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1.~Io ,ki4A 't'TJ-UA0j'r CM-1 JVC iavest,LgatioL,.~ 14"4A INA. iii Flow in Vlia t~*-;IAI-~1,.Oto~ -Zci/ t! -A L~:~ of Uquid s0&= abd Fb" n4m Ul a9 Labnoo"t by Oct U-durt-Irtal F%Stth Sosvto&,D 1w "', KU-&f* PW# L401TU DIN"Wo 1964*1 go 241.20, 28279 'W"Opol-amd !lee ftt~ M. PAWAMMO a P~Il "0 1 W01-9 -) - "I 246,9 !.47 ..I.. .., A w --at- of 11W marvuest of h-- mi itic Molotsom by L"aw N~6 0 14 Pipe PM. ad 1 -1, , IXIIA I Iskjoesaw Val to, xe So 0630 pp BF-306 ONNAM Aug 66 3069243 (sF. 1857) CONSTRUCTION OF A PLANT FOR ABRASIVE MATERIALXS AND PRODUCTS - AN ANTI-IMPORT INVESTMENT, BY STANISLAW KAM4NSKl STEFAN CICHOCKI, 4 pp. POLISH,, PER, PRZEGLAD TECHNICZNYj NO 15, 1962, PP 3, 4. 4 JPRS 13134 EEUR - POLA14D EGON - 0 JUN 62 200,1o4 (NY-6430) Deevelopment Trends of the Food Industry During the Five-I Year Plan, by W. Kaminski, 15 PP. POLIM,, per., GospDaarka Flenova, No 8/9, 1961, pp 5-9. jpBs 1:L643 Mur - 'Poland Neon Dec 61 WN AND CCNMWIQN OF .I N Fft" BY V.AMIPIlffa KAMINSKIs WAR A .. 13 wo P%1*6 PD. ZWADWIFXIA MMMIIKI MUCJ, ND 5p SW40 lot PP JPRS 169K)7 EEW: ~w POWQ MON % JM 63 2180718 1 -1 ~7-,- I t uf t-he Fo')d I;id�uli'L'-.'!- C', COC)I?C. -.1 -1 O'k-, oantr c mjel~z Kaminski) odz p-r, POLISH, SPO?-YWCZYY lic) 2966 Savi u t JL),! (WeAso) "W" o"Wic Fm IIN IN NUTION TO I sow. olio cdo"Ins Iff MXI~01,p 0'%R# p=WM VOMIT# VOL XVIS ND It 190' pp ~ W". 0 JPFA 13016 = -a P9LAND ito 4 1 197#536 7r E310ftd Hdo id& Cr*Ckl6 by A. A. R am NID X "IPPP TT-6541176 ft Scl-Engr SW .65 on the i8lectrmw4petic Radii of the-Ligbtest Naclel iu the Ciround and Lowest Excited Statea, by A.- K. Kmlnokiy, Ta. M. Shlrokov, 4 pp. RMIM, per,, Zbw 09"r i Tooret Piz, Ak Navk vol xuvi (9), so 3, 1959, pp 874-878. AIP Sov Ph3v - JHTP Sci - Phys Orlt 59 .", Fleactions of 'Aramtic Nitro Compmmds - X. A Study of Products of the Yomwail Reaction by Absor7tion " traj, by S. S. aitinv A. Ya. pp. RUSSIM., pwg Zhur Obahch XhIm., Vol XXXI No 11~ 196u, -w -2&0-3ft6. CB 77, f Sol oat 61 Reactions of Aromatic Nitro Compounds. VII. The Absorption Spectra of Products of the Yanovskii Reaction, by S. S. Gitis, G. M. Oksengendler, A - Ya - n~Ml:!Ls )qy L 5 pp. -RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obaheh Xhim, Vol XXIX, No 91 L959, PP 298~-2987- GB Scl Sep 60 2M Spatoral BoU-Spetrmoter vitb Doub3n Focusisgr brr D. L. Mgep"._ M. 0. Mpmkly, ~ pp- -~Z RUSSM.p Wr,, PribM I T*kh ZMWv 10 l.. M9.. vp 32-35 - Zortru Sao of A=w Bet //f, e 7,~' A-pr 60 wafr4f ftaltran . * at MR I p 4. L. MmlnAkjXs no 00 U44=0 5 WO nompap vw, ow Slaxot Flat vbl XMI a 4~ -(M). ;w, ~=- Awr swi of np - am fts am %L V2K (39)v lb 4 801 0 Rho Apr " 9%6 40 ', .41 SY ,S,S- LI the 1-iocilerfical ano JAeC-.