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Procama for tbA-. PolymAzatiou of Ethylene in Aquaoua Smulsion, by Dr Rudolf Kern, 2 pp. Cl,k',-,WH. 7.:atent No 864,572, 27 Jul 1953, 14,--diw~hn i.l.iliu a""' C IA /FDD TLA - 430 Apr .4 (PDD 28225) Experimental Disinfection of-Surfaces of Chloramine i,.ercsozleg Vy Vc U. Nern, W. v. xanoviev, 9 pp. RUSSIO., mo per,, Zbur Mikrobiol Zpideviol i ImmumMoll No 4, *meM, AIr 19%y pp 112-115. CIA /M) U-9M .LZI. // ~z U&M Sci - Medicinep disinfection oct 56 61 22tof6 Kern, W. , cherdron. Ii. and Lchers. POLYOXYME'lliYU.-NE-S. [1961120p. 'A'. Order h orn A*rs -~14. 75 AT'S-93NlilG it. Op:'l;oll, H. 'I raii,. of Ang Chun[iej (West Germany) 1901, IV. A,;,-~, 1 o v. 7z,, tic. 6, p. 177-D%0. U:xi,v, N. J. DPS~CRIIITOR- *N1vthanes'. v. 6, no. S) of -k3 tllt~ :L IL Vol '~, ;I ftntbealm of Nuaramolecalax at M=Orz SiZO awt IV. [1) privaipum of tke bViiestion process, by W. Me=, K. J. Rmterkus) 13 rT~ GmWN, "r, kr Cben, Vol mmi1j, NO 3; 1958, IV 223-435. A20 33L310 S~cj - Cbmistry Nov 59 POt"WrLZ&tIOM Of fty"WA With P-BTMO Demayl ~ Parmide (cmdcai ftiscui ar wr. of Potyg"T"09 by Xa-~ H. Ksmme"r Mmm, psr, Journal fwr p3mktische U I CbmIs Vol GU a love pp 11-112. 20"7 W, MW 67 3250063 1) kwtoxidatlon of Unmaturated Ccoxz;.*-,p by W, Kern anzf 04 H.Willersi=. GZRWWv pers, Makrmol Chmp Vol XV., 1955,, PP 1-14, ASLTB-GB57 Bel I I// / Iq W Aug 58 11 Wca a= ard Bronnotems. Evicb. &MOVOLAR COLL40M.% MOLV=LRS. M. POLYMZRIC AUDM AS MODBIS FOR PROISDO. JALZ 631125p) IS -I OrdW from SLA $2.60 IT-"-10513 Tram. of jjmrwl ft) P~&Wtmdwl Men*@] (GwmAuW) 1941. v. 159, w 8/10, p. M-217. DB=WrM*. OC40", OFObWAM, OAShos, Prodw. Vowcular an game, *Bdwbdmbm, FObVACiWUM. CAOdWANIM r*UXIGW, TT-"-10515 1. Kom W. 11 - ft*m*~W S- M. Tlft F*Mm (cbomdmtg7--Orv*K 7T. V. 11. am 4) On Methyl-Substituted Polyphenylenes, by S, Claesson, R. Gehm, W. Kern,-28 Rp. FRENCH, per,, Makramolekulare Cheide, Vol VII, No 1, 1951, pp 46-61. SLA 60-10866 Sci MS, Vol III I No 6 /Y ~~ :5ep ~ 0 1102 (/-*,/ , 11 I i of unrttumitc.-I 0-,, by W,Xeiul auald 11. Willaripinn,. GERMAN, per,, Ngkrmol Chmp Vol XVv 1955P Pp 15-35 ASLIB-05T 7/// 1 ~,J' I Cha*cal Reactione of Syntbetle Polymrs, by W. Kern, 23 p. CZWR., per,, Sbornik CbeMmjmzt9)Wkb Xhisdabaskykh ftbotp 1957, p Vol XUI, pp 126-140. MA 60-10075 Sol Apr 60 //.2x as 01- Vol M, No 3 The Effectiveness of Vaiiovz P-2roxiclc-, Solutl.on Polymerizatim of Sty--:-cne Am~lcra.,?