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(NY-5100) !Llime Lost In WinUr Rapdr of River V. Sy7wanav., V. Mmpiaskiyj t8~y., 3 yp - - msuN, mv., vodnv Trawpcwt, 16 uov 1961. JPR8 13W5 UjSSR /y, e,4 , 172 F16on A~r 62 (NY.64ol) BUdget Of nWj?%t ChOMM Nbat B-- BmIanced ~ IrIlmi IGOMb~l Wesp by Y. Obap - ~o 3 pp. AF? IMMM nVo Dmvw, 21 Wcm 1961, P 5. JM3 12879 HE/Atr - In-"l Dean /,:~:p ~tmr 62 .,, 6 ? ;I i W IS* art 2 i!v A~. of M6thod of Engineer F. L. Kovalev in M&C, ha4llied 91a~rthwork, by Shapiro, I. A. RUSSIAN, per,~Mekhanizatziya Stroitellstva, 1951, No 3, pp Sci Museinn Lib No D2,/04-(G wination of Nouwtallic Inclusions by MwpUv. UMASSIFIED RWSIU,,i handbook., The MetalLurgy and Beat ~~itw6t or steel and catet 'Iron, 195T, Cbap X; 1112' i6. p .1 p JU6. 58 4~' 4!~ ~~r by Ift, ZolyakoTs A, pinual Vol 0 scilk, t VetwinutWi Satolkloped icbeskiy Slowar, P' '!,PP 3W-393- i lbdlclm IX~ Corwter Calculation of Tempwature DistribuLion in CU'!,Polas,, by L. M. ~~rieabakh, A. M. Shkojro. RMSIAN, per, Lit Proiz, Sep 1960, pp 25-28. HB 5125 Sei - Engr 4- le - .- -/ 0 v .jtxv. 6.*L Difru-sion Kinetics fOr a Surface Of Unequal AcOGS, sibility$ by 0, M. Todes, A. P. 8 pp . RUSSI&N., p~Ir~ Kinettka i KataLiz,, Vol., I., No 2, 1960.9 pp A-332. OB Jul 151 7 Tetradym#s Flotation, by V. 1. Zolenov, A. F. Shapiro,, 3 pp. I RUSSIAN, pex, Tevetuye Metally:, Val I, No 6, 1960, pp 14-17. Primary Bouroes s0i Feb 81 '/ 1~le , a"~7 ~~ 1 1 1 Atta k '* aOTarswt from Selim by the Combat-Rump j! gvth:~Iij* 014 F. Volcabonko, A. Sh. SWIM 3 im. pup Vest VGz rIcta,, No 4., 1958, PY 33-34. AM ftl -~ Aercuoutles Ocrt 56i (BY -5330) Ilow to, 116prove the operation of Kcakhoz-type Itediffmaim S;~aticms, by A, V. RadziavsUy, Ye. A. Shaplid.,J3 pp. RMSUNP pw Veistuft svyazi.. So 8, 1954. JVRS 7M reb 61 A IgivIlICIectrleal Proportional -Action Effector, by li v I Litvall, A. Ya. S#api ro, 4 1). RUSSMA yarp, Avtcmt I TelemIch, Vol ;a, No 2, 966, 2531-256. 1 :P Inistru 1.13oc of kaer Apr 60 0010 4pucatdou 0t C-W*-LebO.Ue(L UUDSUD e8 IU UO St ,ady 9f Adipose,%Uw3 Hatabolismp by B, Sbapim., G6 Promaino or rutAmmationa c6afwwwa cm PeacelU Uses of Atomic Nwray Held Clem~va 8.20 Ana 1955., Vol M. latermati Couf -- un avoice A~r 57 ciA 1-669.9.162 An~Electro-4co"Btical Method of the Registvation of Deto"~ionslin Aviation Engines, by A. S. Sokolik, A I I I. *kolik~JB. %apj=7 M. 1. Rodman, 20 pp. RUSSIAN., per_. Tekh Vozdush Flot, No 9, 1947. AW F-TS-7368 Sci:- Aerh,Rngineering mqi2loc;3~ in the Fmcreas in QyDcaraiall 1! 1, 1 InftrctIouJ$ by B. 14,-2wnLra, RU-145iMpj~j~er.$ Arkbiv 11'atologii, Vol xxv, , ii 196, 9 6 p . 