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On -the Cb~'ange of Faectrical. J~esistivjty in i I . h Elementary Dislocation Oenem-tion, by E. D. !1 1, , . N. Rozhanskf~p Yxe V. Goriunov, SWiukin V RMSIM,, iper, Dok Ak Metuk MR. Vol CXV,, ric 61 11057, pp liOl-1103- Amer Inat of Phyi3 Sov Phye-"Doklud~(' Vol II, No 4 Phys MmY! 53 C13 Im the Absorption of 2,rB-Cu,, Co I%oaphor T, ,~citation, by V. V. Aritonov-Romanovskiy and 4 pp. F Shch~kin,,- MBSVX per D04 Mr. Hauk S&":)R,. Vol LXXI, No lqcO CIA/M4'X-1129 Sciantific - C"hemistry M~: 1D9A CT c0= ox:phology Am the Sy~~-t qlul its r'2~~UGDSIAPS With fnte~ E A l~ ill-till ill 09=r17, by X. G. Shch7al'ai Vest Ik.)Skov U, Scr 170 1, 1960p iT 15-22. Amer 60 -Frospetts of Dmx"stic Diecel I,::~c !Z. Michu U-nL-10 i)P fl,b,SSl'M,, perj, n2elezrodorcshnyY Tr=zPOrt; No 4,. pp 7-f-32. VERS 96% USSR ECOA 01,6 Aug 6j- Onqpue 6f Electric Conductivitri ja Abrupt Def ormations of 1&-jwAic Single Cr5mtAI3jq by V. N. RO-ZlIaMAZ7., YU- V ,%Iaryi~lwv- RVA Do Do SWI~Oq.n, YMBI-Mi thrice-ma per* Dok Al. Mult V-.SRjp Vol CVp 110 1 ConzultwMs B=eau Owics 50 19516 71 c2, T x.. Ro 59 '11111 P. 7 Stu ~dl. 10, no, 5-6, 1 fi7ulre, 51,0 words; 19)4 A Iii eiv Iftd.ex of the Physical and `.'echanical Properti!es of Blast Furnace Coke. Br-itcher Trans.- Order No. 111t, 1.00 (DC -4617) Fla~qt MeetitV off Worlterc. of the CzachoslovsUan Fivil industry,, by V. G. Zachkvarn, 3. S. G"Y4znovt P. A- Shchtulitto 7 PP. RUSBRN,, per,, Koks I Khlmiya., Do 12, 1958~, Yp 50-52. JM 63,63 Bean .Tom 61 Pe A. PIEWS xk"t L . V, Tungsten-G'r'~Lphite Thermocouple of New Design. ZAVODSKAYAI~IABORATORIYAP -~ol 1948,, No ,Ipp 32-3; 900 words* Bruicher No 2206S 3 b liuid L. v naLak 5-ssr., 1. -,49 4 rtU - A-zures, 96c) wol-~;s of TrifluenCe Cf Duni: -;-~e of 'Ic-ke its '.~o-ribustion. POI SHCHUKI~INI SHC~ Sffect,of,'~ Oxygen-enriched Blast up-on Temperature and z6 ~of omb -last Furnace). i.' ~Oke~b ustion Zone (in B S NVESTRIL AKADPEMII NAUK SSSRO Otd Tekh., 1950,, No 7*~ P"pI 1034~'-9j 290D words,, Brutcher~ N026090 $ TheiUse of the Coefficient of 0xidation of Iron in tiae Classification of Volcanic Rockz, by S. 1. Shchukix 8 RUSSU.sN. per Geokilimiya, No '01 1963, Serlpta Teciiuica Scl Apr 64 ;~~54)134 investlgwtion of Forces Acting on the Vartom parts of a Contll.~uous Steel-Casting Machine, by V. P. RUSSIAN.. rao per., Stall, Vol XVI'l, ric 4, moscow, 1957, .OP 320-322. Henry Prlitcher Trpsg Sci - Dugdneerlng 'f"3 - oo Jan 58 .I I II I , I Brittle, Fracture of Pure and Alloyed 'Pbnocrystsle o? I zinc, ~y L. A. Xochanova, 1. A, Andreyeva, E. D; pp. (0 RUSSL~q., per DA Alt Nauk SSSR, Vo-I -'XnU, 113 1-:6, ,pp 1,2, ti.