-cc- Vil.th the Ald of Redckx,ovetc!rrs,, by R. V - KOM 15 IjP GERWI., per,, Die VU&romaleltulam Ghmic; Vot XIST: -no 2/ 1-954, pp 21u-222. 119c~- S. L.A. T2- 11c) 311 6, Sci - Cb-mtstry 17~ Jan 1957 CTS/dex Kcrr,. W~ . Harold, W. and Scherhag. B. POINVINYLSLILFONIC ACID AS CATALYST Folk HYDROLYTIC REAUMONS (Po1yviny1SU1f0nS.1L1!,- dj~ K at a1v,;atw,- I I ydrolyu~cber [tea kiionen) !19b I I.;];, 28 rcis. Or,t.- r 'I I wli S1 miS2. 40, phS3. 30 01-11W- Tran~ ;,f v~ I-, r-r- ~. 2.~11-240. f:tt,,- ~i~id ;, tioll (11 ~(Kllllm 1.11oxJ b, frt:c 1), ilv,.-: -,.~ lsul.~crrdc IcId vy exchange I'm a 1~,:, galion of th'.. dis,oclation ol exchallizol . An riv..."017 vinylsullfom,- aci-,f showL-d that it Ix?1lavvs hkt- i st! oni: niom-tvi~;i, icid and ha, propertiv!~ f"l n I i~~ t cmalv:,: for speed d Ill% o! !;kl,-l (Isk. "a" about 111c IM;I1, W I I I I ~ ~ I I I L I ~ I I L I ~11 A 1%'St , 'A I I I I L' %% I I I I Ill I Poh pL-j'I Ilk-, it , 3 tt~ ~ I Illivs ~!j valt-I 10 fICC '1111int, acl-I Pit tn~,tlon A 1,("siblt I VI Tl~ I ~ 1; 14 (Ill I A L Id f%,fl ,I% I - T OR- .4 f, I - 10684 Kem W., Funit. R. and others. LDMAR P0LYHSI RS 'AUM ALCOFMIC END 1. Esters- -Determination GROUPS AND THFJR DHTERMINA71ON (Lineatr I - Kern. W. Polyeamr adt Allroholischen Endgruppen und demn 11. Punk- R. nowununwW. 11"11 122)p. 34 refs. Order from SLA mt$2.70. ph$4. 80 t 1 - 109184 Trans. of Makromoleltulare Chemle (Switzerland) 1955.1 v. 17, no. 3, p. 201-218. Linear succinic acid-1, 6-hexandiol polyesters with alcoholic end groups were prepared by condensation in midto and in solutions with an excess of the diol. Poly- esters of higher molecular weight with predominikntly alcoholic end groups were obtained by secondary con- dennsition with the diol. 7bui reaction of the products with phenyl Isocyanate leadu to polyester diurettmines. The determination of nitrcWn accordinkto Kjeldikhl gives molecular weights up to mbout 5400 with witiff- factory proclaim. On total hydrolysis of the polyester Office #1 Uchoic.11 savieve diurethanes, &WILne Is formt4 which was quantits- (Chendstry--Orgottic, TT. v. 5, no. 11) (over) 61_2W6 Kw1% W. F. DEFOINATION MRAWRENEM ON VEHKXYLAR 1. Kerw W. F. 71M IFY NRAM OF SPBCViL ELONGATION 11. A73-HROW PICKUP. 