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THEIMAGNETIC STRUCTURE OF A DEFORMED AND ANNEALED IRON-SIL.ICON ALLOY., BY B. V. 114OLOTILOV, 11 PP. RUSSIAN; RP, PRETSIZIONNYYE SPLAVYp NO 25, 1962) PP ~4-324 JPRS 15967 -~M/m NOW'62 215,234 INVESTIGATION OF THE PROCESS OF ATOMIZATION OF A LI~QUID~~STREAM OF METALS AND ALLOYS BY GASEOUS ENERGY CARRIERSJ$ BY B. N. PUTIMTSEV, 24 pp. RUSSIAN., RP,, PRETSIZIONNYYE SPLAVY, NO 25; 1962, pp ~44.36o. JPRS 1,5967 SC I -M/M NOV, 162 215.,235 ~Omvt Gs Ohd Structure of an Axistenitia-Ferritic L. V5nogmds)mya. ISSIJV;~, now", alich v SDlav i 'Vzaim littz k ~tv "Ps Avtomt i Plekb, Z-,o 2, 1~763. pp 3-21. 1 rtof!-- (66fili.577) AW 361,c-o4 AA couv4iri Iona of C -49 n-Allmnes lik The fteisence of Cutakysty by N, 1, Y04 A. Timfeevas, T. P. Dolaryniva, Yu. 1. a. patryaovap T. Me Kuymnovw,~ 5 rp RWUJMSBlnu sostava 1z mum ,istul*,, pp 1-4,, UB JM No act 77) Dee Ito t1hods fm AnslySiM IlDn-Li MW ; '0 17 ye. P. pbpovs N.P. Ratto7p 13yetwo wur=p metAl TASIS&NMIUM ITAIII ~ k-&%A. ftawk# vx4cmi. yjw 63 App!b~ximate~Nethod of Calculation of Critical Masser~ of SphericaI Reactors W�th Infinite Reflec by G. 1. i%mh~k, V. P. Kochergin, 12 pp. RLSSI skikh telc'm.- Sci phy a Feb 62, '., b1g., P#.b1izh.qnnyi Metod, Rascheta Kritiche- bza Sfericheskikh Reaktorov s Beskonechaym 1960. -).,2 r i i- L ABC Tr-4714 mt-~ Method of ftleulating the Alpha- on bpimatra from Thick &dttersp by V. P. lio pp. mQjMh, Prib.11zhenrory metod rascile- ktabv al'fmo.I&Uwhenl NMI pp. 1-9. to3.stykh iS:LuChft USSR, sci-W,mo Dee 65 293,561 US of -the AMIkod of Averagiag to Solve .1 61rti. I I'Afferential Equation lincomitered i~x Vibr ~tion Ituory. by U. A. Zhautykov. $jj~q;, prij)jizhejmM F*4~iejiiji,a Differentsialinykh niy. IN140 1,~I, 52-610 Sa - M',J; Ws ii Da-tv Proc Doc 65 i or Wthod of ' HnervanU 72*w As, He AntOWWp of Artjq 8=1 . Paramter to of Clas around nat Am Ge BUtSenko., VP PTR41U-641-322 Sti-w'Phylles I*bl'68 1 i 350008 Likil lof Arstaregis Jbtor m Stability of MDi Ok~!GYrOftaipm la Carden JoInt SuxP6=10nj, by No lbradimi, 9 im Ooi or Art., myw )btody pp 11-18. Tob 68 350#509 Oni ILI of Mimi-DImensional, P"blem or ftfory Of Potential 7 IF by; or Immesentatiew., by V. P. 01 of Artp h"Ugnmme pp 1 19-2b 0!! I I . I P.