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I-ple U-00 wwwds st MMOWAng ocxw Pzqpdlor fts"t by P. it, uo~ " a. a. p ll;li6rmp rwip. a--me Ob 36 Noveb IW we 47-40 1 - -_ A ,p arm 3" T. NN k~A_t Bod4kw* Dw 65 291,5W plottiss the pwrm~~ Congo or a ac"W fta- Palljor lbw ft~ of NOW mimottems by F. M. u W, ftboma sea V. 1. WMUN# pvwwp to So lbw 1963o vv 9618. JM 33,pl3t. scl - goo pft 65 293*903 Conversion CC Some 910-mHolowtaar Hydrocarbcw by Steam, by S. IL Rafams D. V. Mewhankcil 2 pp. RMSIANY so per,, Zhur Prik Mdu SMP Vol IW. No 69 JM 19569 pp 95!~~ Conmatin*a BUPIMU Sci - Chemistry A/ ftv 57 The Short-iiange Order and the Cb_1rac4c.,ri5tjc X-ray DiffrvAction Temperature In M-11"tA by T 1. Ivoronova, A. A. Kiatunellwju,"8 pp. RUBSIAH, perj Kristallograftya, Vol V, No 11 1~60P pp Alp Sav-Phys Crystal Sci ooy 6o / -4 -;~, 5",120 A orww" air-cool" -Sam W IL IL 8*901eas A. A. sh"I mmm%- or* WOOMMIMP W9.. Bb 9,v "I-W m --tse L (= un CS MOM) &. a" ; I~ft - aw '~ 1. -;? M,:)Uochrori.atization of Parlected Beams of X-Drlyc., A, Xatane).'eon. UNCLASSIFIED INTSSTAN, per, KxJ.3t3I1O9rafiYR, V01 M 1957, '(00,"02. Sci - phynics KM Lincoln Iab Av.-- r 5 A-,4"1 Distortion or the Cryoftl LAV1.1ce Im Solid BolutIms, by V. 14 Ivermova.t A. P. ZYMInet, A. At KaUrAllmons U pp. RUSSIAMp perp KrIptallograrlrt, Vol 11, 19037, pp h14.418. AW A00 NOV The Atomization of L:Lqu:Ld Fuel '.)y ME!&TIH of Pneumtic Wectorsp by L. Ae Vitaaa, B. D. Kateuelloon, M. M. Efros, J9 pp~ MJSSTIAN~ bK, Voo-prosy Aerodi-alltilLi i Teploperedachi v Kotellno-Topochnykh Protsessel,h,, Mookva, 1959, pp 51-34. 9671627 rM M-01,1287/1 28 Nov 61 goat Transfor In an Alr-CooUd Cycloom Combustion Cbsub*r With OU Otiti" at tAw ftps, by M. D. MWUN,, pero "l!lm~"lrAptAlMp ft 9,p 1957m, pp 16 73-75. Doe CO-OP TZ sdbuo 522 TUU 111tart4imcoatAlity of vamvt T~te oad l."tommimter lastraiawn"If oy V. i~atsucl*scftv to I?P* LA4. jiji 43-4b~.~~ o pi, LIOC fj!D. ~- I*&At" W 4a I NOW PWR I MW* w A* IP#ALWVO ~ El Lt, 1 4 1* L 0 ~ WANIA04 101P UMT&9*VA OWN4 07 Kc- lAts p to im folo wo no job 63 101#93t t~? .1UtQTZ-biDV. '~O ".ubM 4mt:flualacn. U= MMIAII,, per,, atal, Roy J-956: pp 10r-x)-10(X15- br:Ltiakt Ircs and ateel Ind (no numbar given) WA - Wee f ~,~ -W 5 ~~ 9's radw Cadva in fftioW. no*w Pilots In AMUI Owwm bw L a. BINA&WO T. T. IbIryamp N. To =ma pwj, vot vm nou, va Its, iWO Cm &L;w AM Im MUM Sol *An OMMU 7-if 04-1 09% 5e 10 ravestioatim or the Warorum adr Tlrgin aDd CidtIvatad 8OIU of 00 FAr*IIM AM - r. HICrObidlagIftd Wastft-14109 C4! VW Unalsm ASM 90M.. tT R. B. Ka olomp y pp. V. xUw*'GLqv7Ip Vol mmp so 1957j, yp Merc AMW mwt or DWI set Sol - W Avg 5 8 4 -&- (- A, / -- --" ~~ "t", The History of the Discovery of Kw-yoklneris; by Z. S. Katsuell.soup 21 pp. RUSSUR: per, Taitologiyaj, Vol Ip No 2. 