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TR RE f-~ BR71-0022~ c t~k ~ic Flow ~lver Blender Bodies I toi cb ahd Lem~~shinskaya, O.M. S 07 'il ~,ye Tedlheniya Gaza. Sbornik tat~y.~~ ar6tov.: I'zd-vo Saratovskogo et' 1964 a ~ tmip~~6- ~RGATIN~T Jan 71 11.11i11 j"LAII, k -0024 TR 'Ilid 18 BR71 U-SI ulat 8 lutions #k Transonic Gas I hid; b I.C -iifi6 z-0 k6v,'Yye Teitheniya Gaza. SborniK -~t~y~i atov., Xzd-vo Saratovskogo 19611 63-' 00 PH, TMGATII'T -8 Jan 71 LI 7~il awl , (Mm6s Frtetures in Stoam Turbine b. va R. I Mai and WeA. Reshetkina k4oro I~uk! lass Ovid I Itlogo Institute 93 2 S., pp~ 7 82 5446 COU 'legLons aes.i. -4w*iAlbo u 14 j7 ReAl*itift protessea predpostioic!mMo ott~*IvVdla I uplotnonlia Yeahnmors- loc~ t w%nta(l*vs'*msnt or the oromen oLf pro-camtrud Lion thavinf; wid oonsol- idattan of pm-aafrwA) lhWOV#VwP. & I.I,ftvlm SbWhdk tftd,*v 14-LInstOemovanii i me mol I Somushanii 5Ot72-7901962. TA Of nor ftiaTiL it 11 Ary of' Realmation and bltbm the Now Five. Ovs~jmnllwv, 7 pp. ZL.Btjmitallstvo. No 7. 313o679 Introd 0 of 4v ~Ilsahinejy Into [mral Constr6a Aorio 4hulabirl. 6 pp. Itel a ty No 20w-2 I 6?1 315.266 61MAllilift.6mull. &A~, p1wi V. anti constriction Mat b o Out 204 Mi I A SI ofti, 'Skaye St r6itelostyo, No Ilp 1311 ppi lu ~:67 . 5 ~ - ! Los ! PP* i .0 . I .* pers, ftgA 68 pp. 1.4-2 0'. W2 1 : i Auvl 0, omtrLketion in amisia Istvo Noo 12,, 321,p251 i i e tal Deiirmination:*f the Magnitude of r i~"'I Prsssui~6s for Cofti,:al Shells, by t t I. ~&peiin., 'I per, Sbomik Statey, Raschety na Prochnost m~ ~heskiyj Skaperimentallnyve Issiedovaniya r -~xhp' 4sti Mao'hinostroitel nyk Konstruktsiy, 6 6:0, 060, pp 217-230. *FTD-w-62-6n 9 1141gr lot Vollmir. 7 b tat* Itusdiett lp IKO"t tsiy i&*A -P4 ift 4. Rpi r ow ' I ~i nvibstigatoons on S:~atistical Dynamics I of as Ici Systbiii y V. V. Dolotin. U.. I AN onoi Sboinik Statey, Itascliety No Prochnost',, D 4, Op 211-260. 4 UY jwdustty An tho Taiga Zone U13.1ij b' A" X01P ov LN It "b Stitol 0o Ruxul'tatax, jy vJJbjUt& L"alwo Kh2EY-ax3tva Al UMOVI, V, Tayozhnoi 4m0 I E t, CA Ordbr fri Ti'~ i o I'llill vamiyac 5 k k $0 11' '' " '"' ~ I ' i -IW5 ZY V LINO' Atu S"lc AC rl I. L. Yu. ~~I. Ju k %; 61 11 L, Ir An, M,-, z xK-, - T - K - A, s k) 62- MS4, IV . Amirrican Mcteorulvgi~al Kwor~, Boolon. Moss. Litt i, CliyatmOp %I Con t i k t I iJ(W4)ts' 1 (U.610 1959" no- 2. P. M 30. lookc4Y. mi, f. 94 Oft* iol 4doto SorAm ~ A 61-19116 j ~111~9 . ON LAGAATIOO~01-41G"FXPIMI VES 1. belysev. A. P. L W I viork. luft 60 1231, refs. a 11. AWRI. -135 U AWR : . anal. ~. 