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!~,Iwm 'O."a as k47-tavl of livarpnio Atomal G a at %at-tare o:r Vie j~Solld Phase -wbien Aqu(Boug S61ut- ons of Trisodium Orthoyhoapi-into A , 1 1, 11 i HI& orl , ea, by P. 1. Rovich, L. 0. Ruw3M.? pery IzNrest Sektorn riz-xttim i=t Obobdid If NOra Dim) AkAd NnuIc &SSjR, Vol UVI., 1955, M 258 ATs Rj-j.689 Sci - Chem Jul 59 ZC3* by TI., Oarsblirk, Ym 1. Shcherbakma, 3 pp. RUSSTANI, pt.Tr,; MOIJAm; voi xxv., ,;o pp 684- 687. CB sai mV, 6 The M9, .1113M ar VxI Wf ect of n-Acninosalf. on by Xs. 1. gheboxbkkova., i Tolmaika:L.~ -vai xxi, xo 6, :L958~, pp FIB oat (Try-6522) &xpeezimntal Vitamin F, Def iciency as a I~Wei 6f J-rO''M'ssjw IijascW= Dgstrop-hy In Mun, I 'by St2h~~.~vbnkcr%~%L~ 13 pp- .rosalm, pcr,, AekbIv Fatolog, Vol XXIIII. NO 3-961P PP 15-23- J-PIS 9701 Aug 61. 1~ The Study Of Minerals By Parama,,;,,,E , -~ . R-,,3-- ~: - :- :~ ;.' , by 11. Ya. Shcherbakova, L. G. RUSSIAN, per, (jeojo~jya i Gepfiz-):a (USSR). ~ ., -, - - SIA '1T-65-14343 - r RI . ~i CA I -; kc I - , , , - Le Com"It1cm of lmd In the Dnestr 0' ~~ty A. I. TUPrInW. R. N. ftebatakimm, i pwit oeoubiao no k, 1960 GO S~l I i ells Au UM is . 1 714,666 11: CQUOrOW IWW L.), by T per,, kogXAM aktA ~o I, 193~ pp 93-102. 4. TT 6--,-Mws ml n' oing, by T. V. "-Jllic'.o DaLc~v escence lJog" I j1,j-jlr-la(iiaya G e c, Lit, Con~;recE~ S i Sep U. CIA L'ib 111c ILN :261,~! ds of Bore -Hale Inv~j o'-- 21 PIUSSIJLII, bIr, Prikladnaya Gaofi -_ L~ia, I pp Lib Coia~;resss Ca; Sci Sun 6,2 X CIA Lib Eo TIA 26-4 EffecIt~of SuIlphur on an Iron Electrode In iUkaline solutiaIil. bS, A, Rozentsveig, !~., ~VS~'r~balwva, RLWIAU, por, Zhur Fiz Mim. k,',o 1.1, 1961, pp 2547- 25-532. Cleaver-flume Press Sci Aug 62 213,695 Zad ~ =Oct of alycocol on tlua Surviva of R& Jacod =d PaoLmad B-4, U2'-, 'L)Y :4r. ~ I I 13W*W=T.l V. A. Me rhatoltqlu,, R. If. Larionc 14~ ~ A. a. vs Ito B.. 1060.t im- 43-52. FE fti n oct 6o Ye. F. -Poilliil,ts3m-, A. I. Trubatsimy, M. 7--n. I I/ S hche rb ekove 5 pp. RUSSW~ por Prfoci7 i Tckhnika ralzNi-lonant-a, Ilin 2, 1959; p-' 81,, .p 82. USAOSIA SC-59v./cq Sci - Electronics Apr 60 Blciod Circulation and Its Clinical and -146e, by S'3. S. Rryu~shonerlko, T. T. a. 1S. A. Perestoronin, Rp. A i CTTi-, ndl- Pr tm-cn, t:.