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-v-- . - - - - W at so Jklik" INW lk~ at ~~ 13 .... taffisomm- 1w A6 am Vt so 4. W, Am-olmod vmdmb . I -- 0 .W -~.- I I, "r to 30%10 Kaszynslm., J. Calcim Deten-ii.etion in Cellu~Lose Pullj,~3 1),~ Y;ea-s -~f Flame Photometer POLISH C. P. 2 V,D1. 4, I~o. 2 (7), per., Prace I. 55-6o. -9.Z68371 Kaszom;ki., S. 4uantitative l4etho,l of Rabbit Fur3 -~ctiratir-4,- 1'er., .'~ccznihi Nauk Rclniczych, L) 3j 1(~)57., pp- 46~,,-,3-~Ip. oT.-, -k 7,:,v 63. _K&s4)auik#, Janina. CALCIUM DEFERMINATICN IN CHEMICAL PULPS BY 1. Kaszvntka. 1. MEANS OF A FLAME PHOTOMETER (Ozzisczanle 11. 111, Wapnia w Masach CeLulozo,.ych za Portioca Fotometru fit. National Science Fotinda- Plomieniowego) tr. by Anna Staniewska. 1963 f t5jp. tion, Washington, D. C. 7 refs. PL-48D Agr. Order f rccn OTS $U. 50 61-11389 Trans. of Instytut Calulmmo-Papierniczy. Prace (Poland) 1953, v. 4, no. 2. p. 55-60. DESCRIPTORS: *Wood pulp. Rayon, Chemical analysis, *Calcitim, Determination, *Photometers, Operation, Galvanometers. 'Dtration. Topics include: The principles of photometry; the con- struction of a Zeiss type Ill flame photometer. prepara- tion of standard soluttow; determination of the "turning point"; establishing the correlation bemeen the indica- tions of the galvanmeter and the concentration of soku- Offica ol Tedmits] Urvim (Materials- -Wood, TT, v. 10, no. 1) (oo.-r) Calc2um DatemLmUon In Mandcal Pu3.pz by Msens (C a r-two Pfxybom*Urp bq 21 ppo M.&M, per# Pwace MwtqtAu OkbA*wmo- PagUmIcup., Vol IV# lb 2# 110% pp 95-60. 92DSM a PL-mo ON 61-31389 Sol - Mit & Nft Jun 63 2-3~1 DIsturbancim of the Bound FleM by Various Typea of' obstac, 0 by 0. Kmqpwki. DAXM.p per,@ MaHmmimm og pmer xLyon at lith MAI 2MEM RD Aamt4cs, copmumen, &MpA .22 CAcL sci - Aug 6-7. 336,,,71U Upfids of tha Amcle of Tam,, Thymus Oriental!n. VI. Sphlago"'ApiclB of Dark-Coloved and Ordinary by mumo Katl.~- .j C7HF-U=, par, Nihw Stdsmugaldmi 9-hi, Xg tol 4j, -;,96o" PP 4P-1-424. Dept of 13,torior MZU R&O *0 236a -12 ,,,.I - Biol MpIds of UK,- 36mcle of Twis, Th)mnus Onientnais. VII. DistrAbution of Upidain Darkeolored YAmcle, ordirlpary miscle., md Several Mer Tissuesp by JAmeo KatadjL- wr-- CHIKM., pvro Nibm 8uUsnSmkkn-i Shl, Vol XM kl,- 4'. 