35; milt r" hLl 2 Ill. DSIR NtA. M. 2370 )m Ott r SIA $2 66 -19116 IV. Atomic We&pons Research Pstablialwwnt (Gt. Brit.) T Stato 16. 1 xPlowep, OVAPDOSSOM Iltion. 1 T , 1004110% ll~liftvlvl loses. sfor 1# 01416 fA 1 tuM T (P.4al ns--O d1lance, rr, v. 71, to. 8) Tedweda SWOO" ~EN Chile- Ov 111t. i5box-flik S ate Xuda"rauaoap "4cal WIR: bliv silt-i I 1, 111-11- - - I .i i Ii Ii i .~i 320#213 A .owe!mnu at the Larip- "L UbUg a BoUd B"t tiMs IW V. ~L Mand"kr., " Vk6 T. JP. A. Tadanov, :boizi" ii6 .. ~-..1 0-_.! - - udya IP, PiW 31P J07-315- 14pt " 4f6 / &MiOV~ VOAt Fm to vapw- rz*46*a at PLaut rar na" ad 1 1w X. so 3 sang os Obtmined bw S. L. p 10 spit EN IS'J'A I'll > tm. "ONDITI "i1, 11N.-Whi-INI 0% di tit At r ,4s!$ALWL:L il~ I 'I, LK.11 It Sil sit s.I I, icn, a it- im i tit 059," 'T14: t Pit. I III W! -s"Mi it tlfi*N$ 1;lKj rn lr!~ ,~H% tit* "I,!mi ~ol- vl"c( ~k i I N I I I R ANP MG-11 It 144 Vjt- I .. ?; Q Ii, f '1K. 1.1; IiI:t1;n.jf it NN, iik Njiciej Iflykilitutwe ptc~iiurv V'Juxil lk"it, Turl-ItIA-m J~11111q.t14' litilijkIfIA'Ll. 10) H :'FrEq OFi!THE VELOCIlY OF THE MEDILN STEEL. KMKXZXKXRM X. CbRROS I KH 11 W9T)! BY 1. SHVAR7S, I. G. VOLIKOVA. w~ A, N, km 13K~ SBORNI K STATEY VS150YNZ IAUCH SSL VAKIlYk I KONSTR INST M11-1, MASIlliXiSTR, OLI' 1)53; PP 75-86. ov NLL M-3506 22~1~ Cl! t'.-HE14 MM y * P TWI VAJ OP TM I ZhIPUW. L. N, 1 C A LCCOW F M THE it: COS-T-3U-R W. tk )y S. R. 14( Cks 61, 4pi III - NROC C-3&M l ccj~ i 1'. i IV. Dfroctorms of Scleavic illtt;6 ~C-3556 ud d S araw 0m ervim ;em i t rm 1'7,amy* ToW; (us ! l ),I no. 4.1 Cjcvn~n. "Tilt' r4!%rW Mekmwoi~wt, ktwt It %low, WdO In, V. a. o6. 2) ANCUS. CO LLH MON OP Vomumbdimslys. Sborulk N64 -11631. HASA TT-P-105 ze-M," ~~Cm_:sbandk red tor the lrxnvltluml ustr theory. latitudhW varM - =1!7tt actifty. nug, 1. V*ttical C". Pomem Ituy. T'r. It. no, txover) rr-64-11502 1. Kallnin. Yu. M 4. NASA-77-F-105 M. N(A-11657 M )4stional Aermautics wW Space Admhdatrstim. n r. Writ# .1 L ND fa 4p. SISI A Sbomik I tot D" Tu A -Mbe 0 as .,Cmi tcMni A