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0XV3019MS HMPqUeS ZU r de 14Cp by T. 11. FW=p bkv lfttoi~r PoliablWa I IM821M msentay mxwdk otsteyj, WMP 196Dp CEA R-IJG34 pArvex" Tnwolatlcm Sol nek~ ion of Rosin &t Atmospheric Pressure, by! VO PO Shatlavo Ot SIO jpviri~~ 61#211% i bosekhIm Pmm* Vol 33S i use ox Givpbite Molds for the Production of' Ware by the Blovip, Method, by A. N. AfEinasyev, G. V. pototakayop 1. S. ShatokbIn, 2 pp. USISTAN., mo per., Steklo i Keramika', Vol XIIIX I i! NO 5, May 1956p p-0- Consult-auto Bureau Sclefitific - Enaineering OV 9 Feb ~7 C'kG a/ OF THE USSR AND PRMCJS BY I . YA. VMMW,* A pi Fl~l ~Nllllnw 00, 77 F~" 1 17 ECAN I D 182PI74 (W 1W W4$YAWV IVACTIM-v BY 0. A* T~1101. s"TKINAt 3 PP. ipbl# WK An (AUK MRS, VOL ca I It to 4t U104370, WtokimimU6n of lUcroaamats *f Ax-oranic by W--aiw OUM~b6lUti,6il of a DiVelint MMMIM Salt, by P. P~~ i~mtljto, 11. 2. Teti=, V. 1. PodolickVa, a -9-W ii, L. A' a To re rmmcmmvm'j Fwastop prp Zkw AnU Map Tol. =p RD 39 1959': 31.1 359, conmItants t/7 ,Tv.n 60 ~w Spow of Operation of sow sitiol Systoms4, by b1. Kh. Shatskiy. xmtic 6 RIA twommkhmakka, IF# S!LA. N67 PP 6530m& DC-2800/51 Dosaaf Ranks .-Lre Growing, by K.-3hatmanov, RUS31JAZI, np~ jovetslmya Kirgiziya., 4 cict 1~60' 1, IV. 4RS USSR mil - divil Defense, Paramilital-y 20 De c~ 60 b Lori ol' M'L',riwa Ar:,f~nic in loripaundo by Means of Di-,nalent C I.Irr",ni 1 mZ., 111jolution,, by P.'P, 3L00 2 pp. 1,.r a na. o i i. vii o 4p 033;316A*51~ per, 7.1hur imal Ki-Am, Vc! -j-, '42-2113. Conaultarito tim-cau ence WIth Veteritmwy Bacteriological by P. D MUM; :per Veterinwiya, Vol Mai, no 9, 9 ~ pp 3.1-14. 54 USDA Jan 55 CTS/DM s ~tioas an the ifed-dire STljby PlotulWrs, K. P. v 141 D 1. graLloys MIMM ZED No~15,*` Sk3l, VP 34-35. Doe 54 CTS Pol a6 ewe -or OpomtIon, ct the flovosibirok Veterinary lmod~~l StUticm, by F. D, ahatskol K. F. chov 13 pp. tranOntion. HU58.UN,, Vaterimriya, Vol YaVIII.. 3.o Moseuvo UWA Tr sciezitifid Nbaicine NCH-202 04 Shatblov, Ya.-. TffEM~ALV~AIQC TION AND EFMCIENCYJ ON SOME MH.JiLS rozit Metali6v.1 1, 10p, 14refs.: 11 Order from'NL Trans. of Zhur p2721-7 1963. See also 'Tr,,Ln TT Vol. ~ 14. Nd Field 11F Nla~rshakov. 1. K.; Kalttzhtna, S. A. CORROSION OF MFTALS. 1. FORNIA- OF I HERMOGALVANIC COU PLES (Issledovanto Termogalvanicheskot Kor- VmAknovente i Effikthnost Terma- par nit ~Ckutorykh INICtallakh). 1965, S-303L, : As 6d as riTS-3037 il Fizietieskoi Khtmit (USSR) v37 02 ated omAhstracted Puhlt~attms.' in 6. 1. N.timal L~ndtng Library for Science ind TechnoloU, Boston Spa (England) t E i: i k h - f- 1: Plastic Oilfilled B~Utralerje Stya-~:zke Mp by V. P. Shatolov, N, P.. It A. To. N, Va), 5 PP MSS!Atlit rp--! f7ITT? Tc~ 1, ACSI H-)416 ~7 59 TIM, Solt 19 wet at tho Exchanv Of Doutorlum in LiqlVid . I H I I Al Shatanjohtam. Yu. P. and 115 luciR S. As WOMAN, pari Wk Ak Mauk SM,# V01 =UV., NO t.