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TT-64-16758 ThInjus, Kfurt]. THE EUCOLLOID SYSTEM AND PLASTICIZERS. 1. Thinius. K. 29p 9refs. Order from SLA $ 160 TT-64-167;.,-), Trans. otc~,d 24ch[U&J48ast Germany) 195;, v. 4, no. 10, p. 471-476. AnoEher Erans. is available from KH $ 28. 00 as K-H-5309 f (28)p. (Materials-PlaRtics, TT, v. IZ no. 6) Siliconov. XII.. Peculiaritie's in the Detemination of Crrbon and Hydrogen in Oroinic Silicon Compounds Including SiXicones, by R. Thmmr, 14 p-p. per, Die ChmUche Tet%nik (Berlin), Vol IVY 19523 pp 49145~75- SIL,As Tr flo -i4q/1-955 Sci - Cbemiatry rl~4 Jan 1957 CTS/dex Ion RXchangers wid Catalysisr, bry R. Griessbach, a. ftumannp 11 P. OXFOW1,, per,, Chem Technlk,, 1953, Vol V, No 4., pp 1&1-192, FLA 59-17,296 Sai Dee ", / 0 ~, /11? Iq Vol 2p No 6 bivestigmaow on the lacre,-,,irj,7 of ttiic: Gap Content in Rexaehlormyclobe.,mv.-ise crude I~Vfective SuiNgtance. 11., bor H. YVrat, 18 Pp. 6E"4 Wbmadn, per,, Cbem. Techn, Vol- VI, Jul3k1953, pp 359- 361- ........ I I'....,-- S.L.A. T~r 57/j-956 Sclaut-ific Chemdstry -Z y TT-63-213429 Ocbmc, F. and Eb*M G. THE DURRMINATION OF THE GAMMA-LSOMER L Oebme, F. IN TECHNICAL HMCACHLOROCYCLOHEXANE 11. Ebert, r- MIMRHS '!BY MEM oF DiFLwrm cowrAmr M. Tnms-TM-53-53 MEASURMEMS. ~11963) Cp 4rds Order fz ou : SLA $ 1. 10 '3rr-63-2D429 Trans, Of (East Germany) 1953, 1. 363- "', DESCRIVMRS: wbuumdeldes. nkzmcb3ocwyd *MolecLdisr Isomerism. NOxnares. ChwwlW analysis. DMectric propertles, MessuremeaL (Chemlstry-Analyfical. TT. Y. 11. in. 3) Cnf~- f T-h.k.l S-f- Pyriki, C. METHOD" FOR THE EXAMINATION OF CIGARET PAPER. (.1962) 11p. Order frorn K-H $13. -,zzl K-H 3236-c Trans. of 01ei.iische Technik (East Germpnv) v. 5, no. -.i, ). 44'!-4.1,,. DESCHIM'011.5; fl;igar&it~~', sPaper, Analysis. 62-22655 1. flyriki, C. 11. K-H-323C-c 111. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Dmrcit, Mich. (ChemisEry--Analyl.wal, TT, v. 8, no. 8) On Terephathalic Acids by E. Profft. GMMAN., pers Chcn, Tech, Vol V: 1.953t pp 503-507- INSDOC Sci APr 59 '~~ VaporIization of Metals and MetAL11oids in Vaccuins bw R. laportep ORMANs, perp Cbem1mcbe 26chalk, Zmkdbft Vol Vv no U, 195rs,-W'p~~-63h. Brutcher TI.- 3439 42.80 00 Sclentific - KID/Metals Jun 55 CTS 62-2244B h'imann, W. F. AM ''101) POR i'HE m-I-ERMINAlION OF ?OROS- 1. Horna :III, "%. F. TY IN CIGARLnT PAPER. [19b2l &p. If. K-H`140 c )rder from K-ji $7..:50 K _H 3140-c H!- rans. of CJiemische Te::hnik (East Ciezinany) 11?5~i, 5, P. 716-71T. )ESCBjP'rCij(S: PorQ*iiy, 'Priper, *Cigare-tici. 