-1307. 1959, 30 CB Sci Aug 60 okeistustOn of nest-lvwwfsr coemciwto 10 'a 14w"m 1~*= the qgqmwatwo Ustribution . I M. Cwt of the Tube Qms Swtion. by V. K~.~ RUSSIN 1 19649 pp 96-1050 Dept APL/JaU CLD-3 T-570 ion 60 (DC-3-;,26)- An Ev4leIIof ScientifIc Cooperation Betvaen the USO 1 07 t Pa Reptablic cf Cbirm, by P. A. D. SbabUkin, pp. RUSSI, ipiur,, Vent Ak Kauk W9F., No 19591 pp 60' 3. im 3D31' Sol -i Mae Mar . 61) Surrace Phw:~nla in the Deformation and Fracture I of )Wtals., by V.:1. LilLhtMo S. D. Shchuhin, 13 PP- RUSSIA3.9 par'l Uspekhi minii, Ito lo~ 1960; PP 12,60-IP84. Clzaver-Hume Pross ju 611 U041L 1 11 1 11 a &O"tancoa, by fw6balrui.1113 i oxiftti= of oranj I -I III He 1 1 '1. kin., I. A. Mmbuldna- jl~~ labrialo : ~ 1 Was, amemph. 268 B-755 &A P'? ~76 Jun 00 VOIL ms, iso 5 Ll yl! F ab TheHMechanism of the Furmation of 2-Phenyl-2- , ji ~ HY60XY-1,3-Indandione From DibrodDenzalphtha- lide) by L. A. ghgbuki=j 4 -Dp RUSSTANj, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXXI, No 1~6i, PP 3041-3045. CB Sci oct 62 214S608 Oxidative and Oxidat:Lve-Wdrol4tic Tvausf ormat Ions of~~Or G~nic,Xoleculea. XXVT. Preparation of Trii4tgoagrbocylic Acids Under the Conditions of the H06~~r R~action, by L. A. Shellukina, 8 PP. RUSSIAN.p per., Zhur Obahch Kh:bn,, Vol XXVI, v) 6, Jun 19561 pp 1703.-3.707. Conoultants Bureau Sai - Ch*mistry z Jxil ~ 57 Oxjda'jive'!snd Oxidative- Hy'drolytic Transformations Of ~~Orl~pnic MolecuIes. XXVIL Teutomeric Trans- H om6iion'sl and Propertiez:of' Hydroxy- and ~ Chi&~~66arboxy ic Acids., b3 L. A. Shchukinap ~i X,,,X. mll~*Akin,, i ppQ RUSSIIAN., per., Zhur Obahch Ehim,, jroi xxvi, no 6, 1 junI1956P pp 1708-1712. Consultants Bureau sail- Cbemistry Jul~57 Oxidati. e "and Oxidative -ffydrol~~tic Tranof ormations 1 11 '1 j. I of (Vganic Molecules. XXV. The Hydrolytic and Oxidative-,'':Kydrolytic Cleavage of 2Phenylo- and 2- B"~11'2'1-3.-4trocey-l..4-lisphthoqi.t:Lnoioaa,, by L. A. shczaina,l E. P. Semkin, 6 pp. RUSSIANS per, Zhur Obahch Kftim, Vol XXn, No 6, jun 1956,~pp 1695-1700. Consultants Bureau Sci Chemistry .5,e :al 57 Sariom,"'y'iD ~bd itc, PM10ge - I. Byi3thesis of Dihy#o~arkd~cycin and ita Antipcglep by M. 5h 11. i A. Sbchuklim,, H. I. Vinogr6davik, 14. N.~~iX6a R.-O - ~Vdo-vina., M,. G. Narapetyan,, V. Ya I radi el ". 1R 41, ' 0 G. A. Ravd , I.M. B. Shvetsov', E. M. ii.,! E. S. Chams g, K. DI.. ErmolayeV, I . 