~ ig5g) conault'W's &=Tau Bci Rob 6o vit"Ift F prepamation Frm IT, IP n Aninu la a Rarl To, P. S~ktnw vj~.. bysialm -, 0 M. a. 9- A* MW bayiv Ve A- Nlkaamav RMVJI$ PQ;~,v TqPX*9Y K9d IMMo 701 ITs, No 2.9 sell lbd AW. 501 I IThe Actiology of Trachma, by A, A. Shatkin, I. I. Te~akekh., 5 pp. ,RUSSIAN.,Iper., Voprosy Virusologii., Vol IV,, No 6. 1959.. pp 6~3-647- pp Sci Oct 60 A S-91U~y of the Efficacy of Dysentery Alcohol Vaccine J -B LaIvge-43'cale Epidemiological Experience, by T. E~ I lloldyxrevp ~A. B. Aleksantan, 1'. 1. Shatrov, A - -P - .- 1~. I ~ Koraba'kova, M. Z. Leitman; V - 1. NO-w-d q -fay 5 P'P 0 RMSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol I Immwobiol,, '701 XXX, Vo 7j 1959o pp* 3-6 Pergamon Press Sci Aug 6o 61 IPro,lexis of the ep1dadolop of Typhus in Its =~jper,# Zhur Mkrob:Lol,, lpldemdol 1 61 V91 XM lb p 80 Igo* pp IW4112 Pargamm Us% SOL Rod Apr sti!fIly of' by T. A. laicrultakayaj, 1. 1. Sbatrov-, ;rcw, Zlnw Mikroblol i~pidemiol lar-mummoblol., voi )=T, liro 6. j.96o.,p-yj pp ~7 6 -5 Relatdonuhip Between Weial and Biological cciLuj~lori lip Vic SpldeMiC Frocosso by T. R. B614rcvv~ D~ S. BesilmertyWIp It. I. Shatrov,, and E1.3 6.~ ~~yrkova, 7 PP RUSUpp p~rv Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol i To 6 1958 pp 112-117. Vol X)=p I v p Pergamon rhot Sai Wd Mar .59 VOW. 6 sl~ , j (Do-?.8oo/4o) ftLI andIIHIse (Pbyeloal TraUing of Artillery 'by P. Bbatrovp 3 pp., RUNIAN., up., Mmnaya Zveadas No 1W., 9 Aug 1960j. im &.19 um Sit aa~,, '61 i (Dc-6c-41 A fIUMERI~CAL 14ETHOD FOR SOLVI14G OPTIKAL CONTROL PRYOLD~l, BY L. 1. SHATROVSKly, 6 pp. RUSSIAN PER, ZHUR VYCHISLITE-Li MATE14AT I METElAAT FIZI, VOL III NO 3, 1962, PP 4*88-451. JPRS 146':~o SCIi- ELECTRON JUL1,62 2 o5, 635 x4iue~6,i~ of,, the ture Fact= on tba ~~Iml4iloll' and Viralme of Variolar Detritus, abatis uwuwvnw Zhu Bikrobiol, ZpIdeniologli I USS p Ter ciloglij, RDI 1942p pp 131-135. SclibutIfIc xo"Qkne./ -M-0 The Aip of ~ Meteorites,, by I. E . Star ik, M. M. Sbatfi B. Vl,~ Sabotovich, 3 PP- RUS91AN,t per) Dok Ak Hauk 53511., 'Vol CXXIII, E40 1 -1958J. pp 424-. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Pbyu - Doklady vol iii, No 6 Jul ~9~ ii pl~ratiw for Mher-Chlorofarm Nexcosis Ithetrop Mathod With TJULLzation of ot lithe Air Zzbaled by the Patient, M. V*i shatay 26 ppe ;pWsudarntvewvr 14--dit WSIM~~ per, p 143-154. &UW vo2- xxlr, 1942, ID sLA 6o-i373o But VbI -IV,, ;No 5 Mim~ 62 16V1 41~" 1-mlarosec Blocking os,:Ma:Lor With e~ Low ~OpertI4t:LUS Capacitance, by Yu. P. Realluitov, S. Ya. 8 pp. IRLWIM., per, Raaotekh, Vol. -,.rV, No U, 1-960, PP 34-38. pp sci 1'~5-sj 3 LN jWl 61 cl-, 'Osair.