'Llhe Production of Germanium, by W. Schrelter, OWN 3er., Chm Twh.) Vol VI: 1954'.. pp 141"M6 Dept of Int Us lhw of Mimel Canual upar sta Pitts -# Pa - TV' 247 ael - Rngr J= 59 , P6 Y/ Trlwwic~ and Tetrawwic Hydrocyaulz Acid, by W. Rubko x, 20 pp. GERMAN,. per,, Chem Tecb, Vol VI, pp '489-494, 1954. ST-A 32ri 7 Sci ... Chem Aua 58 7,01 The SI'4fttlY A3:Omtic Nature of 1.,3.,5 Triazine and RearmUMment Rewtione of Vartow Derivatives., by W - Rusket 11f -pp. GM5AN.p -per* Chem Tecb,, Vol VI.. pl? 544.6h7i 1954. SIA 3m Sti - cbem Aug 5 8 ;7,1/.~ -,/ j , Sdirciber, K. lliE GLYCO-ALKALOLDS OF 'ME SOLANACIL-kE. [ 1962] 44p. Order from K-1-1 $S5. 00 K-H 3471 d Trans, of Clim[i,,che'l 'I-ectinlik] (East Germany) m54' DESCRIPTORS: *Piant.i, Glycols, *Alkaloids. 62-22723 1. If. K-H-3471-d 111. Lilb~~az-N- Associatus, lx~lrf-lt' Mich. (Biolopl!31 o~:L-icu,--W)tanv, I-l", v. Q, no. 1) Ofte of Teckrkp! Services -.'ixty Ye4rs ot Chlorine and Alkali Electrolysisp ~".y Von W~ Hcy~,er., 7 PP. UNCLASSIPM 'J'ERMOj lper$ Chemische Techulk Vol VI, No 7.* j-954.. PP 38&391; XRVWIA1:~35-54, AFOIN- ,JA D 136808 AF 644969 ,:.ctenttr~c - Phadstry ,,-.Bur - G~rmmuy I ocou - Chlortue & AUmli Productions i~ells may 55 CTS Some Problems for the Chemical Ir4ustry iu -the QDR,j by W. Winkler# 3 pp. GEItW,, per,, Chemische Techni), Vol V:E,, No 100 19544, PP 523a5"_,;'--'Hi6l to IR-428-55., Berlinp AnIN-ZAI., 22 Jul 195!'),, CIA D-277645- AF 6771228 "; F /,, w4; ~ Our - 06-imany Econ=ic - Oct 55 CTS 50 Years of Nitrogen Industry, by A. Beyer, 11 pp. GF!t~., per., Chemische Technik,, no 11j, Nov 1954p pp 6M-6060 Sucl to 1R.-U49-55. CIA D 702389- AF 702389 6ci - Chmistry., Suglueering 30 .01 F 7' 6 The Effect of Acid or Basic Properties of Reagents (or Catalysts) on the Course and the Mechanism of Addition to Unayumetrical a-Wder.) by A. A. Petrov, 26 pp. GERMAN, per, Chemische Technik, Vol VI, No 12, 1954, pp 639-61X-. SLA 6o-iog2o Sci CV, Vol ni., No 6 6eP 6 0 TI propecti" or lawle"p -07 F. M-=W. GUMS2 pwp Obomladw ToobwAp Vol Vn, So gp 39550 vp 6B4aFo-.----, i SABA Tt 7-8299 ftl - emu im 63 ,z / ~ F-A 7 go MwIf Un ONLY If M-1cro-Structure and Properties of Deformationo-P i Lignite Tnrs and Pitches II., by 'H- Walther IERMAN, per, Chem Tech. Vol VIII PP 471-h72, 1955. Inodoc-T1731 'Sci - Chem !]Aug 58 TT-65-12"0 Field IIJ Runge, F.; John, H. CHLORINATED RUBBER FROM BUNA. 7p. 6refs. 1. hunge, F. Order from SLA: $1.10 as TT-65-12440 I U. John. Ii. Trans. of eml 'Eart Germany) v7 n9 p526-9 19 5. NIP 633 AutomtIo Gap Analyzer ftw Rydrogon SuInde,. by Bell* MdI%mdIwwjf 7, A, FAVIckajol, 3 pp. GUMNs perp Cbm Tedho Vol Vn.. IL955., pp 682-683. MA 58-573 sci Aug $9 Cme a Ilectrolyse Pour ties Amlyses Polarographiques en Serie, b$ R. G. Rieter* 4 p. GFMI to FBI=, per,, Chem Tedip 1956j, Vol V'111,r lqo 2.. p 80. 