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(NY-5204) PoA61 Buterprise 14echanizatica Is to Be Conailsteatl6iy Developed, by G. N. Sbaroglazov, 4 1?P - RU33W.. yerj, Veatnik Svyazi,, RO 3, 1956) a JFRS 7070 Sci /LIZZ-1 0& ~ Apr 01 1 V 1 ! ~ 11 i i i, (DC-3901/26) lCybermetle "Polyglots," by L. Sharolt, 8 pp. I RUSSIAN, per, Moskvaj NO 3p 1960, pp iM-iB6. . J]PRS 3731 sci - Mise sep 6o ) c2- J - 9 /.2,, using. Bee Ooordimtes, by A. Yes ~O~Dtao"~ Ho N. SemoVskikbo r4 L a 9p. HUSSUN., ~ero~Vest Voz Flots, no 1, 1961p pp 38-43.*'~ 9h~853 ~ 61 I . j 1 LocallOrsanizat4on of the gtsxnaLrds Committee and lhe; Intnductiou of Nov Meamwema Techni4aeso ~by a. it. BLWOWTP 3 PP, RUSSIAN pep, lzmeritel Takhj Do 12, 1960) set r iAblt4t uork, MOMS amd tho ikftvlor o lab In of tho Vdip qVarrAtlectric -?.Owl4p itmtd'' Arne !, 1e 1. i 6!666ilq o I I The the AP COMOSIMan wid -~-;-rowth Pi in the of 1~1 Kulbyshov aesorvair. v by, 6he room, CFal IT' 68-kniqq Feb 69 372.3J Li LI., 0 02 smftc*Active Sdbatamene bin J$Am Of Dl*lu%vWftnm*bUlty of stuas Gap no Ishatrua astalysto by IL No BbUVWFO 1, D. Rmtw *W no I adalls't Val x1j, No ho 2D0# asn. 6e WhrAt Dial ~Iaacivlji About the Moon., by 1'. gjj-~,aaov, 9 pp. F0.9 UkU ONLY RVSMM~,, lvjr,,, Aviataiya i Kbammonavtitn: No 4., 3.96 3. q G 2 "? ~.c) I m-sT-63-4 st'i -, SO-V 63 ("' -' ~- Y -- : I r'rw bloon and. Interplanetary Space Flights, by I V. shar6nov, it. pp. UNCL-ISS-TrIEM RMSUN11 np, Tzvestiya, No 28, 2 Feb 1958, lioaccu, p 4p Rn6l to M-122-58, AFC33-lAl. AP 3a65884 Sci - Space Research Apr 58 A Pbotbmetric lavesUption Of the Presence of ottL-- Lmypqr~ of VOICalfic Origin On the Moon. by I VII 41 $baronov. :RUSSI*Wr-VKri-,'Asa'on Zhur. Vol XU4 No 1. pD65, YP NA"' TT r,-9322 Sci-B S/A Jun (!6, 282,577 ,,Ollie; Rcsj~lts of Photometric arid 'Colcri:-ictric Cunplarison of Volcanic Deposito on Earth 14ith the Lunar Eurface, by V. V. Liharonov. ~S .to B;;~X'L~r Sci - Ea:~th Sci may IAIT )t gftL-~ O-Ljl~-nit'UCd Volcaniom 3niposilz-1 Q-iq may 1964, 11)64, 1-1). 4-ML/A/Y-7/7 0) Astron L*,"� Oft Vd 3f. M V. Join state *f the Ontim! of a a-latural V., V, Ish".0n ov .11 68 360, 119) visu~l-col I .