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OpticAl Stfeeft of Plate Gbass With Unevea Surftees.. by FZW* Karldwt., kk 43 PP. GKMAN.s pwp GbotedbaUdbe Earichte.. VOU Wo 110 3a, IM IV 71-83. SM 6cl-16922 sai 1~?a" vay 62 The Specific Hmt of Vater and Stem at High Te%Vwa a and Elgh PrewnwasS by Xh. I. Amirkhanov, A. M. Karlmrp 4 pp. BURBIMs per,, Zbk Ak NW* BMp Val C==, No 2, 1A, pp 30-Wi. CD Bel AW 62 /90~e JV10, a4partunMal lkrwkzt4rpWrm oC Uni; AWAU1,14 &Out i. 01' water sat killbow vopmr ve ~IMPNwitsmi lamwtur- 0~ 'fttos IW Eh. I. hdXkhaWv IWA AD 9p J40 W4 r-,T" ..~Aa (00 ijow or purcja~~to) Pliaitc- Icc -nt.. kip T'vlarization of Electrons In Elastic scattering With Account of the Finite Sim of the Nucleus, .3y Kerimov, V. M. ArutywWan,. 4 pp,~ ZVSSIAS, perj Mar Usper I Tetwet Fiz,, 77ol XMITI, No 6, 1960., pp 17!)8-18,02. AW Sov PIWS-JW.? voi X1, No 6 Production of Rlec ~.ron-Posltiron Pairs in Lhe Collision of IVo Polarized Gama-Rays, by F. s. Sadykhov,, B. K. Kerimav, 4 pp. RMSIAN, per., Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XXIII., No 7, 1959, pp 929- Colmbia T~!ch Sci 3? Oct 60 On Beta-Decay of Neutrons With oriented Brftw6U%bluM FrOX lk LOWatluUnRUY Pole&ri%eA- Elfttron,, by F. K.-KwSWY,, I. X. ftdzheav, RWSIAV~ per, Is A NmA SSM., Ser Piz, Vol Kral, so Tr 1958.0 Rp 843& 4 CaImbia Twh Sel. - vay" Ca -t 59 ~ ~" Pol a ri.- at io--i Elee'l-I I oi~-Posi I~ioi-. P.. i-- u r., TI.- i t i [~- i u -'U o A c r- c - u i 11; -1:rL.1c)"', F. S. S-. 7 T: RUSSLUE) lu 1. SSS S,~- I., I cw so llnteractioll.~ TI). k I na, -. S ssl Z '7 1 C71L gi- of Dirftc' by I vith Daapj.rE~ T-*,~-.-n !"tc- :i--. ~y A. A. Sd7olmr,, 1. 1. Guse-inov 11, rcrl- mov., 2 IT MU46--i'AN; perx Zhur Disper 4 -C.:t-e- VI-, 11 - 1. --- . _,j lic) 1, 195~3, pp 110-112~ inst of Sov Fiayii - J-RTF Vol N71(341t H~- I Sai - Phvc, w----Jaj=B 79 Sep Is Two-Raclem Potential of ImUrmolecular Type and Miele& SaturatJmp by D. D. Iwanankoo B. K. rarlsiov, 7 ppo I WSSIMp m per,, Our Zkoyer 1 Tacrat Piz., Vol XMa,, No 1.0 19%p pp 205-U2. Awr Imt of Pb7sics Soviet physics-jm Vol lys so 3. gal - pt"I" aw 57 Statistical Tboory of the Atcanic Nucleus. Ill. by B. X. Merimov, A. V. Debminuloe., 12 pp. RMIMIS w port Zbar MwDor i Tumut Vol XXXI No 5. 