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.1.11C Gauge Traneformation of tIK: Gm-enL, Fwici-ic;n .*'or Charged Particles, by L. D. lmnndnu., T. 14. Y-=J=j-uj mlatnikov 4 pp. RIUSIM.. bim per.. Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fi--, Vol XM, Jr,I 1955., PP 89-93- ciA c 41,c,69 American Inst of Physics p') 14, 31clentific - Physics -lay 56 Me/aex 2he Second Visamity at Uoustcud.c Go a.. by I. X. InalaWkOvAj PP. RUSS=# bim sort Our MMw 1. Tearet lPiz,. Vol EM., Ad 1955., PP 23345k- 03Z C 41,99 Astj A~Iowi Inst of Pb3mics as my 56 C25/idw Theory of Diffusion a3A 2hermal C=ductlvity for Dilute Solutiono of R93 In HeIlLum II, by 1. M. Mm)Atnikov, V. N. Zbarkov RUSSIANj, wo per,, Zhur Eksper i Tleoret Piz, Vol =1., so 5.1 195TO pp U08-1m. Auar Inst ar Fh7s Sov Fbjs-JiV Vol vo NO 5 Bel - phys Wr 58 Amlyads of sits mvluwntal Data HoUttIng,to the Smftee mme"nee at bW A. A. Abrikonovp L. P. &wtkwv, iu* 1. N. Malaftfliovs 3 PP. RUBB3rAXf JW11 nm ft"Or I ft" t PILSO, Val =M1(10) so is J5000 pp Ift-191. Amw Ilia% of R" ow scl Fab 60 61 Kinetic COOMelents in Helium 11, by M. RUSSIMI, 9w,,. ZWw Eksper i Tccret' VQ1 MMI, No I* 1952v VP 8-20. co-op '01. `A:11 Scientific - ftsics CTS/D= On tba Singulmrities of Comolagic4a soluti=s of the 0mvitattoulA Bpatiamp by R. IL ldfahitOL I.M. .- . , 6 M RMIAN per Mnw Mmper J T4w-"t Pjis, vol. XXrX, No 1 M, 196?0p pp 249-157a AIP sm pmw4m Vol imo go I SPA ftb fil Thi'luflime* of Aulootroyy on the Thermml cooductivitr at a by Sbalatnaov,, 4 Py. : RWBVjt per, Mar Tom" rimp Vol XXXVI (9),p so 6-0 M90 pop 1822., ~kwr List o: PI;yv eel Jam 60 'rep/ bE, bil. I*IAtutk,6v RMUNj,.pW# ZhUr Rksper vo! )r,,STII, No Is 1952p IP 21-34. Co-op Tr "-Iz.-h ScientIfIc - ftsics CTS/DU Price ,;: 4. le, ~~ :k" '"a I w low6powmVilp e-~ a lbom N% TA IN6 16 00 irovir. am am I %&I I%* avi'm a I'luenomemological Derivation Df the LquAiorz, c~f Vortex lictim in Ho 119 b,7p 1~ To AJ RUSSIMp Wp Zht& ZksW i Temvt Via, Vol IL,, No 3& lWay, ppe 92D-925* AIP Scry FbWs - JETP Veil XM,, No 3 Sept 61 r.--" zicbanga Between a Solid BDay and Helim T:Ev by 1. DI. IMiAntu -Ikov RUSSIO,, per# Zhur EksmE i Tecret Fiz Vol XXII, wo 6 Is C'. 52 s. pp C,87-704 - e- r# - co- Z 7 0 C Co-op Tr Sch No 25 a? 6 7.3 USSR ScIeutif ic - Physics PI-50.! (leg-Od.) Jul 53 CTS Theory of the Fermi Fluid (Tbg., Properties of Licluld He2 at IAw Temperaturact)., by A. A. Abrikosor. I. M. Khalatnikovp 23 Pp. RUSSIANs per,, Uspqkh Fix lkuk,,, Vol LXVIp No 22 1958s pp 177-212. AIF Sow Pbys-Uspekbi Vol 1(66), no 1 NOT 60 B"GcOatiauitizs OvId Sound Of Iergp- Amplitude In Eelium 21, by 1. M. Khalatnikov- UBSTAR, per, Zhur Eksper i Tooret Fiz, Vol M=0 No. 3, 1952, pp 253-264. 