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XY-23320 I joly 1966 lea & N %Kul.* or Oftt"Aso pip lus-w ~M Iq . . - . - i i_ 'I ---A ~ of a Weakly Absorbing . "iU4 by P. it, AWWT=30vv R. V. 1% vp. wp ney Ovtlki ~w - ~, 15,- 0 140 , 1 0 S" 65 236..067 i proa,ime IA mod"Sw OVU" (emsew amtwo)v by i,. IA. 1 11 0 R. V- OMM F. 170 pp RMIM tim r I-As ", ;;:, ;4;'! 1~ ~r~~j 03495 o I - od/vhyacio i 405sB74 aw TO 11 1 11 Mi. tu* ~Of Iftaftlated Zlectramegactic Waves Dispersing Media. Gawration of opt leap by Do A. AkWmonov and R. V. pp* JL45-190* us9r., Sal 166 295j,~~33 rJAU,*L atnUwj%r Optlas., 1,rj 8o A, AI:Wmtxw rod! I* V, j$hd4kUw 23, VP ti 64 %i0, p on ~nemi-(-~ I o~" 1,or I 'n, L) v c To; I v 7:1 - Scleni:iric S. N. A. V. Napall-ov~ Z;v -20$ 1)1,. - C!,-'yyc NO RUS6 rL) I-r,v ijrobleialof jio2.vdng in a ,,!an-Operator a "abit cf Trackin,,~ PSoviiig Target, by G. V. LI;ukhokollskiy. 10 pp. 11,05SDU4 pqr~* Probl=v (;bshch2y i lymlianernoy pp I~i:W4686u, i;slkholo. 4- Jci-~Wvl Ap r 6 Problewi of AlhiAfication of Ifeavy Water by the ~Pletbod, by Lin Fbnv-l#an, Dya 3hy-yung, Ion ll~clmge 16 pp . ! MUSSIANO mt~ Problamy Ophistld TvaZholx>.X Vo!2y Ionoo,rm2,mznl;L(Lt6d-oii,--1964- P500:235663-v DVt afligavy''ONI Tr No 23141 oct 68- 367,803 Ivanov, K. I. '17HE DIREc'noN OF THE INITIAL AC'TION OF I MOLECULAR OXYGEN ON HYDROCARBONS OF 11 VARIOUS STRUCTURES IN TI-iE LIQUID PHASE. III 11962112p. ' Order (rain A'TS 5 Ili. 440 ATS- 13N58R IV 'rrana. of mo~no. ProbLemy Okislenlya Uglevodorov V [Problems od the Oxidation of Carbons, Moscow) 1954, P. DESCRIP'rOILS: *Oxygtm, Oxidation, Hydrocarbons, Liquids. 62-12673 Ivanov, K. 1. Title: Problems ... Title: All-Union Confcrvncc on Problems of tl~w Oxida- tion of Hydrocarb)ns ATS-iiNS8R Associated Tuchnical Servict-s, Inc.. hast Orange, N. (Cheinistry--Orga,aic. 'rr. v. H, no. S) Off- ' T.,"-J 5--, 62-12675 Ivanov, K~ 1~ , Sav%,6va, V. K., and ,4 V. P. 1. Ivanov, K. I. PHROXIEW PORMEb J)URING AUrOXIDATION OF R. Savinovs. V. K. CERTAIN AdaNMAND CYCLOALKANES. [1%21 111. Zhakhovskaya, V. P. i 1; IV. 'ntlc: Problems... 17p, I Order from ATS $28.60 ATS-34NSBR V. Title: All-Union Coder- ence on Problems of the Trans. d two. Problany Okiglenlya Uglevodoroy Oxidation a( Hydro- [Problems on the Oxidation of Carbons, Moo cow] 1954, carbons p. 124-139. VI. ATS-34NSBR VII. Associated Technical DESCRIPTORS: Oxidation, sPeroxides, Hydrocarbons. Services, Inc., Fast Orange, N. J. (Chem1%tq4--Org&nh:j TT, v, 8, no. 5) Offic. f,l &-i- 62-187~;Q Kamneva, AJ 1. and Salmin, L. A. iAN INVFS-116TION OF '1711E OXIDATION PROrl!