3, pp 50-58- MS ITT-(A'~:1-9657 inn ~bttona In Ipm F-Region of the Ionosphere above Tbilisi diiAng the ZcliW of February 15,, 1961 by B, E%a''p'l= and V. H. 81uwb='kin&,, 7.-- T1=3*A1'1j, Mr j, ftmagmt I Aaron, Vol I,, No 5, 1961 AGO Sci -Tua 63 (17.1 Clerimin Rczultm of Determining thr Floe~~Ycm I i~ Coucentratl4in of tho Outor Roglaig o~ tho Iczjo4;ph--rt~ by Memnz of Idbaervations cr-P Radifm SiUmelp Prc-,m the t)y Yi?,~ 1- Alz~~-,rt, Firet ffettellitra )R. F. Chudii,6seuko,, ~, 3.~Shmpiro, :2.6 PD. RUSSIWif ycri,, Uspekb-f Fi2 Plauk, '~ol. I-XV, i958, PP I I -1174 - AECIN.0 Sci - "lp&c Ilon 58 The Developmen-1-1 of Rolled B 16. Shn iro., 12 pp. . i;%i- _1`11 IV FU13S1AVv mo per, Stal I, Vol XT".1, T r RM 1957j. PP 992-9!~6- us rMar - qennany, Poirtr~11, Rumenio, Ecell-i - ir-errous IN13 PMD=ICN IMR THE SERVICE :F! c I 13Y D, S* 7 PP. kit go METALLURGo NO lio NOV 10.- pp JpFtS 16869 tow sc. I 4mi 63 W.,683 Of DI by L'i !JA-, sci P4 c. 6a. (i ( 1 11 ~ cgj~ jawstigatton5 Gf t-,bg CW~Qr R061(al t-,f tkn to Ob=,vvVllvw 4-19 'Reuc~- Earth SrAaWto- by First Art-Irsaw, Al"Xildirtz, a. FO CwAeranko" B~ S, T 7.3 1;0- 7~!Q~tp FrOft QEUOVfWY& -NtC,~,ai Sb=Lh Sga lyp Fwa out P,rogra,mmin" of Computations of Ionospheric Truc 11K Ileights on Electronic Camputers, by 6. Shapiro, T. L. Vinnikova, 6 RUSSINN, per, Geomagnetizin i Acronomiya, Vol I 1 1, No 2 ~ 1963, pp 269-276. AGU Sci i64 258,514 '0(h 'a of the lowspboret over Maucow dta-Ing ~hellli 4~-Iowavamr:lc Mattwbances of Dammber .by; .1. p Otapova., B.S.-skis Iro 9 Dp. ROW :Ve:r.o asomagwtimi i PAM-Onamiya, Vol 111, H6 11 pp 63-72. AGU On pe~ ~sulis of a Dateminatiou of Electron ComesAistici * the OuUr RqAos of the Imosipbere Frm~ d6iirvailms w %beHadlo SIVuls of the nist 'to I top by Ta. U -Al 'part,, F. F. r Dab . 4wesenkop B. 3. Shapira. Verb jDOk Ak ftUk 3MR, VD1 CXX, No 4, J~m 19, Pip!143-746- MY 32 C ~010 OCI Soo I 9 izz Sep ! i ii ii I I 111 ;ma ~~ I I I A~ i .. , W~l io, .I- ;--NR "Ou"Nod'aftw6w4why Ott- , - d ~ woo=# vot No 41 V~vpww Vd ca Rojo% "a Nk an C04~,.ulatipa cxV the Efficlenoy- of Shie)Aing I Cbabbers,'f ;by D. N. ~qj~jtrq _2.0 W. MTSSWll bim Ramateftdia,. vol x,. No ATIC F-M-%4:L/V TT-63-2"60 THE-SORMON FROPERTMS OP NERVE DURM 1. Title: Pessimum DMELOMNT OFJA PESSIMUM IN A NERVE- 1. SbApim, E, A' MUSCLEIMEPARNnON. lt96311$pl tirefs 19. FASEB-S-123-3 FASEB Man6script 66.'S 123-3. ! M . Pederation o( American .orETC$l.l0 TT-63-24460 Ordcifr~m'6TS,SU Societies for R1qw1me" ~: 1. : 11 Dialoa, Washington, D. C. Trans. 6(TsJtoloZi-*.'