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Geb qphid~~J!~Ist~ibutlon of lbczprescntat,~-ecs cf- t'0- 1 611 1) Ord ~~ridles in the Varthern Part cX the 1uci2ic .C- a-a 1?29 Bea;, by T. F. Shchapova. MiXTEASM-71ED 121-12 E ::rXIF hiked numat Okear-clo Vol I!,. navy Tr 8-16/M 127 clin'tif k Geophysica Aue 53 Cis z1 7 T~e B Activity of Immilm Sera, by V. V. 66mAwkaymp N. S. fhcbaE;tUaYU, 5 PP- perp Zhur Mikrobiol B.-pid-c4iol I=mnoblol., VZM".* ND 5j. 1960.. PP 7.9-82- SOL J~pr GL 71; 77 one I W W p mee in the FrDPbYl=iG Ox Z-~Vi loxiter N by V, V - ,o 2, .)ZL%N, Voye=o 1,L-d zhijr, 1: JPRS 2925 0 (W-5970) 111=11,112 Gcmtrdl Owr tbo Ut:U-tzaticm of Basic by A. MW Sbehave-U-ir., 19 pp. IMS14AN. pers, 963Md XhOz &=W1,, 170 llv 1961j, pp 25-31- im MLI um Boon 194,11 It A.Or' 62 A Study of the Continxious Acetane Butylic I Ferri"- ntat Lon Caused by Ctostridium Acetobuty).- lcm6; by,, V. L. Yarovanko, B. M. Nakhmanovich, No kII. Shchoblykin., et al., 5 1,P. RUSBIM.. per., Mikrobiol.. Vol XXIX, No 4,, 1960,, pp Sci .TilaI 61 Mi. or coo lootopm an Nm-Zm- AdnwUntuo Ilo A&w- ci~ P423 rp#p,n oZLTemIm AOM soauw=w of &a+.8 orlit.6a Matmuo ak Ft=Wbmt;-4,t ty I. Ei V. N. ambptow et gas 6 pp* van in* ft4s ig6io AWAMA~930 JW34i~ 64 12t tlaxi~laf Fenta"s of Corn Cob Hydralyastau by 016ii Acettibutyllem, by B. M. Nakbmanovich, 6 pp, ['Jib~Sli4spl pai, MAkrobiolog., Vol YXVIIIP No lp 1959p pp qq~Ab4. Amw Inat of Biol Sel said tiol ww .59: Study of the Chemical Campoaiticra of Cobs From Various Types of Cwu as a Pentman-Contairdng FM xfi~perl~,,) by- H B. M. NaW=Mlch, N. A. 3 PP- Zhtw Prik 101im, V,21 XXXIII, Ra 2, 463- CB Apr 6i ''Fid'Naa-iA.-Citior. of Calciwi Salts of ~'. --ctd c arIJ B a tyr 5; c A ci d a by C I o s tr i d i i: n Ao ~ ~u c i, i n, P',,.M. flakhaancli-ich, Fj~A, SlmlrielfLykira. L "-)P,- per, S e c mr,,~L! !'Y 2U 17 i Red Pennant Over the Waves, by Slichecirin I RIJ5SIJAN, np~ Komsomoiskaya Pravda, --I- Ju-. ~~D. FBIS Daily 'Report 4 Pu g 6o MMOSMIL cc the suism punatim or Stmetwe MpUtuftsv by* so~ tu law as No mwftftw~4 10 jv. two mdatsuosramms va VIP Wo 30 AV gbw nwo arystan fti 3 all 2MP791 Al~ 62 f the Ybin Prd3lem of Structure Analysis ra COMUtorfs by I* P. TrlftVAW# Do No SC:L A* mp~ ZrIstaLlopagoap PP 315-39W- Vol IVj, No 3., Amer Imit cdI Pbp Sm PVv)- Crystal Vol He No 3' dl (DC-28C,-)i sodur ace of 'the Submariner, by G. Shc!hedrin, 5 nj Is RUSSMI, np, Kraonaya Zve2ft.. 18 Vor ig6l, p 4. JPRs 8389, USSR / S-~ 2 *5-/ Mil ,run 6 1. I (SF-5970) ALL-~,UIIIORCONFERENCE ON THE MECHANIZATION OF CALCULATIO~S AND STATISTICS THROUGH THE USE OF THE' LATESTCOWUTERSp BY N. SHCHEDRIN., 8 P~..