(-T- 1. Ka"Ineva, A. 1. OF TETRALX~. [19621 9p. 6 refs. 11. ~almin, L. ~. Order from QrS or SUX Si. 10 62-18759 Ill. Title: Problf,r Trans. of mono. Pro, lc~cAoradov jProblems cm the Oxidation of Carbons, Moscowl 19.54, DESCRIPTORS., Naphhifl-Litn, *Tetralin. *Oxidation, Peroxide,. Acids, Plic-nols, Ketonc-s. Carboxvlic acids,. (Chcmlstry--0rgani,:. -T'1-, v. 9, no. 10) Office of T-chn,-,' Strit-r5 T/C: Cln the :Problcrl of Acute Ilylothermia, by P. Iii. Sltar~r;av. RUSSIAlb. Problemy Ostroy Gipotcrmdy, -cscovl., F DD X - 0~~'( CCt 58 The llroblei~~; of Acute Hypotherriia, by P. 14. Star.kov, ~2eO pp. RUSS lKll ostroi gipoteri-,di bk, M,adgiz.- 1057- *P,--rgai:-.on Inst May 1~ 6blemal of Pathogenesis and ImmunoloMr in 1 1: ~ignaht Tumors, Collected works of L. A. j Ilber., edited by G. V. Vygodchikov- PeTe,- -,,j ~SIAIC bk, Problemy of-2"hog~!-, CIA Mqd i Medgiz, scow, 1956, 268 pp. PL-ggamon Ins t-i WR Tbcc~rj cf CcA,L-4~1 10V AnalyBIEI oj' Cawlun~catiorw, by V. A. Garmash, pp, RUSSIAtI, yin,, Pri:;',-,ler-y Peredschi informr-tBli, Na 2, 115159) pi) JPRS 3598 S(A -, MCC: 3 Aug 60 31 D 0: L ~l 2: 205-q sci - Rksc 1--,i llvria~iitn Ttoxt., by D. S. Lebedev,. V. A. pp. MR-BIAN pero Pmblerny Feredachi Enfornztsii, j -ta- _ ------ No 2, 1959, pp -86.- XPRB 359.8 Sci - UL13C Aug 6o Pro'ble.-riz 6f Information Transulssion Wo. StA~--,tic6l Coding, 160 pp. ~bir., redacl-4 inf =akr XeYV Pe 3, q67LC9q---'-- P5 6i nD im-894/i Graj*Om!eqva Method q~ ConatructIca of Coubaot'v by V. inski, 22 pp. aws VC, V34 1463 (DC-66-to" FrJ=ipleo~of Designing a Omtactleas Mdehine rior~tbe Synthesis of Swit4iing Circuits, by V. G. i Lazeilev, 0. A. Osmov., at al., 31 pp. WWI^ bkp Rrpblerq, Peredochl Infamat6ii., no 8, 1 i96:Lo pp --*, -, "I,-- -I I I ;- -1 .- - -- - -- - JPM 134G1 oci -X1catron ~tr,7 (x --067L (b i*he Contaot Complexity of Boollewi Rinctiorm, by A. A. Arldirmiffl1lakayn, V. G. llaazzax~-,,) ct al,. 53 :~P. bks RUSSM, SAM9 Fx6b2imaer ipm 1~*6i Sci Eleetron Apr 6L> (DC-6670) on -aiai Evmluatim ce the Cm*Lixitr of = A .13wiiAlkdix4,j:,Circuit,, by Cheng Twm-linng, 44 pp. M. Sun.? ~Itj. Peredru~bLi xnfoxwtaii, pp JM 13463L APr IV (DC-6670) With PaXT-mc-trIc FunctIt-r', end KmW-Valued Wag., by T. L. MaUztxaval V. lbOwIdYs 29 3pp. RMSrM.. b.r... Probleaw Pered i leormtsii., NO i34,Gi Ap V Ce -0-1 the Supc--r~)Ositiozl of Ordinary Steady Flows 'Wtth a Limited kftereffect, by I N - P-, Busleriko, 6 pp, RUSSIANi, per, Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, No 9$ 1961, pp 79-82.