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Posalble Yjec~ ~ oZ the Ccmection Between the Synaptics of the lanospbvvs and Um Tropospberer by V. N. -KassenUchp 9 ppo XJMU.- Pmv Is Ak Sm"s, 2-960j, PP 34-43. 965&M Amer Notmw see AF Res D:Lv L. G. Hamom Field Bsdftrd, Jkxs Apr 61 'Possible Methods of Me"Ur1w 8Ixw Neutmn con* In the r2 LWWI of the lan6sybemp b7 T. N. Wasm.d.3ma 3 IX* Ak Book NO:o, Vol No 19584. pp 57-59. Amer last or FA" Bar R"-D Vol M 0 It* Sol Di&r 60 The Geophysics and Astrohellolphysics of the Ionosphere, by V. ff. XeeamiUk,,,,.58 pp. RUSSIANp bkj Pasprostrwdye RatUcroln., 1952., Chap XVIO PP 408447. 174- 1 ATIC IF-JrB-lC)095/V Set - Electro tee fty 57 Cciz.orarl'tu, Scattering in a Plaom., by V. X. Xesserdkh., pp, LIBSIAN., per., Izvostiin VIM,, Mika* N3 1, 1960, 434-435. MW K-W Fm X-44W nov 6o 'Colaeraut Scattering In a Plalunal* lly V. N. KaGeemikh! -I *ol", 111JESIA3 .1. ., per,. Iz Vysshl kh Ucheb Zwmd Yi z Kc I vp 2* 23'r-4 AZS..T E-9230 ID 2166472 3C .!-t. - ..L.L Possible Mechanisms of the Cc cti Betwen t Synoptics of the Ionosphere end the Troposphere, I V. - N, Unseal kh,, 9 . 1 --L ~- t, 6, rva 0 V% C-'f RUBSIM, per.. Zzftbel-Ak-39" 1 1960,, Amr Noteoral Soc PY Cambridge Pas Center Sa - OeopWe mw 61 446 6 Certain Questions in the Theory of Propagation of Radio Waves in the Ionosphere in Connection With its Erroneous Treatment by V. N. Kessenikhs by V. L. Ginzbure, 12 pp. RUSSI"s pars Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, vol xxv, 1953P PP 498-508- AEC Tr 2357 Sci - Electronics, ik=dnew P_bysics Revicw Lf the by V. N. Kessenikh, 6'5074-~)) fd pp ATIC F -TS-3403/III Scientific - Electronics Aug 55 OTS.,bM CPO ai/Geophysios Evolution of Vime on the Kessenikh, UNCLASSIFIED RV9-S-TA9-,-per, Iz Ak Nauk,, Struature of the Ionosphere, by Vol Up No 2. 1941. ) ~,-f ~j I Navy Tr 105/NRL 274 ") , ":-, (' c/ c An Att ,empt at a Xwe Aceurate Calculation or .be Graph of Temperature -Fd so 4winst Tize In ,lectric Iftchin-es Plth the PAd of Fttat-Sourcr: ,lontigurations.s by, A. Keenler. AUDIM, per, Archiv fur MAktrctechnik,, krol XW., No 1, ig6o,, PP 59-76. esnw RW # ?.aActron The syxmtrima uptIMUN6 try C. Ko"Ier CBS"* lip lw# VP 395JX)O; Val 22P Im 43P.-k36* ftf : 52M (323.6V Sol-moohnsical 'Aue W 16~ 12 -115 ;In Attempt at a Xwe AccuMte Calculwriol o: ..he Grayh oi~ 'ftWrature-Rise Agairiet Time in ll.Cnt~~C r&,C!2-'EneS With VIM PA6 Cf by A. Mosier. pairs Archte fur -,vxw, 31n 1., -(960, pp 59-76. 