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Double Deflection Magmtic Spitem for ffigh- DispeTsion Pass Speatrcmaters, by V. 14. Kellman., G. KQyazikovs R. K. Vasill)vva, 7 pp. RUSSLAS, per.. ZIm Takh Fiz2 Vol XXX, No 10, 1960j, pp 1193-1198. AIP Sov Fbye-Tecia Phyv Vol Y, No 10 Sai Apr 61 litUlt-iPo"m 'ities of Gamma TranDitiona ~n by Y!~ .,V* -, KQ.I I=M.9 R - Ya - Mateld2varizhvily., B. X. Proydbrazbenskiy, V. A. lionanovo V. V. Tuclamvich, 3 PP- RUSSURp per, Zb%w Eksper i Towet Fis, VO)L )=VII# No 3(9)s, 1959s VP 639-A2. Awr I=t of Ph7s SOT fts-,TRTP VOI XWrl (10). 50 3 sci 3 Apr 60 sjrj3ALr 2ftjeatorbw ftv OIL i3rWd PartlaUs In somuc nafts, by V. IL _.I-amm _r. T. Ly,%LbLWY .1 7 X E7-/1,44/ at NO Bar Plg,, Vol V1. AM 99 175-W. lie 7 - r 957(v sci - Pby4css sloolloorair *"IOC (10 RM 56 On The Determination of Interval Co --Mrsion Ratios for the Isomeric Transition of In by V. M. Kecwj, R. Ya. Hetskhvarlsbvill., V. A. Rmmnov, L. I Minovj, X. A. MMOPlevi, 3 PP- RUSSIAN.. per., Dok Ak Neuk 881R,, Phys Bec, Vol CVII, So 3j, PP VA- Amer Inst of Pb" sov Ph" "Daklady" Vol I, No 2 Be - Aug 57 An Electrostatic-Prism Energy Analyzer for Charged I Particles, by V.M. Kellman, I.V. Rodnikova, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XXXII, No 1, 1962, pp 279-296. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Tech Phys Vol VII, INIO 3 Sci Aug Of 10 2 13 3-66 3 Simple Design for a Rubber-Shee-t Apparatus for DeteraWng the Trajectorles of Charged Particles in the Presence of Spa~,--8 Charge.. by V. M. KeIren, K. G. Tj*tkin, L. N. Loginova., 5 PP. RUSSM, per, Zhur Tekh Piz, Vol XXVII, No 9, 1957 PP 20SP--2096 Azwr Inst of Phys sov Phys-irecb Phys Vol T-1, No 9 Sci-Phys Jun 58 A Nov Biotic / -SpectramoU r,, by V, i9. Ke I'mem, 7 pp. RUMYO.0 pert VeAt Ak ftuk SSORw Voll XXVTXX%~ M, *r, 1-M., VP 75-78. AM Tr 3632 Sol . Ptws MMY 59 r6" 9 7 -*? 3pectrometer Of ft High R*SOIV-Lng Power,, by V. M. L 0 M~ans *t alp 7 PP. ~Wffl Pw U AIL lb" Mijer Fix,, Vol 1,61 NO IP 30ows 1954: pp 148-154. CIA IN-10078- ASS** Tfth Sv. %Z RJ 2.36 .95 SR 11 - Phys Lass !~- Hommoo-=-=u3 Ticld TE-cta-Ray "S Comrenantt,d Sph-2rical Aberratil')riy V- M, M-31 'Mn 3 oP YOSSIA T -N, tbric3-mo per, kd~, Nvauk- Xl--) No 6, 1957, pp 1244-12,47, o4., Tilyo Sol, F""iyri.-Dol~-Aiky VC! II, No 2 Sci - PhyBica Feb 1958 An imatlptl" of con"relon lime in the .9 syeetrum or iN`9, by v. m. vi-t~ it. fa Ustakhvarishvillp WA. Bamwwv,, V. V."rach- kov:lch,, 4 ppe, -- * PER., Zbur Rksper I Tearet Piz, Vol'43o No 3 (9),o 1957t P.P. 5W-594. Aner Inst of Phys sov phys -im Vol 6(33)# No 3 Sci - phys /s Jun 58 Mavest4ptim of Oonversim IA=o in the j94)pectnm dt a X11152-MA154 Ktxtms, by V. M. Xbll~p V. A. rcmawvp R. Va. Mwbdftriisbvi]Li,, V. Ebmmv,. 