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ztlvlitle~ of A-r-mored Troops Agninat an Emmf llatn~F 'tawic L=IASSXPXED IMTA'ii, ~k, ProbleW lepollzovaulya Atmnc~y aiergiS 7 500-tlb Kr- G!? Tr 5:15~63 Feb 58 prou ~ i I~isl or *6 ==*won at *unto maw. 1 ~ a tp 3 ~! 1 1 395G i~l - 1944k AtGMWW moorsu, I , I**" 4%omdmr An! i 9 a* dpi "r moli~ ~i I I i ~ 1ILptwsftI" Of Atoode XWVO i ProbUmm of the Sea Chadstry, 272 pp. Itt"Psmu, 106rio, DMMgn Kbimdi MoELs. Vol 402, 1 1966, *MtSTt TT 65-5D639 scd-Zar scd 4. Ocam IRAw M ;problems of Cybernetics, editor A. A. Lyapunov, RUS$IAN ~ibk Problemy Kibernetiki, No 1, Moscow, 26!8pp. *ATIC telelcom IC 41075 (PjAifie,a of JVRS pages) (DC4?80.9). Sow Gmr*,l Problem In CYberreticap by A. A. Lyap WIOVI i8 psi. RU136I Aki NO I 1"j, b 'ko PrableW Mernat P 1958P 5 -23. OM-W AD sc:1 math. ftg 1 59 9 $1, 751Z TalcN" W tci M.ectronic Clompvter. by Cl, S A"115 jihay*';~ov 13~ Shitikov, It. A. pp ", 1: 1.4 Kl]"'- T7--j' (2562-0) %lio 2WMV at Beftjo by- 04 S. ManglM, L"b bm"Wo lb I$ *Mmp Irw ,,1"W M~ W." an W"D Apr ;ro 9%""70~ 13 war o (IC-3224). Mie Pro4em of Constructing a libcthi= L=gumge For B4 ~rdar~ntlon Machine,, by V. A. Uspenskiy, 17 RMI)MIJ bkj,,~ Problemy Kobernetlki,, No 2; 1959, ,,TM-1145 -D Sal - Rise Feb 60 IaZ e~ag (9569-0) alatftpd all 4 3 pi Ill, R"m in machim an rim M-WIsh taft IM81M. by 1. N. 9 moo~wo -""am Ib I.. movem., pp im 6W4) Sol .!Rio Apr 71 &4 (956e-D) loum vxoa-nmvrlan low ftmoun't It' A. 6:L pps X903; ~ pp $04M 84 His Of4r !to "Semiil!irs onjlCybernetics at I!oscow University," grnq iberne (unsi 'd article), Voscow, Problamy K' tikiy N-0 1, IS)58, p 265-266 Full translation will appear in SIR sclonts.fJo and Tilchntom.1 confit vp ~pu . _~_W go 1,; Noacow,, ro ~ 2r~ 195~p py, 966- am (562 -D i,;9 Aljg~zori. xa-aan of Mmtbo=tical ProbleM by L. A- 9* pp. RUSS dorwtalp No 2..1959y 04& , A bkt IRmbleW pp 14 sai Apr 6d t~ Lz,oler Gxom-"St liwa)or All irld=p~X.-Lbie in !-sirs, by 3 f! .P.P JIM 2.1,65 sci - Wth /// mr ;69 lzwn 'by It. pp. bk, J?rnblonke Kiber,%atUlti. fjo 2, 19-i~ py 74 ,rrRS 23~A Apr 6o -32215 ck2 r, of thz! SYntbcsj-s -of _jt42E),e -ab' ons by G. circui ,~ibernetik:L, jqo 2, 1959, .. ......... jWS 2946 Ruanistipil or run--t-,,.a-Ae or suvajrj~mitlona, by I iR. xj~ xrl~,bmklyp 22 yp. i ,,b / TMU 2 b~p Prl!~,;.emy K ruetiki, So 2.$ 195pp pp JPRS 20 so I -i luth mr 66 ('2). 15'usb-,Aill rorrita- Tlimlstor Circults a~A . 