~ RUSSIAN, ~tli, BYUL NAUCH INFORMATS11: TRUD I ZARABOT PLATA, No 4, 1962, pp 4-49. jpRs i48ig UssRi Ecdw AUG 6,2 i 2o6,972 Sirq'ilifyini, Electrical Systems for ,Welings LY 14CIL;ix, 159 pages. RUS~i~ANV bitl.' Uproshchenie UeLtricheskikh Sist(m sci-LICC I Feb 6-D Chemical librium between Pig Iron and Blast- Furnace Slagilunder Variable Gas Pressures, by V. chedrin, 17 pp. RUSS I AIN 1-1 per Iz A Nauk SSSR, Ot.del Tekh 11%,auk, m Metall i Toplivo, No 1, 1962, Flp 23-35. sic Sci 213P690 Aug 62 spc'rj;~Li~ stand. the Study of H".L:ll Rcducln~,Stl Pr0(--eSs(!s Under Pressuri'. SnchetL-in S c, i Mar 61 ~, IT7 - F- JH : I I ;i I, , UL." 11 - - ! ow Adwo d x4mp so .A. DIUMIM11 by 0. mi. G=fwampf NRPMN-pmw Wo WJL Vol W. ft 16 W3P Aso-It-us I L A Stiio, of Radiation Effects on Adrenal Glanda I ; q , - and Ap Horluonec By 13.~ Gilgyevskap, Ti. N. Sho#edriw pp. 11 RUSSIAjN, per, Radidbiologip, Vol r1, No I., 1962. O~ib-" IWEC-Tr-5428 Sai Jul:63 Va~ure of Some Structural Changes in !-,he Adreneau by Ionizing Radiation, by B. M. dr~evsXaya, R. N. S.hchedrina, 3 PP. RLYSSIAJI~p per, DoLk A Nauk 355R, Vol UMXV111, 1661, pp 941-944. No! 6 AIP Sov Phye; - Dok Vol vi, No "S In,=Gn cx we raw= aE uw itcuon ai -%-L~ays Tim *n the TISM:Pr*Mw Acdt", by, B. M. (3raevoUya,, R ~~4 10. %wlwdxim 10 pp. Fi OWS oblol, V(d M, No 2,1963, vo~,11168-173. 9219348 AEC-Tr..5435 letar 64 252.660 New a 6 d Datm~~on Foraminifera from the. 01;bo-sh C-e_a r l~ 1! U p Us I)IStribution by Z. 0. l9lichedrim RUS,c,;,Wl, jper2, Trudy zoolog Instit Ak Nauk SSM, IT, V61 .1953s pp 3-0-n. Dept ,?f Interior QE3 R57 No 31 Sdi .. sidl 21 limb 6i ~-;b litm,Genus of Foraminifera From the! Faml.Iy Iro'chamininidae (Foraminifera)o by Z. G. Shchedrina;, per.9 ',Itudy Zaalog Inntit Ah Nauk SSSTR, )95"*-p PP 5-9- Dapt of Tnterior QE3 S57 Vo 30 8ai - Mol 21 lleeb 6i -35, ftlatims of the DermmUc , tax* by 1* 116 Shcbedrov. 