7 pp. MSIM.p no per,, Zhur Bkoper I Tooret Piz,, Vol p lb 1p Jm 1937.9 PP 39-47- Ann l"t of Phys am r2wev imp Vol vo NO 1 Sal - rms 4 SOP 57 VIth RIOIALW sud atw INJ va"Ca DOM V. K. wwonA, a. P pftv".p &A X* Aq Doun6w4st 9 3*9 XwZW PW., Xlww Td& plus Tol Im"Ills so 5., 19580 AMW zwt of rd" saw R" - T4cb raw* V061 nis Ito alai - r4" 26b 59 Vertical Focusing of an Electron Beam by CylirArical Magnetic Lenees in an Axially Symmetrical, Radially Increased Magnetic Field., by~y. M. Kelmsup B. P. Peregud, K. A. Dolmtova, 1. 1. Luzyanin) 5 PP- RESSIAN, per, Zhur Tekh Piz, Ifol XXX, No 2, 1960, PP 153-158. AIP Sov Phys - Tech Phys Vol V, Tio 2 Sci Sep 60 Achromatic MWetic Mirrors, 'by Y._M. Kel'mun, S. Ya. Yavor, T. Ya. Fishkova, B pp, RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekb Fiz, Vol XXX, No 2, 1960, Pp 129-137. AIP Boy Phys - Tech Phys Vol V, No 2 Sel 49? 7/ 6 ,2 3 Sep 60 Ilie Reliavility of Information-Transmission System of Arbitzrary Structure, Taking into Account tile Value of the Information Transmitted, by 4p A. K. Kellmans, 9 pp. 11USSIX11, Der, A=ma't- -'1110~11 Vol XXIV, No 93% 1963, pp 1250-1259. Instrument Soc of Pmer Sci Apr 64 25S,015 Oxide Forwii-,lons in AS-Liwyaru wid 1. ~* 'v al. -11-W 'A -- --, ;j by V. N. 7crtsner3 V6 A. Kel"nar., A. k . Saovlu-i RMIAN .j, per.. IL-ictsllogmphi~mrip Vul ;7,c, -"! y IM. pp 497-5m. Amer T-Aft of *Phyr. set Pee So / 6F -I 0z a It"stieptica at Pbaw Zqulllbrift Of thO TB=SrY systAm rwr"tibromo4im - t tbena-mobbtbalems by Yu. mp. Koicebko4Rmywnlr* =810,0 pWa RM V03L 22 pp 1949p MID -~Ieat of t1w M..utle Restoratlon of 7ndentations .in the Load Dependence of Vlamhardness,, by Yu. S. '3Wmr,dke.y&,v Tu. P. Keloglu, and Yu. 0, Lapeker,, *pp R9SST& , per,, Zavod Lab# Vol PiT, No 4,, 1960 47-7 Fob 61 ]L Z7, o! Yu. ~'i. Boyarskaya, Yu. F. E:eloglu,, K. j)uraye%"., Riji-ISLAD, per., Krietallografiye. Vul V, Ho 1., pp A TD j The Relation of Microbardness to Load for Wl KcnwrptaU,0 by Yu. S. Boyarsk"ap _I%i. P. -%-- J, . K. Bololp., Vo V. Hadus-Up 6 pe-' RWSZAN per Kristmllogmflya# Vckl IV, No 4, 1959, pq AXP i-& pbvlc tal Vol INI" NOT set YA; 60 Alm as u Control for the Cockroach, by F. G. I 10JUSSIFIED Ilelsbelmer, 3 rP. SMOTSH, per, El Ganada, Vol 11, pp 49-50. QMT 422 Scicntific - Chmistry CTS/DFK 610136 1-44/66 The Holy of Holies is Man, by G. Kel't. (SF-3874) RUSSIAN, np, Komsomollskaya Pravda, 15 Aug 1965, pp 3-4. *JPRS USSR Soc Aug bS A vm7 OGr * ., :., - - minatiou Of TI-Itaniulu commwi=tlioa 1. Ube Por=ldo CmPlax or Tltanlm irl