-I 11C ow 6o-2ii6g PL-48o v 61 rmc-.w or! C, Frcr, Arilde-- L*. r- 1Z- I and LiVer Rol.;zo&eltal t:,~; Iii-clev Rals d~ Z. (S. ancl V. 1, Pp vo~ RUSSVM# 'Itul"Mni) ljv~ P P sci lljonph6lo~7,-a.l Cliatmess in the M! c Radiation Siclo-less Induced ()a 7 C~ bv r~,. ~T. Iachex~'oanl, -.. A. RUISS112-1, per, Ti-t:cll,- Vses Konfer Nief--, Mu,Per 1*le(:. Rad-Jol, Moscow, ~:Ir, T r Oct Morphological Changtts In "idneys Duviiw .,~cuLk.7 ~iftcl-ifi- .0vao ShcherbEkn' ROLSIldi, mc; per, Jkrkij eatol, Vo.L sor, 1967, pp 1 Sci - A!~dicilla? radiation uicknesB J62; S-8 F o,jhder~!Iof 14icroclioatology, bY H. 1. Shchorban'. (DC~~1~259')'!, 2 pp. lzw8im",~)iPer, Mot i Gid No 7, 1902, pl) 00, 61. ~j P- Z-1 DC - 8 2 5 9 bci - Gklihys 28 a0v 2 218.319 W- b tion Of Active HArcxr-,-n With GriCaard'o ut an Atmospbere of Curbon Diny-id e, by T~*hllulev# X. D. ShcherluLL-ovas Zhur Cfbshch 11 2. I,., Vol. Us 19115, .rEC T-- 1574 MUY 5 3 CM On -,;~e Problem of thr- Fjolian l9wlicf in Ula, Lowland, by Yu. A. GhcL:,-,c3~bakjv, 5 pp. Geagmf Uosiwhj Vol XCII. bio lp 1.96(ji, pp 78-A0- (Call. No 01 .11 98) 1�19 Tr) A Wl 3 USSR. Geo &N 6o i PariLg6neseis and Ionic Densities I Dep6s'itS ~6y Yu. G. Shcherbakov, Y RUSSIAN., per, Geokhimiya., No 71, of Elements in Ore 8 pp. 1963. Scripta Technica Sci Apr 64 253, 604 Ik'DC-1058) Th6 Difftelon Hygrometer,, by L. F. Shcherbakova,, 7 PIP. mo per, Met i Gid, No 6, Leningrad, ja6 i9517P pp 49-52. us im/rc-L-899 13C."A - Geophysics , k V -1. -,U*icw on the Synthesis of 1-n R~b ld..mr Slicesp by G. H. Farnhl-a, L. cr - -,:CI) V- nea. alip, 4,4-~Pj?. imp3r Bial. i E-nal. pqr" Ho 9~ 1957, PP 70-73- all. 58 .h I as~ 1!4 tho Antlbfttorbd AaUm of mmr~c~z * c1. 3 Parddas L. I. Sbdherbskovap 6; MAil0s: j*r,. ftzmiwl L Tdimfkelp VU VIO No 2# IV Sol Ned Feb Bliit heuld in the Field Of C-C-Derivativee of Cal-bo- *driatea~j by Yu.. A. ZhMmov, 1--. 1. Shcherbakova -,&>.A I R.Ilv~~ pp. nil, tr I ; RU:361"IjZW thrice-mo, per; Ook Ah Hauk SSBR,, Vol Consultants Bareau Sel' Chirmistry Dtc:~ -56 l4",Qtf4SWtIGQ Of MWO1009 PP4dU'-V6 bY C0,9MIG PMPM*tl*na CMUTSO by 13. 1. 0 FTUSSXA~.p prp Dak Ak lauh. 6c.;=o Vol Ut 19489 DBAR Maddna lAbraW Tjnlt M. ).7,6 '(`Uj2lC9 -I' FiSGiOnB AGGOCi8ted iiith, iiluuvv UnbtubIc-- Flartial0a.. by 1. M. Grp=nll.3hi'l Zam- ~hv,lovaj~p 14. X. PodgoretshiY,. Tretit~lkova. Dk-i H. 3 pp .RUSISIAIQI; btmo per, Zhur Sksper i Teorat Fizj voli xxvaxl;~ may 1955j pp 616-617- CIA C IQ837 American Inst of' Physics 57 East 55 St. New York 22, N. Y. S-cientlf 1e - Physlcrz On the Pom of the Impulae in the Ionization C146b er*i by A. I. Petrukhiu, 14. 