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63-U523 Erem , V. N. I 71111". R E OF SUILFACE IMENOMERA IN ME-rAL-- 1. Ercnxmloci. V. N. WRGY. .1 3 apprxik 200p 11. Conuahants Bureau Order frOXII $2 7. ~O Emerpriscs, bv--, Nm, York Trons. of nibuo. [Pv~qrljmwGtmj_)L"IeWya v - 6 9 22 4p. 1. DU'V,RIPTU]I,S: *Nlelalhirgy, Powder incEallurgy, Ad-iox-lon, Otiurfact.,, u.-mion, CnrblLkL, Nitrklcj;, Crymal sta-ticture. Reftamory materials. 'nihi filinn, Niccluinical ili-Avrttis. (hietaUurgy, ~,Tr, v. 10, no. 12) Otfxt Df Itchnscs! se"'C's Of Owebon on the IKWoqgw of th 60- Im and Usits, and Carbide bo6cl b~~ 81696j, !by POPPIP N- K- DWOMLIOV- m TAX vhwmwpkbnnatmm Torlmodbm v Sod-ll~t July 6,9 38BP399 Surf,ico, pln.-j~lc-rnena in Metallurgical Pvocesz--C,-O, A. I. I~k!lya,irev RUSSIAN. bk, Poverkhostnye Yavlen.L,,,& v Met. 1 11 alluulchk XMx .6i'dkh Prct-.3essa4; Moscol," pp 1-267. Sci - M/m Dec 6~4 Possibly to be doric by Consultunts Bureau 11- aw 58UXkY Of I= SIUCUO Slikp,, by SJ. Popol, Mx!,4m L yoviamlya v luumuvwch I IMv per h4oup A" WIR& UM. SSR. ram- "..apm Walyr, 1963, pp 364-368. G 277,141 a4oullat Republic., 2'w'm, Bf, ITA YS 1momwaphP POV012h,va 4, 5h arin'ta, rimralst t rip PY 1187314 PS J U, bay& Oblmst,, 21 ppo ko-Mogntlabookaya 1907# V9 261-2641 275-304p t, mt-IL6 58sAFCnI-3AI- AF LIMIA um, 4- 7,Y rt -425 Bead Tv"tuez" tar Moormaing FWA Gerijimtion to Of Graou of the limatim * I. Podavelavat 3 'Ppf scialgm All even 1, 1 atifisk 1~, memms Yca 67v No 3p 1949P pp OCSITI TT 68~50426 scd/.B & 14 Feb 68 Wilumof Wtals in Friction and the ngth~of Steel Under HspeW~ed Alternating I*, D* A. Dr"Mr., Go lo Vallchuk. TMSTAN, IWI-I .p oats Do .jj-U-7,NM, ~3956~,.i'atol ~ ". I ~!sj pp 9311-99. MI U-3462 Ayr ~62 Maeldiia f6r Testing Wear at Hlj;b Contact by M. A. Famnov. R=- IUM, 'UA Pwyshonie Itnoso"Stoiko'n't-i tp -,L, i D e mi m. 426,o, Sci 1, uIr AVC 62 we*614 ~ the ~ V"r-aesistawWbf 'BrDa" w4 I I if, ., . : P6*tA 6f Airc=ft lby A. F. 19 ksm"ti, Por" wasy qp 60 iov, h" . A.! i~ 1ACIME FOF '11:S'IV4G 1'.'EAR AT HIGH CONTACT I ftk-7s1--uj' U 6L-Id'hirui (INh lsp~nnnfya rui L-na-- pot - SVII1710rium no. ..Z D~Okdyalfl. !~956 "3 Jul 0 ParkTraiw. no. 2949; IV. A, !-'L%' !Ir 1~1-u 7,1.60 '1-1'-6- (G:. I Ilovysholic 1;'~IvjSoUSLoI-.;I1iyDutI D'-- la~dMa~ij 41i.,Ij Ilc Hi2 Mj'~ I, It, v" ea~ - Rcsknta nce of I - , I, - ' p, I" - N1LDO1III)f'PiaI.L Wv, 1959 1 0 (Ahszract . OV.,car o;1 Oi~' EVGIMSUM tt Lubricating Oils ltdor Operational Con"i1c'm In. HWII Ina RM Equipient.. by E. F. Lielmkir. !Us"- bk.