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Ott 2750064 14: No 4, tilt 5; 275.049 LILL l: ~P4 ra 6f *jO Scale Atmospheric at 100 :6b, ~by Chen Shou:-Ojuna 11 pp. ~Por- HS!M Ututh PAO, JLO no 3i AWD30 pp 313-335. I 012S 6 6-437 is Os Sci :F t 167i: ~rel l4liar!~y Si~udy of the ~Maracteristics a u ica of ~ Newl kaltilly Circulatic ShM Wang'j~ 28; pp, per. cli"i ilaiangy lhl;wh )Ub ill, lloT. 1965, 361-S74. 1014, t6 )-104 5-400 020S $cl. 6T 39 317,6, 'a V~ Diffusim, From a Continuous 7S Ooi]~. a in the Prosenco of Vert- teal! dvo6tion,, by Lo 14siA-ChOing, 13 1). Perpi Chvi-ilsisall Usueh-Pao. 3. pp 375-681. 7W U'Cla b i %r.- 6 S - 17 S -As tran ci 297,726 . I ~ 1, :1?111~ 'i I or Winter 1 :41 tw ~ , # ke Yie]A , 94~i t1' wi ' ' iot ~ftlnx., by Lu c, ''Im I 0. 1 ,-- i W, Lo; +lie ul N4 -5vl~ '6S4 ~of And Speod Fluctuatims in 1014M t AtmSiOteve. by Chen Chia~-I. 14 pp ~~ifipg 11sudi Pao Vol 33, No 4, 426-434,o PIQUOL'o-96' 7 sci 306,392 ii~i', 4's~~ of j~homal Stra tifi cation 11' th6 t 4lent Exchange inua Unbatic rb fv~ Layer, ~y Su Tsun&~-Shi=L, 28 'IT 1),Dr. SWi.-anlunp Usuell-pa 11 No '4# 1963s, pp 435-448. 002 2; k-i4g ax sm fit Astrca ; . 6 r 297,729 0i VP ~ TrI I- I ~ . i. sod A iwwl~m j"smis by 7A09 I I I t jsv_Mb 2 0 ftatlow (ACU 1963) Nwp 3w., 876 and Ba" cc ig AiNDSOMP As rM 12: L. 390s,306 drysi nmxiou, WmhaWLsm and a0oriMio~# by Ce Po-.'UU. I E Islial Hsuw -P"s CU4 V& 4. N 1. 1 -97-93s, NI I f;!'773 .1123 1965 (-;EMM 65-2) 01166 3038271 ~On ects of the Vertical. Wind Shear: on lopment.and Structure of Convection, ~y piug., Cheng Li-shco. .CK i?~r, Chi Hsiang Hsueb. Pao., Vol 34, io 1 94-102. SMIJ 1223 Sci-E Set Jui ~6 1107,565 Oluqitlris~. lof 15everal Radiation Marts, by ch u! funp'-'Ktia and U Yu-11ai, et al, cil 44~, 'I, Wk-fisiong IL$uoh-Pao, Vol )(K) 1'~N 0 19649, pp 135-145. P100112760 AF( 14flib *5-35 $C. R~cl 1;~L 510,893 if the Atmospheric Eadiation Laergy iA!~ia. '(1~ 'Maudget of Solar 103-& of~ the Harth and the Auiosphere, ~-Shlui Wid KiLING Okib!..Pon,, et alg dili-lisiang 11sueb-Pao, Vol M111, 3G9,072 on, the : Va. JbM7 y a.1m. b Muld Vol Ap No 2v air: sT T (2) 38Do273 e en Associated With Teqerature Stratifi- It I t4t itws~hme War The Growd, by c',k ,()~J' a ~ ~911 P~k II 27 C C ilti 1131ang Hsueh Pao, Vol 34, No 2, J~ I n Ii2 t:2ft- eiric Sa 3091,481 4,il a Die 'Amo*is of tho Develckmant f w AoAiubu's Ificus by Li Shing- ~nd ~Qlao, Ah-pingr ot al. 17 p. por, COI.