- 9680021 FTD-TT-62-1383 SC.i,.Plhvs Apr 61 Some Prcble= of Multichannel COMMIcatiOns,, by V. A,, Makhouin, 27 pp~ Persdac w t5ii, 04- R7dSSrA-N,, por,, Probl xhi--Lni, No i6p MILD pp"'9-23. 96788191 Deg ('12 The Gaimdatiy of R.aulamn Fmalons and Salf- correal Img Codes From the Point of! Vivur olZ thv- Erlenganli ProSTamb by G.. W. Povarov, 8 perg, prealamy Perpod hi Ag-- 140 1,00 %nago Doe 62 The Qn, struction of Bonbivary Error-Correcting Codes and the Bound of thet Number of Signals in Thavio, by V, M. Ostianu, 9 pp,. ,W&SX,Al#, per, Problovy, eiTdachi lnfwrpw~t. J~ No 10., 19610 ~_p_1_42-48v. 9678919 M-Tr-62-298 ~Sci,, law fte illa IDENTIFICATION OF SPATIAL OBJECTS, BY i V. S. FA~N~ 13 PP. RUSSiIAN~ PER,, P-ROBLEMY PEREDACHI INFOPJ4ATSII, NO Iiii 10, FTD,-TT-62--750 7-7 - SCI - PHYS JUL 62 204~plllio AU,un,ILY 'F alb 9 o 13yop: Systems With hformatsil, 266*202 N-26/64-TR. Transrfdssion of Infornation With Additional Noise) by R. L. Dobrusbi n, B. S. Tsybakov V 5- RUSSIO. per, Problemy Peredacbi ;~nformAhi, iio 14~ 190,53, pp a-42. S/DC -10958/srecial Sci - Elec nov 6~ ~2 7C ~ .1 ~7.lrldllc- Of C(MitinnOUS FLU1Cti(XISv lie 7 10'. iy c rad a cl 11 t Prcb lei 777-1~1 c~,.i Et a 440 Ii of a Pattern Recognition ~Wthod !~ 1 19 Using. Blestronic Computer. by M. illov. 'I per,, Problem Peredlachi 14~10 Sii, No 16, 1964, pp 48-56. Scl - Hlect Elec Engr 1'* 6 7 Ai l1rub,WAlistic 1.4xk-l oi the tlaoto,xa,~-iic Plrocuolk-s, by 1.1* 14 Ayn,,)om. 00'r. PrWic Ilov.,dacid 32 wthl~ji 16'f 1011~txmm Encoding of Internal States of Fiftit* Auto6tion, by E. B. Yershov. 25 pp. RUSSIV 11 ! p~ A Nauk S~SR. Insitituk Problem Pp JLI-Ma., Sci/mer~l, 11i'dust, Civil rV Mar fingr (,),-.t 309.490 J ol Lullical 3'-stcias of V,. F. Oyaclieni-ci, D KiortAvsii.' x,.'0 17. 1904, --P--17. 67 17 Probl'e" oj'iiYuterucptIug lutercontiuentE~l Bailio'lic 146aketas by V, Krikounovi 7 PP. RUS53;Aliv rp4, ProbleaW Parekhvata 14ezhkontinental- MC F-TS-9210/V Bel - Acromixtica Jul 5 7 ktice Acid Bacteria Dn So Botullnus and ~~bf L Desis In lactic Acid Soy Food Products, by R. V.11 diot 1, j, S. V. Cbebotarevp. O)m Fuil:t~auoi~tion. Frdblepw P1tan1jj,, pp 132-9.39- AW Tr 1475 Scientific Biology,, madicinev acid j9 botullnuep food USSR, No 3o 1938# chemdstry,, lactic 'tomigeDesic, say Jan 53 CM/M Pro PL=etawY Geolo(wo blew A rat*-evaj, V. 1. mimyev. . ; Plamteuppj Geq3msiio Problem vlo~l w. ~~Iklv .341 pp. Effacitivayteas of -the Relievirw, Acti-,ion :i~ i-be Pivari,ncia 0: f E~_Il Ult~Lm~te Thudber of E, ouc.1 (14ot~eB)2 by R. D., Yappov; 0. ~111_ftmy pro RUSSIA!% No 31, 195.'