-.WL;= ji AAL Lill' 77 E. J. Kaminskiy Me Effect of Anoying Memento cm the Kilva-Allics of Racrptmulzmtlon of Vickal med IllOwl-Mumm AUapp by B. Z. KamlwklY,, H. T. Travlasp 4 I've tK EUSaMp %wP losledavmlya PC M=*Drochn3m SPUV=i V*l ZIP 2957,p pp 158-162. au 60-1W5. Sol A? -/" C/?z my 62 voi 49 No 8 Sfa"Udy of the Effect of Solute Cur'~Oa on the 'Rea- rys-11willization and CzW,,p Streugftlh of tho solizt Solutic-1, by' E. 7-1 K=,inWdy, V. N Rozedburg, 4 pp. Rt.C-SL4if,, per, Fiz Metal I Iv-e-t&Uov, 'Vol V1, wo 6., 1958,. p-p io36-io3q. Perga=m Press Sot jim 6o / / 17 ."DC-5052) The Tasks of the Nuabine-ftiUlLog radustry Is EstablLsbod by the Ninth Plimm of the M C*Utral Ocomitteem, by Nwat Zepi= .1 4 pp. GCFMX,v pm, Pertas . und IL-trLeb,. Vol X0 " los lgwp pp %9,9 51v. JM "65 mv - Oft-maw Boon of the Theory cif the Galmrmcmetv -Kaialr~-- "K2*A'JP 3 PP- F.".7 nin-i-j!za i sapeictro, Val Y. , 119o '196 i OM A Casmded Synchrocyclotran A. L. KirxU and M. K. Kaminskiyo 8 pp. iq RUSSUN, perZhur Takh Piz.. Vol JXV.LJL, No 6, 1957, PP 1337-1346. Amer Imt of fts Saw Phys-Tech Phys vol n, No 6 sci - Phys May 58 Dkamtt Nuclear Reactions =d lhteraction ia InMal and Flnml Statee.. by V. A. Kadtakli. YU. V. Wavp 6" EUD-91.414p yerp Zhtw MaMw I Tearot 'Iris# Val XMm, a 110 6p 103p pp 2WO-2W. AvW Imt ct Phys on :R" - im VOL l=o no 6 v..5- a 6 7 ,Jan Field 60 Kuniusk-Y, A.; Rosales. IL HERAPEUTIC TRIAL* 6 ALPHA-FLUORODEXAMETRA- DNE TRINIETHYLACETATE ESTER: ITS LOCAL ANTI- iFLAMMATORY EFFECT (Ensayo Terapeuttow. Eater del rimettlacetato de I& 6-Affil-Fluordexametasorak. 8u fectoAnti-Inflamatorlo Local). 6p (flp ornitte4. ,rder from SLA.- S1.10 an TT-65-13951 of I Dia hledtco (ArgentivA) 04 p1614-6 1962. Mit 669 -Rvdro34aIs of Wood Pulp with Anbline Sdfate Solutions# V- by 1. P. 14sevo V. a. mminskya R. B. Trostyanska", 4 pp. RWSIM,, pmr,, Zhur PrIk Ibis# SBBRN go 11j, 1952j, pp LMB-1230. Oonmltants Di"au Scientific - Chesdatry 101 7YY A Stv4y of the a et a Liquid in tbs 0=1061 Rotw of a Precipitation CentrifW by Meam of PadioaaUvo looto;esp by M. A. N SorUs L. S. ZwVblav-..Y. S. YAxdmklyt L. L. go"skp 16 A( R=rM$ low* ftool *'a MMb Ukh W3f ftuw=m du"W-votoil Ixotowy I lalacbmAt v &VIA L muia, im, Vol. rv, 2958,p VP 70-75- AW TrA" s" raminsi* v. s. and sokwova, M. S. THE USE 'UP SURFACE-AcnVE SLIMANCES FOR IN77.NSIFYING IME DEWATERING OF A PLOTAMON CONCENTRATE. [19611[9]p- 4 refs. [NCBJ,rrans. A. 1788/SEH; [D�aR LLUJ M.3135. Order from OTS or SIA $1. 