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ldentifiamti,On of C=de Polymers by Gms- ll,:vdd (Lr=&tOZmph,,j of the Products of T'll-Amir lharmal Oci;rrA&ti^-:I, by 0. MIN' 11 pox., Chemlsabe 04 No 11 L ATS SK-3830 D13LI C2 Mucovsky, P., liaspra, J., and Dukyj, J. A CYCLONE AS A HEAT EXCHANGER. Apr 62, 4p. 4 refs. Order from ICE in v. 2, no. 2, $15. 00/year Trans. of Chemicky Prumysl (Czechoslovakia) 1961 [v. 11 (36) ]no. 11, p. 638fi. DESCRIPTORS: $Chemical engineering, *Cyclone furnaces, $1-leat exchangers, Gas flow. Thermal conductivity, 62-34340 1. KlurANsky, P. U. Hasprc 111. Dikyj, 1. W. InternationalChernical EngineerinjL Now York (F-ngineennj;--Chw.'iicai, TF, v. 8, no. 11) PM S. and Kule. I- VKMEASED PRODUCnON IN A TECHNICAL OXY- OEM PL&W. July 62 [7]p. 7 refs. Order from MEW r. Z m 3. $15.00/year Tromil. of Chwdcky Prumysl (C-zcchoslovakia~ I Qf~-' ly. IW7) ] no~ .1, p. 12ff. DESCRUTORS: *Towers(Memistry), "stilling plants, *Ozygom. Production. Pressure, Nitrogm Aydirodymmics. 63-12239 1. justa. S. 11. !111. Digineering, New York (Eaginowing- -Chem IcaL Tr. Y. 9. mim 2) 63-12245 Seux, M. PREMME MOM ON TURBOGRID TRAYS. July 1962 1. Title: Turbogrid trays 15)p. 9 reft. ; 1. Selix, M. Order from ICE In Y. 2, no. 3. $15. 00/year 11. Interaarional Chemical Engineering. 'It-w ~"oy i Tram. of Chemicky Prmysl (Czechoslovaida) !962 riv. 12(37)] iw~' 2. p. 731Y. DESCR[MRS: OC'mveyers, *HydrauBe systems, Pressure, Fluid flow, Water, Kerosene, Stwfoce wwas. VIMMIty. FORMIS. I (Eneseering-ChemAcal. TT, v. 9, no. 2) 1 Ofts ol Ucbsksi Sonic Bartos, G. RHEOLJ-'C;[C,-A'- PROPERTIES OF MELTS OF HIGH- PRESSURE AND I-CW-PRESSURE POLYETHYLENE AND P0LYP-M)PYLI:-!;B, 119b2l 10p. Order from ATS -50 ATS-69P63C Trans. of C-hem[Icky' Prumycl (Czechoslovakia) 1962, v. 12(37) no. 2. p. 9~- 102. OPolymers, *L-'.thyleries, 'Propenes, Pressure, Melting, %*,~hanical properties, Plastic flow. Deformation. (Chernistry-:)rganic, '1'T, v. 9, nm 2) 63-12024 1. Bartori. U. AIS-69P63C 111. As~;ociated Tc-chnical Se-ices, Inc. , Ezs-, {grange, N. fiffic, ~f T,chricii Semes i Control of Molecular Weight of Poly1propylene with the Aid of Carriers, by Rostislav Vilim, llp.p CZE.CH,, per., Chemicky Prumysl,. Vol 12., 1962., No 2, pp 102-106 SIA TT-64-20BB4 Sci - Chem may 67 326.P658 'Y .-I clropnaluion of W~syntuhesis Produc-I'S. -Faxt I., I by J. ::isluril: per, Cheracki Pruvs Vol !2, .lrlC; 4. 4.- DP l) 3 1 . -1" 77-0"A 71 max 72 63-12322 Rado. R. CONTROLLED DECOMPOSMON OF POLYPROPYLHNII 1. RAW, R. ~:Oct 62 (ShL 6 refiii. U. International Chemical Order from ICE to Y. 2~ no. 4, $15. 00/year Engineering, New York Trans. of Chem!~ky. Prumysl (Czschoslovakla) 1962 1962, nD.-4--p.-MW. Iv. 12(37)] 1 DESCRIPTORS; Polymers, *Propenes, Dewmpsition, Reaction kinetics, Peroxides. *Cbemical engineering. (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, Y. 9, no. 6) Me of T jJ Services 63-12334 j1ru, P. and Kubica, L. STABILIZEDNANADIUM OXIDATiON CATALYSTS 1. jird, P. FOR THE PRODUCTION OF SULFURIC ACID. Oct 62 11. Kubica, L. [61p. 12 refs. 111. International Chemical Order from ICE in v. 2, no. 4, $15. 