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Weall; of the U010MLIus su'u"eture of &-A Alcohol an 1. 11 .11 tb.u HtmlMies of itz ;~ I I ii by 0. Z. Rooemvo" 6 atlk 53-54_.# WO 3-957, 795-800- Bell Chem CmmatQat4 g7 L ~.Ltaljrtiics Go, K. BogdrAtio-va, M; -3 f P,, 350.,., 53 Heat aund 2intropy of Cf.' tha AdGOWPI~iOlVal 16 ~9 Lap la~awl wiiii3t, ~A:Lcohols by Mitor from tha Suviace o-.-~ I H ~l ~ I N i :k Oxidci~ 'atal t by A. A. Baleindiny 0. K,, Bogdanova, ICr~s P 0 sli6 I lisgio 1004 PP- OXAZI~ &-~n Ak YAW.- SSMO VOI CICVIU~- I-10 xc, pi 312-30. Consultanto Dumeau ChQm 58 1 ~ ~7 I.. Mdet of libleaulw Structure an Dobydrogemtion ~jn the Case of C2 aid C$-C:� Alcobo3sp 5pp. Iffeiat f *1 0 eculw Otruotm on Ddy&ogenutjon xl~ ti in Hell am. the OMO Of 04 MAI C~ A3,CdAaoy by 0. K. bog6pmi il,A. P. ft*pftlTw~j A. X. ftUndinj mm PW1$ Is Ak Mwk S.Zsisp otdol Khqm So 2., sm; W-13i6; 3ZI--330. 96D o= 61 CB V78 vw 69 *0 ftmng4mpgm *guy At JD mn o"" *Pmuwr D"JunLun. 71JRES P 7p. 6 ref a Order fior, Trans. of Y. 133 (60 62-10430 A. P., Bogdanova, 0. K.. and Shcheglova, A. P. ~Reactlon ldhet *ChromIuM',I 4 In tile Preocesi rION10F BUrANE-BLrrYLENE MIX- 11. Bo~,-,danova. 0. K. m04"-CHROMIA CATALYST. 11961] 111. Balandin, A. A. St 10 62 43 A I -IG or 0 $1. ~ 11 1 mli-al Nauk SSSR. Doidady, 1960. 1350-4353. * IB I UI n, Butcnes, Dehydroptlation, , 446iilnum compowds, *OxJdes, alyi6, !Catalysis. r b-b mixtures dehydrogenation of catillyk, the following reactions (1) likific de~)*ogenatlon to butylene, of I the V~'10~ity Ii 11,61bited through butylene pres- in a tar, tin,g,rrd)a'"C' (2) butane and butylene de- u 1,~I, mist i-y Phy B i Ca v. 7, no. 10) foyer) P'reel&ierd,,,~ in. the Adeorptional D1E;piiice-,neri',. Buteiielby,W,~ter From a Catalyat Surface, by A: A, K. Bogdanova,, A. P. Shcheglova, 3-0 pp, Bala~dta b leall tilans,141tione 4 RUSS4A~.P biko per., Iz Ak Nauk, Otdel Kh1m Heak, No Jul/4u,-, 1955, pp 723-733. CIA c 4A76 Consultants Bureau 3 Scientific - Chenistry Mar 56'~CTS/dex bale ~md ms pm~j pp t Betve= Aquicous kautlona of Be(WO '.c AcIdes by 1. V. TbnmVev, H. P. 3 mw Neorg xhim, val u, No 6., 195T.. PL-Ift Elcl AIW 61 PST No, ',83 A St, of~,tho System BeS04-HaOll-H20 and its A %I, I kipplication, by X-, V. Tarwiwiyov,, E, F. Sbch6 Ilovap 6 pp 'r,, Zhur Analit 1(him., Vol KIT,, 1-.'o 6, i~676. 7; Conoultant-i Bareew Scl cbrm The Ri 6 by B.S.'S I RUSSIO1. 