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Hlf~ti S691:1~4vity Compm2sating bbgnatowtar, by D. F. d 2p---W- 3.1 IVIT331SIN., pLir,, r-r;VuDry i Toku "Ilparp 1957jo Z-al-IHEiis DSIR 3WW/CT Bel Mar 59' LA jli~Wxbiwi ol, Blectrimi-Agnat, oun, alL. NaudzbAvid=,. G. Z. ohlhovcal. VUI~Vqil: Vv, Pribory i Takh 150 3) 69-71. DM 33871/CT W13+ 59 Of a Pieto&~Svmc n2a md saintinst1w lbowd O~ DwUmbimp by 'all a 14013fog"2AMS, 6 pp. ft %,V 195719 1 Taft mopw I rp boa A= EP-139 - Pbro 4-t 58 ZfTiciancy of lanigation tsnd Propot-timmAl -Coumters., by Ye P Ovchinnihov,. 13. 8.~SCCCM~vv,, 10 pp, RLBSTAN., For PrIbory i Tekh Lkapt,. 50 pp AES-c-'re-3701 act .0 ~~ Jul 159 VI-.1'ev. G. 'A. OF THE SHAPE AND DURATION oo -flit: C)IJ Ii IUMMULTIPLI E Its " f,~_Iy - 19M-~AND AITI-I 'ME AID OP A MICRC ()~T!111 'I . ; i~All I (1m;;,-dcrvanIe Formy I Dlitcl'nosti 11111mWsov Foromr1nozilliclel OJY-19M I rply-o ti P,,tiioilicli')islsiikri)-~-stmilloitrafn)tr. by A. Pingell. 24 )1j)'y (1. 4;,~ 3 refN N R L Trana. no. 85H. Otdcr from 075 $0.50 01-31574 Trarm., of-Pribory I Tekluilka Eksperimenta (USSR) 19!,7, D45CRIPTORS: *PNnoinultipliers. 'Signals, Anal)- sis, 'UticillDgraphs 61-31574 1. VaFdl- 11. NRIJ rronm-858 111. Naval Research Lab., Washington, D. C. 17, V. t, no. 12) 014".0 T-6i-l S-1... on the~jD*tGvjjftatiojm of the petvw4ition of Gases in MdUlav byIA. M. Rodin. RUSSIAi,~ per.l~ Pr&bk-y i Takh Mwe!iriwenta, No 4, 1957, *CFM TT 70-i'S9120 source, y 6o V, N 0 5 17, 3 73 Detctm~natlun of the %7mmic Mechanical Charp;i.AeriOIL'Ics of Rabbers at Scinic Pre- V. 1. VoILdin, E. jr. 5 pp. RU per, :[-?~.ibory i Twkh Qu;p--r, lZo 51 '1957j- PP 6-'91. CsM3 ci - r-hYI3 S C itov 61 7~r b7 !-"epn~- C-f t-In 5 P'D' 5f Sol - kk~ 59 V -7 9 -7 amfor au a Wthod of ObtnInIrm ktfilis~v pv,-a wme speetra, by V. L. r, Prib I Tekh Mwpor,, No 5, 19,57, PIP DOIR LW (loan) M.0)41 8,01 Pbyig IYUI 59 61 - 20050 V(R~:,,a, m. om; Kw.,zlim-Ati. 1:. V. Sl.mi: ~(wi, r-011 DE"n'TWINA- I. V(Xlnov, hi. P. 'HoN' M ELON(PMON OF RUMER IN M H. Kuy4hinskil. E. V. ING *ri:~;rs. fiq.w I -, rati. Or&:r .1min C? US or SI A $1. 10 61-2(X)SO 19,57, no. 122- 123 4iwwx-r, D,!ormation. Th,~rmodv- Ela~.twlty. Mxasurcment, -n-c ---~iLm.-;tonwier 1~.rmits fairly accurate and de- vllnil.iri-~ wn,!xwrvment of clongationt. during deforma- tfoil olirll");"rti '11 'p,2ed-'t of IW to 400"C/soc In 1he 150 to 4 850C. both In cyclic ellonp 1t~xn an.1 ~cxiiraciion and elongation to break. a lao 61 --J~A 9) 1'1*, v, 6, no. 12) Photc by N. s-41ol atron:and Electron Multipliers (Survey), Khlebnikov, A. Ye. Melamid. RUSSIAN; bk,i!Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimento, No 61 wov-Dec~19571 pp 6-18. by B. li". ')-Jtov~ L. L. Gol'din~ G. I. Oilllhul' lr~ R6. ROSSIXti., par. ?.Aory J. lekh B"Icaper) tio 6p 1957, P3) Apr 6o11 APPozatus for Mmurlas Blecixm Beam Profile,, by 14.1 V. " Prllb~ Tsklump 63 ABC-NP-tr-1054 varl~~Ioa In thu Composition W %bo tillinu WaWrl6i and iii Itto 160awtorlatle-9 of C(Muters in Relation toi:#~'lgunk6r of CMMU TWOu, by L. S. Bts, FMS pirs. ~v Alor, so 6. 19371 50T Sol, Rn6T-'P Dam LM (Icaa) ^00319 instrumovits Mel'alko~, G. 11~i Artemenkov, L. I.. and Golubev, 62- t SSW Yu. M . I . 1~ 1. Title: E LA - an a 1) lxr muu 1 nI,CHAIQqEL AMPLITUDE ANALYZER WITH 1. 1,10 nik.-P, G. P, STORA M-TU8II!AECORDM (Mnogoksinal'nyl 11 Artemenkoy, L. I AmjWrWriyi Anal~zntcir a Registratale] na Ill. Golutw-N", Yu. M Potevtiis~kope)~' 119621146)p. (foreign te)a Incluewd) 9 re&: Order.lrcxn OTS br SIA $4. 60 62-18530 Tram j of PrIbwy I TekhWka Elcopertmenta (USSR) 19S7, 6. p. 57 --67. DESCRI[ TrORS, ja , Pulse analyzers, Recording systom Mern6ry jdevic;ei;' OCAthade ray tubes, *Storage tubes# D esign. A description laligiven of a multi-channel amplitwe analyiei with ainew method of recording the revulta of antlyali on a chirge- storage cathode ray tube. (Ab- TT. v. 9. no. 12) (over) 091re rj Itchikal S-Ict! 77 Resolutlon of the Pulza Ovim ont ~dk, the Lhoergy imiailda ci r AM Q#dj by U. A. Boahagov, 6 pribory i TeA nsptr, No 0-0 1957, pp AEC tr-3932! Sal -;Pl~rs Apr 6Q 11;2 YiLs v~ -, 5pealf'rometric Source of Ions Witil Surface Ionization., by B. G. 99fromv,. Yu. 5. Atovs'v~!.y~, 0 Ase v 5 PP . MICL RUSIMIN p-per., Pribory i Tekh Eksper, flo 6, 1,9571.0 ATIC F-TS-5977/v Sci.-Phys ju.ta 61-20049 V(4111ov" KuvOiIntzkU. E. V.. and S%:j 1h:160' I.. I... I. Vocinov, hi. P. AITAI;ATU'~ lz,)Il :Fj'(lDN' OF TIJER1.10E.L.Asric 11. Kuviihinskii, i:. V. .11 ADIAIIATIC Pl~c-lll-'.KFIES 01; MHULits UNDI. 111. Sul'zhenko. M. I. COMATiONS OF - ELONIGAT10N. J19611 5p. 10 rL iti. (,Ird,:r fix4,in OTS, 6r SLA 51. 10 61-20049 Tranf.. -M'PrjlK,rv i Teklmika I:kHlvrjn)enta JUSSR) )9',7. no. 6. p. *RuAx:r. PulcrmatIm, Therinody- I-Aa~tlclfy. CrymallIzAtIon, Olixten-wmelefH, vilcuum T,%oalit,iTatirwil ;fit- J,-twilkk~d, WhIchivrinli n ta~idy of lli:*ri%ii>,-,I~iliti~~.liri);~l'ti,.F.;Ill~t"cryiltililli-itic-,n'. proc'-~;~L!s in rubbers follo,singilw me-thodo(ndlaluilic ion in the inicryal of turnix!raturea -200 to Tr. v. 6. no. 12) .10WIC, willi spq-i~df; of &-formation 4d r = 0.