& (USSR) 1962. Y. 4, no. 4, TV. ScriptaTedWes, Inc.. P. 449-451.1 (Abstrict avallable) Wasitington, D. C. DESCRIPTORS: 6Ab~wptloo(81oloS1c&Q, *Harrms. " us'CuilLr triusmiseloo, Biological natom, ONeuiam Stimulatlod, J Electra -ograyby. Motological ky ,, A vital smining metbad was used to investigate the cunpi4oltbe swolom properties at tbo cave during the develamem 1~ peasimmn in a marve-musclo C tratim as a rosult of the pralongsti applicatlas d Y. Ill " 6) at ZW Tr r , NY-3432 ~Dft of,!Keasuring Hum= Rsdii=tiV:Ltyp by L. 1. Allp A-~Jfi. Plearevoklv,, E. L. Sbapirqp V. A. : 7 PP Wa p Medit Faftologp Voi Ivs No 6p 1959- tTPRS 2TF3 Sol- Medidine 001; 60 IJ4~ 51911-1 :11 ; 11 ~ qlarlsigluou or -Isopmwl VtsWl amd CyaldWixyl In ProseMs af-2#!2-Asdbl9J24btlWl- F. P. ms Ak Ru* was Ob&a M" mw ~4w vp lo"-Imr ~i 6s 16V/Dic ~C 2"1 3. conmatemu BMW= . I , , 1 11 1 1my-tsIUgatim of lactencia sad laetans, Commica- t1016 i6i A4,,d*iUa* of on 8-alfide to N41tip~~ Laai~mw by H, Jr. Sbcatzkovokiy, B. S. , I It ~~iqi F.11P. Sidallkovv",, 6 py. RMSUM, qqk-p Is Ak Muk 3M, Otdal too Hauk, Set - Cbim tbim, Vol 3-2; pp 333-1. 316 :~X, F.~ U.:f Qu 83 0:1 T?Cb o 00 ~zati6n of ,~l Zibers in Preionco of Wnsoyl Peroxido, by IF .SlinstvJ=Ody., E. &3api.~-o, 2. P. Sidel- vakay~Lp 4 pp. MU tr ILM-SM. mo pw, 3.9~6, - 368~-372 IPP Sol - Chumi-otry Sa~ 50" M 1z, Ak I~Iwakv Otdol WLL-,j roaulio No 3s OIL 4 L ri,!! c. C! y a Lill Jah i'iwx :1, I,j i~ se 11 1 m T Suiftxx~ Cwpounds by the Aid oT iinyl rP!, nv~ COMMMICO-tion -1. Peculis- ~.i , licetylem 6 5: of"; 1 e I il ~ 41 Ricaction of Addition,, Contrary to lk r,19; Rulef Of Hyarogen Sulfide to Butyl I F-Itir ;1101" p * --1 1by. K. F. Shostakovshyp 'R. H. L I ~,- -b wv 91, E.' S- ShalDlr0j, 1.0 PP. to Pero Xz Ak Hauk- EM, Otdal. 103-1m Mauk, Consultanto 3MM Bureau K MaY 55 WSAY1Z ~I,,3-R=adiw*,, by It. F. Sbozt-s-I.,ovahly, ia3sxAMp lx-wp Dok AX 3-.uk &QMO Vol CXV.-CIX) No 1, 1 1958 Cowultanto EP-1-reau Sol (3ma J~m 55) f Y/ 6 cl~ Ca:qgonft by Ifte Aid of A Acetylaw, Commication 8. Geii6iai I for the Sptboslo 0 2-AMwxye- 8, 8b lm,. 20 be 'g MWWII I b mar it Ak Nw4k SBMI* Otdel Xhim 2j! P'PP 303-=- C-,Pr ftlei)ii le wile-hemistry my CTS/m ~dk S, bil nyl eac- 6 1 gh M Ur&.v, Wy J.IU' USSLANS bl 11 1 11 11 11 1 auk~,.~No'2j scietitifio~! r' OU2f1w Ccvvow~b by the Aia here end Acetylene. Cammication no of Thiolo With V,.LMI 3thersp by Wkmakyo R. N. PriUmb"Vap R- 8- VP 0 w perp Iz Ak Nauk 138M.* Otdel DIM Mar/6r 1953,p PP 357-367- Convaltanto Bureau Chemistry CM/DIM 6f Su,''Ifur C=paunds by the Aid of Viuyl Ethers. I ~~ ~!~, Swe Now &y)?'