6! J>-~ZL Co-ov Tr Scb 1-3 sciezitif"Le - Physics Ami Price 1.1cs.(IIr_G.Od.) q7/ Thd Representatim or Green9s Function In Qmntum lClectrodynmics ft the Form of Continual jutepsUg by 1. N. Wm1stn1LkQvp 4 pp. WMVJS blww , zhur nsper i Tearet Fiz, Vol 11TU p my i4i, PP 6-33-635 - CIA. C hOOV Americom Imst or M,--Blcs 57 mW-, 55 at. x4m Tork get N. T, P If ScdentlM - Pbya&w PropWtlon of Bound across a Dmndary between Two Mperfluid PbAsms by R. G. Arkhipav, 1. K. Abalstalkov, 5 PP. PMS.Q.,M,, per., Mm fteper i Tearet Piz., Vol j 738-764. �3p NO 3 (9),o 1.957m, rp. Amr Imt of Pbyx SOV Ph"-4= Vol 6(33)p No 3 Bel - phys AM 58 4f jj*o A"Utaft Lik Ift 11.0 by houtnikors 1. IL Fail t0umlwolh. =nU*p thin pWj, buk 1101 "0", 1b 2s 1951p I 23T. 1179 sci - physim Asw 52 M -5,C-4 a=s %Wmnmm- at IN-33-Alumd- a I% be 13 ~~ a by le V~ 'D 3-2216 0 'to --- AINMWW6~# am mosa-9 xammat no a va um, Vol w m .49 m Tr 960 a" - -- - *oo sm ;iwm" 7 mail* U.~ Part I. solp 0t: iL 3NU Boom% pwp &@nor- I lboca nb -TO)--=36- AM ts! Uf* -leatme -nwnlm The Scattering of Neutrons With an Energy uf Several Degrees In Liquid Helium 2, by 1. 14. Khelatnikov, V. N. Zbarkov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN., thrice-mo per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, IM Vol XCIII, No 5~, 1953, PP 799-802. Sci Mus LIb 55/2153 A.E.B.B. Trans 515 Sci - Nucleer Physics 0/ on the Bingularitles of Ooawltmaaal Solutions for the arwitational. Bquatime., Part 11, by E. M. Lifmbltsp 1. M. RNMOMm 7 pp. RMBIM" IMWP zww Zkopw I Tew*t F1zS Vol XYMK,, XD 3., -NT 1960, pp 800-808. Interutl PlValwa Index PWm1cs RKpress Vol 11I.P No Sai - Phys jun 61 flydrodynamica of Helium Up by I. N. 131 Jpp. RUSSIM per UspakbI 71z rvauk p Vol LX, 1956 j, pp 69-20. ABC UML-Wazo-675(L) sai orat 61 Ust 59 Theory of Kinetic In Liquid Hs3, by A. A. Abrikosov,p L. U. VII 7 pp. RUBMU,, WD per., Zhur Eksper IL Teoret Pis, Vol =1., No 5p 1957s pp 1083-1091. Awrlut of Phys sov 17two-JIM Vol va so 5 Sci - Pb;ya Mar 58 AV iDTer5montal ~r-rllcstion r-f "PI-I Th!