00/year Engineering, New York Trans. of Chemicky Prumysl (Czechoslovakia) 1962 [v. DESCRIPTORS: *Sulfuricacid, Production, Oxidation, Catalysts, OVanadiumcatalystap Stabilization, Potassium compounds, Salts, Phosphoric acids, Tungstic acid, Malybdic acids. *Chen-dcal engineering. (Engineering- -Chemical. T-17, v. 9. no. 6) Ofrxt D1 TechWcal Service& 63-12673 Zvonar, V. THERMODYNAMIC CONDITIONS FOR PRODUCTIOU 1. Zvonar. V. OF SELF - EXTINGUISHING PROPERTIES IN UNSATIU- H. International Chemical RATED POLYESTER RESINS. )an 63 18)p. 31 refs. Engineering. New York Order from ICE In v. 3, no. 1, $15. 00/year Trans. of Chemicky Prumysl (Czechoslovakia) 1962 12(37)T70.'-I~ F-3MTr- DESCRIPrORS: *Polyester plaoxics, Combustion, In- hibition, Additives, 0 Antimony compounde, Oxides, *Phthalic acids, T"hermodynamics, *Cbemical engineering. (Materials- -Plastics, Tr, v. 9. no. 6) SnAsek, hUlaii: Con-y, Slayoj, a.A ]ALarova, ji;idra. S'DIUMURAL DZl-i0h!,(jGE~NLrl'Y OF ACTIVL CARBON, AGTWATLD BYMEANrS(JF GASEOUS REAGENTS. [1962] [101p. Order from SU% $ 1 - 10 6-; - ,7Ya:~r. of Chomicky Prujnysl (Czechoslovakla) OActivair,l carbo-, , lFraciftf.,.allo Camlyst:i, Pillicivs. DL sity, Garco, Rir-agc Ei, C_ir~- A study of inlhoniogc~-.ciry of nczlw: car!~o i, activot,-,! ~, ineans of gasoous rc,!av,- if-, fs cU%crlbud. Two ryp.-E, r,.' active carloii, Llo,.,.-~ as M-rorl.. a-id Su-wrf;Drb(i bee-. Studicd. 62-202'_ I . Title: D-c-SU: 2. Title: 1. XIL 11. Ccniy, S. ta. Nll-~anova. I 71', Y. 9, !1L). 9) Offin Df Terbakd Servim (DC-2400) SEVEMY, YMS OF COW. CMMSTRY AT THE OlMe PLANTS IN CISTRAVAj, BY MIRVSLAV JANIK., 4 PP. GOVEMMENT UK ONLY CZECHO PER) QIEMI M PRUMYSL. VCL XI 1 (37) ND 1962, ~ PVV9--341 ipa I "I $C RESEARCH ON PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY FOR POLY- PROPYLENE IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BY VLADIMIR , KAMENIK., JAROSLAV AM13ROz, 6 Pp. GOVER14MENT USE ONLY, CZECH, PERj CHEM VOL XI I., No 8, 1962, P P 4 __T_~O_l JPRS 15981 EEUR-CZECH ECOW NOV 62 215,i49 63-12694 Svajgl' 0. DECOMPOSITION OF VOLATILE COMPOUNDS OF 1. Svajgl. 0. ARSENIC, ON NICKEL CATALYSTS DURING TAR 11. International Chemical DISTILLATION. janM [71p. 14 refs. Engineering. New York Order from ICE in v. 3, no. 1, $15. 00/year Trans. of Chemicky Pru L(Czechoslovakis) 1962 T-t-imy-8 Iv. 12(37rlW-9~ _p. -473ff. DESCRIPTORS. *Tars, Distillation, *Nickel catalysts, OArsenic compounds, Decomposit ton, *Chemical engineering. (Engineering- -Chemical, TT, v. 9. no. 6) Mr.. .1 T.dkal SeMets Mencik, Z. DETERN41NATION Of- FRACTIONAL COMPOSITION OF POLYPROPYLENE- BY EXTRACTIONN ME-THODS. [196:3171). Order from ATS $11. 25 ATS-58Q68C Tran- . of Chenifickyj Prumvsl (Czechoslovakia) 1962. v. 12(31), no. p. -;75t. DESCRIPTORS: *Prop,~nes, Mat~rial sf-paration, Chemical analysis, Polwnurs. 10, no. 1) 03-17161 1. hlencik. Z. I]. ATS-5!96"'c 111. Assuctat~d Technical S,~rvicc7i-. Inc., East Orange, N. J. rT- Office of Technical Servien Ch6j) IW Resistmince of Poly Mylene hthalat ITei 6 gUid.ita Copolymers With. E 'ne Is6phthilat6s by Z. Z.,Unoraky. thy 1CZ17 , . per, Chemf&y,Prtim3,s4 Vol M[l, ~1962 OP 521, 522 P" 1149 Sci I Cheam jull ~',41 261 152 63-18854 Kraus, M., Kochloefl. K., Setinek. K., Beranek, L., and liouds, M. I .Title: Potassium THE COURSE OF REARRANGEMENT OF POTASSUM tercphihalate P9111ALATE MO POTASSIUM TEREMTHALATF. 