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Al-I kmr,",rximte 0. S. 5 pp. . 11 J.4 V. RUSSIP;~., P2!1*j Doli Ak Hauk PP V3-781- AMer LW: of Mys So", Fb4o -- Ot Vol JIL -No- ;A;1. 59 (DC-6753) shattleless Weavlzg and Spindleleass 3pirminz, irj F. A. V 1 4 pp. N-KYSIAll, MW 13778 W-11M. Bean A?Z:~,, -:2- SCJ. -- Enair idly 612 Investq.Pt lone of Water Yic!ld of I.,),w Tyin~-, Svwps .,)f W-cwtern Siberia., by P. K. V, 01,18MAtIj, porj, zurtita-0 Vol lo~',t Ix,30 p,7,', 3 jv Scl. Zarth Sclences Alp 6-j' C=rant Mudmal P*rmiesible Concentr-ation of Poisowun Oases, Vapors imd Dust in the Air of I:ndustftal Planta in -the U5 anL IBS-R, by R. 0. Voroblyevep 10 :pp. RM31M.. per, Gigiyem i Sunit=iyz, Vol XXV HD 6, 1.962.. PP 79-05. am Soo NA .06 us Soo Scl - Mad Nov CO- Ambunillimn-L al' tii:lst Rlmuti~;Y al BOUL&r.-kL~v- Absarl"~A by Cnthmkinn in ORS Tvi%r:l-rEPm, In- !~ , W.- Rodino ID. Illo, Voroblev# A. A. RodLna.. 5 pp. .. ......... ... RUSSLUJI pApit, Itibary I Takh r.Acsj?rr,, Uc 4, 3-958" 'Tir Tnatru Soc of A=r 841 .//~/ fi .) v Apr W &e j0 JlstronomLotall ........... RUS.G.H11f, ipoir, Trudy Scxota 19cir T=I-ar" A C -Y(':- Rol 11, stui~y of' complex Ozalates of Plutunium vy kjijll.)~Y, t.ni-- PolarcAfrrephic Method~, by V, V Fromin, S ilczabxev, N., A. Ardreye-vp 14 pp, PIUSSI.109, pt93-,, Atoomays Energ, Vol ABC Tr 3'J09 7-4 .7 S'T'o TmdepuAdamt Soorch and righter Com*At,- ent, by V. VoxvWyuvj *f ypo FCR M7ICLAL UU ONIN ...x- RMLU, per, *viatsiya L Koommv%ilm, Ho 8, 1962. 96690W YM-ST,62-81 ocl IW63 sp lv~~ - / lu&pwbdeal~ Search and Pl&,ter Commit ent, by 7 pp. FOR OFFICIAL UaE ONLY RVSBXAN;, per, Aviatad.ya I KowaonavtAlm, Ucc) B.. -!-~7062. 9669060 FTD- ST 62- 8' V63 PimealmUeswe of the Degme of Radiation oT %be Orcund,, by M6 Taroslairskly, V.- Vcwob'Yevt 3 PP- UWL RUSSIO, per,, TankUt,, No 4. Apr 1958. A7 &255758 uwIt Mil - Tw* Compmy MY 59 01-3ow'., 2 SL'Ar"t I-m-Wea, by V. Vor-Oa I Yam, 10 pp. I , -....... RUSSIAN, Scm,,--t poto, No lo; 1(~6'1, pp JPIO IP7112 U39A zccm 4 ~, ; Mar (52 / 41 *71 WAI,11*.'.~ A'~'D T HE 1; CEN-i I VE Fi-~-! I :lY VURCO IYEV R I-pp II(T'. 