11 E, P. 6emkl~,, 6 -pp. RUSSIMIs, jxirj~.. Zbor Obahch Dim, 701 XXVII, No 3, 1 11 1957.t pp 742-748. Cous-Liltacrts Bureau Sci - Chem Aug 58 '1 q 6 SHCERIKINA k L, A,5 and STIEVIYAKIN, I-11. M. Oxidative 'and Oxidative -Hydrol-rtic 'rransfom, ations of Organic Moiecules V. Mec-i.mism of Oxidative- llydr8lytic Transfoniaticms of h-:.a;Dhtho- quinone 0,mide I- Vol XIX, No 17~- Zhur Obshch ibim, 160 Consultants Bureau Translation The, Strwtul-e of Aurecmycin and Terramyciri, by M. 9.1 Shearvakill, L. A. Shabukina, 6 ppp MUSIAIR.o ice-co-per., Dok Ak Nwal., &MR, Vol LCaIX I I It .500. No 3)i 3.95 Sci Tr Ctr RT-3824 Aug :? f7 . 41- %--.1 / / -, or mamoq=un (169voweetin). V. AQ).&fZa.VrqpUWftO'j Ulth Svbz' couvwxIon of the Rawnte Mato [I], b7 H. M. p li M6 Ims"j, Be VIDOCMdovap qm *it,%mvo3Ws U.,.A. ."' 11fevo V. N. Orditbovich, A. LPS. MX'ftlovo YU. D. mrvetsmp Oudi tr ~Wp OW Obabah Mdup Vol EMO lb US cu %2T&-c., rea 3- Consultante Burs= Sit Avg 56 OTS iCh"dAV7 Of CILIOrcUP'"Un Asse thq A Study of Syr&Awtio Methods sin of OpticatI3,T-Activa Arml go of (14"W"tW 0 by H. H. ObmWaldnp m -act N. I. Vlnogradmms H. 0. Karapetym, A. S. MmUlars It. B. Sbmtgovg L. A. pp IR Umma I Owl! Zhw Obahch Was Vol XMI, ito n. 1054-1866. Clk D 151246 Conmiltarts Bumau cieft Apr 55 ~.A., KONDRA=VA., A. P., SHEMIAKIN, M. Blab Olf Org Chem., Inst of Biol anci I-Iled Chem., Ac ~Sci USSR 6 xa, iti and Oxidative-Hydrolytic Transformations ofj~ r amj' Molecules. VI. Study of' the Mechanism 0 Hooker ReactIon 6f"1 U S 1 Obshl eh Khim, Vol XIX, No 3, 19h9 (Mar)., pp 419- Consult"ts Bureau Translation ~:of iboi Obebe co*il+Au+, *i,S#,&jXWMVU4 L As and Offlff"# of &.r ;v, and 0r19 Gbo% Inst 0~ Ned Cbm# 0,%lftUve-Jb*wl,,rU* Transformations *mUs. VIM l4drolytic TrundfOrma- avA AcetamiuftWws of the Tatrabydro- wlett* (*Paper IXjj on knhv3,vtic CleavaV Khja,, voi xix., No :30, :L949 (mar)t PP 447- Bunm Translat,:Lon SOCHUldliky A. 90k, , YU.i B. ATM, SMrYAKIN, m. m. OXIDAT WE AND QLIDATIVY"MDROLTIG TRANSFORMATIOM OF QiGANI'16~1110L&U=. Y.I. . THE IMIANISM OF THE S. 13. pa~65 RUSSIA i Zhiir Obvhch Rhim. Vol MCIj, No 2, Feb 1951 N :,Z!!!- I J ~4 Y) Consultants Bureau Translation vv Oid"t"I"-Hydrolytic Tsuncrarma- XXI. kvdr*3.ytte Cleavar-je Ot t4 -1jh-benzoqu1rxoao,, by L., A& 3-kdrbzy PP. Fou; t:~aU6 tion 11W, m6 per Vol JM11p FO kp ~Apr jZ2v PP 901-MBI -6 cowultants Bureau ac,16mtlfic~- Mumictry Dee 53 CTS T-I&DI"'Cir=tJOPIE Of Me Structure of oiaidca of um Irated Glom by I-I.M. SheiVWdn,, D.A, Bochvart, pow EM-d hclauldna; 3 Pii. ruil txumrsia~ion. RUSSI&Nr~ no per, Zhur Obshch klilm,, Vol A"'II,, TO 3v 1 WISRP ~bl;r 1952, PP 439-W. Conaullants P-ux,--eu Scientif Ic Cbenilstry 7 Dec 53 CM- The Chem-ist-Iry of Cblororqcetin (!A--vczWcatin) I . 