1. ~66 ~ N. D. Padorov', L. N. Shtarkov., kiy )i. IN. q6herbskova, 6 pp. P,U-oSW,,I thrice-mo per., Dok Ak SSS--R I - =1 Vol U131j, no 4j, 1949.- iT~ -539-541. Air Res and Dev C =-=1 3cl eeUftc - phPIC0 cTs /DE7. Resolvftug P6,srer Calmdation and Clycle Choice Threal-Gel-1. Itadlofre(pca-y shcher Vs, 6 ppa MJSGTA~r mo per, Zhur %.Lkh Fiz, Vol =11, No 1957; TT 59',,.6oc Veb 1958 for a by NI 3; Arder inst of F-b". Sov Phyn, 11~---ch Fhays Vol II, No R-adjoficqueacy Mass-ppectrometer, by E. F. Doil Initayn A. 1. +r~bctskoy., M. Ya. Shcharbakovs, 5 PP. IWSSTAUp mo, per., Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol MII~ No 2, 19571 :6 404-409. Amier lust of Phys Ekiv Phyaj, Tech Phys VC11 II, No 2 Jan 58 Cn: tbf~ Role of hIctcrnnI Strenc *.n cScftr-u:.:1,-, D=Ilig Flap 'tic Deeformtioap by M B. bhlkogon, V. E. ~Pani4,, V. F. Sukhovarov, I.- P. Abr&-mts ii A. Dt korotoev, H. A. Shcherbakova, 4 pp. RUSSM, per., Dok Ak Hauk SM, Vol CXXIT, No 2 219 -221 Amer Inat of PhyB Sov 13bys - Doklady Vol 111, so 5 Jul 59 p,1. Eff6ctl of SurTace-Active Agant.-i on Cao Shear Strength and Tbixot ropy of Alutablum Hydroxide Pastes in VaseAine dWP-hite oil) A. A., Trapemikov , R, N. Shcher'baka'w1a, pp. 7 RM$IAN, -pDr. Filloidnyl Zhur, Vol XXTV, No 5. 962, 1 pp. ~~-631 GB Sci 0 J U-n a D xib, of a U re Wide Fraction (12C.-h-C.,c' C) Yuimyn Crudj by I. It. Gurevicb ~.q , V. Chzhen-Yan, Shcheftako-~-A., 9 pp. RUSSLQT~ Mitm i Tekhnol Topliva :1 Itzsel, No 6, pp 56--83 - Assoc Tecb Serv-43jl8R Sci Apr 59 Thel Therm,''l and ftmrzt Thermohydroly'Lic De-componiti 1 11 !1, ~ 11 i .of penulose Acetate and Film Yjade Thereof by IK''Tr6im'an Ai. and V. A. Shcherbskova 8 pp Prik Rhim RP Usm Sci~ptifld: Glemistry Vol XCIV, No 7v JU1Y 1951; Consultants Bureau Vol 24, July 1951 O:r~ i aunk, M! Yee! USE* imme 5v Baste= Siberia, by 3A pp. POOT EDIM Mlwt Wo So 59 Vostocbnm~% Sibirl; 9695361 PM-M-63-338 GCYV#T USE ,SOL )6wwl-sa wv 269*447 Oil- only A Summary f the Activities of' ti-.e -JI,..,a--niaii Acade~Iny of Sciences Dur-in-g --,9c )C,, by -*,. Shche-ban, UKMAINIAII~ np, Pravda Ukrainy, Co- 3--(-), -~j Ap~- 19,, p 3. *ATIC 9 jual 01-1 CI-10 Stx'enb-thon per" P p NCH-200 666 Field 13L Shoberban.~ N,.. Fur~~a~. N.1,; Tarasev'.ch. V. N.; Natanzop, Ta~ V.; Erenburg, 1. 