~1000eag.w-V rob 350#510 9 the %matlas I as of the Three wayakins T vp4. Cal of Art.. W of Stability or Notion Bodles.. by pp 2T- M-322 Sci-Pbyslas ie~ 68 i 350s511 ce, t1ans of Asymptotic Solution of Oni ope--- Diffenntial SquatiOnjo by pp. MOGDJjl'Col of Art ZE&UNMIgg" bbLAAZ scl-~'~thqmaticai Bel Fab ~68 PP 33-39- 350.9512 awe of Plandom Porces on Nonlinear SyStMov by V- Go Solommiyetsp 8 ppe . of Artp PAbU myye Ustody pp i Sol-lpbyslois Pei 68 350s513 1 silfhatmint Itions of Cawrorgme af d - (it IU-p Do BoboUw during Appzvxlnate sob, ruAi or m~it~r mwwwma spatims 8 or or *mwrsWlap by N, B., Mir"Isp pp. "UM~l bol or Artp WkM *322 PP 47-53- 4iottomtical Sol 68 1 3501.514 I I Onl%kw a Problm for Equations of Higher OA11+ Characterlstics, wit, ~ MAItIPU p by X. F. W. ,, i,-i I-%. I 111 1 6 pp* -, 11 11 1 L Of Artp ZCLUIMMM W99K pp - ww- of Arto ftl pp 350#515 Prommsom In 81pple Idnam D&Iay 4t~wm !!by, No No Mayderaukit IF* Pp Ribanikp or Art., pp 00-03 r=-~,W~322 sq~)!~ktbomtlcai eel Fib!68 350.516 1 PAWdOw I,M6aks 1n 14Uwar Dynmdc Systemj, i)y T. 1 0 A. D. Wmbkls.* 21 pp. I D4*0 P W144 ~ A, 0l of Arto nwo lb-tody r~~l I - ~6jpp I I !~ -016~ 1 sa-ph"I.60 Fel~ 68 i Pp 3509517 Adheivnee of Solutions or a 14 Uniform *ad. I I D&UW DlfftrentLal Squations, 0. 34 iNorkinj, 11 Ippe 81A iCol of Art, hjhUgMnmr-m Matody pp FTV-M6b'~-322 i i 1~4-4-MMt~$MU*a ftl Oet 6B 350..518 .00 of Principle of Averaging fbr , Rquatioto vith Discontiolml by A* Me Ba=WIMMDDp 8 ppe L Of Art,* ZrjhjjWM=wye Matody pp 1 ftl-~&thtiioatical Sci Feb 68 350,519 .c Behavior of AWSative Part or of Oxw-Di=nsloma Diffwvntial 1,t by Be Ye. ft .0 18 pp. Col of Artp MbU bang" Moto Im "D-NT-04-W i SA41%0~tlcal Smi i 1: Feb 68 350#520 ~* of Tbeory of Poteatial of Double I Its FLrat ApplicatIons to Solution Ln Bamftry Value Prob] am p by V. So PPO 0-01 of Artp M&W mn al2k IL, DirftrantstalInvkh gravvaniv- AR pp ftbl: 350,P521 On the Solution of a Tnw of 5=3 I ar Dif- Nrintlal Nqvationx by it F* Faysibayev* NASM, 1: Col of Art# Pribli aways MatodLy paeagbamv Bei 68 pp 350j,522 tht Stowe and Proportion of Intogna ki for "tem of XM!Uw&r Del&y Dif- vntj~a vlth Vaxleble Coefflaient,, Vo io POdChUkj, 14 ppo ISDO, 001 Of Arts Prt-UIWwmm Notody PP ml-MT46~322 S6i-Msthmatical Bel 350j,523 F~b 68 I Llij~ 0641DAtions of a platep ; F ."! shulew*op 15 pp. kx,!: ~; Col of Art v .9 PrQU mun pp 322 i I SOLI~-Natbemwtlcal sci 1. TO, 68 350,,52- i ~!"t* CmIcoUtion ot IntAipuls.. by V - 1. 