1. Kraus. N1. 119631 2Dp (tables refs omitted) It. Kochloefl, K. Order from'SLA $1.60 63-18854 111. Setinek. K. IV. Beranek, L. Trans. of Chemick* Prumysl (Czechoslovakia) 1962. V. Houda, M. v. 12(37) 60775~-~P-- DESCRIJI'MRS: Votassium compounds, *Phthalates, Chemical rewtiong; Benzene derivatives. Carboxylic acids, SaLts, Decomposition, Reart!on kinetics, "Polyester pUstics, Production. 7'he rearra.ugement of potassium phthalate into pwas- alum terephdolote to of Industrial interest because it represents an alternate metfx3d to oxidation of p-xylerie commonplace until now. Tim chemistry of this rcactittit (Chetnistry--Orpnic, TT, v. 10, no. 11) (over) Office c0 Tedaicid Servicti UtUlzation of the Ommum of rnftum in Refirlag a Zinc Sapbate SolWlou for the PzWuaUon of Lithopbomp bV Am Yazaoek, 8 pp. GOVEHMM um ONLY CZEM: owl, ChmdCW huWsl,, Vol XII(37)., ND 10 1962o--]W542-5hh. im m1w - cuob R=n - Geos Flov 62 Utilizing Plastics in Coke Plants, by Vaclav Pesat, 4 pp. GovERNmm usE oNLY CZECH, per, aemicky_Ecu=I, Vol XII, No 10, 1962, PP 582-3T3. jpRs 16386 REtw - Czechoslovakia Econ Dec 62 PRESENT STATUS A14D PROSPECTS OF THE SOVIET CHE141CAL INDUSTRY) BY JAROSLAV SKORKOVSKY. 11 PP. GOVERNMEN'T USE ONLY CZECH, PERI CHEMI CKY-PRUMYSL, VO- XII, N10 11, 1962, PP 5857--5` JPRS 17334 KKNXX;4XKXEgK USSR - ECON JAttl 6-3 221,j23 DEVELORMENT IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, BY ZDENEK CIZINSKY, MiROSLAV JANIK) 7 PP. GOVERNMENT USE 014LY CZECH, PER., CHEM I CKY PRUMjYSL, VOL X I I, NO I I, . . .............. 19c62, Pp 617-618. JPR3 17334 EEUR CZECH ECON JM4 63 221,024 Chmebr, M. FOUOWING PIGMENT CHANGES DURING GRINDING. [1963J 1500words. Order from 7171 S $13. 50 TTISNS-105 Trans. of PryAUII (CZ40choslovaida) 1962, v- 12 [37]?noUl2j4p-655-658. DESCRIPMR& Ongments, Material removal, Grinders. 63-17819 1. Chnvelir, M. U. TnS-NS-I()5 111. Translation and Technical Information Services (Gt. Brit.) (Chc-.mJsrr?--P`hysica1, TT, v. 10, no. 6) smicn !NGS OF THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, BY R, QEIilTIMEE I JARO$L V JE INEK P. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY 15 P CZECH,! ~p Ek,JCHEMICKY PRUMYSLj VOL XIlx NO 12., 1 96-E 1:;-'p 616.11D678. JPRS GUO: 047 :CZECH EEUR~~ EcON! 1 APR 227~397 --- - --------- ----------------------- Hlousek, M. DETERMINATION OF THE DIAMETER OF LATEX I PARTICLES OF ANY SIZE BY OPTICAL DENSM' 1. MEASUREMBINTS. [196319p. Ii Order from ATS $13.00 ATS-37Q69C 111. Trans. ofChcmjicj:)rj2xmmyAI (Czechoslovaida) 1962, v. 12(37) no. 12, p. 081-685. DESCRIpTORq: *Parzicle size, Ortical proNrties, Density, Determination. 63-17476 Title: Latex Hlousek, 10. ATS-37Q69C Associart-JI-echnical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J. (materials, T7, v. 10, no. 5) Office of Techm" smien 63-17005 Gregor, F. and Pivlacka, E. AN 'INTERNAL' EMULSIFIER FOR POLYVINYL i 1. Gregor, i-. ACETATE RESINS FOR SURFACE COATING& It. Pavlackv, E. 27 Feb 63, 120D words, 2 refs. Order from TTIS $9. 00 TTIS-7001 IV. Translau'LAi aril'i-ecrim- cal Informiatim Services ~l (Czechoslovakia) 1962 Trans. a! Chemicky Prwny (G t. ?-, I- v. 121(37)1'p: 689'--6N-.