^ Povrdmle Nachestva I Primenenie diMft!Awb*rl&l=; Mm-Adk DoklzAov$ MSCOU., 1957,1 ilp 100-109. Mr l3e ncreasing CaVitation=Erosion Resistance of Machine Parts R. 1. RUSSIAN, ~bk, Povyshenic Kavitatsionno-Erozionnoi Stoikosti' Detolei Hashin, Moscicow, 1963, 3.47 pT). *Sr-CS1 I"Y- 1965 Sci Jan 65 !anal Broslan and Mems for its I * by I* N. hogachbvo vonj on P) -SIA) I; bk, P v ie Kav itittsionno- Rlb uili~i Stollostl Detatel Hashin Moscowo Increa,sini,!,Cavitation-Erosion Resistance of Machin'e Pzw~,ts, by I. N. Bogacheir, R. I. Mints. RUSSIAN, L)k,, Rjmxkl')ovyshenie Kav-'ltatsionno- Erozio~noi!Stoihosti Detalei lla!;Iiin, 1964, 142 q Sci i4ar Increasi the Loading on Gearing and Decreasing ~g n Its Weight) b4 M. M.Saverin. UNCL -Mgruzochnoy Sposobnosti RUSSIAN., ~bk, RRy~~ e~q~ yp.,.v~O,~ 1~p.~,'qdacli i.,$n.i.zh.e.n,iy_e. T~h Vepa, publ by Mashgiz, 11956.. Pergamon Institute Feb 60 Of The I lere a of Pr RWS bk, Poyyzhenle rrodukt:ivnostJ ,;.--;)0 1 a, chenAlykfi--Lesov, -,io-scow, PL-480 OTS 61-31225 USSR Sul - iEcon. AM 6.3 P, 3 IE~h6 uimeni!: of the drganism to d A~d6OA ~ 1.1 4fjl~~ To b yfla 0.:~~Ajrbvo 12 pp. R 11 4 t! i stoychlVosil Organiiana ~i I t 8 cfiestvi E kku, 1963. 4 JPRS'23359 + 6 ll#b~ 6 1 250,578 i-6 m . I : i 1 1, i I I ; , i I I . r ! ! I ~ $a I i .1 I k 14*0 FWW a ftudwou - %, BD-79/~l List:of Deb~gates -- The 2-th Extraordinary Con- gress of th,~ Com=nist Party of the UI=aine, 16-17 qanuax':y 1961, ~NY-6635) z UKRAINIAV, pamphlet, 4ozacherpclviy XX M iad Kommunisticlinoi Partii Ukraini 16-17 sichnya 1959,roku,~1959, pp 127-148. XNMW *Jpal. USSR I z i Pol w. !Ukraine Party Congress~,Delegates 6 Dec 1 61 ~O;Lgwbion Into the Explosloa Safety of ,~-kaaJONquipmnt,. by V. Ml.-yashcheuko. !Ms lv-or,, Pozhnimoc Dclo., Wo 6., 1957., P 9. RLL If. 3434 may 'rho E-di ii IM -45 oxygen Iaolating Gao MsLukp by I 11. KUSC, eyrm~,' UR.'IASSIFIED per,]~ Pozharnoya Delo., No 12~ Dec 1957, Russi"ll p Navy Tr i866/OM'. 352 Sci - c6m Oct 58 A x A. Sboiotakov. UNCI, ITO zptt-r', pozl~ T:1.7,1 1, ly- Ila T and N'. pp ilm RTS 2564 Aug 65, Dertermlmtlon of ftre Breaks 'Struetures,, by N. Strellchuk ihkin. Podwxwe Delo j, 1963., No 11., (On loan or Purchase) 288 jO98 Kpansicin Fbamp by Be Savkwr and G. V"ilev 9 pp Aug 65!1 D~,, rozaarnoe Deloo 1963.. No llp 6~ (w Loan or Purchase) 288 8'6 U;lu CR 24J/6'2 Birthio.'