-anjvAuDialkcxy erlvxi~v~s Dietbyl Sulnde,. by E.N. Prilezhawma ~P; IP. ShostakovalWp r? PrD. SX0 im lz Ak Vauk SSBR,, Otdal KbJm Hauk usami 0 3r VA pp 478-4U3. V-1jiM ~1952# i CmaWLtauta Buxeau u4c - qhemir-try uar 51,,~ cTs1rw. (Ew,.6953) FERTILITY OF MALE MICE EXPOSED -10 WIMA RADIATION DURING, EMBR'!YONIC GROWTH AND THE VIABILITY OF THEIR OFFSPRINGO BY F. B. SHAPIRO, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, PER, NAUCH DOK VYSS SHKOLY, BIOLOGICHESKIYE NAUKI.. NO 2, 19(32., Pp lo4-lo8. jpRs 14833 SCI -!BI0.OGY 1. . . AUG 62 208.,382 o:C Fexpalo Mice In-adiated Ferti lity FV61 11 ~ jjfe~ i%nd Viability of tN- Offspring, irp 3 pp. RUSSIA--q,p ~vr,, Dok At Nmuk SM;, Vol MaV, Ho pp 9214, Amer Imt of 1;4,P Say PhAs - Daklady voi re, No ap.- Sci 61,7 Dec (ITY-2619). The Th-',0teC-6-iVul AetiOn of Heroin On tle EMbrY05 Of lihitL- i4ice j1h TcAAa Irradiation of the Motheri by, F~. ~B. ~1)"A"Plro, 6 pp. -.0 . ..... ....... . FUSSJ~W: por, Mdit Radiolog) No 3) 1959, pp 39-42- JPRS-L-859-',.q &C.1 - Oedl Cline, RaclAoloSy xul 59 Alteration In the Sex Ratio of Mice as a Oft, E~L-bryc'c' by F,' B-'_!bq-p4~j N. 1. Shapiro, 3 PP- ~ - I---- '~.' -.. i~ per, DOL, Ak Nauk MM, Vol C=, No 2, RUSSM, - 1.9.58, Pr, M-5-- Amr !net. of Fnj-- Sov Pbyu - DoklOty Vol 111, No 5 '7 7/ 1 59 mos Ift ladOCADWSKOOMOISIOW Ilftdlg6.iv A. A. ONVOW R w twoommmw to" V. 910 L460M A out a AIM-294M 208533 Of Crms Swams for (rii,-Y) F!~- a Mmber of Odd-Z Mialelp by Yu. P. ~tl stmplmp 9 pp. x a= swpw i *=vt Piz, vol nn, RD #111960) pp~963-1000 pap &M phya - amp Vol xv., No Elci 2-14..945 Sep, ~ 4le .Ir- "e:Ll -~- '-' I' 6 - ~~ L~ ~, ~ ~~ of 'Velocity B-Intributicii, by M. V. fil"Co :Oajallpim, 15 jUj,-SISEfjIIj;. 1:11', 'A~n.-;jya Diffuzil T*12--1)10-~-~-`--A 6,1 Hcutran Spectrometry Ba3ed on the Masurement, of the De6lerating Time of Neutronzap by L. E. I ~ i h L~zarqvup E, L. Feinberg, 11. L. Shapiro, 2 pp. I ndssjA'N',, mo per., Zhur Sksper i Woret Fiz, Vol xklxj, 1, NO 3j, 1955.9 vp 361-383. American Inst of Pkysics Soviet Phyuicsp Vol II.- No 2 S~Cli .. Mysics F,eb CTS i lacrimue of Intonaity in or Plipt by pp. RUM~iAllq$ parjp Pribory i TakhWLks Rkspariwnta, Ro~ Is 195Tv Pp 33-36. 920MR Bel K"gm 6 Wir 63 DaytiOm fxm the I/v LAw in the Cross SeWons of Slow eutrpn Rp'' 6*ma in L4ft Nuclei* by A. A. Bergman, p ,U EhWzara. i Toor , Fiz. Vol XL. 196 1, pp AEC-Tj^-6153 Sci - MS Feb 64 250, 5Z1 The m6sdb&~6r Effect, by 1P. L. Sbp-piro, 7 PP. I ~ . . i RUSSIAN', per., Uspekbl Piz Nauk, Vca L=, 1960, pp 68.9 -60. AIP Sov Pb;ys - Uirpekhi Vol III) no 6 ,qci 155- '1616 sun 61 MiSSLUI, I : , Vol LXVI, )'Possibilities of Using Polarized Aleutrons in View of Parity Nonconservation -Decay, by F. L. ShEMIM, 3_3 PV. pe*r, Uspekhi Fizicheskikh NaW~, ijo 1, 1958, Pp 133--i4o. ABC-tr-5332 PL-480 Sci Jun 64 261) 44o 71f~.ac~ C)r; C' 27 D a aLi r- -, i ob L' Jinutro"n D2er'~jlcs urp to 2c; Itev lo f~?