-'- DESCRIPTORS: *Golloids, *Vinyl radicals, *Acetate-.i, #Acetal plastics, Surfaces, *Coatings. (Materials --Plastics, Tr, Y. 9, no. 10) Office cl Tectmicad $"ices Rheological Properties of Melts of High-. GERMAN, per., Chem Prumsyl, Vol XII (39), No 2, 1962y pp 97-3:0--2. -- Possibly to Come From Contacts per 10 Dee 1962 memo USIB INTERNAL USE ONLY Sci - Min/Met Dee 62 Thermal Stability of Polyformaldchyde, bN Jiri ;Nlejzlik. CZEGI, per,,Cheniir-ky Prumsyl, Vol XII, 1963, pp 461-464. *Navy/AIIL J313 Sci - Chem Jan 64 UTIL I oil, 1 OF BAS I CASSETS IN THE CHEW CAL NT I NDUtT ~Y, ~E!~ DUSAN NMR DVORAK, 5 PP. GOVERt,41EN-i us~ 1 q' CZECH) I RX P~Lkj CHEMI CKY PRUMYSL) VOL XIII) IQ 1) I ~p JPRS GUO: 00") 1 ELU'R!~-! CzEd 1" ECON: APR 3i 2 2 4) 6) ......... ---------- ............. P~RO TIOHII~OF ZONE-REFII.IED GEN-bkNIUM IN GZEC SLO~ I A, BY, EVZEN BELADA,, M I LAN L I iHART, P~~ E GO RNMENT USE ONLY I cl ECJ~!.,j PER.,',j CIADII I CKY PRUMYSL,, VOL X I I IIND : i PP: I ji--~160. JPRS GUO: QQ-t EEUR!~ icz~dj-ibSLOVAKI A ECON OR 03. -------------- 0 IREN(;~, THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY., 15 PP- G OVIE ONLY J jl,104 USE CZECH PEIP CHEMICKY PRUMYSL VOL XIII., NOX L., 1 03 pp ~Ir32, 53~-55- EEUR!i.. CZECHOSLOVAKIA ECON APFf 1"LL 11-k JPR3 GUD: o`4 22j; tt-~ IWT8kIIATIQj;IAL SOCIALIST DIVISION OF LABOR IN ; 1 ;" L INbUSTRY THE BY JAN K14ESAK 10 PP. GOV~h~li,IENTI'USE ONLY CZEdllj,,~ PE%!, CHEMI CKY PRUVIYSL., VDL XIII, I~fj I; PP 164,69xi,ltll' JPRS GUO: 064 228,44~ PhotodogradatLon of Isotectic Polypropylene and Its InhLbLtion, by L. Balaban. CZHC% per, Chm ErtMglt Vol 1343ft 58,1, 1963, pp 45-49. ATS RJ-5369 Sci-Chem jUm 70 Ion Exchange Skeletal Structures. Communication No. ri. The Density and the Porosity of the Ion Exchange Skeletal Structures Based on the Co- polymers of Styrene with Divinyl Benzene. Part III, Communication Collection, by J. Seidl CUM, per, Chemicky Prumysl, Vol 131 19631 pp 100-104 NTO 71-16?44-07D Feb 72 HydroC~enation of Oxosynthesis Products. Part- II. , by j. :.:is,wrillc BuRc)17-0A:.-, 'peer, chelucivi Pr=ySI:., Vol 1", lgu"-I, PP 120-13~ ~T-' 71-1647~~-07A I ~ I I max 72 NEWT~YPE Or!PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZER -- SUPERPHOSPHATE 11YIBY M[WSLAV CERNY., PP. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY CZE0.K PEW CHDIICKY PRUMYSL, VOL XIII/XXXVIII) P NO 5..I~i963~~! P 139-140. JPRS GUO: 075 230,0130 T-, -t-,4- it4 2-- Svajgl, ASMALTENF-S AND VANADIUM CGMP04-NDS IN "Z; C. 14p 24reis SUILFUROUS CRUDE OILS. Order from SILA $1~60 It,4 2' Trans. of (Czechoslovakia) I Q63, v. 1.1(38), no. Z p, 6.3-67. (Materialti-Fuels, TT, v. 12, no. 3) offi- 0 to Acids nnd Alkalis, by A. Horeni. CZEUI, -c,.,, Chcmiay Prum-tysi, Vo--- X111, 191-53, pp 1-65-16711 71"1S INS 78 sa - an mom Dee 63 .2 Tr-64-2?43P Mendit, DIFTFRVIN MON 017 Pl- R CFNT CRYSTALLINITY 1. Meneik. 7. OF PC I-Yl'lIOPYI-.FNI'-IBY X-RAY nIFFRACTICN. Op. 11. AT;-2'IR70(' Order from -%*T*q 3 1 1. 65 NT"q-221176C. Ill. Asociated I-rchnical ~'ervicee' Inc., Trans. of (-heyji.Lick%j.PrUMvsI (Czechoslovakia) 1963, Fast Crange. N. J. v. 13(.38) n6-Z, p.*'i-,'1--3!5.-" (Chemtsiry--hnal~tical. 