w Dwo., Skahn wetl.k~* ! tiobs 41 v un mmbo~, In t (PAM fel 1~1641 9 ric 0 15do 4 3 side (-)' ) - e (1 rf ~o th C" t I Yft 0 -M rr-64-11502(p. 1-14) uw~i% Y~~ I og:deo dWM M c m Aftnes'eve. V. L ~MRY. E*c 63. U. Kalinhi. Yu. 11 ? III. NASA -TT - 105 (P. 1 14) NMA-Tr-P-105 (P. 1-14) IV. W-4-Im" V. WHowl Ac-smatulco and 4dmys DN', Space AdminixtrStIM 0, w. 4. (Abstract available) wamhlnctor~ n. C. c Stodf. a. olvendistrul tmg~ I ftwes. C'stalogsk Atimlysim a I tm tboory geamospedc o i i mift the caufte ot po"g- V W 40 4 1*6111114 Besides the 6 o it) vi~,Iiatto*, 30-yar vatria- d to Stomm wolf 11 ~.Lum or a atonn a or dw I c i. 0 to um at tot& - OrIAMo, W. It. tio. 6XOver)i IV t'. A.. i~4KAUwW2jm4 CL ti YURL vgum! f t NUAU6 V~ M. 'VAKU'nOM IN T HE G NUWzw. N. A M' ACrr*#M. Dee 4 M Kallwalmys. Q P. IV. NASA -7r - F - 105 (P~ 15 2S) NAM-Tr.lp-los(p. IS-Z) V. N64 -11659 V? %Udonal Aerx=uTit's and S;*Ce A&nIntstratica. rk. 4. rw &Y"lame) waabitwfack. M C. c storms. +,renvorial mu- d. Miadic variations, rl i or awmQ variadano at nognode 1A I% t6ow &A of tm-l"6, age .., , P!~ I 4ni il Aobcorft'to, the 11 16'f and In rdwoo, the 41"guo level a( DOW wft tradal" f. at. bler. Ackiii 'r to doe dotgg of off.- .9 rT, I ; Im b) (Merl TT-64-11303 (P. 36-35) OP11A I C Im ~ R*Ml DOCI '&fAiDw~d!mftukmwR I 1. 01'. A. L IOP 4rds W4-116OX U. NASA-W-P-105(p. 26-35) 02* t I ! 'S $4 NASA-114-IM (P. 26-M) M. HU-11660 : IV. HadomalAe. mtkowd L Tm n~ ' k Ixtn I Spu* AftWstmdoe6 bW l Sborft Sa 4 a tract avaL O Woddvgtcm% 0, C~ Mv c stormm4 OTerrestrial nag- I rl*ncds,~ Are& reasons. It to Ow Soviet -UdftdhulaW- Varvis dr 0 I~59kal cliarts il magtWc , i: (I- Ilor 193 *are III".. -nittie 4 g g m thirts fdc 1967 md Oclth~ tici a or W, dv* h =d1siul of matlarb- sn"iI. to to belk Vedwom #3( O i ~ dL*W to 1 m %ndt hid Ana lUs (Ust-d by tb~ iodgisnov at M".. PA lib A I Tt'l It. am 6) (oveir) 1 SOK I nk.." %1V 4 7p 4 lit 0 Tr* r. t4- Zaa cw N. OF um~low IN ma Ir OP llW:UA(W=C PULD RE AVLCIIC~ OCHAK Dac 6& !ANASA-TT-P405(p. 36-42) Oft !no. 4. (Abstisa mvmlWW) Z, irm WC u. NRC-C,sw, 4p. !c (ke" 6'ftrr*stxW ampsea ur lam. pftiodlit4srutlam gm#qda aw, obftt~*Umd Cc the North Cm bow e6kildend ugober 6'USSA hW~Udt"Dd Arcdc rdes.1 It hk' eaeW thm far Mtn x3ralqj~y, Tx~, t I. no. fs) (oves.) Tr-66-11502(p. 