1. TEMPERATURE~SENSIth'E ASSEMBLIES USED IN THE SINGLtlCi.iA~IBEk.'TiiERNTOCATALYTIC SENSWG DEVICE OF THEAUTOMATIC METHA A- ETERS IM-2',1 IM-3. Mf~I, IM-311 and A',%IT-2 (Terrn6preobr&zu.yshvhIe,Gruppy Odnokamernogo Terrnokmlt~116heikogo Dtti6htka &akhtnykh Avto- BI-3, INIT-1, IM-3m. AW-.'21.1'~Tr. bylL.1 Meyer. Doc 64, 9p, 3refs. froin ALLI of Ugol Ukrainy ~ (VSSR) v7 M p20-2 1963. 1, Salet), In Mines Re.,earch Establishment, Buxt,n (England) (SY-1357) ~~Iolttation of Coa2 Depos"-ts in. BtLGarian People's ~ejub~lc, by A. 17. Shaherban' lzn P.P BULGAMN, PauThlet, 1959. irw 4"1,6o Z~dr -- Buisarla soon 0, Jul 61. i 1.:r~,~31isvidtter of a Ilrequo-11c)' Tele- cri for Small Voltalic Signals, by 0. at%. Ilt. A. I...apLan. 5 pi,' WMIAN atil- :-o 6 lm por, Aftom, an U 1 2 4 IM15 11) 40-44. 9697183 Jul. (is 2 Ge"4 17 106rbm A.Studylof; in Peculiarltioa of the VAtabolic OTMOG ~be Org=6 of Nice Affeeted wIth Fmc T=rm DI as* by Now of tW MatoauWradlographic Matbod Z. Shob*rbant, S. it. wzzoylovs, 6 pp. RMSui,q par, Voprosy Onkologap Voi vo uo 6s. pp 68i-'686. Fargamin Press Apr 6o (my - 37 31 Plemm of U6 AU-Untm Cc=lttee on the Stu4 of I 1 11 11heumat,ism and Diseases of the Joints at 'the PreBid.iliM of the Ac~Aejay of Medical ScienceB USSRY by B. IbI Shcherbatenbo, 5 pp. RVSSIAN~ perj KazanWy Med Zbw, Vol XL, No 1959,17~ 104406o JRP.B 28o4 Bei - Red jun 6o Methode St&tistique Pour la Detennination de la I Regularite Relative de la Porosite Dans les i Matlieres brausesj by V. V. Shcatierbatenk L. R. Mikulinskaya, & p. RUSSIAN to ITRICH, per, Zavod Labor, Vol XiIII, 11o 2, pp 216-217. Sci Mar 66 Vol R, No 12 Altai-atioi2, of the Stme-tural Ex-operties of Some 11 ij 11 aoj2oidaL~Poraas Mteri6ls During Drying, by V. N. Shcherbateako, V. V. Smimoval 6 pp. RWBIANj, ~Jmo Pi1j, Kolloid Mar, Vol W.111, IqG 5.; Sep/(~t 1956, P-1~15-62o. conmiltants Bax-eau Sci i Chendstx7 Sep 57 of Ei7rthroc,.-tes c), of Silicates and ~miil no Ici ro' TIN, 1) er, T2- C--Q 11u; e 2"Icu,:!r Oct.. ~Vlabillty and ResiBUmae of a Dried Virus of inf6'time zwelta3rmiyeUtls of Horses to Same!Phyaleal Factors., by-P. Ya. Shcherbatykhq B. V. Sidoreako. IMR mo per,, Vetewinarlyaj, Vol XXXIII., No 11., NOWIi956., VP 39-42. CIA '9004399 USDA 15ci - Medicine,, veteirinw7 diseases Apr 19w CTS /dex 7, .451" ko~ Cub,% jai COIL* zn 6G Determi-natibn of Diffusion Coefficienta in Poly Cr7stais Aveording to Concentration Cw-vav, by V. T, BarLso v, V. M. Golikovj, 0. V. Slicharbedinakiy, 3 pp. RUSSUN, pmr, Zavod LaLb, Vol Wr, No 9, 1959, pp 107G 