&1 too. 07 offi- .1 T.6..c.l S-1 SOCI ind LiA/di~ z I to 4 E;cC* 1. (See alflo 59-18532) pR B~fi I TE-KHNIKK M?ERIVE-.WA t and Uverimental TIt, I ~,nqu monthly) - Tx"lation begins with 1959. Vol. 3 dime. ca. months er from* Plenum zlubll%hing C-3rL-oration 227 Wedt 17th Street New Yoricp N.I. 1DDII 197;L S 260.00/year a 30-00 single Insues t 15-00 single article riprints add! 4 5.00 on oversea subsc.riotion PRIBORYII TE-,KI-INIKA EKSPERIMENTA 1958 - 1964 COVER -i(;OVEk: INSTRUMENT SOCIETY OF MIERICA AVAILABIX LY SERIALS No 2. 19S8 p1) 86-91 JPRS/L-304 No 1. 1�60 pj~ 118-122 JPRS 5526 No 4, 1961 pp 89-91 PTN'A'TT-62-1.82 No 5, .1961 pp 120-126 FTD-TT-62-141 No 1, 1962 p0 65-77 JPRS 14837 J ~it 41A, gc~ #eb bC06 I T~MO.Mpterj by GO I. Miabin, 12 pp. Telib No 5, pp 106-1120 1962. AEC-SC,-T-525 ys I .2500570 is ' na ski .~MipduIitor:as,:the Local oscillator BA in a R. y A,. Ruban,, 11 pp. itup ~p Tekh iEksi)er, No 4, 1963, is ec J, 2630461 ty of PW"watipajors to X and Gama ~~F~~tj j bV Ms 19 Armaev. an RMWI, pevj'~' WkM 12M A=s No 49 1963v pp u4U7. ~; 1".xtt 6X4 on IA&A) n-33~10,' SOL-B P;nd 1l: Jan 1,8 346,9W fibor DirecVng Anti-Aircraft FiTel, by N. 1. Pchellixtkov., 147 pp. -evi(mi,ra Artillerlyakim Pribory 3-m Wni em 1940, PP 3-M. t ?I= on Aarimk Olt fMR2mLsLzlE Acom, it Run"" urmah Aug m 11 I in and Equipommt for the Building Construction 'Work., ,skolps ed. Iriborsr i Ustroistva Mya lip J:(13. (on Toan) Aug 65,~ 287j201 W- vicu 3~udy of Nagua-Uc Core Pa! v,-, by Ili. Vilun. 13'0~ Sc I -P cause,, jf 1j; aivy Buffeting of a TU- 1046 Airw craft 6i 13 Urch 1961, on the TAtshkent-7bilissi Route Burkova. ly IUSSI 1,0 2141~1 Prichby Sillnoy Holtanki Samoleta TU-101 IMIII 1961 S. na Trasse Tashkent- Tbfn-$$T. Dept 'o a*j tr S274 ONI tr 2363 --- f -7- ,AppliedjiDosin-.aiTy, by K. IC. Aglintsev. RUSSIA, bk, PrWadnaya Dozimetriya, 1962, 2~6 pp.'s *8crip6lechnica 1965 Sci-r-- agr Jun 654' 3-5-0/64 i intro~ction; Table of Contenti ~p *Vp Russpai, Prikladnaya Dozimetriya, pp 34., X'--'247. 19062., */JF~~JSPECIAL/DC-10501 sci Biol & Mad Sci May 64 Lumines~encol Arn.4siox by A. A. shishiovskiy, 46 yo. RUSST,Ali~; par., Prik Fix Opblkmj, 1561, vp 52T-584. ACSI 1-50131 XD 2M65-19 Tab 0 Ccwi~,Otm wA Preftes or "Applied Can 0. S. kbramovich, '1r pp. b1t gjMMyjt Mnamike, 1953t AT 615076 A# 54 cts/m solsaitiric. Pbyoicn bas ]now I. Aftabatic am Flow witlL 'ic Critical Flowp by 13. N. Abramvich. Russ IMX's Prikl M Uszo-Dimnikap 42 .1953.1 TM/T 5234 sei - ~Ivs Jon 62! 