1 1; Vol XXTI. J an 61 BetOeen Col6nial Fomp an-j the Toxicity of Shigalla Sonnel, glovat 6 pp, pak, Zhur 14.11-robic'.1 E'piacmiol' -7=unobicl, - ~; M) 22 1960~ pp 115-118~ pp I'' ti ations of the Val.-ior Flimse catalytic Cnuv- ~~Orl",10111 Uf Acetylene, M. Elie Idnetics and I'd, chAnni= of tho Vapor Phase illydrochlorination o 'Au len.e on Catalysts Omsistini, of- Mcrcuric,, Cm it Zinc or b1 Usi-inuth dilorides, by A-' I 1Cl'bshtein,, G. G. SILCIICglf, Ot ~11, jljl. I per, Kinetilw. i i~-,:taliz, Vol IV, ~~-D 4, IPG3,, ~)p 625-634. sc~d- ALm 64 CB Thai IdIty ftwtlon of Aqueous Solutions of Wl amd 6r vis ftstem PoOs;- HL)O at Various Teapem- iuriis, by A. N. GOITmfiteinj 0. G. -Shchoglo", U. I Temkft pp. IRMIAND pw,, Zhur fleorgwa KhIm,, Vol 1., 1956,, 1pp 2W-297. AM Tr 2059 try 94 ;7 11 ~Apr 57 The Aclca~ ty Piinction of tba System sc~ - B20 at Varioui !~empa~aturesj by A. B. Gelb%teln, G. G. Mclfte~~ "d N- N- Temkiln 13 PP RUSSIAW, pert 1zhur E!2Mp Dim? Vol 11 1956y pp 506-515. AEC Tr 2823 Sci - Cht,ndstry i liar 57/C7-s- A He*d of Digesting SolLs and Plmtz,, ~y IK;. ~e. ~ (Jimburg, G. DL Sh va, 13P. HUBSM, :pTr.. POchvOvcdeuiYe, 1110, 5) -11)63, IT Scx"Lpta Tei,hn I ca Aug :265,103 Detend-tiation of Nitrogen, Phosphortm and poUms':1L16 in j1plant Materiad from a single ~a~le, by K. B.'4i~"Mmo G- M- pp L 1 Russiw~, per- Foahvovedeniye., No 5; Iq&) 4 ~- Sy 7 Sci JOBS 7 S.Pt 63. clow-tap of the P~~ryliua Ring of L. V, Mclwglova~ pp. Bu -Prt, 1.) 2bir ObrInch Xbl~ap Vol is ,4h.,1~45p. -The t4 .A!-tion of Antibiotdci3 on the Oeusa Ive Agent ' t I -- !A's'terellosis, by M. K. ShChegivve, 4 pp. 0 Oss-,W: per, Antibiotiki Vol 37, No 2, -,M., P-P 53-56. CB 71- Auz 61 EV4111r:!Epn, In ExcIted Mectronic States of Mole- t yr-mectroaq., by Doll. Shiforin., N.A. c vit sh ~!glma'li et al, 5 PP- per.. Dok alk lihtfa Mal ,%e".Astry., va cL, No 4., pp: SC.-L i Jun CB 261 OW iLumineamnee Spectra cT Haloanthraquionones Fi-ozen in Solutloaj b;r D. N, Shl4gpriu, N. A. ab' a,, 1 11. B. DaluLmin, 4 pp. RIUBBIW Dok Ak Neuk SM., Vol =Can) 'Wi :1 NO ~j li DI p 420-h23- CB sei The ~Cif the Hydrogen Bond and Ite it .11, on the Electronic Speetra of Mlel t1 11 1 milesi, 1by Dd N4 Sbigoriap N# As Shch6glovai N. S. Dokunikhinp 3 6 ppo RUBSIOp perj, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CM=, NO ~., 1196DPII P.P 1372-13T5. CD Alw GL Inrluence ef the pooltion and Nnture of -c"h-v Sat stAudirb oil of u fAnthr;ac~u!lzson,n~!Der-lv.