ISOW72PbOSPII-Oric RzWaetso tV Ya. B.j!Eltem~X., 5 PP. 2= AMI-Ittebammi IQ "is Vol XMI zo 9* 1063-2aft. CB Doc 63 Y~ OCI 0 On KCI Crystals MW Otbor Alkali HaUdas, by R. KARItLft. Gmm", Der, zoit Mom, Vol 126, 1949, pp 07-710. *Hot Bur StaW Tr 70-57811 .; Sci-Aw- Jul 70 ~-\ . K e c- T I N (~- fttraction of Acetylene by the! Continuou Adsorption M--i,hodj, by N. V. Ultaev., et. z1- RUSSIAN.. mo perp Khim i Tekh Toplivaj, No 12j, 1956, PP 17-n - Tech and Cam W.00 Sc L - Chem :~-/ 11 e 0 ~, Aug 57 Siaujtmomm WyAn awt -Caslbm MOAL" 09- - -m-mil taum Utsb Pwassure AAr by SYnthatic Z&O"Coolo by 16 N* Tolobob"bakkawo bg, V, Kelelsov, "Sim* per* M ""keg K"A TOM Imm is"&* be I a dea"w1ke no 470 1964, p,p 66-740 CIA IFOO U-17W 301,39S "is latemol U" Quly K el't s L!~Y,. N. %Nazarov, B. G. , anJ N.. THOROUGH M~'ING OF TRANSFORMEB OIL 3Y A]-).';ORI)'Fi( kN. ("-). Orde, A 1 51) A'E~, - 601 N Tra:li. ~11 2, 7, 11.-. 4, Df "Y I F, I A kl,; MIT! 1 62- ~1420,-, I .Kv~ N. k". 11. Ill. N. IV A AR I.- Nmtural Gasolim RztracticituB frcm Oil WaU Gas, by A. L. Kb&3 If v N. V. Kel-i;sev,. 2B pp. Ruwim' Otbmz popA naft gazov,, Mosem Gootaptaklmdot,- M5. pp 5-6; 942; 32-35; 42-471 54-58; 81-w- m4 to in-iiD6-56 3o abn iW. aA D-397M. AJP-721.1242 Simultaneous Drying and Carbon Dioxide Removal from High Presswre Air by Synthetic Zoolit". by N. 5, Torodieshnikov. N. V. jLtIftsev, i Wkov Xhim Tekh Inst RUSSI . per, AN -~W p 1!:k( 08 imeni a DO Is eava. No 47. 1964, pp 68-74. CIA FDD W 1790 Sci - Chas Jun 66 301,39S USIB Intwmal Use Only 63- 18882 Kel tsev, V. V. and Vinnikova, N. 1. THE CATALIrriC DEHYDROGENATION OF PROPAM", 1. Kel'tacv, V. V. AND E-MANE. 119631 19)p. 4 refs. H. Vinnlko~-A, N. 1. Or&-r from (f.'S or SLA $1. 10 63-18892 Trans, of Vt;esoyuzn[yi] Nauchinol-issledovatell Hkiil Inst'Lltu) PH rotiny-kh Gazov. Trudy (USSR) I r* 1, no. 12(20) p. 187 -194. DESCRIfTORS: OPropanea. *Ethanem. Reacticm kinetics. 'Piehydrogenation, Properies, Catalysi~. Formation and oepositing of carbon an the caial,viii di - min; 41 with nAticed qpace velocity of the process of propimi dchydrogunrition under conditiong of 1wr A,). tion of i0dith-wal ImAroge-ti Into the reaction zow, .~O( !i permirti Incrimsing bv 8* 10 vol 70 the averagt- yie Id in propyltme and tip to 40-50 hours the catalysts work be- fore regeneratlon. The method developed for dcliydro- gena~ion of propone in a fixed layer of AI-Cr catalyst (CherniHiry-Mysical. TT, v. 10. no. 11) (over) 67-19041 ULLippy V. V. and Tetwer. P. A. CARBON BLACK. tr. by A. Schidlovskit. 6 Nov 52. 1. Kel toev. V. V. 16p. U. Teafwr. P. A. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 60 62-19041 1~1. 