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The Prepamtiuv of ChImId" uW seters or ArylVbmlpbwlc AcUs. Ckitalytic Pbsocomm la the Rowt1cm of AA witil Pboo pbom! OxythlarIfto by V.. V. maymmiaj, m. ya. nsftl, 6 pp. RWIAXv so pwiv ?Aw O%sb* KbIm MR,, Vol XM.# No no- i956p pp 3o6o,.y%s. CoomdtaU Surma 6'9' (NY-5632) On the Ab~lam tf 862m Mg~. Radiation in lube Urth's Atmanberms by V. V. Katirushimat 13 pp. =win# Pat Is Ak look SM,, Str Geof iz p Vol X; so I-01 1960j, pp U49-492. JM 7733 ftb 61 (DC-5970) Wen? Functions of the Caagputor Statiaa, by A. Katzo 11 pp. RUSSTAN, per, Wwwhno-T*kWLaheskiye Obahchastva SSSR, No 12, 1961, p 2&3D. V aW 1*12 Usm lq~' 6;06 soon Apr 62 Diagnoi3is and Tim-atmat of Esophageal Lciomjomas, by B.T. Katz, V.P. XleshchevaikAm, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per VLq?rosy Onkologii, Vol VII, No 1, i')6i. lioyer Ai ~d Roger Oct 61- 1721, 1"40 !:.u=iUutikWm to Via killiye-wlix"y ill'x ,ye Cult4wt. 11 li-~UOWiJp A7 V'A 5 c omf~ z r 1, Dcutrmhc 'r", 110 1c). 21'1-;.~, Y)7-401. Vul 2 Eloc~.-'2ical Disc~iarcc 'I~ibc for 'Cool.ing, 11'. Katz, 'o 1, 307 .D -.-Jubl date Nov 14 MDIP What am the Causes of the Ebmt:Lc:Lty of fbibber?,, by J. R. utzv 2 pp. ....... - eMM,, perp Wxnl-Ztep 25 ftp IS)25# PP 2351-2352, MA 21177 Sci My 58 0/ -7"' / 74111- The Cm;.!aeB of the Chaxseteristic Elasticity of Rubber. II. The Joule-Effect, and the - In Ibree dimusions of Um rogftr Substancle Due to Stretchim6p by J. R. Utto 6 pp. WNW, per, Malold Eq Vol M-1XII9, Jul 1925. MA 2859 Sci XhY 58 711 g What are the Causes of the Peculiar 33jwticity of Rubber? Faft 1. On the Cbmp in the X-Ray Spectnm of Rubber During ftretchlogj, by J. R. Katz$ 9 pp. QUM,$ pw.. MaUoid-Zp My 1925,- pp 300-307. arA 2876 Sci Wy 58 1. Are the Vhea Rubber ic S'*u-rc-i-(:l~_-,.., by J. R. KlTtzj.j:,. BW, 5 PP- -cr, Z Mnlm, 18 Jun 192 SLA 2933 ~kzy 56 par, rZ kWi-P Clemp 14 NhLy 1925, pp 4-39-441- SLA 2857 5E'- The Netast4wees of the Malignant Tumor so by X. Katz'? 100 Yr. O=Wj Pws Z. &Obefomh-o Vol LVIIm 1951, PP 2W-338. win 6-9 Sci - Ned JUl 58 6 Z 5-P, ~ "USM/ Sci Ultmviolet Luminescence of XCJ. and Or Single Crystals Irradiated by I-Rays at low Tew.exa- UreP by 11, L. latIMI(FAD P8557M 11VISIllu RUSSIAN, Per; Dok Ak &Mk. Vol *rNo 9, 3.947. *6L Tr 252 of Go Luminencenoe of Go d Sin -8 of Alkali Halide !..Cry by Compounds;,b qFDD PA 36 5 'r, 0 RUSSIAN, N& I XIII, No 1, 1949. Navy Tr/NRL 275 A USw Sci. C Luminescence and Distribution of Local Energy Levels in Fhotochemically Colored Alkali Halide Crystals, by a&A'r(FDD 44T87). FA lk =IAN.. per, &IMX Skeper i Teoret Fiziki,, No Z., 1948. Vol XVIII, NRL Tr 208 AEG Tr 93 Determination of the Hconanic Lot Sizes in Series Production., by Alfred Ale=der Katz, 7 PP. GMOM., perj, Mmehinenbau., Vol X, Ilo 2, 1931, pp 33-36. SIA 59-2a-96 Sci jun 6o 5z' ladueseenee of ftel Xf m a 1 W.Potals. SlOwted to Neat Treatjmmt~v ~E~L- ~Ixts~v 9 Full trawlation. per.. I T&Nmt nso Vol I&* No 2" MEA - ENE 44- 3-950, mmy Ts? 622/*M 354 ftiontif ic pwnik* Am 52 W All DEX Becent Divest1gatIcne an the CwseI3 of the M_agt:Lc PzWert4es of Rubber. Dabber "CrystaUises - Uader StrmS Stmosese by J, Re lbtss 3 pp. GCWZj, per, oumi-Ztg, I MY IMP PP 1044s 1045. SIA 28M Sol MILY 58 ~ ~, 7,91-1 Contributioa to the Study of Forest Phytecoeno5as, by S..