*metric Investigati:)n of' the Lunar Surface., by Vj V. 9~aronov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Astron Zhur, Vol MI'A', !,.)62 PP37-92. CIA/FDD NOT RELEASABLE TO FG.52IGN NATIOCIALS Sci Jun 62 USIB INTEXIIAL USE ONLY 2 `-, 21; 2 questiorw =d Twwt-y-pow J;nswars , by & S. tvarev.S. V. Sharonov,p V. A. Magaitokly, pp. HUBBLUO per., HaWa I Zhizuj, Vol XXMI.. No 3, X961., jtftQj 9676282 pm-m!-62-1 saii fts 6e. Photowbric and Calorimetric Observatlow o- N6(:til~cevt Cloude Dwrlng the Sumner of 19-5.0 V. V. Sharowv,, 15 P.P. MWIM, bk,. Istaedmays 15ambrietym Oblakov, Le'alDvw'" , No 1.. 1960., PP (36-76. 9661-2M Sol - Geopbys J~n 63 mtioa of tho A "at.1,0106ical inter prep and Colorimetric Studies of lf=~Sy b-, V. i~hcixonov., pp.J RUSSM: Astron Zh'Lr, V01 IXXXVIII, No 2, 1961 pp 267-2721. AIP Sov Astrom-A.J Vol V, No 2 Oct. of t-1he Frec ULt"ad u--Vcy o ul, _-Z, sc-.E - 01 ophyl FOr! 60 J 13-217' Tho M F dc ead F-maumtkca =41 by Vo V 6 Sb=miov: jet Pro7alidon Lab JPULT/TrOUl ANO 10 YED X-,= 59 anrl Methoda Qr Inver, ti,,Vitlon Clouds ~':)y DWirj!; al-' hbeolutc RU P- b3 A op &M F461L tbe~ldiest ~Or.4 ser (IDC-e5gi). 0t o"Ormu= oir mm wring mition of 1956.. by V. V. rp. Vwt Lenlngmd lAtiveraltetAj. i6ki I Astr , Ko 1" 39, 3-958., Vp 18T-202. Bel AstumloW Augi~59 'I" Odarl=U7 er as *04 1w Ile, t to igamm va X0 W%4 4mh alb i ~~ ~ p*x W~4 xw Nboosd" at ime ftudw epeawm- w T. V- smooffs - -- - - .. - . vp I 64~4UO Jai 66 306S06 ii~wts and yofjitiom'P by pp- Nrc SM- Fir)MCU nac 60 T Study of the Reflecting Paver of the Vzon's Surface, by Di. ~- SytinBkaya, V. V. Sharonav, 44 pp RUSSIMI, per, Uehenye ZapiWd Lenin Gosud Univ Ho 1531 13-4j, 1952. CIA 9078023 sTL-TR-61-5LLO-23 Sci - Astron 7 sep 61 Tabl.e~ of Contents Of the Russiam Book, "The Sun and It.s Observation.,n, b7 1'. V. Sharonov, 3 pp i RUSSIANI I~cj, Solntse i Ego MaMd4 Nably-udenie, Msw~p 1953p 218 pp. Sci Tr Genter RT-2806 Scieritifia - Astronomy Jan 5~,6 CTS/dex IMO of Tc-ue Absorption in the iWT!osphere O:f ~~ra,' by. V. V. Sharonov, 23 pp. RUISSDIS,q ,P,,,,;, on Zhur,, Vol X=W, "o i , 1.95ti, Pli 557-567- 9037458 Mar Pq RaLd Corp T-:I'll 71.1 The "EMshold of Color DiscrimInation for Vq4al Cbs6rv'a!tlgiA`: of the Lua= Surface and Lhe Ynximm C I I olor, D Orme of lu= Objecta) by L. F M==OV, 4 pp. por,, "tr= zhur., VQI *.-=7i, 7--v pp 184-791. ,;~ 3, Axel.- last of FhYa Val. 11, "NIO 5 Sep -PhOtC)!ll1*Dt'-"j,C CO-:'dltAQaG Of NLC-~ Visibility, by V. k~. Sharonmr, bk 6 1) L; r nt. S t a t ei 9:f '7~ 'T 61 SA Techi der from is. of Metei 1, p. 124-1 CRU3TORS. )I METIJODS OF INvESnGATING CLOUM BY MEANS OF A&SOLUTE :Probletiq I h"ody Absolyulnol Lxrlgtyldi Oblakov). Nov 63. 