~ a Mirbor, by E. Banduzenko. Ya. Sikorskiy (DC 82~31~ Russips,! lak* booklet, Pozhdenie Porta, 19-9. pp lo-16, P-32, 34-51. *JPRS USSR Geog 19 lqov ~62 M=16~ bk,~~ I RM ~T,j 69-W PrOce2st bY A- A- ROde, 387 PP. zoloobrawvateltrul prottlesis, 1937. sci/. NOV e in kgrochemletry, by A. V. Poterbarg9k-V RiS 01,1r, 147 ~:to 4, ~ ,3 1 Aboo ~,ract~ only i Sf.lilvmtirlc - -Biology. u8m 0 %.-) Q , 3 J 7 Mar 56 M. ftdistiOU., by Vawibo DOZ#19 j;ALCLsskjm Pllbo!'am 1962-, jrjs--TT-6'j0-,,5 19 63-24066 Avanesoo, 1). S. MANUAL or! PHYSI~IAL AND CHEMICAL TESTING 1. Avanepov. D. S. OF CXPU%I~VES, u-j! by 1-1. G. Condor. Sep 62 1175p] 11. AWRE Trans-30 AWRE Tratitil'30. III. Atomic Weapons Research Order froctl,i 071S or StA $ 1. 2. 50 63-24066 Establishment (Gt. Brit.) Trans. 0t int o. Wrtilkakurn po Fiziko-KhLmicheoktm Ispytaniyalil ;tr)-Vc h vestcheinv] Mowow, 1959. DF-SCRIVIVIts: *Fxp~osive materials, *Explouives initiators, Pri4w1l"tii, Detonators, HwWlWg. Storage, Detonstiono, Stability, Explosion . j jz effects, Blikstj Tr.Fiw~ 1he fit-6 imof the book, which deals with eVIosives and met= (it their iiandliag and pressing and the firing a( ex~lq'slve cho''ries, end also includes the first three eocerdisis, con4lfis material used to Instruction the technique 61, accldo6,t prevention. In the second par: (En&ine6rjni;-L0rdna&e'. TT. Y. 10. no. 14 (over) I~widbojlr. cl rruit mid Vegetable Processing, by, 1.41 ?. 'Sl~irokevs ]:.t% I'll ,bi.~ I)rak-tikun po lChranefiiyyu i Pera- rabotkbi lll~aov i (Noshchei 1964,,, 246 pp. NOV 6611 111,actical 15p-thorls of Numerical Weather Prediction, by PI ii'. Beiov, 267 pp. POST MITED RUSSIAN., bk,, Prakticheskiye Metady Chislem-,ogo Progriftla Pogody, Leningrad, 196--,, pp 1-258- 9695-130 GOV IT M, QT&C Sci iiov 64 269,299 lozd;~k review T/C I or, 6onc ~tmtiolo Tecbmiques Tor Non-Ferrous and IM i1sp by M. A Fishmn., D. S. Sobolev.1 15 Mo ~bk., fts- _#pU~L, lRud Tsvetnykh i ]He~kikh~ i4eta-Uov.- Moscow., 1957j, 595 pp B-220 Ilead Lib 'Sv Set Air ImXo Div. Lib Cong Practice o~C Ore Dressing of Ferrous, Rare, and Precip'us M'6tals in the Mills of the Soviet Union, by Ye~.' V. ~damov. RUSSIAN, bir., Praktika Gbogashcheniia Rud Tsvetnykh, Redki~j.l i b:- - Lagorodnykh_Metallov, 1964. May A=IyOus af: the Air for lheteritil Contamluatlula, ciy B, L79MBSIFIED R13SSl,Ai,,., m6nograph, Praktlch,vpkqyq Posobiye po geditsinsk6~ Mll metodam xMiliedo,viLitil, 1957, Hiniski' pp 1313-319. US JnS/DC-L-80 Scl ~ *Sed Wr ra ii--j .be in Storago and Promssing of 1 1 hO , p btr E. Po Shirokove i Sol/Agii Aw 681 3.56o720 i A.Pr'c';,*Cal course in Radiation Chemistry, by Le T*I!i ~~ slugaeako, E. P, Kalyazin. et al. RUSSIA Praktikum po Itadiat-sionnoi Khimii i~61150 b lid.! k.