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YC i i i RadiaviWbi7., by Vla&Udr 1. Baxuwv. MWIM,, ~ bk, 11f4igm ........ Agn*- ~156s 3,91 PP- A= Tr-4432 Bel - mActmics Aps 62 . .2,11, I RadarNnhoo of Meteorological Obsorvations. by V. So iftlej~btsp V. 0. Stopamakop 220 pp. R4Alov*v"iqym lietody Houma- ---Vmd,,- -pp- "- 5 IPTbwlTw6l-l42U Sti-Phys My 61 .2 rOwave I,~9&0 IR! (Second SwplementAry glition)p T16 ,10j blio I ftU4,rlyamdUW Sverkhvp aki kb Qmtotj 635 ATIC r6Tz-5A38J* ac Bleatrta vayl 60 Ll 7 70 (DC-6292) T of C for Radio Receivers, I~y V. F. Barkan, V. K. Zhdanov ~ RUSAIMi, -bk, .'----'tadiopriyemnyye Ustroystva, lc)~~ I *JPRS ~ 1,31 scp tSl i W8* Tmpoapberic P"pe4Wtion of ULtra Short by 6. V. Boradjahj, V. P. W nr-%i n, JL V. 4 RMXAU,, bks MonaMmWs V,5 tMTA 2r-U51 1301 mectroacs KV Principles of Radio Relay Comunications aril Ftussrj~f, Wt, 1962, PP 5-12j. ftcl No I to R-360-62, OARMA, 146scotr. ACSI 1-2218 ID 221-7963 S(A - imectaw i9 Alp.0 63 MQIUp1(!TJ-ng Radio Relay Lines According to Time. RUSSTAII, bjrz, Rr,41creleymys Bvyazl, 1962.. pp 44-59, E-10,1 NO .1 t0 R-360-~W,-mm; - ACS! 1-2218 - ID 2217963 SCi -- EIK1.11-2ti-Orl Ap 6.3 Tnpev of Ful-Se flp~flulatj-orl, by X, is. RUMPIV bk.P fh~~ 1962, pp ":x 6c) , Saal No I to R-36"e, QABNk;, Moscow. ACSI 14218 m 2pap63 Sol - Sloctron Apr 63 R -24,66 Radio Rplay!Linuu Of COMMUnIcati(in, by V. I. Siforzw,. 50 RUSSIAIII,v bX,'Jladiorelqjvjye Liali Svyazi, 19, 57, pp JPPS-1-1943-D USSR Sel 4ectmulce Ecca Commlu I cations Nov (SF-2146) Hudlo-Fleuy commice-tion unes, by A..' V, A. N. Ts"tkov) 91 PRO MOSIMI'm bk, ftft*releynM Lildl gvnzi, i 1961 1 ]PIP - - -- -- - - - - - -- -- - JPFS 1,28K No - losatrqu / JP 7, ? 71 Iftr 62 62-19270 Butdo, D. A., Kolok6l'nlkov, A. N. and others. INFORMATION IENERAL ON RAILROAD TRANS- 1. Bunin. D. A. ORT COMMUMCATION FACILITIES [AND) PLAW 11. Kolokol'nikav, A. N. [ING OF RAIJIORELAY LINES. (1962)(621p. Trans. III. Title: Planning... ,og no. 1280-Z. TV: LISASIA Trans-1280-Z Wder from OTS or SLA $6. 60 62-19270 V. Army Signal Intelligence i i Agency, Arlington, Va. 'rans. of mono. Radioweleinays Sy ,Yaz'na VI. Title: Radforelay... ;bckmiodwoz6oiifTi~smrpMMiafc)-re-Wy- Communi- ation in'lt'i*l't'r*-o*a'&Tii'n'iii6ii) Mo-ii-ccr-w-~~,'-- CRT a 0 relay systems, 07'rans,!ni anion 1. 