17p l8refs Trans.1117-84; p. 18-34. $1.75ihw-68-11749(p. 18-34) vologlyd, (Sbornik Statei I (MR) 1960. *Clouds. *Noctilucent clouds, orny). Measuremeni, Photometers. (Carth ScieDces~- -Meteorology, TT, Y. 11, no. 4) TT-63-11749(p. 18-34) 1. Sharoncyv, V V, 11 NASA-7-T-F-84(p. 18-34) III National AcronautICE and Sf)k'ICC Administration, Washington, D. C. off" C9 lecirk.1 scnxts 7 1 The Solar' Illi~--dnation Constant and Its !,~,ost Probable ~. I Value., by V. V.,-.Sharono)r,, TISSIA11 -I-,, -Ak Nauk SSSR, O,del ',:auk, 'lo *Navy "r1':.- I IVOOmrs IM fl-a'zion of Active 0 b7 Vo Vs sbaramv, 5 PP- Col of Art# ViWUU '~s, PP 154.%-IL50* Sa4stmnaw and Astmpby"ms Feb ~ 68 35OP507 V V 15 -41a, R'r /4 0 V cb,b~6,rati,ic Phenomena the Anneanng 4~&J~Oft~j~ of PVA., by Yu. Sharonov, t , i tr-;-t I. !L-;- RMSIAII.. 4er, Vysokamokeku&qruyc Soe- 6i3~wj Vol. 4; No 6,, 1962p pp 917-92, MMRP/ITOI! 7648. /Z 6 N C JtLl~ 67 333,9h-) At ~ t of AmmUng of Polymr Glasses on tie. Tampmtm Dap2ndmco of Ttie~ MV41ty in the Softealug %nM: by 14, Dallibubtelup Ta Mmrcmcrl. rA 3., 3b. 194U, PD. 1739- 17- A fl~ Ams.: irf -335- 583 Eff",,'G of Anactaing of Polywr Glatmes on the !N---jj?L,~*wbuva Dopendowe of the Reat Cw the 6ofts-uning Range by M. V. lFo2ltenslitein, 0 , parp Soadinaniya, Val :txl,. Xk~ lip 1961., m? JL739-L71'.5. 967oo6g BSIC -47 internal Itawritiou in Polpw Chalon an6 fteir ' I ftystuii jpropirtles. VI. XWwwlaos aW Di- ! ~~ . 11 1W1 Chaim wltb Mastive Subot tt6"v ~*Y 0. a. Ptitwin and In. A. Obarm 01 1 zqtmc ppr Awr TOM Piss Val XXVUt No 221, 1957 vp i 4i 44rr63L. Awr mat of r4p am Val, - Tech ftv VOI Us 0 12's, 1957 Sol IIJI I! Use 6f MJaeaives in Eagneering, by N. 1. Artamcklii, M. S'. shalrionova, 3 PP. ~ ---wli rl-! 10:' HIS SIM, per, Vest Mmsh~ Vol YL, Ti. 515, 1960, PP 3~-39-- PEW.%. Sci /5-5- (2-0 ~ AM 61 1/ 0 / bct of ithe Tumor Extracts on the Catalase emd agyme 8zIA of the Liver of Formal Nice, by A. H. in't K94,14 Sheirukhova (Sharoubov) , 1. A. Mudinova I hudinoli) I I . 