~--Irputjcl and -iaf roati c T,iel;hcds iii an Gkru., Flos;:i by A. Ybaldin RUSSIAFP mo per., Voyemo ll-ed Z-hiw, Mo 10, Mosemy ;-,Ict 195557o pP P9-03 uB JP41 A, pt 287 Sci - Med J - L~ Feb 1-2/2*ter fL-ed-f;equency Cyclotron,, by L&N. Nmwwj B.:P. fa'4n'n,, L.F. tondrashovj, B.S. Hirumvp A,A, Inumov,, V.S., PauseyeAp X.D& Fbdo- 2~w* N.V. A.A. CRiubakov,, 6 pp. FROSIM,, per, Atammp Rwtrgiya., Vol II,, No 1, 1957* PP- 36-41. ConmItmate Dweau sci - *je ftys atin 58 A16 The Applieshh' I I ty of A. F. KjLpwtiuskiy'o Fqmtion for C419rulating the En gy ar the Crystal Lattice of Complex Salta,, by S. N. Andrayev., E. V. Stropnov, V. 0. RUSSIAN,, per., Zhur Obshch Khiml, Vol XXXX, No 1959j, pp 1753-- Consultobts Burem Sai Jul 60 C2 dj I - reuien of' Ee (H +2 Tho 9ui;~t O:f Hy& 20)6 Andriyev, V., 0 . ~Kh 9. V. stroganov:, per, Zhur Obsbah KhAm. Vol The Cmposition and Structurs in Aqueous Solution of COMP'IWMB Of DIvalent Cobalt Halides By S.W. Andreav. V.0. Khaldini, pp 8 RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obawh XbWi. Vol XXXII, No 12, 1962, pp 3845-3852 CB Sci oc t 6 3 2. q ) - 6 0? 7 The Technique of Preparing S01.1d Narrow-Dand Light Filters for Colorimetric Work in the Spectral Region JVI-00-36W A, by S. H. i1ja(ireyev, V. G. Khaldino~ RUSSIAN N ,, per, Komissiya po Anal Khim Ak "auk SSSR, Vol VII, 110 ).0, 1956, pp 201-204. CCT-iAl Bel - Cbexi Dee 59 Som Asoaq)tions Umd in Solving Questiona ROU" to TftvA_M ftMI, bF 19. P. Gnwinv G. G. mbgAmpht 16 pp. rull translation. RUSSUPy m pers Zhvr PrIk Wal Vol XXVII, No 5p 1954, pp 533-538. CIA 0 39521 conmiltavu Buraau Scisntifi* - Ghmdxtz7 NO 55 MAU TT-0-63759 Field ID. ?A MEA"EMEN-r OF THE DEPENDRhCE OF THE I Aftahme NAUDMI Lab.. JIL BASICITY CGNSTANT OF in-NITROANMIKE ON TMM- PERATURE'(1tuarewle 2svialmooll Koostafty owwvnowU m-Nitrosallina ot TmperahmA. 7r. by E. X. WHIp. Oct 64. Gp. l9refs. ANL-Trww-95. Order twin CrM or ETCz HCOL16. UMAO as TT-0417bt Tram. at I *A~ TS go Problm of SM Befte Bullcitles to a SID& ObaudWd State. Aim vw ! or the Buicity of -m.A-&p by Ift. L. She 6 Vp. &Omkp V. A. ftL 'a,, MUW,v pwp Dok Ak Mok BM,, Vol OUT, No 3, 296op pp 667-670. ca Smi 1/ 1, 7. 3/ 0-1- jai 61 -Depeadence of the Rate of an Acid-Catalyzed Reaction oa the BLwicity of the Reagent :Ln the Case of "Geneml Acid Catalyisis"., by Yu. L. Ehaldna., A. 11. Tallvik, V. A. Pal I M, 4 pp, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSEIR, Val CMrI. No ]-.AI.. 1-959,1 p-n ug-j?2. CB A ,,ug 6o Oa tba atatdnty astiom in n miecular og ft ooej., asawato4wil w 1h. yu. lbal6n, R. V. XhOkhl0v- mass per is V~mabfkh U:beb Zwea- P.