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Me Isomrism of DinitroSeutetm3d d : The Unctics a the Re-actim of Niixogen DioxW With Rydrvzoia Acid in the fts Maze., by F. Se.olj N. Bl=krmit. Gi=IT,, per, obtel., Vol MIV.. NO 61 1963, p_o i436-i4ke. Tn T,3.,)69 Sel .. Cima Feb 6 3 ~ "t) 6 5 I~901 Mochaniam -of the Inhibitor Action of Organic or', undo iwaE the System Iron-Actd-I4 by il N4. Chemische Berichte, Vol XCIV, No 6, 1477' 496, Al~: Chem 64 255,12:2 2he structum ana lEg ftectrum of Ursa Cation: in Buma and Abnw-1 Salts, by W. Kutwnl . MWMi, wo Chudeebe BulabtA., Val 94,p no T.. I-QCa. 1),p 2.766:IIW'. ftmi ;I #FMC-ILT-23-8" sci-4chm Sept 69 62-16556 Schmitz, Ernst and Olime, Roland. CYCLIC DIAZO COMPOUNDS. 1. PREPARATION 1. Title: Diazirine5 AND RLAC-nONS OF DIAZIRINES (Cyclische 1. Schmitz. E. Diavoverbindungen, 1. Herstellung und Umsemungen It. 011111e, It. von Diazirinen). 119621121 1p. (foreign text included) 111. Title: Preparation 23 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 62-16556 Trans. of Chemlische) Berlichte) (West Germany) 1961, v. 94, no. 8, p. 2166-2173, Also available without foreign text from SLA $1.60 as 62-10203 [19611 13p. DESCRIPTORS. *Cyclohexanones, Hexanones, *Azo radicals, * Ethyleni mines, Immes, *Hydrazone~, Acerones, Acutophenones, Grignard reagents. Chem- ical rttactions, Synthesis. Phenones. For abstract see Technical Translations -1: 011), 1962 (Chc-ndstry- -Organic, TT, v. 8, no. 10) Office of 7*chaicel swylcos Morner, I..wpDIJ, i ml "I op.- Vi"cen,e, DIA;;~Yl- FROM AR)l- i H. BY DISPROPORTI(NATION. Ill. IN. I2S of Orpnctphmiphoru~- C(xnlxxin&. 19621 ~~5!p V I '~ refs. 0 rde r f roin SLA ~ 1. 10 62- 16; 9 li Tr,~ns of,[-hemtsch~! Bericlite (Akest Germany) 196:, v. 94, p. zrz'~. -- -- DF-'X:RTr'F()R-': 01?hoaphoruG compoundr, Orgamic CC)Mpoun,;E., *11hosphines, Chlorlderi. Phenyl rad1c,dii, Synthesis, Aluminum cunp~)undt;, Di!jpraportl(.m-.-tlon. Aryl dW)*)n)ph,),phlnp-s Aecompose to diaryl i o~jtine. and plimphorus trichloride In the pre.,,cnce r!f ph iluminum :lhlorw Je, Diphenyl phouphinic acid can be. convexteJ to diphenyl trichlorophospharan with N)ospborus Nutachl-wide, and to diphenyl chloro (Chemistry-Organic, rr, Y. 9. no. 4) ((-Ivl! T) 62 -1 6icl I 7 Bec'r' 1" TOFC~:P'-" V. G. ul Teclm)*#l Senv: Organophosphorus to-'s"YOW. Part 27. Djat~j Ch~loropjjosphjn,I, from Aryl Dichloro- phosphinis by Dispror4rtionation, by L. Horner, P. Back. GERMAIIJO per.9 Chemische Berichte, Vol 94, No SO 19612 pp 2122-2125. NTC 69-11375-07C Sci-Chem July 69 397,033 TT-65-12409 i Field 7C Fischer, E. 0.; Stoelzle. G. EARTHALMLIME DI-CYCWPENTADIENYL'~ Of CAI - 1, 1715ch.r. E. U. CWhf, STRON-TtUm Alm BARIUM. 6p. grefs. U. Stuetzle, G. Order from SLA: $1.10 as TT-65-12409 I Trans. of C~ ~sche ~jzjQht.-, (%Vast Germany) ~94 n~ p2187-93 1961. 