6A7ETA) Jpl-~s llk:,-j~, EC'::,I At."Ij Nort"s for SAtins Ceremle FealW, VIigoj, by T. A. Y. L. Smalyanakly. RWWANp yvtr~ No 6.p 1962a pp 34-36. NM lWf : 5196 1962 (un) sai - :KIM ja 63 ?h0tocheirticul Imprint or Lhe Mutcosa u5 and t,he C~Iwqi'hagus,, by V. A. Vc!rcb cv, 195'$, Sal jea ,Tbe ii,easi1xilitj of Using Shielding Deuector:; ii, Alrborue Radiometric Prospec-Ling: by v, i pp. KJSSTAN; per, I". Nt Hauk :-'53R, Sf~r a pp. ~05-100a. T 7 Aucr Gec:-ph:,6 S c h0 A PhotograpIU& Method ror Early 3ecognition of Stomcb Canf."er, by V. A, IPTOUCV0 RUSSIAII~ per,, Zhur Mauch Prik Fatog DSIR LLU N. P307 oct 61 ftnd Their Dt?c abydro -Dori vati Yee, by O.M. Ittre-aw, V.D. Vorobyev, 6 pp. pl 1. .. ! RUEL91kSt ptcr, Iz Ak Nauk WSSE, Ctdei Khis Rauk. Consultints Bureau sei - Chem VAY 59 L&I'VIDI rd.ItM-.m of 'a!'03, by A. U. Srarg+.-j~--v, XrUyuk, 0. D. latyshev, V. fl. Vorob'uv. K01 'chL--AkAY&.p 3 YP - RIOBIM., per# Iz Ak Nauk SSSFI, Sur Piz, Vol U.11, ma. 'r, 19V3, PV 785-78T. Columbia Te^-h Sill, 0".1. V09 Internal Co"ersion of the 2611i Kev Transition in .0 ptAO8.p by ~Ro No Kiftlukj Ay Do -Vitman,, V. Do Vordb'qv,,O 1. Vc. Vordblevs K. 1. 111in., 0. D. Iztyshev, M. Listewrten., A. 0. Benprw.. '1' pp. RMUM., so per Ts A Nm* SSSR,, Ber ]Piz,, Vol XX~ ft So 1956s PP 683-W. Columbia Tech sci - Phys k Sep 57 SyntbOSIS of VoUcyl MA Dodecylbonsones and Their ftrhydrides, by A. D. ftuvvt 0. 1. Nikishin., V. D. voroblev, 6 JPPO . - .1 RUMIANO, porpum m"ch xhimo voi xxvin, NG 7, 190'. pp IIQ,47%. Comultants Bur Bel - Chem Sep 59, 4 1:1t, ", 1~- ruion eleectvu~. n-a3is- . . It"i2l .1 CIULLye- thOrlum - Pmrt M - (H PT'138(,-2-1 O~, 35W--;'0(-u EAUEIM-am MaiOW) - by V - 1) . Vorob lev, I - Yl ~ ir"o Latyshav: A. q. 5-irt;eye M. OLYoftmovs V. I. paele~'nv' 8 USSIK"., jvro IL AIL Nauh Z'tSSR, (p ;L~)';Jpp 954-961. Free-Radical Lddition of Prirutr7 tlcohols to a-41efins. b-,- C.I. Nillsh-n, V.T. Vumblyevp 1.01, Petmv,, L pp~ MICISU1.4 per, It Ak Munk WSP, Otdel Khim Neuj;,. 140. 50 lga$ pp be& (13 sci /Pi~ 0--7,3 mar 62 log"I '10116 Or TM MMROK RIK Or THE ACTIVE 1-7- OPA IWMDWKWAM WITH DIRECT PVDF=M Tw cWM GOWWMas sy v. r. L. TA. SMIXAMIY. AMIANi, PM VEST DAIWWNs 00 7s, 1961., PIP 06-25. ML N. 3801 SCI - Em OCT 62 214,182 Temporary Changeo ti3 Mosebazteal Proporties for stool] During Mse Tranbrarmattons.. by V. 0. RUWUV,# plxr, Vatal 1 Mrs. MwWaov, No 3s 1958s PP 35- R*=7 Brut4*w-- 4175 $4.65 Sol ., WO/ 'Aft An 59 ~710 T ran roxwoum or- Ausse"t* u" martmette a IrOmy =tune* Commmestift 11.0 tv Vamo 0 MR A. P. ftlpOv,' ............ RusspJ6 zbw Td& n3j, TDI MUS, MIS so pp Dratclier Tr No 3M I Price $3.90 ,/ ]f '7.~ A Flow-IDW frinnence Study ot the MolecuLz Stkicturo of Ribose Nucleic AAd, by 7E. V. Pri-ov-sn V. v,* Vordblere et al. 5 PP. HUMIM, per, BiolLhimiyu, Val n'VIII, 1, 1)6'j, PP CB Sci tarluencei of AiUwiug alemats, Upon YArtenatte Trmna- fommot Lot!! lta"rstums;, byT. 0. Voroblev cmd A. P. GUIP! bv,, MM2M,, p~r, Zhur Tekh FIza Val W., 1551, so 10, PY 1l:,7-1:163 "Mommem"."MW - - 21rutcher Oxter no ;020 Prics 44.6o Scientiflic - Metalluray Yf 4~ Theox of l4echojochemical Polyolectrolytic Forces, by T. N, Ursgitain,, V, 1, Phencwxna 1. Proximal and ~Wtchanochemistry, Voroblyov, et al" 6 per. iUofizika, Vol VI., -it) 5, l9ful. Phosphorus Compownds in the Ileri Egg, and lleir Tr-ans- -oruition's Du--ing Incubation, by V. 1. V,-,i-cb'yevl, 'IUSSLU, Voyrosy Tsitologii Pn--t s -4 O-Ls PL - 43 n sc f, iWI 6),:, FST f T, oil Orusse -VO S DAM 5 9N P Lhe EjucleuD r-rel the 4 Ge Vorob by 5 pp- i*ni,tologiya. VC, 1, Sci. juyl 1),,5 the FydrcVapby of Seas and Rivers Of the ,~Dvj.ct Arctic~ Vol I. cf Astroge(Aetic cV the Wraphical Administra-tion of tho Sea Route for 1935,, by V. 1. I Ateria4 p0 Giclrcgrafil Marey i Rck 1. T'lact., i 't4. ;3.9r. ACKC viscouo Flow of High-Polymer DesoacyribowAcleic Acid, by V. 1. Vordbyevo R. D. Newberg,, 8 pp. RUSSIO., per, Stokhia,, Vol Mal., No 5. 1957, pp 894- 903. Consultants Din-eau Bel - W jui 58 6 6" (NY-3457) - 'The 'Uving OoW SoctIm In the 13clejace PWAcs at the ImtAina-blowa UpwItion in Hru"els 1n 1953, by Vor:M 'Yovo 90 w. HUSSMIll, perp Tel-wlosim' Vol I, so 4, 1959. JM 2287 60 //0, I!be Ximsti(.-w of the gnqnmtic ltrdrolysis ulf Fra"ius &M Peptidee Under Pressure I by V, 11 VordbYavp N pp. .11, ~ 1, 1 1. RML43.. port D*k Ak &auk MR, Vol 1, NO 1, 1958,, PP 133-- Amer Lut of Biol Sci But-al.01 ", Chem J~m 99 Certidn FiLvir AspecU Of HoeboMbbudet'll Phc:~"cpva- bry V. 1. l7orroblyms 7 pp. MISSTAN,o pws Dok Ak ft* SMj, Vol C,-f.Xrtrn,, ]b 4p 194LP PP 972-W5- 967r2b6 awl 62 IV The Necbanochemical Properties of' Myosin Threads Made vith Adaltim of Deswtyribonucletc Acid,, by V. I. Torabyewo 10 PP. RUSSIM per Blokbial" 1, Vol =CI P So 3,- 1957 P PP 597:"- # Consultants Bureau Sc i - Ned may 58 W/ *I/ A New CrystaUlne porn of ChymotnValn, by V - I . Vordbyevp 7 pp - FMS%AX,, per,, Biokhimiyap Vol XX13:;, No 