1956j. pp 900-914. Amar List of Mysics Soviet Physics,, JETP Vol Illp No ,14 Scl - Mysier, APr 57 CM Da--%*--d Scattering or Spinleas Particles, by A. A. Sokolovp B. K. Kerimw., 5 PP. RMIMp p"j, Dok Ak Sauk EUMS Ph" Secp voi cmi, so 4., i956,r vp 6:Ll- Awr last of Pbju Sm Pbwe "N**Iaay" Sci - p1wo Vol Is So 3 J-/) J-7AI Alig 57 Nuclear Dmwity and tbo DiatrlYntion of Orbital Moil" M=aUmla Mw-lei., by B. K. Kerimv, A. V. Dzbavedov, 4 pp - .......... HUSSIA11j, m per, Zhur HkApar I Teoret Piz Vol M(X3' so 6 L)., 1956., pp 1665-1069. Awr lut of Pbysics SDVINt YMBI08j. JM Vol ins No 6 Sol - pivaics Apr 57 CTS Enerav Distribution of Bremsetrahjung 7,0r~rJUVIdinAlIv PO:Lari7.od Maectron. by B, K, Kcrimov, RUSS 1AN, -.')ar, Dok Ak T~Wak: S Vol 1960, vp 1111-1113, AIP Sov 114.ve - Dok Vol 7; NO 6 Sci ~4 Jun 61 (NY-0502) BOOK REVIEW OF LIBERTY, LAW AND LEGALITY IN A SOCIALISTIC STATE, BY D. A.-KERIMOVJ-- 12 PP. HUNGARIAN) PER) JOGTUD"NYI KOZLONY, VOL XVI) 110 10, 1)611 PP 543-547. JPRS 12313 EEUR - HUNIGARY SOC FEL 62 1,*.1;2 12 52 (SF-22~-J THE USE OF CYBERNETICS IN LAW, BY D. A. K-ER-1-MOV, N. D. ANDREYEV, ETC., 7 PP- RUSSIAN., PER, VESTNIK LENINGRADSKOGO UNIV, NO 12, JUN 1962, PP 141-144. JPRS 14o67 SCI - MISC AUG 62 2o I TT45-32551 Field 9B, 5B. 5D Kerimov, D. A.; Pokrovskli, 1. F. SYS'rE.%I,")F PETREEVDqG LEGAL IINFORMATION BY 1. JoLit I~jhhc~itijns MEANS OF CO.MPUTERS. 21 Sep 65. 7p. JPRS-32088. I Servicc-, Aa,hingtwi. 0. C. Or.~~r from CFSTI, SLA, or ETC: HC$1.00, NIFS0.53 as TT-65-32581 Trans. of Leningrad Univ. Vestnik (USSR) v20 nll *riya Ekonomiki. Filosofki i PTava n2 p113-5 1965. Avallab!e topy will not permit fully legible reproduction. C.YP-ERj',!ETICS AND THE FORNULATION OF LEC;l SLAT I DY D. A. KERIMOV., 25 PP. 3 RUSSIAN, BK,, SVOBODA, ZAV.C)~'~, I ZAI-Cl-4~11:0STI V SOTSIALISTICHESKOM GOSUDARETVA) 11.1057,C~01, PP 20~-222. ,Jpi~s S ~ I I'l I S,-- A JG 2 S -617/60 (NY -4784) Possibilities of Cybernetics in the Resolution of Legal Problems) by W. D. Andreyev., D. A. Kerimv, 15 PP. RUSSIAN, per., Voproey Filosofti, No 7, 196o, pp 106-110. JPRB 5491 Sci - Misc Sep 60 US I CYDERNET I C METHODS I k LAW, 1.-~Y D. A. KERI,~-IOVP N. D. ANDREYE', ET ALP - PP. i~!JSSIANJ PER., VEST LEHINGRAUSK030 Lli'!IVcE["-\'SIT"-ETAP V3L XV I I NO 1 1P I ~62, PP 1411 -044'. JPRS 2 2 C) 4-- J k, patsin ~i -- r of On ftmaia ratrwives llst~m of the Lm QmMnLoo Aamboijim S. S. R. by 0. r. mwtwws, 6 Nw. 2 Ivan" , Is Ak Rxok ~, Sm Omlog, so 5* ;r. AGI sai lbw 02 217#955 of Stability la Normal Codmation, by A. XhIlabarlyp 1. 0. maum's, Va. N. smimv, A I. rozioveldys ne-ft. Sbmulov- JLVMM perk Dok Ak Nmkp Vol Up No 12,, 1955, pp W;:w. ftl - CbMdd tx7 59 ON TWO-DINIENSION DISCONTINUOUS PROM 1:\' THE CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS, Rich. IQ ~,,-p 62 115h). -~ refs. JANIC) Trail,- m li-Wl ordul from () FS or SLA 5 1. 