1959, PP 238-252- JM 2714 Sel - B101 Jun b0 (Ya t1le T~ocx-jr of the rion-Linjanx Pict7ire ia~y3trw S~ by 119. INa Katlz~. 11 i. ~ --E~ 0.. C n cwich., 2 p rlio'Oe"101 i ]~c inn 6 1 Rol-Is an pn Influence of Nickel Mbaox1de Cozitent on the Activity of Alumim-Nickel 03dde Catalysts in 1~enstructive Hydrogenation at *Aerate Pressures,, by Ta. R. Katedbasbyll~i-A. A. Popov, 6 Vy. WWI" P tar, 2w Pr1k Mal Vol MMI:Et So T~- 1960, pp 160T-19i-2. CS 70? Sci Aug 61 Influence or molybdenm oidde content on the Activity of Alu=Ln&-4b4bdenum Oxide Catalysts in Destructive Ry&ogeastlon at MAmrste Pressures, by Ya. R. Ket8obaMbrill A. A. Pcpwj 4 pp. RUBSMj, perj, PrIk XhIm- Val. No 7. 1960Y IV 1613-1&6- CB 51 Sci Aug 61 GWAJAMUM or 1-1 a ~m OxIde From Alumina- molyidemm Oxi" CaUl"tv by U. R. ... - t-..: t 0. jkmqlx.-So R. A. jovitakly, LA-al, pw,, Ebw Prik IM No 3p 19w# pp !A-735- at C )d act A,pr 61 11->,dro-ol-ac,~UI-16 of Liddl-BoilillL C(),'-l IL--r Fractions -L.-i a Fi,-.ed Catalyst Bed at a Prc.,:~;urc- Of S c.tia., b-~- Y,-.. R. Katsobasvil:-, Yu. ~irxlber, 'o - - .1 et, la~), I~USSIJ,~.7 .0 10, Sci 22 Ju,~n 1-2 2007o65 0 11 l6 w goal -.--A--A a alfti7s" rw Idw aftmomm at amm".4" is a rblul"s ams by r WbVM A. 2, era T. W. 84 VIN wpm* owe natum I mftuss Va no we 4; 19"s 0 07-M. set aft I ide Precipf -'ation C01101 Effec4~ 0" Hydroxi t're J~~-~claanical of Aliriiiia, i,,j R. Ka.t.sobusliv-11i; !~- S. KIWICOVIL) 5 pi). SSSR, Ot-c~cl Ah pp 2' :;aul!~; 1ro CD, Sci ligh-Prossure Destructive Hydrogeimitlon of Puimzin Petroleum, by Ya. P. 4tsobashvlly., q - P . Vol-Ynakln, 3 pp - RUMIM,, per, Zhur Prik XhIm., Vol XMI, No 10, L959P Pp 2290-2293. CB 3c1 / ~? ~1, 9 Bep 6o tl C[It4ilyuts in -9 Process S. A. GoVosov C, .. ..... - --------------- Miiw, T~ahkh TopLik, i ATs-,,)()N14oR Vc. :;YxhwrOckiqg of Pitch Distillatess, by Ya, R, Katsabasimill, RUSSIANS vxmp Xhiul i Tekh Torlist I ~~sel Vol A Ne 20 1964, pp, 9-11. Aln IJ-SIS2 3uly 69 Reaction of Steam at ?bdemti-- lFressums i.-itb Cakm Daposits on Destruc ve tsd--ovmtion, catM3,vots.0 tw Y&O Re XR-U29UW ger., k;bvr Plrii~ K!=; Is*3# 160-1-65- Sol so* 63 ,'I ~-akrt -rovastion DvzIng DestraeUve Catelyf-Ic -trairogammatlen of Mazut., by Ya. R. .4. P. V63,muddy., T. N. Ku-- Imina, 3 rp. RISSIM) perk Zhur Prik Xhim, Irel XXXII, Ne 11, P2 2597-2599. 