10 61-27530 Trans. of Koks i Khin*dya(JJSSR) 1958, no. 12. p. 13- 18. DESCRIFMRS: *Coal. Moisture content, *Flotation. Particles, Reagews. Surface tension, *Wetting agents, Industrial research. 61-27530 1. Kaminskil, V. S. H . Sokolwa, M. S. 111. NCB-A1788/SEH IV. DS[R LLU M.3135 V . National Coal Board (Gt. Brit.) (FigLneering- -Chemical, TT, v. 6, no. offico ofr.ch.ical S~Ic.. QDD 198~81) Organizatlon and Techul-que or Soviet Tra4e,, by V. I. VlvqSmdo,rj, Is. A. Mulunklyg 38 IMP. M)SSrM,o bk,, ~OrgmnizatgijM J MlIftilU Sovetsko 19Sgovii Moscow,'IMp Vp Vb9-MLp 297 -309. CIA/FWl'u-5m USSR Economic - Traded orgaulwtion CTSAM A, d 77 e n-d Aca-cidermg;uItio, UP! an, Kimman, 3 w - by A. A. rumulwky' A: SMISH, par. Revists Ammiation Mledi= Ixg,ts L4' ,ll(Al. LXXljp Jan/vzx 1957., 2~ pp 59-61. 6-7 -.~A mm 2-43-6o Sci 1"(1d. ka. L Continuous Waves LaNa(14*04)j-Hd3# 300*K, by A. A. RUSSIAN, per, Zh No 5, 1968, pp SB4-996. CIA X-6914 Laser on t1to Basis of Crystals Oporation at Kaninskly. Prikl Spekltr. Vol 9, Feb 69 375,376 Qm" at tbo ftmwwm~, ft*Amg mail Price Orome in 196% by soft 3 LT vv GWMP 0*8no, so 2h0, Dw V5 & pp 7&g JFHB 2jZW Rom AT ., r &j -9w- g a I a 84id ~jw~z g~b 4040 ftomt*#, tw SMOOL 00OU40 *00a ^mow,* 140 c w 16 sw :-~4 Vlb tw Indalftiv Co. cow a IMI Ke - K.. Kojimat S. , and Dalmon. H. POLMRIZATION OF ALDEWDES. 1196317p. Order from ATS $9.25 A7S-9SQ69] Trans. of Kogyo Kagaku Zasshl (Japan) 1965, v. 66. no. 2, P. 246-249. DESCRUY'MRS: *Aldehydes, OPolymerization. 63-17780 1. Kamlo. K. It. Kojtma. S. ITT. Dalmov. H. TV. ATS-95Q69j V. Associated Technical Services. Inc., East Orange. N. J. .. I~ 4 4 G 4 -) (Chendstry-Orpnic. TT. v. 10, so. 6) Ofte cd Tccbdcji Sordus o:.-' =&h-Sp-ct~d Gailor:ii-e3 on . *,-.,--'. ,--: A-6 the "Dolefilaw Smialy" ILLnc, Marison Kamionlv,~ --cr 'Aadomoooci Govnilc--~~-, .to - J, 71 ).!~XLA'l TP 21446 2 --24!f, TPT-.(- B fur Poj,3-nd. C-- Mmonotsce of 09 WW49bt of Qgmw IN 1 m Iftem On Ommw an fte Buda of badly L=oh IL X. lboLddim. 31t* Ak as* 8004 %1 LIXVO jb-6;, nw:63 22098-A 6 ,io v 67 The field of -a Point-source zadiator in a plaw IaxdLaar -medium with randam'"Mmogeneity by P_n 498-508, '4J&UANjperj,Izv*stjya vy-ashikh uch,.bnjkh za-vadeniy Radiofislkav VOI.IU*NO.4j Gortkiy,Apr 67 1 1 repro graphIcs POr- do ot matilates, T"to aW Foamrah 4m the Smobw4enwating %I" Of ewma RM 9 and am Qiimwwifs bF lbotalbi 32 ppo "fe 'A - JAMIMS otip 44"M.OW VM*Dft Y=ft -ilm Nod** I OV 53a 1"1 1* IR hq*-"s 6W%th Air' iuw 8* .sq. Ch limg3i n 0, j4m will On the Crustal Structme as