4, 1957 pp 651-656. Consultants Hureau Sci-Chem Jun 58 (NY-4854) MDaernisatlan at the MAulatics Dov1ce or Poverful emnMitte" witb AwcodW NoW 6tionp by V. K. V4"omj 13 PP- RUSSUN, pm, Vest"k Svy"i, No 6, IM. JIMS 5991 Sol Apr 61 ( RY-3432 ). The Effect of Ionizing PAdiation on Preserved Blcod and P3aam., by V. N. Voroblyevs, Z. 1. Sheremat., H. 0., Pauabeabakh.. 12 pp. - RUSSIAN, par# Medit Hadiologs, Vol IV.. No 6, lqrlf~~ JM 927T) Sci - Madioine c k: t 6.r i /,m;Pd.,j ~ -2d- kita, the I:jtratospl*re Coi3JxZ,, b-.- V. :*,g;,j, Inves ttm.. 5 Sep 1,933 , --,~ i . L"L/ 1542 pllgbt Into the Stratoopbere Comlmg, by V. N. Voroblyev. RMI"., II.P,, Izvesti"p 5 SOP 1933j, P 4- 'rill'/SMM/DC-Ml5 I fti-Aero NwLr 65 f t Af.! R ti '0;"A Roo tio-V TI.C4 Tilawtal ;..,fficiency in tile Gas-ZAliel6oki Arc of Copper, by L, L-., I:cdowv, V, V, Vorob*ycv,, :kor, ivaroch Ivoiz, !,~-o 9, 1961, I ~A Sci A 5-b 1 (Iff-523:L/RT4) lba P=blm of the Maxlnm MainabLe Gain of a SW Antonmo bir Yo. A. Voz-ob'yev, 10 Pp. RUSSIM~ per, lz Vyanhlkh Llo~ft Zamd - 3er Ra4daflZil Vol Til" NO 40 lq~pj Jm 7381 Set /I . i Ir 6 1 /,~' 6- f, - z -Flevr,oir, V. 1. Kml.n5hnlko*a,, A. 7. E. Voroh.'ev, 0. A. All, nct Tfte Spontijneuus J?iul3iQn 01' V. 1. Kali-johnikova, Gi. E. 1). Varoblev, G. 1q. Flerov, RIPWIA11j, bimo per., Zhur Ekapg:r Tourcl. Flz.. Vol XXVIII, Apr 1955, Pp 503-505. C;L~ C 4o,~,~i6 Americon Im3t ui' i,hyadee 57 East 5.5 bit. Nev York F. Y. br.l.e.ntil.lic - Phyldca 3 4a f7/ Phamical. Ilmea of Dosimetry of' Roentgv, Clamma. Rays, by A. V. Bibergal', U. Ys. Margulia., 'To. 1. Vorob'yev, 1S) pp- RLI.IWXANI, bk, 7ashchits OTRvtnt.ge-uuvykh CC='Fj LUIMhMY, l4bacov, 1955, pp 94---li. JPRS-1.7e6-H Widielme Jul 59 3-45-3$-a -~?021 Sani 1~:Lt i mn -Propbylac tic WwuTcp Jln *Alv?~,Z--, with X-Rayu and Owsm-Rup, by A. V. Bluerga- i U. U. l4a:1-irkillis, Ye. I. Vorob'ycv) 6 LLICtM)", MOSCOV., 1955, pp JMS'-1726-N .1ul 1:11) (NY-459B) Orgunization of Radiological C(Lre of the Pop"tion, by Ye. I. Vorbb'yev, 17 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Hedit Radiol, Vol V, No 5, 196o. JPRS 5403 Sci - Med Sep 60 (NY-2021 Xcthc:-U of Dz,,al=trlc Coatrol of CondItions, by A. V. Bibargal, LJ. Ya, i"' Ye. 1. Vurob'.Yev, 18 pp. r RUSSIAN, bk, Zashchita of Rent geno I Gcuuwi WaNty, Ilwaaw, 1955, pp 212-226. ims-i-126-H Bel - I*dicine