460:, pp 425J429. Dept of lntoricr- sm 1 &82 so 23L~p Diol Aug 62 Lipids of th~ of Tum, Thyrims C)rIentaliv - V. Purther Rescmrnbm~ =- the Pbosphoemiuolipids,, by Mpeo Katsda, Koichi 'Zbma, Hisanso, Igareshi, ICf pp. JAPANW,E, pero BuUetfr. cr th-n! Japanese Society of Scleatif Le Val XXV, ~O 03, 1959, rp Dept of interior Bu of Commercle.1 9s0 SCI .. Bi.01. Technological Leborstor, Jul 60 Seattle., Waah Lipids of the Aiscle of Ttm,, Miymus Oriertal',.c; III. Leolthiao of the Dark-Colored and ~'Xdinanj Muscles, by Hisanao IWashi, Koichi Zama... Katada, 8 pp .Now-- JAM=10, per., BuUetln of the Japmese becict-y Scientific Fisheries, Vol MII, No 7), 195'#, pp 273-2177. Dept of interior Bu of Qxwercial Fisheries Sci - Biol Tachwilagical Laboratory jQl 6o Seattle ~2 &C, Lipids of' the Muscle of Tuna, Thyan= OrxientaIAB TV. CcOalins of the Dark-Colored and Ordinary ftiscle97 by Hisanno Igarashi, Kotebil. Zama, V",:~u LQ! I_ 10 pp. .t, . mese Socie4y jAMT1WE, por, Bulletin of the Jaw of Scientific Fisheries, VDI XXIII, No ~5, 1957, pp Dept of Interior v of Commercial Fisheries BL -- loecal lAboratory /,-20 ~2 sci Technol-,_ 11 wash _azL_~6n Seattle# - Lipids of the Muscle of Tum, Thunnue Orientalis. I. Acetone-Soluble Lipids of the Ordinary Muscle,, by H. 1,vmzk* Igarshi., K. Zamaj, M. Katada. UNFAIME, per, Bulletin Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries,, Vol XXII,, No 120 1957P PP 787-790. Dept of Interior SR211,0 Ift, No 233 Sci - biol Sep 60 CA for yatMt4_Ca Of Liquift "so oorryM Wt %be astbed 9 -by for 12 YP- agFwt aw%s fttont 110 221,938, vwwgt sc:j - aw I ArrnnR3=n,,,, 04 y ik. G. atcLdyn, --- OMCS C~ )q ) 17 1 Mee 62 F*rtillZabilltY Of the Egg of Ityla Arborea Juvouics Vith Special Reference to the Change of Jolly Envelop&, by Ch. Kstagiri. 11 v1s. JAPANESE, perg Zool9g.lCal 1963. 23-28.7 1 72. NASA 77 r-l2v333 bee 69 3970341 Prepar&*Aon of TrUmtln., a Nvv AsUbictio$ by YA n I S! 1~-! - ., JAPARESSI, Patmt 9150/61- MU 6-31-63 &-.:L - walfiba sai Aug 63 .^J/ J--?/ Ptogr4maIng rar MmrIcalU Contvol3ad W-chim Tools., by 1. rvtvSW, T. Nigmahi. &2U=,, yerp RitegM jWM.# Vol 45.v 110 5) 1963,v vp 56-50. WAW6OT5.461 1965 20* Bel - Avg 67 --7-- ,t- /~ T /) ~-- / ,, 335j,&* ., ;I-'-..,;",~..,-. "I 'r' -'Yy 'EC13 Ath Prxn cr r7 ,Itz-C,"m w Calixiteor '~mcsgp 't:drjpcku 321t 12# 19034p 1245-12419, 9 ~~G at"!ri; 7j C 2 .-T) NCH-200 618 Field 131, 9C Katwdri, T. Higashi, Y. PROGRAMMING FOR NUMERICALLY CONTROLLED 1. National Engineering Lab., MACHINE TOOLS. 1H5, 14P (foreign text Included) I ref. I East Killtride (Scotland) NEL-Trans-1604. Order from NLL Trans. of Hitachi Hyoron (Japan) v45 n5 p56-8 1963. "fildik-J, 4d~* Iftstochodool ObeermtIms ock -the Rabbit UocA CoU and Hoompoletto Ttosu*&,, gspeeis.13,v = the Ur*cft of Witcoln and 'hap by 2. latshirs" 2. sasakl AM A. Bug YL V mot JAPAXWp pers Om. o1 ILs 1934; pp 519- ASUM41958 Bat ftug 58 17.2, 7,fz Ttw Rmynatic i - ftuto of Testingj b1., U, S XnahtoYants, *66 latalln, 3 PP. reMZM, per, D jLz, voi. 1xi, po 6, 3.958, pp 689-692 Pergawn ftoam sel ireb 6o )FIeLf, 1-11902 7 'a i U Ng NoU ct rm m I l WIL tUrrim CbmUde 4~ (o tW Av lateXtaise lo SM&Wlea SOS 14~* - &"Mft PON 6" a Ines" Igo 39 19690 pp 179-M a L~ . ~e i.