17, v. 12. no. 5) EPOIq Resins PrIepared by Phase Boundary Reaction, by J. Kalal. V. Hora3r.. C=Hj. per., Chemicky Prugraly Vol 13Y no 6~ 1963, PP 325-328. TC-1100 Sci-Materiaas oct 66 313,359 Ion Exchange Skeletons. Commiuaications No VIII. A Neir Type of Ion Exchange, by J. Malinsky EUROFW, per, Chemicky Prumalp Vol 139 1963, PP 386-388 NTC 71-16749-07A Feb 72 Ion 1kchange Skeletal StructurEIS. Camnuiication No. X. The Rate of Swe2ling for Ion 1kchange Structures Based on the Copolymers of Styrene Structures. Part I. Standard Copolymers., by K. Das ek . CZECH., per., Chemicky PDIMLS1,, Vol 13, 1963., pp 436-441. NTC 71-16742-07D Mar 72 Ion Exchange Skeletons. CommunIcatlon No. IX. Distribution of the Nawopores., by R. Borovsky. CZECH, per, Chamicky Prurnysl, Vol 13, No 8, V63., p 446. NTC 71-16732-07D Mar 7 2 Hornola, V. and Malek. BY-PRODUCTS OF 7ME AIR O)aDAT1ON OF TOLUENE TO BFANZOIC ACID IN THE LIQUID PHASE. [jan 64] 13P Order f . ATS 315. 50 A7'S-26Q-,4C Trans. of Chemfickyj PrLunyal (Czechoslovakia) 1963, v. 13(38) no. 9, p. 449-453. DESCRIPTORS: 01blueDes, Oiddation, Air, *Bmwic acids, Liquids, Phase atudies. TT-64-12397 1. BomsaDi, V. Malek, M. ATS-25C,-, 4C IV. Associated Technical Inc., East Orange. N. (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, Y. II. no. 9) Processing of Fluorine 71;nCtes "ul-.er,,)h,:)sph,-,te Z. CZ-,C"-.7, per, Vol ll~, 1963, P-1) 458-460. -.JTG 72-10911-07A Aa.~ 72 -1 Y Balci. jar, Kl)uilieika. N'.. and Paseka, 1. ~171 ; . Ba v) AIENCE Cj~ B_.,IIM IMPURI-117S ON THE -AT r-de from, 13118- no. 4t-:;- If, I. 7-h-, Detendnatim of Diamter of Large Particles of Latox Fraw Uie Ratio of Optical Densitios,, by Z-4, 1110usek. M, 0 1, per, Oxem. P=4 Vol 13, N D 9,, 1963 pp 492-497. NU Pef: 9022.84D 1966 (1267) 66 Plant t CAMtT6~ Of MOlecular WeiWits fif Fluor6plasts,,, by 1). .5milek. =0-1, per, OxoL6 Pruavsk, Vol Be ".Io 9. 1963, rip 49 01. AL Iwf: 9022,MB 1966 (1275) Aug 66 308m734 Asts Hess of -Chen in Mlina, by Jaroslay Jelinek, C4.. pi T qg~VEVqWT USK y 6 0011. , d einlAilphm. Vol Xal, NO 10, 1963, I jadrnickovs, L. and Krupicks. J. POLAROGRAPHIC DETERMINA71ON OF TEREPH- ~14ALIC ACID IN THE REARRANGEMENT PRODLIC.7 Of- POTA5SILJNf rTITHALATE. 6p. ~)rder from ATS 58. 90 ATS-86R75C trans. of Chei~~LtcUJY-rAuuXal (Czechoslovakia) 1963, v. I JT38) no. If, p. 575 -577. TT-64-22448 1. ladr-nickova, L. 11. Krupicka, J. fit. ATS-96R75C IV. Services, Inc.. Fast Orange, N. J. (C'hernistry- Analytical, -F. v. I'-, no. 5) i offic., .1 T-h-.1 5-'c- i AgierdW.- Piestilm Amnal bidl~ No. 156-W b R-10481-D 1~) June u9 Tlue; 629 to 06 flupp AuUwr: IrbAfth DDOW4 at AU Vat, 13 (12)* (1963). 1Larvftet aftlau*116- Czech Sonia instrotica PIMM transleft & ty" I e1w Title; BY&-PI*IU= 13 AROMATIC UMMOB - IV Thermooxidative Stabilization of Polyform- Aldehyde., by J. Mejzlik., J. Pac. C=H., per., Chemicky Prunysl, Vol 13, No 12, 1963., pp 658-662. srA TT-66-1o6ol Sci-Chem Jul 66 305,524 Ion Exchange Skeletal Structure. Communication lio. XI. The Rate of Swelling of Ion Exchange Skeletal Structures Based on the Copolymers of Styrene with Divinyl Benzene as a Function of Their Structure. Part 11. The Copolymers with Increased Forositlest by K. Dusek CZECH, per, Chemicky Prumysl, Vol 12, 190"), PD 66?