~ .~i;s-.Uaiv. in H. V. LA=nosova, 196- pp Z'162 P91156-9r6'7-V- T I AM NPI tr-i* Sci OeMIS MY Mar 67 CF, r IA 111 W) r ~sjc c t v t,,. I a 14 f, ;!is V I i-,~ 822221).t ctj.~Ial (.'Ourso in -':~'tcrc oll h oto ~. r,", f" Valuyov, bh, 11 mikwa I'D IkAorcof oto~,nl:~ ict-rii 2 7 76 7 Practicall 'o'oA on the Refract6ry Witerials, Tecbnolo&v of Ceramics and by G. N. Duderov. I RUSSIh~','~f bkl 4'rpktikum po tekbnologii keramiki ogneuporov, ;-.!zid j~e-wised and'-supplemen% edij!Or, Enc-11. 56 0'4-`U4jl MOSCOW, 1953 Sci 13 c-~ 4p r 5 -1 1"S ,T of Contents and Introduction lenly'lactice of 111twbo-DrilLing With Diesel Ea~ina lorivell, by 1. F. Shal-imov, Y. V. VaclOtSkly.. 4 pro (AF 657799). AJK~SIA,Vp bk, Praktika Turbinaop Bweaiy-,t na D:UeVubm FrIvods, Mbacov,, 1-954, p 242. M09 311 9cpn=d!c llstrole= drilling Acient-Itia I - Engineering Fob 56 OTS/dez 71, A. WOK;: XR FOR VECTORCARDIOSCOPY; LY 1,'-"2 PP. RUS"s I A~ I EIIII, iPPAKTICHESKIYE VOPROSY VcEI/I.TORl',A',',DIOSI-,OPI I 1"')00 101 ipr),s I)ql'o s I' HED M.S, ~02 E t ~T I O~ FR64 PRACT I CAL EXER.C I SES I N Ep ioOTI GY FROM MICROBIOLOGY, BY 1. A. BAKULOV, L S I~AN:~ ll~ PRAK~J,CHESKIYE VNYATIYA PO wit lu ~GWS MlkROB*IOLOGIYE:Yo MOSCOW, 1962) P .67) 77-86). 96-103., 109-115, :0 5.7 1~11-142 51, 151-155, 156-158, ~l 1~2 8 185,"!!: 1 ~17-199, 230-233, 233-236. JPRS 19115 ;m i Al~ 13 Furtilcr "Arengthening, by 'basollh stalill. RUI'-~SIAN, np, Pravda, JIIIZ!)" CS(",: DC 15065 J - 170 7 / 6 7 USSR 1101 'la.r 07 of thc Savict systc;:~, 11 11;arch 1939, ;! -1. I 321 , c~3~, 17 C-) 'IT m Agreenient of tl.Sj% and Frwico Spa.Ln. lwssif~~, np, Pravda, 27 Nov IS)S.3, p1) 4. i .1pils, (ISO, i6886 De c ()~ 7 Signing ot Military Franc(5 Spain. PIUSSI.,~N, w), Pravda, I JPRS CISO: 116886 I Dec 67 Agrecmcnts I;ct;-.!Oeil USA and 27 Nov 195:5, pp 4. Agains~ the Conclusion of thel USAAdtli Franco RUSSINII, zip, Pravda, 29 f - J1, Rs cso: 16886 I De c67 1 1 i of Military Spain. Nov 1953, Agreet-aents pp 4. I I i Intcrnational Review. I 11lUSSI--%N'l.s Pravda, 30 Nov 1953, JPPS CS)O: 16886 1 Dec 67 C604 000" mw* Lo fta CC Vo alert GPM ID I" ""I^ '1- 4~ft~ 'Ibe Lkx~p Spam ConrunicaUm Cm-iter, 2 pp. lWSTtV ni)4 Pravdag 1%0,, p3. AI lrr-P--S75z� may lo( 406,864 in the Central Comittee CPSU and Council ol' IlarriSters USSR. I'm Econoii-dc Incentive.