6o Effect of the Amo=t of Catalyst on Intenalf icsition of the Destructive flydrogow~tlma of Petralm-, Residues in the 'Aquld Pb*ae, by A. R. ~fttao~IIR !nip N.S. XUAWYM, 7PP. RUSSIM, per, Zhur PrIk Min, Val XM, no 6, 1958, PP M-880. Oonadtante Burenu Sci - Chem Jun 59 0*0 pu=mm in aw ftso"s at Clatalo" DotmoUvo- N I --- We se Ord" o& rabsum ftwa~s I-W iN6 fig am! V. WAS"Wo 8 mpg ummm aw PRO aft (=M)9 *a =96 lb W&Mpo =V* Mr ad f, 7 Awn W, T. X* 61-!23DI3 XMob"bw" Yo. R. and adm". PROCLSS FOR WE PREPARATWH OF SMMROMDAL 1. C:Mtdysts--prodLwdm CATALYVr MATRRIAL& (19611 2p. 1. KatechubdIL Ya. R. Ordw ft-am ATS $3.50 ATS-79M47R It. fttwK (USM 110 736 M. ATS-79M47R 7Vvw. of Sorlat patm m 11%736t nled 14 Fab 56. IV. Al"Clated Tochnieffil Sarv- low, loc.. E"t Oravg% N. J. Onto of TSCWC4 swvl~ (Chomistry-Physic4 IT, v. 5. um 10) Ploolm 0 1 r ego ammomm PW i IV. 00 ... 0 w sit can, *"*% Voo~ 4 an m2% ~ 4p Cam ft t m 63 ^we Automation of Heating andTiechnological Processes in the Cerande Industry, by Be Be Katsov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN., per., Steklo i Keramika, Vol XVII., No 7p 19600 pp 12-17- CB Sci Aug 62 209,829 Synthesis and Application o-J" ~Sty,-,mz! - 1 t C, Polymrss by A. A. Vausbeie.", 0. L. E ~Itstov~- A. 14, I't"enbers, P.M10s, parr, Pr= OrGan MlUij Vol VII, Yb 11. 100, PP 593-599. o2a 61-iftwi Sol *by 62 Va17, 307 1 qgd6 -7 modem MMM- 1 N! j ~ o by pww4mwm,wr4F ot al. 23 pp. JAPMOU,g pore, cblw . . .0 L$639 pp 656 "s, SIA TT46-ISM S,ci-IWA Cbm As 67, M. KASS& N. Vasulp ' ~ ~--, i Vol XLVS no 26 327o074 With smalm MUM xv aw-Lul- I. JAPJMIB84 jmw 't 1964t MA 2T Q~-13042 Am67 k L i I. 1-1,00 .61~ ~~ ~ & - 7-- .. SNOMI *WVO . %.W L I~ 'N, 00404 0 *W- Uftk- P 16 *A-SON ; W4 m6& '4wbwdM4 by wasodap bas S*wku Irea4voo fwj*u. A 'AMEN 4 h AWO XAx r-jo 4L* May WJ FISM4144"It 101rar 1 It Analysis of Rodw "d Himemb ut ftrow% hoalwS of #Aas. Ity !rqwmo sam" 0 1~, Amdroo 0t ma. JL*NM,p per* Mmumbw IMMO, Wei 670 1961* pp "7670. MPILIVO~ ARC UM tv-SO043 Sep 3090437 ft do 00404 cow"Mills me A&SWIM in the Uvwl: 1006 Aedft of Aampiss OAAM" " Abdokmb (ASNOmmUs lby unati momm"o MAIM P04 r"t zm* we Come" JOILOW7 Study on the Re-action of Righer Fat~;y Acia Methyl Esters With Metallic Sodium. 111, Preparation of Higher 8-Keto-Estars and i4igher Ketones and Their Properties, by Masatoshi Fukushis&,0AjUWjir Shimokai,, JAPMHSE . vor . Journal of Japan Oil Chemists' *9 Society* Vol 1X0 No 11, 1960g pp S93-600. Dept of Interior ACS E57 No 53 sci-aiol Oct 63 -.4 vtsu oL ot Ft*4*bM* vitaaizw$ I DW%*CUM of VItUda As Ds, 19,p K md Uwlr soult" comwoudso, bw 9. M*Ml. ajum, ver, 101M. Vol 28o So l.. 1963s pp 4-U M/Amt: C-53w ce Jul 67 334,9103 cbrambosl JPW CC V:LtwLtw,, 3C1 Uft- mdn-&97er of M43o~ TMANIllwt Imer G6xwwtQVO*y tw 0. Utsui-, ALtM"L vol 29 . So 3., X9"; JAFA=m I pov Vp 3,8-2U %f%c WC/W.- set - jui 67 P-1 rm 4p 163 of vitmdne, m rals4o"r Q---- 1 1 of Water4SOU&U wa4arr t - - - vitmim* * 0. Kateml. JAPANM,v YWv Vol 29., No 4~ 2.964p YO-300 WC/ftf : C-5307 & , A-,a T--~ C', / sci - Jul 67 334.