--666 HC 71-16746-07D Feb 72 !;Recopt Ch6micalMeedup in Czechoslovakia, 5 pp. ~GO*kk~3~T IjSE ONLY CZi~bl,'per, Cheratcky Prumjrid. Vol IaV, No 1, 1964, pp 49-S!1' ~ATPO GUO 241 sci~wsc Apr, 04 255,804 at Fora"Lebwan NOW via in AONUO AdWdvd&: damp by !i,::, czacx# p WL 2h(39) 8, lb 91P 119640!w 73-75 lcx ft i EV411111MOVIAgo :M*351 Flow of Rigid PVC. Effect of Mix Composition On Mechanical Properties, by J. Hur _3o, 114. ,.i_ --ous Jh CZECH, per, Chemicla-y Prum, Vol. 14, IiO. pp GB :-7 /1245 Aug b"r 3 7 - NCH-200 877 ~ Field 7A Balej. J. STUDY OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL PRODUCTION OF 1. Balej. J. CHLORINE AND SODA ASH. 1965. TTIS NS-352. n. TTIS-NS-352 Order from TtIS: $60.00 as TTIS-NS-352 Rl. Translation and Technical Information Services. Trans. of CtMURtX_RMkmXftI (Czechoslovakia) vl4(39) nil London (England) p576-81 2964. C ic ConUibutiorwof Aubmation In Chemical 3 by Ru:d.olf.Arkovsky. 7 P-MONT UBE -pert C400icky Prumysleo 2, 1964, pp 94-96. LJO 253.1 1 Kov&llm, Y., and ftmdm. 1. EFFECr OF IMUM, WKWnES ON AMALGAM EL13 TROLYW OF ALXALJ NETAL CULMMS. n. EFFEc-T'op, uDm,l uAnarms oN no RATia or SPOWAMOM MCCUPOSMON OF UMMLARMED AMALrAwov scmm AND mrAsswm. 22P 23reft. Order &M SLA $ 1. W Trans. cl Chew4ickyj Primmysi (Czechomlowskis) 1964. 14(39) m 3 lp. 113-1191. 04stalbwv, TT, v. 12. m 7) 1. 11. K; -,Wulka, V. IV. Laboratory T~umacefor Investigating ti-le Kinetics of C,:.lcina'uion Proceesses, by V. Blec',ta. 1: , G o CZECH, per. Chemicky Prwn:_ Vol. IV~- lq~ 011, pp 26~-265 GB 118/LTL/2055/J Aug tS7 Polyvat-eril'ication Df F03,yetbyle Tarephtbalate- F441ibrimm between tlie Liquid and Vapours of tbf,, Bin='y Mjla~e of 14c~bcml and Glycol, . - I CZEEMp :Pcw, Chemicky na!W Vol 14, No 77 1964., P-L-) 2- 3TJ G13 39AU It & T 695 Qr'i Mr, 87 116. rij;-.: 3-L'-ILLC.Y 32 t"Ir-- Eiccturoch-,idcal lli-ol,-,-L-,,~.,-'t-,-;-~--,i.- J----, -uy i all Cala'.icky RruLlySl, I.-C) I L Sci Influ,Lnce of Brime Impurities on the Araigar,-, Mectrolysis, of Alkali Chloric.e, by J. aale"'. CZECH, per jLheiLic PTarn. Vol. 14, jjo. 6, 1964, ,pp 395-398 OB 39,/AE & CIAET 1013 Sci - Aug 67 Ion Exchange Skeletal Structure. Communication No. KIII. Sulfonation, by J. Malinsky EUMOMAllf per, Chemicky Frurupl, Vol 12g 1964, pp 416-419 NTC 71-16748-07A Feb 72 mw 802*lUltv of ablarlms mewom mi=im ant AMWI CLIOCIM In BMW OWLvanto, by M. ommo J. zauw. ooka, war. cbm. amob Vol 143, No los X964, v;7.4-45w. _ 52 3M*752 Sal - Madstry APr 67 Study of Fatty Acids Adsorpt-ion on t'lic Sur--',Lee of Rutuile, by Solfola. CIZE-CII, per Chem Prwra. Vol. lll~, Ilo. 11; pp 1;:97-~-9)'? GB :~ -: 0 Sci - Aug 67 7 - - Pictanny.Arsen Ub 47-69/a ERMImi krystelize~ce orgmickych lixtek 13y: Ivmi HOLECI Ai r~ca: mem Rrumys3-. v. 14(12) 1964..t,)38-(, Czech - est for -vrds-. 