1 1: Al:tejbxiLic 1*,thod or Syatbesizimg 'Mom, by Lt. L. 1118 _ia., LO Xf SbakhtMas 57 PP- IlMail*11., b1t, ProbleM Kivernatiki, No 2,~ 1959) pp ipas mnx 92 ( V-~~3 2W 044: illathoii of Aatoomtia Progrommingp by V. j4, 7 YPo ifillopsim, bkp Prob-IeW,W. No P-1 MS-2e43 Sol rep 00 2 (NY--1292). T Ibcp Pntirjc~lpl~~s or. Coamtructing rA :5pecialized. lj'~rogrmm,, by A* As StOiP'IY, 7 ib RUS37j,P,i,j blap 1-froblemy =/rnetW, No 2, 19,59t SPRS R302 1 Sci - Mth 60 by 1959: scl Feb 60 A Bio(AIactrit. Control system; by H. G. Bre-,vdo, 1 11 o KobrinslciYj A. 7a. S)Biaj V. 5: OM-f ixoml. t A. Yo - S. yakobaodo :L6 pp. bk TrO41aM Mevaet*iz NO 2: 1959., jm.2.240-N Sa ~mth Feb 601 on Biol 25 IPP- XXI:I,i bhl, USS R pp Sci L 17. (.DC-32211). rila"taLiTravalations From French Into :U6 I = ti~* "Strela " Campater,, by 0. G. Paf~,, G. 'IF. vakulovskaym, 9 ]PP. RUSSM b1r. 7-voblemy Kibermt=# No P., Koscov, 1959 -ma-3a45-D Sol mise 7 40,-:3n, Fob 60 DC -322-4 Opn-atal- J~noriptlon of Trawlation Ugori-t:n= aad fttovkit~on y tike Process of Proarammina Them, by 0. S~ Kul~gimf 17 pp. RUSSIAN6 bk... ?robleMy K"ruatlkl, No 2, Deoveaw, 1959.. ;rp 289'~,~62. im-li45-D Sol - JLUc Feb 60 1 (DC-3224). The Twatl,pvad All -UnWpzsJ,t$y aertiLimr ca ?kicbIrain J, pp RUSS IMf;, I 'bk ~krableM K~-elrnetiklj No 2, 'Picacow, Sol - lujive rob 6c) AO -,,17 17 Loving 14 Ztem summerize the. Matire Contents L04 Nib~r~mtlld (Problem 133, Cybernetics) 5 PP. p3~~ PMblaw KIbernatAkI., No 3,p 1960. mltwnti Tme LA= Antumatim a Vol mV limi - Math I bw 61 Opart.Oor JJgorithas., Part, I irs,4-Dic Co-oceptLq. by A. P. 59 pp. JM&j,1jtfip 1*1, 'ProblaiAy Klbernetlki, So 3? 1960. pp 64 Feb 61 /X7 "Dc -44-36), of Certain Clas~L'13 of by -1960, arnetilti,~ .C)bleV Kib 17W ~n the C-Icrmp2exity off Rea~izatiori cy~ Logic by )ftans Liipancrr, 28 pp. SAIAJI blz,., -Prob. ..Kibermtik-Li, 61-i8o. te the Functions of by No 3s 19'x ,,.7ps 6670 0 .3ci Nl~tll .-Fe b L % -clived by -,-)*qucatlfxl me.chinp-S., by A, ()n prob S, Pp- netikii, No 1,~ K:Iber pp S:L .. .... ..... ,r 2n, s. 6 6 sci - IIF-qth 6! 14 -4 or FUS A0 -v::Ld 14c, 3: bk,, "-'b? .... . .. as lip. C!eunc~)ptu Vt. r-o!iRwahanitot ~ D C - of Programmiria, Part -7~, 26 pp, Problemy Kiberneti~l, To 1960. 