1 organophosphorus tompounds. Part 27. Diatyi Chlorophosphine front Aryl Dichloro- phosphines by Disproportionation. by L. Horner, P. Back. GERMAN, per, Chemische Berichte, Val 94, No 8, 1961, pp 2122-2125. NTC 69-1137S-07C Sci-Chem July 69 387,033 TT-65-12409 Field 7C ~ Flocher, E. 0.; St(nlzle. G. EARTHALKALINE DI-CYCLOPENTADIENYLS OF CAL CIUM. S"ONTIUM ANW~BARIUAI. 6p. grefs. Order from SLA* SI.10 as TT-65-12409 trans. of Chemfsche Berw& ov.--qt Germany) v9I ns p2187-93 1961. 1. Fischer, E. tj. 11. Su"zie, G. o2- 1-6~810 Walisch. W. A RAPID LILTRA-MICRO MEMOD FOR TPE 1. Walisch, W. SIMULTANEOUS DETERMINATION OF C, 11 AND 14 11. NRCC 17-1002 PRESEN11' IN ORGANIC COMPMIDS (Eine Ultra- 111. NRCC C-3Q39 m1kroschn611methode zur Gleichzeltigen Bestimmwnj; IV. National Resear,:;i Council des C-, P- und N-1" ehaltes Organischei Verhindungen)l ,r. by D, A. Sinclair, 1962, 25p, 7 reft. NRCG Tec i- nical trans. 1002. Order from NRCC $1. 50 NRCC C-3939 Trans. of Chemische Berichte (West Germany) 1961. v. 94, p. 2314-2327. DESCRIPrORS: "Organic compounds, Combustion, "'Carbon, "'Hydrogen, *Nitrogen, Determination, Microonalysis. (Chernistry- -Analytical. 77. v. 8, no. 3) Office of lachaic0i se-Ices 62-17696 Martin, H. and Vahwinkel, F. AROMATIC TITANILYM-ALAJMINUM CHLORIDE CO14- 1. Martin, H. PLEXES. [1962114p. 11. Vohwinkel, F. Order from ATS $19.95 AT-S - 2BP60G Ul. ATS-28P60G IV. Associated Technical Trans. of Chemlische) Berlichte) (West Germany) 19f,L Services, Inc., V. 94, no, 9. p. 2416-2429. East Orange. N. Another trans. Is available from SLA $2.60 as 62-14298 (1962127p. _T_ DESCRIPTORS; *Titanium compounds, *Aluminum com, pounds, Chlorides, Complex compounds, Metalorganic compounds. (Chemistry- -Organic, TT. v. 8. no. 5) Office of Tacho(cof Services FrAmze%4 Volker., Scbmidkk Ham-jtLrpn. amd Mm,, Chrisdam 'NVEST~AT'OM 04TO CARBOMS. M CARMWES FRCM SiLPeNrLw SALTS. 119621 * (tjXm6 OMIMM* 12 refs. Or&r from SLA $1. 10 62-16316 Tra=. of Cbmn~iwchp ft J~Wftq~ast COrzmny) 19,51. Y. 94, p. 29~M-12VSD~ DESCRIPTORS- *cAxbomm. *So&um compm,&, Abco radicda. Pbenyj raacds, Mftidm radtcab, Salts, Syndmata (Chmmis", me"Utim "iminsda. mcdong, SUHjdk-fi' Cyclohmeoft 62-163t6 I - PrasZO06 V. 11. Schmidt M M. Mertz, C. The pregwratiov of &IIjI-di$myj-aWftmj= aUts is describe& Tbare occurs um trftyl OOM.,m an Uou got P, r r P 0 1 in pan as an A%ft enwhottim AW In P" accOrdlvg to. the mwhuim at bM dWdmdom. (Ch=16try-Orpaic. TT, w. 10, rA 11) (0002) make d Tecisitw J&V~m Kinetics and Mechanism of the Primary Reactions of the Decomposition of Quinone in Alkaline Solution., by M. Eigen P. Matthies. GMUW., per) Chemische Berichts) Vol XCIV) 1961 PP 3309-3317- TC-192 Sci Apr 67 322,275 Syntheses of Tetraorgano-Diphoapiiies, D-Jorgano- Phosphines and TetraorgaLno-D:Lphosi)hinedisuIL'ides, by 11. Niebergall. GERIWIT, per, Chemische.Berichte, Vol 95, 1962P PP 64-?5. ITTC-71-10073-07C Nov 71 NCH-201 103 Field 7C Goordler, J.; Doerk, K. SULFINIC ACM AMIDINES. 111(2) IMINATION OF N-p- 1. Goerdler, J. NITROBENZENESULFENYL CARBOXYLIC ACM AMIDES 11. Doerk. K- WtTH N-BROMOBENZANIIDINES. 