Jul. 59 ( n -~ r~ j N s-4568 C-0- ) P,roteative Metterlals, by A. V. biaer&xL' U, Ya.. lUrgulis, Ye. I. Vorobyev, 22 pp. Of RIUSSL400 bk, Zashchita Aril fiertteeuuvyeJl I Gn=c. Lki,-hc-y, Mmcov, 1955, P2 1.57-1'f4. ficl - Kzdlclne INI 59 Principles of Calculation Proteeiwio", A. V. Diberga', U. Ya. Mar&vilis, Ye. 1. Vorob 'yey, 47 PP- oT RI'XIISIA21, bl,~, 7^0ichita,4e Ga= LUCA10y, woscow., 1955, J'Al 59 9-P ",-, W-0-11mcw $gamin me Iw low, w 84 JEERM-wi Mv. "AMW (o pr ,I* VT'mm"Qm4 VO& VIL W1 If. w 9, 6;~ i i. I ins M868 . Sti Atolso MY -20 21 ,P'*%'.*ItCct'.'.6v0- Dwift-ft-no by A. V. Ilbt:rgal Margulls, Ye. I- VorobYev, 37 PP. CT RUSSIM, 'bk, Zmhchita d~~' Rentgcrc-.-j%L Wohey, bloscow, 1955, PP 175-4'a1. JPRSS -.'.726 -P $0. - McLicine ita 59 y - 7 o6 N'B4 il'%E W-LAT I ONS FOR WORK wi *rH RAD I UA'~T I VE SL16STANCES IN INSTITUTIONS OF THE ~YSTCM 01' TdE M.HNISTRY OF HEALTH., 13Y '(17 1. 1. VOR051YEV, P. 1. ADISEYTSEV, -1* PP. RUSSIAtc), PER MEDIT RADIOLO~;l VUL Vil t.,C I:.,,u,2, PP o5-6:- JPRS 141n~) I MED (CSO.- -il.'16-Ni 4gimic Standards for Work Wi,th Radioactive Substanma ln Pal:W Beelth lostitutions, by Ye. 1, Vorob Irmo .0 6 PP. - I.."..-''...j. 1. YAxionytow RMUN.p jwj, Oft I Somp pp 56-60. JM 14,974 a" -- Ned an fie ;L / /, 9 ,2- / Nvolusting the Proolsion ot Castings,, by Yu.A, Voroty~rr. RUSSM. norp Rauch Dok V"s Mazoly., mash i Ptrib, No 3p I~rA.- pp 141-W* 9CGi836, "IC MM %24/1 &d - NuMat J~m 61 2valuating the Precision of Castirjgsj, by Yu. A. "~~p4ev" 10 ppo XWIU,, per, lkucboM Dak V~avbay Bbkoly.. Washimatroy I PrIboroatroy,, No 3, 1958, pp 141-148. ATIC WL-124 Sal Apr 61 I.X17) 3-~qlp --,;Itr I.Untt ii,tect of Eleatro-Slag Fzmeltiad on the q~-,alitzv of the B1847 16% Chromium -15% Nickel-, !'110.1-ybdenum Steelp by IM. K. Vorob'yev, V M.- 'oovaniti, m. m. K~7uev, 4 pp. per.Avtowit Svaxka, No 1. 1961, 52-515. BWRA &w 6,2 Effect Of Veltliaj: Methods for 2,1347 .3tee.'-, ():. I,- Quality, 1:~y YLI. lc. et al, 4 I~i). 1 0. -- -41 AKISSIXt, I.,#er, Stal, No 12, 19''L, ~)i,, " 10', ! - bial 2J-' ) I- I-- -, 3ci Jun 62 Az kmalvelo of' ?*thOCIS Of AlignlLg A lolieroseopas by 'Al. V. Vort lt!;Bsvlpl, per, (,~Ptum j spcktrc, VC-1 os,k 61 ka. Uectron-Optiu D-ktl~od for Stu4ir~3 by L. fr. !4%Jx:.Oiov, Ta. V. 7orolojoy. RUEOVOIlt ]Pa.