~;, P.P ATIC Jul 61 The Genet,ml State of Calculation lhlk--thods of the PtrevOU of Hadilne Metal Conetructions. by 11. X, Oakhberg. i =W=, ~bk, Problew Procbmirk'A v v3sh, ]go 10"s ATXC MM-504/) SO. NW-Hat :L59,609 ita i61 massuiting tho Yield Point D-wifig an D4=t LosAs~ by Itu. Y&. Vo1o&Gvko4a.'URov:Ltrkiy, RMIM., lok,--.K ProblqW.Zrc~mtut-v- NO 31 195f, -Pp 89-95. AnC MM-50411 Sol. "WO ju 159,,6o8 I i A~i Rrp6rimantal Verificatia.-i of tI,.c cSt2T--,2.r-.. :P,JaitL6n FL-thod for Solving Stress Conccai- tliation Problem,, by 0. 1. Shishorina. b1c, "RIMIA141, W, Problemy Proahnopti v MLL M-33419 ol f A ~Study of theMistribution. and Concentration of Th, moelastic Streises With IK the Application of Frb 2!ing and Thawing, by N. I. PrigorovWdy, G. !loll 'Voidanyan, 21,:pp. GQVIMbIbIENT USE ONLY ~Rt ii-my proelmostl v p., AN,; !bk, ~ P, robI mas Pq8troyeM. No 80 1962, pp 56-68. 9692355 Db.t C' 147 Sci p2hys mat 64' 256,997 ~ I, 1 11 Problems ofl~tbe Psychology of Sports, by P. A. I I RudeYe~. I i i RUSSUM, bk., Problenye Psikholoizi sporta. i *CB per memo 18 Apr 62 i ~ Sci - Med -aid cW. SUW of Skined Ili,& Uve Of the Controlographo by YEL9 WW dv, 8 1v Zw' Eneam game -MOO 2 54 AiAg 1 5 2342201 Genctic,[;, liy m. i?. ABC-tr 5 376 of Radiation Saf-oty in Space. 'Ojis'; Ohysical and Bioll gical Studios .0 Atli air h-anergy Protons,, by U* L 6 Nefectav. ~RLGII;Ii b1c, ProblelIV Radlatsionnay Bezo- basucl,ti Kosmidteskikh Polatov; Pitiz] 703k ProtcOwd Bollshikh Energly. -Iloscow. 1964 !JNSA ~rr F-353 All S Al Cn 61 T. 14 -i'an k Njr- 66-37 Prob~ems :U2 Developdmg Perroua Metallurv in tho illes##a Ewt of XA&e BaU&I, by G. T. Makerov., !J30 pp. RtMd JAIT., bk, ?roblemy Rszviti,,ya CheMoy ),le-tllUu:r4oA v R&Yunaih Voutw~meyv 0-,,. Balkall 1960j pp 3,--190. JPRS 10593 Ob-lastj by bL. PrcibjeNr R;~Z%-J- ZL ProlzVodfL.1 xt 9.4 `1~ go EC337- U ap X2 ha Em ~~r Ann'. -Vogmrwvpp bly 8, prolsvoditel Rommys- OWL' Axw MW Servift 63 I~owrer~~,Ucono.W. Oiapter VI, 23 p1). IWSSTAII, W. Problemy Ilarvitiya llroizl'r~cditolnVFll 9311 Stafzadimsk(w oblast! AV' L Ui~ 3-0a2l:65 6 G. 297,Y)l ProblEms G;*;n-riected W--th Q-L Xv.-dustry and rerw4ort ~n wryatzhorn ASS',%? Ly ~Z, V. 111imUll-'r, ct, al., 20 RIB Mj,..Affl~, Problem Razvitlyu I Troxim-, Ncac-'O'~T, ''1958 pp cxtvz~.C-,,.~ ._,c .19 i~ Array bb~,-P Pcon CIZI -PrOltwx-ti 6.V WOW-VaIGprant ig of industry ana T=Daport~~ in t'lu Yekutckayu ASSR, by V. le. ft",pitin. (ACtilritles i5a tk-%o ArctI4! gn-I Antoarc.%*-.1c, MBSIM4 Vic; 1:3.