Dediawd from Forerwmr Aunlysiop by T*ihImdj:hi Kishimoto, Akira Samitauki# 20 99. JAFANM# pwp ZizInp Vol Us WD 2v 1957,, pp AW 801,-T-_V4 21 rob 61 -I,-- / I MMWWW% IkW 16 NMdPM* t %15.16 lb 4v 19610 w MA" -6 N / 'y a, sol-M laolla 99069 McctriQ Of Gelati_- by KIWAW-M.. 10 PP- ..1.1.1-- ............. ,7A?Illmt.t riihon jcapAlva Zaaship Vol . L NO 5,; 1955;, VD 576-5W. SLA 60-,18154 sai 2 1:2 ~F " ~2 -5- Jim 6? Vitesse de L'echange Dlions D'Acide Vanadique, by Seigo Kandya) Masayoshi 20 p. JAPANESE to FIUNCH, per, Kogyo Ear-aku Zasshi, Q, Vol Lxj pp 1489 CLA-tr-X1-37 Sci Feb 6o Vol 2, No 10 StUdles on the Dry SpinnIng of Acetate Fibrez, Pts, I awl 2., 'by T. Komiya., K. Hirokawa. JAPAMM? por., Sm'Z ggWMI Shi,, No 19, 19G3., pp 61453 Cm la ~ 7 - /(--- Iq 1>7 / V,4 scl - Aug 67 336,63.4 Separation and Da-tannin-p-tion of Bt-,azeae-Cox-boxylic Acids FrcmL Watcr-Soluble Acids Obtained Alkali-Cbzygen Oxidation of Bitminous Coal) by Yoshlo IKamiyrm, 20 pp. JAPAI", per) Kogyo Kagaku Zazshi y Vol IXI., No .4 91 1958, P-P 1.169-1172- MA 59 -15109 Sci Dee 59 4:1.2 7/f Vol 2, No 4 Political and EcoumAc Problems of South-r-awk-I AS J-8 (UNCL) . by~ 5 'pp. JAPAIMSO up, Asehi S-himbun., 9 ~Iay 1gr'j.. Ystic.1 tr, .0 iR-2684-57 6o64th. AISS, Tokyo. AF 1107659 TH - Soutbaae%, Asia -ftan - Foreign A Ald Fol - Colouialism., goverumnts ,Till 57 "Muk, MErNFHOD(:WPROCESMGFCUWJIWTLZM.)*G% 6p- I Order firam SOL $16.0D Sh 0060-14W Tram. of [pLd)lishedi japamse patema 13W9M cl. 25-H-311 (13"-22). fEW 21 Afty GM sW. 25247/igbo, pob. 3D Sip 6% by *MwW NM=Mmurbg Co.. Ud. DE=WrORS: Exxymuwkm Pbsom p Rthyl, , OPWW-S. WgXtMMB. 0 Ij 16 *Radisd;; Cb"au"y-. 63-17669 I.Knodyam.U. ff. Finvanotmw T. M. 1P - Oqu) pub. 37-13060 IV. Sh code-P-107 V - Sel-bwo AM ()open) (Materials-PhLotim, lrT. v- 10, am 4) so= d Tech" AXiAtt-Ur8l LVILUbility Mki *-afiDty FaCtOrp I'y 1,11tilwo, I,Uu 14""FFICIAL vnli- WU JIU1414isep Ivir" Jamul of tLe 3ai..tw 4 iiox. Oc'.2uluuti SCIMICOSS voi Mis Vie Raerey Spe'atrm of Oswa-Ray Itme, by Deutscherp AD. MmIn 12 ;,3RM., I*rp Z. Pb":Lkp Vol CXXXV# 1953s 38D-394. MOS AM Tr 2W2- mall fr4ft Juwcoioftd ftobbleal iorrIces Or hso.%)* mat, ajows N. J. OexAsraUzed 33LU%z Utvg~ In Um Inera Mwl,6ar Ph"Imp bW D. D&bubazdp D. A, et alp U pp. .-I awl"'o VMS pwa. lattm, VOL illp NO I*p 1962.F 1& ;2-"* AW,-IIP-tr-10.9D -801-Pbus Bw 63 , 1/ 3 V Urr='=*s4r-1 rvat~od 'for Strdb;Llizing -the Regulation Of SaintillatiOn SpeCtrux-Aer, by S. Hmm, D. 15 -Tm-. GIMAN, per, N Nuclear Muttrmwnts etra, Vol V-1h, 1960, PP 331-338. 