~ RUSSIAN. per, Botan Zhur, Vol XXVIII, No 4# 1943, pp 154- 17), CSIRO/Mo 613.1; Sci-Agri Aug 63 /' 9!5'7 O'f Dillivalo-ce in L-,-~ a-90j, 671 MB64 AM HUT TRUUIWr Oil ZDC 1. Km, W. I W LAYERS. ~P. 3 rob. Osde. tmm SLA $1. 10 WIGW TVM. atomm joww aldeis imm uddialaw mump R.d. vescurroM. WZAW *CWrftkm iMAMdm. OAmnaft, Cbmalm, mmuogr*phy. .1"47344 t 7T,,w* 1% w. 7) aft ri I"" M*m Electrochemical Testing of the Tin and Passivation Layers on Tinplate., by W. Katz. GROW, OTS Sci - ,Tul 63 tie Structure of Zim CmUnge on the Basic of Slectroehftdcalftsealutions,, by W. ~ M~mtx -- GE&U.N., per,, Archiv fur Risenbutteaveaeup Va UV,, JtLl/Aug 19r.-4, Pp 3D7--314. Mall 2T12 Sai - wx jai 62 -2 13 , List So 137 The Sla,actum of Zinc Coatings On tha Basic of UeetrmhemIcal Dissolutions, by W. Katz. GR52k"., per,, Archiv flur Sisenhuttrawesen, Vul XXV, JU/Aug 1954,, pp 307-314. ;ISI 2712 Sai - M/M jm~ 6!5- -7 61 -? , X12~" List No 137 atrwtum- and DeterminatIon Of U39 GXMX,, ~perp Stehl u IUan., Val Id=Vp 1955y =-not;, British Iron and Stool Ir4 &A - kum/Not IT 6.1w -.4Z saw* D . /"~A '.j-ck A Me Defects In 'M-ato OLMAW&S, by R. Ka cogmus per, Majoiffl" Vol 13, No 3, 19629 pp %-101. NTC-71-10004-IIB Nov 71 Cmvressed Ciao COvtxvI On Trw)k CIRWASt by w. lhttobxwr. QjW", Vars a jr. md a* RPA&mb^up No 38., :L9550 pp a VA-M. AMU-0,54 Sol - RUGUM im 59 "a 2,0 (a e 71 Influc=c of Subatm=ea Fr= Ny=ibactcria on Viruses, 11, by 1. Katzenbermr, 3 PP. GZU-:00 3paro Die NaturwlssenscWtca, 7T~,l iiov 195% pp 607., 608. NM 3-52-6o Sci - Mod j= 6o ! / -71, -:-, ~-,? I I : - I V~ Wavavdft - dtfoods by B. Z. -, .. ) 6 pp. WBUMS, pW,, Modlabft:i 23*ktrms Val U., NO 90. 19591, Pp 1567-Ml- pp sci / 6.4 ~7 Doo 6D PeUirbetion of the SUctrcoggaetic Field for amll DeformtIme of the Metal Surface.. by V. Z. Kat 17 PP - RUWL4jjj, so per.. Zbur Tekh FIz., Vol Mp No 3p 1955p PP 546-557- CIA D IMO Ar Cambriagn Research Center Tech Tr No 2 '2 Harris D. Friedman Scientific - Physics 361 Kin/i4etlas Jan 56 M /IDEX On %be Cbofte at Mw Aawast of Uft per T*Otb in U=d&Ulgp by P. 0. Katsevo 9 pp. anza, I Too% pashilmtMuipt Vol ant Ib r, 1955j, pp 45-47- Set No Llb 555/34005 SC:L - Sogineerum 31. 7 -' V Zattw to an MOW -- ft8 lowums ftw the ~j cc Vasrom MOCUM *=Mtt by VA. A* .~,,3 w - wmwjp 9 W-0 awam ass lia Am xqot w 1304NO; --Jhp~ mra ftl ~ in l- Nkpmm -f 41~ *rfolL aw 56 m -, 3-w of by C~ !"T BRE Saito do T~. -7). Tnves',! 4,1 oefficient ol -,eat iSs- on c- -7-low in -on-S4~-at`Lonary ron,di~--ons. o o i r' C) 3 _UC 50120:56 From " LAte d the CbopWdc Instime CC WE, by V~ KMlbttW, 4 1/2 M GEMANO per, a Barichre. 