1965, 7p. 13refs. 111. TC-79B TC-798. TV. Trans-Chem. Knoxville. Tenn. Order from TC: $7.D0 an TC-798 Trans. of Chem!!~be~_ ~rtchtc (West Germany) v95 p389-93 1962. NCH-201 104 Field X Goerdeler, J.; Hoose, W. SULFINIC ArID AMIDINE$, rV(2). MITNATION OF N-SULFENYL CARBOXYLIC ACID AMIDES AND CARB- AMIDE DERMATIVES NVITH N-HALOGSN CARBOXYLIC ACID AMIDES. 1965, 14p, grels. TC-799. Order from TC: $11.0D as TC-799 Trans. of qhgBjjpchc Bet!ok (West Germany) v9S p394-402 1962. 1. Gverdeler, J. 11. RDose. NV. 111. Title: ImInation... IN'. TC-799 V, Trans-Chem, Knoxville, Tenn. Schmitz. Ernst. DIAZIRIDINES. 1. SYNTHESIS OF A C-N-N THREE- MEMBERED RING. 11. SYNTHESIS OF DIAZIRIDINES AND THEIR CONVERSION TO ALKYL HYDRAZINES 111. REACTION OF CHLORAMINE AND AMMOMIA INITH ALDEHYDES. 20p 45refs. Order from SLA $1. 60 77-64-18063 TT-64-18063 1. Schmitz, F. 11. Title: Synthesis of a C-N-N ... III. Title: Synthesis of Diazirldines ... IV. Title: Reaction ... Trans. off-&-rnlische Be (West Germany) 196, V. 95 ,no.' 31 p-. (Chemistry- -Organic, 17, v. 12, no. 4) Offic. 0 T..hM-l 5-1-. R-928-N Diaziridine I, II, IIIp by E. Scbmetz GERMAN, per, Chemische Bericte, Vol XCV., No 3,, 1962) pp 676-6~1~ *JPRS/US Pamy Ord Missile Cocnand Redstone Arsenal, Alabama Sci - Chem June 62 l'Aaziridines. Part III. The Eflec.,, 0+, OhlOraluille and AnMonia on Aldehydes, E. Schmitz flE lit per, Chemiscile Berichte, vol a3, 70 -91' 962p Pp 688 1-51C 71-152419-07C mar 72 Schmitz. I. rnst ara C hme. Roland. CYCLIC -01.1,7C COTAPMNDS. F1' Ill. ?"FTIiANF. I p 15rel- F Drde: from. S'. k51. W) 77 -f I P-C~ - Ili Trans. a! C;c-,-man%,f 46 2, v. 31 77-64 - I 81,)t Ohr-ne, R. -VC10- R-929-N 2 Cyclitche Diazeverbindungen III, Cyclo-diazometban by E Sebmitz, R. Obme GEPYM, per, Chemische Bericte, Vol XGV, No 3, 1962, PP 795-:8 *JPRS/US Anny Ord Missile Command Redstone Arsenal, Alabama Sci Chem June 6P- ODA WJFMW ism of u aI")-Iwftmmpm matt& tv J- J02dw-P 0, lbftj, 23 mpk. OWMWO pwt aqw-mumn swu&ta VCx ZW,p 3,962; ifp - AW-Tr-"m ed ow Obou ftp 6p. 6 La pyrolise commune du naphtalene et benzene, et du phenanthrene et benzene, by K. F. Lang, It. Buffleb. GM%IM to FRENCH per, Chem Ber, Vol XCXI, No 4, 1962, pp 1049-10L. Reverse Translation CEA-A-1687 Sci Jan 6S ';&rauzer, Garhard N. . Eichler. Slegfried. and Brown, David A. , RADICAL-LIKE NICKEL COMPLEXES OF DERIVA- 'nVES OF 1, 1 - [ACYAN0- AND 1, 1, 2-TRICYANOF,- 7HYLENE: nfE CHARACTERIZATION OF BIS- ACRYLONITRILE- NICKEL (0), Vill. 13P llrds. Order frorn.SLA $1.60 Tr-64-16994 Trans of Chcm[11_CjLeLQm[j*__eWest Gernany) 1%2, V. 95 ino. IMC_Z755-2763. TT-64-16984 1. ichrauxer. G. N. IL Eichler. S. III. Brown, D. A. IV. Title: The Characteriz- arAon (Cbeudsmy--0rpnlc, Tr, v. 12, no. 5) Schmuzar. GorbRrd K and EUWW. Stfgftls~L CATALl"M REACTIONS WITIf NORBORNAMBNE. 6p I-4ft Ord4w ft SLA 41. 10 Yr-6*-1661)4 Tr=s. of Qimmjw~~d Bft V. 95, p- "":V687 itoWfWast Geramm) 196Z ~ ((3--l my-Orpaic, TT, Y. M m 4) 1r-"-166" L schrauzdw, G. X. IL Ekt, , & O"J- f T-h.l..l S-oc.. 1 63-16531 SeeL Fritz, Fuchs, Gerald, and Werner, Dietmar. I THH RSAL-rl0N op NITROGEN DIOXIDE Wn-H 1. Seal, F. HYDROGtN FLUORIDE. 