--ti-irevj in by D. "N. IT. A. Shche:pIcya, R. 75. R. S. DIL To itWX00 ~per, bok Ak Rnuk WZR, Vol CYY, 1, 6, 11958) f -p Am-er LA-,.it of Playn, Sov Fh?L, - DOkI!t,-.!Y Vol 111, F-() 3 sci - pbys 'Jul 59 IC,itte-lAcs of Dehyd-ro(p. nation of 1Is S!19bealavu, S. Y. Pahezhetsllclf P, RUSSIAN i ~Per, ZhUr Fi= Khtn, Vol ~7n'TTTI, IN:'. 10,5411,1 pp' 1280-1285. R-1,T88 Sal Aug 58 jE I u 4, lZr,,lmvol~y and T. 13. TS 0 li pp 9 Paraffins as a Raw VAterial for the ligher Patty Acids, by V. K. TsyskovBkly, oval, Be He Nebylcmikp 8 pp. pe~., Kblmj, i Teknol To-pliva, no 6, 1956p Bai 15try Oct 5T Associated Tech Sv 'IV an OxIdatAve .or Amb*Bim ma URPOSM ~*~ wA MW*wl"L AMMM syXt6" Ime rAMIS3 bVI-ILd"hola"Mova. .3, )~ 40 i 307MO i ~- LL. -~ 11 a Inc rems;U~ ~the Durability of Piercing 1:5-11 by''Irinkelahtelu, Sh,-Iwlgol'. aws:W, per., Stall go 3-2p 1957) PP 1099-1103. Co-op Tr Bch Tr 932 Sci Enp Apr 4- Elect.61y~fs of Cupric Chloride Solut.'Loab in :IV 101 1 ~ 1~ dl-- chloric A Id, by V. N. Flexov, M. S. p 1, skayaj, L. G. Ga!Mn, !L. V. Amen. pp MSUN, I*r, Zhur Frik Kh-4m) Vol XXXIII, 19C-P;, pp 2245-2252. cB Se p 6i 'Si~ibilliy of Aqueous Wium Chlorite Jb,. Solutions DtiringIlEvaporation, by Sh, :8. Shabegol', it pp. I I j.I ---- r RMIM.p per., Zbur Prik MAm., Vol =U, No 108m OP 680~03- Consultants Bureau 90A Chem J)m ~ncaljlzis of Aqueoua Solut'Lonz of Les I Mr.ii malokm,e Dioxido by Sb ~ 13, Shchcg 4"P - RUSSIX14 mparj, ZavGd Lab, Vol :MV, T:o 9, 1-91~,,fl, PP 1043-1049. Sci; krir 60 Phl~ndcovibiaidcml InveatiliAtion of Some Byatems Con- ., J~ 11 taining ft-lotbylalumimm and Jto Darkmtivea, by jk.~ I'. Glv~w'',avaklyjp Sh. a. ahcjulgol,p Z. S. amaiyma IRTAF.,~.Tml$ Dck Ak Ezuk SM10 lik CXIX, z0 I., 19$4.. pp 101-10.3. ConsultWus Bureau doi Chas 59 Js/ ~ i~ I ii I 190`01qql'Bqui~p~ac on The yarae-c-s ox countries, by V. Balashwr, A. Shchegoicv, 5 P!~- RFJSSJ'.AAf~ 164'.r. VnesbzWi~lys Torgovliri,, 7in lateratl Alto & sci T~ci~~86 Problem of Scoaomics Vol In, No 12 USER Eeon LAM 61 I'so0illoa of 1".j'~arw -~~oz, Tyj;hLia -"~Utlo"ts, and ~I~cailli uurrii-:-rz'~ A~ Study~of the Sensitivity of Regenerated Cultures of~Haemo'lytic Streptococcus -to Some Physical,Chemica 12 and Biological Factors, by A. G. Shchegolev, 4 PP. RWSIANO per., Zhur Yjikrobiol Epidemiol