10 Oct Please =xmasluten and tjp-- 1 copy only. Application of the PolArlgraphic Method to AnalytLcal Chemiatry., by R. J, Antwiler, 15 PP. GEH=., per,, Chemic, C:rl ' 1935,- PP 385 - 393. P SIA Tr 57-692 Sci - Chemistry " 0 z/ 6 Sep 57 Hieber, W. THE PRESENT STATUS OF THE CHEMISTRY W? TliE METAL CARBONYLS. V. GENERAL QUES- '11ONS OF VALENCE AND STRUMIRE. Vt. THE METAL CARSONYLS IN THE PERIODIC SYSTEM. [1%3126p. 47 rels. Order frcm SLA $ Z 60 63-140M Trans. of the Chem)s._(Grrmany) 194Z v. 55, no. 3/4. p. 24-28. DESCRIPTORS: *Complex compounds, OMetallic c(x-n- pounds. *Carbonyl radicals. Chemistry, Valence, Molecular structure. Tbeory, Chemical properties, Periodic Yariations. (See also 63-10984) (Chemistry- -Inorganic, TTv. 10, no. 4) 63-14000 1. Hieber. W. 11. Title. General ... III. Title: Metal ... afte Galliizm Chlo-,-i,ije as a Reaction ;)Y H. Ulich, 5 P-0. QERW,1q, per, !j~~ Vol. L11, NeU 5/6, 1942.~ pp 371 38, SIA 6o-14524 sci p OTS, Vol III, Wo 12 Uffusion in Solid I*Ws. by W, Seith. GERWO perv 40 Chegdeo No 56, 1943, pp 21-24. *NW TT 70-57547 Sci-IlAt Aug 70 R,eceLlt. Applieations of Supersonic w--,Ma in (.TwTallstry) by G. Scbmid., 14 pp. 11 -TAY I COA-74 T. per) Die Chemlet Vol LVI, No ll/i2, -1943~, Ap 67 #0 SLA 0 0305 Utilic--,L--icn cf Lm,--r - 0. T. Knutters 31 PP. GERMP perj Die CheRj!jt.Vol LVI, 1943) PP 225-230. aL& Tr 2429 ~'3j 0 37 Sci - Chemistry Sep 57 Noll, W. RE-CE'IN'T INVESTIGATION OF REACTIONS IN HYDROUS SILICATE SYSTEMS (Neucre Untursuc- hungLn von Reak!)OMM in Wasscrhaltip--n Silicai- Sysit,mL~n). 119611 12711). OvE-ign 1(-xi incluLic,J) 20 rL4s. Or& r f rum S LA 52". (,0 62-10440 Trins. of dit: Chuni it (German.v) 1944, v. 110. 13,10, 1). 90-91. DI-SCRIFFOUS: %N~rcr, *Sflicat~-s, livdratcs, Cht,rni- cal r,acdons, Plias,.- studics, *Aluminum compmkmd.~, *Silicon cmnIxiundS, *OXidC1;, Reaction kinutics. 1. Noll, 62- 11144t, 8, no. 9) Offi- .4 T-h.i..l S-1 Viscosity Problems In High Polymers., b,., F;, -Pat-at, 33 PP - GERM,, per, Die Che mir, Vol LVI"-'j 10441 pp 95-100, SLA TI? 57-96o Scl - Chem.atry oe- Feb 58 Ihe WitrItLes of, WQtala of the Fl"t LoM Period by R. JUVLO 18 P. GaWS, per, q4(L,p ~21 -5 0 Vol :LVM PP 25-30- l9b sLA 6o-ioe" SOL ~q 60 'V01 3 p BrOA Concerhins Alimimm Suboxide, by G. Ombex at al., 8 pp. ~ MMJMMUj Val 260,1949, lip 12c).126. rpeor- FI.L.A. Tr 1351/1956 Sol - Cbem A, Or. 5, 1 6 -4 1 C,7 Feb 57 CTS/dex I Nitrite Titration In Organic Analysis, by Mirosla:v r Ch=an Voll X, 1953, pp 6-3-5-4-46. 0- T AFC Tr--950 Apr 6o Deterndnation in the Violet Ran.re by Kcans of ]:Drnal Coiorfmaterz, b.-,r V. Pat~-ovcllcTT- CZECHr, ner Cherde. Prai-,ue, Vo! . CSIAO.,'No. 711'.,,) Sci Lon.,-Wt,.-e 'iltra- 1-1-; Cheadstry of Sulybiwic Trioxide, by De. P. Baumgm-wns 11 pp. GEMMj,XW per Dlyhemie Applicd chep New lasue I / Vol Wj, No 3-5 Ii5p 3.1 Apr 1942, PP 115-130. SIA Tr 1624 W~ SOL - Chan "/ / rs 1~ 7 .APr 1957 f, i L I Titrina,tric and Colorimetric Rapid ProcedureB for Fluorine DeUrmination, by B. HwIcrj 6 pp. GMIA17., pe.., CA"-Arbeit Werk u Labor ..Aug 1944. .1-1- 1------.-.,..--.,-.-- --j- S.L.A. Tr, 1979 Sci - Chemtgitry ~z ~7 d o, Z Jun 57 OTS From Chemical CTeration and laboratory, OPR~~ zdma* P-0 GMUN bkj. -qq~48 -fatelt In Werit, U;?4 labor. Aug i9"44. SLk Tr 1616 Sci - Obera Apr 1957 he Chemistry and leaboology of nuorine., by ~. KWasna., 9 pp. GWM bk. Chemie-Azbeit In Work und Labor., *UG 1794. - .. -, : .- S.,L.A. Tr No 1875 Sci - Chmistry .4, ~ 4 ~, f -T, 7 Apr 57 The Importance of the Fine Poroalty of Carbon on Its Rate of Combustiono by H. lAtort, R. Mwo*er a pP# FRE=, per., Chem Eng sci.. Vol il, No 6, 1953, PP WA Tr 57-2685 SCL Aug 58 jjjWw%.