&Uoftzikap Vol is, no 5Y60 3.95b, pp 60-165. Amy W 35M/APL 3& Sol - "us 5 Ildl 4 3 sep 63 2he tta6 of Ore= Forsterite Brick for Smaii Furnaces, by G. 1. Antowv.. S. F. 10mlemkiy, R. L. Ksl~noy, et al, 3 PP- RMUM, Per, 14et&Uurg,, No To 3-960, pp 17-19., Acto Mytellurgien Sal jul 61 A /' ; j -,I. zarluence or vactile-poinful sm"tion on the Oo=se of PmSpancy and on the 'IrImbility of the Febxo j, by F. M. =a' takays - A. T-vipolskaya., 5 p-p- ~A N MMIM, no pers AW Moper RUa I bbdp Vol XLI p No 9,, Sep 1956., pp 28 32. Consultants Ba--e= Sel - Medicine ,4-,7 Jan AS 58 j DeterAmtLon Of Tidakmo of Zinc CoatiW by the Notbod of Tagged AUmv by 1. A. BWM04 So As ..& . 3 pp RM&UN,o ' Zw" Labs val Ims 1b ?o Vwx pp 93437 38A Sol Na a 15-1 1 " /16 r (Er-6503) .%L,view of "Baste Direatiolm of the Wmiks of Us All-Urdon Sclautiflo-Remarob Ch-emicoph- armaceutima lustltuU (A PArriew of the Activity irrom 1920 ftrou& .1957).. bV A. Muletakiy, pp. RMSTM_. per, Wd &= LM, ND 1, 1962, pp 66-63- JM 1.417 5 Bel . Momp Jbd AV 3,, 3,f3 Jun 62 (yf Revim of "Basic Directiol= of the Worka of the PJ.t.-Uh4-On SCientifle-Research Cha;dcop~i- arm.ceutical TsetituW (A Review of the Acti-ity F-I'm 1920 Throw), 1957)., by A. Khal.-takly, pp. RMSTAX., per, Jbd Prom SSWj, No 1, 1962, pp 66-.63. JM 'd'175 Sci - Cbms Ned 3.1 3 Xun 62 Sulfo*Esters of Sterols and Their Trans'Ll'ormations, .U., M. V. Vasil I eva, 4 pp by A. M. "Ej2j& t RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obahch Khim, Vol XM, No 9 1961, pp 2996-2999. CB Sci oct 62 2140618 IROOOV4PULOw au tlw Chaftfty at 2&J63-"d*- =d , AICM9 BpetbwJx md staft at pyrisida- go 103 "- 11! is - -1 2 - a @141 "dav"s by T a G* pasino A* Jl* !~~ 3 pp MSM& PWs zhw whomb Wit# Vol IMP so 9 19fts, * 3000,-3m. ca sot 2140619 Oct (e sa *2 no" cc kit W-w4w M Akw ON&*'064 Vol MMS X6 cbm AW it, thu! riom of' the obc-mir"f~ry of Py-,azolidiue. V. on Some Jmaw2ww pyroxoIldine m3d. ite Aslogna ;w-d Thlocyrnogi~~-t- Zzrtvativvs, by V. G. Posin, A. 3 YP per, Zhur Obshch Vol T;.? 2122, 1958o pp 3274--3276 SOL 60 Studieu in the Field of Thiodiazole. VIII. The 2yl,3-Thladlazole anq its 'Pealn, A. Mjgiml&WUy~. tbe of OxXatiou of Derivativoo, by V. G. Chou Ch"Ln.- fi -1yo. WUSSUIp per., Zhur Obsbah KhIm, Vol '.GATIII, oo 3.958, PP 2089-22093- CB SCI - Chem Oct 59 -I-- --.- at to OMAef#4r at it-1.1-Ods- and " "--Me pp aftswra at ~ ~5. ISMA"i Iv V- Go Pwlnp A. M6 ~ ipt mWWO aftb amw *Abdb mpp ftl ==- lb 10 1960 w iWill", ft ftl ftt 62 W#172 Studies in the Fleld of Clie-r.-Astry Vi. Synthesia and Study --!' Sulf idea Emu Disulfides of 1.2-Dipherkyl- amd. n-Butyl-1,2- b.