-or.6 R.-Iocking-Oacillazu-,-~ S,, Ya, ym- Radiateldi, VcxL YX,, Y 6~ 11960, B,:A Dc Eathe"tic T.XrAning in the Primm-y School~ editcd by 17. 11. LU pp. RUSSTAN. b,k, Beteticheakoye Nachal'noy,Shkola, 1959, vp JPRS USSR Vocpitaniye v 3-3.24. 10513 7 e Boo Oct &L I 1, 1, fea3ur'sment, dC Voctor Electrical Vjmt:Lties, by !~ i?~' G ; AywAkov N. M2* ffiataki'Yp 3 PP* I - 15s' Pa~ I=WLUI" Tb&j, NO 5p 1960P PP 33P 34- bpr 61 1~4?& 4WA tam IL a 4# NO 40 Ito. 329s4" -0, arage, "js" Of Sedimeutal7lj cuid Voicanogo,jj. 0 Rocks alld Forlinations, by N. E!. Shatski:Q 17 pp. RUS-',A~ll Pp-rl Iz filet N-M-111 S-SSR,- q,,r 7,,c AGT Sci The Ifiternational 1:2,500,000 L-twope,) by~!,N* So Sbatskiy~ A. RUSSIAN,, per., Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, 19bi. AGU Sci Sep 62 Tectonic Map of A. Bogdanov, 16- PPO Ll)',er Qeol, No 4, 1210,348 2'5) S' - D Shb-11 "Lepestok" Rust Mask for Protec-i-ill.- t.ie Resp~lratory Organs From, Radionotive S. N.i Shat'skiy, P. I. Basi-aanw,-. I ........... RUS.131-1414, inono-graph, TT%id3, V-~e- Kr~rife--o~nt i, Radiologiy (-Voprosy Gi~: i Pp 44,-16. JPRQ ~ -r Sci T-led, radiolo,-Y Jun !I, Ohdrnical Composition and Ag®ating Gapacity af ~ i Microbial Masar by TA. Gaponaakov, L. I --SnJ ainan P-,P RbSSIAN, par-. PP Sci Apr tQ Mikrroblolotl-a, 'V,-! U"'-, INO 2. -1961~ ,;2 e silarsny, N. 1. 'it% I oIt TIII' POWER REW fIR ED )I~ILLINGI. 98p: ~%~IJAV L: 102. 1. 1,ho-v, N. 1. Order from Ol'S or ETC $2.41 61 -.120 11 11 MMI 02 ofNqW'Alli',C KbOYV3i~1VO(USSR) 19-17, v. j r 'Drilling 1, r of Stws ia the Spiral Arm of the Gala,-,-y., RUSS:VJi,, -per,, Astron Zhur., Wil X-PD71.1, Ha 1, Al.957, CSIFIO T-r 4982 861 Astron /6-7 7~3 i=i 61 11 , - lkminosity Function of lied Dfarfs, R. B. pp. HUSSJ;AN,, per,, Astron Zhur, Vol MVII, No 5, 1960. AIP Sav Attron .. PJ Vol R., No 5 Sci YI -nr; o'i., pr 6t -153G4 Shatso va, ~R. B. l THE V E flF WARS IN TVE MRAL ARM I Stara-Motion OF 71 2 Galaxiea--Analysi., ' V C~t niakilki) tri ` by M. Slade. [19601 f2l 1p. Vi G I Shatsova, R ~ B * (fore tZ, inclu,, -d 13 refs. CSIRO Trans. Ign 11 C-SIRO Trans-4982 no.. 82. ~~ 1. 49 Ill Commonwealth Scientific Orde or!S mi$2.70, ph$4.80 61-15304 r fr and Industrial Research Trans. of Astronomicheskiy 7hurnal (USSR) 1955. Organization (Australia) Y. 32, no. 1. p. 6 -71. Giants ol early spe,6ral classes which form the s;dral branch of the Gala~ ,y In the vicinity ut the Sun (tuyv- I t , I along the spiral ln,the direction of Its unwinding at a ' rate of ibo ut 6 or t, km/sec. Discrete clouds of the spiral have peculla.'r I ocal movements. An Investiga- cl~ud otBjst iars shows that one a( the cam - tion of a I ponenis of the lociall rn'otion is Its rotation directed to- %i-ards Ill." L~onjunn 6)11 of "Gould's Belt" and the Milky Way. A second cot;;ponenx is a forward roavcrocat to off- 1--c.1 5-.,. the direction of tfie~,!centre of the Local System; the (Astronorny-Astro0bysics. TT. v. 5. no- 8) (over) from ~Cj Felldm RWS III pp. 331 Mar 62 of Ultrasound on Electrodeposition of Metalz d'~ Electroleuesp by S-. !