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Inle comm-naications University, by 11. per, lfes~ RUSSTA: Sci !'!a- Division K. Shake, 4 Sv-yazi,. ",D JPR Apr 6D Digita~ ~Compt~ter Mathod for OptiMJLZatiOn Problems in fttegrated Paser Systems, by V. S. �~aksnolv. RUSSIANj paro Blektriche3tvo, No 30 1962, pp 9-i4, GB/125/IB 2067 Sci-EngT Au8 63 Medic rbies of Tea Fungwj by G. A. -inal Propa slvikc ia-a. IL. T. Danielova) 5 :pp. 2 U1.1 traw''lation. Russ per,, Veteriuarlya., Vol XM., No 10,, Idosaoup Oat pp 46l 49. . i USDA Tr ussi Scientific - Madicine CTS/DI!X ~737 I Work of~Ithe Soviet Mechanical Rubber Goods Ladustry In j-960,, by A. D. Maahch, A. F. Yairaseva, " pp. RUSSLAdl, per, lawchW~ i Rezine., Vol ~a, lNo 9, 196i~ ~p 4,1-45- RAP RA Sci 23 Jul 62 The I n9chagica! rubber gooft indwtr-Y In th,3 f irEst halk 6f i9860 by A~ D. Sh hh:. L. A. Zhdanova, A eva, 4 RUESLIli, pqr, Kauchul., I Rezina, Vol KYA, No 12, :L96i)i, pp-, l~"15-39. RAPRA Sri Sept ii 61 Figuxes cc the Output and Economics of Lhe Meclzanic~l RiAl6ber Gaods Industry for 1959, 1 ii by A. D.'~ Shalgh A. F. Karaseva, L., A. 22idanova, et &1, 4, pp. RUSS.U;fq,, perr Kauchuk i F4vlna, Vol AaX, No 8, 196o, pj?~ 3841. RAPRA Sci j;un 6:1. Pwoncimdca uf t1w Rubber Mdustry of thz Federal byA. D. E. S. O=xmich, 5 pp- RMSIM porp Xbxchuk I Posim, Vol XU., No 7# 1960., W';6 - EMML Scoll Apr 61 l Ilical n chP Inabber ry - e m of tbe if f 1950 fi.r,-t i2n o ~-rrTr al z 1960 33-34t , Assoc elitz"", ion c b"~ illocxl 1,rol;Eisses in hyperimmunt, Ser= ZI-rit4tcnin.-, MethlIA)a for Their Detee ionj by A. V~ Ecy InGo:.! M~ P ~obkovra~ K. L.. Chaklmaina.. T, RRUMSSIAN. per. BAok*.rii.miyrs.,,, Vol TCl, 11-r-, 6t?--t. .. 6'75 Cvnsult-ants ~N'i e d .Apr 56 100- ot AVU" looft In 0001wd ~00 rww "Umo =4 the Mftc4 of 0, "-4~ 'I comuturp byT. a. oeakwo Iwo ,,,WW k &Itl=q J" DO NMI* V~Fomsuuasjacw ftiftam I stobsOlkt Bletwit. MatftlAlr k 3.- 1960, NP m-Is (NY-6502) T GE~NERAL ALGORITHMS OF A COWUTING AND H C NTROLiING ELECTRONIC DIGITAL MACHINE FOR T~E OPTIMUM ECONOMIC PLANN114G OF THE ORIERAT!,NG MODES OF COMPLEX P'Oldr-R SYSTEMS, Byl~V. S. SHAKHANOV, 44 pp. RUSSIAN, PER~, ELEKTRICHESTV0, No 4, 1~62, 7-1 JPRS 141461 SCI ELECTRON JUL 62 202,902 T NG=I;= DISTRIB"JON m "'tdol T CWUTEFtSj BY V- ~S~, ~ SO RUSSI ANs, Mv MJ% STANTS118, ND 5j, ig6i., PP 27-34. ML N- V05 Sci EL'E'C'TWN ECON Oct 142 214,.72L I ; 1, MethodL of UAng Electronic Computers Mara4Aerl6ties of Condenelag-iXubine f I 'i ~ j, ; Statibab., wj~ V"S/ Shaw=M. RM'Wir' Pee tILIM.9 Vol% 9P I a 11 T-e LLO W-Mrz M-/902~!