-(~r7trc-i arid tba Uxci~vd Ec!4 L!:.vel. by A. l, Hsakov, l.u. ~P. Popov, F. L. Shaulro. -;.-D'pp, v 2 11 phyi:-, -Lll-.:It CN-T PIII. -SSR A 7 -C /83 C 1, -I", - I Sel Mtc phya Feb 58 scvt~raj, :VoDI3j-bjIIt:IeE) of Uairvg FolVxized Tharmo-I Neutrb ~s conn;,Ijh6ted'.' With Nonconservation of Par-Ity n Dur.LII.9 :B D6 Ii ; by F. L. Shapiro, c 958, USSIX , per., Uspekhi Piz Nauk, Vol I, PP 133 V!*. AEC Tr-3965 Sci - Chbm Apr 6o reragq Neutron Velocitice in Various Media., IIK. Tolstov, F. L. Sbapiro.9 1. V. Stranikb-,, 3,1 pv Full twenslation.. 4pSSM,, bk) Conference of ~-he Acad of Scl of the USSR oral the Peaceful Uses oT Atomic Eacrgy,, 1-5 JU 1955., Sescion of the Div of Physlco-Mathemticaa "Ob ulta'Zs Bures 251'e'l-T IL I- GFO w ~9W Sci - Nuclear Physics 1*817 R.Ft,O for $350-00 [Aelldui-eme of Temperature Effects iu Uranium- (N I I I Zraphite,Ebbicritical Systems., by B. P. Adyasevich,, It Me! F=.k 0., 1. Kosinetsp F.~ L. Shp~piros I. V. Stramikhg K. D. Tolatov, 23 PP,' iU3B3:&Nj, bltp Conference of the Acad of Scl of the I I I USSRIon the Peacef'ul Uses of Atomic EnzertV., 1-5 Jul 195~v Sesdion of the Div of Phyaico-M-athema.-tical -3clerizes, 3 5:1 1-111,1016 OPO 259 Ve"*Rtz4i~'3 ~-hlS-t., ,f:')ci -- Nur-lear Physics C% *87, r,pts, ror P350-00 of the Vrectivo cma-r at~ctic-, -Or tr~ Reaction for 2.5-Mv Mmil-ron", by 1'.1 idinukiy,, P. L~ Sbapi", -qbtrerdyk- p p .I h) RU=Af~ pDr Ato=aya Ew-rgiya, SWPI* NO 5, 1-9~7, TO! 7516. C-U 903371-;-i :InalzAr Iiive'stiga'tion of the Paramete:cs of Uranium - Graphite HeterogeneouB SySteMB by the 'Prism Method, by L, V, G3~,oahevijjO. I. Kosinets,, L. E. Lazareva, K. 0. Toln't Foyaberg., 1. 1-1. Frank, F. L. Shaptro, .9 3 0 '-DP Fuai tran"Slation. RUSSTAHpi~bkp Conference of the Acad of Sci of the uss~ oazbhe Peaceful Uses of Atonic Energy,, 1-5 Jul 195~; S sion of -the Div of Phyeico-Hathematical ScienceS,. t~()USA~nts BurqAir GFO 2- ,59 Weg-T- lik N!!T -50-ri Sc! Miclear Physics *81 rpt~ for $350-00 -r-r-is-o3896 1! Field 13M ail)II'D.'G. A~; io)iolov, K E. THEIrSTRENGTH AND DEFORMATION OF HORIZONTAL 'JOINrg IN LARG I-PANEL BUILDINGS (P Prochaosti i Mofo~mitlunostl (lorlsontalqvkh Stykov KrupnopansinykI Zdav'111, Tr.by,V! NIcEschron.' Aug.64, Tp, Irefs. LC_6 11 Ordiij mcra-xloorb IHC$1.10.MFSO.50&5 TT-45-, 3806 Trans. of Boton I Zbel9tobeton (VSSR) v9 n6 p265-7 1911 Available, Copy Will not permit fully ir loroproauction. U ij I of Sclectiflo and 1. Departmen Industrial Rosoarch (ot. Britatn) ~'ina Structw~a of '-rx-:j A--,orptlow 8~ I6ctru 1 of' Iron in Some Anti. fer-m-ragmetl c Sub- frt.,=M! etmd Fe, ritesp by vairsht"r-in, 1% 1. 