1071.! Instru Soo of kner Aug (YD, ~ : , ~~ LU V~ ln~,A&nce of the Effect of m Phase I ; 11: Ohmnge~lon Diffusion,, by V. T, Borisov., V., 14. d'olikov, 0. V. Sbcheebedinskiy, 4 ~ pp. BUSS=j, por,, Dok Al: Iftuk SSISR, Vol C)tY-V, La 1.959; pp 786-789. Amer lust of Pby* Sov lbyo - Doklady Vol IVP go P. t:~'l 61 1 4 .Slactrii cal the Sldn lr~ L, A. isayalWan, E A A. G. Slbche-wbim: pp. RUSl3SVQlj Fimiol Zhur SS&R im--ni Vol Y.LVjp. K'o l1,. 1959., pp 1388-1-3~-)I- I AN odl of Heat Rawval frcai Semiconductor 1 11 Rthfiriprating Devlices, by S. A. Kolenko, A. G. Shc~xerbi!6a, V. G- Yur'Yev., 3 PP- RUSSIM., per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol =11, No 11, 195p, pp. 2543-2545. Amer InBI; or Fh)B Sov Pbp - Tech Pbys voi in, so a J'aq 59 qd 1174 cations in the Deslfp of a Large- ~~% Fumwe, by V. El. Bratbn4k, A. 3 MSUNP fttmnurg., 50 7.v 1959: PP 7-9- Aeft Ifttalba-gica mar 61 Tiac U Ch a ract-or-i Dcfo~ctip by E. A. Shcherb-in-an2 RUSSVI~',, pti!:c, Zhur I P,,vlova, Vol X, ,L-.o U', i;F Sci am, W-111"h1i ............. 11*lil"illh"ii&,A-l'il'A,",*..... Ii i I II .11 .i I i i 1.0h ii ~a ~. vaum R"Mm for an loeticu of mul i II 10. ly. ambumms 4 w. ,# D* Ah Na* SMs, Val Cll,* ig6ls I Icaidbatq~hs surftce Derects it, Plateig, by A, B. Baby, .6t. It. M" clmrbluao 3 PP. L., ....... - per, Hatallurg, No 9, '1957, pp 21-23. Consultantv Ektrewn Sci - mia/rmt Oat 58 71, s-o,7 Increasibg tbA! Proauctivity of a Eheat Millt by I I 1 11 A. A. Wedavv G. Z. Shchaebina., pp. R METAR, per, Meta.Uurg,, No 62 igr -24 17., PP 23 Conav-11tantti Bureau Sol - Engr Ang 58 , A4 ~wv! the Digp"ibilitq of Artificial id Fish by Using em Inert Substance, heii)lns, 10 pp V~W-L p LVWIONII~A~lp ft~) ~~ PP usa~ S~i -11B/M 4r! 65 Vol 4, uO 4 2T(.,642 lk M IWO ON loca, sci 6" Radlo~ 7.-- St 2o8,102 ~~UODUM4 NOV" or Ube QMatitativ-0 ~i~of rich - lumbftm % mdfra" Formution6, 1,2454A, 1961s pp 76-78- VDAura service Plsherfto 3260664 T' t) Lit~,-rtvtulre aad the flamonal jp-~ or t.,ne Indi-vidual Personulit~, by 2.7 A RUSSIAll, per,, Kom~~. ict, No 12,. JIIPI'~ Us,s- soc ozt-- 6-,- T.'~.-I-rp Cj, jorl f)-c' ',1!7, Oil 3 YT 1. 4 1. ~etajjjC jjjC'j Mou'Ming b,),, V, A S'r, Por, Lit -Proi?;, C4o 12, k1l, Sul Ensr Dec m4',thmp and Cycles of of Vma! Salt 5-eries of the V. W. Shcherbina; 3 PP. XAH,, per, Dok Ak Rauh Erjf-;R, 7,03. 