-105 The Changing Soviet -Rcoumde Control System,, by Sakai Kateurap 1 ps (ID SQ5006). JAPAN=# perp Talrftu Motifti WY 1957, Sac! tv P -378-57, U&VMC*, czA 6i)_1024 5Wth MI Sv GP Tr 94323 USSR .- / *:7- A Neon %p / 40 C.- Oc t 57 - movad"Ou air amms" an - - - I tw Boa= bw- - MIAP 2*0mpbbv 110 Jr. 4109WA04 Sms Mg _ MWIVA 2wablo 2963s Va 160P w % 1* 30-30- SA " 6WAN t I ja 66 .0%4556 63-17M RydCu. Woo. smwp =d c"m WOMACPJAM ACNrVLM5 FRM I. HYDRIOCARMM 6% GWUW16 end*-P-140 U. L%m & M. oraw km $14,00 OMPNO CL L 3 p. PI 9 um Co.. LaL ONO&. LAWAkh - modeft , "',47210 800 d lub" ' - v summu. 10 W 4 lAIP!ATNA!pgAaV,MM'6 kM 1964. pp 30-34. 901a= �w (CAU No. TC I* K IV* F*X N Eqj Tr) Armly &ft Service 'ea, ~- s I,- //;, / A'E-Gwg AG 65 288.113 62-t8877 Katsumull-Tattluo. nVIII&VER OMMATION OF ALCOHOLS, USING 1. Title: Oppenauer rracilov DIBUTYLURSOPROPOXYTIN. [Rept. 13 of Studies on 1. Katsumura, T. Orpwtkln Compounds. 1962 191p. 17 refs. 11. Title: Studies Order from SLA $1. 10 62-18827 Trans. of Nihon Kapku 7Asshl (Japan) 1962, v. 83 [no. 6) p. 729-731. DFSCRIPTORS: *Metalorganic compounds, *Tin con, - pounds. *Alcobols, Renzy) radicals. Furfuryl alcohots, Cholesterol, *Oxidation. Ketones, Alkoxy radicals. It hits been found that primary alcohols such as ben7yl alcohol and anisyl alcohol undergo Oppensuer oxidaCon in the prewmee of dibutylthisopropoxytin (t) and p-benzoquinone, forming aldehydes or ketows,'and that xanthuhvdrol undergoes the same reaction In the prv- seace oi compowid I and cyclohexanone. The formation (Chemlstry-OrfAnic. TT, v. 9, no. 11) (ovv!r) Katsunagi. K Tornihiko I-I., and others. NOUVELLE hi~-i-HODE R~Tlk LA FABRICATION DE FILAMENT AYANTUNE C(XICPE DU NI~VIUM a' BIEN DUTANTALF', PAR LA METHODE ELECTRO- LN"rIQLTE (Electrolytic Deposition of Niobium and Tantalum). 4p. CNhS-VIII his 15Q. Order from O-IS, Eff, or CNRS $1 . 10 'T7-62-26688 Trans. in French of Japanese patent application no.172081 by Yanegmfuchi Cie. d'industrie pour T~loraplije san.; F i1, filed 22june 46. DESCRIPI'ORS' OFilaments, *Electron tube parts Nj )j)jtjn,, rantaium, *Electrodeposition, Metals. V. 11 TF- 62-26figh 1. Katsunaga, K. 11. Tomihiko, 11. Ill. Patent (Japan) 172081 IV. Patent (Jil-kin) 172313, suppl. V. CNRS-NIIII bi.,; 150 - VL Centre Mtional de la Recherche Scientifique. pari.~ 041- .1 T-k-.1 S.-- wroamt1on of Fml%u4a mtwt~, Alcohol (S"M 4) ftvtheaU or ftwftryl Aleabdi PUrfOra by ---i-_- -Lum or "mw oxide-Cbroma Odft astairt and XeW4Xa%oww*ous garth (0"030809 by 8*4=0. XAFAMM VWV J Oft abaft Jbi javim, Vol v 19,4. " M-10K =8MOMS9 set - Ch" akm 99 ftin" it WOOMP. a" NO Awwfts V i36 awfaft 4469 low"o to 84pa IL =0016 T mik 16 lam I'- x ~~ 016dAMNI - - , - --w- amomd" %odLt& 11171 4" - . . -- .. . ammo Asw um IMAO sbw .. w 4. OWAofto pwo, JIM VA MW6 3963t ]w "~-, *A N 6643043 i fl.