13 Mar 63, 9p. 7 refs. I 1 11. Fuchs, G. Order froin SLA $1. 10 63-16531 111. Werner, D. Trans of ~xlcbte-(West Germany) 1963, V. 96 ino~. 1 -1 DMRliTORS: ORicrogencccnpounds, *Dloiddes, *Hydrogen~compmxnds, *Fluorides, *Oxyfluortees, *Chemical i reactlons, Chernicalequilibrium. Boiling, Mixtures. Nitrogen d1cadde gas reacts with Ucpdd hydrogen flucridei, to form nitrosyliluoride-tr1hydrogen fluoride, nitro- sy11IuorJde1hexahydrDgvn fluoride. and nitric acid, the propDrdow o( the two rdErosyl fluDride-hydrogen fluoride-, being determined by the rate of formaticcL if an N02/"F mixture is distilled at normal pressure tD a (ChemiaLry-Inorgan1c, TT, v. 10, no. 7) (over) 011,7t of Techoical 3mmes Sbw . Hermam smd God)eL Pan. compoums wrm , um uwmM smucnm~ XXVL A,CbNTRWJISM TO THE MOBLRU REACITVM OF CARBOHAJM DONS AT MM ZOMOF A SWGE.:11963 &rda Oxxkr from 5LA 11160 63-1W J)n~ of CbemLache, Bertchte (West Gern-a7)1963. Y. 96# [oo- '21 p. N?kp=. DESCRUTDRS. *Pb4"vZc corqpowds. *Awhws, MabytrMuci", 40kfs~k 83"hadsowdstrA Alockda.; Carbot6 Ims. IWWtIon kbotics, *Edtvdw action Molecular sumnow. 3-Hyd=y-trkycIo 8) wAsm was wyNbo- sized from I-AIoIDDMed*4-A*kwsntw by alWansion of the rbZ accoidixg wthe medvod fo . *nbe DOW*dS 006~ 6t the 3-bnkp- (4.%1.13.1~ (amwatry"Orpnic, 7T, V. 10, am 11) 6W44 63-IM 1. 7ulir. "03--aicycio ( 9) =&- 2. TkW. Hmawftim TW=3 1. antcar. IL a. Ombd, P. Ofte go Tachdrw Servkn ,,Constitution of Qmi4Io-N-fttxvmm and Geagliosl4e Gjp iBy Riebard KWm,, Ibrbert W4*mrAt. ,MKW# per, Cbe,m.,-P~~s, Vol XMI, 1963, pp 866-880. Nm 6-26-63 Bel - cbm Aug 63 4 ff Oe S, -zro, 61 Reaction Products of Dicyanobetene Dial]W-Lacetals and I., 1-DiewLLno- 2,, 2-Dicyanoe-Tbylenes vith Hydrogen Halide., by E. Allenstein,, P. Quis. aERMAN., per., Chemische Berichte., Vol 96, 1963, pp 10357-1-3~55- IICH-M5 Sci-Chem jul 66 305..535 lal-N4 tro-en Oxide Complexec. Part X,r!I. "onapound's of ~h-~ --yine G .11:11N, Ier, Cheridsclie Bericlit e, Vol :)r 104-5-104~~. 717T 7,- '1 1 - 11 -0 r7 t' ,~Ov r1 0 ' NO:~,Bls-Trimentllylsflyl-Tetramethyl- $xza0e Other 4-Merlibered Silicon- and i~ Itr0g' -,CPrMainin Rings, by W-ItIter Fink. G, Pei Ch6jaische B~_richte~, Vol MMAKXCV4 ~'J~b 4,196.A~.JPP'10714079. 9694649 C, 6 Cfi6in OP 64 268,0313 Radioactive Isotope and Lignin. Part IX. Synthetic Lignin From Tagged Coniferyl Alcohol, by K. Freudenberg. EUROPEAN., per, Chemische Berichte,, Vol 96, 1963, pp 1844-1849. NTC-71-15042-07C Feb 72 Radioactive Isotopes and Lignin. Part X. Study of a Carbon-14 Tagged Lignin Preparation, by K. Freudenberg. EUROPEAN$ perp Chemische Berichtep Vol 96, 1963, pp 1850-1854. NTC-71-15041-07C Feb 72 Trimeric lntermediate Products of Lignin Formation, by K. Freudenberg, EUROPEAN, per, Chemische Berichte, Vol 96, 1963, pp 2081-2085. NTC-71-15031-07C Feb 72 1w Una L Tax ma MW a Lft mi TLL Adducts Of AntimonYO(V) Chloride and Hydrogen Chloride With Cyanogen-Halides., by E. Allenstein., A. Schmidt. GERMAN, Per Chemische Berichte Vol XGVII 1964, pp-12 -1293. ATS-29R78G Apr 67 322,271 Chaudstry of the Si-N Bond, Parts IV rj V Roaction of Isocyanatos AtA Cyclic Silamies and uith the Si-N-Dcaid,, by ijalter Fink. FOR .