22104own DO 1964. WAU Nch Glo G 395,p NO W6) Army law survIce Af EEui-Ganumy Geog July 65 KAUCHTSTEIISWNTILI, -x. Siemenszeitschrist, Vol. 15, r.)n. 1.4-50, 350C, word!F; 19-15. El e cl,ric -.rc -leduction Furnaces f'c,,,r t~-.e '!;'er from Ores, r( T~rutcher 7rans., C-rder J,,Io. i A'P. '. t'7 Zrj--*ItE7c"-.,--]*--;"t Vereiri Deutscher 2", words; 11735. "lectfic Airnaces. 61-18493 Kaur-hischischwili, Michael. THE PRODUCTION OF PIG IRON IN THE LOW- 1. Kauchtschischwill, M. SHAFT ELECTRIC FURNACE. 11%11 6p. 7 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-18493 Trans. of Stahl und Eisen (Germany) 1941. v. 61, 13 Nov, p. 1033-1035. DESCRIPTORS: *Cast iron, 81nduction heating, Smelting, Iron, Ores, *StLel, *Electric arcs, - *Electric furnaces, F urnaces. (Metallurgy, Tr, v. 6, no. 17) fteemom an in POWN-0- in 1w munaftrcs &% N% Hu 4 ,/- , A CIL - ~ ~;,. -,,' -- /~ "-GK &**tam Ifty 65 MOM of ?.Ila b~- J, ci-, A"R, 53 /7/i Ali 2ba am*$ so Bono lkw and" bourat 9 PP. PM Sam=& rwip mhl~~ a ev IMP IV 93460 - ~~ VIAMP . &w ar pow= Mr's lb Bw - wa 1 11, /I,. .~ . , , " ~i Ike Is on 4 ~,+m .rUWUVMdon and = sonmdo oif Reabarichla Cou by TACW)a:bICU Vith Sciim Rit~niig,,- bi ir. U pp. 0=M.7 pwp AbbonM=*= 6or D=booben Abodawde der xf eamom rt In su Bulfto IlAme fuer Hoazin, AD 1j. 1960, JSWMP 86-JA. 9M306 AW Tr-WI ftr 6e Lwthal Afte"frects After I.Dworporstion of p32 Ju IsmDebe. Protem and S*13* Intarpvtatiou by Qgne%U SubmjtBo by He yrlodrlch-Yxvksa., P. pp. Z Ikbw cho VbI VIM, 1953s pp AM Mr-MM Sol - chm /4t?055- ur 61 ?!ne !affect of the Decay of Rudioacti-v(t PIIOSPbOMtC- C--) Mutation of Genes When Incox-poraLud into the ,"ells of Echerichia Coli, by P. Kqj;g~�-witz, W. Vie-lmtter, H. Priedricb-Preksa,'13 pp, C-ERMU,, per, Z fuer HaturforBebung, Vol XIII B, 1958, PP 793-W2- 71 -W i.o Sci - Nuc Phys Au,g 00 t'j~ THE SPMKMNMCTX)R BMiAVIM OF 7HE CHALCMEMDES OF AUIW- NUK GALLJUM AND INDWM. 1196215p. 24 W& Oudes from SLA St. 10 63-1000 TV&S&. Of ZiettK:kdh nWI Naturformcbift (West Cermamy) 19SS, v. 13~6 p. 531-336. DESMWMR& *Sernicandunwm6 *Alumi~ cam- poundk6 *GsUum cauVowds. OlvAiwa conVmncb6 CMkCWddeS, CZCMNW b=dil6 DOW OPMr=6 TemW-an- k to camnrmA by optkal measurewnemes thm aU cbmkmpddes of alumtnum. Sdliwn &W M&= cd Ow tw A21U64V poswu memkondwtor cbwmer. Me bud imerAU aW dwir teagm me 5 1 1 , we compu,md wft dw , of other sudom --3vW Sum% TT. v. 10, =P6 2) f- 1. KWmr. F- No Rabom% A. mm d NOW sod= The anod, EMXV Gw of G&IUWB Nitride ssA Alusima Nitxi*g by Be Camera, oW A, MdLwusv, C.LRNMO pore Z. MM&W 4*lp Ifol XIIAS so Lis 1967a, pr NZ-700 NASA Tr F-10,730 GOVEIWNHNT USE ONLY sell-phys i4ar 67 3209923 Two-V(xy liwuslatorized Repesthcrp Operating Without Differential Systamsp by K. T. Kv-ufmldt,, N. 1. NoWi0vo 11 PP OF 723958) - ' RUSSUM, mo per, !nnxt-.05vyazl,, vo 1, ye-n 1956,, PP 5 ATZC Sel - slactronieB Wasurement of Force Mtern During Brief Disruption of Plastles Througb an Explosive DetAmation by NewA of a Strain qtke Strip (RztensommUrs of DUAtomaters), by R. _!!~ufjr, W, Christmmj, 1T ppe GUM, psr,, ZolWd Z,, Vol =El,, No 1,, 1957., PP 16-23. 9MA ID433 gel-maws im "