119611 lop. M. Anwaclawd Tedbuical Order han ATS $23.60 AlM-IGNBSG bmr-. am Tram of JATZJ Automobiltech(aiwbel Zieltachrift) (Germany) 1%1, v. 63. no. 2 p. 33-41. DESCRIP'MR& VeNcles, *Tfres. Ddbrmadm noterminstion (Machinery- -Transport. TT. v. 6. no. 8) 0,,n T-*--f;t:kna of Several Oint5vent. fxl-icier.. Snggen-'Gicni for eui Apper dIx to the rAB DAB 7: 'PolybydraWMWIated Castw Oil.0 by 'WalLher Xrii, 0 - Wxm=, C - 8043 -1 ar, 5 MMM, 15ex., Pharmtentische Mastrie, Vol WIIJP No 9) 19551 p YM. siA 6oa663.p ftl C4,1,F Ymr 2 62 vca. iv; m) 6 t I - 22493 Kern. Walter F. STRAINS "P) WHICH IS SUBJEC-F IN TIRE-S I Kern. ',%. F AND DISCUSSION. Papers and discussion from 11 RIS C-14- Colloquiurro (If FX~UtSCII-.' HIII.-OlOgIVII-Vereinigung it V. III RL'SCa I 1 11 111t ItuAd at) [lad Oevuhatis--n. 23 Oct 59 119011 34p 2 refs. \,,~k OrdCr froill IJJS Sft) ()) RIS C-147 IV I ITIL' 0-1111!IIJIM11 T rans. (11 1 `aSV I I Ol SC I ILI Ilg U I Id "I'C.Xt I I I VC It D I k ((;CI-J 11,111% 11W0, v I I [iuo~ )I p. 4M -4(18 and 4123-427~ DESCRIFFORS: "Tir, s. Tests, Stresses. Tus, "wth ods. "COldligC. !11'1111~VTW fibers Slalldar,l Mjell.~Wll - ITICa Sit ring strips have lievii usc~,l too evaluati:- thc trains to Mitch ;I fit-(- is subjt-Li at hf ft-t-Unt pmn's and und.-t different tim,litioms, III )Id( I it) charm tt-t izc H.,.- ctnliplex Ilatult: (If the dt-1111ML11 Illadc ()It 111i, 'Old IIII I IIrv. It 1, found that Ow tIv!.-- &) Tiol kk:,Ill simis"Idaliv. but In tile I"Ifill ,I 1111p.i'l, Olfi- .4 and shL)ckL,. 'I-Ili' Ildtill't.- and tile magrivildt.- Of OIL' sirahis MI(M Ccriam ('011CILIS1011S 10 IV drli%%Il %_011CL 1*11- ing thv lesting (of tire cord- (Author) CNI'lit'l I'll t,. FI . if FAMNaw ammulp. U. VISOD"W or adowas at AGAR " its ftitse D"P. ft =* WPM 14r Van= Swas fammumoda- 31 al jbm~~ Chn AW4 " ft ow 1% ---- w at Amplodwas am MNUVZL% W WAPIW---Nbm ma now& SWM4 jwj, 18MMIL Sw -.;, malm am" va va am lb 31-1. T A IPM6 iv am-W5- W I"~ A W s0%66 3142% I %~' , A~ ~~Z- Polyoxymethylems - Report No. 18, The AiddolytIc Degradatlon of ftlyaVwthylenvs, by W. Kom. IBM=, per, Journal or Polymer Selene*, Serles Di Vol - 1,. 19b% VP -141-241). RTC 7:L-12SN-O?C 1 62-10679 to Mr and Cherdon. Harald. IME ~DECXMAD ON OF POLYOXYMETHYLENES. 1. Kern, W. [1961) 15p. C-'-?-xdon, 1-1. Order from SLA $1. 60 62-1067 Tra". of Makromolekulare Chemle (Swimerbu4 1960. Y. 39, m 3. p. 101-117. DESCRWMRS: *Formaldehyde, Decomposition, Ohlethanes, Polymers. Pyrolysis, Molecular stri Chemical reactions. *Methyl ethers. Ethers. The degradation is followed of polyoxymethyfenes whic have been prepared by dtfferent methods. It is possf - U S C- 8 1 ble to 411ferenitate different depmdadoa reactions and to cbaracterize these separately. I (Cbendsay-Orgamic, Tr, v. 7, so, 11) Tew.81 S-4 (BY-1-504) :1 xA BabIbItp by A. Gusevs., I. XaMes, 12 