'ntle: Carbon Black. Propertleo ... Partial trans. (extracts) from mono. Sazhs, Svolstva. Proizvodstvo i Primenenle (Carbon Stock. Properties. Production and Uses) Moocow/Leningrad, 1932. DESCRIFMR& 'Carbon black. Physical properties. Production. OPIgments, Electrodes. Dry cells. Plastics. *Rubber. Hydrogm Physical chemistry. (Engineering- -Chemical. 7T. v. 9 no. 12) slaw e9 Toifidto to J n,-c*-t',l Gat, ion o-" the Catalytic of Propane With the Introduction of Hydrogen into the Ila-action Zone. by V. v Kelltal9v, 14. 1. VinnikoveL, RUSSIM., per Gazovaya From., Vol. IV, No 1959, vj) 36:43- AM RJ-2075 Sci - Chem MY 6o Inventl4ption of Therml DeoomVpsitiom of FYdrocarbmn on Surface of Porous OmtaeUo by G.V. Genevalmnakayn V.V. Kal'tuarv. RUBSIANp hic Pererabotkit h1rodnnam Gam, 1958., pp U6-129. (00 96618W. AXIC MCL 7&/l Sei - Fbyls Jum 61 A Studtr of the Thermal Deamposition of Nwthmw an the Surface of Iran Ore. by V. V. Kelstavve, N. 1. VIwAkawa. et al. ~P~Mmlesmostv 8, Vol Ville, me 48, IWO pp 43-45. SLA 7T "-30134 /, L /, j~~, " r t ,~ -', May 67 327,0215 Carbon Black - Propertiess Production and Uses# by V. V. Kelltsev, P. A. Tesnerp 16 pp. UNCLASSIFMD !iUSSMIO b1to Ooazha, Svolstva, Proizvodstvo i F-rimenenyle, State Scientific Wchnical Publisher of ~-Ietrolcum and Mineral ftel Literature.. !~OGCOW/Leningmdl 1952, C/.q/PDD/X-747 U-13SR Scientific - Fuel Qmntltative Spectrowsobic Amlysis of Cements and hw Materia", by Z, k. ftllteevaj. 2 pp,. Fail translation. RMIANjj bim per.. It Ak Naukp Ser nz,, val xix.. No 1.1 195% vp l()Ojp1M* cu c 4w53 CdIuwbIa Tech Tr j scl=tific - pbWous # 47 11~"7 AW 56 =/dam BS Prog j 12 (NY-3300)- Dymmic Probl6m of Cybernetics, by A. Kel'son.p 27 pp. RUSSIMP bk, Din=4 a" Wadmahl Xiberustlkl, pub-I by Sadplv"iz) Leningrad, 1959s pSi 4-l!). JPRS-a283 scl - EW Mr 60 la '7 Calculating the InwMia of a Rudder in Certain Guidance Problem, by 0, V, Grigoryova, A. S. Kelzon,._..10 pp. RUSSIAN,, per. Tz Vyssh Ucheb Zaved, Aviats Tekh, No 4, 1961, pp 22-29. 9683138 FTD-rr-62-1683 Scl-Aaro Jun 63 .7 3 4/ ~I-P --J- On Stable and Lhastable Trajectories in Proportional Navigation, by V. L~ Kan, A~ S. Ke'L zon., RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk, Val CXXX, No 6, 196o, pp 1220-1223- IntermMional Phys Index Autmation Express Vol II, no 9 Sci jul 6o On S-111:-qblo bind Unstable Trajectories in Proportiona-I HavigStion, by V. L - Kan, IF' Kel I z-n. RW310. Der, Dok Ak Nauk, Vol =, No Pr- I 220--h-123. Intern-LL PIVs Lndex Vol II, no 9 SCi - FDYEI Aug 60 D,yn=ic Prololms of CyberneUcm,, by A.S. Kel I zon. RUSS100 bk.. rdnmiahmidye Zodubi Kibernatik:it 1959~ W3.797. AT= WL 731/1-2 Sol - QW jun 61 A-5-37 Ir-5- 6 2- Coatrilbutioa to the Theory of D!itecting Periodic Pulsed Signals in Gawslan Noise for lacoberent Storage, by Yu . V - poijak, V. S . 