-Iising Usueh-Pim- rol v 70#; scia Lb,24-65-~6 LC3Li-- 3ci iLstrw 2970729 toinary k~tudy of the Forration T smat Jw~vs by a SmaLl Mountain A ali;''k o-I.Ayer tWol, by Miao Jih-Pijig mig ~Ung-~Kumn, at al. 18 p. per* (hlli-llsiunujlilsuoll-puoo 101 V,~No 2 1964, pp .233-241. Ii FOO -cpL i6z-~s-37' Sci Astron 297,730 ~f the Thermal Wind In tho Fottr- spheric Model, by Chlen 40 We Aboo ji (7,J15 i4428 JL102), LI ming-to (0536 17 i) ~ 26 S Ppo SE' Iva Ch ji.-IU .jgW-Ugch-vgo Vol 34, A 253-269. 19", VP 28.! Astron '2731992 LO 11=6 vl,~Iatlon of tho Genernl Circula- 111t Of Atmoph Wer the Influences of tion- A 1111 10 c H.4tings *W the C ~Tfoct of 10 vira i Yt, bj cjit!en 1191urts-shan (7115 7160 1472) 12 1p. i C III rsl~ r, ChPij bstam 11sueh-pao Vol 34, ~,b 3, 1969 p 27 1,484. A 118 p 'T R 204 3 S F-ar S t Astron !F 165 i 2737990 of the Attivttlc~s of Ultra- Ion to thO Dynamic Control of IV and flect Sources, by Ctru 4176)s 21i pp. 194 pp~28S498 2, ~1'713 Fa~ 4~ Aatron 65; Vol 34, :.;o 3S 27S2"1 is 3r Of the Chitrmtorlstics nd i cf!t ~ir=imtlcn at mmtk 'y r Ithe NOftiern HadSphere by WM6 Shw-wu,, 26 p, umik-pao Val 3164328 7700543 Sr4 or J~a 3020752 redij list e-anal Pjasources in Relation E0 l Th P i D Ak In the PdOIN A ~-cs, m a,w I % t 3 wa? Xt i Vu-io U, yu-chut 2J pp. IICL~LU ONLY ilti. $I-bdam Homikg!2m Vol XXXIV por, I .3T Ck I-T6,1-24 1r l 65 1 28 Sli Al S of the Vwdous Factors ft~ r-owmaticin.whth IbsImct to vc 0~ of !the VerticalL Cirw Ila ~,u kbwving Il po ors afli-Hsian IL3ubli-Pao 14, 1 p 0 L, I V, so 64 PIP 382, C I ~m-65-26 S i-fir- Sci Astron A ~'r 6~, 297,727 ;Gal !sii th I' xoutii6 ot .1 .01 91ii pp 397-6,,, Be 5.49 the, %OrtiC&I ~btians the Heist sources and 0 Over the- Northeza SSp by'SUN Shwu-Ching, Vol xxxivs, 1 Rao k! P-2-0- 302v7SO "e%~ inh n 6i CorrelaHon Time ~ of Fluctuation . 1. ~ it 4 Fields th Stochastic Growth ofWater Droplets, by won Ing-7, ~m CIIIN~.S ~,.i,!.IthIJL"lLsian&llsueh-Paa. Vol 34. No 3, 1964,p~ 136" 377. ~ - N N U .Jiro Ado, an b the Presoure eand the And U. i_ *- sod Swan, -Scale mcrUons, bry lob hol' Lj Ml-tmme 42 go 41, 19W9 pp fv Jul con to tsbiUty of Inertda ~;avp-.- and fte kiii 'rsjs~ ot the Bormtion of Typhoons in tam got by Cbm Cbm-shlb. CIED-J!"EIV U eta 'rateoro- -h AO I Ch Ii slage, Hsueh liAt M3.- pp v :J~Op-/ -7 Jul 6fD I ;A or thol Gooftol cir. ty chlon Rel=g. 7250 32 w. Mmah-vw, Vol M=Vt N 196 W3-W U 90P,/, 7 291pI39 Ir Oli -tb A-viand Convergenoe of Us So-ULUed 11M cc, Araloguell for t 0. o by Tung-boden , Umwb,-Ixxo (Acts ;-Iwtwro- Vol 34.1 No 4. 