'Uectron 4=04n M* ftl ~ . - r-I lumhoLiks-1. p 0 slanow,62 by Cm 12s, Ammummo VbI 31, 395.)40j, F.73i=' A" s gman"Ovap Vol zw C i . /.-A C-1- -1 ~ SV4.Ftw 0806.7 342-" I ~ I --'A i72.1 K,,-Irr, C. -A! i R )N ~ - 4 lit t,i ';i, I.A VOW, ji"it'i j 17j). (,to d ";yI.C.11-1 ,f S, :I;, I. it Jill , C. n~! . o! f, , ., , c 1~ it I r,,ct u i I i aa.,Iw Jowl v i)., I Ill- ' ~ i mii, . Ti' mj v. 7, :k,). 5) 1 ) , Doi". .11-"-, S--- A Contribution to the Thmy of On-0" Contronera, by C2a= Kessler. GRMW rp ftWInv6steOhrdk* Tol. Vp No 10s 1957P VP MIX. MA 6UeM SOL mar 62 Vol VnIp No 2 Nitrite Formation and Respiratien During Thtrnte bly Green A3.1,11ne, 11v F. GERMA. j:er, Z- Q*fb"chung, Vol 711b, 1952, Typ 280-204. Sci Jul 59 -- some is of an& so Oak% 0 i6mb;~~ , 86 Z, 1111111111110 ~ , - 7/ -k ... 1 06 . 0 .: #4 . MPINImililw , - - ""----- ~ lw -"WMMMMNWV % Kessler ,:F) ow i 3w, 90#319 an Im mw ii, /--3-s-- Interim Bead Transitions at Absorption MachoaLowe or free Cbar&p CorrLers La lWoLcoafte tots, Part it, by F. R. Kessler. 70 pp. GUMPt per# onics Status SoUdL Vol (it No 3, 196be pp 4-520 ,U P4VW/ff -2 3- 60 7 - 61) / 7, x ~'. x' " -, ~ . 2 ~;') / ~ , ~- sci-pbya jam 74 and Absoi-ptlca of Wag-Waw IrXf-u,,ad RaLliat-ion uy C;erm*ai= in a r-hoto----mdu--ti-:a Statz. by F, R. Kessler, 19 pp, GMUMS. per, Z iftturforacbmg, Y0.1 X117a, Ito :pp SIA 59 -10724 Sci - ft-ya Sep 59 Vol 2, Vo 1 iftrestlasums Ot "A coosawXul. 4. vilcosso"I SP*Otr& od stmAtme Of so" 140goo4c Tub- ruwAam omootmost K.--ealw - parp E . Qua. Vol 318, . IBM 196up Rp -M-206. s Sj- c-,r- Jul 6T Kessler, H. and Wtnterstein, H. TME EFFECT OF VARYING ME FINENESS OF I. NEW GRAIN-REFININC PREPARA11ONS ON VARIN!~ 11. PROPERTIES OF Ga-SI-ALLOYS. [1961]8p. Ill. Order from A TS $J3.25 ATS-30NW; IV. Trans. of Z[eltschrift fUrl Metallkande (West 1956, v. 47, no. 2, p. 97-101. DESCRIPrrj,r)RS: *GnWum alloys. *Silicon alloys. Al- loys, Grains (Metallurgy), Processing. 61-25655 Kessler, H. Winter6tein, H. AT'S-30NT54C Associated Teclinicai Services, Inc., East Orange, N. (Metallurp-Stractural. Yr, v. 6, no. 11) Off- .4 Causes of fts AbsorptWn MA Iffective G" DetoWnIng arA DeSm"Ing Methods for Alualrduma Allipjal, by N. NUMI*r Glawt per.* AlwdLld^ , Vol XMV,, ft q.; VP W-m. 1958 COSIIIROO~ SOL - MnAbt - mete-uuza //,!( - 7 ma 6o Zrrect (xr Colmn WrUpra"o an Al=WWRInt by 11. K"&Ur,& 7 pp. WWAMW Aluaftims, Vol M=p Jhl/Aug 1953,p vp 325--U7. 