(;GvB1-u-*MT USL WLY GERMlij, Ivrp Chemisdw ",ricJite Vol XCVJ.10 No 5,, 1-964, i1-)1424-1438. 790'4 2 DDC RGIC-337 - Sci 4 W, r 65 278$261 F. Asinger The Relative Reactivities of thwDouble Bond in Position and- Configuration Isomers of Higher n-Olefins. Part II. Bromination and Hydrobromination of the Position and Configuration Isomers of n-Undecenes. GM4AN, per,, Chemische Berichte., Vol W, 1964, pp 1562-1567 NTC 72-12779-07C sept 72 Ihe ReAction of Hydrogen Cyanide with Antimony. VO Chloridle and Hydrogen Chlokideiv by Eckhard Allensteiu,,;Amiu Schmidt. lOpp GEFOW~,~per, Chemische Berichte,, Vol 97,, 19641, pp 18634869 TC-336 sci - Eng une Skuthpsisiof Aminoscyl- and Peptidyl-selenophenols and Their use for the Preparation of Lienar and Cyclit Peptides,. by H. D. Jakubkc. GEDIAN, per* Chemische Berichtell, Vol 97,, No 10,, 1964, pp 2sl6-:fft.--- *AEC 2377 Sci/Nuclear Sci May 66 -idtli jtuj~y jLry, by ahT -hp '. r- "41. :*-or 7 pp. G "a-vul, ~iLrl- Dept or, -.-Opmercc, .0 91. :-atellt Uffic..e ~:;cp 6~9 367.2-7,,, I , 10"*4" W104 lOt YdAUG AeldL# tW U w""'Oft Or w "0* aft-ar*'U's I~WbW 29050 M-P. ML Mm AD-479#639 Sol 332v a55 Jhl 67 Study of Cadmium CyanLde Complex Salts oy PolaroGraphic aud Blectrwetric Analyaigs by A. r 9w f 19 PrP GERHM,, per, cbem 1 ,0 Vol JU Ap 1955, PP 127-3-35. AEC Tr 2829 p mar 57/crs .Zatunu abri ir, 1930 61-6.;~,' CDC JTI Oci Vb ~ow VIP Plffb~~AbD L VII f43112 P30-376 as, "22 $##fob-416 70-23414 4:30 .70-23412 < > 'L uj 711-23413 0), 'Y ""'l 70-23029 W-0). JAU v: Influence of Presoure In the Attack of Hydrogen Sulfide ou Stm1s, by S. Dittrich. GOWM, per# ChM190he F&brik,,, vol vi, No 2, 19331 pp Brutchor 11r 3114 Aug 1956 $7.80 4cld.l)ewaqxwdd*n & Muminara-oMde J Cozumlnftig L-Hrm3rals, and Pure eAum2Lrwm Qjdde by F. Gewoclw. OEPIJAN I FaMkp Ho *22f I "i' '-b chem1whe pp 49-.A. 1934 92295n IXC-'rr-6583 Ylb Mov 6!5 --A).3065!5 pe, r-ffecL of Hydrogen nW, flydrogeru Suiphie,.c on. Under l14,gli Pressure and Elevated 7~--wrkerature.- H. Vollbrechtp E. Dittrich. Grulmc,, p--r,, chemia6g&A!~-WAtt Vol V1110 IC0,35; No 21-22, pp Z5~T-196. BrAt-cher Tr N o 9-" 0 ELK Inconelp by R. Hmel,, 9 pp. GMWW.* per., Chem Fabrik, Vol Ix. VAY 1936., pp 217- M. 0 0 SIA Tr 57-113' Sai .. Minerala/Mateas %Zrg, Z, ~17 Feb 58 The fiewasm Wpbv Lubmtry Ath Special Reirerence to the Katesulf ft-owmal, tV Har. Babrv 13 pp. 193S v pp 3-0-- CWMWv pers Die Chomitche ftbria_k 20. S.L.A. Tr 1.073A956 NEW - oftmv zoonado 8o& - obudstry oot 56 M Oorrosion by Oases Under the Specif ic Conditions of Cimmiml SyntheaLs, by He J. SaWLeffler, Be Baerlecken, 7 PP- OMMUs pert Die Chemische Fabrilc# 17 Aug 1936, pp 385-3w* S.L.A. Tr 522/56 Sel ~ Obazletry. 