7 PP - SIAN., Per., Biokbin.. Vol XX, 1955, pp 126-128. ac Tr 31.66 Sci Wd MAY ftxot~oataO of 14vto oxtmm lwmatim 'Fron. the ~4f BloycanhaqUdze Atrite (F~L b,* isrouts. io pp. SZLM~113 land H act A)( hA; 11 ~the ~"twss Voriobility of the Object Lch is Identified with the Rudio Source .7 3., '' l~y A. Sharov, N. Efzv=v. MIMI: per, katronomichesILti'Tr.:Lrlm3zmr, 1246 1963, p 1 :p '1014 A Jul 67 334,983. (h tho ~Ktneaaatlcs of the Olobular Clustere, by !,. S. %aro4 S. D. Pavlovskaya. 6 pp. "--l 4~& VAXP/// imussimi, pers, Astran Zhur ftPo.. 5. P-D. 939-945 Alp Sov AAron-AJ Vol. V, 'No. 5 sci ilgyl, YZ/(, Aar 62i I 9.~Ixw 96-20, ]Lgo Tbo oil,, is ~ot a" Is %be 32ast ftrwee Dratebw TV=$ lose $1.W Lt~bj Stnicture and Wthod of bbvemut of Monura owd ~~U~m (ImecU, Apter3WU), by A. G. MWXM,p!per,t Dok Ak Sauk SMLO Vol cxxlzs. no 4,, 195'Sis, PP!1133-. Amer Inst o Mal Sci scl Ned I-Teal Reception of Optimuin-Code bly A. I. Sliarov, 5 Dp. -1 RUSSZ4311 .L. X~ per, liadilouekh A I ~-E, t= in OBaration Are= of 3:1 obwov, by A. Hmulp Pup Ubtauum) Dc) 23-25. 5v ELECTRONIC DIFFERENTIATORY BY .4. S. SHAROV m. A. ALEKSEYEV, ET AL, 10 PP. RUSSI,AN) PER, ZHURNAL VYSSHEY .,EiRVNUY DEYATEL I NOST I I MEN I L. P. PAVLOVA . VOL X I I No 4, i962y PP 762-TO8. JPRS I 6'~.)-2, SCI - ELEURONICS DEC 62 -,312 A Reappraisal of Interstellar Light Absorption in! the Galaxy, by A. S. Shamv, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Astron Zhur, Vol XL, '--~'o i PP~900-911. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Aro.-trou - AJ Vol VII, No 5 Sci A ~ 64 .pr 254) A fOr XISOU-1011 SkIn SM="tUms 6. v A. a. -shumv, 3 pp. am VYSGW NUT I"tel MWO 1. P. pwowm~'; :Ko lb 4s 1960,v vp 62"36. pp AMW 192a 760 The Application of the Viriel Theorem to the Dynamlc~ of star Muster., by B. A. Ditayp F. A. Taitals' A..4 Sh=v F 6 pp FIBSURv Pw, AVtrOn Zhur, Vol XICIVII# hb 4y 1960p pp 65"64 Alp Sov Astrma,-AJ Vol IV q No 4 Sci Apr. 61 of Several Theorati.2C..1 TA- 'llotation with by h.i 'D lp RUSISIAN r, ur; "Vel pe on Shl ADP So-%: Vol rab Structure of Suvc'-.-.Cj. of dplwd.~Csp by A. S. CIlc-.ov, XAT I p'r,4-.rp Ast.-cn Zllnxr, '1.950P :PP'807-815- AMC-r Sov Aatroa-Ai Vol III, NO ain 60 On the I~Nkturei: ace the Relation Bety,,Qen StG)d vi. Colo- Excosseal band itha Brightwors ot:' th.,.- Milty SbLarov,.,. PP plualiIIA14,~ psrj, P.6trum zhur, Val -=Wl~ 11,1~0 .1, pp UP Vol 111, No I Set - 111(itron Omat 59 The Fine Stracture of Cryst&Ulnp, Pexticlea of Urpaium, by V. V. Ryabkina, B. V, Shamv-., 3 PP,- RMUN, per., Piz Met i Mat&Uawed, Vol VII, No 51 1959, PP 360-362. Peergmm Pmas Sci Jul floo 2 ;7 S o" 13urface Layer, on Uran'.1r by llleci~%-ojp= king, 'uy D *V 1~,lr: Iz Ak Hauk SSSR? Otdcl Teldi ~,q, pp, )),"-)")0, Mlct-c.