3* ft-a 7 S-LA- No M*/19% Scleatifle - mmrs"/afta" Difficulties RevultUg From 310 AlloWing Contents In AlmInim Casting Alloys, IL L. WIntersUint mm"O 10'rp Noul" , Vol XLVI,, go 8,, Aug m5p pp 545-"6. 1 1 .1, 4. 7YOIIIS~6 A110101M labomtorlm, Ltd. Tr B-M-186-55 Sel - min/muls Procew for the vw !140 at various Pmp- erUes of GADWAUAWsj IbV R. H~jp 6 pp. GMM,p pwp Z fur MUM- - -- ej Vol Z=v NO 6v 1958v v2 -a 2 Agi-eswka Md aw 6e VOI Ms, No 3 / f, F, 6f 0 ~ 2, Tho Pmoction ol' Solid Iron with I,S-Atrf) Alloy:3 Containing rVZinci by K. fl. Ncssler OF-xvm, ~nr, Metall, Vol V11, 1"'o pp 6(23-6io. "aruteber Tir 316~~ CT "s /D i'l, P.-! c e The West German Cultural Policy in the Se-~-vice of Neocolinialism, by Horst Kessler, 13 pp. GM~VJI, )Cr, Einheit, Nc 1, lQ62,. FBIS Wire EEu.,- - Ge-L-many Pol 2---?, oct 62 E4wisom with t1w Fivo-olectrode Filtor t4as,, by J, Kessloro H, Ltadmro GHWIANO per* Zoft*OsAft for AagmsWko Physik Vol 13, No 1, 19640 pp 7-9. M 1 ASSA TT F-IIVIOS GOVEMM"T USE ONLY Sti-Electr sopt 67 3410,!46 Tfw soplormot at a MWA*Aft JUSU Bettallom In the WIstry Mmnta$ms by C. Bdwltlin; 'Ib* 1 l at T"w 094 munu Berviae at the la go VUfty HOMmin, by L. A. zwml~rp 0 vr. UP ft!%Ob) 4800,0 pews, Allownift ad= 'M slash- A&Utmz,- Vbl =VP 3b 3 ift4m. 3111, a. bRo WNW .9 Nil Avg .r c aftwkwal *Mips at Mack coal on caltowiftum, by U. K"Olart T. Tesu4bms t ''-, *""*"-,-" C*Mv Pws P&Uwv Ta 3MM& Ib Gp 19%v pp ILSR-1990 am*-9bo &d Ave 59 IF f 0'., a 75 The Determination of Variations in the Lattice Para- metere cf Varlous Graphites, by Ferdinand M. Kessler, pp. I-fmItiNN, per, Chem Usti, Vol LI, 1957, PP 13-PO, AEC Tr A Sci - Min/met 7,5 Nov 57 -nveat,l-gation of the Tberr,al Decomposition of 1411L-ck Cuala, by M. per, Paliva-, Vol ~-XA-ii: NQ 10. pp 3(f.!-3CR C 6 1 i 0 - 3 20 3 'S u i Investigation of the Therml Decomposition of Hard Comle p by M. F. Nemaer. RMTM - nm p MUve, Val ]M.p 1,955.9 pp Xe-iA - Nat'l Coal BcNLrd Tr A U& U, S. DWOM 13C min" OmbxwL alwwinmt Oution Pittebwr&I Pa. /71 Bel - Cbm Oct 61 New CooncmT)ta of the Molec-almv Btr=turo of 'Z I-call, by it. F. Nespler. CZECH, per, Uhll, Vol Vis No 11', n3 1960, '~,7t P -380. P Dept of Interior National Coal Rd Tr 1317 U3 Bur of Mnes Central Ex W iment Station Pittsburgh., Pa Oxidattion of Hard Coalst by M. 1". Kiaasla- - C MBj, w., UhU2 Md go 10., 1955, PP 342-347. Dept of Interior Nai;i=al Coal Bd Tr icr-94 Us Bt= of Mines Central Experiment S"ticca Pittsburgb., Pa S--i - Cbem -41.1he metlioci c,- Cokc,, by Veceri'.