6) h2- j Jj,Lj Flall~_ M.11cin'llich'.411 111MIlUt. Tludv' 11):;I. p. 210- 2 4. I A ISC It 111*1 ( )RS: N :,i ICU I us of % I I ]'IT I on- i s 260 M, K. (Mat I I, In a I Ic ~, 1' 1'. v. 1), lio. 9) Oil Ab*-Uwm7 st Um ftw" Vmft"4= f4v TM a i 4 1 MX Pftwu~ in ftems, by IL R. swomwo 4 IV. SnOw ows Bak AL ihok MW, %I clap 1961s vv zMw . AMW With The ami mw 62 IM93T (Ya the Theory of Discontimout; Problems With Variable En~! 4 pp. PTJSS~AN, per, Dok Ak rvauk SSSTI PIP 542-545- Awr Hath Soc Sci ,Tul 61 17-6c3-2D982 Kwjwx6 J. I RHALIZATICH OF A REDUC71ON PROCESS FOR 1 1. Kerjoan, 1. PLUTONIUM ON AN MISTRIAL SCALE AT THU MARCOULE CENTER (Realt"doo Was, Chaim WElabovetion do Ptuaniam a I*Ech*Ue Inclustrielle au Calltre do Marcouls). 11%31 7p TT-67 2D982 Order tram SLA $1. 10 Tram of moom lateroadowl Corierewc an Pluwni um Mft%UutU (am 2) Cw*wMe, 19-22 Apr 60. Procooftp, p. 186-192. 04otaUmm-Nosforrms McuLla, TT, Y. 12, uc~. 2) Kerk-Q, I M. van der. TV'YEA,RS OF ORGANCfnN RESEARCH (nea )&&r I Orgxrbcxinonderzoek~Lr. byH. A. G. Nathan. 1961, 11 32p. 3' rL4z. NRCC Tedmical Trans. 9-79. ill Order fr(xn NRCC $7- 00 NRCZ C-4160 IN' Trans. d (hemisch Weekblad (Netherlands) 1966, v. 56, rxL 73, p. 339-349. DL.SCRLPTORS. OMecalorganic compounds, O"na ccKii- po-~nds, N-ow.ratim C'b=ICAl profflerles, *Flesticides. 63-12406 Kerk, G. a.-, SRCC "I-I*-~71; IN-MCC C - 4*1 "C' Naucira; ~x-'ca: C22762,9 (ClernIstry, TT, T. 9. vxx 3) Alky' L~-sters of A-Dialkoxy- and N-Diaroxyphosphiny- liminocarboxylic Acids, by G. 1. Ke.r.kach, et al, 8 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXXI, No 10, 1961, pp 3424-3432. CB Sci Sep 62 23-11811 A Nw Type af CowreU Reinftvamont Steel sway V Iff. P-!~mvq - .-,$ 4 IT- EmaARM., NAWS. rafteigml .1 dv&., vc!i x, No 6,, 1960p pp 14-150 Mo 8031 xem Electron Mcrascepe Investigations of Fracture surface of Opal Class, by F. Kerkhof, R. SeeliUer. W. Westphal. GKUK-AN, per, Glastechnische lierichte, Vol 28, .,%o 7, 9S5' pp. ATC 69-11730-113 Sel July 69 385,671 62-16414 Kerkhal, VranL ~M-VIE OMCW~ TLSMNG OF GLASS PANES 1. F. WMI UNEVEN' SURFACES (Zur Optisdwn PrUhnig von Glasschulben init Urmlenen OberfLftchen). [1962) 1461p. (foreign tem includod) I I mfr- OnJur [rurn SLA ". 