~, -t 4 L . "! . scd-mt Fab 70 3999616 ur"t at SOWWW~ *dab bow lhwfooo ?*Won an b tbi omments, of DIttermt MmwqWA9IWa CA-mmadtimp by AL4 116 zddxwmo UNGUS-rrm Dok Ak Nmik VCL RMSM., tbrice-ma- pw,, s= I izzmo No 16 *Mows Mlo pp 6U 6t4, am Tr QVT64ag ScientIM )f0v Determination of the Separation Factor of Lithium Isotopes in Ion Exchange, by S. G. Katal'nikov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Atomnaya Energiya, Vol XI, No 6, 1961, pp 528-532 CD Sci Aug 62 209,929 Wqb$ml MOOR ftr Ow fttmdmddm at t2w pwkw liew�r :16 9berwbw wfw~~ of Ow mwww%, W 9. rc. swealww. INAll'Iftwo 3 Ma, MSV4 $we mw ns Edo,$ Vbl =Iwo ft 60 L966 1AW-165, am 6e MR09 DetermWation of the Height Equiimlent of a Theoretical Plate in Countercurrent Ion Exchange, by S. G. Natallnikav., V. A. Rawl% 5 IPP. RMIAN., per,, Zhur., Prik Khim., Vol XXXIV, No 12., 1961., FP 2W-2673- CB sci oct 62 214,350 The Separation Factor of Lithitim Isotopes During Vacuum Distillation, by S. G. Katal"nikaw, Be Me Andrey", 5 PPe 1-1 --- RUSSIU, per, Atom Energ, Vol M, No 3, 1961, pp 24o-244. CB Sci 205,529 jul 62- ? ad Um at -ftm 4pd,x4yb6~mw ForuUmm Sn the gookot uwwnb tr 510 Vo MIS Nhlutma N* no Uz,vp-x:3;- JPHS 276vE*6 . Cobalt Content of Plants.3olls and Fertilizers,, by M. V. Katalymov,, A. A. Shirebov,, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSBR,, Vol V1j 1955o pp 955-957. c 81A Tr R-1323 sci Jtm 58 W/ WIC fa C2, %IOWA,. Fm vm4r. C R. 1-11.1i No. A~. q.4 ~~TW-Particls Quantum Green' a F-un(YUoTw in the Theory of Multi,.Phonon Transsitivis By P~ K.-Katana pp 5 -;;;xr- RUSS.UHr perk Pis Tvardogo Tola, Vol I-,T, N o 719,G2 pp 1710.1716 Amer :Evwt of Phys Sov Plwo - Solid StaU Vol x1r, so 7 Sot c1 7 JT11% 6,3 iouivu ior Cie f raijuctiw i::,vtiyc-c.r-,jtbaivc- riiL,, mvint; 1:41 IaE .,:40 3741u. S. Katanami oi- 2.inu xiue :lcositivit', -4., $1 17 Iff- 0 tu Kal:nnol con, L. I'lenoUll, Do-L 76, 1951. A-.