3.7,102 v Aug 1956 Tim! Actiplu of Hydrogen on Metalsp by W. Bsukloh, GMWM,~~Cbemlscbe Fabrilt, Vol W. XI, 1938., pp 449 AEC' , Tr 482 Alco Avail as Brutcher Tr 860 SciOntifle - Cbemistry June 1951 CTS/DZX I'T Hydv*M Cbl=IA*e Ltquld Hydr-c5ca Chloridep Its 26ftleel V" and P~ ~--ckatlons by S. SclWab*., 5 !;~~ - 038ift perp Obw FabqUg p 49# Jw 19396 1 SIA 5T-24,62 ja .58 to 9, ? 's Y cl jr~ Fa ... ......... the D6ptruativo Iffouts of C 4wbou Iftnoidde and Cases Cantaining CarbDu Mn*xide.* by W. Bmuk3 ch,, 10 pp. GERWO pimp at Chwmis2k Tabrug Val Vol XM.. lk 6j. lwp pp 101-1040- S.L.k. Tr 107AA956 The Uses of Zim and ZlzLc AnWo vith Eapecial Ocusideration a Carrmica., by K=t BEWer,, 9 pp. MAN --N"oj pers Me Mm"cbe ftbrik., 1940., PP 384- 387- 1. --,-.---.-. ---- S.L.A. Tr u/1956 0 ~ -5- 31 ,-"l 3 SclautiM - Cheddstry Surface: Tremtmeut of Metals by Phosphate Costing# by Oo Roemer# Le Bch=ter. ik I? /h A 11)- 4W3ffA%Ij per.. Die Chmi che Fabrik .. Vol XIVq No 3.,o 1010 IPP -6;.Z=, Brutcher Tr No 28TT Jw ly. 9S- Scientific - Minerals/NdaU =/DZZ / ?1 5- / J/- The Dilat=eter mm as an Alt] in Plastics Research,, by Kurt Ueberreiter,, Darl KL!in,, lb pp. GERM 0 per Die Chemische Fabrik, Vol XVp No 1; 1942., pp 5ig. CIA/FDD/)g.-26 IAC Internal Use Only 19 rl ahomastrCrS SclentifIc - Chemistry 40v 55 CTS Adhesive Preparations for Technical Fabrics Microscopical Investigations on Textile 16 p. Materials in the Rubber Industry by U. Ebert. aERMNK, per., Chemiefasern) Vol 14, No 8) 1964., PP 558-562. sm TT-66-10568 Sci-M&M jul 66 3o6.,o45 62-2= Pesta, Otto. WORKING VaTH COMPRESSED ACETYLENE. [1962] 1. Pesm 0. [8]p. Order froom SUK $1. 10 62-20075 Trans. der Wirt- '_$.P~ft ibstiiii a s]. Mitteilungen (Austria) 1949, v. 3, p._T09-1~---- DESCRIPTORS: "Acetylenes, Condensation reactions. (Chemistry- -Organic, 77~ v. 9. no. 9) Office d Tschiftsl Services 63-14571 Gavandrt. QudvdZ;j. SULFUR AND SULFURIC ACID FROM GYKWM. L. [1963] 1 11 refs. - Order from SL& $1.60 63-1457 1 Trans. of Che wheal Forach[ungsjLw*VA.dcr Nyiri=hqff]-G A-ch-al.-Miff eilu=MZSmn (Austria) 1-949. v. 3, p. 70-73. Another tram is available from SLA mi$l. 80, ph$l. 8D as 60-18327 [1960) 8p. DF-%'RIPTORS: *Sulfur, *IcAilfuxic acid, 'Gypsum, OPyrolysis, Coal, S111concompounds, OxI&ts, Reductlixi (Chenii.-try), jUurninum conipouijcj~. Decornpoisition of Vpeum by heating: decomposition of gypsum In preaence of coal; d&=xqx)-slt:Lon of gypeum in presence of a102; decomposition of gypsum In prosence (of A12C), - (,Icc0mPO-';jtjOn Of 9YPSun' Or anhydrite with ~Aum at coal, wi.., aw auim Offlu d T id UrAms (Engineerl~-Chemlcal, TT, v. 10, no. 3) SOZ NO 0 ESDEN SYW..OSIUM ON ORGANIC AND NON- SI!LkATE~,~ILICOII C'HEMISTRY FROM 26 -30 MARCH. 