~Il Toplivo,, No 19r, 0 I-IB 4755 DO-ci 59 De~belo!Tt,t Prospecto of the ?,uznetak Metallurgical COm ~m G. V. Sharav, 141. R=IM, por, Metallure, No 4p 1957p pp 5-8. Consultants Bureau Be i En6,:r jui 5B SHAROV$ G.!. Uzqe~o, Goi.e'-oven Gas 2or Suarfdng of Semifinished Products. STAL,V~vol 10, No 72 p 46, 2~O words. Bratcher No 1278, $ /. OT . 11 11 11 1 Localization of Glycogen in the Human Placenta, 1 1 by!I. 1. Shar 3 pp. ~T--OIIL- TAN,, per, Byul Eksper Btol i Med, Vol 1, 14,3 Ij , pp 112-115- CB i Sci -10.) jun 61 / ~" 7 Ij / . I nidt6cheodpal Study of the G13vogen Ccmt-~nt uf ~, 1 1, , ljt,WrUo W& p3=ente of White Fiats at DMfor-glit gos cif, Gootatlomp by 1. 1-.4bunm4 4 pp. 1 43 RUSSIAN,, per., 1:rul Mwpor Biol. I Ned; 7ol =71, Nc, i pp 104.108 1 909 Bel - Nod canw2tanto 59 Activitv'r -I-r- tto U?;fnr-rf k~VUKL'4t' libito Ratoa t, by 1916, S,, Sliamr;. !Per,. Lqo-:L Eks-pr Dio-1, 1 CORO U:Ltnra,~,-, BTm-,au lad dng the TrsatAent of *2imdxcm Aluminium ~m AIIWs In the lAqcdd State, by M. F. M. V. sbarow - Mmw,, per., Lit"noye Prolzvodstvop No 9, 19512 Mz m &319 861 ; PI/M x ;? - -F I (.- mim- 3 ~l 61-22808 Sharov, ~M.11 andjGudchenko, A. P. A S7`UDY~ 01- THE. INTERACTION OF HYDROGEN L Sharov, M. V. WITH LIGHT ALLOYS DURING THE MELTING IL Gudchenko, A. P. PROCESS. jan60. 11L MT Trans-118 Order from MT (1.5 10s MT Trans- Ili IV. Tollemache, M. de 0 (Gt Brit. Trans. of mono. h1lepallurgicheskie Osnovy [At*va Legkikh Splayov, M6scow. 1957, p. 306-340- DESCRIPTORS: *Allcjys, Melting, Hydrogen, Chemical reactions, Metallutyy. (Metallurgy, TT, v. 6, no. 6) Office of Technical $wvices 61-23732 Sharcn,, M. V. aW Serebryakcrv, V. V. MtTH6DA ~DE DftTERMINATION DE LA SOLUBILITE I - Sharov, M. V~ DE L'HYDROG1?.NE DANS LE MAGNESIUM ET SES 11. Serebryakcrv. V. V. ALLIAdES [Met6d!ka Opredelenlys Rafavorlir-Wi III - CEA-tr-R948 Vodoroda VMagnif I Ego Splavakh] [A Method for the IV Commissariat ~ I'Energte Determination of the Solubility of Hydrogen in Mag- AIGMique (Prance) neslum~ and its Ali6ys I tr. by de TreavinBky. 