1-1~. "-', -,4` -,- I Zh T khl Fiz, VSSR. Vol XVII, No 53 1947, pp 537-542 e Holle ul~ Theory of Friction p r IUM 167 e 14 J~Fkct!L6'' MA. Its Role In ElgLn"ring., -by V. S. Mq T~All N~Naft I FAizo so 5;: 194%. pp 22-24, T Scl- Miseum Lib No 5 L/2152 - L o riJo "DC-5812 Cohf erdace oa USSR ?rob Lem of Iosic, by A. A. Uv6rov,'' G. P. Mchedrovitskiy, 12 pp~ MISSrAN., per, Nmch Dok Vpahlay Filemlof . No 1,, Feb 1961o vp 1913-293. *k aw 6574 AP1 63. Conf;er~ence of the Weiaftts and Measures Administration of thci Genmn Omocratic Republic, by G - C S. S. Shchdidrovitskiy, 3 Pr- RUSSUN, per, Iweritel Td:h, No 9, 1959, PP 3,:4. Instru Soc of Amer Sci Sep 6o LOWC Rp~)tji)IJoj, by t3, D. ilmd-m, S. 6 i7maritn' 'nGal Phys All DIWII 59 6"~ , ~ Platt 'for. ~l:Lcl-othei-laorrav:Uiietili'2 by S. S. -'at.1i jLutm~Ltic Recordirw, of Rer,'altsy V T n t,,i c S~cj, DI. 11.,oyi3eyev) uspon., Vol M.V, Fic) r. Z-avod Lab 1959YJ pp 1122-112-4. ins"I'Ll Soc of An,7!r 113 laic, Apr 60 illiand Appaz.,mtua for Calibrating ar-A Obsick-ID461 rDmteral, by S,. a,, obetmdrovitaMy If: -1.)P- 6,, PO 87-93 Bog L, hY' 5 9 /7.,752-3 ~//17;7 (M-3000) tomation of Conatruction Pecii-ities and ospedto for Itn Development ir, 20 Shchedrovitskiy, 6 pp. MJWLAN, per, Stroitel I i I)orozhnyye M~shiiiy, oat 1961, pp 23-26, JPM; 11855 UPSH 0 IF If Econ J'an 62 UZi4 5~rotQm for A21crw-ablm Urrara lu ParpMeop by S. S. llhchmdrcml,~ ly, ERINTAU(o parp Imerit Tekhv Zo 6v 1957., -6-6 32 15. Pfib 59 D83B 3301W.".-T Chas~qr FC.-irrostUcon, Producticu In Electric fto~uitces. by Ye. S. Shchadrovitpklv, Yu. S. 3 RUSSUNJ, teri StS12 Ito 10., 1960., pp 911-915. BISI Soi Apr 01 ~7 Dot o1 Cut tile C je Froduoing mec-uriie-Furnaces, by Ya. S~ Shchedrovitakiy; r i u- S. mah-Simov, 12- pp. l L"'USSIME''.. per., stall., No 10, 3-960, pp 911-92-h- im 6481 U60 Yd Ecion / J ,.Ttiu 6)- Beli~avimw of Sulphur in the Coo.'" ing of Sprace Wotk' with Sodium Sulphide, by V. Shchegolev, V. RER~SXMI per_, D=z i Prc=mhIeaqost' N6,i~ 7, 1964, PP 3-7 C800/11b- 7430 Ll s 1~ C- h c & c sci Aug 67 335-- 5a9 40C. J~ I ~; ?/ ~ 1 6 M~l 7 1 at SIR Swap aft "m 16 SWUWWp Vo Ao ---d-ty4wo I 1, '16( k-/ -, - I , 4 xx,4 .99 ' ~LLL '14 '17. lo Observatiom of the Artificial tallite . "Echo-V' for Geodesic ~s~, D*. Ye. Shchegalerv, A. 0. Masevich, 6 al~j: 1W W-1 Ver, Veat Ak SaWc SM, No 7, 74-77- Ipf 1xience ~'of Fimed Metallic Cautirg, z on - -in. meelvinicra L . 1, 1. 1 !