1.91,r7 "0.0 31 1113e oi! the lt~jli-oxkd -liezi;IcAU Dorivatlvc of GrihwitylPotuWal for the Geologiml interpretation of the dravi4otric Stumay, by K, re. Vuselov, i4i L.;p. RUSSIM; per, Prik Gc-G.,'izs Nj lig 1954j; ATIG ICL-21-/v Sai C~Cpb:jts Oct 59~1 ~esu#u of Laboratory Measurements of the kestic Properties of Rock by N. L. Ozer- '12 pp ~USS'I'Mj, per.. Prik Oeofiz., Vol XIIP 1955Y !9j-106. Assoc Tech Sery 7Un7R Sel 71 .Aug,1,58 Graviti ~ftavtOewevtv In Wellms by P. I. .;e-4 ppe pw~ Prlk Geoflap 1955# ljo 12, pp ATIC MCL-,~20/ Be opby~ Sep 50 I i Three -DIMO~ iOnsl Calculations of Vertical Gradients ()f -H~rJ7.out,61 and Vertical Components of the Wrmtic ;1 f !1 Field i,n t1o Interpretation of Anomalies., by I. M. Pudoikl,u, 1~ PP. PriklM Oeaftxv NO 13jo 1955s PP 99-109. RUSSIAN per. AT= F-"..:LOD9]./V se, j~erlonul Servey in the ymeter.-I by A. M. V:~- V. Laskinap .16 pp. PP scl - G(~orzhyj.; Feb 60 ATIC 62-18544 Polyak, L S. and,R4poport, M. B. CORRELATION BETWEEN ELECTRICAL AND 1. Polyak, L. S. ELASTIC OROVERTWS OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS. IL Rapoport. M. 0. IL9621 JW~. 6 refs . N Order froni &1'S or SLA $1.60 62-18544 Trims. from ~rikl" (?Liz!1A (USSR) 1956. no. IS. DESCRIPTORS: *Sedlinentary rock. Elasticity, Electri.- cal proper~tieii, Staditical funcdons. Well logging. There is alhijb degrpe of correlation between the recoil energy and porosity at elastic rocks. The con- ducdviry imlelastiOiy of such rocks depend upon po- rosity; there~ is, thet~fore, a correlation between resi.B- tivity andelastic w a e velocity. The analysis of a larige body of owi$eilmentall data shows a correlation of 0. 7 between r"tivity "d accoustic rigidity, and a corre- lation of 61 65; betwe& ~cooductivity and pressure wave velocity. ",'6 correi,ation between conductivity and the: ofts (F-arth scienLes. rj~ v. 9. no. 6) (over) 1 1 1. Tba Ab~orpt~on of Gamm Rays by Sedimentary Depositap b~ L. S. Polak# M. S. ftapopart,, 7 PP. RuaSIAIRP pet,, Prik Georiz, Sbomik Statei, Vol XV, 1956# Op Sci .- ioeovlov 21 ft~161 AM or-422B On the Method of Clauvity Memisun-"t, t,t, Sea. With Use of an'Blastic Rotating Sytitem,, by It ye. *cseiov, 16 pp. mss 11 P'' ry Eriklaftwwa Cleofizilmi No 15., 19561 TO T pp �.