i Immunobiol, Vol XXXo No 11, 1959, pp 86-(?0. PP sci Sej 60 A~Prox:*~" AA'~Xict,m (I:C -2652). Prediction of thtt B#ewrides of Itsrtb Satellitee, by D. Shchegolev, MUSSIP14*,~ p-r,, Astroa lbirkul~w, Fo 191, ~~.tcow, pp 9. im-822-D Sai GellirLys, Space Plaaaarch 'a 59 A4 W the fb;r TOM", by she*wlEtv. ch, 6 m 90 "- NO 7. An Attompt tdStudy Photamtrically the Bature ,, ~ . . N I Of thel.S=faca'Dstada cu ~be Moon"s Far Sidep by A. V. ibrkov~,e~d D.~~ E. Shobasolevp 10 pp. -WSSUN, per' lalmstvauMe Sputn:lki Zowmi, Vol IX, lqhGio lip p$&51. CB 3al The Gx,u%.Tj-.j~i of ljcliotechnolo(Q~, 3 -1.1 by D. i NaU17 ISIR, RUSSIMN, per, Vest U~ pp 122~ 123. JPRS/.DC-O'SC")2" mar 62 A Qun~ t~ir Ck~utury A(;Op by E. Ya. Shcbegoleva 14 P'Ps HUSSI"; p~:P Iz Ak Nauk _585H., Rjjr Fiz Vol XIIj No 1 j 194601 pp~ 25'--,~'33- ATIOW F -W -81h 3 USSR scicn~liic - Blectronica, radio vni~iuceriur, 7-q?o/ CIA 20(~21h ATIC 12684 1 At~F 53 CTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- Of FdMWW AaMonp TV moo tv 433 The Bf jiio~t 69~~ tile Cooling Conditions of a t,,cdej of Lithiwt Grease Ion Its Properties and Microstructurc,, by A. i'.,'Tra~ it inikov, Go G. Shcheg v. 8 lop, ~ I PP 11USSIX4, 1j)er,, '[0110idnyi Zhur, Vol XxIV, 1 1, 1 pp 104-412. CB ci 62 211,633 Klectron Midroscopic Investigation of the Influence Of the 6oncu',luons of Preparation of Lithium Grease an Ita i4iclr~~ctructurc, by A. A. 1~rape-n!1=7, 0. C. Shchego lev, I. I. Astakhav, 4 pp. RUSSIAN per., 1z Ak- Hauk SSR, Ser Piz, Vol XU11, No 6, 1.9'59j. pip 7T7-- Columbia Tech Sci Aug 60 . j ~ t=4 Cuqmis~Adon of tite ukraUden 1. . d Deft Carriar,, 1W c1. x. j a vai k-I maim I Rode &L an cbms usstvenxm Zbtdkcou Do Ma d-n*sn on=* imp vp 45-55. OW GD-5U76 PL-10 The T6chnical Progress of HY&'OtUxluine Buildlug alk-, the Leninvdd Metal Plant in 1959-1965, by G. S- shc4gAgigi, .7 pp. RUSSIM! pu v pEnergomshinoutroyciniye, No 3,300) pp JPRE; 503' 2 USSR Fx-,On .. Te6fillwologica-L Aug 60 Measurein6nt oithe Transport Velocity of a Gas by an lon,~2~acin"' Method, by P. E. Suetin, G. T. ,g M Shc'hegole*., R. A. D'yachenko, 3 pp. RUSSIAV.,~per, Pribbory i Tekh Eksrer. No 6, 1959, PP 111-113. Instru Soc of Amer Sci Sep 60 Lrenic"Illit of the ,,,'iitual Dif-k"usic,-, cocffiL. nt Gusea by an opticaa Meth,-Idll P- -E- SAP-tili! G. T. Shchegolf-lv ara R- A- -pp.