~ Frobarties 9 of Steals and AI-14JO, by Yet. M. Potakp 1. D4 S a 'eglE&OV, 16 pp R U S S.W., mo per,, pp sci - pun/metalz Mar 1957 CTS Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol nVp Nu 5, L6955, ATJ-(: r,-TS-qj16/1:.1 Some Problems Concerning Improvement in the Economyllcif Steam Turbines, by A. V. Shcheglayev, M.11t. b~itach. I RUSSIANO', per, Teploenergetikap Vol Iv, No 4, py, 3-6. JDSIR LLU M-19LI (loan) Sci, - IcMv Oct~ 60 Summary ~o 2.5,~5 Soviet Milit'' Information Report. (80) ary "Con,bat Readiness of PVO Troops on a Level With ~bdern Requirelmlents,J1 by Col Gen A. Shbheiglov . I RUSSTEAIJ,~ d nop., Krasnaya Zvazda, lbscow, 10 Feb 60 CZECH, d:nsp, Obranu Lidut Prague, 27 Feb 60 USSR Military - Air Defense Forces Commaiaderps Forasightg (DC-2800/50) by A. Sticbesiov, 5 pp. Krasnya Zvezdal Vol XXXIJII, No 275o 23 N6( 1.9 j p 2. MRS 6M Apr pi oil ~hche.!Ga.,~V. 5 PI) - Nedl', 5 9 l9r; mu~ R-1-2 The CUef Features of the Metallogenesis of the South ~ Part:' I of West Trwwbaikalts., by A. D. 3 pp. Dok Ak Nauk SM,, Vol CXXV,, No 4,, 19591 i Rp Z:883- AGI sci Jun 61 13 -T&~ I.-I.-mex-a-lAzation Sta--,?er. La- tte Dckposlta off Trmsbaikal, ~,y !~- D. VRIJI~8104,, per, Dak Ak li-jai~t,-- 3331x~ Vol C)MI: 17.~-, 15)60, j:,9, 172-175. 61 -2 soi,ua Feat-~u:rez aA-" t7ac Formaticn) of Deposits in -~he Tranc-bailml iegf.on., by A. D. RMSTAN, per, Zapiski VueoiuwaaoSo imimeralogichne- 11.QG6 ObSP-i-chastva, Vol I MXV-Ells 3-959,, i~,p 48-59- Dept of Inteaior Us Rwd Goological survwf Denver Rrancb L:Vv-A a~wy Denver . Col W%tSrb Of tbQ KiZelOV rma tistup py V. IL arshovs, A. 1. 6~W-019,111dov -.p 3 YV RM20, ]Mr. Oea&Ma, No 4v 1958,, PY 391- Geoctamdeal Society pr hwll~rS6 ~iiland Combined ErUvaiou Methods Uaing Pro' ~~dth Limited Containiar Runs By ~M. Z!~ Ermanok,, 0. 14. Shah-aglcrv pp 5 RU~ISIA% pero Tuvatnyo Motall~., Vol III, No 5), 190., ". 61-65. VP sai ft~ 63 Utilization ar Aerial Photographe, in Troop Urli's, by P. 8 Pasha3 Lt. Colo W. Ps F(itin, I. V. shchekjhy.' 19 - pp- I VoYGImkh' WSSM., b1c, Ir-,pollzovaniye Aeroublmlkov V 14oscOIITjI 1957~4 PP 1-252- US JPR9 USSR Teb 591 By pAition of Acetylene to Ethylene. W. L Shcheglav) D. V. Sc&.o.Leldy., qpsTm., perp Tmdy Ak Waulk ICemkb SSBR, V4 Pp 150-2-57- SU 60-138M ad VA WO. TOO 5 14;~, 6P- _5 Str~~th~ and Plasticity of Stee16 Under, Combined I I i 11 che Bendingland Torsion, by 1-1. 1~ Sh _&10v, 3 PI), RUSGIAN,,per, Vest Mashinostroy, Vol XLI, N 0[4, pp cr Itic o un G Bore, ;lk Vaia &53R, pp 123-125. ATSS-a.M43P No 7 16 ML lbi~t 0i 417344ruml Tr Z170 #)III, 302vI76 41AR 1i5 AVAILAWE ONLY AT NAVAL OBSERVATORY LIBURY UIVII It nnd Cold y~ai_sj;jon in Acal. convortorn, pp. sudcra 14, slwv "o "0 0 mlllorc,~1110,. 