pp. ISSrAN,, per.. Xsdm I RoUslys.. No 12, IWj. ) T549- ipm 4483 .. m c ./ 3 Yxoet') 11,617 61 140r4 'Jitil LAAgjgiZg StUdClrL;'-', G."O' L. 4,;~- ~ ,, V ; 3 PP. RUSSLLN, pert Aviatailut No 1, 1956, P t2 15, Fmri to xR-i667-56, Anim-iu-. AF 102Z466 USSR Emnalaic - Met tralnimg I Aviation Nov 56 CTS - 3Zdj ITI$Z/ se vlpas~ 334. M4 67 chmayuc oxiastion of Propyle3m to Acroleiny bY Yu. D. Kermnp D. L. Nolftv*)L&Ts 5 pp. RLWIM., part aws Pr4l M"t Vol mms ft lip 196D9, pp 2593-2M. as sci 117 &1, sep 61 DC T,2ntii Aaa-vereary ct th6 Ldv On the -protec!t'Orl 0' '~'-Ythers P-nil Childron and the RLzhts cri' Women, by :- let-l"2 m perj, stadt und Gemeieo--, Voi YV, Fo Y- g6o p !5-2,). ims 6681 Geminy LXM Soc Some bq)~~tra awhwiUm in the FWA of natulent Diffusimr by So A* Gd3AWlbsrg# Me BO Kw-muebealmo RWSIkNj, no per,, Is Ak Nauk M, Otdal Tekh RaW6 IM,, pp 575 - 2-Z.=- Azc Tr 633 Scientific - Pbrdcx Oct 1951 = ~~ * -1.. luva-stigation of the Ard Otropy Of the R-largy ';p , -p in SupsmonducUng Tin, by P. A. Bezuglyi, A~ A, Galkint A. Ps KstRIY*,t .4 Rp. RUSSW per, Zhur Ampar i Teoret Fiz, Vol XUR, No I (7~, 1960, pp 7-12* AIP soy Tblys'mp Vol X:11. No 1 sci Fab 61 (DC -.33,27 ). Inter-Wvarsity aclantMe an& T6ckwiajo confareLicc on JIlectrical Model OpamtIon *"r Problem in Struotura Heahanfae., Strength *f HLterials. =d tiz. Tboory of X3mtIcIty,, by K. K. Karapym) 7 PP- RUSSIU,, geri Iz Vpighikh Ucheb Zaved aaktrwe", NO 11,, No"ahsrk"sk,, 1959, pp 138-141. JM 3D84 /// 11K~F ,--I. - swi php ALr 60 Stereochemical Investigations on Levomycetin Derivatives (Cliloreamphenicols)I. Hydrolysis of Nitroesters of Threo- and Erythro-l- (p-NitroDhenyl)-2-Acylamiiio-1,3-Propaiiediols, by M. P. Ker9ply "'. , - -apt A. S. Elina, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXXI, No 10, 1961, pp 3298-3302. CB Sci Sep 62 2U,769 Resistowe of Potato vft4otsm Poftt4s too Black Leas by P. 4. rarotb"s. MOXAN Selok I Bdmst 3A(10)t5M3,s Oct 1947,9 61.9 SZ. Unk Tr so 95 t Scientifte - Siolaff, Votmoes r us= L"comode - AgKmltu"m potntooo 11.olubility of S:Uver Bromide In Aqueaue Solutions -f rotsagium Broadd . Sodium Sulfate, Sodium and Borax, by V. A-.'~~" 1.1 PP. ~~USSI*AN, per, Trwtv Leningrad Dazt KiroInzbenerar, W. 5, .1959, PP 183-189. CIA/FM XX-1044 NOT RELMAMM TO 7%2= XILTICN= F"Ci - Chen -7 s ep & ~Ysis nmEma wz owy PC- .77t Dmmyrlbmwl"" In UrSm la IMU&tUm Blakam".. by s. i. Keromi, 6 pp. Waom,p pm, FU ZbLvrp Vbl To So 1" 1M., PP 99- IW. um Aug 99 4vl~r CS Jr5 (YDD 25896) ROO- =a D, I M 13 9 It I MWIMWo AeUvIty of the w"; by X. F. Ll*vn; N. I Kawra.. 