-,, V, tl-p)~Jy~ Teng Jun--Hz4ang, CS pp. AUSSIAT4, per, Zhur Obahch IMim, Vo! ll~ 1958., PP 3030-3035. sci Dec 59 Sol" ot jr-I 2--- 4 11 - - - - --*- A"",p bv V. G. Fe"nv A. go - p 7 YPS =p8vj4 wr ow mob* adI4 va jD=, No a# V, 19at Im a ;IURL ca o" ~' aa,6e xWoom "Us ot IN% ol ~~ A"&# IRS ow amwuvltw "a OINNA"m at ftlis at viettaltkLow ,or 11 011011,10m AOSAs bW T, 0, Pn*% Ao So KbPUU&ys v - F- P-, -*, --- MOUM., pw MW Owbob Mat VOL =at No At IA,o a Gfilimw"Wo OB ftl - 204j*k dM6%.A al. *- *.i&o-dh--, me vbmdo Ae"s lath xmmm A"'Wao =a BOOM DW.VNUVDSo bV T. W 0 - Paola, A. 16 ameovalm aw#&Rwavm,o DWIP ow mob* *Anp Vol M=jl fib 8,9 IWO IV apa-mo cm 9kd ibi & 05PR55 otu~d~.-'6 .~a Lit! '-'~!-:Ad Uf CheL.-iiCit'.'i ly~z'L'Ijldin~- !M SLudly ~jf the Rcrctiylt- D-`-xop~?rnzolldine (Nitration, Sulfonal.,inn etc.), by Kbz -:'441dys, V. C. Potlln, Teng ~ur -ilci;-- '3 ".. - -1 .4,L, RWSS:rA,.N'1 pt---r Zhur Obahch Xhlm, Vc! i1o Ili 1.958, pp 3M-3029- Oonsultants Sci Dec 59 investiastion in the Field of 2,j1#3-ThlodL&&oIe Chemistry. x. syntbouls so Investigation of Derivatives of Pyriuldine-2olip3-thiodi"Olop by V, 0. Pulop A. Me DMU%4k4rj L. T. WMIANj per Zbw Obdwh Ibis- Vol XXIIj, So 100 1959P vp 32U.N2. (M Sol I ^o ~,,Y;057 Oct 60 /00 Che=io*'.-ry of 2,1,3-Tftiadia=)Ie- :EX. Reacticn o.,- DiOIJAe Wit2-, Sulfur I~bou Ch'in, I by V, G. Pesia, A. M. MSSIO,, per,, Zhur Obabub 102im, Vol UVIII, 11-0 c6i, .1958, pp 2094-2096. CB sai Investigation of the Volati-12 Substanc-,:~.-3 of Uarlicvby A. K, jOieLetskfy Euie W Ll. .RUSSIM, par, Zhur Obah--h rhJm; V o I K~Ill 1- Izo 6v 1957, PP 1727-17n- Sci - Chem 58 ChftftStl:-,~r Of P,-,M201idine. 1. vn--; ,j-uudy o~' S-o--- )1=3- and. Disubstituted Darlirativ--zs c.C 1.2- Diphonyl--4.1i.diaxopyi-azolidinc# by A. A. ~Lialetskiy, 1%-r4g, JU12-lisiangp 4 PI), RUSSSIANIt p-cr, Zhur Gtoshch Khim,, Vol No 9, 1958P :pp 2355-2359- CD I - Chem Sci Oct 59 A /,1 /7 I'Mudy of N-Oxides of' zn~-~; u-~i dir, N-Midc! Dcri~mtivas of I -, and Quinolinn, bv Pe-sit, Chou Ts'l.n, 7 PP. RU551AVp per Zbar Cbshch Xhim, Vol XXVITT, N~- 1958P PP 23~A-2354- CIB sci - chtm Oct 59 9 Stuftes In the FieX of the Chemistry of 2..1,.3- I - Thiodiatole. Ti. Chjarjmtjjon,*r-k-Branin&ticm a-h. and 5~-Amlnob=so-2plp3,-thiodlawles) 0. Fawn)po A. X%R"M pp. RMUNp pw, Zhw Obdkeb Mdup Val ZZYM, No 1, 3$0" pp W-26. Consultants Bureau Scd - CMU AW 59 5 ~. / /-~ It stuAr. cc Y-D Xtbor of 2-MetbwW-6-a342Vbswlj by $6. b""okwo T. 1. SlAolo"D 2.:PP- rj-Lra$jQ.. no ~Vor'. nw Va~Wh IM14 no 9j, M2., pp 16WWA4. Coundt"lu DOM" Scientific a Cbmu"try *MIA= Gitrmilotry c na-lion =..d Bromiriati,.-zi cf Pnzito-2~ by V. G. A. M~ M381P.N. per,, Zhur Obahch :Ohni:!i.