-n rc,::~: L~..,,-r 1- orcs :!C) 1) referer-ces . Price 0% Aosced 1-cin- cr 7 RJ-5-6 thL- M*ac Ind!.nn Ocemn, by JAPA3M,v PW., JOWMI Of Um WOOMBOXI Calicip of nsberl"p Vol T233j. No go 19571 pp 241-&A8. DOA of I" us Fish MA wudllfe serv ftelfte Oeewda 31abery riw*Stiestions" scl - Dial 7, 4~ Y o-~ Ifty 59 Determination of 11341TWMI compownts In a Mixtwe at X41unradfts or Wfoamides &W Otbw Olummmda AOU C=4qpftap by S. Ogi"# ldwo*u Saw6to VOOL LM=o No To IL9390 Ai-'~- Par 62 Tot vriv lb 2 Pda-ali~,4.,Ae Ibcal-tation Using the ziixicw f pm-citance ot a Samiconductor, by 'Z. Kiya5u,. K. Pmh3mip t. Yamam3ml K. Khtadm~ JAPAMM.0 per, jowmi or the rawtitute. s Oxv Electrical Commicatio"S ViOnart; of japan,v Vol XL, No 9,, IMI Vp 162-1.69. Amr MetAtorol Boa for Geopbys -Res Divp ,L ASTIA 801 - Electronics ym 58 yow nmni&s of OrSnooleptle ftot or I*ftaoo. by S. getwoks. JAPAUSK, per* andaity controlA NO 21 1 2960. PFOIT OBI116 ~ . K A .3 7 /? -, ~, q sci - AUg 67 335.0&t joa Dwbange Equilibria of Oransyl Sulfate Icn With Chloride-Sulfate or Nitrate-Sulfate Mixed Form of Strongly Basic Anion Resins, L)y T3-ke.*.o Yano, Tmkmhi Kg% ,' , QMp Tertkyuki Nango, 24 pp. JAPAMM,, per, J Atomic Zwrgy Soc Japan, Vol IT, 1960, Pp 511-517. 9076157 A= Tr -45a7 Bel j= 61 7 q AcIA oti Gjvapau~, by T. G. Eatevvlvan: !-,7U,2'5:Wii, poes, Fiziologiya ,,aatcmi;f-0 Vo.L 3., 1-560: PP 34- 5-348. JRR31 = I 1 -01 MUM 4c *Owen -it' 0 SO __ - -.- - 06 It Nm*WA*a & so .1fte AM Fol - M zi, - %pow WCOV.4 Electrical YAthod of Recording the Stratification or a Steam-Water iftxture., by A. K. Katarthia. S, L. Kosterin, Sheynin,, 12 pp, unCLASSIFIED RUSSIAN.. per,, 1z Ak Nauk SBSR.~ No 2, 1955. pp 132-136. C, Y-,q /, - . ATIC IP-TS--9360/v ,_~- e 17 ~' ~7 Rci - Electrcn Fab 58 a- ~m I R. jamn -?I Q~ i , -%,A. Ow A at rACOWWRW - w L. A. NOMP ITF we MMUM,p bko Pa IM- hoskle IOVW4Y VMSO~l AM U, H NMI q= 6%-IIML wrift a" Nwr " Oak--A.-- V~Wwwmvbft =d=tttft of jbtmic Mhowep bw Lo A* RUJAWA.8 pp. You tv no=# vwp - AsUp ftwo ItaL W=* so 6s unmr C/09 -~-6 pl/~ / Avg AIM Y-ZB-M3/= 'o fiveo 37 An Electric Jbtbod of Reewding the StratIficaLtUm of the lk--- U-t I mixtwpo IV A.- Aft-ADW-0 so 10 xwtorlu., B. 1. mw1afts's-ppe RUBSIM bar# -It Ak Nouk 004 Takh Jbvkp no 2p 1955o VP liT.103go- Sal Nkw Lib %/Om A. 2. R. go Nuv*U Tr 590 Sal - Chouloftys XlectrIalty 3 7 OW 19% T/d and bk reviev Photographic Methods of Meteoric Astronomy, by L. A. Katasev, 7 PP - RUSSIAN, bk, Fotograficheskiye 1.1,etody Yeteornoy Astronomil, Moscow, 1957, 179 PP. B-221 Head, Lib Sv Sec Air Info DivY Lib Cong The Influence of the Earth's Atmosphere on tlic '~,,otioij of 'Ictcor Particles, by L. A. Katasev, 7 pp. 11 RUSSIAN, pcr, Geonia--netizin i Aeronomiya, Vol ill, 14o 2, 1963, -,)u 3L3-S23. AGU Sci : lay 64 2583,509 Radar-Echo Observations of Meteors Using Two Receivers of Different Sensitivityr by L~ A~ Kata,s.ev,, V. N. Korpusov, A. D. Orlymakiy, 4 pp. HUSBIU.. per,, Astrou Zhur, Vol XXIM,, No 1j. ig6o., PP 115-118- AIP Say Astron - AJ Vol IV., so I Sei oct 6o 40 Qc:l.