-Oblcvg~ Raizvitiy "#caw', 1.958, T P ;4 udsh p"t. 58 Veo~16 ma :11h Davalopmat at Indiwtrv arA 41i xm Takutstalro .4salio K. A. vilmeli r-rqp-q4qr,4 YOmtskoy ABOR, HDa wv 1958 pp 337-3 JM L-16-n -D man, Boom - ITtimportativ lby ~59 77 67-3 j Of MentO Devel mont, by ke N. Leontlyevi OP i0 o -- bk Problemy Razviti &I Psikhiki, Mosmcow, 1; 1~8-156;:2674316; 59-477; 495. ~09 255,843 If -j 5 S i Survey bf isotopic Contmto Pmporties and Uses of Rarei EarL'6a. by D. N. Tr.Lfmun,. RUUSIU,, per6 gy9blem &&W a&. Ch 8. 1962. PP 13 150. 1411 Rt 324~ Sci-( 'llem I iiov 67 3456M EMS OFIRIVEE(RUNOFF CONTRO" 1956, 6: SELECTED SECTIONS. tr, byv. Prwqhnns~-y 145P. Ph-4,90 In(. from OTS $1. so 61-11431 is. at Problemy R-' ovadya Rechnogo Stoka R) 1956, v 6. P. -93, 107-153, 16S- 174. 247, *Uamui waterways. *Drainage, naticallpredictIm wHydraulic to- OFW6, Geology, Geophysics, Dor- ton. Hfft*UUC reservoirs. water logy, Model reatz, Hydrology. ontents,. 111C mothoos,for corg Iputing channel processes in rivers caused by an ficial modification oe the river ragimes b4 Ti. V. 19 kayak and K. 1. Rossinskil ydraulics ~4 ico"LT4 ~ Ots, by Y- L Rossinskil Aechsaics _ Itydraull i.s, TT, v. 7, no. 10) (over) 61-11431 1. PL-480 Int (61-11431) 11. National Science Foundation. Washington. a C- Ly ila .01a;4an in AlUta* AfWxs an-I the I I inb* of Soviet Soldierst by Col Clen Nj.~b. $&Uftik wid Col S, Ke 11%yins, 14 pp. Mosom, j3p 167-183- 23-697r1h, PROBLEX-f SE~ (Froblcn-n of the North - Irreg-ularlY) Triart.-Ittlons be-tjn-, with 195~ t I ar :E Fe: 0-der from: ?-,it'-rnn~l Penear:h Comc,11 Trznslptlon~ Sect.!on Otta- 7, Ontario t 7.DD,,YeLr Carvida. U.S.A. einewber- 3.00 sinE~le art-tcle re---Inl~ Itack inoues out of print '.%-e -Badft in the *!~atral Part -of Uac by F. h! 5" pp, OUTS FAN;, rqw, Problemy 9erva., No, 1, J 5-,2~ SLA 60-23766 Winter Cwllt* of Arctic Semaj, b7 A. A. Dlvgaytoorp 3.9 PP. . Ver., PraleW Sevmg2 No lp 1958p pp 42-51.. Aver Hateorul Ow AY Cwi;rlftt Dw Owtur Bel - amoybws YAW 61 Fool, '01momol V. 7HE 1 ROLE OF COMVEWAL RUNOFF IN IME cuFtkEW-r I imvA OF imia Aitcric ocnAN, tr. by M Slespars. 1959 171)x 10 rds. HO Tram. 7& order Mai LC or UA mIS2 70, 04C90 61-11"51 7yam. of SWWA) (MR) 11958) so, 1. p. Tbe 'UdAcim curreats cowed by river Amcberges are discussed *" resoct to gba& dractica. speed md dodr offs" an &0I Joe in varftm are" of the ArcHc 0:000 St TjfSMW "" S - M M I . AUO~ " ffta of Wi0ft Cis cia. is lb"nqft It" discmalm 7b@ aw an the MOWMI MUSCM thulft the AMW ited &ffuls station. (Navy Hy&o- shaiiact) 7T. V. 11) 1. Ocou mirrumts--Arctle region 2. Hydrography- -Arctic regime 3. Title. Condmotal rumff 1 .Antawwo V. & 11. HO Trm4-73 M. No" Hydropaptsic Otft% Washboms. EL C. 6 istor, -'dlytiwas cm the t..