0,?A-tr-A349 Sci reb 6o Vol 2.p No 10 lx--SilicationcC Aluminate Liquorso by S, Dach- SeItf 10 pp. GEMAN., perk Chem Tech) Vol T.Vq No 4p 1956: pp 23.4-217. ~brris D . llr.Ledman S i 5, t7 Isteat Results of E~ydrogenating and Dehydrogenating in the Area of Medium PreBoure.. I!y Richard Birthler, GERMI, per.,,_2Lqz _.Qjb vol VXII:, May 1956, pp 266- 2-1?0. Dept of Im"rior Bur of Wnes - Sci - Chem APr 58 (, 1,16 ~, Obz4~rVat-:0a cf Secouda:cy !;truct-iii-al, Variazion6 *uy Sorptlor Toote-,n, Series, by F, Sander, 12 pp. GXfEAK; pur,,_gjMjnahQ__ljlt.QhaLk,, VOI VIII, -440 51 1956 PP 27k--279- 9077278 ACSn Tr No 121), Sci - r-Ijam Aug- 61 / ~ ~ ) 7 ~" 5- Absorption Of Nitrogen Oxides -By Water and Sodium Hydroxide by H. Demus. GEP,~M, per., Chevaische Technik) Vol VIII, 1956, pp 285-294. - CSIRO Oct. 62 rn,term.1millon of FormIdehyde in Photographic Papers,, by W. Taubd),, GERMIO,, por., Vol V--r3:!C, no 6, -1956;; iv 3-334-337. AT3 2'TPAj Sci - Chom 1,907 ll'ov 9" 'o 61-20516 Schulze, l~ Dietrich. PREPARATION, PROPERTIES, AND USES OF 1. Schulze, D. SIUCON MONOXIDE. 11961116p. 42 refs. Order frona SLA $1.60 61-2051.6 Tranfi. of ChemiachS.~~East Germany) 1956, t;-p--- Y. 8, no. . ar--50-. DESCRIPTORS: *Silicon compounds, *Monoxides, Syntbeels, Physical properties, 1-hermochemistry. (Chemistry- - PhyBical, TT, v. 7. no. 1) Offic. of T~Inical Swic- An Eleotrol~rtic Vesoel for Polwmgraphio Serial Analysis,, by H. G. Nloter,, 2 pp. GEMIO per,, Chem Tech,. Vol VIIII rjo 80j 1956. SIA W-2-700 JbI 5B 6 -?, -? z g T-b-, Arn~yticel Chemistry c~:f WT. Year tioa --nd Dat4raination OT YO.Lyola, by I~ua-,'- ZliaabuUh ;5cb--r---darj, 4 pp. Owwalit 'Verl, Chtm Iftuhp Vol 0c, -fr PP 397-399, SIA 59-156-51 sci Nov Vol 2 ,o Ito 3 '01W of the pimblm: Mummy cw Precom In the XUWWOIYMS at AUSU 10aadAM by Water Rowdkeri, WIlb8llrA 20 pp. own. 8* No 22a 1956a usaws pars T02+705 ]pp Mr. A2C OSSL 32ToM EWA - Materlau JIM 6T cf the -,11mino Lci iip-~-ratioa c' New Polymrdde Fibers Based by A~ N. et &I., 2"t pp" (;ilem Vc.!- E; 139-150, fy V ATS 771-,K:~A.x .Sc~i Cb m--, 4 Nov 60 1-n" ;.IL L. A i-J Tv!lrn~,~', ORGANONIFrALLIC CONIPOMDS. (11)t2jl8p. Order from I&H $:??.50 K- I 1- 6.18.5 Trans. of Germany) 1957- V. 9, P. DESCRI"ORS: *Motalorganiccumpounds. (ChcmlBtr-j--Orpnlc, TT, v. 9, no. 9) 1. 11. 1u. Detroit'. :'Ich. Wxt of Tbka~ Usce c)-' v. flow Gano'.Iinc Va-oar Prfn3sore i -c1 by Sci J a n 6 0 V01- P i r al. L-- z.! ntiD Ti 2j Thex=chromatogmphy in the Ciao Phase-. ft- New viethod for the Separetimi and Determina- UOU Of MiXtUrcs, by Rebant Itoglera, 13 pp. 4 ~^ & rp. COLKAY, per.. Di -11 Wo ..icuulk; Vol VEP 1957, pp 400-403- 6W.P* FicatimW Arsenal 31 OM 3428 aci - M= 4 1,6 - a- 813, Jul 59 ~?d 4 z7g7, / 70-1 Borchert, 0. COMPLEXONIETRIC DEVELOPMENT OF IRON, CALCIUM, ZINC AND PHOSPHORIC ACID IN PHOS- PHATM BATHS. [196217p. Order from K -11 $8. 