398-J'01, 11-ci n 6,L C,=T. wa 2, los 16thodes de Rechercbes Geodhirclques a Etranp by V. V, Shcherbim, 9 pp. PREMIR, per) Yomoires de la Scniete Mineralogique I't&dS, iT~l LXaVI, So 2, pp e~4-3W. Library of oeological Survo;, of Canaft My 61 /ST) W, 29050), Proliuml,iof ombesiAtry at tbe Gemva ComVerences, I ; . I I by V bim IV. -yr Vert ON* no 1.1 Moscow, IMP, Tvilues u9. CIA/m U-9m. ftt~ stry. NCT *%/bn i the Chemistry of Scar-dium iu clie Fav' , by V. T. Shcherbrina, 10 p~p, IWTAH liper, Uapekhi aim, Vol TX, 1933 193T, '15. CIA/lrDD/1-917 Scientific - Chemistry Jun ~ 53 013-11M U;!!'eCul 0 CG"ions in n .1 I-W* vi--V4 -Iod by -tic Zhur Aball Book. A ea.., The Fedorov :~esnioli (in CrYFt'--l' V. V. Ohc1lerbliav., RUSSLIN, per, Gc-t 6:L FUMMAN ipatl= of Potaosluza and Sodlum., by 9 pp. 9bB 'Xzchmic~-7- OcauxTence of Elements as Milowider, and Fluorides I I I J; Periodic Table., by V. V. Shcherbina, 5 -pp. RUSSU ) per, GeoldAmiya) 1,10 Op 196- Scripta Tec-mica Sci ii.pr 64 254'12~' A ivy mW tl:~O !Anal,: I al: Lft id, by 70 i Riddles af tbo Mocn,,I~y 1. Shc bar bina-S=c~elove.. RUSSUV c) ., np., Trud,, No 21', 19595 4j;,p 966-0. , ATIC HOM 408/3. Sal - Qp~ Res ,Tmi 61 11-,5-~l (--, , . 0 , X's/ / Siodium Lirjitr, I i Spectrim of Solar Center and Border., by T.-~ S. She lier, b ine -Samoylova., 23 PP- RUSSIAH~ Oer.? Astron Zhur, Vol XXX, lio 41 1953) p p C'7 ~-,? ;--.? ATIC F-TS-5763/V Sci - iustron Max 5~ Y,2, 'n'- S2- 263Qf, B * ~Y $ L f ~ N DE A ]SION GI NI RAI-1- I 0 JIEV - K- UK I O i i orost- zatsh i S E. CHAUD rcan I E DI ERE ( nogn Kaofta 1'nozo'[~Lnionta Kotia) (Acceferated , 11. M. Centre nfl Ac h F,,chcr- General It& sion 0 isation of Boilers). I I P. :Tan lark (,N,,$-X',,,, .7. (for ' I text in lid, ~:I, Order fr-fi, I )TS E-'t,C or CNRS SI .05 -1-T-62-26396 !i- inIF nch of ki ktricheskie Stantsii (USSR) Trans . 1049, v.-L, 0. '. P1,9-8. DESCRITII'OR,S: *11cifl,ers, Cleaning. (Engineering-I-NfccNanical, TT, v. 11, no. 0) Off". .0 1-h-.1 S.-- A r,4r e ~-'a b. of lmelld Locali-.Atdort in. a b7 1 0 V. :~ bobartdi-In 0 auaimu" 11 F, ~p kya" '01 5ad flarazit -Z on Lmn) dally Fob 6,~! J, A Self-Excitation Rotary Electroatatic OF.Merator with krudline&dutput Voltage Polarity, by A- F, "anov,, V ~ Shch''arbinin, 7.3pp- 1 RMSIAN,, Per,, Pribory pp i Tekh Elcapeer, No 1, 1961, ISA sci Mar on ~Ie Effect of a Tmnsverse Magnetic Field on of Plate, jby A. 'rsJnober, E . Sbcherbirdn, 7 ppi RUEZIN. per. 1z a Nailk y1yokoy SsR, No 6. 