-, ~`or Enter-orises and on IncreasinLo the Laterial Interest of Personnel in the C.-reation and Intlr~d-uction of New Tecluaique-,; and Tecluiolol-r L>.r and in Cmaplex 1.1'echanization e.nd Automat-lion, Pp. RUSS'!A!.I, np, Pravda, Moscow, 42 Jul 190). JAIS DLI--12977 3 7 USSR Pol I klrwl'~ '7 1 ) World Fir4li Gr(Aip Flight in Outer Space, 12 pp. Ivuss awl Pmvaa, Part 1. The Daily Review Vol TnI, No 251 (2196) MwWay, Octolwr 22, 1962 Bel. $;s'ee hen Nov 60. worldre First~Grmp rllgbt in Outer Space,, 19 pp. mmimij np.!~; Pravda, ftrt Ii. The Doily Review Vol VMJ$ No 251 (2196) Mmiday, October 22, 1962 SOL Noy 62 The Fv~Ist' ;1.#! npp jr Jan 6~ to the Planet Mrs pp. v The Daily 310VLWW Vol VnI, 11o 296 (2241) Saturday) December 15, 1962 i AttentionI The~Agressor is Hiding Under Water, Nuclear Submarines'. i6mIM.. b'p., Pravda,, U Feb 1963. biA in io�&.61' Oct 71 lug SOVIET! MOS 14 AND 15: 5AN&AW., COS TASS REPORT, Er. ~ Dy J. W. T. Palmer. RAE Library Press Tran~. no. 32- Order from 0 rs, SLA, or SM $ 1. 10 Tr- 63- 24166 Trans. of eacerpts from Pravda [Moscow] (USSR) 1963. 14 Apr wW,'23 Apr. ~ I D&WRIP7M6: -Satellites (Artificial), Orbital tra)ectnrlei~' Puts, S~:iewific satellites, Space probes. TT-63-24166 1. Title: Cosmos (Satellites) 1. RAE LPT-32 11. Royal Aircraft Establish- ment (Gt. Brit.) Me of TeChAICS1 serykes (EQ10n06rlng--Sate1Il1r Vehicles. TT. v. 11, no. 2) I ! I d: ! 21145 . 1; 28 Apr 69 1 Thermcinucl:ear War and the Masses, by Yu. Aibatov. RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 13 Aug 1963, pp 3-4. Wiism 4- T~e Invilacible Force In C Cor~M M. ~Rb S N,,k'~.i,~Pra~da, 24 Nov 1963fl YPRS 22064 De 6 2438623 5 pp. ~,Out Mercury JCarbon M)xlde Has M; 0, ed In this Plam-s Atopopliere. Pravda.)15 Jan 1964. all IrT R S F-, A ug 611 l4a TI 1w 6 .6 Tqp~bW *U IMP PoWns An iWw labumota of taip ~'j~wp$m, big 19. V=Wmskolo V. ft7utblim q*S&L 0 - do W* ramish - t v 00*latm I ow eopwo rIn it t, a. L.- -- 111 l.": I': --t I 1~11 1 11 1 . of Cc!:! D. II.:,; Of I, ij- LC ZA J a t i i I MU Pcopato Chemical Science, by N.N.Semenov. ' ) &qya -3- RUSS*N.p np AA 1964j, 6 Fbbjpp.2 HM Chem Aug6~ 307.,766 I I I - ~ 7, - -- -- - - - - - - - I i Dangeious Alliance. RUSSI;,\N, TipA Pravda, I Mar 1964, pp S. JPRS CSO:116886 Dec 67 13-392/04 Acti.vOly Cpittluct Atheistic Education, (OC-10.5,65) ~tUSSIfol, fill, Pravda, ,Moscow, -2 ~;ar 1964, 2. F)O~--.","thCi!;tiC CLILIC;ItiOll in US."