0 M do, insportation, Communici ion MR, Madio comj~ualcstlon systems, Telegraph eme, T~14one cinmunication systems, ,municaticit equlpn~'eat, *Radio relay stations. book outliMs the theoretical fundamentals. opera- Offi-I 7-6.ic.i S-i... i1 principle, planning and utilization of radiorelay Ineering-Mectro4ic, TT, v. 8, no. 12) (over) ,Radio Relay Communications On Railroad Transoort, by D.A. Bunin. Russian, bk, Radioreleynaya svyaz' nft~ zheleznodorozhnom transporte, Moscow,1961, pj~ 33-51; 78-83; 96-161; 162-166; 166-187; 200-202; 205-209; 218-249. JPRS/SPECIAL/DC-11364 /-,") T L) - I Sci-l-.*Iec Miy 65 ".4teltires of Wic liarLi 1963,by V"- La is 124H2.0, 21-2!5,,67-70,2,6F,?6q. t:~j 2 6 7.1 q%rlQ6& commmumbloo .0 ftdio IW Go ~ A., refta" 3w A I SW**AobMdft Bpn.oabrAk p6 l P Tot vm* loss Ang r-M-99%Vv UIL i 0 ' pmmurdcddons With Space Rockets, adico, r~164ye'y'la, 83 pp. US j .I*, RAdbLayyA;Ls Kommi nall i, osdb ~1963* pp'l-80. 47 Ci I Ilea 6 6 266,188 ------------- T.he Accoloriat,ol-, Miculrunole A. D. R I I Old utlokl --.I I: i c I a e Ski a-, SSSIIFI:~ 1":6C.. ---)] .:U~ 11'r Tr ;omtd~ Cloiled Orbit OorrG-Mlo by A. A. Vem I min4* 1513P pu4q~& oft Dwtitut Akud Mak /q 63 1"~ of ftamn pannours at mist 5"3 for cailv,' mioutom in psatom m nn Acciaeratem, by Va d. it iubm"'W'r abol"4 1:06UWt, Mad X Nauk MOM &d 4b Sk OdL Aug Pj~")IA.rnllla nnl'~': -Tatc-a-ference Imimm-ity in by V. A. rota" RUSSIA,% bk~, 'RmA:Lot*A%bniabc8kly OL ItDrrls Do. Fxwla~li~im STA R-1585 Mar Y, le adio dpinent Used in Coastal Pilotage,, y Y&I. a4, Shch6p~1'6v, 34 pp. bk mkWcheo)dM�md= do de 1956 INNOW, j)p 71-80; U p . . 1, JI-TC' Enc.1 No I to NA Moscow- IR-98-57. S11 C II .528-~A-C 0926 6ci - Ea eictron e 6 269,242 4 ctor ka&,, O-Rangqt.B*A=s Witil Raaating Equ sIigft&~,. ZAMCVF'~6y Yoe Ya, Shchegolov, RUS~iav -pto Ra4lotekhnighaskiye Srodstva Ila XX. PP 270-294al 1956. 9700368 Dcpt!~f ~A'~-yINOO Tr 246 Sci-RlKxvElect may 300,88.5 lkltli M t'.110 U." Of SiDCtOT llndlO-RWi,;l Dc-tc6ms a~lid tite maracteristics of Qjj6rjLtio6~ 13), Ye. Ya. Shchogolev. I'llissliv-1, )~)kaRatliotekaiclieskiye Sredstva MO*sioyo $iAdovOzh(te%dya, Uiapte XXI, 1,906; P.], I ~ 31" P 00037165 f3cial of li'llivy/N,00 Tr 247 6ci-j"'hys Sept 1~6 S.10,sLis RO Uo~ 13habOsobw, of RemmyW AcUimp by ~69 i I PP 14JR-1#400 I I *Dspt 0 Noy NOO tr 415 : 1 1 .i 1~1 I ~ ~ : 1 Sol/Bar 1 Sol I ~ ~ ~~ may 68 ((lap'tPrs 1#4,11,12, 14,15,16,19,24,25, 27,28.1 by 'yev, V. S., Shebshayevich, I qi. P, Astaf et ai~ql 351 limsim rTA.