-lova, pp, Vol Oc t U, U" Nessler. 257 i)D. 14,,-Tl C-TCT~ T TJT', 3 -191 COPMI(,i CL Econ Paver i'Lul 61"-) u Jbic Aluminium in a-ar5 VIIJLSl,, -1. 1 R IT par, IM A.1430 Chem Jr, n 60 Contribution fo the CUnical Picture of HistoplassallAs by Peter N. Mosalers a ppo amm ,o perp Ned Iltup Vol.]LVMO No 45., 1953s, pq 1662-16&. E03 Scientific - Medicine CT13/ba / 7; ~4-0 IL fOr by R. Kessler. CIA D golo697 GYR-.kut pir,, Zeit Fuer Angewmdtc Payeji-i-, Vol VIII, 7 4o5,, 4o6. A. C.I]. I'. 9,1b Sai - Electronics Jul 57 of Znavy Elpt-":' bl. C r; Bw"&Q12 E~Ydwcgdn dzh-I an Aqueous CaUlye"", Susptmalon., by E. W. Decker, R. Mbenar.. fl. llet-&wsr, 26 'p-a. GEMIPIT, Clacm The Toch, Vol yu, 1956, MO 288. Ay;-" AEU Ub 79.0 Set - Chm, Doe 58 '7 ~~tbodn of 5-peect-ral t1pneir Ac-~nrna,~,! by W,, Kessler.. G. Scheibe. GYONAN, rptp International Congress on Glass k 5th, 1959; P 1/5- CST-RO Sci - Chem oct 6L*i J -71 -3 j- -,/ Xtectracbmi"I =a nwaicodwNdea P")Wtfts CC A-Imium canymm" in Von-AsumM Salutgow-P lw Iftep Ni. liletillilli~~s A23&tov&- wid No 3s Imam=$ Wt voi 33, wat I !&--~ &A rl- low oci-Cbem ja 66 305#562 Note on the Theory of Solutiona of Strong Electrol~, i;: !~, by Yu,, M, Kessler, A. 1. Gorbanevp 3 P-P- RUSSIARp per,, lz Ak Nauk MR,, 0-t-del Khi-n Nauk, No 32, 195O~t pp 2116-2118. CB sci %.12 ~ 3 ~~ -7 C~~ a oct 6o fcwm ur lAqui&m v-vz%w of )"Mary sys+Avk! crommicsLum 1. ayvtAmw CA, +Am nwAocttc 4.03AIGSOCUUMS COMVOn=t$, IV ft- x ms"lwj 10 pp,. MMUN, per, Is Ak Iftak MRY Otdel Oda fAnk, No 8j, 1957, VP 887-897- aci - Chem MY 59 Thermal Izmlric of the System, Rw e,-,- - Ete=-'c Broodde., by A. F. Mapiwtlnkay,, Yu. U. ftealer,, 6 pp. RMIAN, pori Ts Ak Nouk SSSR.. Otdel MAm Nsuk, No 8., Ana 1956.. PP 889-893- Corimitants Bureau Sel - mbemlBtry Idle- 5? 0 0 Jun 57 Effect of Structure on the ?hermcdynamic Properties of Solutions of Strong Electro]Vtet~, by A7 L.Gorbanev, Yu. M, Tessler$ V, V. Krylov, I PPT. R'M'IAN.p perg Zhur Struletwmay Khim,, Vol II, No 3, 1961, PP Abo-bLO- CB 3; Sci Mar 62 Certain in The Prapertl*x of Soluftow of ftrms Ase%mLytw # bw A. I no -,%Drt Tue me powarmp RUMMUP pwv Dak Ak sank Mal Vol CXV, so 6, 1.959" vv IM-1m. comp"41an" Isuzeau act 7-03 Apr 6o all"Almlade grb*b&Ue Duwtiom in a Nonawems 1w W. U. SOMIMP 4 Meal= JWLI. tr ==Mp w pw AIL NO 50 W%.p 3W cummitmou Rare= ed - a=do" AY 6 wet sin 57 m The Departures of the 2bernodynUde Properties of Solvtloc~af Strong ElactrolyUs from the LimItIng lav in the Debye Pegion