- Fiz, Vol Nc Pp 3o-v Vol 1~10 Sci ri,n 60 Devil~,~,' for ~res~viag of 'rieidimg s CoIR,)ida.-I Mati-irials., by G. G. Tolmadiav, A. A. TrapeznIk-ov, 3 pp. RIAS-39Lkli, per, Zavod lab.. Vol XXV, No pp Cons Ult Sci.-Cbem Jun 61r) i t IlyvisiliatAou.'Of the Mmatron Sfam*twe of Mat&ls with the AAJ of, 064lear Nsgaelde Resomnoe by 1. F. Umakh PLs maukp vol xxrnnp DD 1-2.0 196% Amw Lut of pbys &m DWe - Val va HD 84L jbn 63 Interaction In the D2phenylpleryl- Ul leculej by 'rus S. lua-Imw$ I* FO N=Wi Wrj Zb= Rksper I W(xwt Fiz, V02. X40 no,, 1., 1960, PP 3-9. AIP sov Pbys - JEW Vol xmj, 110 1 ----------- Nuclear I,Ptagynetic Resonance in Meti~,-l-L:: Thallium, byiiYu. S.iiKarLmov, I. F. Shchegolev, 7 P-o. ur I RUSSIAN, per, g4 F-_4ks er i, No 41 1961 -pp 1g, 32t AIP Sov Ill.,ys voi xiv, .-io 4 202,741 Sci Si i* Lue LO n 4 generative Detector Hio Of Am ftsommes by FM klmlV I Dok AkNauk SWRO Val TOME p No 00 1.95E6 Pp Amer Inot of Ows Bov Pbp.Doklady Vol 1110 Igo 6 Bel 7 xm:r 164) Ile LK MLUAL ALLOYS WITH HIGH SPECIFIC TENACITY, PO~ By. R.~P. S',H'CHEGOLEV) L. S. GOLUBEV, 11 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, TITAN I YEGO SPLAVY,, METALLOVEDE- NIYE TITANA,) VOL III, 196o, PP 64-08~. JPRS 171--~ SCI ~bi/m JAN 03~ 21 64c) 11 jv~ POW. waft i T7- 61-26S-L) Sokol'skii, D.V. and P111111:11WINIFY., 'A, I A . 1. Ywheghw. N. 1. ACTMITION DU CATALYSEUR FN MaI99F Al' 11. NICK:rit'. lR'IA CiGl$,NA-l'lON DU FURFURAL (Pr i- M. , moting,tofSpr,bg'e Nickel CatalvsE. Hydrogenation 1\1 ('NRS-VIll his I of I iirf jra 9 ) f 55. 8rL ; CNRq -VIII bis 8 V '(-ntrL- NATI~ITLII Ill- 1.1 I - (I (.,,"r r , , , Q II r ' 7TC or CNRS $1. 10 T7-03-26370 gj Trins. in FrenI I cili of Akademivi Nauk KazakhO:"i ' SSlt A ' T icheqk-ikh Nauk. liiTa ~Auu. fntitut Khim IQ61 v"' 37 33 ru y - . P. DEscit ivroits-1 *Nickel, 'Cataivsts, Boron, Chn.-ind urn, 11 rogenation, Exp'erimental ditta. I (Che-mi.lrry, -17, v. 11, no. 11) E-v... C.- I H~fto&D"tlou of Acetylow t-D l:th6Yl&rap bY 6~~gloV, D. V. 8QkOlsWV. UML H DIM porp Tr latm IWA. lfRvlc Kazakh &M; ESER "1 14.933 (10%U) Mar' 60 AWN* awmwd6 'w 233 (IIY-5244) Grarlp'.o-Ap ftlYgon at M*acOv fM&te Ual-VersItY., 1,7 YU, J~q V. Ivaucrm, S. N. sho%:'gior, bk ftavizatKabeakiya Issiodovaniva, 13.966i pp 57-60. 