75 K-H 6912 a Trans. of-0icirifise-hel Techn[ik) (East Germany) 1957, V. 9. no. i, p. 419-42U. DESCRiprom: Cheirtical analysis, *Iron, OCalclum, *Zinc, *Phosphoric acids, Phosphates. 63-12984 1. Borchext, 0. 11. K-H-6912-a III. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Nticb. 1:'i It -11, IT, -;. 9, no, 10) Thormal Con'-.-,,~~.-tivjty f Gas per, Ch,-jn Technik, Vol Ex PP )u- I ~~ci '-iur--l S, i Ju I i : i Amino GugAxs~, by A. Klemer. GMMANI per,.Chomische Teabn1k, Vol XX, Vo 10, 3-957, OP 584-594-u- - - - -- - -- Natl Rea Councilp I TT WO 7131 Sai - ch-= : Apr 6o 1/,? ~ ag~' "r -.- Medium Prer;,Bu:.,r-- aydrogenation Ref iui:M. of' Browa Coal I A I Tar Middle Gi 'Is With the Aid o- a T-%aP-, Chamber, Is- llichw~d RMP-t= Birtbler, End a D-trtloff C-arIG1.1aa CIMRIIWII~ jjer~ av Chemische Tecbidk, Vol X, No 2, 1958, pp 75 -78. L) SLA 59-15'-22 SCI Dee 59 Vol 2, ITo 1; DevelopmmA Toodmelex 1n the Chlwim Industry# by 261-266. am",, Par# Cbm T*cbe4k,, No 5,, 1558 7~ Ica 10 Jim 5 9 jLtom of DjjUU AaGorption,Catalyou in tbo Ciiemica! Indmatr7., by M. I. Nobovew. G=KX,* PaIr ChamisoM Tftbalks Vol X, So 5., 19580 pq R-2mr. COSIOLROOO The Pharmaceutical Industry, The Most Important Pharmaceutical Preparation, by R. u. W. Kirsten, 2 pp.- .Z J). C" GEMO, per, Chemische Technik;, No 6, 1958, pp 323-324. ACSIIV H-2490 Feb 59 of the r.:Ll -zr =d *,-'.:u-a'fT*--.,, Slach 'vf=cs -,y yl.t ~I:f- sizi, r-9--i"To3zo Sci jaR 6c) Vol L, '11.) 7 Mscbwdftti*n In the Cutide Inobs v by F. Ebsterv rp,pWische TeetmIk. VOL X. No OIWAX Chief Librarum COSJIR,01 31h Albeft 20 mdb*Wm LIS C.20 Via. set The Determination of Broriine and Chloride in Organic CorTounds Using a Modified Schoninger Technique, by K. Piaegers, 11. Furst. GENWI,, perv Chem Techn ' No 10, 19588, pp 537-538. ANLL Umf~: 9022.401 (746/176) Sci/(3]cj,,i mlar 70 401,883 progras;a in the Chemistry of Cwplex CoMpounds., 6 pp. GERMAN, per.. Cbem,Wc)-W-.IT9,9Wk$ VOI XI, NO 1) 1959s P*p 12P ~~794 Sci - cbem ft.y 6 1 ATIC XCL-9~ / 30D 0-0 / Chanps and th-z~ SYntla-6iB Of Poiwmsrs Pp" GERVAllo per, Memizabe Technik, Vol XT, No 1, 1959P PP 13P ATIC .1WI-jo may 61. So= Problems Relative to the Developwnt of the Induatry uf urganic SYnthes6e, 3 PP- GERMI, per, P~emiqcha T&cbnIX,, Vol XX.,, No 1, 19590 pp 14, 15. OM94 ATIC MM-99 Sci - Chem may 61 z .p.n Attempt zo covqple the Synthesis of Metbanol W-Ml. the DestruO-,.i.ve Hydration of Pstrcleum and Tar Fractions# pp- C71MIPOVY GomischeTachnik, Vol Xl~ IEC 11 1959P 15~ 96(.-"070X ATIC WL-99 Sol - Chot. may 61 ~O ao 0 Ion Exchwkgers used " Catalysts in Esterifications and Hydrolyses, by Friedrich Andrea3m 16pp GMLAN, per. Chemische Tochnik,, Vol lit 1959, No 1, pp 24-29 SIA IT-65-10114 Sci - Eng June 67 329,468 14 T" ter .1 -1, Techp sce ~Tiical Aug 60 usu, ial-ImullLb USE OKLY A 145 YAWIcattim Iritb the Struatuxe of' the , (a) CristdbaUte, by ]Rans.