of C08centra- tionn't IV lue U. Xcluslers A. L Gorbanev, OBT"I per,, Dok Ak ftuk 488R,, voi cxvn, No 3v 1957m, PP 437-440. consultants Bwean Sci - Chem vc t ~a 1'0 '7 Z Eur/Sal/it Geophysics/'Meteorol6gy c Tide Phenom-3n& in the Harbor of Ragusa (Mateorologloal Influenoes onIfflater Level Changes), by W, V. Kesslitz, 3 PP- UNCIASSIFIED GERIAN, Mittailungen aus dam Gebiste des Seewasens, Vol IL, No 6, 1912. Navy Tr 149p-i,O. C June CTS Study of ttetal GERMAN, per, Z. pp 104-107. *NITIS/USDC/NDS TT 71=55056 Available NDS Only Hardening, by Kessner. Metallkde., Vol 27, 1935, 11 ess K", e. W-I ,'.!ay 71 A. lrp=~. H. Arebly F4 on, vol. ~",, h" fit-mress 3 tablec., 6-100 -wo2v3s; 1936* Weldine Propertier of Bratcber Trans I , Order He. 305, "6.30. 62- ISM -KesMA" wo IM -EFFECT OF COLD DRAW= LWON TM WEID- 1. Kesmum, A. M PROPERTIES OF BARE STEEL ELBCMODES, U. 4ocht. M [19621 15p. Order frm SLA $1.60 62-t8933 CoWen&W uim& of Archliv for dul Hisenhftenwissenj (Germany) 193S. v. 9. mgx 5, p. 231-239. DESCRVMRS: Elecumdes. 4StceL Cold-wwklq~. *WekUm OWokkd jolam bhxhankW properdes. QAemUurgy, TT, v. 9. no. 6) 8"k, at TKMW MM.. Ma A. go A. = 0 1, a 1 Arsh v f1hot ~o Vol. 24v 22 f1swr"s 3 tabl"s 48W madmi 1%19 Upiftems at YLelA Point far the fttug~ 3trenSLb of RIO ?eusUe Dt"Le. Mtuhw Tmmv Ckldw NO- U94v 6 5-90. M iwm*so IL gm 10 Map vol 66 1909 pp 30-392 zarl=um at attlesm to nabodtle and au*Aaluo-rw- game 1A3,00,614fila obwas sn"4,r Tram 23"9 02.90 X,rt. -4c A IrMPER-L-ITTTING BVI'W[-.*I:N FERKITE. IN IIIE' -'c;TRUC"I'LlRE P%lay 4011511) k2 fie-S. Ordvi I rom M. A qu$ 1. PROCF-S.Sroll DISTING11MING1 ALKI'ENrrE. AND CARBIDES OF tIlGll-(:IIROMILJNI 01TIML-d) I I rcts. 8t), ph$ 1. 80 W-18282 N)- 18282 1. Sit-cl-Ampulln, I I Kcsstivr. H STE-1-U.S. Trans of ArL Im ftll (JAS I-JlClltlIlIICllWL'St'll (Gvi in-my) 1442. v. It, Im, 411) 145-146~ offi-f Gas Corr~poiou of Austenite St"Is at High I*mperstureo, by Ye. A. Davidovskaya, L. P. Kentell , 5 PP. RUSSIAM, per, Votall i Obrabot Metallov.. Au 10, 15-56, pp 29-34. CIA/Z-357 Sci - MIU/met I-f ~ 6 33 NOW 57 CTS/dex of Corrozion Stabllit-v ol' ttra Act,ion of rligh Tamporat-wro by G. Wdenkia, 2. A. DavidovolLaya,. L. 313; Spovotly Z411allell'ity), Koscow, 1950. Sel Tr C~:ut~-r 1 -8 D LY, 61-14618 ?,c~tenimur.7.76 Alfred. ~o-: i.11:01ANI&M, OF NYS-I'AGNIUS (Der Mcchanisniu, 1. Kestenbaum, A. 