*4.! o1" -Oef Amtdc" by V, por, Problopy L~Cvora, sc, i,~41ii GOmida Y,34,3.1: "OiAi3rth Jci 2 Wl soviat by 3'. V~ SlmTin., 1=5 T-'-T UU-89"VI.A0 ?p AF ?255862 Us-~M Zcrou - 15LIrar4-pportat ion Me 5 9 HEAT ADYUCTION IN TIM CE!VrMR OP TM ARCTIC BASIN JNj!WtKMR. tr. by M. Slessers. 1939 1. Arctic regions- - Temperature 116)p. ji0trans. 0.4, ' 1. Komovs, 0. N. Order fiof~ LC of ~M A mt$2.40, ph$3.30 61-15033 R. FfO Trano-74 M. Navy Hydrograptilc Office, Trans. or loProblemy qenelrs - 1. MIUSSR) 1958, no VrooldnZwo. D. C. 330-3M. 61-139M cancelad The (atinospberle) beat advection from the Atlantle ocean tito'the CA=ibral Arctic to discussed In conneCtICK i6O963 ioWc coxiltices. The pbenoniem with chinj~* In are 1116ti sted wl graphs based co observational dabi % pdw7ekt b y scleatifte drifting stittloom In tM vokr in ind = by perviianout mUcto kcaod m SpItzborra ;rini josd LAi& Qftvy HydrqpvpWc CMMw abotralit) on" of T SWWW" M&rthsdvDM--"Mo&W, Tr. v. 5, 61-15952 Charkitwi, N. A- TIIR DRIFT'OF RXjYS IN nw. CENTRAL ARGnC 1. Ocean currents- -Arctic AND IN THE ARCnC SEAS, rr. by M. SleRsers. regions 11959111010.14 refs. kOTrans. 75. 2. Buoys--Arctic regions Order from LC or Slix MIS I. So. phS 1. 80 61-15952 1. Churkina, N. A. i It. HOTrans-75 Trans. Of SL-'V~eraj (USSR) 1958, no. 1, Ill. Navy Hydrographic Office, p. 337-340. Washington. D. C. Data are presented concerning buoys cast Into the arctic Dean from eajedltjonl~essels IxVnWng In 1949. and wj 7 recovered within the taint 5 years. A diagram shows the assumed courses of drift. (Earth Sciences- -Oceanography. TT, v. 5. no. 11) i I Det i4 --t ~cin of the Ao of A=tic lee XfLI and ton e)# ~-FoTwtgn Reoea=b DaW, by B. A, Swel"ev, 7 i's RIWW., Pmb3.ew Omrs.. fio 1, 1938, pp 341-345. Amer Misteoral Soc AF Coubridge Re a CenUr Pab 6-6 The Trammme S"tem of Coontinates for the Arcti:o, by D. A. DrogdtAev, RMIM, gar., ProbImV Savera, Vol 1, 1958, Pp *-353. Dept M Warlor am t1% No 76 Sol - lwf-. my 6). WJzd C=eikto In the Arctic Oc=Ln,, by D. A. MSMo W;p Prd)UW Sevemi. 1101 11., 1958P am u%- wo 67 Sal Ge%br WY 61, Theory dif tlli~t Es ',ab li shed Ice Drirt. an-a C-putation of i ~ i, f- the ',Iepn i -nn L v,". IoCDrift in the Central 7 'lie I. Fellzonl~sum. TTjICL'.`~7--T~r~ pf~r :ilroblemv "Ievera, 1,Fr,]. r*T 10, /lip 11ci Jul 59 -of the lee Aren off the Drifting Station N. P. A qm--.r,ng II~,hc% fleriod of I*Iting and lee. Destniction in by B. JL Savel"yevI, MM I~OBSM.., per, Plloblez~r 2Z'7n--: 7t' 11. 