19 32 23-:L46'1-67 353,274 ticai ~Observaticas of ArtLefimica &Lrth I - Ites, by 1. S. Mdavskly, P. V* qichpZl U per, Uspekhi Fizichesldlzh llauk, L&~ 140 3., 1958., pp 41.7-424. AM-tr-5331 PL-48o 6ci .jun 64 261,,427 ---------- Plm by' 77777-7 .;of the Cmb Nobuls,, tr P. V. offlMitma 3 mom i6i-p Astron Offirs VbI XXXEVj No 4p 1957P Amer IW~ of Phn I Wv Astan - AJ Thl 2,P a) Apr 59 07 Problems Jn the Application olf P'P - RtjSSLkN,, per., Aotrou Zhur,, Vol MM, Ho 4, 1958~ ~p 651-65,5 tL.ner Dist of Phlys Sov Astron Vol 11, W-D Ast,ran x7ta 59 tic . J ... . Ici .1a - , es by jj;r,~f mti-orl 21, o DETE GEOD Order trom '101\ Of-, ELEVATIONS BY MEANS OFI EVELIA',-'G ALONG THE ROUTF 11 KAYA. ji9621 Sp. (2 figs. omirted) 3 refs. TS or SLA $1. 10 62- 24045 Trans. of Arkticheskil I Antarkticheskii Nauchno- I Issledovatel'skil Institut. Informatsil Byulleten (USSR) 1961, no. :28,1 p. 37-41. I DESCRIP'IY)R,S- *Geod,eslcii, Surveying, Aeria~l photog- raphy, Mapping, Leveling rods, Range finding, * Anfa i c - tic rcglom,. t 2 40 4,~, N. Geological Scrvev. ~~ahhinglon, D. C. 'rT, %. 9, ilo. 7) I i ~ Detm=:Wjm~tlon of Blevationg by Means of GiDodetic I ,11 LeveUIW,l IM Along the Route P&iimy-4cams I kaym., by~Sl. V'11 choglov. EMST.Avj. bltp Arktichaskly I AxitarktIch-c-sti-y I Nmebmw1daledovatel'aldy Institut, Inforimstaii blvOAG'tia, No 28j, 1961j 91, 37-41. Dapt of Interior Q93 1W NO 77 Sci - Gaqvbya Aug Trium-Ob of Collective Genius., by %7. --lacheglov. RUSSLU -ud, No 213, 13 Sep ln5',, p 1. i,, np., T:r 'ATIC III Sci Space Res 5 Nov 59 Telecoln 42318 (25824,B) Cmt-~mponwy Kems of Cemoutlage, by V. Shcheglov, 5 pp. RUBSTAN., lip, lramioa Zvezft) Moscow, 29 Aug 19580 p 2. J= L-799-D VWE 5 KGY~~59 A\,jaserlwith Wo I)rpes of Natural Oscillitions of tie Res6n~tor, by V.A. ~Aidleglov, E PI). RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vyssilikli Uclicb Zaved., Radiofiz, Vol V1, No 6, L963. JPRS 24633 Sci Ik' Nay 611 Inve *tio 'of Vibro- Insulation of the Fow*Aations of iemaiesis Under Production Condit, ions, by V. V. Xk3rin. V. RUSSM,verl' Kuzmchno-8htampovo#ahno,;e Proiz, Vol np SOP ).*0 pp~121-26* BrSr 2287 Sci Z6 lar Sep 61 list f the TO 3 iP4QI*'Tt.a!.