-0911963 Ml) to Ccopute the Therml Pawer No* 8.v PP 32-399 A Bel JUIY,IS)6)7 334-706 A in tho Syuteu, 101-51-I.-IlLpo 11,0 betmeen Dquluf~riixw aL I C) I .. '. () *M 11. an, -;:)o by V. A. Polosin, - 1. Sklak-harcnov, 6 pp. ,~,Iuj- 1,~jz I~hjjn,, vc:1 ,oa, 1947, i)p ,,U~qS T r 123. SLA./R-2631 Sci Apr 59 9r -lot vo %modAw cc the ibyemft So a =me* JkOiap 1w ILPoOdMods ap coo k3~ao JP btaining4ertile luterepecien RybrIjIe in Silkworms the Cl~,66 An~heran, by_~Fj_As -W!*Wawv., 5 PP - UMIM,p ~r X Ak ft" WMt Vol I=v No 3j, VP Amer Inst of Riol Sci q - Med I ~-- .11 AMU= rm by B. A. is rasump 9 Ims lusslao blm~j)vvrv IB Ak Sm* SMs Ser vil. VOIL Xv, to Vp COUMMA Todh Tr Sol - plb;mics ,Pr 57 IM A vtosiUcate, by TO 15, an AL 'w Wa:- ~FDD 25089 k~'ontrol of Air Circulation In laduat"al Plants, 1, by G,,, Kh,~ ShLIftaVan, 5 pp RUUO-SlAii mo '4m. So 3 MGscov jl~ pr, 216 Aar 19.53,' PP' 2 0 :30,-3 CIOUIVU-7581 Deo~55 CTS USSR 41 - I-Isdicine YCLI.-RvIs-sien Congreiw of Pediat-l-Letfins,, by PlUS,�:[JUZj per., i Ala-, c No 54j~ 55,' JETS' 370'2 JLU;1 01 D -1k otifte Flav KU Inim Rotary Killts, 'ring Do we so Kulikol: 2 pp. bimo p4r.. Twerwntj, Nov/Dac L9,56, PP 13. CormuV'.l=ts Bar3mv. - Eric, 57 Trends in the Design of Modern Rotary Fundamatall icuup"~Ijby!C~ 0. Bb!p "z !~t_A. X. Mnovyan., 2 pp. RUSSIAN$ pore Wement, Vol XMI, Jgo 5. 1952, pp 6-7. USSR ScZentific Engin"ring Scl Magi Lib Tr No 53/M-4 Fab 54 CTS CaIthe jtifrc~ied MtAatrophs in Scalar Q=ntuu . I : 11 1 Elect idayawdes,, by V. A. MaXWxtzy=, 4 pp. ilusslav Wv zIur48= i T60rat Fiz., Vol XXXIxp Vo P-(6)p ig6o., pp 4. W* AIP Sov Rqs-&TIW Vol map NO 2 Sci "7 ,Ipr ':Les (Sheets, "'L~'Oesv produci-xg; Artier- yr,-,-a - jquid -ijew te.) Dix-ectl'v Rods v Iarique gectiolls 9 $ 1 11 1.1ats,36, Ill. by A, 0 pp pp 3a-~IfjC~5 Alp vol p L'to 3 Sci, PkvS Oct ~)v Meaourownt, of the Viscosity of PrLating Inks at High Antqig~ of doarl i~ -B. N. ShaWelysup 4 pp. Mj&qjAr,O biw par. Kollaid ZtLv--,, Val =I,, No 2: MrA* 10~, PP -'~,4~-244- CIA 9003-313 C, Reel Ito 55 Cotwultants Bureau Th~6 Variation of the Viscosity of Linseed Oil With .11 . (I i its Oxide-ion by V. G. Georgievsky and B. No Shakheld- ya,% 3 pp-, RUSSIM I'Zhur Prik Khim, Vol :QM2 No 7; JuLlY 1951., 1 i~ , "1 pp 