38IMP b4# V*Owl I 4 al IntagnLlov, ftv g" ftm mw X. Y. Borok, METHOW (Iil CALIBRATINC GAS ANALYZERS FOR 1311--I'l-MOM~G huditocoNcw4ritATIONS. [19611 I 101p. (3 figs. ornttt~o I I refs. AERDL T- 1082; RIS C-71~. S or SLA $1. 10 62-1327Q Order fr0m~!U Trans. or '411rlborositrxxi-nie (LJSSR) 1960, no. 4, p. 23-26.1 Also available fromillS S20.00 as RIS E-70. DESCRI17ORS: *Ga4 analysis, Test equipment, Calibration,! Gas cylinders, Flowmeters, Cryostats. (, T`T. v. 9. no. 10) 62-13279 I . Borok, M. 1'. 11. A I'll I)L'I*- 1082 M. RIS C-713 IV. Army Engineering Research and Development Labs. , Fort Belvoir, Va. V. Kescarch Information Sciwi(v, Now Yoi-k Olfi- ~1 T-61-1 S-i... i j i i I I ~v, for AVIAR%tic Dimon- , rAngG PAMmUc DOTICHM !, C~n ~. by E. 1. Fed I . 0 Kcat i 196310, OP NLL RM ' Sci-bigr I Nov . 7 345,252 9 Gae-b1scbai (ge Tranomitting Rlemints by A& A.~ v at al. RM81"j, P*r Prl" _,,!~rpsuUs *D ho 1956o Co-Op Tmus Bch Tr 341 8e.0d. Sci - Cbem -2 blay 5 7 p4i_%thod 6f' Accelerated Biuary DivisiOn in DIgI- Computerso by R. 1. Kilmako and G. D. ~Ionnkhovp 14 1 pp, RMW4 per, PriborostromniL-, No 2s 1957s pp SOLA R-1775 J'A 58 univer''Bad FIL.6ctronlc Computing Mchine "Stavle" b.Y Ali ka. limsuil Pali ;~ Prtiborostroauie,, ft No 31 1957; VIP Nov 57 Co--Dp Tr Seb Tr 381 -,J 0- 44 by Yr-. P'. Gicrsbt., Apr 6o lab TyLstallation to 0=1 and to Alloy Cryatmass '.by It. Norte=.. 4=6=2= moo =d 0. Plabodmk* sud 0 4ymt lo PP. MWIM, grp Priboroubroonle, NO pp MA R-140 Sol Agrod~~Wdt I~Condjtj=s for Dropping Aerological Appsz*ow, 93 ppo ilt"I'Ali, pe;r,, Dldborostrowni*p ph) 4., 3.957 pp AW 8CL. 194 Oct 58 ,Ei 6f TrAilamission for a Mic Choic. b-~,( V. Bulaht1rij, RUSSIAN; pel*"~ Priborostroenlyej, lic) 10, 1~57.. 13- AEC Ci-:1A. Tr -A85 Revera* 11'ram;!; Suasix to French Feb 59 Cant inufous ~kctiou Computere, by V. B. Ushakov, 26 VD. UNCLABSUM RUBBIA~,M*,!; r,, Priborostroyentife,, No li., Nov 1957, pe us ipas/bc -a-62 (DC-1449) set -~Xlectronlcs Sep 1741 AleZ vichin"Litel 'nay Is Teknika B Narodnom llhozk-ail-tve, by A. ifavilov, RUSSIJJ~.? per, Priborostroyenie, No 11, 1957, pp 25TI28. *ATIC TelE!COM 10.131-S) i An glmrtrii.4al .01;~ f or wasurlag t, I viadcl~ity im" Liqujdj5., by B. K. Dlart-~Dlu- 'LTW:, -;tropniyc mrksi:~aq, Prlboro, 1-95t,1 PV :r?, T-ac Thornton liesellrea 1016 OT/331-11 sat T/C of Instrutent Malting RUSSIPIC,, 1 per, Priborostroenie, No 1, 1958, 'Engr R,--,s and Devel Lab Ft Belvoir., Va S-J4229 (DC-1T64) Thf:ftt~re Courve of Development of the lastru- mant