11 V1. Sylit'hesis of New Optically Active Analogs 4 'kaor! catin (LevGrWcetJ'n), Icry Mi M. SheaVa- C 011W J. 19. Kolosov, 11. G. Karapet- Y F ano . M. Bamde6s, Yu. B. Shvetsov, E. 1. Vino- gradava, L. A. Shcdukina~ 6 rp. wo pery Zhur 0b5L)Ch KhiM, V01 XXVO No 6.p 1955.. PY 1199-1205- Sciantifla - ChemLstr7 Comultants Bureau 0 Oxidative-Hydrolytdc Transformations Xi 11 1 1 ' O-f Orgiinic ~'Dlecules. XIV. The E~ydrolytic Cleavage of 4-Naphthoquinone:.. by L. A. Shck# S.-Khokhlov and M. M. Shemyak-in 'A ppi EMSIAN,, m6~per, Zhur Obshch Khim., Vol XXI, No 5 USSR~ MaY 1.951 pp 908-917 Consultants Bureau, Vol 21 1951 IF. fto 2nmfavmatuw or %W L. A. fflohmUfto Aa:o a no K. ft"W01% 10 0 Vol XXX& lb 5 ;~maia&U Buisma, Val 21 1951 Cok dl x tl ftmmrom M Ow OXUL&'U r I jade Mgmubw o . ).6 C: TX I n, fbnlatlom of 2.3-dUqArmW- amd 1,,203,04-tetr S. I=uw L. A. ShchukUx and M. it: 1 : a Xmii x 106111*.zliur 2ftta wat Vol Xxis no i Omniatmts Swreau Vca 22 Jun 1951 m 1,,4 O~Iidatjqe aildi MidatIve OArolyt:Ec Tmnsformtloas oT Q1, IU~6' ixotkaled. M The Relationship Det-ween the ~ 0- I I ~ If &I De~si. M !-0 !,~atlon of CsvbocjqcI',Lc Compounds atd the I '' ility','af IhAr 2133,0,S to b6 CICNIVed k-OrOlytiCa3ayj, by: 1; Shonyakin,, Yu. B. Shvatnov.. RUSSMI.t' W. J.mw.. %bur Obobeh IgAzi* Vol Ma lio 9,1 Sepi 1951., r0l 1667-1677. Cowultarta Damau Vol XXIS r%0 9. Sep. 19~1 USSR Scieniii,ia -Cherdstry., molecules., czddntiva,' compounds On'the § of the Amino Acid Side Main and of the ~cyl ~Raacal on the Enzymtic Syntbwis of L-Ac~ 6 Pmicla by Acy3aase I. B. N. Oxekhovich, L. AQ' ffli6-6~ Chi Micmg-Wu,. V. B. Spirichev, 5 IV, MWIM, ~Per, Mokkim, Vca MEV, No 4, 1959, pp 067-6TI- CB Sci --~ - ~z-- OxiMtiye p: ftidative-lLydrolytic Trans'formations of Orsaz~kl via C'ulez. XY Synthesis Ema Properties off 0 0- SOW IQ, ftWes., by L. A. %cbukinalf E. I. Vin r1reatI M. 3L shmyakit. RMS10'r =J 2hur Mobcb Ithim., Vol M."Ir. Vo 9y e. ~3.v ~p'1661-3.667- Cy/,,f 0 Afo?9.3,9 Consulta-ato Bureau Vol XXI,, VO 9, Sep 1951 USSR L scientif ic Chenistry,, moleculesp o2:16ativep cnidec A NoIif t%thad for Synthesis of 0-Teptides, 'cq, 1, A, Shauldi-L6,31 S,, N. Kara-Murza, It. G. Vdo-Fina, 5 pp- RUSSUN,iper, Zhur Obsheb Khha, Vol XXX, No 4, 1960, pp :Lj~9_1142~ CB S-ai May 61 6 CO Thle-Ac7lation of Amino Acids and Paptides by 2-,.M~thyl~iyolopentarione~-3-carb3Y7liC Acid, by L. IL. Sh6hukina, R. 0. Wovini, Z. 1. Mfatveyeva, 4 PI). RUS'SIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Rhim, Vol XXX, Vo 4, 1969, Pp n35-1.138. CE 4/ KOMRATIE A. VA.. A. P.., md SH114YAKIN., M. Pf.Ij 1.a of Orgahic Chemistr~f of the Institute of ;Biolo ical CheMiStry, Lcad Med Sc-; USsR 9 and Medicinal 0xid,it-iV6~1d-nd Oxidative -Hydrolytic Transformebions IXI I i~ of ~3~ganic Molecules IV. Oxitative-Hylz-Aytic Trans- f or~m2a)tionsj~ of 2-Methyl-!,, 4 -Na:phthoqui none 0:~:i-le Zhur'!