~ V-~"L' 7~7iltr-.",.,~ NO 6, 1957: P-P 1575-1561, Consultmtri Bureau ..'4A - ohm Clititmistry of 2,1,3-Thiadiazolc,. T~X~ o1. At-ormt-ic, O-Drls-minez G~ Pc!~ino end Chth~"n FIISSY-P~%Tp per; n,,-tjr Obshc',i lCcimm, Vol The Chemistry of Plazothiola Oxidation of 3vh~' Benz-1.2.5-M,.diazole OW It* Dortvatl"S by A. 14. JOw1etekLyj V. G. Pastas, M%hou Tains 4 p# ....... ... RUBSUffj, per,* Pa Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol 9~, No Will., CWoultants Bweau Scl .4 LIM 7 AWS 58 Study of the Reactivity or cc - and 0 - Oxides of 0 -Sitooter-ol., by 1. V. Keenofontova, A. M. N-IlAgltm" 4 pp. MWIM., per,, Zhur Obahch Kblm, Vol )MX.. no 8., 1959, pp 2565-250. Conmatante Bureau sci Aug 6o Problem of Some Infectious Psychoses in Current Psychiatric Literature, by A. M. Khaletskiy, 15 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhurnal Nev-ro-patologii i p5ikhiatrii imeni S, S. Korsakova, Vol LVI No 5. 191~6, Pp 395-1,00. ~Oscow) FDD/X-319~ U19SR Sci - Medicine r~ 7 Nov 5C Investl Lou of the Actics or Bromine Up= I - It- D-)4ftVIUqa-a4kMbyI*tby1~*.. by A. *- A. Ik. Iblamns 6 ppe 0 poll tr RMMUMp no pors Zho Obobdi Skd'a,, ToX MWI No 2,, 19%., IP 434 -"0. CIA 9WYM C x Seel so Z4 Coomitanu VMS" fti w chmistry D" 56 ore The synthesio,of -Arylasides of'_ Cy(Llopmtancyn-2- carboxylic AcdAv by R. A. laTmitryapvo A. 1,. Khalstakiy L. D, vimmovas 3 pps XMMANS I'm,, Mwr Obdwh nim.0 Vol M=s, Ila. 2,$ 19619 pp :rl -3 CB If 671 A~f Md Mr 69 62-10655 Khal IIIRTAMSIO~* I~L [19621 Sp. I I refs. 62-10655 1. Khaletskii. A. M. Order from 07S or SLA $1. 10 Trans. of Btana*nayaj Prom[phlennost') (I)M) 1%1, v. 36, no. 4. p. 10-11. DEscup"s- 09teroids, Cholesterol. OSitosterols, Synthesis, Sulfates, Cellulose. A. (Wological Sciences --Pharmacology, Tr, v. 8. no. 7)1 Office of T A '. %Me&* biyAtwols am JAVeSTAINIUM al k., L -L)A. --a , -TO t~ =pa ftmwi.e-.. by A. A. Ya. Implaim pp. You tr MWWS, so pWp ShW CW6dk M"s Vol WX No 2 19%, pp 431-433. ca %MYM co A"I so emmitaww *m-mu set - chumiGuy Do* 56 CTS StOlles In the Field of 2plv3--2hLOdImmW . =X. CaotimtIon.. Hrmimt1ou., aWl Nitration of 4-and tV V-0. ftsin.., A.M. 7 PP- mmm., ]pwt zbw %shift xbdmlo Vol j, lb 6s 2963j, VP 1752-1758- ca sci mw 64 lj5 9 39 Staffl s in the Pleld of 291*3~-Mdodiazo]As- XXI:I- littation of Dwivatlves of Sons-2,1,3-Thiodiazoles., by V#G- vminp et a1,, 6 pp- MMIM.p VW., ZbW QWhCh lgdm,, Vol lb 6, j,963, pp 1-7:59-1-765. CD sai mw 64 3 ff 0? staftes in Itbe Flold at 2ols 2-5-Mdodissoles. ME. 7be D"Muca ot A4uo SWIVItIvell at Benx-2Fl.,3,-7bi*dl&- zoUm to tM ftobaw MmUcin and to XazoUzWon,, by V.Q. ftant jLN.,Xbvmj!!