3 pi). per3 Dok Al. ftuk SOEM, Vol CXXVip 'ES I tc',' ~"1959# pp 55-58- Ansr luA oi F~ya OOV R%vs - Doklady V 1, ZO R sci J,~ 7 DO-C 59 TT-65-638k I JOINTS IN L, Deformatitmac ZdRnII). Tr.1 I-C-1217. Order from ( TT-65-638q6 Trans. of Ile Available col Field 13NI Sokol.?'Iy,; hl. E. AND DEFORMATION OF HORIZONTAL E-PAKEL BUILDINGS III Prochnosti I 3orizontaInykh Stykov Krupnopanelnykl . mc6chran. Aug 64, 7p, 3refs. ri or FTC: HCSI.10. MFS0.50 as i I Zhtitzobewn (USSR) v9 nG p265-7 19G3. will nutlipermit fully legible reproduction. 1. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (Gt. Britain) C". j i~tajj~ ra t Uer., (11Z ill ut,101- ~nLa C~E t1lo I LZIG, 1 ::i-; Vol I .3s ~1!0, 49 j. k tc jf!~~ar linpul-l"Ill"'a a Ftigid,lPlasttc Annl-'~r "-a adj, G- S.-Obapirop pp. 'jo'L 109: W' 172-175. ~Iath o,-t 59 lo~ of a Semi-infinitm Plate Lying. H3 Otic Fouudi~tiouj by 0. S. Shapiro.. Rj;,$ si TArj bimo per,, Priklad VzLtcmt i Mckh_t- OCE Tr 443 sij~ Out'4' Geophyates CTS 65/Feb 55 t'll ic - 4 zoo InI I.P. ane:~ INIth. A G.. !Nbv/a in Quadratures of Equation of gration ftiform Problem of Theory of Plasticity count Taken of Harden-L'ng of Material, awro, 7 pp. bimo per., Prik Matemat i M'ekh, Vol XIII2 1949'. pp 659 - 662. C C MCA N-12274 Scientifila Engineering The On Use of the VSSR Ferroum HoUllurgy i" rakh or its Growth In ;LM-19465., by 1. KOWMI,kov, 17 PY. RMUNy per,. Plan Mot., No 12p Mooamj, 19"D pp L-1"2.D WSR, 7~ 3C~d ~ - fti0hDQlqAca ftrrous motauurgy "i. 59 F6ature5~lof the Interrelationship of the Frit Fly i j I H , (pscinella Frit L.) and Damaged Plallt5 With ReffIrence~' to the Resistance to Maize to This Pest, by'l. D. !~h 'ro, 7 pp. RUSS1IAN, per., Entomlogicheskoye Obozreniye, No 4,, 1961, pp 794-806. AIBS Sci Sep 62 2111715 !~he Use of Glass Pipelines in the Coke and Mimiapa. U&Mtry, Jx by I. E. Shapiro, E. G. 3 PP- per.. Koko I wb4m, wo 11, 1960, -PP 6D-63. CTRA j= 61 3 ;11'; rP 1 -1 ~11 ~11INII:" I, HODIX, n 0111 URFACE AT VHI' O(IINDING OF N )rdei fron, CIT, or ~~.A 5 1. w ran.,. of ia I !;I aII it I.' I .11~ or.ItI bulc--" a-L Grindel!:. S n~ent. '~Urfacu~' WeldIng of Glass Pipes and Fittiags to -'"Uctc, by B. 0. Froloial 0. V. Pot3tBkaya, I. T~,. .~~pXr N. Afmae'3mv, 4 pp. _19 RMS111H. per, Steklo i Keranilia., Vol JKIV, 0 5j, 3.957, pp 24-27. Coasultanta Bureau Sci ain 6o S/ Oil ol F"k Al Shorbcoid,nga In the Fiob Industry of the -Y.,-,li-nlmGr''adsk:Ly Sovnarkboz) By I. G. -&gRLm~_ 8 1 P-A) per., Wbnoye KhomMstvo, No 2, 1961., pp 73-77. JM 9T12 L�r v Ec!