-'P ~ ~' 1 1 1 American Submarines in Spain. fwssllk~' lip, Pravda, 3 Mar 1964, pp 3. JPRS GSO: 16886 Dec 67 The "Electron" Space Systeiai,, by S. N. I V6rnov,,, G. A. Skuridin, Yu. I. Logachev, id Ipp i 64 RUSSDU, per, Pravda., 193 y 15 Mar, PP 3) cpsTi TT-6h-163-67 1-'3,633 Scl - Bngincering Apr 6-11 I . 'The Flight of Zond 1. i : AUSSIA!q, np, Pravda, April 3, 5, and 16, 1 064. ! i i I i I USSR ~ AUG65 286#411 Satellite Cosmos 28. np, Pravda, April 5,19,54. .U~SSR ~,ug 65 286,412 The Flight of Polet 2. iRUSSiWN, np, Pravda.April 13,1964. : i f i i 'USSR ~Aug 65 286J.410 i i ~ I I j The Soviet Satellite Cosmos 29. ~ RUSSiAN, np, Pravda, April 26.,1964. ~LL ~2~00.8 1964 (49) (On Loan) ; USSR, ; Aug 65 286,9413 1 The Flights of Cosmos 64 and 65. i :RUS~IA14, np, Pravda 26 Max; 18 Apr 196S. i 1Minils of Def T-I'To-3330 i :DSTI/S154A i London USSR ;Ili 1 Apr bb .198,SS8 I ;i Awth6i ';rts on Zond 1. 1 11 1 RUSS, 1 0 1 6 & 19 my 1964. I ju 1 131964 (56) (on Loan) AU965 288.,058 f i i I i I I I "Ie swriet ;satoulte Coome 309 1 1 1 N VV," PAMvdm6 19 vAy 1964.. .8'p . 1196k- -M (on owl) Aug 65 286., 9W I I Me 024at ArbWe of Welding, by B. Paton, 1 1 1! RUSS*N.' RJ. Pravda '31 Nhy 1964,, P. 3. = V~:.~ 6, po . P 823-828. Sept 06 311.,20 ftmliIvleb.swbelUte Comma 31& MiSihl. Ill. 3, 7 j~me 1964. JkL ~M.r 1w- (5L) ,(on T.00n) Aug 45 2W.,932 The Couutr*, a oas Pipelines., RUSSXAN up,,, P-ra-v-a"--,- 7 June 19640 p 2. ML Vol 6., No 9. P 829-8A Sept ~6 311., 242 oi River Naviption Soason 5 M : PraviU6 8 Jun 1964, p 1. j! I i i i . i i ~u I. i 8 i I ; ~A* I I i 1, ~ Irl- i: 64:1 i i i i i i i. I i i 265,319 I i. !1p, : ovdi vlains IrAw Commurdist Party I ~kv 4 r u 0 5 ]PPO i *I i i . 1 4 np, P Jun 1961, p 3. it, aft - I I I I I ; I Mie Ylight 6r Ylekbrous 3 and 4. 1; I RUSS*N, np.,~~ P~rqvds 12 July & 2 j i I Iqprt, 1.964.': I" 5~~.8 ~i964 (57) (on imi) i i I - - Aug 65 288.,o57 I !l I ~ iI i I I i The So'-4,let SateUite Cosmos 35- 1, RWSW.. up i; 16 July 1964. I WL ~2' W" - 8''1964 (55) (On Loan) I - - Aug 65i 288,o6o : 11 1 a lent Chinese Vcpwums From Line O*W . 11 Im sidonal Communist Movement, 26 pp. I at I!R Pravda, 19 Jul ; !&%A' A~ np. 1961, p 4; ~21' 1 lj ~ Jul: ~004. p 3. &.1 :. 266,379 I The So~iet Satellite Cosmos 36. , I RUWMWj, qp~~ 31 July 1964. ZL~ 5*- .8 1964 (58) (on wan) i