1ki I zoq, 6 pp - RUSSIM, per, Radictekbaika I Elettroniha, Val ill, He Jum 1958, pp 764-69. Autowtion Expess Vol 10 no 4 luternat']. Physical Index Juim 59 4. IMAVY (DC -4-'-~i J-I~JervLe,~. With Major V. Ersu, -b',- TURKISH, no, Cumhu-kiyet, 2,: Ji-;! JPRS 1 12 7 NEVA Tur-k~ey Bioi:, I-lov (D~- -,~,27i4 ) Coloriea M'. Yurdakuler, by Yasar :- :,:;. TURKISH, in, C',imlilaril,',ety h V.1L, JPR6 ')'-27 NE/A - Tur;~r!-,., Bio,_ ~;o 'D ,v -~, (DC 4' 1'7~- ) Major Vlouza:'f'~~r Karan) by Yasar K--.rnal, 5 pp. TURIJ611, np, Uii:-,~uriyetu, '~ Au,; JPRS b1,27 NEIA - Turkey ldoi-, Nov 2-1.) fk D C - 4 2 7 i., ) Colonel Mlu-~.Lp Atal'Zli, by Ya:3ar :, oT~- I I . TURKISH, zip, Cumhuriyet, 3 Aui- JPRS 6127 NEIA - T--rrk-~!y B i o.- IN7 c) v j -- (DC-14274) Lt Col A. YilOiz~ by Yasar Kertal, ~' pL~- TURLIS11, tip, Cu?ahuriyet, 9 Au;~ JPIRS uI27 N3,./A - Tu4-:!,y Bioi~ N")v JO (DC-4-2,-~,:, ) Lt. Coll. 3. Karaman, hy Y-asar --,, MKISH., np, Cumlauriyet, -',.) Au,,, -,. MIS b127 ITE/ IA - Turkey Bio.- Nov :)",) (D"" -4274 ) Interview !,'i-,,h Captain Irivan 6:olmazer, L'..' Yasar K~2i..al, 6 -.L-. vc TURKISH, rip, Cumhuriyet, 22 Jul C- - JPRS u 12'~ NL/,', - Turkely Bicijr Nov t,.") SMSM73 OF 101 NQ A KF STFAPI rRACTIONAL SWMTM4 By IL N. =MIMI. WSIANS ELIER WANMI I sp VtX XXVI I I I ND 80 1957a rp VF I'LL N. 379% 3C1 -, EM OCT ~w 214,716 ICTUNIMING IM EFFICIEWr OFTW CEMIFUGAL SVMTOR or A NIAMM BOILDt UM)ER INNSTRIAL Com"TIONSO W IL N* MWONS MMI&XV PU4 an srunil'o w3s 19(go w 1143. ML IL 3193 SCI - DW ocr 4 2140 1& Constant Concentration of 1.4griesium Ions in the Cerebrospinal Fluid Daring Intravenous Infusion of Solull.-ions of Ma~nesium ZZ Salts., by Annand Nemen', Garison Bold'i7har, 1.7, Tm. RUSSIAN, per, Fiz Zhur SSSR inieni I.I. Sechenova, Vol n:III, No 11, 1961. Elsevier llub Co Sci !,.-ov iS2 2 a. CCOWOZI.-Sm of a 50 C/S WIth a 5 CIS Awmad-c St "~l SwAng revicep kv F. badw2ski.. I. Kemmosy. Mmi, vw., nAerbaymfw,#.V,. Vol 1W., 1962.. im h 19 W-472. BMI SW3 Bel - H/M " ~l ,.,9 ,- P 9 " ~ Ifty 63 Iy, tile Stee .1easu ~4 ring Principles of the Magnatest Q-14ethod and Its Meating Possibilities In the Steel ~Wnafacturlng Industry, by F. Hichal ski, E. GERMAN., perp Haterialprufung, No 2, 1960, PP 56-64. Bisi 17o4 Sci - Eagr sep 6o In V4-t2.-c, SL-u- ol Respirat-ion and 31- n C),orcid Under Vari ous bY A. Kerl-any, F. Kutas , ID IT Di RUSSLL'i -xXVI) Pei.. BioklAm, Vol CB Sci ju-11. 