14 pp. MAMA . qu Vw; Vol m=s No 3o M"t Mho vp EM-"5 CIOWIVU-7841 .2 1 s-r um If Bel - Medicine., biology.. bimbemistry TIh-. Ir"'luence of Nucleic Acicu. cn tofl~ licupiret.-..oa ol. Cells, by 0. P. Chopinoga., 11. !. Ke-rava, 3 pp- RLISSM, thrice-mo per, Dok R-1- Nauk SWRY W~-' -137vtt~,,Y NO 51, J-9541 j7p 819-11ai. Sci rL-,:.- 1~%-# 310,6 SCII21TITIC, - Clie-md~--try 7 Combined f*,Mlfurous Acids, by W. 3 ',-J, GMWM, per, Arcb Kais Ges A, Vol XXI, T)p suk -Pr 2~34 1( Sci - Ch3-aictry 1.5- 1- - / ' Feb 5L -/ _2 " "7 1 1. il :,'~.Aned Sulphuraw- Acids. III. Glucooe- sWI-phuroua Acid, by 11, Kerp, E, Baur, 1 p. GFMJtN, per, Cbem Zentr, Vol LTXVIII, ho -~, L~#O'j, P 971. STA 2811 Sci - chteralf~try I- q "~~ '~~ 4"' '. I ' Ycb 5,"~ On S=Ii-oxamazids. by WillMlm Korp, ,Nar I)ngcr,, 9 ppo GEUM., per, Momischo Berlchte,, Vo- XXX., 1.1!97, pp 526-593. 9689436 WX RSIC-96 SO - cbimn Doe 63 _2 J13 9 f C; f 63-17290 J. R. G. VaAL x6or A mGY OF Ttm compmarirry OF PLAsn- 1. Kerpel. R. Q vin CIZERS. 11963133p. 11. K-H-53W-l Order from K-H $33. OD K-H S" I M. Kresge-flooker Science Library Asoodotes, Trans. of tod(ustriel Chimil"I Beige, 1952. v. 17. Decrolt. Mich. P. 9-a DRSCRWTOR&- Maoddzwt, CompatibWty. (Chownistry. TT. v. 10. mD. 3) Wks d Tedod sw**. MoM Eiverimem an UndlociabodSoa Cohmam W-M " Gemak Mabonlom Ufft R"----Io SW Q OW-m ma. L Amy Techrdque Md E3WMZlxzm-mv-awa' SOW, by h.- -- we I D" tNo Im it 1w 0 No 6709 Sd - E41rth SCI/Agran Apr 64 257.U4 j-4/'-h .11--ti-12-view 'Wit-h. Tien Li-chun, i n t:! q c C 0! 1 L. R Z 11 J-L S t amb a s s y --7 n 3w iZ e ra.-. Rene Kerre7uans, I FRE"CII, 111'., Les Echos, Paris, 2) Lov *JpRS/SpI"CI'-j- 'WE - Econ Jan "I. The Rf I'acts of Sodium -Perchloratn IT".. 3~-Orryp E. Rofstv Pu pp. GM4AN., por., Arch ruer Experimentalls Pathologie und Pharrmkologie, Vol XXxU,, i&j'j, pp 14-4~172. 8LA 5901090i %lic i - Red Vol 2.0 Nv a 1 63-12195 Kersaint. G., txL I DtMV-RMNUCLEIC ACID; ITS SMUMMF6 SIrN- 1. Kersalm G. MESIS AND FUWnON. Proceedlimp of the Anwal H - Tide: Phys icsI ... Meeting too. 11) of the Physical Chemistry Sodery III. PergamonPress, Inc-, (Soditd de Chimie Physique). jume1july 6Z sWom, New York 240p. Order frcwn PP $10.00 Contains papers in French and English. DESCRIPTORS: ONuclelc acids, Molecular structure, BLosynthesis, Synthesis, Biocbemlstry, Ultraviolet radiation. Radiation effects, CAWerences. Bacteriaphages. (Biological Sciences-Blocbetnigtry, TT, Y. 9, m 2) Ofte of TKbksl Serwims 63-12195 Kersaim, G., e& DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID; ITS SrRUCTURE. SYN- 1. Kersaint. G. THESIS AND FUNMON. Proceedings of the Annual 11 - TUIV. Phys [Cal ... Meed% ~mo. 11) of the Physical Chemistry Society in. Pergamompress, Inc., (Soclitd de Chimle Physique). June/july 6Z apprm New York 240p. Order from PP $10. 