730 Sol Gea:-'are F4-p :,!dwm0 0*42yw Ox2datlas of Llqudd Pararfins wwww"bum. bw V.K. DwQvvnku V6.39 no.6,p PP-415-417- J/J. as C56 30C*sf;33 4 Elemam 102 Ismo pe Wirb Maw NVmber 256, by ra D. D*m 28 pp. e# Va Ae 4LChe Ru'' UN rpo jw= til Research, bvW lp fDr Nucl Jun 260vSOS mneiiaction or 80.3%1 ove m*ww wiu ught 1"i" i~ao 4. mauvwt me IN xcmwaovo Too Vas aiiiilivolm" As MbMX=vt Vi Aq SM&HPAky p 6 I 2"wt Mp Val 3CW* Am W4404046 Amr 2aBt Rt Fwa - a" fts a imp v" Vill (35)f no 4 Sol PhY4 APO 62-29287 V. X JamirrDEL!RROMEM DR LOS EVAPMA 1. mchegamv, V. x DORMS ftcdzvodLbd%Kkmd vyparmykb U. CU>-WZ97 "a in gvapwatw YLWW* 191L M. Castro do bftcumwdm CIM 62-2ff. ~ 1 ~ - y DocmemArn ()Vkr:fiia- MIRM or clk wa 62*29W m" 00 Tram 'cc sakhmmy, Prmymmmme MR) 1, l6 21-V. r 4 7 -Mimcdcal. Tr. T. lk am *4 Iffin d TvddW lw*n Regiu~dlmg ~~ete=imtlon of X-11bay Fluorescezmm Yields Fr6 mi PhoMeIndsvion Mocontlmd-Umlea, by M.A. 14LIM11 and pp. RUSS A r, Tz Ah Malgi SSSR, Bar Eli a, IAN Vol It. No 6 1963, pp 332- 818. ixv CTT Sci .Tt~k 64 lea, 854 ~L i I . ....... ... ,o-z6onomic Zonation of USSR Tor-ritory in ROO&Ct td1I Avdcultural Pests zmd Diseases of V. Mi. Shchegolev. RUSO t Zashch Rast. Itogi nauchno-I-Issledwratel' r 'k 1935:11-13. 423.cvQ L51)1 3-935. USDA Traus Vo 14 3 USSRI I 1 1: Scie"ptific - Biology, plant, protection r,,c6n*cJ` Aariculture., plant) protection Ecologo-E-c nomic Foundation ana Develo7mm-nt of a I -!il", rIT -v cojn~'Iiii-~' S~' -'t~m of Measures f or 2rotection of 11-amp I~cmlfkq't Pe:3!ts and Diseases in ~-ae Zone of Forest-Stepp of t~e'~USOA'j by V. n. Shchegolev. HUSSTJW lipt Zashch Rast itogi nauchno-issledovatell- 0 ! skik'h' kaboto Jewningrado 1935:2h-9-255. 423-N L5hI 1935.1. 1 USDA Trans No 142 scientific, Biology, plant, protecirtion, hem D'Colri c -1igricult=e., plant., protection., hom ~~:12otLt,ction t.%fl Flants From :CnIIux:.2cs li:scct:~, -cst-r,'; by V. N. ShcheUolc~-i. .V,SISjAFj, I-bscav., 1949. 503 pp. 42~~ t. Orzaniza'inn cP Pe,~' Con-l-,-.-,.)~ c,' L. -. atf!6 in psr Plants (PP 500-50-1) ic) 126 Biology, plact, prot c c o z, ",-OVIC'Ibic - AS.-riculture, plarit.,, protcct~on D::ret,0on;;;: nd Wthods of Work tp be Adopted in Dlviqjlng Territory of the USSR Into Regions After I 1 11 1 the DistrOution of Pests and Diseases., by V. Or N, RUSST.kq~ &~sbch East) 3- -22. 1935. 