~ Obslic''h Khim, Vol XIX, 1110 1., 10'L!9 (Jan), 165- 173 Consultahts Bureau Translatior I "--haalsm of the oMti.-o(p*h"'eny.t)acetyl]Be=oic Migoria,, 1* IMMAN Tz Ak lbtd: SS02 Ij I p32CIrs, 19"gi pp cleavage of Pcid, by M. M. 1,. Shchukina, B. i?, Obdal Rhi fhulc, go it., CB The Reversibility of Acylase I Action. Emzymp-tic :11 0-1,ysis and Synthesis ol" L-Acetylalanine, jBi. Spirichev., Ch'i 06mg-wu, V. DI. OreXh~~-Objp__~-- A. Shchmkina, 1; rissiol Der Bidkhlm, Vol X.)r.Tll, No 6, 1958, Y 9 -.898 ConsulWta Bureau 6ci - Biol, Chem ~Jul 59 I I A Thlbory of Oxidative -Hy&rolytic Or~a~ic 216lecules, by N, M. Shemakyalclu L- A- sh ~~ PP RUSSIAN bimo per, Biokhim, Vol XXI', He 1, 2.- .P Jan 214-P-25- 1.957,.. r-P Camijultants Bureau Sci Chiumistry "tudiac inlithe Field of 2-(B-and v-PYrifti)- ;:-MIAZ~Iinesl. M. The Synthesis 'of 2-py~idyltblpz- Ainer~-. Tbeir I-Carboxylic Ani6s, and Tbei'r 2- etbyi Subs''tituents.. by A. Ban;mshek, M.I. -':~hchukina, per., Z7-1ur Obsbcb Khim, Vol X'YI, No 5 061, X)p 1h83 - 11,87 A c . Y-S s tudie's in the Phenoxazine Series. IV. Acyl D3rivPtip I r of Pheno-rpitns end I-Carbethnyy-3-mino h n-arine, C, . s. p -cina,, Teo Shchul od p ly 11 Zbur Obshch Khim, Vol YT'~ I, No pp 013 Fel Mar 62 ftqd~es in the Field of 2-(B- and Y-.Pr-iOvi) a thisviolin I:s. V. trnthesin n * P,-3t-rs of ?jfhI!-zoI.Y1-A - pliffl%,11- mid Pyric*71vcetic 4(!irlr,,, by A~ Tinn-Onek., M. 'I, Shchulcina., It p). RIISFII!I,p per,, Zhur OL-shab nii-., Vol T"T, "T', 5 1961, PP 108 - a49V CTI sci liar 2 nn d -py ,1, she WISSTAlls 1961, PO 501 Mar 62 tion in the Field of the 2-(P- snd -y --Pyrit blines. IL Synthesis or 2-(A-Alkyl-,y-PyrA~ 6linenj Their h-l'arboxylic Acids,, nnc; of (P,- idyl) -2 -thiazn1v 1.16"! -mthrne s by ~. Benr-- 5 it, :, M. IT. 'Shchukina., pp. m-rp Zhur fbshch YliLm. Vol 7711) lo 5. 3179 - 3182 GB Prodvodlte-lova, S PP plar, Zhur 'V*.hJT,,, , Vo I ','Yxl 11 pr, C D cd. W!", Syntbases anti Rearivzgemealus In the Thle-coUrn Yml S~Aetl. The Coada=tio= of MLI-oroscetaae vIth S~mwtxical Diaryl - and qrl,, Aouresms~ #vIyam.9 M. H. ShchutJjm, 7 w-. b 3yr Up RusswrI.;Kkq W= Obahch ICUlm., Tol XXX., No 7, 1960,, PP 232TI~233j- .!;-6p ~- CB ;5=a+ Bcd Aug, 61 Sy.jithesid jof DI& .1 Darivativois of . 