Bui,ldbig lvdustry,, 5 pp. RUBSJAI~v Tno!per, Pribarastroyeniye., No 1,, Moscow, ift 1950~ pp 1-3. Us JM/bC-L-53T Sci bagine-eri*g Al Onelof the Ways In Which Complex Automation Is to Be blon'e,~ by V. Kulikov;(B) Calculating Braking Centrifbgal Regulators of Velocity for Devices by No Ro~6ietk6v;(C) Evaluation of Technological Procedse6) A~cording to the Extent of Their Automation.' by P. F.,' Bdb~ik;(,D) Calculating Tension Force Required for Windi% dire Up. by W. P. Chumakov;W Pneumatic Shifting Relay., by V. V. Vazinguer; LF-) Piston Manomdt6r Automatically Changing Loads, by R. Gorielik,, I. RUSS LZ per 28 1 p Priborostroyeniye, No 1,. 1958p pp 9-24; 29. *5191th MI Bnp H-3370 Sci - Engr Mar 59 T/C of i Instrumebt Nalcing RUSSIAN,,~-jer, :' Priborostroenie,, Moscow, No 2, 1958. Engr R-s and Devel Lab Ft Belvoir, Va 12 744 Fr- I ROITMAN L. M. i New tapes of~.rotating flow meters to register and control liquid and Iras flows Nouve.lux types de d6bitm6tres rotatifs pour Penregistrement et le r6glage de (16bits de liquides et de gaz Priborostr., 2, 28-31 (1958) R. 1076 - Freach E u r a t o m T/C of I ! I i i i Instrument Malting 1 1, I i RUSSIA~i,,Iper,'Pril)orostroenie, No 3, 1956.9 Mosco I Ewgr Res and Devel Lab Ft Belvoir, Va Des StIonal AmplMer an Soid-Canductirg MAM byl'd. U. Potrow, V. A. :Popw. OWL431 per; PC --trwanows So 3,, IS*8v 31M JU Nn,* A .4'tT53 91K. FOXMIMB by Home at ot Used Baft @v by ........ . .... 31M ax :B lp" UV.,4fP ncep" Vbiah Uo Tewpomtqro LwtabLUty a (is Plwma of TrIa" fjoed as a ModuUtor Exerts om cm the I~i`tjw Ope"tim" AMpWier ot Di"ct ll.'s ~V. Dobrmg, .PrOom~r IM) 3# 1958, In MOO. 3.10th Ul me 71 C 'Bel -Xie 'Aug 59 ondue trooi Devices for CbaftiCaX Analysis a It Without.Hissuring Rlipatrodos,, by rfor5r u orav,,4 ft g taslab per, PrIboros"yonlye, lk~ 3, 190, 194.1 .0-1- " p 14-3336 319th Ul Ba.9 D mg Jfuplil~ 81oftro-Ketts, 'Copper AIIcW of RLgh RUSOVS 110 3 M8* 99 92-"e 11-5 A 319th NI Da I Sal ,11,111W A91 emu DwICO P*Qblftd WIth Pall c RMUX Per,*!! Arlb*r*ftrWeojj%, 39 3, I.W8, 3Mh Ja fto F 1 IVAN 1 1 276 i 1 A ~lc at~ fts waltdd" Aw4us Lin* Cut. I I 16 *10 '- ~bl 7~W v'Ib 3t, pp 0! i 0 i se, O'~ . S~"U* k49 50 3X91bb W 31ap 316=08 a 9'15 ',$e Pr 5- Os 4?emmtn or x-ak, in! ikeb"Scall powlee. is jj~ ~ ~~ . -L e -- - --- B UBO . ~ pw~ to IQ 84 -.o -1110 Ap 19380 pp 2f, it "a st lftt B933pv B 4y. . I PP Ilb Aft 59 ns.rument!