421 P942. USDA Txans No 119' USBIR Scim.tific Biology, plant, protection, pests, d�z I i I diseases Econo~dc -j~lAgriculture, plant,, protection, pests, I l~ ~ 1. . Agri; ttomlogy; Peato Or Fam crops amd Meas ror 111beIr Control, M 2. rev. and enl.,p by RUSSM~, Moccovs 194,9o 7" PPi, 42.) MS. USDA Tr No 99 Scientific ItIo7ogy, potatoes USSR poutoem Pian"t wa~~aixtlnep by V. X. Shckiegolev;ov) URCLASSIFIED 5.0, RUB kw5s, v Sol I okokhozAsAvWmmxdt%q ]cut ~;-Ogl Vredeteli S*l 'sI-.okhoz4a4vUwea- Va tql'itu'r' i Mery Sw 'by a NJmi,. chap V1141 M, aft 1949, pp 186--i89. Sci Tr Center RT-1791) Seldo ifi.cli - Ebology Jan 55 CTS IM, Z~~imo3bjl,gt'Ds Glossary and Pjpfwenoo Book., by V.~ NO sbdbogolev I A AN k, Sloverv-Sprmabilk Entamloga, 6w0. 9,55, m pp. CYA 9OD7433 mm soil .4141f 37/ jap 157 OTS -.V- 61-13790 SURVEY OF TWjjDLSTRMLrI'M AND FORECAST A--W cu=oI--U5SR ot OF TH~~ APPFARANCE OF FFS )b 0 -M DI 1960 (C 1. S2cbqplcv. V. N. Rasprosiri~eWya 11 Progm=e Poyov]cWya VroMraicy na H TranB-A-1202 1960 God). 131 Oct%O. 3p. Trww. A-1202. Ordei 6baiLC cir I�LA mi$ 1. go, ph$I - 80 61-137110 T a= 7aab,:w r ,! ta RaztenU lot Vrcdkeley I Bole=x-y) (USSR) i~466 v. 5,1'no. 6. p. 62- (Agxicttltu~m% T-r, 5. no. 5) offi~ of lrecbwcd S~. TbO! *41P RM usu 40rili6ptal Imatiestime of the Velmity of ~64J.640C PaectrO *VwtIC Waves In the Broadcast Me-beadkVs 78 pp. A3 Zb-w- LeM Mg -701 Vil* ft 6" lwcow/ U,n ~'S~7'pdq:,Nn 3.937,, VP 579-613. CIA/YU)/U-5854 77 Tfwmidttw Howto Actime bV 1956, Mayl~kbne R~dio Navigation Equipment, by Ye. Ya. ~ : k 11 ~! Ii RUSSO , Si6te Publ House of Water Transportation, Ar-11 i~ Leningrad Dept, 1954. *ATIC EEiSR Sci Electronics, Engr Dec 571 fit. Ictiv Ora- - u Ijul G,',!~it-Y~,-,A rp z., 1~4Lh u I I.Cii1o NUMVY Tr T RM20..Reacans With Ra4sting Ye, vs, shchegulavo ZM*% by smim to sudip"Maishen I* sradava 0i lk Tr 2" Pky~ 66 3000"s Radio-Rat%re Deawns With Radiathig Equisl-nal Z~ by Ye. Y&. Shchemlev. 950 'DP 27U-292. - ! NWV"' 7 ~, Y Oceanographic Tr 24-6 ) ll~ ;lc Scl.--:Engr Mar 65 of OperadDn, by Ye. Ya. 5h . meristics Imrar -qgt~v. 11W 14, Lliulotdch Sredsm IrMor 21~ ~-YU7&~jV-Ozhdc 254 .~p, 2 3-3.13. w c Tr 247 Dat c~n tbc Use of SecuW itado-Range Beacons and Scl-~'Rngr marl 65 tow use.- a -a'cctar .4d ?Ixt Uaracu- ri sties o" ~ I YL T Wit 64.J~F A 61 0 Luvy ly; 4-1901t!C,-i i-e 2147 l4edl~ni,SM Of ChSTLS03 in 'qarMllrir on AdfiPt-ation Of R(--f lexes, b,; V. V, -1101 1, vx per, layta RkqpL~:v R-.0j no I 1s,51" pp 8-12. CB Sci Aug 61 -7 -0 "wrereb, Bud Ait,~ la, Codli!