60 62-16414 Trans- of MastecbYtisd3c Ek-riclue (West Gennany) 1957, v. 3(k no- 9, p. 369-379. DESCRUTORS. *Ua--s. Wedg-, Surfaces, Optics, *OptIcal glass, I.Wx tranhrnission, Test rncdKxis, Refraction, "ection 3 (Pflymc~s -(.nxics' I-F. V- 8, no. H) 1-6." hitanitz, Gerhart. F-Rlki~7r~TF 'Ti~Al~':ING 0' IWFRFERING U-11-hA 1';r!,,'IILV I C11 I! Un,,; dUt'CIl 11110 I-fel I e1 CI U`i:lf~d"i;;-,(!l!eT'.), 1-1. Y. no. o) The lumdmtton of the Breakap, Proee" with SuPersonic Teehnlqms j, bw Ymul. UAW , Re2nut Drelsler,, 46 vq. GEMMS, Pdr,, mastoch Bar', 1956,, la M=.. No .12" pp 459-470. MA 59-10619 s a I - PA." Otal" 12 JUL 99 303 1hermcmtric Sayan), by T. RUSSIAN, per, Secticns,, Vol Study of Yu. Kerkis, Dok CL, No 1-6. Amer Geol Inst botogol Nepheline V. 1'. SSSR, M~,, (Eastern Ilostyuk, 2 pp. Earth Science Jun 1963. sci Jul 65 Dependence of the Sensitivity of Nuclear Apparatus of M=gxls to Saml I IMM DDses of Ionizing Fodiation Upon the Genotype of Animals,, by Yu. Ya. Kerkis, G. M. Ronichevskaya., 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Radiobiologiya., Vol I, No 4, 1961~ PP Uft 527-534. 9202560 JZC-Tr-5425 Sci Mar 63 '224.,tft 660 i~lra Cycojwaue-l;,;.c Effect of SmB~U D-o*es of Radiaotic,L- S-ii Ma=als, by Yu. T&. ~~a Bcnic-he7okaaya, Yu. M. Rukavishnikov.. " 7p. "USSW; Dckh Ek Nauk SSSR, Vol 1 Tio 2. 1959,. pp 3W-. 6o Kerkin, Yu. Y&. ON THE hILITATION THEORY OF AGING (0 MutstRicnnoi Teorli Starenlya Organizinov). ReportcJ at the )oint Conference of the Section of Genetics and Gerontology, MOM 18 Oct 62. 19 July 63, lip. 14 refs. Trans. A-1.399. Order from OTS, SLA, or E'TC $1. 60 17-61- "I'l Trans. of Njaskolikoe Ottshchesivo lspywelei Pr1r-,,dy. 8)-ulleter,'. Oidel Rtologtchesi~d (USSR) 11J~ k, 1,3068, no. 2, p. 126-129. "Mutations, 'Aging "'Radiation effects. TT-53- 23 182 1. Kerkis. Yu. Ya, il. Trans-A -I t9S 111. T Itle: joini S, n-wvt-', M'. ~. 1 1. lit ,Ile Genetic Danger of Ra.,14-rtion-. Zr;a-m m:A Tht_,ir Effect on the Heredity and Rrdents, by H. P. Dabinin.., M. 13P. 1-1;'3.1AN -,--pt. United blations ReRort -ABC Tr-4-533 Jun 6.1 Yd Experimental Analysis of the Effect ot" Radiation on Cellular Nuclei in Lhe Culture of Ebbryonal. Human TissueB, by N. P. Dubir-in, Yu. Ya. KerkiB, L. I. Lebedeve, 3 pp~ Xlj,~S.JLN, per, Dok Ak Nank 133SR, Vol C~CXXT,'--" No 5, 1961, pp 1212-. AIP Sov Phys - DOk. Vol vi, No 6 'J- /--.:5 - Sci jan 62 (Dc,6994) GENERAL RADIATION SENSITIVITY OF ORGANISMS AND THE SENSITIVITY OF THE CHROMOSOME APPARATUS IN CELLS IN VITRO, BY yij- FatilS, L. 1. LEBEDEVAp T. D. OSETROVAp 9 P . f RUSSIAN, PER, DOK AK NAUK SSSRO VOL CXLIV, NO 5s 196?