IIP 113-114. CowiLLUato Buxvau gay 59 Crystallochemical Prqmrties and ITfrared Absoprti Spectra of Borates and BorDSiliCatOS, by 1. 1. So Plyumiixu6 Yu. A. Kharit2nal.-Il tv. ftDSSIJU-I,, per, 7.hpw Strukttu-noi Kitim, Vol IV, NIO 41, 1963v pp SSS-568. cl; Sci Jun 64 259#854 Infra-red absorption spectra of cofiplax cobiilt(III) vulphites, by A~ V. Bab2eva, Yu, Ye. Kharitonov. 6 pp. RMSIAX, per. Zhur Neorgan Rhim. No 6. 1962. pp 1247-3257. CS Sel Cw Apr 63 .3 1 ::",4- (P, Infra-red absorption spectra and atruct-LiLre of "anomalour amminenitrile comp1mme of bivalent platinun: by Tu- Ya. Kharitonov. R Chia.Qiien, 6 pp RU5-nAli, cor, :%ur Reorgan Khil:. - No 5, 1962. IT,-, 997-100,R Sai 9 C3_, J 63 absor,)tiun jpectra of r.iodijvi(Jj.L) 1~3 La -3 6-1 THE STRUCTURE OF"ANOMALOUS" AMINONITRILE COMPLEX COMPOUNDS OF DIVALENT PLATHNUMI, BY YU. YAt_KHARITONOVp A. V. BABAYEVA, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, PER., DOK AK NAUK SSSR, VOL CXLl, NO 3,, 1961, pp 645-648). CE; scl ,~l ` AUG 62 20c;jlu 3 ILu'xa.-i;ed absorption Spectz-al 02 IlArclulidea in the NlCi- -- Pri,3ia by A.- V. Babdyevu, Yu. Yu. Kharitonov., p-.. RUSS' per.. Zhur Neorgan Rhim, Vc] V, No 6, ig6o, pp i196-i.2o7. Ciewrar-Hume Pre!7.~ scl iLpr 61 Effeat nf AUoylm UnnaU ogL the Streasth of Grodn Dmodulm In AUml~ Jalop st Rlab Toormildoplarlut by Le D. xhwluppm,, 5 pp. RUBMUlp per, maul I Um ows mrtall"j, No 31 1959.. pp 51-16. n 45irr SCL - man/mt 14od MY 62. The Toxicology of Barium Chloride, by 0. 1. Kharitinov, 3 pp- MMIAN, per,'Farmakol i Toksiko'L., Vol XX, No 2, 1957, pp 68--j. 69. Conwiltants BureAu Sci - Med P.pr 58 stwty cc 09 Howtion -a Tri Ilan= Vith AUobDU* 03 lbsoU cir W193 lumes =a NuM.- Piquisa P*opnfta~AbCr D. N. D*24pvo OWLIMM =a X6 so *14 coba 1w 10 ];F. lbo-Jeft- po Vwj RM Onbob, Alms Vol =Np U78-nm. m c IQ479 commonam" Dwom 3WMdUU - MmOst" 34,17r AV % CM/6m VH Rinic.-tion of Trietbyl'ailans witli Ammorda. andi PmInes, ty B. N. Dolgov, N. 11. Kharitonov, M. G. voromkov., A. pp. Fv2I translation. RMSL%N.. mo pert Vol YLXIV, No 4, 1954p pp 678-682, GTA D 151:;47 Conim1tants Lu"an Soientff-I'X - Chemistry ly