62 DWO 1961. Great Event of our Taacbnlcul - gcientifi&. Life, by Tama XWH Kj~, ? pp. UM00i. p 2. Army Hap Service sci - blisc " //i5- ..2 -- 19 Man 62 ~E*Psrimental and 01 InI oal Studi" With Optacid, a Drug ftgulating Oastric Acidl.ty, by, T. Laszlo rand St6- -Keme 6 po A ow; Orvosi ReUl~p, 11, Mur 191' IMMAR I A N 1 . , r.) Modicine Yer 58 SUI 2943 A Device With Two Degrees of Freedom for Measuring Vector Quantities.. by L. F. Hulikovskiy, P. P. Kemeshis,r 5 pp. RUBBIM, per., lzmerltel Tekhq No 10, 1959, pp 28-31. Instrt;t Soc of Amer Scl Sep 69 rx""L-itl0l- of iitlpnei~it .,~ 1). 4w r d 2- C L Alt, The Inhibiting Action of Aldehydes, by V. S. Kemkbodsev S. A. Belazin. pp. MWIAI,, a* per, Zhur Obahcb Khimp Vol Eal, No 10, Consultests Bureau Scientific - Chemistry 7~ ftgpmse Sensitivity of Esxth Leakage Circuit Breakers 0 by A. Kenmr. GERK4M, per, Elektratacbnische Z. No 26, 1961. pp 689-691. KZDIA sci-IMMOngr Jun 63 ;;Z3 -91 6- / 7 StIono of Developmmt of Apple Tree structure, 3, rAwlerp I- ThLOUP 14 PP- * per, Der Zachter, Vol MY, 19%) PY 346- a SLA 57-0 2" 58 7o, o t4? 6t-22633 Kerrunnitz, G. RESULTS OF DYNAhlICTIRE OORD MW IN CUM- 1. Kemnutitz. G. PARISON WITH BEHAVIOR OF OORD IN THE TIRE. 11. ATS-48N51G 119611 1 lp. 111. Associated Technical Order from ATS $13.45 ATS-4gN5IG Services. Inc., East Orange, N. J. Trans. of Melliand Textilberf ichtel (West Gerffwn,() 1961. v. 42, no. 1, p. 16-20. DESCRIMRS: *Tires, *Cordage. Tests. 111,11k.1 IT, V . (I , m, AF-7,77,77""r7*77 in, I:- (,~JIMPRESSION f-ATICU1. , I x- !,I,!:, o: or_4 are evaluated by mcans 1! v, t im.an e, adhesive strength, and tai iguv rc~;IF,at*_ v, anc i;,t, phy6ical behavior, nu.h j., il-, J. rigidity and attenuation. NumerDus prxc, have been developed tor this puryose. 1,111~ paper c with the results of the De Mattia invili-d ot a t aluation ot *.he bending or -ornpressio'.1 :atiguu, n~ %%- 11 it; wH, iension-relaxaclon stressing with the NIeska: -?,mi, ni,erg apparatus lot the Invesliga- ,ion of gro-A:h and attenuation phenomena. The resalzb ot bcxh -nVhods are . Limpared with each other and %vi:h W4, c the h,chavior oi ord in the tire. (Author) (MarurtalF;. 'I-1. %,. S. no. 4) TT-65-14094 Field I IJ Kemm?, G.6 lk-heelL, W. VULCARIZATION oF JjIGlj ELASTICITY POLYMEMS. REM. NO. 49. THE INFLUENCE OF FILLEBS ON' THE COURSE OF THE . VULCANIZATION REACTIONS. 113. 16p, 14refr. Order from SLA: $1.60 its TT-65-14094 Trans. of Kautschuk und Gumnif (West Germany) 07 n8 p434-7 196-1. Mit 672 -Tapox-rFirase Catals~i-c Cbddation of ~u~vlenes to -APjIY&idej by S, T, ~Joldavslciy, .