-p PP l165-ii67- JPRS 15083 SCI MEDICINE SEP 9~ -"d~-""Ampxw twos "m or ~:;- I. WM-W "m ams"lo-As IV* -. - li. -I ~ . aw~ ?Fjc~ 42 was wato wl~1%7 or ~~.Ox am IMP &M*a mdr~ 1011~46 mm ini;ey-nal Sexu-ml Apparatus of the Aquatic Ile.mipter-Heteropteray by YU. Larkla. RUSSIAN per., RusokDe Eatmolo(;ichoskoe abozrenia, Vol XXv N015J., 4.p 1926# 296-307. MEM nmm Tr T .0, 7.3 Scientific - BiOloey Jan 56 MSAW Mono VIL awo N0 11, imam Fir ftm ftWorUes of AlIWs for SUma mW (;as 6,7 Tu*isos lbsivable Pvm dw kdat of VI*W Of I*v*Uvpmmat of mm D"dipst by (4 ft*"Jay. Como Pero Lwawk ubomajo Vol lot ,.,.a No 46 19610 pp 343-362. alst k v Aug 66 oompomu ; ploommewr 8. Ai kili",.-.- ,.c Fell- li:~- 7. Kerlin, Seidel, JPRS 3-(.)6p9 Ep- o rA Nov 6 63-14547 KernAn. CrcgL THrTMOVEMENTS OF SVGhR BEETS AND IME30 1. Ker C- RELATION TO THE SUGAR DUMMY. 11963116P. (fts. callitted). Order firm SLA $1.60 63-14547 Tran& of 1.1sty Cukrovarinickel (0mchoolowakla) 1941, v. 60. p. 32-37. DESCRIM-OR& *CarbohydrateE6 *Beets. Food. to- dustrW prvdtjcticm3, Pl,-ocesslEg (FoccL =, v. 10, no. 4) TralrAl-ne of Agriculturel ftertz for Dwmlopmit Aid, by L I-tnmmx- 7 pp. FOR COPICIAL IIM OWZ MMIJ INWJ$ matwi - - aende,r.) Vol TI, No 3~ Aug ig6o -1247 1 P. pp 123 3 JM DC_56r,,l ww - IntemeLiordil ECCM Apr 61 Testing Material at High Loading Speede, by J. Nermes, C=i P9r, St"Jiftrostvi, Vol XIO Ncp,$,, 1961~, PP 449-453. - Mr 204 Sci - Ingr Sep 61 14" ~ a 0-:r p I'Amovakik" of the Lwar Suvlmmm Obtained It/ Fv" Ums-13 T"to or the IAN&V "To"t Layer at Ow Lubdiss site'D by to 10 chorkovowo As Le ILR=w"Sumbe 4MIARs, lpt* P9103MA67-Y sci 1~~ Late ft"Uty 6t-W'~-W4 L-10640 'iti-!vims Tocu clet 4 7 342,S5& On the Colorimetric DatormiakUd"n of Uric Acids by A. Kern. E, Strauskye GERM", per, a -haftiacbe Zeltschrift. Vol 290. 1937, pp 46417. ' SLA TT-66-10142 /q, Sti-BGM M,?519 June 66 Equatio= -"'Or the ft-tl Marce., Of Rewtm:u~ 'bY m;. ze-.,m, h1l 13D. ".R. ;.VN,.per, Atcmlernanfargic, ro~. Vn, XC, 1, 1962, ip 1-1 9*.A*9r.L Az jua - 1w. ass 63 ~4 0/ Kern 1: and kAritz, A. OF RADIOAC FIVE M 1111;TAN(A S THROUGH SOLIM 01' GRANULAR s-rRuc*rm,,F. 1196 11291), 01"(101' ft L'In AT,; $36. 95 ATS-67NT7(" Trans. of Nukhonik (West Germany) 1901, v. 3. 1 ri. p. 61 - 76. DF-SCHVI'OR.~v: *Radjoactive ismop--s, lAwlt-d ~.uh stanc(s, Difftu~ion. Solids, Grains(NIctalluigy). 62-1 2~~- L V,T;_ I 11- A. 111. A YS IV. A,;: Sx-1 I 01~1'1.,_ N. (Nuck-ar Mysics.- -Radioactivity, IT. v. 7. no. M) Offi- f Kern E Tiii-K-~_-THYLAMIDE of 2-mrnioxY-4- ALLYLP14ENOXYACETIC ACID (G. 29.505)-PFiAR- MACOLOGY, INF. 11960112p. l2refs. Order from RIS $20. 