1, 11, 1 UdAzolm ~by Erh-Chlacig Z&oO JK. W. Bhchalkim' !!,I . ? J3810, ,per., Zhur Obahch Khijn,, Vol XKIX, go Consultants Bureau A;v 160 some ~hthalazine Derivatives With Conjectured C hemo, er;~peutic Activity., by 9!. P. Syeheva, m. B. ' ~h " Whukliaa, 3 pp. RUM~UAN, per., Zhur Obshch MLLm, Vol Xxx, So 2, 1960, pp 6omu. Sai CB I,krj the PA 6M of 2-(-,, - and- -Pyri4yl) - Pbml _%rl 2- V4,.":l, and Pyrlj ==, by me N* n= Obahch Rblap Vol Malp Ho 11, OB oet 62 216m177 Ime Series. V* 2- cmd Otbor 2-&*stltated Phw=- AnS MMUM "1662, 10. S. PredvoUtelmy M. N. ababWdus? Iwo Up, j*rp Zhur Obahch Mdm# Vol =LUO 1-ft is PP: U3-116, CD Oct ~2 216jl5T Synthiesis ~of Mercapto Amino Coswaumis. IV. Synthecis I - of $-Vbr~~ptoethylamiw wd 1-Amino-2-Mercaptobutane, by ".U. V. HniWftj K. K. Nuz'iWLna., 14. 14. ShabxOd 4 MBSYM,, parj, 22mr Obahch XhIm,O Vol XM, Ito 3; 196o VY CB Sol Apr (A omft*Uao 2 ppo Iftr Mow* VbL =MV 61t Imidazole Series. M Reaction of Sulfuric Acid I , 1, Withi2 -i[~toalkyl(Aryl)-YAreaptoimidazoles,, by F., M.IKOC*rgin, M. N. Shabukina, 6 pp. MWI~N,, Ver., Zhur Obsbah Rhim, Vol XM,, no 6, jun ~956, pp 1723-1727. Consultatrtis Bureau Jul 57 SUbgltalncc~I~ C~*bla of Formlng Complexese 3-,mth6a:L6 6d StrUCtUre Of "CoaVlaxon -lVn-l,,2- Acidp by Toil Gs Yarjhunakiyp M. ff. Shaliukinas RUBSTARs Yorv Zhur Obahch ~Mimj, Vol )OCTLIU., No 1. 195Bi i pp 230-~233. Consults,its Bureau Sci Cbtm A s /~ ~z 14 I . 1, Som6 Derlvativts of 4.,41-Dtby~b%ztncdiptenyi . , I ~ 1 11 , 4-Hy&-azimPhOnA P-Acetamido-5- ThiWM,v2. ISUIrone, by T. V. GoVtinskaya, V. G. 1 11 1~ I' M. N. p 4 K=iAff, per, Zbw Obshch Xhim,, Vol )Wli[j, no '' ' 0 '' 1960-19&. 7s 1957 ConsulUnto bureau Sci Cbma Oct 58 7 The o''intbAiAs' of mareaptowuim CoMounds. ZU. sly . -iii6is Mgrc&pLoA.Amjw-Q-Mthylbutans and nv 11 t, -1 j, by Ylt. V. Varkovas L. N. 5.oA!41, Ir ~*rcspwwtaw WH Shel2ukima 5 PP- pir.4 Zbw CbSbch JOIJAP V01 XXVMA, NO Russw IPA Conwiltants Bur sci -CChem Sep.,5~ The~13~nth'6iia or 2.5 and 2,5'-DiPMUY1- by V. B. (;~~ I ~: , M. N -SbcbUklw,, 7 pp. ftussTiN, P~rj Mw Obshch Xhim, Vol =11, 'To 7olMTPI pp 1857-IW5* COUMItants &waau Be i - j Chem Oct 5p 7-Y I Z2, -5 d Its mema':,AD JI'lula", Capt ccz Yub', pp. Obahch KlAm'. Vol ';~-,KTII Tir 1957; Ptt*. sci - Aug~ 56 njstlg~a iowdin the imidazole Sertes. V1. The AcIttlion Bromo,6a',etaidebyde anA Its Derive-bives on Scm-- by P. 14. Kbehargin: H. ii. &bcbukina, PP WEAN., rIin pe Wir Obahch KtAm; 'Vol =, No 10p 19561~ pp 2905-2915. Consultants Bareau - e0, 58 athe s Pf lgli-'N-2-chlo hanothilmyl)-propionic rop id 339 b~71vativeq and Darivatllvzc of iaz .1 i ~c Acid., by H. V. Savitskaya,. Yu. 6. Tairin, Ylpi-6 o I Pl. L~:. Shc~~akirru~ 6 SSVVT pei'.~ Zhurm U013hch Khim, Vcl. TLXVI.., Eo 10, t 19560.- ~pp 2~00-2904- Cop M-1-tiant"I P,~.v~rI2 'enyi heriv~uvem of Natural Amino Acids and Their C%im-a, DI. P. Ghcbjj~~ 10 pp, Obf3b-.h MArm) Vol 'K.,THlo 10, 1956.., 13i,;,-572'%! 6 Cormultanta Bureau r 58 lo_qtiga~lcn In the SaTlas of zl-wwtite,.,~ azolep.