-L 102,.,l FTD mw =L le-v NOV 50 An A'~~ rat~~ for Laboratory F-rowamy Anulysis of deismic~lVibrutions, by 0. V. Berezap 10 p. lllmdli%~I, Or, Prih. Ceofiz, 1,957, No 16, x, 37-4o. A'~S -7 U29R Sci. Dee Vol. NG~6 ;Oe SpRtii 13 ye - 14 t Aon worku by Ule Me,till-,d o' 2'4;4,z~;.;,~(-, iW~s by V. D- 2,av'YRI()V,, rovuv 29 pp. pe3tNj., Prikladnaya Geofizilka., No L-I., 1957., pp SLA 59-15843 Sci 1 Dec 59~ 26, Vol :2 Ila ultraao~lc Soho Sou*Unp for Gw9bysical Pmcpoi3ee,, by L. Sft~pev., 19 Vp. w W I part pru Geont., Vol xt,, 1958., pp 141-154. Nmy Tr 34U/110 U5 Sal Phys the Fbui-,-dalAtj)n of the Uci~hpd of N. N. Puzyre,~r, 10 pp. thod of h,cfl~~ctcd Waves, b ~j IAN I, por, Prik Clcofiz USSR,, VO I-T, 195~, r SQ 76 -92i. SLA 59-15845 sci 59 2, 140 14 066 GF-I FILIPP6v E. m. I Contributionslo the theory of gamma-gamma radiation (sample drilling) Zur Thelorle der Gamma-Gamma-Streuung (Karrotage) i Prikl. Geofiz., No. 17, 231-264 (1957) i German Euratom Al"t Mi 0.!i and Zaprmism, A. M. ON OF BILATERAL ELECTRIC rAmD %Trti DIPOLE DEvicEs. fl9631137i Order froi Trans. ot P. 57-108! OF-SCRIF"S: *Ck systems, ReJ61stanc Methods are I preset somling 6rrs b3o Simplest 16ealized i pined in ~arloum gi Union shc~**, ~ then fsvorable~6o"timm of rock ls~rither 0 interpretiiio'n of bil (Earth Scieriaea--G at ETC $3-60 'rT-63-2062C, (USSR) 19S8. no. 19, hysical prospecting. Recording 'Electrical), Rack (Geology), J ot processing bilateral dipole I on theoretical calculations for the Mons. As the experleocerecently b0ca I provinces of the Wet ishoda prove to be efficient undew i.e. , when the electric resintiv-Aty imtent. in tnore complicated caues iral soundtop often involves k%y. TT. Y. 11. no. 4) (over) TT-63-20620 1. Berdicbersidi, M. N. H. zagarmistr. A. M. Offive of T~hnlcml 8-1.o. 11 203 GE- I FILIPPOV IN. M. Study 'of the,ppectrum of scattered gamma radiation in rocks of different :mineralogical compositions and densities j Untemuchwi.,gen des Spek-trums der gestreuten Ganimastralil- ung iii Gesteiinen verschiedener minern-logiseher Zusaninlen- setZung und iDichte Prild. Geofiz., 19, 230-244 (1958) German E u r a t o in ~tcfxflectiions,, by S. J).- Shuuhakov,. per, ll~rihlad Cz*f i,.r . No 20p pp -25. 59 e-p, Diffrs~~ ed $~ismic Waves, by To I. Oblogicap 14 pp. RUMYAVpi par Prik]Ad Geofisp No 2u, 1958,p pp 26-45- AM 73L25C Scl -:G~opbyia t I T-r-63-19724 Sergeev. I- Ill. ULTRASON)[CIECHO iiOUNDUICS FOR GEOPHYSICAL 1. Sergeev. L. A. PURPOSP-S ~uvtrazsuilov(>e Ekbolotirovantedlya 11, NOO Trans- I IS Geofizicheskik~h Tseleo tr. by M. Slessers. 1960 111. Naval Oceanographic Office, f221p. 6 reis. iNOO T~4as- 115. Washingtm D. C. Order from CfP, SLAI or ETC $2.60 TT-63-19724 Trans. of ftjj4dq#je'~I kg (LISSR) 1958, no. 20, P. 141-154. ("tract) available) DESCRLMRS: *Ultrasonic radiation, Hydrographic sonar. Hydr -aphic iiurveying. Ocean bottom, Marine geology. Occem logy. 