4 AM Tr-W*m Sc~ - NUC PWVP jui. 62 On the TKeory of System of (hilinary DIffer- entVai~#=tiona - n,, by H. Knink . GMKW parp Acta Haths Vol LVWP 1932P pr 57%. . ~5'.,Ztc- IffM=-1501 sci Ja 58 6 r, z rr Instnei?-It for crdtorbiij Alaw Ln ::c,11L--r ""Ciculwrti-jeov" et aao LID .;)2 20 1965, 1967, a /r ac it ?n k: Lf~!') 7). 4.12,,4 742 ,he Posalbill y of Using Coverl.n.6 Liquids to Prcv-ent- Lt Vola~%ollization of AmonlA Frou Ammonlacal Zicetrolytes, by Me, L. Pertaw-rakiyp Ve K. Quakins 4 pp. MrSSTAN,t perj Zhur Prik. Khlm,, Vol M, NO 0, Aug 19571, pp 1258-1260. Conaultanta S!oreala Set - Chm Oct 58 Tiv-- J.so ~5f' Titanium-C-intai-ning izinte-Ld of Ferr-Iti-Ilmnivin; by V.A. Khryulzlm, M.G. 1, Kontblev, L:A. KamlLirL--, 7 ppt, Mo,~allurg, N,~- 1959, poi So De e, 6 ,-1 Isentrapic Phause Chainges in Diesocf.atia-- Ga2es and the Method of Sow3d Dispersion for tbe Investigation of Homogeneous Gas Reactions With Very High %)eed, by Gerhard Kankohler, 41 pp. GEFMI, per, Z fuer Elektrochemie) Ifol XLVIII, Ilo 3, 1942) pp 177-193. P-W NACA-714-1269 Sci 7 j~ua 61 FWWDIM fta Q=mt traftwum sammesu% I IW SOU W&OZAV%kv Arl ARWIssibe 6 pp, UO a= i CM04 Ow, harmis *w 19690 pp M63re. im Quo :~~ I \~ ~ , 1. i I Sou-Prap & FUAO Feb 69 WNW I&cw*s*"g a* sommW of PAwowVr VeMcbme by f0 go KWMko commip Pot' vu Val &40 1940,0 pp 485-010 an tv u9, w 1efi m /R ago Jun 67 SnADO Comparison of Vehicles on Basis of Output Figures With Dimensions, by W. lr%amm GERMAN,, per, Technical Automobile Neirs, IftX1~9tdb1 No 2, Feb 1953. ATIC - F-918-8127 WEur - Germany Scientific Engineering 3484 zrrocts of Longitudirg" subility of vewsc2csv by v .. P;=j. ~ 11 pp - Malp perp ASM AutandbUtochaische Z. Vol JXp tro 6j 1958,t PP 149-152 - MA 59-1010. Sol - XnSr SeP 59 Vol 2; no 1 ~1171 1146r y Dower Units Sci/2~n-incerin'g-/ Contriibiit~, --:-.s ~,o the Develo-P-ment of '.':Ore Po-v:erful rT + I - - _Tj T(I ki. "I.1C 10 '1005,1,' T, Peb 1947- - 211Q -A 3101 U': 1-orol A 14 -7 son"W" PC squeft 40 WMA sea Qualm at ftegs" tsbopp bw IP. Ibmwebwo 9v ROWNSO na Jbv (NY-7017) TaIllap by Bw Kuml, Vello T&rmlsto., 72 pp. RUNIM, lik bk:Lt., ftlUn., 1,4~v nmti* pp 1-8D. im 13540 um /qp/ 4641~.z Ge"f wlin OF-21 (DC-3303) V. 1. Lenin on the Basic Laws Governing the Development of Nations by M. D. Kammari. 