---v8, l.". U,6 'fU3xlT;xT-*;j Tvr, Trudy 31(mlin --kati-an Vol 1Y., pp 42-50. (' I /'I 5 6 Determiastion of the Specific Pressure During the R011129 of Wtal Powders,, by G. A. Vinogradoy, V. P. 4. RUSSIAN,, per, Porwhkvva)m Metallurgiya, No 3, IM, pp 30-36. HB 6073 Sci-MAJ R~P" 142- Nov 65 1 ft"m mw ve P* MU** w lpi sombbs" VbL 3b ls~ K& qw(64 300 (*W) (oil Low) - -- --- TU*d4ol amdwy Layer -V a CA& Ove-a- a FO i ra 1 o Plmw~ by & 1% Iriumbumm, -f~. 1. LAso Wycv. lk UMIW6 VW* an ula"m xft Urp N---o pp D74L *01" 41 %*VY JW/APL J.",7 PA 65 Coutmb and YAthods at DAMMUStion at Sol le um- :o In fikAlsp by IL Te 13464TWO -R. 1. F*ubova, 4 pp, SIV081% pwo SID 8s, XWv PP 53--58- AIN a" in an 63. ~2 low, .X4&A*ar44_A., Kuroki, N., and Konishi, K. IFFECT OF UNIVALFNT 114ORGANIC ANIONS CRq THE DYEING OF VINYLA)N. f 19631 8p. Order from ATS $13.75 hTS - 34Q6 Sj Trans. of Sen-i Gakkaishi (Japan) 1962, v. 18, no. 4. p. ~56-160. DESCRIVI'ORS: Inorganic compounds. *Ions, *Dyes, Fibers (Synthetic), *Vinyl plastics. 63-17165 1. Katayarna, A. 11. Kuroki, N. 111. Konishi, K. IV. ATS-34Q6&j V. Associated Technical Services, Inc., Fast Orange. N. J. (Mate fials - -Texti les. TT, v. 10, no. 1) offin d lKh" S&Tk= Woma % V Q#Wmlps. am"m in cmmxr 0"114 w = WXAVAO 86 vp* AWANKs Oft MU NU30U AWDO NO P% 9V~p I im 1^ F* 9wils) 81 im 1^ PP "Wo. im P" re - OINK m or ca sloom On the Idetktlty Of MWfttQXIUR *mdrmwWtaxlap _ and Gray ataxlyk. 1p by To TILIMMOtOp To Xlehimatoji No meaurl, to NSUAW4A VP. JAPAMZ, per, X&UMRLu 164 7 rommi Of the icai swi*W or ),., Yca Livs wo up Bw 1955P PP 1"kiwao ~ 6, NUI 34 Scientiftc - Cbmdotry Acx7Ucl Oynthetle Fibs". ]Mr,, PotasgiUm Blvanto 6"tem Re6= FolymolsatIm at AU720dtrlloj, by Numaiddd riAtWm, lbehlo OWwhlj 10 pp. JAMMo pwo KcbA~ Kbwlktl~, Val XM., NO Mi IL9%* Vp &LOG MA 60-IA58 199~ 2q,.Il Val IVIP 30 11 i= 62 Acrylic Syntbetle Plbwe XV. Thfluance of Additives Up= the Potassium PersuUate- SwUum Kau;Mte lbd= Faly=wlzatlou AcrA=AtrU*s t7 blassidehl Eatme.=, ZwdebJ Sadtop, U W# JVA=U* Vw# M*mdd Mqpka., vai -vnx,, lb 1.99., XWj. Vp U-17. =Awaeshw / jfl~ -27 5?7 Vol ITS lb 11 Am 62 On Sme Geramim Resources *. Tha Fwsuita JIca=p1IabtA by the Researching Camitteo cr-;7' Raw ftterial of SealcorAuctor,, by N. KataWwm, 18 pp. RWSUN,, per,, NIning GeoloSys Vol 11, No 6, 1952., p 216-219. BIA 5.7-2574 Bel Jul 58 ,mg E'ur,rcy Rai=t Orl the Hua-t I:=-17.ou Nine FLI-Imien Prufectm j, Feng-t1len Province, itmchurlap by Slutichi TtLahim., wa jiUNUUM., rpt. Dapt af Interior 200(900)