'IL~ Nystagm~'). [19611 1641p. 106 refs. Ord,rr fron, SI.A $6.60 61-14616 "ians. of [A IN whil v[on] G1-at4c*S Archliv] f[ur 1 ()II41d,1111 1[,11C%1(fl(;VT1TW11y) 1921, v. IM, p. ",')1)-hU. DESCRIIII'OKS: Eve 'Nystagmv,~, Mo(ion. L 0f%.. .4 Teatin,; of Metallic and NormiAllic Protective CoutlnZs for Corrocion Reelet4wee In an ArtWicial industrial Atmwphnv,, by.'W, 4;p";mIch. GEEMU,, per, Stahl und 91reg, Vol LXXI, So 11, 1951p pp Drutcber Tr 3125 OcIentUic - 1.1ineralo/Watals Price $2.65 Nov 53 CW, 7e2 7/ ilom Cljmto and lamati-OstiLtic Build-UP In wttm .9-4~m MP" a by 14. WOMM aDd A. W~mi 10 pp. GMUMO lgwj, Millmd Testilberv Vol XXMs 1955a pp 873-On- SPA - Tech Ja 58 MA Tr 26441 Attempted IsolatUM Of thO CC:-- -Fixing Auttgell and of the Tirw of, Foot-and4buth Dleeaneso by GottfrI04 PYI aW JTXIORV~I K"tb%- Mmu, per,, Z ftr DakkerIals Pbamsitv Inrekttonskraukbelten =d Bygimel, I. Orlglualov 701 aui" so 6P Ifty 108s 3T&3W- USDA Scientific - Biology may CN/Du Ex Pathor.-.enesis of' So-Called IIemorrh'L--I c: '.~'.3i-,'ircso- Nephritis, A. G. Kestner, GETK~d" -per, Archiv Patolo,~~ii, Vol I-aII.. Tio -, L"~ ~_). FDD sci - I.Ied Dec _~'O Climatic Inv6stigntims in t1w Trwfts by Otto X*stner Wener Bordtardt. 09U.~-~WiZ. ~KMsdw Nochwkschrift, Vol Ville No 390 WHO pp Y-A.W:1801. P93#037265. NASA TT F-9800 NOTICE BECAUSE OF COFYRIGff RESTRICTION DIIS TRANSL HM-KOT BEEN PUBIJSHED, THIS CWY IS FOR IMMRNAL USE Of NASA PERSOMEL AND ANY REFERENCE TO THIS PAPER "T BE TO 711E ORIGINAL GEntAN SOURCE Mona or Man om IMF wMalm a V"m IMPOWNRINS W L. A. OWWAN4 (L C. jmfwt~ - ::lM^1= # low 4~ WtAujwo we 0%6 So .0 wooo AW 62 wisoll Solid Lubr1cants for Components Working Under Conditions & Dry Friction, by P. 9. Doyachanko,, 0. S. Kestner, L. A. Chatalepins 4 pp. RUBS1W,, peri, It Ak Nauk SSBR,, Otdel. Tekh Naukq no i2j, 1955p pp 128-130. Sci Hu LILb Tr 57/6,059 R.A.Z. 7w.-mbarau& iir 611 Set - Znginearing "1~4 5~ .571e Jul 57 .I!W&*=,V* -of &USM-er:3L An 9 -1 -a 0 w M00%=3e pe 9 3 lpt wAlaw Obw NWO~m Wdus Ta Isis lb to W, i~ W&M. An mL- LJ6&0 ;Da-,q*vo $a OW do Impor m STR J-4760 (DC-il37). A BriUlwt Victory Of the CCP General Lim A the Tibetan Atitanomow Chou of Ahpa -- A J-13 Lesp rrcm Serfdom to People's Ccmaunw.. by Ke sung,, 9 IV. CHjr4=,, per,, Nin-tztx 'Yeb-chia, ljo 9., Peip-Jag, pp FE China am / a 7- Fab 60 z ftatelartic ftrmoato In "Suads so* Ma for the awttuw at ft"t, bw a. U1,1b7d, I. ft sy"na =Sala*. pw Vol. 16i 30. 