21 june~ 66, [81p. 7 !refs. CHA Trans. no. R 948 Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-23732 1 Trans. ln~French,of#ZavodakfayalLab[oratorlyaI (USSR)A958, v. 24, no. 10, p. 1226-1228. DESCRIPTORS: *Ningnesium. Magnesium alloys. Hydrogen,~ Deterr~lnarlon, Solubility. I The imperfection of the device for the saturation of themelt with hydz~,ogen in mentioned as an essential de- ficiency in' the woA carried out before. A device JB described which makes it possible to maintain a hydro- gm pi*gsbre of I atmosphere above the metal melt I ~ ~. i ~ ~ I; I (Nietailurjz~. T-T. v~ t. no f) 'Eho Undency of ALloys of the Develop Porosity., by 14. V. Sh-arcw, Ye. L. lzi BJWA-r~vj 8 pp. .. lie-, I'lauch Dok Vyssbey Sbkoly, RUSSM a-959, pp 63 -67. ATIC MCL-272/1 Oci minimet EeeaslficatAon of Aluminum-Silicon. tUloyc~ Help c~' Flimes, by M. V. -Sbaro v, 01 T. Nikiabayelia, 10 pp. RUSSIIW~ per, lWaueb Doh Vyssay Metal ~-urelya,, 110 1.~ 1959x pp 58-62. ATIC ~M-272/111 aci - Ituillmet Dec 6o A. P. se",=l Wthods or Ptooesslug Xleetron (magnesium) *gibe Liquid MUte. I RMS ro . 'rudy Nw*wskogo Avlatelonnogo ;, ! -. '-116 To A^Fe,.M90koAp iJ6tltuta,, Issue 4, 1948,, PP 3-29. AM I-TS-TJ 7532 may 52 Ora Ouw With NOUNWds by Ns. IL.f 2 PP* IPWO!i ft"OVY I ftl"kb*=wbJAYv No Us 3,962p *m 64-U.086 ftl Nkr ,A A!RCMFT#S T#JMWF AND LAMING 404 bY A, STMIN N. SIWWv 6 PP. Nil PERs VIMT VOZ FU)TAt tjo m., 1961 FTD-vir-6w i USSR 6t 204J,412 I. p ~ ~; J! I ~ 4 ~i Flow With RolIer Moldboard, by N. M. Sharov. I - RUSSIX I~ pe , Tio 11, 1962) pp 46--47- ~ j i *OTS u4-1-Lobo I PL-48o Sci Feb 64 - I f, ~ i Grundlag'en der Automatisierung in dur Giesserei, 1956, by N..T~. Sba,rov. -anslated from the Russian edition, 1953. DSiR 621-746:621-52 Lending Lib Unit G. 11350/0 The Ki-6etics of Sulphur Transfer From Iron to Slags 4- J& or tl~e Blast Furnace Type, by IF. A. KrivoLlooov, 1. Sharovo RUSSWO per., Nauch Dok VysshM ShkoI3 Petallurgiya.. No 42 2.,9581 pip 28-33. BISI 2091 Gal - Wn/matals; Sep 62 (DC-471DO/13.) wev Aw, . ~ Cma-' tiou for Track DrIvers, by V, shplxl-plvl 9~li pips RUSSIM pev'~ otr~tellp 'No 6.. 3$6:Lv 3m 27-29. Rcon ~;ep: 63. 1 1 11, (LV,-6r-8) and Chanzes In M!.c-.,mT7t4=-- 5-- kt,"p,os 16 Ph, p by V1. Sbmrav; 13. pp~ M�SIM, Per, blet i Gid, 110 2,. 