~hatsova, Yu. A. 1:4, S. Bbrodavico,.. 7 pep, peog Zhur 11.rik !Qwim, Vol,- No 29 1961~ -338i., CB .on PO~S'IbiUtY CX ObUlniW; Ba(02) 2, bY I - I - H=rAN,, #rUe-m Parp Dok Ak rfauk SWR CK HO 1: 3956.1. pp 87t 88. Navy Tr 1459AUL 603 sci 41 Cbemiatry :7 A* ~9570w/dem .tio~a t6 H,,C- and C02t by Z, 1: RUSISTAN!, Imor Vbur Noorgan llbiz, Vol ' 'I 1~57, PP AM-tZ-4057 Sel -~ chaldnftv Doe 0) par &.v lira eF~rmtion of NzC~2 frcm Ha,-,C~2 2%02, ~11. Vollnwp A, Be shrWilins, x#Rp per., Zhur Heorg Mdm, Vol PI, FO To 14gi-1493- Tma 6d Cleaver.-Hum. Presn Ltd. London 6p 61-11926 Sb4-n6'v- ADJUSTMENT OF A CE14TRAL-POINT SYSTEM BY 1. Geodesics - -Theory NONA.0GARMNITC MEINOD. Trans. on Soviez I. Shatunav G("a~ 1925 -4ft ~ 27 Jan 61, Sp. IPRS: R - I I I -N/.23. 11 - Title: Soviet... Orde'r' O om 0T� $0. 50 61-1192( Ill. JPRS-R-111-N/23 I ~ I IV- joint Publications Research Trans. bf Geod6zlst (USSR) 1933 Iv. 91 no. 5/6, Service. New York p- 26-30. Office f Techalcal S-ic- (fi-ArthScIences-Geodesy, TT, v. 5, no. 7) I 2"t lie OTOW 'Awl i711, zu" INIP .1% IN& 90*4 Broadened Scale for Mass Sports and Defense 'Activities, by G. Shatunov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Sovetskiy Patriot, 22 Aug 1962, p 12. J'?RS 162'DO US SR mil Wo~ 62 (DI-'-23300/37) Oadwcl Deterinite Succasc of work, by.G. Shattib 4 pp. -~ ~11101~yll P88JAINp up2 Sovetakly Patriot, eo C-Op 27 ~T%a ig6o, 2. A,` T I - 3 74 Cadres~Determine Success cf W,~r;~) D~, RUSSIM, np, Sovetskiy Patri,t, 2'~ Jul *JPRS USSR Mil - Civil Defense 15 SeP b0 Improve Propaganda Work., ,y G. Snatu.),.w 711 z npp 27 jam),960P p 2. J'P, A g A-djustmett of a Central-Point Bystem Ify NOD- "rogar i~h'idc ~ kethod 1, by Sbatunov 5 pp POWIA111 peri Geodazinto No 5-6~ 1933s pp 26-30. JF.-'O R-111-ji/23 Sci - Rig - ftodesy Yeb 6l (I)c -2800/10). Itunt ji,gvewb in Dasaaf Life, by G. Shatuaov, IW 3ANg Sant Patriot., Moilcov) 7 Oct 19595 p 3044 usu ~I 10 A.t:.! bimnove 14 pp. hus.M & - ---- A, TrWy Glay Geof Iz Obsery Vol CLIV, !1964. prp Mza TPRS 28127 Feb SCA & Aoxon 2-73,13.1 ftla SIL W" vim A* 94 mom WMj; 2-962-p Do 3# 326j,6o3 The Dete nation of the Distilbtution of Specific I ji 11 1 11 Electrical. Conductivity In a EorIzontally Layered tj j, : ~ Medium by',Ii rial Mectric Induction Exploration., bylu'- B- i~ Sbaub, 5 PP- RUSSW, 1mr, 1z Ak Nauk SSSW, Ber Geofiz, No 93 1963, pp 1369-1376. Amer Geophys Union sci jul 64 262,738 92- ~Fum-ido4iettzalii of Acro-JAuctric cc) -.tc :1 -40 1,Ch 1~1 rl W-f- scilpill Feb 70 402s450 Shaid T iBe ~~t,zffil thd Eisen, Vol. 58, 900 ivards, 1- 38- 10 ~-Luickdngg of ":hin Sheet. larutcher Trans., C)r(ler 1~o. Reamrch on the Pergormuee of PimumUc Tyres Driven ioUp by A. SbRV10kh(MF. Over ~~ ~4 MM13111w, per'~.