2058, 47-'rq, llftV Tr M55/MD 69 16 61 L 6 of Antarctic loeb:3-11C~z-p 17-~- LiOlveaev;, 20 pp. UIM 00 3?!-0bl--IQy Selxem,, Q,, AF ~2561160 Sal 0impbye of the North. bk i~ Problem~ Severa,:,A-k Nauk SSSR, No 6, R 64 262,624 Po"ibilities for RationaUzed Use of the ve y 3k Door Pastures, by V, B, Kuvayev. RW~'A re Px _y No 80 1964, v vbXem Sever& CFSTI TT 67-rSI2.30 Oct 67 342,,024 illi4 YiieW of Leaves of Some FtAder Shrubs in the rrmdi~ aad 11der Utilitation for Door Brqedin4l! by T. V. Vakhtina. ku~s t ip~r, Brob4my Severa. No 8, 1964, pp '2~10m-' .0 296, CFST~ TT 61-51232 Uct 342,025 obil ms of Solar Activityi by 13, M. Rubashev, 393 pp. Mi bk,, Pr6blemy Solnechnoy Aktivnosti, MOB& UrAngrad, 1064. 92,25545-V -2 44 F NAS 1~,T sci-E Set & Astron ~n 2:70,601 HE! OLEM OF.:THE FUNCTIONAL CONDITION OF T' T ICE~. LiCORTEX IN PATIEtITS SUFFERING FROM Hj" ll'il Ht ERTEt iION ONTHE BASIS OF OATA ON RHYTHM ~ i A" iml IN AN ELECTROENC(,YHALOGRAM., BY S. YE41 !GIN RGi 15 PP. ~R IcSIA~j kmo PROBLEMY SOSUDISTOY NEYROK. HkOl RU MINSK, 1962, PP 202-213. JPRS 2o487 SC MED 63. 2371715 0 1THL ENSAVON OF THE WTOR FUNCTIONS AFTER 071' OTI'PHE ,I' ~AL :T 11'R L OF CEREBRAL TUMORS., BY V. 1. SAVICHy RE '10 0 ii p '110 R'U!S~~ I A~ !BK PROBLEMY SOSUDISTOY NEYROKHIRURGII, SK,l'jq'62,!:PP 235-243. JPRS 2DII87 SC -MD '661 631 237Y716 Des and Bui-din-- o" a Scloritist~; C-,-., o-f ti-i-- Acadcq- oJ' I. B. Orlov. RUSSLILli, bh, Prolbleiq- Sovetskago 110 13, ,TPRS/ Sl-'-236(1 ussi~ S e p 62" L!#Pendulum) Study Ly Geo4 No 6, 254,,878 j ,- 4 1 ,.:-~:-"'4(!PCRL,-~,.Trans-10504) 5VOLCANIC CYCLES AND METAL- / I GENYOFNOVAYAZE.MLYA. gMuWi,N.N. [gloTranslatodby Mincer for Univ~.of California, Lawrence Radiation Lab., Liver- More from 1~51?robt. Sov. Geol.; 17: No. 3, 210-25(1937). jr,0401). 'UDep: NITIS.' 16geoloU; translationS 2,08G IBAIN-51 1911 NSA L A Preliminary Rqpc)rtp Separation of the Ndn aroups or soil 13hoolhateaX by G. 8 . Deiv5fatin, 17 PP - RMSWM Per,, FrOblM SOvet Pwh'vOvWeWtYaj, No 7p 1939., pj~ 149462-i SLA R-2-1a8 sci Aue 58 i II+IuNOLOGY OF EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT, BY OK. .i XX YE. VYAZOVj 12 PP. RUSSI,AN, BK; PROBLEMY SOYR:MEN'J)Y.EM3RlOLOGIl., LENIN.GRADI 1956, PP 311-317. JPRS 16.392 SC I - MED DEC 062 217,2o4 STUDY!OF TliE MORPHOLOGICAL AND ANTIGENIC PROPERTIES110F ORGANS AND TISSUES OF ANIMALS IN ONTOGENI~SlSj BY B. V. KONYUKHOV, R. F. AVERKINA, 6 PP. RUSSIAN, SKI PROBLEMY SOVREMENNOY_Et46UQLOGII., LENINGRAD$ 1956, PP 317-321. jpRRs 16:392 SCI MED Ec 62 217,205