23 pp. RUSSIM, per,, Voprosy Filosofii, Vol XIV., No 4, 1960P PP 30-115. JPRS 3427 WSR Pol - Ideology, Leninist theory -~Iolected PoUtieal and SmiolegicAl Itel-W ire% Scyiet jcmrnales Ha D Awmarks 24 pp~, I 1--p-46so"el OPRO x j 1A&oaeptqv Ho 7 j, rlmacaw,, Jr.2y 19589 pp 3-19,, JPJRSs 721-D GWI 16h5-.DAS j4, Apparatus for Automatic Production of 'Wlxes Stripped of Xnaulation at Both Fndr,.. by Mqac GrUlAigg (Gustev xammxvf); ~, Py. OWWaf., Pa-wnt No Dept of Commarca Pstant Office Sci Lib Joi - &igr Oct 59 9~0', rhotoplastia In Three Dlmmslaav,, ~L ~.A. Muwxw ty Y2d=,, per., Ann. Pouts., Obaucs,, 1161 CM,, So 1,, 1951., P--~D 71-.LO4 RoAslas 433 Scientif ic -Pbysies Awil 54 CTS/DEK Ami4ysis of ClWcal,, Bl.ological and Electroencephalographical Effects of U 5 (Kertene) in Certain Psychiatric Syndrormes, by Init Kaumerer .0 et al, M2-1404 per,, Ann MedicoPsychol Vol 120, - F 19620 J)p 119-13u, ININ 3-59-65 (Loan) Sci-Biol & I;Ied Sci L-4ay 65 4011samw dIPW 3000t V As %a 43;0 ,,- =a*t* X'7480V Polkil Ousel" of fty-~ VIA& p4mme peowl ftonift (amded 1"O"ar wr. or ... by No 1"% so- Aft~~ =v"V- .~~ --ft CLUS =no pr a cm W. NW 07 32$gOSS The "Program Controlled" Calculator Installation in the M- Carl. Ze~iss Jena, by Dr W. Ka rer, 6 pp. GEEOW, pers 4q~Tocbnlk., Apr 1955., Snal to IR 8a-551 16 tany X955- CTA D 230997- AF 663779 Mur - GM ;7a2 scieritirle - H-;;~thanvatics Economic - Blectronle calautators a . W400, 3X&O(A -.1 11"11 1 pin -s to tbij .11111 IN V of E30ctrcosbg by ---- -ap . e- I wauum PWO io~ --~ c I&NOU GeAmm4 Ipp ... W92. 8943793 .Srj - Eqv W~:04 267o026 Investigations Reguding the Reducing Properties of M-Irraftated Egg White.$ by I. Ka r1ings, 16 pp. w_"--==mmftmF~ GEHMAN,, per., Arch Exyti pathal u Fbarmakol, Vol Cimmp 1937j, VP 434-43- S.L.A. Tr 57-398 Sci - Chemistry 4 91 Vp 0 J~ Jun 57 Stress Measuremut in Concreto and Reinforced Concrete., by K. Kmmuller ~ GEPXU.# per# BaulugMieUrp VOIL XM# 1956.. pp 47.. 48. INSDW-T1725 Scl Aug 5B 7,4, USe of JA3dLt&ry M09AS 160000004"trA"t Rio 26-1j, by A. ]Pt- ~Knmff~v =Wlmj, pwv mmwltel TdihvAW-3,, 1961.- pp 57-- in Sol -7- ~M I , .# _ f 7 .A,;, Fab 62 J~gnmcv. 1. L. and G>rdeeva, L. F. EXCITATION OF M-IIIELIAL CELLL AND nSSUES. [1%2'j [12]p. 12 rds. PASIM mantmeript no. S 128-2. Ordex from QTS or SLA '-1, 60 63-15995 Fij,s. avalW)Ic on loan from(lon Trins. of TsItolajyi (USSR) 1962, v. 4, no. 5. p. 347-~153. DI--SCRIMURS: FixAiatlon, *H-pithelittra, *Cclln (Biology), n'lssum (01,-Aogy), *111stology, *Eye, Fro~;s, Diolu.1cal smIns, *.'.-oLmds and hijuries, I ccult: currem. M TIC cellf; oi 'zpitIIcIInl disarL-6 rcsj~l to maernal cin utimuli (inciJmnicil, dieviial, ImIuctl current) by variou.,i changes. 'Me character of t:,.c~se chai%;ct; 4(liends on Cie dimance bevecen the (,,cJ-I aiO the i;tt,2 L., appllctnion of the a2~crnt. 'Me ran6re (Bialplac.d -,cimcci, jT. v. 10, no. '2) (orver) ~)3 - Is 9915 1. :Ianuicv. 1. 