~ Tmctors and 4aLcultwal VlachLueri. U.S.S B wl. 9, 19f;3j, pp 4-6. CSIRD/*Ifi~: 6867 /7 -S A A" Sai JulY 1967 -334-564, c O'loy, in L4W-Propallant Roclmt 17 ruo Sh* Sbmaov, ti. 0. Lerner 1per.. Me3limd Textilberichtcl V01 34 MO 30. 3 3 CmWstiowin Liquid-Propellant Rocket Motors,, I J-11 III by Ift. Kh. ~,&beml FX1WT XWED 235 pp. maye v Wdkoztnoth Raketnykh JV 0 001 1961, pp 1-194. 9W25 GcNqi Umb 267,23-5 Ca: =i~ ~Iilllff Stabilitw In Normal Codhotion., by 0- II5rJJWV, Th. N. AMUOV, Urasbarly Asl~ 1.0 ROL "'Mys Va. IM. andov. MXWW pik, Dok AU Nm*,v Vol XI, go 12., 1955, pp TIL 71 4922 0 1 ch*ntry 0 Jul.; 30 COW Thax-m~d;,=u Research by tIve M:~-i~hod of gx-Dlor,.Lin and CCWTpu"'Lau ~'qr Combust-iQn Pmcq2stjus$ by A. Mt Gurvich.,, 6,!:S-hmhi3v, 181. pp. BUS31ARIp blt,, Termo&mtimicheskiye lesleauvar,13;a Yntador-~L Vzr~jtvm I Razcbe-ty FmtseElbuf GT)TQr,1,5-a(, i63 pp.! iunc P-Vs,-qq-1?9/v Set c6m Oct rf%f of Iz =u- Bu.niug of Mixtures of Witragen Dioxide With Ibfdrqgon,v ~by Ya. X. flasirov, Yla. Kh. shaulov. RUICISTEIr ica-mo per, Dok Alt Kne. SSSR, Vol CVIII, NO 19.579$ pp M-870. T.I.L. Tr 4797 Jun 57 Of ~ tke Invastius"Im of the Riaetics vi "'i S64difteatica by the Ult"Mmic ~fttjiodv by :4 KI I ~ SkOUIOVO at Q. I Irp, a Wad a I Tok~~OjiuKija Tailliv i ~Awol ;40; lob 07JU7S3 iclioli t~bls cociperati4m Interection ca' Rail az5. Auto I)y P~ 1. N', K, poll tlcfa~ - Trans-p,ort, U;o r-v 3-1) 2-246~!97 Er-Ob -..:!a 2, c 1 C~ of !%-n rc'! 1.1 'e, )--l ft7 .119 Yol PE:11-1- C-01, Lv i (NY-4341) Entraimuent of Frequency in a Self-Oscillator, by A. M. N. Zanadvorov, 19 pp. RUg',,).IMjl perp Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved) WO BSBR) Set Radiofiz) Vol IIj Ho 2, 1959, pp 267-276. JPRS 5153 Sci Aug 60 17Z6 A PMM641, on and Its Practical FAmefit., by Go 5 pp stlya 25 Ilec 64, p 3o R 277,674 Aut6m4tion, and Automatic Systens, by G, A, i Sha~wyan, i'36' pp~ T-- PUSSIAN, by, Avtomaty i Avtomaticheskiye Linii, 3rd Eaitid:n~p 19610 pp 193-209. 9678086 PTD-TT-62-507 sci -~Fngr 2090707 Sep 62 61-19355 Shaw A. AUTOMATION OF PR.ODUQ11ON PROCESS IN MA - I 0,ntrol systems CHINE CQNSrRUCTION. 8 Nov 60 [25]p. (figs. ' Devc1opment omitted). ~MtL-449~ J. 2~ , Industrial production- Order fro6i LC or S i'~A ml$2.70, ph$4.80 61 19353 0311trOl SYMCM4 3. a f`rojzv(YJ-;t - I Rough draft trans aC mono AvlomatizAitsi Machines -Control Hyqtems r; A Shau ya . . . y vennvkli Piotsessov 0~ Mashinostroyenji, n. p. , 1958, 11. mi n. NJ!Cj_-;4Q, I p~ Si-93and~106-116. [11 TeLhaical 1L1f0r01a1!