00 CAmWns pApers, In French and Hughsh. DESCRIPTORS: *Nucledc acids, Molecular structure, Biosynthesis. Synthesis, BUm:bemistry, Larraviolet radiation, Radiation effects. Conferences, Bacterigpbage3. (Biological Sciences --Biochemistry, TT, v. 9. Do. 2) Unce d T Serwtat Tae Use of Detacbable Chinelot by Ya~ i4. Dix-scherfoemm- 1947Ar J( R T- 9 _brs?. Irni, V7 I Tech and C= Sci - Kng-- Apr 58 62 Salicylandde as Aml Ole MU14L Antirheumti- Results of a Tvo-Year EWrIzientatioa, by AAwschensteiner aM NoMucka. Madivial MDW-t6ChrlftVoI-7., 90-3p PP-181-183j- 1953- SIA-2T-66-11696 S/K Aug 66 The High Rhenium Extraction Obtained With ElectrocImemical Processing of Umoasted Copper Concer-.-' Zrates, by I. I. Kershanskiy e L. I. Zel 4skaya,, 10 pp. HUSSDli,, per, Tsvetaye Metally, Vol IV., Lo 3~, 1963y Pp 50-59- Primary Sources Sci Jul 64 263,516 ANALYS I S OF METALS D I RICH COPPER KATTES., BY 1. 1. KERSHANSKIY, L. N. ROGOVA, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, PERx TSVETNYYE METALLY, VOL 11, NO 12, 1)ljli PP 10-15. PS SCI '53 FEB 63 221,300 KKIMMKIRMNARIXGWALMILKILI&MR AD 21"4r*tbMd~ MWVWd CC Unc DIStIl Lou Frm Ulvw ormto bv 1. 1. zeraboom a V. P. owths"Oke. tmm FABUX "MA. Tovoto" lm&Wj, rm it., 1958" DBXR Is"Ing Library U-01% IML U2 Lie' - Plws; Hialot Apr 59 mot WSOM *a wo Oww"s OWILUM of dow I-- I- -- 0 tv 2. IL Vkwswwlv W Naomi, pro "Idiuve RAMAPO Tat 220 *.Jp Wk, Sol 9LBvOO6 lbw 62 FluoSolid Roasting of Sulfidic Gold- Containing Concentrates, by I. I. Kershanskiy, G. S. Gubaudullin, 6 pp. I RUSSIAN, per, Tsvetnye Metally, Vol II, No 6, 1961, pp 45-50. PS Sci Aug 62 209,848 I ~ IlLectric Suwlting of Roaeted Gold-Containing Concentrates# by 1. 1. Rn~anoay, Fppl 4. RLWIM,, 1-4r,, Tavetaye Yletally,, Vol I.. No 11., 196o, pp. 44 -47 PS &apt 6,1 Uportaul. Discovery, by D. Karsher, 1,,6, IUSSIM j, per, 7-manlye-Sila, Nc) 11, 1,957, p 31. ATEC WL-184/1 SC:L Dec 60 Conversation at the Celebration Table, by D. Kers1mer,.,1,~,,4,. RUSSIAN, per, Znaniye-Sila, Nc 11, 19f"7, P1 36-3). ATIC MCL-16'4/1 Sci Dec 60 62-1055f. Keratan, W. THE WHrrE OPACrrY OF CERAMIC GLAZES. 