11. M. IV. i- ml,--ratlon (A Auw; Icaj,, ,k-kcietlei4 for Ex-pefluic-mid 73i"Iogy, C. V. ,crIpra Tmhnica. UK:- anlhlr~"trln, Ofte M Tech6cal Stmim (M-3457) - DIlTerential Vltml Stalulag of intact =d Altered Celle and Wwbhods of JftvWjng ftr=.meut X=O-" by 1. Ye. L. IN 6 r%UBSIM.p pert TaitologiYas VO:L is No 4, 1959, JM 2287 Sal - Biol Ila ~2 mar 6o (NY-3wo) 2he Groo Wtbmd in ra%Lu& by IN V. gmwvo U pg. lwb Im, pp 8-13. am I" am Oooo,,(w de, //-3 ~ v ft= Sep 61 K no" A. 1. and Salmin, L_ A. 1 62-187;9 T V Pl71GATION OF TVE OXIDATION PR T)UC`l AN IN E 0 S 1. Kamneva, A. OF TETRALIN. J196219p. 6 refs. It. ' almin, L. k. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-18759 Ill. Title: Problem, Trans. of mono. Problemy Okislentya Uglevodoradov [Problems on the Oxidation of Carbons, Moscow] 1954, p. 140-144. DW.RIPTORS, Naphthalenes. *Tetralin, *Oxidation, Peroxides, Acids, Phenols, Ketones, Carboxylic acids. (Chemistry- -Organic, 17, v. 9, no. 10) Oft# tO Tetbakal Services Study of the Composition of Coa2.s of Different Grades Al.ong the K8 Coal Seam cif the Donets Paefr, Gc,=unication I., by A. I- Kamieva arad Chlan Chang-hu&, 4 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prlk Rhim, '701 XXXV, No 3, 1962, pp 621-627c CB Sci Jan 63 S4uay o:C the Electrochemical Conftasation of : the I4=o-2-fthy1hexwI Ester of Adipie Acid, : by A. I. 'X~~p M. -is. Vioshinp A. I~ Efi=nkova, Yu. B. V&:L1'"v,, L. A. Marorchento., 4 pp. RL'USIMj per., Dok Ak Nauk MO., ViA CXXVIj, so 'j, 1959.. vp 90-cft., SCI Bureau // g I/Op'? .Tim 6o Study of the C=Vcmdtlan of of Different Gmdea along the 9-0 Oal Semi ox the Donato Basin by A, It. &ISM &M Oblen MAing-hmaj, 5 pp. MWANO pr Olft Mk M"g Vol M=., 1b 12., 19620 CB 801 .2,43,,.2 *3 Pov 63 I~io~le rk"M&L*(Ar. ia4 d-1: ... 6aA.%W""4jA.,.O&A VA. .6w"G-64~" RyftopWUdft p by A. 1. XkMMNL L. A. Salminp 2 pp. !too Fklu Ir RVMUWO m pw,, Zhmr Obsbck lftso Val XVWIt So 2p :Lg%o pp W#9-430. CIA gwm a a* sma so emmat"W *mean sci - chimictry Dec 56 as Diseases AccOMUM to AutA)psy Data of the CltjV of Tcm)L fm the 20-y&ar period 1938-2.5*8,v by N. V. Sokolmu,, T. (Ii. RaMmVa. Go Vo Boriscmag ;.7 ypik RUSOW.? PWp VOPMMY ODW"l , VOI Vllp So 3, 1961. wr 6e 'PAO Thermal Effect Measurement during the Condensation of Thin Films By Ju.F. KaunNk. pp 5 c- - RUSSTAV, per, Fj% Twerdogo Tela, Vol V. no 4. 1963, pp 990-997 Awr Inst of Phy;s Sov Phys - Solid State Vol V. No 4 Sci X 6 Oct 63 Tac Oxcup Forging Metbodl, by 11. V. KB=WGVj, 37 pp- MMIU,v bkt QBWDWMa T810"U91Y& V lbshlwstr4pmU i prIbombn6waslis mwkm... 2960s vp 20 22-U. 96=4 Sai -a RW ;2a1, d-311 jun Ce