-USSLANp pewr Kinotika J rata:Uas, Vol la, No 2,, 1960, pp 267-273. CB Jul 61 Pivoess for CKr emp, 9 pp. of' Polywro and Copolywre by J. P. Stxm&iWrg S. 0. Momo 1#1061759# Q&Vw 141 gay 19550 S.L.A. Tr No 57-92 801 - Mmfttx7,o OrBOIC Apr 57 itui I ta rv ,, i tu:L tary Dwarfisn in t~! Growth and F~Mcti0n, by T, GFP~, ~."! " Utl It. I P2:': "C,- 'rlaulo'l. ll-~icrobioj 1936, rP 512-511. 13, max Svediob Caummist Olvos EleclAm Pbst4brtmj, by Jan Kmpes 5 Vp. MM=, r4p,, 4 Dag,, No 226.9 29 %p 196e., p 2. ago 1W WE im - Sweden POI .2 14, I.P46 Is sov 6e Svediob Oommunist Gives Eleatlon Post-Mrtm,, by Jan ~~p 97~Vplr MMM.. qpj, 1$ Do& lb 9261, 29 ftp 1962.. V 2. apas 15" WE ar - fteden ,2 / 9, W POI n Nov 62 .0 11 Ammahimi ino"Pol" Im lm~ anociwic "Oft a I wo VMPRWqmwgvm%p ON IL IWCO Fo 4 Aw --.- - "Moog= ~ I", ~i 3wTv m IV, No 2, m'""Plop I an ljmk Monufacturs of Various Aerosol Containers and Valves Used for Cosmetics and NUMPharmaAmuticals, by W- AM!.j GERNMO per, Parfumerie und Kov;mstik, Vol XLII, 19611p pp 4,60-482. GB/96 Sci-Okem July 63 ;:? 3 to !D q I j -rl--sea for r- OfflaInalle for Bloclkt-Z of Pitatitary Hormones., Rpt I., by F. reqwr., 33 -9p. GRNWTij, per* ArswInittel-lbrodbaug, Val ix, 1959P PP 368-375- '.MM 12-44 jau 6o Tr-64-ioW Kemper. F. and Burger. K ACnOM OF GLUrARIC ACV MUDES COHMEGRUM. 1. Kanpur, F. GLUTOnfMIDS) ON THE BLOW ORGAN OF V. Burger. M CHMS (wfrwq von GluterssursimkIes Mwr-Wd=, GlumMmlo suf dea Ilutorps Y= HdmcW. (AM 631 3P aws Orftr tM SLA 11. 10 Tr-M-1030 Trans. of KU4mclwl Wtoichos)vc~l (Weet GonossO lft% V. 41 IM 11 V. 43-" 'j1 (Makw1w sclsoove-Pbortemokw. rr' V. 11. am ta T-W- - r . -i a calm " W 4 - OldiiVd-wift W 4~70 1w 47* MWOMMOO Vo. 14"ro W# mmmoVaw-, ~ -- ..- - - b~~Mmp va 360 1b 3?jo . ~ A.~L~ - -4 U12m, ft-~ ff sel-M jilm 66 303v577 Expem4omtol ftseB for a 2hemoutic Use or LIVioneraw oMaIMMU for 33m&lm Anterior .j 43 pp - pitatary BD=Me*Rpvt 2# LT 731-ts smgm GUM* Vert AV=* 0 -Jmtgp Val XX.- So 7, X9"0 pp 60 Critical Discussion of Test Xwthod :ror Weld-ad Seem , (C=timattion' .)I by H. Mq~er,, 10 p. 0900,. pw,, Mo NvftUbwftItwg.. 1930, Vol =It j No 14,, Vp 21$-M;. mA 6o-xom Sai Apr 6o //,, OC44.9 Vol In p 119 3 LFML m T ItTAt WrAminamm By - tv IRMLLAT WE -STAM;- pwiwmw PDAIM JMiMM KI'FgMDi,, 90 PP. QEWN* Ma STAAT tM RUW. voL I I# 19&v, PP 216762187. JPRS 1 -INA6 Em w $m at= c Fm 6 2210w Last Gerwo Poreip Tv#49 Policy an the Free World r-larket,, by MU Madw2als, MaMrred Kemper - GENMANJ, xj, Der Aussuftodell 110 13# 29 im 196o.. PP 3-5 - r4l' I "D Sum 0)31 Ixur - it - GWEMW Neon - Favelo Traide Feb 61 1-5f 4~~ 7 steelplon In" ftlth of modu"T ircep ?,)- IDY so, sompowse, GENUM" pews, SMOMMIF Vol S3, we 1. Jm, 60 A~o pr sm-m me 6m y // %- 1 I -z- / , L I . SCI-*" Jul " 3040386