~!l ot alp 5 pp. FMSXM., pwp Zbw Obobob Oda# fti =Ms No 6a 1963.o ipp IIU-1751- an sei Aw 64 .? JS 9 3 4?c~Z Inv-est&aatum be ple3A of PJLS%OtbiCle In t ..2$5oOda2la~) cluxdArtrys, (3a,4-Ssnw-I 0. paoWl,, MORO by Mkzbi-Cbzbanp ms,"s ver., D* a clulp so 3v p CV- - 051 Conm&tm" Sol - AUS 58 MAIM In tm ammisfty,of JtvJ-m,3-"iO"&w"- ,V. mrstum it or som "No- and DOMIC DWI- T&tivm of by V. 0- pp- Cbab* Aft, Va 10 1 lb 91- pp con"Iten" Dugan Oct mail' how of ~ =4t *0 is* M4 w .&.Apaqw- - --A,- Ic - ll~ Ao-l 3 No - M- ~3wv Iwo ~ wAkd, oft WL Me as x wall " W-7300 0 0 &a Moro UW to Chemistry of 21 1. 3-Thiodia.zole. XV, Oxi(-se-i ion of Dzinz--4.0 Ij, 3-4hiodiawle With Potasaiiin kernanganate By V,, 0. Pesir-and A. M. Khaletskiy pp. 5 wa"Nowsawaftec !WSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch XhJ--, Vol XYAII, No 11; 196?, pp, 1905 - 3509 CB -Y/ 760 63 Brccdnation of MVI axA Sam of ZU Darivattwo, by S. A.. Zaputryay4fi,, A. M4 "-.. 6 pp. RML%N,, per Zbior Cbobcb XhIm.. Vol =111, r0 IMF Gk-24 19. Cowul%&AW Bureau SOL,- Ctsm Oct 58 Chemistry or 2., Is, 3-ftlo- sni - OWen-Max0lasy 7be Hosadvitr of Recodym In DwIvatIves of !,:t,zo-2,t 1s, 3-tMadidaWlep bly V. 0, POMM and A. K. FM ZhW ObSbob SURs lf,*l M=v No 10p S Mpg 63 3zl1q.-I CheldstrY of 2m 19 3-ThladUS010ji XX - MlDrimtiOu &ad BroodnRUM of Go FsaJz* A. K. Kba'l*U Lyp L. A. K&uWumay ------------ RUSSIO., per., 2aw Obahch Mdup Vol =.. go 7p 19Wp pp 23B7-2192. CB lict Aug 63. Sukharukow. B. 1. IL W U., POILM MiC"N OF MMML kWMCRYLNTR IN JA~m*Srom, COMAW ELECMIC FIELD. 11961) 7p. (5 Ap. oridned) 14 refs. Order frmn M or SLA $1. 10 62-IOM Trans. of Russian language article frcxn unidentified source (19591. DESCRIPTORS' OAcryllc: resins, Polymerizatiom. Elec- tric fields. 011jectrets, Electrical properties, Infrared spectroscopy. An electret was obtained during tM;**merlzat1on of MeMyl nmthacryWc In which there was shown, with an accuracy,of up to 170. the absence of-fromen" orlenta- Uun ot polar group. It was observed that im aveowl witb electrodes at strcvg constant vokeye. polyummriss- ciao of methyl medocrylate py a r P m dW own skoody thas in a sludlar veaml wftbotit v*kW. R wm dwern do jCbetnistry-4bysical, IT, v. 9, so. 3) 10m) 62-IOM 1. Khaletakill M. M. n. suldxrukov, B. I. C f? '24 7 4 9 1 oft at T0~h*d Unt" 31 te t4o St"I jWbW mUld AM160 cir 41-ANIU- Atld* VY A- 14 L* Sh- OveoviCho 3 50-1 TOL XXITS so 20 lift 2,mzm scimtUla Obml*W 55 ..PC P-sit"tumi 7m. Craft Pbytmterol I Ann V*A 3 lip: #APwo I VO& =Vo So 3m Ago Xk two# IMA60.0 F351-0541 cmrb ISM? oloofflaimmu ammu ftleatim - Mmostryg of 6~493 16 IL NUMM 64 V" =25 ft - - -.Ab~ ammouve KXVJNW 3581;~Cwww,p * A. 16 to ow - -m .Jxk!y~ft AV Ing wouss tip 1 ~ so ww ow .,4 =jp Ift 30 4e4Xj 5we* IR on syhi~esio or piasoftlo"(3,,4-lkmc~.