-, 1.)C-I; Ak fv,Z~-4_0 Vol Cwl~ 11C pk 33-5 ., 326, Iaumatl Ileciwoules Exprosa Vol 3:1, No 2 Sci - midetxOnics Nov 59 da :.anui',nct-ur(t C ion- Aborra'.0 1 D LIO of ok: 5, "To ,jadjotekIl J E-Loktron, AIFE sel nx, 62 Accuracy of Rendition of Potan:Ual Distribut�on by the Ilectron-Optidal Shadow Teehnique, by L. N. Malakhov, Yu. V. Yorob'yev, 4 -.?p. RUSSIAN, par, Iz Ak Nauk SSR, ;3er riz, Voll tio 6p 1959, pp 765-769. Columbia Tech ski ""bro"clica-V ~Dy Yu u Oct lq%~, v AMOx.' 711, 53v Vol 1, r--, .10 CML ttle (,"1A'.rW,LtiC Fie1d Aberrationn in Zlectron Microscor-es, by V. W. Vertaner, Yu. V. Vc*-~:)h'yc,-v; 3 IT) - RMSTAII, per, OptJ)m I Spektroskopiyo- Vol --", go 3.0 1961, pp 120-126. OSA �- 141- (/ A,~ 6; ~~ Sal. ,, / , ,, Jurl 61 Vombyevo 3)0 pV. ... . ...... .... RIMSTAP', loir Gor6m Rr i*kz:l Voroh ev. Vu. V. MOMEN-175 METHOD IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS. 19( 1. 300P. Order from CS $9.50 Trans. of (Metod Mornentav v Prikladnoi Maternatike, Moscow. 19A 1861). 1- D~CRIPTOAS, *Applied mathematics, Numerical methods and procedures. Operators (Mathematical Integral aijuations, Differential eq%wilons. Equations (52-12039 I. Vorob'ev, Yu. V. 11 . Gordon and Breach Publishers. Inc. New York (Kbftmtj(:*. TT, v. 7. ro. 2) OM T .0-1 ~.f 1-4 on tale poosibility ()f Uging An Ejec-st.-I-ou Mirror to Thereese the ResiciviAg Power of an -~yu. V. Vorobyev, 2 pp. MMIATT, 4~*r,, Dolk A Ibuk SM, Vol CXXj &1 4, pi, 751-752. Amer Inst of Pbyis Soy Phyu - Dakledy Vol M, NO 3 phyn Jul 59 Rlkrokm beradon PTOCeSS, by Yu. V. Voroblyev. KU.'IISUNI, perr, AW umwl:ml Matt-Orrm-mat Fkz' Vol IV, r"o 0, 194m, pp lomr-TM-7. Wtt~ TI F-944 3 Jun 65 MwVacterlatica of Silicon Cairbidu lzesit-,--.--::~ 1. Z. F. WrOt2y. MWW', 3Kw,, 76"ur Tekh riz, Vol IVIR Lendind Library Unit U-33 Sol - phy'a 1~ ~ rl 5- /7' ;4-w 59 Scluritific Conference on Labor Prcd,-ct--*v-~'--., Proble= Ileld. in Budapest, by A. Vorob-i,--,vn, RUUMN, jr.-r, Voproey No J-9, pp -154-16'04 1."OOV.CtlVity wty 6o ftwml of' Vater FMm AViation ftel, by If. A. Varoblyrn-a, ',Ar 105639.!l- RMVM, zv~ per, Crazbdaaskaya I.,iatsiyra, lio 9-4 so-T 1956, .11 P,3 - F .0v t~7 Strengthen Debudptimed Operitions in Every PDOSlbl* ftyp by A. V bo a W2-Lma4,, 7 PP., (AF lo2o443). /7T- HMIANI. up, Prm.Ekon Gaseta, Xo 58, jun i9,56, P ATIC F-M-10063/III USSR J-7 Z 3 Ecou j Aug 57 ~'7 7' XG 'J"Aln? T"in oat. 'it;