2.9054. pp'-4~f4-0-- 7 (6) IA ~~t of CUIMIJIS Develop- Ift (0'1!19 9556 IW) i Li 1(9 6M 5233. 3932) p M=9 4430) and Kuns TsMg-chi-A 69, bi~'19 Ivi 0b Vol pp Mutaordl*gical -rhosco, 65 It-D ftu Tr T, f4q:!q4lAp b1 _A ntm bw of Taft"Ju Sep "4600~-th AM 8-0-006 "opb" z -9 11e6tt c 'i 1'. 'IELY 5:1-- Oft! 1e Ueorological Thesis. -1-sianG Lun Wen-chi, 1, Aw, ')oo4vi .,.i.,,,s Tr No S-P-B-C.-.1 cal S't'-,o-m r0 03~ C, S, 9y) 60dAh AISS 25 Ecion' sp-i - JW 5 t of MILrine Ebgines to Paver China's ~i~ps. (Wk Info Fpt cm'Com China.193), Der,, cal-b-sich Chih-tsao.. Sbaughai, TArDT) (;rA/ym am 1695 Cbl ke i. 1 (DC-3229). W10M, Cm the Opening of the M*UliA B*dblti, loy no Sao-am., ad# ftp Imp Ipp XPBB-3009 Veseela.. by ffolit Trm-wol, No q., agf!,k~. 6 tb8 FrOMDtiOn Of Piecowork liege 1" ;6wdjw PeTv Chi-bSich--hud Cl&/FDD f J t1 Inc ~cl* adtiple Crop lbdox and Augmuit Nang-yohv 20 Aa 1956, 0 per, cu-baleb-boa ... ....... Pi CUAM M) FE 16hini Ne4sy ~em~~ 8r crop Cost Accounting Introduced, From: "iniC'64uti g' C C~ltivating Costs and the Operating I ~ 0 costqi'y b Pi'r6'pctl'y~ Recorded in the Crop Production C. ost A' oul c CJH41 pex~ Ci-h eh-hua NMg-Irfhl Peiping, 20 Oct 56 195�1~ p 7)~, FE G a ;II :; ~ 17Z Econ i ftv",I~~r Reported cff chi~-hw. -bm AM9-y'sh,, Peiping,, 20 Nov 130 Ecom 1 11 lil t Pr6d 20 N6v FE C Econ! pe ~56 ipul~ipl~-Headed Wheat 6hi-hsie'h-hua Nung-reh, Peiping, P, 30 36 (D0-3999). Grft~ 1 4 It U l of $1w CIMAOSO Paubw InOISU7, ; In tk* F, s% a aefto bv Un MOP 4 pp. N I 11116 Rauh-TAPS ot V i FR -;a d ow doi iulti st cl, An ysis 9.f 3 ;D Results '6m ji~rodwiav4c Testinv of t d F 10- 1 1 ds'ioll~i Ilu*ino Stages at Low me'! Ily, thmls~ r, -~fan. :37 pp. 'Or, lisich Xull P ue~ gw 1 vol'! US o 0 19630 14 2 6, 9090si TD-l", !64-1000 294,749 144gs,ior TuxWjei: and Gw3 ~ftt L"~b Q~. tion Chambew, by T. (Wen. 35 13p . I 3m Chi d4ieh Kuna chl'enq fisuah Pau, Ili M3, rp 1-63. I 2t)-1483-67 goi* '1- 0 Vhe R 1~ P-eve ment of the Electric Power Station ,~p lop 1"Ic V,quiioifietMa= acturing by Chou Cblen-nan. ~me ~,~ SE 'JEMSE." er 1.,ili-hsieh Mmg-yeh) Vo 19, 1958) pp 30, L *us JPRS a rE - Chin ,,Ic!pn El~btri Power Equipment Dec 56 3-900 Uorls~ Lon of Ule "Ho-pling" No 28 Ship,, by Ting Klo,~ n-chieh; Chlen Ch'u, CIUNESBII~ ~per; lChi-haieh Kung-yeh, No 20, 1958, pp 24-28. *US JM3 r- E-~Ch a Eco,pa 111) Uilding 15A 2V. 24 8) Cal: the Artbc4s of Calculating and at the Imanshai Blectrical Ott TOY i Work Team of the Rest as Office and the Reaeaftb Offices 24 