772-775 Consultants Bureau Vol 24, July 1951 USSA~ ! I -- ), I Scientific - Chemistry 6,~ T", it.Y c(Ir Retere,or Llnoleio- Acid as a Fu=tion o~i7 Thei-fri Oxi&4~ion., by V. G. Georg:Lwwl,7,q B, N,, - Ich I~h 41, RUgSlMi, Imo po,'r, Zb-ar Prlk voi xxw, ib 60 1 R4ej Ax~ 195~,., pp 593-597. CMsultanto Bureau Vbl 24, J%me 1951 Chemistry Filte'ring ~of Fluctuation Noise in a System for. Autor6~tic Frequency and Phwse Control dith Various Filt~r 1465~works, by V. V. ShakJig-;-I-'dyan, 9 pp. 'RUSSIAN, per, Radiatekh, Vol X-11, Islo 10, 1961. Sci Jul[ 31 FMAW me nuw, tv L k %ao0ton. u w TO 1961. Am 162 2W..314 I ~ Adblevtmoutiof Higbly-Stable Variable IJ by Cr'' i Phase Self-TUnlWp ty Tereht,"Mo V. V. =$SUN,, p0r, Blektroovyw', pp set- 2100twou Bey (a Frequency B. P. pp~ no lip 1960) U3ASrA Tr 1295 1 03- 16454 Shakhidlianvan, L- G. and others. 13PS-ITUMMOK OF kADl0Ac'nvr CAESIUM AND 1. Shakhjdkinvan. L. G. STRON-MUM IIN HUMAN AND ANIMAL ORGANS. ji963j-)p.! I Order from 0 .1-3 or SLA $1. 10 63-16454 Partial trans (tables only) of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya 3ji'mogicheskaya, 1962 Iv. 77) no. 3, p. 442-44H. DI~SCRIPTO~LS: *Ialwled substances, Radioactivity, Animals. Min, 'Ce-Mum. *Strontium. (Biological Sciences-Radiobiology, I-r, v. 10. no. 9) Ofts d IrrhWCA Sffykw lectron Doan 0. A4 77 5.1 'Tan U J. 10 US-4 US-5 L G SI]AICHIDZHANYAN, D. G. FLEISHMAN, V V : GLAtUNOV, V. G. LEONVEV, V. P. NESTEROV The iltleasurement of natural radioactivity in human organs Dokl~dy AkatL Nauk SSSR' 125, 208-9 (1959) NP-t:r-315. $ 1.80 (ph), $ 1.80 (mf) - English E u r i t c m IVA Vip~,,wiag A-Actild-ty In Blolagi*W. eojwba tv lkmw or a soint-l "VtLw, Col'. by L,--Wt'w'vj V. P. i~outerov,, IIIUSEUM,, por., IlUdit RcAlall, Vo 10, 19W I)PRL BM611100UU4 Decrease in the Dbasuremats of Lmi Activlitiw In Liquid SaIntillatim Comtera, byl.1 G. In'eishmaj. L. G. Mmkbldthx*=j 5 pp. HUM~AN,, mr, Pribory i Tekb Nwper., No 1, 1959) PP! 135, AICC tr-' .0. 33 Sol Phi Ys Apr 621 The masamm-nt of Nat=al RadloactlivIty in Iluzan Lam., by L. 06.1.44 D. 0. Plalsim, mzn: V. a, Laout I ev,, V. - Ilesta-rov .? p 5 PP- Dok Ak gauk S8311., Vol CMY 1959., per's Roe, .12MI AW. MI-tr-315 reb 60 -(rill T'y 01.3- OT'l c7 C', C,~ RtjSSjAN, per, pp CB So I ru"GO',toprioal Propertiev 0 pp - ruw. tr in-a by B. U. cit itilrb Russumq-p timo per) rouoid Zhur, Vol IVIII, RO 1, ir)56:t pp ra-~A-q. Clk 9c