-Albert Lebmwnp Detlaf Tiess, 5 !OP. halut )I ~j. Chemduabe Tealm"r., Vol XI,, 1959P y 260. - tx(,, Tr-5386 i)Ac, 62 (NY-3276). 2136 Do"Icyiept of Peraonnal for the Chemical W, try; by WoUsug Waboli, 6 pp. 0~% ORWO P07.4 Cbwo T-echalki ND go Berlirio 1959,0 vv 4730 474i JM ell'o.1 Reco - Indmtry 01Z Apr 60 / 73t~' (sy-~ZJ6)- 11he Dovelol;=nt of the Memical Induatry, by Wp-'.ter siagar, 10 ],V. GMW,l Chemische Tt.-cbalkj So 9. Bnrlin, 1959, JM 2423 Broca - 7natilstry Apr 60 Oay-:~276), n3a Dvvt--l Q at of the M 'Valter Ulbrieht," Leuna Plautp by Wolfmpng Sehimar;. 13 pp. MMNJ, w0 &=I T*ebn:Llc,, So 9,. Barlln, 1959.. PIP JMS 22423 RMWT (;OI%MDY 7Z &= ApT 60 (NY-3976). The VO ChamIcal Plmt In Nuenchrltzv by Oern&M watborp u DP* GMM.# per, Moon 24409-119-1 :00 9.1 Berlin, 1959., pp 50-502m MA JPM 2423 Zem - Indastry Apr 60 ( 19Y -.3276 ) . r&aiw and M-a=lzutian of Work of tha Imtitute of E~uthatic Fiber Resewch In ftL;LRion to Pftctical Application, by Harmnn KLexa., ).0 pp. GMUW,q ClummUche Tlacbnikt, No 9, Bt~,-rllinp 1959, pp Ms 2423 Sgur G--n4nay geon Apr 60 (NY-3276). Cocycratlow: ot Vw Chamber of Tecbdaogy In aui*" Chtt tke Modcal Proan.. by Ifelm , 5p MUMOA0 AIM xis No 9S P61 517- Mar - gerAWAW p ft*U - industry kW 60 Courbes caracteristiques de tmiail de la rect:Lf ication et du procede d'echange a x deux temperatures du deuteriwa, by MI. Dietze; S. Filz; 10 pp. GERMAD to FRENCH, per, glem Tt6a, Vol KI, 1~0 10.1 1959, PP 5441-546. Re-verse Translation crn-A-14o6 Sci Feb 6,4 7Ahr&&AI4 HudloM cARBAmx-.M MoNaMOCARBAMATES AND L Thdo: Tallocarballeatels DIMOCARBAMATHS, DL [1"3) 23p (rob mlaso 1. ZabrsdoM R. .order from SLA $Z 00 Tr-63-2D389 .Trans. of Chmn~a . jjrpchqikj (Went Gernmay) 1959, V. 11, no. V8A""(Abstr&ctav&flahk* DESCRUTORS: OCarbaxnates. Tbio redlemb. SYm&Asb (Chemistry), Chemicla *malye". chandcal Properties. Reaction kinetics, Rubber, Drum Ftmgdd*L Ilm paper da~U with Ow pcopundam6 pwopullem, "mwlcz of focrin~ and deconVoultim mod dow r~c- dow of at"* malts derived F " umstams A071 carbudc. allll and ako diddo- carbamic adds. (Chafnistry-Organic. TT, v. U. ism 31 MR= d TochokA SwTkn ST~LTZE (T-Y----)195)- Neu Famr.r-a-clul.1-cala Rxbibited at the L:~i-pzlg Fair, by 1W. Kirsten, 3 pp. cl r~ I'VIhemAsche Toobn:Lk, No 11, B~crlia-, P .1-959, reits 260'33 Sci Chu-mdiatrv jum 6o Fi..-.el Production in the ,waiter iaOlrl, cht" T.-na-'..erke. GMITI, per., Chemis)chc Techmik, No 11, Perl-li-ii, 1) 62) Tj T-, P, s Ecoll it,-. 1. s Jan k, The Cormon Tanks of the Chemical Industry and Water Conservation Under the Seven-Year Plwj 'by Johann Rochlitzer,, 19 pp. GEPHLN, perj Chemische Tqphnik., Vol Xl~, TIO .1-1; ig6c., pp 627-635. ,TPRS 11476 Max- - G