~Ung Black :4 bty s RMSTAN., pbr, Kongerrmya I OvauihohcsLwhl.I'Tozya ~ I p - I, pro%'j, Ika Pp 27-30,1 1958 ax..z~nx. 4399 The Re'lation Between Reflex Changes of the Sya'temi~~aud local Cirmastion, by V. V. Frollkis V- ~03-qev,~&,- J&PP. RUBSIA3.0 jeer., Byul Bkq)er Blol i Med, Vol L, AN01i 10.- 1960., py 7-11. CB Sai 7 NL 61 Hexagbrial PJ,JsyT.,Rt:la Pew =1 =7" '-~. ;--. , t I shcheg~ova, ~ 3 PP- RUSSIAN,, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Bar Geol, No 12, i i 1959s PP 91-i95. AGI Sai Jul 61 1/4'/ Y/ m FroaWmaftip OmmrAO&Ucnn7- Reactim Aaft binplam of (ADWIthlo) BMMDM Ta t~l He' 'OrlvaUves of Hytbmea2tons a32f amp by IM6 M. Huftanavo To 5~,Pv ]RUMMI, erp Is Ak Na uk SEER,, OARDtftl Mlm IWA ic 1 CB liw,y' 64 C.'-"67aW!,aron Ccapound3o Ccmaunieation 42, by, B. M. fuAda&ilOVp T~ A, pp. . . . . . . . .. . RUSSINIE,p pe:Ct IM Al: Muk 53M., OWel Milm gauk, No 8, .~9592 PIP 1353-3,393. CB 61 15--Z1 7Ye9 Invoit1grati a oi~ Scintillaton Cont-a:InLris B6ron U ic c unds, by A. V. Ifikitina; H. Dlr. 0 P. U. Aronovichp 12. A. 3 PP- Iz Ak Dfaa SSSRp S-ct Fizp Vol MI., No Ii95r-g7vp 12-2.3, Columbia Teeb Bel Thyu Vkw -2 0"-,/ Wwboron Ccmpounds: Synthecls of 1 11 : ajh$~boron CoM=ds From Bst~-Nro of utV*ric Acid.-V,~D. 14. flikhailov 4 p1). T. Bwhod~ CVMq No 30 pp 481-48^.;. Congultants Bureau ~Pbmlstry 5 71 ms ,,:.,Of PriMU7 Amims on 3'. M. Mkbailov; T. A. Shchn6olavn, Russrat ji6,rs is Ak N&uk S&M, Otdol nim Emit, M). 6.,l 1950-~.p 777-778. Dia."eau Apr 00 Sul'ont-ttuerxt;F.1, by B, C, ,,.I- nilv"-go Se.l. Cbi:ltfl 6n lz iCl~ E L- S S' or 110110roLi Compoun "I a . L! chesi s 'r.on bifluoridec Frcm Ti iallkylboron5 ~;nu Boron E-thera-te, by )i. M. 71. A.~ 3 TT. j.- .-z" . , - RW--,SIA31P m-2rj nur Obshch Miim, Vol X-XEX, 10, -17P C 13 Oq,~anobqron Compounds. XLV1. DiallWibcric Acids alidl, Their Derivatives, by B. M. M.1khailov, T. A. Shc6eg~i~nj__ 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch n1m, Vol X)aX, No 9, 190, PP 3130-3134. CB urf I r on oi:~ Eiclanium on Triall:ylborirte2) 'y hailov~, ~T. A. Slicherpieva, 4 PJP. sijuqt :L,.t; kh I'lauk SSSR, Otdcl T)l) Consultant-- Or i orq6~ Ccmpounds. Commmication 10. CmD!cl,, k or 06it Na I~ s of Organoboron Acids,, by B. it. lwd~kllov V. K. X67--min kaya, A.. In. Blolthina, T. A. 1 11%0, 31 1, Sh*q.7E Dieva'O 4 pp. HMIAN,, mq, per,, Iz Ak Nauk, QVIel Dim Ilauk, 17o 6, 19560 1pp 69e-695. Camm1tants Bumau Sc:L - Phemistry d- Feb C%S