-Wc (RadloacUve) ~ua.Ds, LbL4r DMilbution In Rocks and dair Cba%esm I.V M. Smrk- GEIRMAN* Per* 9LGM~ der Mde, Vol X.- 1936, pp M&630. 9231770 ,fiEC-ORNL-Tr-701D Sict - 1\160 ES Feb 66 29,13,493 of in ilrenh Water and inta-apped !** Sed-imeot-S., bY J- HOtL 25 PP iw-M G73-tr'llk"MrIp par) Ma-.-V: a-V,,.Vol -,K:EV, 1942, -pp 2 252. 5 7 Content of Inert Gases in the Sildiote-Alin Iron Meteorite, by A. P. Vinogradov, L K. Sadoroshny, 14 pp. CMMi, per, Chemie der ErcLe, Vol. XIX, 1958, pp 275-285. a ,o896o6 AEC Tr-5119 Sci - Chem Aug 62 208)440 On the Conditions of FbrmmtJon of Claustha- lite-Galena and Some Observations on the DiPtribution of Belenli in Galena as a YUnction of Oxi"tion Potential and pH,, by Gerhard Tischendorf and Horst Uhgethum 32 p. aMM,p perp Chemie der Erde, No 23 (Z)2 1964,,, pp ~ 279-311. Gemochemical Society Sci-E= Sci mar 66 I'lo.tj arid lbuat I.Llrc-zisfx3r Probleim '.Vedmolc.u,.v aid lbsearchs, by C. G'.il~Wlp i?er,, Chrar.,6 Fabr, Berl 1939, iyd 469--47'7.- CIIXV-D.662 oci/ dx:-As.-,txy aug GD in axorical Ex-nicci-iler. Vol 12f ',17cjs 43-44 389f661 Die Chemie ties Holzesp 1955. by H. I. Nlikitin Trans3*ted fr= the Russian eaition.. 1951. DBIR 541-112 Leadin,,, Lib Unit G- 11314 The False Set of Portland Cements, by P. 4hopitallier., P. Stiglitz. -RICH, er,, MAmip At --- TnAustrlco Vol LWII,, NO 2.t 9~2: pp 335-33B SU TT 64-18222 Apr 67 323,112 Comparison, Between the Synthesis of Esters From Acetylene and Ethylene by Reaction with Carbon Monoxide and Alcohols., by G. NtLtta, P. Pino. ITALIAN, per, Chimica e l'Industria, Vol XXXIV, 1952, pp 449-453. No 8. SLA TT 64-20344 iay 67 32A51068 Recent Adnoms on the Farmilation of Hydrumlle friatory Cements wA Concretes., by 26 cb,"' at ingmtrie., Vol Top no 6. 19532 PP IL081--lo"ST., gw-69~-16539-nB Bal4bteria" Fab 70 4011M &MUMOSIS Of CsrtwWlic AcIdal b7 Reactlon of VA"turat" COMWOUR& Wlth Ooz%m NonoXide &0d] W&tGr In ft"eD" Of 8011amtsp by R. T umpli; Vm# go m Ir A- M&E&2~Awtar&m), Val mmyttv 1955,p vp U09--l-5jaw Dmt of Int Vs aw at Wn" Coutral Xxpmr Sta Pitts.,o Pa. Tr 208 eLF ~ '576 im 59 Argentolnetric Determination oil Tetraethyl Lead, Ethylene Chloride and Bromide in Anti-Xnoch Mixtures by Giuseppe Tagliavini. ITALIA1.1, per, Chimica e 111ndustria, Vol XXXIX, INO 11, 1957, pp 902-904. SLA TT 64-30120 May 67 3250015 Separation of Inorganic and Organic Substances By Flotation, by Ae Guyer., 24pp FMMCH, per,, Chimie et Industrie., Vol 62, 1949, .No 2., pp 135-142 SIA TT-664-2o437 Sci - Eng may 67 327)390 Research on the Causes and the Mechanism of the Formation of Foams on the Seine Proposed Solutions for the Elimination of the Resulting Harm, by J. Bolle, EUROPEAN,, per,, Chimie et Industrie, Vol 90, No 5# 1963v pp Z91-504. - NTC-71-11551=07A Feb 72 During Annealing Decarburization in a Hydrogen Atmosphere, by W. Nicodemi. ITALL414, per., Chem e Ind.., vol 146, 1964, P.P 381-386. *NTIS/NBS TT 71-55205 Available 14BS Only Tuly 71 Aspects of the Development by 0. Nass. GERMIN., per, Chemiefasem., NTC 71-14283-~ ~1E of the Polyolefin Fiber, Vol 11, 1961., Pp 34-36. Feb 72 Reasons for Pilling and Means for Remedying this Problem, by G. Navarre. GEMIAN, per, Chemiefaserno Vol 11, 1961, pp 770. ITTC-71-12698-IIE Nov 71