-Ivlakihg, 2 pp. RUS~~j p~lr F~ri4oroatrpeniej No 4, Moscow, 1958, ' I1 11 1 - publ by W.shgiz. Engr Bes Devel Lab Sci -lEngr Dee 58 The utcq~uc Control by Neens of P-m-tbematica). ftk~h 6an 4 the Usultng of a Train by a Lcewotivep by 1. MOT. U= Ru,gsws Orr Priboroetvow-u.1m, No 4, 1956, DSIR UM LLET RM 1312 ma. 6s. en4rator Producing Keeping Tite Impulses for Propeiling~~"the Cipher System" Operating Machines Working War'es of Yletals, by V. V. Karibski. RUSSIAN., per, Priborostroyeniye, No 4, 1958, PP 5-8. *525th MI Gp, H-4310 Sci Engr~, Jul ~59 New I~ductlon Spool for Differential Manometer DIS-T, I by I. N4mirov. RUSSIA~-f, pql~r, Priborostroyeniye No 4, 1958, pp 10-12. *525th MI Gp, H-4310 Sci Llngr Jul 591 Work'iihg Ziric A. V.1 Kazatc. RUSSIAN, pir, 12-141~ Alloys by Means of Driliing, by Priborostroyeniye, No 4, 1958, PP *525tb 141 Gp, B-4310 Sci -~Engr Jul 59, Pressing Sffiall Metal-Ceramic Parts in Which Somd I 1 1, Dep ession6 Are To Be, by D. T. Prizent. RUSSDU~, per, Priborostroyeniye, No 4, 1918, pp 15-17. *525th MI Gp, H- 4310 Sci - Engr JU 1 5 9'~ Electrical Device for Masuring Viscos-ity 17,V.J-53, by L. N. ~orisell~vich, P. A! Ivanov. RUSSIA01 pet, Priborostroyeniye, No h, 1958, pp 17, 1NI *525th M Gp, H-4310 Sci Blectr~on Jul 59 I I ; I I I ' i visualPhotoelectric Photometer IPM-58, . t RLISSIW"Y per,., Priborostroyeniye) No 4, 1956, PP 20) 21.'~ - *525th 141 GP, 11-4310 I 1 1: ; 1~ Tab16 of Cohtents: Instrument-l-laking. i,1 l~ RUSSIAN, pore Priborostroenie, Ito 5, Moscow, 1,058, publis6ed ~~, I-lashgiz'. Engr Refi Devel Lab T-329 Ilk i7, Table Optents: Instrument-making. RUSS p6r Priborostroanie, No 6, Moscow, 1958~ -OU-611 w mash iz 9 Engr Res Devel Lab T-330 Sci -!!Engr Dee 58 TablIe~of Co~!"ntents: Instrwnent -,%king ~ i i~ RUS81AF I'r, Priborostroenie, No 7, Moscow, 1958, , pe pubi ~y Mas''hgiz. Engr Res Devel Iab T-334 Sci -i Engr Dec 58 059 cia and Automt1c 5yotaim, by D. H. 113 PP. UNMAaSIFZKD RUMUN., Pribomtroyealri., iffo 7, 1958., VP us ippi/925..N set Bl"two2so '7/ 1d(0 Doc 74 Tablelof Ccintents: Instrument-Making. RUSSIAN, p6r, Priborostroenie, *..Vo 8, Moscow, 1958, publ I y Ma', i Z'' Engr Res Devel Lab T-361 Sci -Engr Dec 5~ !Table ofICont6nts: Instrument-Making. ~RUSSIAN,~per.,~Priborostroeniye., No 9, 19r-8, publ by IMashgi~,!Moscaw, USSR. Engr Res Deirel lab T-386 Sci Engr Dec Nrl~v4ly. R. ,~h, and Yarmak, M. K. NOUVLAIIX ANALTWURS MAGATIQUES DE GAZ [Navyye Magnitayvc Gazonalizatary) fNf-w hi ti Cw 60 4r CE Analyieril tr. bvT,'.M. Khazoff. 