1963, pp 9695843 FTI:~ITT-64-W$ Sd ~ )Pbys Feb 274,079 The A."bmoUo Mothod of thei QuanUtative Fl* Ambws lu Difrom Fwmtimsv Iowa _RW~ vols 16-17o 15 (IM9) IP,ob:68 am of the Transformaliono of Tertiary 416,61 ljtbe'~ Oyclopropane Se:rieo Under the posl.~,; jdiiisa w2d OrjauZ3 Aoids. IV. Th6~ ftaotl6h of i DI** tlWlqrolopl4WIo"binol '~'6 Acid and of )btWpbsuylqy~clopropyl- Formic AoJUlp bor T. A. V. sbobeftnompig 14 pp. RM Pat Zhur Obshch Wnt Vol XXIII, ]to il~. Ipp'2009-2013. OU D 151308 lip i p Cowultants Buireau $6 Obamdatry *~, Ji ~ --- The'iMcha-niam of Transformationo of Tertiary Alcbbols,& the Cyclopropane Semies Under the �~fiu6nc~ 6f Inorgmnic and Organic Acide. 1I. )4ctl of 14e-'t,,hyle",ubylcyclc)prv-pylccrbi-o1 Witli bil~te~Formic Acidp by T. A. Favorskaya., I;. V. Shch rbiaskaya, 5 PP- RUSSI~W., rib per# Zhur Obahch k2lim" Vol )MIII, NO 10.0 uss~, oct im, p-p-1-6'67--1672. -C m o is-, o a .7, Sclen:~iflc Chemistry ,J Conaultants Bureau CTS 6)t/,Tan 55 of the Transformtion of Tertiary Cyqlgpropalne Alcohols Under the Effect of Mineral .and Organic Acids. I. Reaction of Dimethyl- li'li 1 11 cyclippropy1carbinol With Formic Acid, by T. A. 'ik4ii; N. V. Shcherbinalmya., 7 pp. Rl-SM., j)er., Zhur Obshch Ehims, Vol XXIIIP No 92 umil SeP11953, pp lIZ5-1492-"CIA D 151000 Consultants Bureau Scientific Chemiatr7 &/Jan 55 I Speech at ivanoviell Gnyevo, Fuaier-l, I).- 3--ricilaerbitski3r. I MI'1~11 .:) , n-o, Prnvda -- ~, d FBI-~ ir- USSR Pol 16 aii C.2 S-jeecli at -the USSR Supreme cs *0:,, Shchorbitskil, . RUSSM,I) I'll.); Pravda, L lX-C FB I-) .. IFE USSR Fol 20 Dec 61 (DC-4400/9) Yedd,6 of Oreat Cbsnpov by V. Wwherbitakiy., 17 PP. RUSSIM, lper, Kimmulet., No 1,. 1961-s Pp 44-56. im 6996 usm Pal Apr 161 / 11~4.3 - &4 9 Z, of Hom-Mlyl, IWlimamMou of Orgainic Acift., by G. S. T.- V. Onlram,, L, L. HlzraMs N. N. 4 pp. RUCI.fj;lju,, 'per, Zht= Obahch Vol M , Zo 11, 197.1ir pp 3005-30W. COMILItants Buxesu 59 A I AINAMOOMwow In a eysteml - Horl2mtal bw YU* Zo vkuwllrmp 7 imp ZZ Akt XWk SMP SfW GeGMZo NO Us 1912L 11; 20#4693 '#I ~ AM Bcd 198p670 NY - 5 215 We Must Devote Greater Attention to the Mattar Of identif*ing Mail Properly, by V. 1. Shcherbo., - 'L 7 pr. RUSS~IAN, p;nr., Vestnik Slnyazi, ra 1, 1955. JPRS 7081 Sci Jun 61 7 'The Fbj~orome tric Betex"i-na,lon of S Quaait:'i-Li es Dea.-ylliur.,-i ir 1,di a cv-1 1,LL b-,! A. Shcherbov) RI. 1,1. Plot)-. i",.Owl :R,USSV!,j 1,1 T)er,, Zuvod Lab, Vol )X;' 2, Sci Jun 62