'Narine goophyaics. TT~e develt4ini -nt and ippUcation of ultrasonic echo soundings is c ,Iscuosea in conjunction with instruments used in trzastiring thti~ocean depft and in determining their stratific6tion andi composition. The results of measurements are aniilyzed and compared with the (Earth Scjnc~~s--Ocejknography, T-L v. 11, no. 2) ofts of 7CCk*2I &VIkes (over) !Vlw, J I Ummvib of Hole Dimeter Ejt on the weu.~Ycn- Mwtrim ILonj'~ by 8. A. Kantor, 42 pp. 531JIN., per ?rat Geofit, No p3j 1959 Mte Fh;~s ri e~b 61. 63-16996 me"t4,. Ck ,A. j ev, P. N. and odws. USE OF FAFFE GALS" SPRCMOMMY 1. Nedostup, C. A. IN FSTOLOW GEOLOGY- SrATELOW OF THE a. Pr&Wev. P. N. PPXGLRM 1. t963f 1*,. 3 i;di. - Order train or IA $1.60 63-16996 H Tram. I of! XJ" (USSR) 1959, no. 23, p. 193-201.- DESCRtFiOl Sk *Gamm ray spearescopy, *Petrx)- Icum, *Ge6kg'' y *Willlowd . *Nwlear radiadon- Stridgraphy, Waar, Sda, Palo- Werth Sden~cs - -Ge6kgy, W, v. 10, no. 7) office W lectmical &emcct An M: merlmnnt in Radiogoodetic Position CovrelvvLlon in DeGelled Aarmignetic by M.'Itozinakwia, L. R. Madlin. Rt?8'lliTAN.t lier., Frik Geofiz: Sbornill,, Statal ';' Vol Muvi 1q9UT-pp---ff3--221. ---- Nt,L RTS 2)97 Sci ftvth Soi & Astrm M%-v ~63 icl!13 o~ olp,ll-.; l0-)621 fpr4ndplas of the Theory Df Magnetotelluric Proffliag, byp,VerdichavskLy,. 29 pp~ j)". j, i - RUSSTAN, per, f~~k Gcsofiz, No 28, 196)0, ;I)p 70-91. 9678790'--' FTD-*ff-62-).062 Dac 62 63-26599 7ME,THEORYI OF PATrSRN 3iOOTD4G IN SHMGC PR I*W GrWphw*np V=7mv jui 19reb MIVL-1143. Ordw fmin cc $1.25 63-26599 WaXilrA I Tmla. "ikladn (USM). 1961, Do. 29, 1. Gurdch. L 1. 13. hflWL-1143 M. Sdchdng voor Moell4k ToegankeUjlm Wetem- chappelifte Ltterstuur Netherlands) PArth TT. v. 10. m. 10) art" of Itchmicil stnim 1whijil Malytical Continuation oi I ~C;~al ti Ancmalies and Depth, of- 6uriza tim e of Usturbing T~isscs, by J A, I'hvanL it SSIP11, Obr: Priklachiaya Oaofizilka, t 961 p a 29pl~ L p 120-122. J AUG 7~!G~ 94l.' l;Icijl.'4lttll Sri Gx-avlmt,ria ~~wvqying ilith Stob.U! or'~~f G-r-a-urimters in the Ser. cir Mbotch. cniL :U,. tli-- Pz~pai-7ic occcm,, by IL lei. VoPolov,, Yu. S. Yovdcddi=., ct cal 25 PPO AMM, pc3*_, Pxlk (Loeflm,~ X rlo 'gx),, ig6l., pp JPM 13293 Sel - (VaNxift)n /5P Apr 6e (DC-6698) .g of Overdanped U20 rwdc~~ ssiva ot the WmUng Gravimters MM DurImS lbczurc=nts c~t Sea,, V. A. Kuzl~nnov Ye. I. Popov., 12 pp. M-,SM., i pcr.: Frik Gcofizj, No 2% 3961,v ip 157-K7, JM W93 Ixr 62