119611 1. Title: Glazea 19p. (L2 figs. ornitted) 17 refs. 1. Kerstan. W. Order from SLA $1.60 62-10556 Trans. of DI euts:ht) KI eramlacbel G1 esellschatc). Ber - I Ichte] (West Germany) 195 4, v. 31, no. 12. p. 404- 409. DESCRUITORS- 0~~ersnaic coatings. Metal oxides. In- dustrial production, Economics. The cost of production of white glazes In determined by 2 67 MS:i the kind of opacif er employed. Examples are given. The principle of white opacity is explained. Opacity can be classified ander three types: (1) the opacifier does not dissolve In the glaze. (2) the dissolved orici- flers separate out again or separation its present. (3) gasLous opacity. The various industrial opacifleT3 are discussed from th, standpoint of how the compostvon of (Marerials-Ceraraics. TT. v. 7. no. 9) (over) offi-I T.4.1.0 S-i Il Tbe Yzda or Action of Mitio~in C., 1. The Influmee of .1fitovqeIn C on the Deoxyribo=cleic Acid BreakAmm of Besting Bacteria, by H. xemutenp 9 IMO ORRM,, perj, Z fuer ftsiologUehe Cbemie., Vol CM=p 1962.. pp 31-39. NM 32-28-62 Ek-4 - Obsem Fab 6 3 On the Macbmniam of Actim of Ao4*zbic Acid.. by H. lerstsu., W. K*rotmg Ki. StmadhMprip 22 pp. CMIFM, per# Ujoebimics vt Dialftwim ActAp Tol%VUj, So 3,0 1958., pp WS-fts. MA 59-gD8ft SOL am 60 // ~, /V Vol in., no 5 v M* WOO d AeWn d AalW M The LJ~ d AcdnooVdn C Wift NadW,c Acids and by WabW XAMOU Hdp Kersams ILO G.,v.,..AN* VW& Z DOW ladabs REMI& Vol CCCJDMO lqSj;wm-,au, 9234904 AEC-AfQo-1'3r-72 Sd-Cbom oa. 64 268,514 modpaue Ansusis or zntft-mi sumam, tv m. Kersten, WUMv FrA. aplk Vol. 716, 1932p pp 50-522. KM 9083 \< -%-, , Jme 71 Tbeory of IverramaGuetic HWstertmjj and initiaL Pe,-:-taeability, by M._ Kersten, 31) PP - GM40; qer.~ Physik zi, vol mur. L -IoV4, 1943, pj? 6 3 -77. SIA 60 -1131:86 0 62 Vol 4, No 1.2 3pf ra I cif t n Sprin:- th r,byricsi mkplaawt4oz of tha of vermugnatia YAteAals, b7 Martin Kersten, 30 p. (IzMM# Mvz ELeXtsatech TAdtp 15,39j, Vd). LXp No 17j, yy 498-503. Snd Vo, /Ar SIA 59-20381 xar 6o Vol 2, lqo 12 ~2 the Nivam OpIml Rpl-vtg J'a Un L4ftt of the Pb"LQAI 2boory of ),Fell , ~ potlons by *rtin Xbratmo 93 pp. OKWAW,p wmlv Val, ND fUrtbar refoxwm* mxrzu D. prisamn Sai - - f '~ o 'p, ~ so trc 'aiticiry of Coarcivu Force. ~IHIPWN, pcir, Zeitscitrift PhYSLb., -4-Arl tewber 1948, jj~ 714-741. *i;'I'Sl 7214, Ly X.. J-cr.,iten. Vol 1240 -7, NCH-201 924 Field OD Kersten, F, QUANTIZATION NOISES IN PULSE CODE MODULATION WIT11 INACCVRAT ELY OPERATING APPARATUS FOR ENCODING AND DECODING. I"5, 13p, ?refs. POED-Trans-200B. 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