~ jYj 65mtbpala of Dgirivatlvw af: Acids# by Jmo tZil-Ch Mg., 5 pp. ;=,c porp M= Obahch M4m.9 Vol no jp-, IV 3971-3 CB ln,-Im,stiga,~iou of the PhenoxaEine Sarios. il. i`r6- loax-&.~ion ~f Saveral Derivatives of' SuoGtitutea ?neno- XELz Aoidj, by G. S. Rredvoditeleva, "'Aa~, I Shohukina3 4 pp. RUS's,IAN., ppr,,, Zhur Obahch Khim, Vol )=., No 6. pp 1,893-1897. CB Sci Aug ~61 Itiftiole Series. M, Actico, of o0hlo Ketwas on 1; 1: 11 ~ 2-mf6r*ptwd&molaa; by P. K. KwhargL5 0*- X. i.1,3116 Alm, 8 ppe FUU tr RUSS ii6 pwt Ebw Obahch Mdm,, Vol XXVI No 2 1956,~ vp 4-5646-5. CIA 9WM72 C, Real No ct"noultaute awnu y 41, 7d Dee !;,6 C" mYesti&tical r1. 8 , t.hes ludazbxe., pp. la N-Bubstituted IDdazole 81griev. Of M N-Thiocarbawyl Derivatives J&Q Mrh-ch'aQ9j, M. ff. SbcbnkiDa,, ~USBIM ibmr 19590, PO 3724M~799 CB Pei Nov 60 1 Obsbeh Khtm Vol XXXX No U Inyvetig. M. K. X9599 Sci Nov 6o la N-Substituted Iz4azole Bories. of Acyliodazoles, by iao Erh-chlaug,,, Obahch Kbim, Vol XXIX, No 110 CB Y : : I J~ 11 ~ Mercaptio AnaXbgs of 14sine and Bove of Their' iwivativem. I. Syathesig of E -mercepto- CC -eminmaprpic Acid and its S.-Alkyl and N-Sulfwyl D~rl:mtlvvs., by Yasn Ckwzi-e,, M. N. Ipp. RUSS.I*v~ Peri~ Zluw Obshch Khl , VOI MMII, No 3j, 1 3,957v 821t ~830 scl - cliem Aug 58 Conoultants Bureau y Ehaluctuiees of Pyrazine b�~ tha ~6ndiEfktlou ut h Mal'thylglyoxal, by Wit -7 6 rspo Derivativuz Obtained D:Lauicle -An. ". "rtirislr4jyu 0 LIMSLUI.p mo perj, Mur Obahch Mim., Vol =V$ kol 13P 1955, r ,J Yr Centar RT-3939 Au'U 19,56 tizati6ns of the Imidazole Series. 1.4(5)- L4nide'-'Azolyl-2-YiereaptarL.-. and aalfides., 59 by 11 1 - M. I~che;- ,gin, M. N. shchuuml ............... Fun tr RUSSIAN .p no,per; Zhur Obshch Vol XXV., No 1955, Fp 2,194-- CIA 542766-C, reel 3. Consultants Bureau 3aiimtific - Cheraiatry AUG 56 i CTS Synthesis of and Cam-pomr]-sl by Yu. V. Iftrkovsp K- K.t Kur=inxi rand 3 y,,-. -T per,, Zbux Obshch Knim, Vol No p-p L274T lXI'5- con-aultantn Ruxesu sci - ("hem Seap 58 elAw of -11raino ~Cid, and Related Compc,.,tnd-,; K, K, 10im-u3nin =d li~ N. X;,c TAIN, pf-~v, Zhur Wbslhc~h "c2l M S . Illo 59 3-957, :-P 1270-128-1, co,timaltrints Bureell Sci . Cbem -n 5R AWL Pau b3o Immuh va xMio go vu vml A-A sure= 711-3 ~ j, I .1 ' Derivistives I N t , I jjcKr DWI= CmAx=yUa AnlAs,, by T. V. Gortinsuava Oviixym, M. N. Shebuldnal RUSS=# md pWs a2 iCbim Vol XXV, lio 12 105 pp 21" 14 .4 13-2 CTA rea Cbnmatwts Burmu ,hue 5L, ~pr LTInt PT,13 of C;r~Gho- and ShebulliM, G- by 1-1- Ila voi v porp D&-, w L44 oirtca 230-234. o o 2; 1956Y P? -- C tp 11 :Sone Pyrldazine Derivati-moo by T. V. oo~~, M. N . Shchu)dna., 3 pp - 11 RUSSIM ner,, Zhur ObshcJ2 Khim, Vol XXX, 9 - No 5 2 i~6v PP 1518-1519. CB ,~/ c K " 6 ", 9 Sel Aug 63- 12be Diirivatt"s of 8-Hydroxyquiucline and'Tbeir Autlbikqtd"I~Actlon- 11. Tbe-N-Cmides of 8-Hydroxy- tumaiia''O. iia~ Its EtMria, by ILM, Sbehutina and di!Atiiii I -dip. 4 R=lq,,mo j*r, Zbur X Obehch Mdm, Val Mal, No 7., fti 19 jn~ ink-im. cowcatints Bu"au 86101itific-.'i Cbtmistrv Feb 54 CTS ? Timd Ph-M ear, ~i6.,tions in the Wda=ae Seriec. 11. 4(5)- LirddU*IVI-2-AllQrl(Ary3.)5vlf ones and daeop by P. W. KbcheTgln.0 M. H. Sbehukina, no per.. M= Obsbah M)Jm Vol XXV,, 651 pp 2318-2323. CTA ?tZFM-C, 10 chmistry A 56 7 1 Z, cmdqatants Baremu a Phraioloala&L'14t AQ-tive 035 - Wbalcd Cwomidb~', by Tuo V. Mrkomp A.. M. ftsbarabayn.;, F. M-wkM; 'N. A. H 0- Ir4 nm ppa Vol Dolk. Ah gaul: 1953.. ~956 AEC IT 2537 7; df']~. ISUMU13=44a Darivativeo of ii%o Itlorva~ CPeaip bY Man Cben-aiMM M. H. She mo per, Zhur Obabah XhIp., Vol XXV,, No 200 1955o Yp 19U-1976. CYA %M5-Cs reml 3 corsultanto Bwcau f3client.ifta - Chemistry S7 S~jitheoisl of loonicatinic Hydmzide Dorivativdii, by I I . 11 14.! N. Slm.7,'huldma; R. D.-Sazonoim, 4 T)p. UM,UXSrMD. XII RUP~ 1~por,, Zhur Obshch Mttm,, Vol L I, i7o 41 April lq~~-3; pp 667-689. Ocnaultants Bureau Tr Sell ontiMe - Chemistry N J1 *, N ~ 131 ar o,~nd Rc 0 in th~ Thlazc". ---r=p"(emcnt Serieaj. by M.Amw6eva.. M.. '.J. Shchj)d-nc;, 1~ ppl~I !,LLZrjji~s-y pipr.~ Dok Akk Raul: SSSIR.;r Vol cy'--xvi, ilm 6 1959~ 1y., Jua 6~ C,-,= U't.=ts Buzcza; es of arivativen of FtLenothiaztae-l- ov~ Acids by N. V. Savitakaya pp* t lation per,, Zh= Cbsbch Rhis Vol MVP 50 l.- 1gi .16'. M D 15U05 Consultants Bweau CT13 66/Mar 55 02 Tlae alls. of Cartaiu p-Alkylisulf onylbenzaldebydes., To P. sychavap 4 pp, UIMMSIFIM RUSS r. Zhur Obshch Xblxis, 110 9., 1952j, Conwatants Bureau ",;alontj Pic Cbemistry 7 CTsitEx S ds Pull tw 1954j". ScieW Sulfanilamide Derivatives in the L7oine W. Shchukinn it Yimn-Chon-ev 6 pp. per. Zhu OMM-Y-MI., Vol XXIV., No 49 r-6910 CLk D 151347 Conmatants Bureau Chemistry *uthes la in US 4-AMUMftPbeUwldebyde 6erlea,, b Go U. Borodlin,, E. D. ftzonova.. rem Mw Obshch Mia, xo 9, 1952, pp Conoultan"O.3 Bureau Scientific ~.J Cammistry T~' hesim and Structure of Some Derivatives oilcoi6~ictnp., by M. N. Shebakins, 0. M. Borodina, R~A SIAN per, Zhur Obchch Xhim, Vol XXX,. No 4, vsd~, o A 1951,9 PP 735-T40- Pr Consultants Bamau scipmtir~ic - Chemiatry W.6 OtAlindils cif ~ cpAlc 111IMBIt"., Apr I W1. fAud Strwture of 66= Derimtivus hic, b7 M. X. -Shchiikirux,, 0. N. Plorodtria, 13 Inlmrj, mo ~perj, Zhur Obahcb.nimo Vol Mat Yo 40 I.T ip 73 5 - 740 Consultants Bureau Sciemil Cheraictry