1c)63, BY~l N.'IWNDREYEVI,',V. BAZANT, ET AL., 40 pp. D Gda N P. EMISCHE GESELL(KHAFT M DER IR; Cli .10631 pp 5c al JUL, DEHOKRATISCHEN REPUBLIK., VOL Xp 1,40 3, 4.1 60. ipp's 1~;--)7 255.7 2'' l,lanufacit-,ul-0 L 0' SY"thetic Cw-,ipho:--, RMIC-1; Chclide Indust 20 e J--'T 'SDOC',/l PP 17 R -:- - I ~ ~' Sci jul- 63-16114 Lksepng. CarL, THE POTASH DEM9M OF TM WORLD, [196319p. 1. Ueoepqg. C Orderfrom SLA $1.10 63-16M llrw& C%f (WeK Gmvmm) IM, 2, p. 405-%40;!a DEWRIPTORS: OPomaidtan conwomdm6 OCubawiws, Depoefts. *Bconordc gealm. Euxlh. (Eardi Sciences--Geokg, Tl', Y. 10, no. 7) Iffm W TKb" Swvi:n DevelinmentOwd Production of the 0. R. Boehringer Bobla Chi~mwioftl Fimp 5 PP. a=",' Der& Cbm1wbe ln&wtr:Le,, Vol rv., so 100 1952 czAjkrm/x-76i Beonm1c - CbemIcal bAustry,, peistieidea,, drugs,, pbarmaeuticals Frojo Fert.1lizers to Plasticap by Chemiecbe Werhe Albert., Viesbadexi-Biebrich., 3 pp. Poll translation. GlMbW,, per,, Cheodscbe LAustriev Vol XX IVp No 10,, pp 597-6DDS CTA/LPIXD/X-&l cmm/us ommus ony WB*r - Germany 1 63-16061 DW"16 KUL LAING-RANGE FORECASTS DI 7M CHE3WAL 1. Duey", K NOMMY.; 19631 [S* 096W timm L $L:10 63-t6o6i Traim of (W"t Gwm"y) 1952 (w. 4. msmwrom- ochsmicai wastry. hawariai TT, v. 10, vim 7) Office DI Tetbalcal Senim Haken, Wilhelm v1pal. SODA, CAUSM SODA AND CHLORINE (A PRODtX:- MON AND MARKErr ANALYSIS). L WORLD PRobucnON IN PAST AND PRESENr. (19631 10p. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-14241 Trans. of Chem1schajMqi!sqje (West Germany) 19S3. v. 5, DO. DESCRIMRS: *Cbendcal industry, *Sodium com- ii-nds, 03dd-. Hydroiddeii. 'Chlorine. bid-trial production, Mectrelysis, *Economic& 63-14241 1. Haken. W. Y. U. Title- Production- M. Title: Warld... (Engin,&-ering- -Ch~unlcal, rrr, v. 10, no. 6) Stn,:P- ECOnOMIC Aspects of Phenol Syntheses, by E. RIn&tOrffp 7 YP* GEFMN, per,, Chm. jz~~ pt. 1-6, 1953, PP 7-9. &L.A. Tr No 57-161 Sci - c2mmistx7', organic Apr 57 .1V 1/' ? -I/ Haken, Wilhelm vm SODA, CAUSTIC SODA AND CHLORINE (A PRODLX:- nON AND MARKET ANALYSIS). 13. GERMANY AND WEWERN BURCIFE. 1196312* 1 ref. Order from SLA $2.60 63-14240 Trans. of Chem[ischej Indjustriel (West Germany) 1953, v. 5.-irm ~.14441-;-- DESCRIPTORS: *Chemical industry, Europe, Germany, *Sodium compounds, Oxides, Hydroxides, *Chlorine, Industrial production, 0 Fxonomice. (See also 63-14241) 63-14240 1. Haken, W. v. 11. Title: Producdon, III. Title- Germany... (Engineering- -Chernical, TT, Y. 10, no. 6) Offlee of Techalud temizes lacrease of Obemical Proawtion in 1952,, 1 p. C;ZCSI.? perv Cbemisehe Indu triap No 3,, Bar 1953., P 145. CTAODD/X-982 RSur - Czethoslonikis I EconcmIc - Chemical production 5 / 63-t4242 Haken, Wilhelm v(xL SODA, CAUSTIC SODA AND CHLORINE (A PRODUC- 1 1. [Liken, W. vori "ON AND MARKL-r ANALYSLS). IrL EASTERN It. Title- P--i&tern--- EUROPE AND OVERSEAS. 119631 28p. 2 refs. Order from SLA $L 60 63-14242 Trans. of Chemliochel Indfustriel.(West Germany) 1953, v. 5:-tj& 5, p. 385-39Z DESCRIPTORS: *Chemical Industry, Europe, *Socb.urn conipwimls, Oxides, HydroWdes, *Chlorine, Industrial production, *13conomics. (See also 63-1424M (Engineering- -Chemical, IT, v. 10, no. 6) Ofte al Techwical Servkts C.-Iciuz Cmrbide ac; an IndustrinI Product, by Dr. WMelim V. Baken., 33 pp. 