-er, and VvVIU'%,ic;n 7ncide EL H&I=or Pri. jjnatj~ U) '()y V. nn pal,, 1960, PP 57-62-- I'EaA -7 61 V P A TION ipF THE RATE OF CLOCK SHORTT NO. 39 FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE IN 1952. 10 53. 6p FTD-TT-62-959(p. S57-562) Order fr.:~~ars, SLA,~ or ETC $28. 50 in TT-64-13176 (p. 557-562) Unedited rdugidraft tiang. from mono. Astrometri - cheskaya KQeientslj~a SSSR (no. 14) Kiev, 27-30 May ~81, -Trudy.' Moscow, 1960. DESCRIPTORS: *Cl(,,,:hs. Errors, Time, (Astronomy. TT. v. Ll, no. 5) TT-64-13176(p. 557-562) 1. Shcheglav, V. P. 11. FTD-TT-62-959 (p. 557-562) Ill. Foreign Tech Div Air Farce Systems Command, Wright- Patterson AFB, Ohlo 77-(-,-'317( (p. 71-74) TIJE TASEXENT A'ST.-O- 1. Shch-ICA., V. R AT AST 0 U ~'IC NOMICA 0&SE..VAT,0L.V OF ME ACADFI,,-Y OF 13. FTD-Tr (12-959 L HS sclIbNC ()F~j U~,MS~~ SS,, 1,956-57. 10 Oct 63, 3p (p. 72-74) 77-6 I-FD- J~~-qsq (p. 72-74). U1 - Fulcign Tech. Div_ lou der f als, SLAII or FTC$23.50JU17-64-1317( Ait i-c.ce (,ysiems I ~ I (p. 72-74) Command, %',*,ight- Unedited roLV)i i'draft trims. from mono. Astxomet~i- Patterson AF8. Ohio ~,Iieskaya Koxtfqren[1313;~ SSSi (110. 14) Kiev, 1-7-30 r,:ay 53. T~udy, ~~;oscow, 1900. 'AsUcinomical obsermtorles, *j~Btjon- Star% ~ CAIM10p, thric. A ut. conomical geWesics, 0graphs, docks,''I Photography T'r (~Istl-oncmy' i V. no. 5) ~ ~ 62-25428 V A ~ --r O tRAWHI EODEMC AND CARTOGRAPHIC , SMIES OF UtBEMSTAN, 119621120k). ACIC RR-28. 1. Title: Uzbekistan Ordr frorn OTS 1 or' SLA 11. 60 62-25428 1. Shcheglcyv, V. P. ~ : ~~ 11. ACIC RR-28 C rra!T. monoij onference on the Study of the Produc- I M. Aeronautical Chart tive Forces of Uzbekistan (no. 1). Transacd(hug and and Information Center. N,tat~rlida. v.~41! 1934, p. 95-108. SL Lows. Mo. DESCRWTORS:I~Terrajn, *Geodesics. *MaWrq, ft#oritdon. Triattgulation. (119.015clenciva-Goodesy, TT, v. 9, no. iZ) 01W a Tob" IWkft Tcwc 0 * 'C a-rt rma, c -eocletic a-ad C a t of by 11. P. &cheglav. pepj, ILL Ilauk SSSR,, Save.; po T Plqeniyu dl AyIdA Gil, Vol AM, p ACE SCS, ck~07 ,Tm, 62 Sbcheglov, V. P. ON DETERMINING. ASTRONOMICAL AND GEODE11C LONGITUbt.1 'Trans-~ on Soviet Geodesy 1925-40. 9 jtme 61 fillp. I iei'! JPRS: R-114-N/32- Order frorb OTS or SLA $1. 60 61-23101 I Trans. of "ezist (USSR) 1936 [v. 121 Do. 5, p, 66-71, 1 DESCRIVMRS: USSR, Geophysical prospecting, Errors, *Geodetic astronomy. 61-23101 1. Shcheglov, V. P. If. Title: Soviet ... 