24 Aug ,17 7 c A Is Trans~ nb. R 996~,(text In French). Order Ir6m OTS '' SLA $1.60 w - 15797 Trans. In Frenchtou~~ SSR) 1958, no. 9. P. ~3-7. DESCRIMRS: *Gases. Analysis, Magnetic propertim Oxygen. mg. -17- v. h. no 61-15797 1. Perlovskly, R. Sh. II. Yarmak. M. K. Ill. CEA-tr-R996 IV. Conarnissariat I I'Energic Atornique (France) Zakharav. iA. HERMOM~TRi A R~~oNNEmpwr POUR LES EMKRATURItS MOYtNNES (RadistsfoRnyl ermometr Sreanego 6'apazom) (Radiation Thermorne- !r for lbe M'~dum Rnnjel ir, by Melnich. 9 Mar 60 101p. 4 refsi CTA Trans. no. R 840 (text in French). Tder from 6TS or SLAI $ 1. 10 61-23793 In French of Prlborowtroenle (USSR) 1958 29) no. 1(1, 25-26'. ~SCRIFMRS: ilbermometers, *Radiation vrometers, Suifaces. ,%yalca-Thirmodynarnics. Tr, v. 6, no. 6) 61-23793 1. Zakharov, A. A. 1l. CEA-tr-R840 Ill. Commissariat h I'Energle Atomique (France) 766L:o Offir. .1 Toth.1c.1 ('2090-19) Katj3 of the Cacqmtj'~m ln the DmIopment 6otion of Nov Techaquep by V. I. 9 ppe .WSSIAN, !pars Priborostroyealtrej, No 10p 1958s Pp us ja"3 llw-H the Dovelqpmmt of' Soviet Instrumant 1* 6~,, ftlbOrO3UVY=U*j, ft Up 1958., pp 1-3 im 60~-D ;igd Wbil~, Iz- tbo VialA of %2-arm2Z. by 9. S. Aruty%miw., pp., 519 t1a ju -the Wvclojn,3nt Ol AlL'tO--_Oti0n; 7 0* RUSSIVA, p~"r,. Priborostm-oniyo, No 12., Morsennt, Ipp ATIC F.Ts-9996/111 Sci _~Rnzl~~,eriur, Sep (DC-2604) oaciUagraplut good jr, Rewarch and Lb Atrazeft MASIa"i1mgm, by T. P. IA, porp Priborost"Yonlyep No 22# Wscow 1958a Sol lip sulatro"Co mk~ l59 PPR I BO ROSITROY'EN I YE 19S9 - 1962 'D. COVER COVER TAYLOR & FRANCIS Ll AVAILABIIE LY:SERIALS (Inntrumont Construction monthly) Tranitlation or 1959, Vol. 4 UP to- and including 19r6, Vol. 11! Tramnlation ceaned, publicrition In Dec. 1960 Order for back numbergi National Lend.',.ng Library for Science and Technology Bo-tton S,,a, Yorics. IZ23 7BQ Price of back ls~lue-- 4, 115.0.0. 7f~ IT,7 into-ollat ''L rhel)P'termtnation of the Thickness of a Galvan~ic C6atitig by the Wthod of Measuring the Thermal by D. A. GoIldring, 4 pp. RUSSIN"i, pbr,, pp 24~ i, 25. Set CrT-r;.v Vol IV, P-riborostroyenlye) No 1, 1959: .... ..... . SLA 6o-138:32 No 3 ~Utc~paravy Semiconductor-Diodes and anq'i;~tors of MeIgn WMx# by V. V. P-mviov. UaW, per; IVIboroatro)vniye,, Tia 1, 1959, "0 Taylor "Fraucla, Ltd. C i Bloctlvou