00 RIS G-237 Trana. of Aneatheele [Analgesie, Reanimation] (France) 1959, v. 16 [no. 5] p. 942-951. 61-12047 1. Ac~!I~- effects 2. Anesthetics- - Properdes 3. Title: G 29505 1 .Kern, E. 11. RIS C-237 111. Research Information Service, New York offi- .1 10'.6-j S-... (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, TT. v. 5. no. 1) Equilatica Hith to I'll'- SQUAtion) by R&-o-',Ap pp. pcor . Hinkleonlk.. if-a! -.9 "-.2~ 92mr49 AM -Tr Pax ~";3 rMe DrL:ff usiGn of Radloactive Substmees Through BoUdr, af Gremular Structure, by Eberhaxd Alfred Schat --, 29 pp. LMR-M-M, Maleonik., Vol III, No 2.. 1961, pp 63.-.',16. ~,09,0902 ABC Tr-,5()39 Sai - Rae lt*rn m 8 w 6-,-' Orpsization of Comunint Saplomage Byatem LL Soviat Z=a of Ugt Germmy (Firat Two imatz-31.1- ment3 of Article "Oples Amzg Ug") by Zrl,.b Kar7u, 9 Vp- UWIASSIFIND MMb",, perj, Douteabe Soldal;wu Uitung,, 9,, 11 Jul 1"9;, Mbir.1 to SW So 551.-59p Up BOM. Wavylom 5076472 POI Nov 59 amotuptlm into as phaft Vic rffect in lVfttu"-sl Fmlutl= Dv%WW Dftpme *f ASPOWUM mad Notauvwo by 0. Rlo~mp F. Rem =MAN* verp Mmakambsieb Vol* 16P I96lv so 367-176. OB/39/Drr./I.T. July 1967 334-405 Prvtcctiou c. i,rostrassirij- 6toals. -514 1-:~:t. Alkil Illst ijutil-elit Trav, i'r-2173-7i 7~i I kern, I~ar-oyr, 4w,l,'L'43 F", lol.ogical and Systemiatic. '-I-jCS t 7 , 13 in t-be- Genue Leucostam, by S- OMMArt, Per, IPwt-,Tathc1cGi:;ch:-- Vol. XAL, No 3, 1961, Pr 303-141'- MC/Ref: B101 Feb 63 KERN Elektrotechische Zeitschrift, V02.57, pr. 6 fias. p 1900 words; 19'46. RecordirLg- Instrument for Measurinr Variation -in Cross S7ection- of Thin Wires. Brutcher Trans, Order N0.378. Sl.(10 Research About the Metabolism of Fusarium Lycopersici With the Aid of Radioactive Carbon, by H. __B. D. Sanwal. GERMAN, per, Untersuchungen uber den Stoffwechsel von Fusarium lycopersici mit Hilfe von Radioaktivem Kohlenstoff, Dept of Modern Languages North Carolina State College Sci Feb 63 WCRATOOMIL CW"00" WON A WM VAC.LQU 04EWOM DITFICULTIES WIT14 1 A VW." VIA, plom "f. M"~_cv AL., GCAWW* FUl AK"OV MALI 3ENWITIEWAALM VOL XXX4 IV ND 60, 196it mb 369-373, 316-377- to 3 # 2469 113077 The Formation of Fusarinic Acid by Fussri= Lycopersici in Vivo, by H. Kerp., D. Kluepfel. GERMA:i~ - SLA per NC State College Jun r-9 The Ro,mation of Fusarinic A ci-A by - I I Lycopersici in Vivcj, by H. j~-n, D. G Z RMLZ' SLA per NC State coll~age Jun nWalologicia trinciples undGrlYlng Dimmbo HOSSMOnce, by H. ZWn - A ammu. per, z sona&avz-,U dwmaidl forsch. Vol 1. go -, 1962. pp 80-2A CkWQ4 so nw 14 e C )c ~ Set. - Ar,g 67 3-36.762 Physioloxical Pr1m1ples, UW*rl:FLM Liseaso Resistance. by ff. Kern. Gn%U. per. Z. sg&"Iwr. landwirtsch. Fare ch, Vol 1, go 3, 1962, pp 271-280. (C-SIRO/90. 