111. JPRS-R-114-4/32 IV. joint Publications Re.,earch ;(--rvic(% New York offil" of T~imic.l Services A t r, cn=ice_L Observatory, by V. 0v 511 PP. I brObare, Tashkantakaya An troncmi a li-onkaya. ori 11 yap Moncow) 1958, pp 3-18. -379 Aug .59 ?1 -3 3 C? Ch=dzbrxA Xntornational L-ati-Wde Stationp by vo lp. mi'abe 6 pp. WIISMj par., ADtma ZJmx , Vol XEMV., Eo 4. 1957 1, 1 Awr Inat of phya Gov ABU= - AS vol z, go 4 Apr, 59 5n. q t of Touch 1-H.12i U?e, by Yu. ber- FM- STAIR. per Sol iskaya Mte n M3 2!11 Jai oat 1961.. jq'n 62 i POP" stson of tke loommic loopon. tdz)ioli.l Paw 2. DdV4r*gov&um at e4jetIVI.I. 90, J430, Effect of, the. IStrueture of au A-Icohol Ibleculc = the i I I Klaatlc6 lof Itis DebArogenstion. om=micstion 4. 1 , I, 03-tal a DebQrdrogo=bicm of Bm=y,L A:Lcoholp by 0. Kc P--) vvrLt Av A. Bulandin.. A. P. 33.chegiaviN 6 pp. RMSIAN,p perp Iz Ali Hauk SBWp Mal Ehim Nauk, rio 8, 1 1 ZTPt" i-959o ~ Pm. 1377 )ty 61 Kinetic:g of Butene Dehydroger.atio-K., Bogd allcivaf A 10. slictleglowi, i 6 pp. RIBE JAV, per Dok Ak Nau~ CB Sci oct 6o Kinet~.cr, -O,c,jjj , u-; OtLt'l*j. A ~,i A . P,J Sbcl,-)e4,loir-- I" , pri RLSSIAN, Pex'j, Dolt Alt NBuk SSL;R,, ry]"I"A; N L: 1959; PP 1071-': CB Sci oct 60 the Kolecu OrL tta HUMOV~ C.R. of " t 3 -~ W M2 I I - -.~' . A C, 'bY 6 rMilaxAlli Yuri, lz am. umlir- Vol lip scull - g 17 ,g the Holocv-Lm-~ MMICIMUM' Of (IM AnF aon c~l Il=U:Pc Iz M pp Chem Con al..Itcait!~ BUQ-0!~_Iz D a In h7c4pneA,ftalt or Butane-Butene 14ixturen Znverstigated Wi `11'~ Af~ ~af 0~4,. A. A. RaJmnlim, M. 2. Tcymn, 0.~~ lingdmiciva., 0.' V& ls~aguiyaiatmj A. P. 3 P'lova; Rlyinivi, par! 1z Ak Sauk SM. OIA. e I Milo- Emit 1957, 15(-.L65. sci Chen ~,4;iojio Butad-i-ene by of tie --Blu tylene iUxxtures in Ilh-e Prescrice of watei, V.-RIKir by 0. K. Bogdenova, A. A.. Ral-r-din, A. P., Sbc~~nW-qr~,. a D-P. RUSSUS, par Z'Lmr Obahch nimp Vol :=X, No 7~ 221 --2211. 1959., CB Sci Aug 6D orut4ion Of Carbon Moxide in Lhe Preparation of I I I Butidiene li-riom Dutaue-~Buteze FA.xturea,, cy A. A. . 11 1~ . 1, 1 Ba 18=11' a,. H. S. N~-Immo 0. X. B-ogdanovu, G. V. I j - . 11 Lia&x1yant~, A. P. 1. Popov, 4 pp. IRMSUN, p6r, Ix Ak Hauk 88SA, DtdjI Mim Nauk, No 3 i995~!P~ PP 2-10-273. Consuitants 80au Sol -Cimn VOja 15~ catalytic Dehydrogenation of n-Pentenes by, O~K' Bogdanova, A.P. Shchoglova, A~A. IMSSIAN, per,, Iz Ak Nauk, SSSR, Ot-del Khim Naul-,.. lJo 4,2�61.. pp~ 578-582~ CB A~rll 62