1965, Pp -41-243 fti (7 j39-~I Irfftt at W th* VftvUAld Mwimmismi~i JAIL' Of t1w zwftlo mlvwuo nou ORURO W40 preqwnay mmwb- slet"s of the To"welAhms by V. N. smtlce Tj, ft 60 :L9&" in T.;3. sm ft:i - o"Aws am 63 = Go" = Ventricular Tecb~ycardia in a Yvunj~ Man, Oaufied by an infarc-4, by j. Ujinklsa, M. k~eszthc4, 6 pp. GAMIN, per., lferhan~-'11 Deutsch Ges Inn Vol .1959, pp 584-586, Sci - YRd Feb 62 7 A Study of the Antagonism in Bacteria, by F., V. Ketu6 %, gurova, A. V. Olitskuya I RUOUOt perx It Vys Kura Prik Zoo! i r1tapatol, Fo 12, 1941p PP 310-323. 145.92 lq4-4. USDA Bcientific - Biology CTS/DEX &/? w (-I-Onic FoArIgatJon in Solids Relations Between Optical and Dielectric Propertile-g~' by J. Errera.. H. Ketelaar, 15 Pp. '-0" per, J Phys, Vol VIII No 3P 1932j pp 239- 247. SIA Tr 57-1055 Sci - PbQrsdes '.~-';z/ -3 Bey 57 -.01, ici~-4 COOW*tAve Lwutlption of Photoelectric Spec tarsp by J. A. A. Ketelmar. GRMXp yer, Obab WeekbW.9 Val LI., So 12, 1955s pp 2U-219. ~,4( 40,~- 'F,00 7 aratabor Irr Ift 360 ".90 low % M/M Ketelaar. J- A - A. , Fahrenfort, and others REPORT ON A GROUP TEST OF pHOTOELECTRIC SPECTROPHOTOKIETERS. [Feb 63112p. Order trom ATS $12. 75 ATS-39P66DI.; Trans. of C hemll rcb I Weekblad (Netherlands) 19s5. v. 51. no. 12, p. 211-219. DESCRIIYYORS: *Spectrophotometers, Photoelectric effect, Tests. 63-12773 1. Kctelaar, 1. A. A. 11. Fahrenfort, J. III ATS-39P66DU IV Asswiated Technical Services, Inc . F.ast Orange, N. (PhYSICS-Spectroficopy, rr, v. 9. no. 7) We& cd TrcMAt3J le,w,, Investigation of Tum3stea W. - ~.%ft e F~ 2- ~L-. cl Vapor Pewsure of Tangsten hor.-ach-lorides, by J4 A.A. KetAaaar- FMCH, p", Raeuell deseTravium des IM fty3 -Ba-- Vbl Lul., 1943, Py 597-,6o5. DVt of Interior WT C57 No 19,3-1 Sci - Min-mot Apr 62 J-1745/66 Unhappy Country, by Anna, Kethlyp HUNGARIAN., np., Irodalmi Uj&aLg, No 16, Paris., 15-23 oat 1965., pp 1-2. *MS/SF-4210/SpeciaLls EM/Hungary Pol Apr 66 Contributions to the Volhard 11stbod of Determining Halogen., by E. Sebuleks, F. Pungor, J. Kethelyi, 12 pp. Full translation. GMMN,, per, Awl-Ttlea Mom-&-ata, Vol VIII, 1953, pp 229-234. S.L.A. Scientific - Cbmdistry Aug 55 Ifew At4as for Spectroscopic Stc*l Inveistlantion. W :. Kethelll - roust,par, awl" Anslit... No 7. 196*-. pp 47-1 5 CRL/T M scl - Sep 67 140, 205 The Ocmwrance of Internal 114rictiot) Pe:,.-m Associated With the S-brest)-induced Dif - fuslou of Carbon in Alloy Steelm Having )A FAce-Cantrad Cubic Lrittlcc, by IIx Tlip.:.;--- Tzien Chih-Tstang, I:L pr. RUSSLVI~ par, Fiz Metal I lmet~-.krl, 'vOll No ?N 1957, pp 291-305. Perg,a=n I=t Sal - Physc ZeP 58 7