-l.2.5-ftiodiazole) and litts t~srivatlvosq Up by A.. U. M&jSt&b,, V. G. 3 FULL trums). ROMUMm perjo Zhuraft SLU Vol Mavo no is Was Jan 1954j, vp IM-M50 D 15=5 coumatoots Bureau Scientific - cbeols" c2s 66/mar 55 al 87awmais nvA r 1; cm, of NwthyldJLcyclo- bWl=9bLwlp by N. Vs Xbromov-Dwisovs A, M. Y=MteksM A, K. MoloWys 4 ppo Han"o OD FWA EMW gmegb. Xblaj Val Mo No 3,, UWv lkr X955,9 Vp 5M-W. CTA C 39388 - atanto Bureau SClOft1fic - ChMt9tz7 74/tov 55 syntbodo ctA5j, 29"Mmmul-17 Mmm plarmad gbwcms )l by A 0 MbaleUlWp- LL OWbamoup 6 PPO I -I Ill MMI a* pwip Zhw Obobob DUB., Vca Un.. g6 It, Aor 280, VP 0 W - cbsolstify 4 0 -' fe 6 71 T* 1"T M/dex gontbeelf ad V-ptAce of'Ritro- md ftarb- Du,tvmlwlmivw-w- of 3,v'%-=6tftl.-3# %--# by A. IL nslotmkv- A. N. ftdmbvmp pp. w0 MUMM w pws Zbw Obdwh 12fto, Vbl XMo no 5,l mw ZR, 3W :LJ*3-1455- ammoltouts Dazvm 117 mw 57 / 9/& Synthesis and Inv8stliptim of 1.,2-DIphenyI-A'.-;~,- and I-J-ftVhtbY1-24nVmDfttbYIc=Gs by A. M. naletskyj A. TA. mapla".. 4 pp. WMIMS so Part zbw ammb XhImp Vol IV,$ so 8p Aug l"5p vp 3,"6-1"q. CIA C 4M56. Ikamau SJ7 / 44 to Sol - ammiew .10 Jun 1956/o= 0"431toot4mls by k. U. 9!!!~kyo, U chshm- " Sus PPO m Vwj Zbw Obdob Map Va IMO No 4,0 4r%.$ pp UM4=36 .1% OommiLiMm2ft Sm , &d - Obo"try 4el $r 6 7r T* xw *Wamst w --ill.wIlMly A. kl:l MBly 7. G. of ~13-10 Of 1t5 of Screral Cjlllo7-~-' 103 Cl,t lgr(,,, pp In -7 The Syntbomis of NoostwoW Aob~p~.. by A. M. Kbmiletaky,, B. A. 7AhVUwyu"vj, 4 pp. RUBSIM,j so qwq Zbw Ob*IL-,h Oda WSR , Vol XXVI g No 11, 1.956 t ipp 3026-3M. emoultanu swrmu sci - Chem Jul 508 ll~ 7.5-6 r I/ The Synthesis or Couplex Estero of Lignoceric Alcohr) and LISweeric Acid., by A. M. KhaletolW,, U. H. Gors1mya,, 4 M. MMIAN,p no per, Zbur Obahch Khim., Vol XXVIr No 10, Oct 1956Y pp 2765-2767. Oonsultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry 6 9 1/I/iI mar 58 A* X* oil TIO JMWwa 4t OWNWa Ch"IW7 at 00 To% Us, NO 7* Ja 2"C6 pr St" w 32" =*p 221A)* 00MAtoram sag= ftvest4ption of the Actift or lorrmir an 1 -17. ~ . a - - i Dlm*tbyIau,jmoVbtW.j vbevwJ44,by.!*w, by A. P. Khft'!~!M" pd A. IF. mmitskqes, !. 0 it MWIM,p so Pt!,o ow Ob" Kkkaovoi nn, no jigg 1952o P-AhIT1420. Cm;u)tants Bareem Sal Cbesistry rob 54 CTS d? ,?43-1