41 ,,FRs 6670 6A On Certain Methods f or Proj.:~rammiiw, in tbo Code of t1let GiVIlti Bliactronic ComInxter nrd the Soloct-ion oy' a %ra-behu 0 codiria for machince i"~%f the scria). Tilype" 'V.Y k, M. Gillian.", 16 pp - RIASSIM-14 bIrl Nablomy KibarnetikL, NO 3: 1950~ pp im. q 66,7o I%th 0 prithma f or Plaming Tochnological ir- thit Mr-ahloe-Building Indunti-j, by j., F~- p-Ls :L49-'17cj,, 66,!,3 psts s Sal - binth Fe b 67- (Dc-44o6) Cn ric., trio lfiog Algarithus for and Programing Games by Yu~ A. Pervin, 20 pp. __"rnetiki, NO 3., !Pbu- S 'D(,'-390- /35) A. Froach-to-ftsoian Machine Traruilatioup by 0. 8, Kwaa~=, Ao pp. MWIAHO bk) Problmq KibernotlLklo No 3.. 1960~ 91? '14 ms 64w '7 ja a 61 (DC-3901/35) An Algoritbaz for Translating Yrom the English LwigWWe'Into Russian, by T. 11. Holoohnayn, 83 Pp. MMOtAlp bkj FrobleW Kiberwtiki, No 3t 1960, pp JM 6492 jam 61 7 // J~Symptotic Evalua-ul an cf, -the crid Fettro:'l; T,',p?rLnov, ',*2b pp, yjbc:rr,,ctA!,,, Ilo 41 Yj6k r El I (BY-5163) Electric MMelling of RawooUtte System,, by G. V1. aa'~IDOV2 19 pp. MWtO, bck*, ProblwW kibernatiki, No 4, 196o, Pp 31-44. JPW 7549 Sol - fto*6,8 I A~q ~ ~,~7 Apr 61 (NI-5163) I>rob]Am of "Otermining the Probability of Rojectl6n ii Single-Chamml SysUms of MizfkdA~W Urge-Scale Service, IW V. I. md ! 14 raw WOMB., bo*j JF~~qbU 14 W~"u'kjo No 0 19601 JEW 7549 Ape On thit YrIxte of Inforimtion, b~, A. A. X-b-m-r-Xc-v:Lch, pp. WL MS V M popr, Roobl=W. KlbemeUjEA No 4,. ,Loe6,), Interntl Pby%ical Inclax Automation Ergress Vol =.I.. so S, c i - 2, a Lr jurn 61. /1 7, (M-53.(A) Swe Trapsormtims of Program Sabows,, by Di. G. Ariwatly'evas 25 pp. bk j RUSS j V3.0 prq~~ rlbwmtikl,, So 4,v 1960p ~ pp 5MO im 7" ~ Bet - awis IFeb 61 , /.3 ~j -3 Y/ Methocb for Avtomatization of ProgrwrAzig on Cemputcu-s, by V. Ai Fadoseyev, 7 pp. T'i No 4, 196o, pp 069-9- per, Y Intemtl Physical Iade-x Autozation ExVress Vol 111, No T jun, 61. 2,7,9 (NY-5164) Op the Ooncept of the Address Algaritbm., by V.6 B. Korolr*# 32 pp. ,9UWTMl b]L.,, ProbleW Kibervetiki,, No 4: L960., 1 96.110. pp im 'M43 fti - pbys *r 61 44~~,07 illa, --:).L%j-/6) p 1,11~-tltipli. r-tio. lo-icr). MetlMds for Sincd4.,),[,, IJ~ c n 1-31 lrifdtE2. COMPUtC:rd, '~Z!XtSOV- ~.,Us%'Ydij liki, Pmblerw Knernetild I'll) ca (NY-5165) FundamntaLU at the Evolutionary Process in the Li&t of Cybarmetics,, by, 1. 1. Rhmallgauzen, 51 1 pp. 83:AZj bk,, ProblwW Xibernetiki,, No L960, 121-14,9. JM 7403 im :61 (IIY-5165) Types of CautrojUng 3nological Syetens and Their Adaptive EllipMeanaep bW A. A. uaIjnovgk4 (odesse'i 56 pp. BUSSIAINO bk, Problem nberneturi,, No 4. -.tg6o., PP JPRS 74 set Diol Jan (NY-5165) Certmip Principlos cC Operation of the Brain,, by A. V. jkPaakovs, 17 PP. XMIM, bk,, ProbleW KiberneWd., No 4t 1960., pp 183-1951, JM 7403 sci .