PI Ice-U% wt No 33s Nov 195A, Pp dWIM U-7999 3 .3 o71g;I A k yll 222 Oak MO 20s, -19 NIW 1.9Ar,, CZV*MID Bm UM 36vgft JAM IT-Fj Tr tar Oervice. (Recommendations of the D61e a ~s 1~ ~the~T cAorStatio~s Progressive Pro- i~ ra n diAcel 6oO i~euce). Utuly b M6 _r",Chil4hsieh"_yeh) Peiping, 20 MaY 56 p 4~ CIA/FDD/ Smi 1043 FE C~ 37, 807 Econ, TI Wkiy.ll R-"6- 1114 ;To" JjWkwjjOY It" A AM 195iEll cuArn sm im 32 36*327 bil* R"air and Awto Plwt Has ftVlafW (ThO WOMI Aubwobiao Repe-Ir Mai& 9"Way Ow"ot the &93L*oUd So I Jul. 39%, 20 1 cu/m sm 1080 imn -i~!l soulanmml r - rannwat t7 I rand ~ Zq4, pmt VAw U7 oont"l Bumau foaml lotlafto Two Tym of Mat ~k ~(. ca No 1% 4 AV9 pp CIA/3= 1087 de4ts -W* First'Mlnistr7 of Machine mt m all Wi.-A.n jv :ri3 u1 EmmoIdtly Carry Out Pr,.).ventive *"t~ LI Eto iWT6~ the Equil'inent. Breakdown sittia CHM 6 ~per Ckd-hsieh Ibug-yeh, Peiping., 6 kl~y 57~11 CIA/FDD Sm 1376 Ma 48.,213 FE jfil~r i 5~" LOV FOXVKX4 In the M"bluery ladustry. 11 oi7A Com Obina 2L1), per; CM-hoM Zhu-ph. Felping, -Apr! 19 CIA/IPDD Sm 182b in: - Ch M cblftry~ and laoctrical Equlpomt PJAnts .04, com Oil*, 93-7) Aw per$ Fet"Ing, 6 ' JP~ CTAI"D 9= 1,975 Aug (2462-D) IMt of the Elfttilea Powr Station if6cbA*L* bAtafty In Mdna., by ~' 6 j mi-ML& &me-y#h., NO 19s, PeLpInm, W JM W-O qle46k-D) a ("eall so-Ping No 28,p by Tina Ko 2-0 pp. 0 No 20s Peipln& 21 60 UO JM 514-D rB awn D-lk us M~Crmme in aline d to! bv J40 'tjmi. 15 -lip. 1b 21. .1 z2a Old 06ttlei t 01, 6,a ~ 1 1 (2495 -D) The' P n ~ro~'ucei50,000 Motor Vehicles a Year, by~C!hi~wu i UNCL 71 CHIN p0 Chi-hsieh Kung-yeb, No 21, Nov 1958, Pe ip ill P;~~ 1-5-D JPRS 55 A P DO Fe, Econ: Mar, may. (2495-D) foli Each Shift to Produce 300 Vehicles was jil or Late'd. UIICL pt~j,! Chi-hsieh Kung-yehL No 21) 1958, Peiping, JPRS 555-D na AccelelrateM nufacture of Nitrogen Fertilizer .!r4 SIupport Ag by Chiang Tlao, Equip e t t riculture, 6 pp~. ;per -h CHINESF Chi si6h Kung-yeli, No 3, Feb 1963, pp .3 111) JPRS~2 25j 1 FE-Chil la Econ ,sl Jan 6 271,482 - I . :,::, ~ i, - 1-,i, I -1 "1 IF z 11-11.1 . q , ~! I "] :~J, ;. '! ; !:,i .1 r, IN CASTING; BY NO 9, 1963, !,!pksilA56q 24o,672 , i ! !:. 1!i ~ ! i; 1~ , ~: ~ !!~ ~,~; ~ QUALITY AND No io, 1963, 24o,733 , ~Qovm to P4irtlelpate In Labor a for a in Poodum Madilue IMustry,, 6 pp. w-vuh No 14, 25 I pp 2759587 Iro &w Mski tijtl ReopmodblUty 6 NO 15. 1964, 276o103 the BMmy*g Factomi, 5 vv. ip Jb 17j, I I I I r 1 I i 2lSlj8T2 il ~ I ~ I I in To*dma Houmpunt ORLL r=~, 26 li Do