1962, --op 9-3-5. iMs la-6~4 sak - eogbys M9,T 62G /V-,// ~ I Rel' ation Enthalpy and Cooperative Phenmena in ax I I ~ I I Pbk*'sIvm0s in the Vitrificatim Intervia BY tu*A. Sbuvwvp HcV. VoIlkemahtein pp7 par# Fis Tvardogo TeLiks Vol V,; No 2., 1963., Amer Inst of Pb" Sov HWe - Solid State Vol vo No 2 Sep 63 The JrAcrruletioa Bootween Genrrral, ano- Pr~ferjrdonal Education, by Yu . V. Sharw- par, sovet podagogil"i) NO 12) I-Q159, 32-19. T-u-beratl Axtl3 ar'.. Pr-~:ufi Soviet Educa,Acii jun 66 us S F, Sr 'il 'cra` n j La C', yu. V. Shurc-,i, pp- A~y R US Sr' T i'UN Ipar, ISA-.wet. pp 30-41- Sci P:--e5o Vol 1, Sci Dec 59 cit;Ttuf -ninis Titan'Lin Dioxidc Fi cl:-.. Iloductf.on in Sodium Sulfate F()4,,.~ycv, 22 pp. RUSSIfUO'., per., Iz No 4., 1959, P-P 52-62/ us 11 R E~4 C MA - TO Chnological prepa~atjou of the jrja-:.!--S~te SaItS Of Tri,;:;:~.:.~ Titird=, i~r IVI. '-f. M. 1. A. K. Der Zhw Wec-zjs KMm., Vol II., Ho 21 195(p Am-tr.4D52 V C, sci Alm 61 P9T:SD 79 6mumt of Miemleauts. CU. 7a. cc 769 !In Qrtals $oil$ *f Ow LatTimi SSRj llll~ So Shama, ~Wsl . P63r, POCINVA9. No 3s 19579 pp 19-31. Sci Chom. Agri 6116 302a335 I I [I I I i! I Ileprol hand Transmission of the Value of an Anglolin Rd If~renoe Mmsurements,,, by G. I. Strakun., L. 1, ftirkw,ap B. E. Sbar pp. RUSSIM, 0rj, lzmeritel Tekb, No 10, 1960, pp 13415. Imtrument Boo iety of America Sci A/0 sep U M8=1 "frabdng In the Bulprian Elementary Schools, by Rayno' Shv' 'rMjj pp. RUSSURij per, Sovet Pedogag, No 2. 1959t PP 117-128. Internatl Arta and Sci Preas voi i, so 6 USSR Soc Jun 59 All/ Nothodi of Selecting Scbemec and Paramters f or 1 11 ~ Oso Tqrbiw Mute Having Regard to lu-kw I I~ I Interre3ation of Limiting INxer aud bkLxU= H~flc~6n,c7j, by A. v& Sbar(nrstl7s RMUN, per' Teploewrgetilcap Vol IV, 1955, i 0 2 P T.1,L. T.hgth S~i - Enginwringv Fwls 3J7 w/ 9 6 Jun 1956 , !, j - 1! .4; . Folaxiz4iou'01: ifigh-Luersy )4 1-13SOIL15 ILA 1-01B."111k 1" 'b.j ii. Ill, L, A. e, - ; 'ays' I pbaroy A. P - Pikalov 3 i;lij - -par, Zhur Elraper J. Tcoret Fiz, ",r0-' 18-21, Amer fr-st of PbT.1 - j1,7TP 7 T sci NCH-201 093 Field M, 20B 2sh~ ilk r N. NATURE OF ~FAJWNIAG14TIC RESONANCE D; 1. rt-c~--Acal IfiformalWo and NIOLFCUL'R'CRYSTALS OF NIAG%ESrMl PHTtLkLO - Library ServIces, , CYAN-D;E (0 Prlrode Paiam&gnJLnykb Tsentror T Mintstry of Ariaticn. hlolekulyarnykb Kristal3aih~Ftalctalamldi MaViya). Aug 65. 7p. l4refs. TIWIT.5598. Order from NLL' Trans. of Z!3v-rnal Stz-u)t=c4 hMmII (VSSR) r5 n5 pG97-701 1964 , 4 Aj li-i of the 'HodLo2wvsl8 of WaUr, A. 9bGWMtyy., H. A. Proalm=~Ln- FOP1 un omz per., rauk samo Trwtv n., 354,763