77881 ) IL'I !, -~ -7 F o1 - "CP 67 337,936 OWMUM of gratutaric vs-latum 1w OVOWKS 4f I -soft, 13. Um. NO SAIWAU VQUV# IV S- 0"' Qlas"o PWA Va 5'% lb 1, 196-5. -0 pli 145 CUMAW, _(%* ,, "', iolt - k.la 40.3. a., Wi'di Two Wilt by gimst Griumm.. Heinz Kem., water Srmthoi'A~ . GERMAN USDA Tr SLA Tr 2,3'w.~:~Ufic - Biolomr 63-18724 Kern, J.. Mrr, F., and Scheibe, G. i DELAYED FWORESCENCE IN CYANINE DYES. 1. Title: Cyanine dyes 11963113p. 26 refs. 2. Title: Polymethir- Order from SLA $1.60 63-18724 cyanines 1. Kern, J. Trans. of Zeiwhrift ftir Elektrochemle (West IL rVil I, Y. Germany) 1962, v. 66, p. 462-466. M. Scheibe, G, DESCRU`TOR&- *Dyes, *Fluorescence. *Luminescence, :' Atomic Atomic energy levels, Absorption six-ctrum, Excitation, Electrochemistry. Polymethtnecyanines display a delayed fluorescence at low temperature when dissolved in alcohol-g:lasa. This fluorescence cannot be understood as a high- temperature phosphorescence. It is interpreted as a rec,ornbinarion luminescence caused by retrapping of electrons which nave been released from the dve ions by relatively long-wavelength radiant energy and which have been trapped temporarily in electron traps of the offbm Ci Tetksl (Chcini,i!--,--Phvsica1, '17. v. 10, no. 11) (over) Connections Between 3ome Crown-Charatterlstics Maues) and the Meadle-Dry Weight of Spruce anJ !:Lz,. t-47 K.G. Kern. aIMKkH, per, AllsemoLne FQIst thd jag-Axeltua-w.. Vol. 133, 1960, pp 13~-28. NRCIRef- C-3952 sci - ,iu,z 67 -134-726 Method for Inexeasing the Biological Activity of Animal Tissues by Freeze Drying., by R. Kernj, 2 pp. MMM., Patent 1.,M,9023P 5 Peb 1999- mA OD-14965 /~~, ftb 62 ggo , nTyl R. K*ru 1 t)p a GLIRKAS Eb Iv. Acta, Vol -XXVIII, 19)5, 52 -t.; 5 3 :(U], Y*Ubodn for ft$ DoteMbotien in Petal ~s. bqr ft. Kern. of:a0va w-AuA4-JwvjjIwdm& cat. Vol - 1. 15~6 j pq 10501 4 OB dro'(16113 SOL - -vo 67 R. Kerh >3-4~4 -n oupt:rean~on of intra occul,72, n?z-.m~ra, i Zo, ;:'resmu.c and Wei-l-i;lt in C.21 up 'or- ...... C~raqolo:7ica, VoZ 147, ')A. )lei IT 1 11, 557 ,3ept. 7~' NtthWa for Gas DeterzdMtlal In fbtals, by R. Zern. GERMS, 16t, Vb2. 1, 1.963 pp 105-1-z4 aB 011633 r~ K -(-' /-, ,,, Sol - Aug 6? 338-494