(!E1 (!enter, Wright PzwcT';')j1. These excerpts provide information on automatic APB. Ohi(, assernbly lines comjxwed of),veneral purpose autornaih and semiautomats and on aic system of program control for program 6ontrol macWnes. I(Machdnery, Fabricatlons and Accessory Equipment, V, 5, no. 11) -A li (Dr.-3901) LEM$ Of STRUC.TURAL L. I NGU I ST I CSo URGr BY K. .4,*WAN,, 15 PP. I Z AK "M SMV OTDEL L I TERA RLfs*iAN.,. ~ opt, 162p I ~ T livoL XXIt ND 2-v KWOR 15 JM 14252 MA04 O~E TqANSLAT I ON 201..936 ................ J" - 39ca/4-f Liuguistic~,Problema of Cyberne-Lics and Structural Q Liu~uistias.~ by S. K. ahaumyan., 16 pp, Pdr, Yoprogy Fil-0130f It; 140 A. ~54"r 10,60, Pp 126-131., im 65o6 Sol -~Mlsa Jan 61 Tro'l 7, J Ju ow tol'Impro,va the StmetLral Homogeneity of .ot-RoUed ~(Strip) Steel, by V. A. Shasurin et al .US8.rAIV,, pary Stal) Vol 15, No 1) 1955 Ip e&16~6. Brutcher No 3599 $3-80 -cieiAific - Mn/Metals ;'eb 5CTS/d,-x 4, V. V. on 44 Vol rin?.filo Vow& Kew& A I TJ96 K=' A. R. No Sulfio t~pm of Burnt Copper Pimites by the Act& ~af a" Rljss-il'~j Z6,;r Din Prm, Vol 1.9 3925s pp 21 23. Bmti&br Tr 2823 $6175 hi ~atdfj~ou cmd Burvival Ammg the Dif f orent atTains ci stri ptomWalu Producers IbTosed to the Effect 6f ~ Stiej~toMmln, by B - P . Dulbinin, R - N ohiwel'imy 3 PP - per., Dak Ak Nauk SSSRj Vol GM,* No 3.s lg(D: P~ Go, AIBS SCI. Fell 61 pm*~110404* Ultxao-Rt& VZCU%= by HMS CC OrdlnOXY PD6004 DO",# bV He Ve TUftllMj, YU- YSLO JI -W RMIARP pirs, Pribory I Tal& Zkoper.. No Is, 1962.. ma Sol liov ~2 21.60383 Ib 't Ao: ,Id' An. 1950 See 4~6. LaborAxi l~ Vol Scientfri, =~fiauW cf Pbosphorow Betv"n fte r6 'ima Saters of Fbasphoric Ac1d by V6'ilwv, V. P. Hedvedev, M. B. Reiman, I. Vol 70, Ho, 1, pp 43-5, :,Npv York 6tate: Brodthaven Kational y10!ulde to Rwaign, saifwtif ic per lit, 7j,! Jul 19501 VP 187 Sai Mmeum Ub No London D~ii ni,, i~ u, n~vc rav'.,;~ 7liv),r XnNre5tigationm of Un-s~=etriuaj. Orrganic- i I Q! -Oxides. XIV. Transformo'k-doriii of I.-i- penrlm~ Hi7nioxide~ by Fz G, a - 1 'r',b ar iunko rmd M - P - Sh ev~; o v a RUEZIAN~ per p Zhur OlbshcL i~izi, 51 1957~, Xv .1226-1230. Sci. 50 TnhI6 --r,o'L Titaniuu Alloys in Controlled -Atmosphere Chaz e'r by iA. V. Shawkimov, 11. A. Aksenov, '~ pp. RUSSIX,J,~ per, Svaroch Proiz, i1o 4, pp 24-, BWBA Sci tiay 62 195,225 I h k ~, J i n4rwdyz~lmlc flesearch by the Method of Saplw iori wLkj!dcm64lt;%tlOn of ccoutim prWasseB, I abes" losledmullya Wtodom ill~ascbety Protsessav laormi.Nu), by A. 4i" ru. M. abavlovj, :L85 pp. jW6%ff~Jbk., Wsaaw Unl-vj 1955. AM Wlr-O 60 C;2