'UM'WS37MD =WN, per., Cbemirz-02t Industrie. Jun 1953., pp h41-454,, mrici to W-165-1r,,"'AFOIN-IA1. AF 61504 F.Eaw - Ger. msoy Bcowalc - Chemical Jun 54 CT13 industry CIA D-28326 Sulfuric Acid an Refloated im Dr WIlbe1% von Hakomp 30 pp. Gmi"s w# No 101 PP-70T--=# IAI-J38 AF 638M World-Wide - Pro*wuvu Sci6stific - Chsmiftr7 Statisticep by ris Vol V., %IWl to CIA D 102912 fte 54 CR 0 (0,3 'AaSp4orus as an Indicatcr of Pliccl&rIty, by Dr. Wilhelm von Hakei, (in 2 seati6na), 20 P'P. 1CMIMM, per, Chemische Iniffil tric, No 2, Feb 1195-p'. CI&/FM)/X-1442 Elcieatific - Chemistry / 7, -~3 c~-- Prqpws or jam-Beau chmicla syntbasis in Poland,p by P.1fam Not- j, n lip. POLM.- P", C-b.*EUcbg Udufftrte, Wo 3, Kar 29%,.pp 215-13.1 jjwj~. to ludiart No MR -1135-56117 fth W. CrA 1) 415367 Ag 0. rN AN 7 Ar 72BD89 BMW - P02md Beamoode mhy -56 M/w Roclkdttj -;A Field Wm-th Watahi;-mg.. by Reiaz. Ciu-tmnh,, N=1 A. It. Frankrurtp 10 pp.' UNCLAffin-~'M GCM4p,p, pgwjl Cheml hChe Inductriaj, no 6, J= 1 4p pp 33.5-31pp 4 Nov 1W Ar 64o964 r Al 7-- Scientift"a Aer 91 Jan 55 CTSAM /&P,9 f e //,L h ts 'Vorld UrainiumTrodit6tIon ln 1953p by Gertrude ,.,,-uve, 21 pp. UNCLAOSVIRD GERMANg par# Owdsche In6votriep Of=* loom 1954, 1KIP 320-:~24. . ...................... --" ftvY Tr 107310111 A-632 pur . Germny i 'Jilf- NOY on fl (00 (FDD 26172) Polish Umavy Chemicals and Synthetic Fiber Planu, 7 PP. e. lndustrie,, Vol VII,, 'D.ERMN,, mo per,, Cb*44-ch NO 1. ]DueseeIAoxT;'Ta-n-Z7-, PP 15s 16. CIA./FM/U-7512 Mir - %Und Econ - Chemical production Sci - Vhemistry CTS, 74/Nov 55 Davolosm mot Aavmft at INIA a in Uez=Wv by Irlabn2W. NOU.P 'T vo. (M-6v.)M) Fau lw asmus veirs, Mooledbe D*mtxieo Va Vn.* So 3.9 19"s pp 97ip 96; ~ -- . Am P-Ts-M6/tn s -r chemairtr 440116 y out 1956 Cft/dim AVAW ftelow Madstry laftLtLites In PolaM =a #=8w7,q (0-69300 (MUMS TOI Vnp No 3m Iwo rik A= Sol - Mad-stm oet 190 oft/am Forw~ion of the "Bum Works Zi Huel" Went Gemmy's New Rub!~W- Works, (AF 68o24j.). GEMMO per, Chemische Ind tries Vol Vll,, No 1955,o P 4M - mc-ms-8766/m Scientiflo - Chemistry - Rubber Wgur - Genmuty Economic 31 max 56 cTs /DEx 9,4d Effluent Control and Purification, by Dr. J. A. Bordes 3 PP- GERMAN per,, ChemlBehe ladustrie,, 1955, pp h53~,56- ~ gg'6- CIA/FDD/X-1841 0~ / EEur - Germany Economic - Oct 55 CTS Nxtradem, by K. Stoockbert. GERM,, per,, Chem Inftstrie, 1955, PP 588-593- -.11--l-I .. . ASEn-M39 sci Aug 58 4F 10 4 97.e~ /0C-/ lptlow tfta fte Prmmtvg of lAw Pro@- vlare lb~76thAm"t Re"Its of Work on "Vestolen" a ZU%lw Polyows by IP- Brimb- G=wp pw, Chan radj, Vol VMS ab 100 Oct lg%t PP 503-!k* - ANUM-0839 Bel Aug 59 India Could Act as Nediertor between Met and West. GEBMNp perlp Chem ludp No 12s, Dec 1956,, pp 656-6630 ABLIB-M39 Sci Aug 58 ~711 ~ld&o Pakistan is YAking RealistIc Plans, GERMAN# per, Cben Indo Vol VIII,, No 12s, 1956,v PP 663-667- ABLIB-039 SCI Aug 58 ;71, ~ 41' Ceylon's Rubber Denes Eatargo PoUcy. QEWaAI7p parp Ghem Ind Vol VII3LI; No 12,, -?ec .1956 s j6- 67~-M-0- " - p ASIM-GB39 sci A'jZ 5B p " 9/,z