*Radiqtakhnicheski3,e Sredstva NaviiiAL ietatellnvkh ApRaratlLv 1963 pp~126-~304,fl 356-437; 458-530; 573-602; 725-623; 867-941. *pIO0054167-V scl-ilal gation 6.7 320,799 17 Jf~ c0,9 Air ~OCV zilk-S .)~: U 5. 17: ariLl hlt~ 'AgAlilicativD Vitoo. -~: TranslatorF. - O'OUrce da tiot nattilato ~:,V '441- IC- 110IMul., '25 I U Ino I: Vr,. 11 a d I ci~ekkhaika, Mor CI'S of LV' OscillatoriVith Exterml Limitation of Amplitu4e., by N. 0. VoUerner,, 12 pp. RUSS14,, bizo per, HadiotekkoMm, Vol II., No 5,,1947,, pp :~I -41. Sc i Mmi Lib No 56/2967 Sci Elet*.4mmies A M.WiL)2 all" C',kacadatigg thc. L A, T.Ilvrju~lcll.+ Itz, pp. T" 7~ MMr PP 51 Sai Tr Canter W.2.4025 Sy, Sep 56 M- /d(--. :) f~ 0 voltagel, W3 111MIC TA IF 1~-m dioto-akhrd?m Vol IN SLA 60-31--Tr2-f I'Geillators Oy GoneralizeC.; Ljiaj;~=L~, L;y V. A. Akalo%-;hi;,, 11) :;!-~0400167-67 Fjci-!-l!Ji-,CLV 6' -:-*It;e The Iiixoblorl 04~ S) mell roll i Zat.L on ol: I:on~.jarable VIA 11, vu J t. 12., Unesp "by A. L. Folldshteyn,, 12 pp. SIM ptir b4i Vol vit so 5" ~1.4 4 --00411,40. AM Rego-litt T-453-96 - ncaiw~w 63 y cj,21 1 q ~, Boahmoap meouip Line OjrAbeols Bumt on Mvm *Wmay 03niira~mtIcgi# by A. L. Fel'dWhtep; IT p-, I; otekbn4k&o Vol Tat ]b 6s 1952,o An sepwt T-63w96 Sol - wftvc~ Aug 63 i 57 KIN-al-skill, G. L!- 6:71TOMAGN (-"*('[(:,' Wq*WAS OF UNIT', magnitilyy(I Si.stuilly 11"I's I ~;()3 01-d-or from OTS or SI.A $ 1. 10 (1-11,1001 Truns. of liailioteLf,filLy (USSR) 1954, v. 9. fill. 1, 3. 10. DESC. fill, 11ORS: -11W 0 ligi I 1. 11 %" I I I L ;-;1- ;111,1 t I!I A fol ill,,- MKSA (1111-It r 1.1, mlp, 1, 1 .111LI Tt Ill COIIII)-01111 Illm Im., a!! of boAs T] N'. lit' 3) (11-19001 I- 'fific: MF~4A ,~stcm T111c: CGI, 1. Klyaf~:j Ill. 1. G Icn:111, Pitt =7~ A(Ivezlcii-n unii Problems of Radio Engineeriug in the per, Fm6.',qtp-khnikL:a., Vol 1", No 1954p 1-4, ATIC F-T,9-84311/ly Sci - ~',ugineering connection Between Wave Guides 83mtem Through Oldevansp Orif ice4i in 12 pp., (AIF 630275) RMIAN per., Radiotekbnika, Vol IX,, No 2,, Mar- Apr 17A., vp Scientific Electronics Aug 57 ATIC F-MS-8434/V P ass Bipm.a. oj'., ~a Idnear System and IJr,,di-otjr"cd r,3produc- tion ook, ~usvrllno by G. A. LA-Vir-~ 13. R. 1,-vin, 0 IMSSLUXI.. jparo, I=otncldinilm., Vol IX" 17"' f), 1954, pp 17..:)il~ ~O55 ATIC F-TS-8434/v Sci - Moctronics cational, BODIC Vatiturea a the General Tboory of Coumml 'by A, A I lakarkavichi, 15 lip perp Ra&LoteWmIk&j. Vol 1xv No 50 mmeowt Sep-Oct ,56., 5,J-6 A-PIC F-TS-8502/V Scientific - Blect.-ronica