36-4z) mpl(w. I- N. 11. MASA-TT-F-105 (p. 36-42) M. NU-11061 W, Natiamal Aeronautics wo ~4*re Adminlarwiam. WamMrCtam D. C. ch~4 T" Sbo Tho -,j "I m a nil 1~ I Vol 1710 mm~ rAL iwpEm. -116(i2 Lq NASA -",P-1(16 (P. 43~52) t~ l9fc~ me oTenvattioll AtUittle r wittrod by S- M. Manwim. In the L,4jmfat*rjlo ~ to Smutted fi,*Ir o p a pol::10 w*11r. ~ luiv are clertl thr 1 LO-11144tols abd tl*), a re C-orn 1. no. C) TT-64-1t,"(p. 43-S7) I Y. A. D~ NASA-I'l I-M((). M M-4-11fe. tv NA"l-lal ,,,-mmwkljzl 'q*, r P.-J; %aft?lln,l 1" C. V. NI: ftmM. Ym M.. V" V "ON wrm OrA.1 Dac 6S. So A 1:: 5 In NASA - +,-F 105 (1~- 53-WD Zomtky*-Tft r~xkllo ct a hdoolortalm motion llpllfllcadd~~! 1U indon % dtt- OtrOtIM 41 thWl4MdftlM* df the 1e, wtdi a ;17K= ~ by AmWm&t of aemnsi 4~04~oetwtfto AM With I*C. .. per 0060"L 1110-ftodlIV16 mr MOP' T!P, V. It, om f) (tmlr) TT 64-11502 (p. 53-M I. Upokays. N. V. U. DWNJ:h%. N. A. M- F4PtM- YU- Ni. TV. fhd*tU,& V. P. V. HASA-Tr-F-105(p. 53-(G) A. N63-11(63 M 14stUxot Aerumudca and Spam Adinfidstmt1w. Washirvan. IDL C- Ott- st 1-1-.1 a ...... M6.11 Al PJ), mAx r 011. WW. 1 (if 1 1 'rrhig., f ol "M J: k1i PC .'I 1>6 4 1 kJ11141 Itm 11 104:,, voik,~: X EA Mi Frill: 1r: vrl'Ap rx.,~ 0. CP. (IwU~ -1'T-P- kOr. 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G thk -j!44 ;,., r-3 r.-fl - Kicy ll,orna rroikoT 1 9S.1 w 91 r1". 11). lb-31 . the I,( w;lcr 61101fir I I v - - . th, "d "I a vv I t I i a I l atkil" tie Vw A"'Ift ?I.,, I O tj o" %IK- (03114't 1-11fillct' Of Ml 6. 4) ft" tur a *dmAlto -J*t Proven", ~ $a, -, M-1 .'"0" baskikht 110 6o IVAp 13~ T`ll JW/APl- xTapeftfles of bilk Ikeses of A. vblkovs. IneW. 1~' TO Stall"*'1633-i- Co-op Tr Scb Tr 416 BUY .01 -1 P=--Ii~ctlvu ZmAdlcos From Tests on V.-= 1 oke by Z., A. Vollo". AN; ut 1. pp Co-W Tr Bch Tr 415 Aw4mo and Stresses in Wltb:Akiek IftwUmt, bF -A. A. Dlnnik,, Sbd*Mk Indcor-I ic lavo the Sesis or Defonistionv by TI-040y, Diaep"r-t Ordem TrU40v"a Set fts Lib Tr 57/2192 7 T In aid 4k, ft" oft"tria QaootlwAt & X[ bot lkt AN WAN 1~ Lit b iron r 11 t6nlftl io D el I, =6 S 6: '1 atolilI nik 5 GF-1 .0 B. G.: Ure awaysis to localize carbon atonis In an -C ranalyse zur WkWlisierung der Kohlen- uktu AustenitgItter v Inst. Metallov. I Fiz. 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