(Nl Atig i 61 Certain Rell;,,ults on the Supercritical Flm,, Arownd Tarbine Cascades, by L. M. Zyrina-Molozhen, 1. G. Sbapiro, 7 pp. P.CSSltd'ffp p6r. Teploenergetiku., Vol 11., Ho 1955,,~PP 34-37- Scientlifia Phyeics Morris D. Frieckw -3 0 " ~2 7 (0 Jan 56 cTs /Lw $3.50 ~rrerocL,tric InveetJ43ation of the Fl(x,7 Around ~a466 oi, Turbine Profiles by Trans and by V. A. Zysin,, L. M. -Mol''zben.. K. S. Foliakovo 1. 0. Shapiro., 11 pp. 0 RUSSMWv pqlr~ Teploenergetika.,'Vol II: go 2., 1955, 1 PP 33-1 3. Morris D. Friedman Scient-ific - Physics jan 56 c-Ts/ba $5.50 70 CyW.o&~dl kip~is of ChanVil Induced by Whole-Body ~X_Ixi.~~tion In Epithelium of )fiicosia of the SwIl Inteist ''Iof the Ymum,, by 1. B. Ebairrwva, I. M. ftpirop 9 pp. RUSEMA edlobiologiya, Vol TI.. no 6, i962p 8 , IF pp 02. ABC-Tr-5433 1wr 63 2q I/ F97 S~avoos-ivjn on Rtk'AP -'Effect, of thn In 'Ul n.i I. EI Shai)iro. 7 rn) T I I I RogulOLtion of Cell Divisi6a during Embryonic Deve3joplmqat of Loach (Misgurnua fosailis L.) from Result6 of Radiation Experimuntsp by I. M. Shappirg, E. Ya. lander.,rp-p.\4~, RKJSSTAII,, parp Dok Ak Kati& SSSHI, Vol CMV,, Nc, 3; 1961, 1 . t6-759. PP A3B!3 sai -7 Z, Sept 61 e Local andliIRemote Actions of X..;" on Cell 1 1 4 pp. vision.. by- 1. M...~ ?~qp MIM;x per.. Doh Ak Nauk SSOR,, Vol CXIV, No 4 1957,10 pp 700-- Amer Inat of Biol Sci Sai - Bii6iokw Aug 58 //7 The CaLwad to Reotin~:,-- Cello L~J.Mtioa.. by 1. N. 3ba:piro; 3 pp. PUBSIAll; pmoy DOk Alt Ilauk SSSR, -701 pp 681 i. Amar Inst of Phy-a Bov Fh5m - Doklady Vol IV, no I Scl - -whys The of Dlstan,~ of Lonizizig nadiatlofiG Upon ie -:-T Cr7ll Divib5.cn ~Ab I-rrvanigated With th-c- !!6a c-' ALM':Diosi~), by 1. Ms. Bhap-iT-,), 4 pp, F-OSOZA3, pprp Dok ,'Ilz Fauk ll'--Mr %t,:;l No 111, 80PZCCt 1957, PP 411. Am-sr Inot of Biol ~3c-' A Aug 96 tomo46me Abarratiorna and Animals, iProtected from loniming Radiation by C~rlbon~ iH,onoxide, in Relativa to from ~md~iat'�'~'n Damko,, by 1. M. Hhapi-ro. h. M-. Kon- 3 K 1331JIN. per., Dok Ak 13-1%uk ISIM3 Vol cxxvt I ~01 3, 059, pp 654, Amer Inst of P'rqu Sov klWs - Do)(Lady v0 1 r-r, No 2 SCI D~c 59 rlHp f ubo It4a lall"FArctru c tLo Bloo_ &Ipply tcp the Uclicaya Wi .1u.6y XUZS:~C~ by rJoans of P52"Vjurkad 11:iTawocyWs, by I. N., vzo, L &-.c Byul la~sva)~ B~ ()I I 770 8, aug, sci - ,b , ke Dec 511 -"'~Yedtl 0-F VPz-4,= Amoothotics ozi the n Ex Edam Caused by Mmmillm Chlonlld--, yoyev, S. 1, Locov; '[. M. 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