- BLOI ,/S z j 1174 Jan 61 (DC-3901/45) Some Data on the Distribtftion at ftltlple-Stim Verba in COnwation With the PrDble= of Compiling ii Stem T)lcttOvm7 for Manhime Traaslatiaaj, by R. K. prumiliva.0 13 pp. "MI 4 5311A bk. RrqblM.Xtbsrncftki, No 4; 1960., pp 1,97-20.54 im Sol - NUO &a U (DC-3901/45) Prert6h-t-o-R"sian )%chins Travislationj Il.. Frewh- to-,R6,Gst%*a Trmalation Algoritbm., by 0. S. Wagim, 73 pp. MMUN? blLy Fmobl&W Kiberratiki, No 4,t 196u~ pp P07-257- 6k94 jr~n i 61 pr. i~rne'tW'p No 5, Moscow 1961 (Probl-6ms br:Cyberneties) pp 7-~-294 (din'tire book) *JPRS (CSGDC-3901 (CSO NY-6502~ 3 August 1961 71 L (NY-6.902) Kit 11%Mfo-amations on, Contact by V. L. awskiy.. 32 pp. madIAN.., parj. Problemy Merratiki re 3.061, JM 11174 Sol - lleL-tron -7 Da a' 63. (DC-3001) rRIL, Tt-liverscolity of a Calcu)x-UTZ Placliduc With PW,;entlu:Ll,y Inf=tc! Extcrml Memory, by 11. V. 29 pp. V b.k,, ProblerV Kilx?motild., Scetirmn 11, A 11661 la"'M; --- - --------------------- JPRS 120,50 lil O'b C. 0- t', *aas3x~tion . Chdrim T2. On' Control of Chemical Reacttorw, by L. 12 pp. bk, A'OSIATIo VM, P~poblemy Mcruitiki, 97-103. 5, 1961, JMI 11178 sici - Chem 194,2000 t6c 61 armlo G*1a Okb=y tW M. B., DeuLdomiab- 5j. mm-A-63-5)i~ 0(a- 63 Awlestim of ma B"Mmrd matrix to a ! I li Sfj*ae ?&,CtblM at OWL% bV V. 1. LwMcvbt6~m (NftamTs 2X XlbWMdki. Va 5; YM-TZ-63- Ah (Ft-6502) 21,~! OW CleLSS Of RrObleM.3 in- ,.I'a=Ax4g the National EcomV.. by, YO., G,;CbI'3ht0yn, D. B. Yudin, 38 pp. 'RUSSIA.11, per, Fr-ObUqW. Kibermtdki, 54., 5) 19k) pp 165-182. JM 1117 5 7 11.1 usm lklon w. c 0. Anul~piz a,' the Coatrol Meehanlams of Carcinogealud.s3 by V. P. Rfroi=soa,, RUBSIUM, --.cb-"cmq Kilb--rastml, NQ 5, 3,961, gp 21.7-24-J. JPRS 102P 7 il oa. t 61 (Dc-3901) oral Mach;Lm TX:rvraUti= Fr= F=uch to ibassian. DeSCr:Lption of the pro~t by G. V. i B . KO~La 48 x.. --kbyn.p P ]RUBS-iMi bko Froblemr Kibernatiki., 1961., pp~ 245 apm 3.2o46 9/0 1.101 - Inzo ~;z Q, Trawlatiou Vanslatim in-LO RuGdian., DY T. ',I, lllk6la~,-OVa, 19 P.P- b'h., ProblcW Xtbornotiki, Section VTI) JPRS L>-047 'gal - MIM Mise. Transkon (NY6502) Poisibl.Uty of Simulation of the Simplest Acts of':Behavior by Heans of Discrete i MOU ffgdJap by 1, S. Belskbovskiy, IMPSIM., bk.. Problemy KibersdtW.- 50~ 5, 1961. MIS IU77 S