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JV1 205,038 at Clio" ftlmmmm IMMIth rAlag to ZOMA Lobo Val ICr.Up No 69 196lip p ISA lkd xmw 62 19kp69k industry of the Peop v,:)l.tb.-)va, 3 PP - prowtj~,L C-akharnayn IT jFRs 45!j1 Aela Ch-Ull-L Ecorl, oat. 6: kHz -6i92 I 'Phe imporlAnce of the Nervous Vactor in the Accretic of an OviLrian Transplant,, by 0. V. Volkova, 11. -pit, RUSSIULN, -per, ArkhIv Anatomp GLetolog i 3mbriolog, Vol U, Ho 2., 1961.) PP 17-23. JM 9219 Sc t - Med jw% 61 The Reaction (:~f Ovaries to Deafferentiation, 0. V. Volkova, 4 pp. RUSSIAIRO per., Dok Ak Nauk SWR, Vol CXIII,- F0 2, 1957) pp 430432. Amer Inst of Biol Scl SCI - Biology Aug 58 Cr,7 W-674)) 2be 11irfect, of Radon Imewtim and the Mmuwvlum ult' Its Maclon 11roducta on Heowlicy,polmitic 1~rocosseoj by 0. Tm. ,L6 -mp liUSIXULS, :1;xj.-v, had NhWlolog.. Val li, ;u~ V. PP JMG 11202'~_ sat Lynn .62 N 'If 6 The Problem ol' the Interaction of IbcoAmt-,)r-j and Inhibitory Prot3assea Report 1,, by F, ',.I, 15 PP- RUSSIAN 1, Lik., 1111cisporimentaltnoy Isucheniye Zakonco.evrnoetty Haboty Kery BollshrLikh 196U, P)*,) ~34-145,- j Flu; 125 6 9 MwM%lvM= at to AvUve C ntwIL at CW3 vAft Us AM at Q gmiji, 9 lbom lt=,p W To A- MUFAM's 16 1- VOIkOM# 8 ops XUBSM# ymp DolaW Abodudl Nwk SMj, VbL =01# 3b Is I"# Vp 9&14M. am 26010 Scd - par .2171 5- a -4 fty 6e GRAPHOANALYTICAL METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION A HYPERBOLIC NET DURING RADIOGEDDETIC OPERATIONS, BY YU. 1. RAYHYSH., R. 1. VOLKID-V'A, 6 pp. RUSSIANp PER) GEOFIZICHESKAYA RAZVEDKA, NO 6Jp ig6i, PP 124~029. JPRS 1-7874 SCI - GEOPHYS MAR 63 224'u,'A lAbile UgholOmergy PbObPbgto*s Of lim Rmiz iD & Series of yert*brateap, Iby N. A. VarabbinskaA0 R. I. VoIkmmRI 4 pp. RUSBUX,v perl, Dok Ak Wuk 9Mv TOI CXVJL to, 90 Is 1958's pp 135-138., Axwr Mast of Diol Sci Bei . biology# Momistry Jan 59 7Y, / V film ft into 0 36 4mlop 1~,)W(.Itivv- Action 017 Acctyjc~ Interaction of YCO ve I-Iozon 'a 3,t, per, 21 Au,- 64, Mig-I Turnover Rat~& of Labile Brain Phoaphorus Compounds of Cold-BlocKled Animals at Differvint Body Temperatures,, by R. 1. Volkova, 6 pp. RL6kMo per), Blokhiniya, Vol XUI., No 4, 1957 pp 644-650- Consultants Bureau Sci-chem Jun 58 rhormal Diffus2w An Twwaten-Dwyllium System ~y P-. M. ArabarWi. R. M. voll"Ova 1*. 8 p p , RUSSWI, per. Is Ak Wok SSW, Mal Takh Nauk, MoUll I Toplive. No 6. 1.962 pp. 162-166 sic Jul 63 Imim*ation of Dbludon of IdIcon and Titanium in t4l by Pe M. Ar7l*Uyys R. I.A.1 7 pp. IW ANO per, 133aft bm M~ No Me"Ov FU;A" jiggo UmbxL No pp 78-82, 9696087 F TO-TT-64-710 .%kA, - 14/1A Mar 65 275,061 ~-.I).JCoa D~ b -1. An IT, Arl 1Ci,i ()L- vari Pr(AmUrn ar springs of fto*l si 'r.2i ore,,% TOnlarnilh-rare CbMationp by T. 1. ?olkova, 'R=1490 Yea, Natal I Obm )Wta3a.crr; n!!) 1956, StP 37-40., Ram-f brutchw- 4222 if 'h:lV(.NA,lt;Eit IOU, 71. 7A ml );viir, Uwd lab, Vr:~A Xx Tv, pp krl-wr~,- Inkit-n; Apr 61) QrMwls Of the BeIMMUCO ftMOM of Steel and %W:Lr V*rlatl= tW Repeated :Lmdingp by T. 1. va".0 20 pp. Mw1",P per, 2rudy Bezimm p0 ftocitumu Dztai,-i NUMISr VC41 Is, go 20 ]-Mo pp b9-%. ftl No Llb So 56/0W1 53q, 5 6-5 act - Owswe serri-s. !Nvpmture of Steel for 71at. sprinp Ira lab Inth seals of Bteas 1%ftines Increaued to =9 by T. 1. I=X Volkovs. AWSLO., per,, Metal I Obra Wtallzy, ro 6, 1958,p VP 21-25. Revxy Dratcber 4249 $2.80 SO. - WLUAIwt MY 59 p4wrli+.I,a Steel lip 44 (TsEb 10) Relwation- Roulatmot st 56$-WC,. by T. I. !O:ku!'~Lj z. ff. Potim*vlowskera. RMBX pw, Imezvomah4watroonie, No 1, 1962, pp 3359. BIZI 3005 _:~ -.), -? d=, 1? 7 sca g Wm Pat 3 Ou Uw Rolic ux UN car"lu DUA iug Qt: HolAwtus at steelo by T. 1. vo"Ovs. , RWBUN,, per# ftmdy Souluare po Prochnosti Detal~--l Mmibiu,j Vol to lo 29 1953., PP 44-48. Be Set Mmi Lib No 56/0W0 set - Him/metalej physlem 9? Bia,chivinical i,'utationg in Torulopsis U~Ilis -Induuael by Ionizing Radiation By R. N. Solrurova, T. M. Volkova on. 11 RUSSIAN, ror, RadiabiologVa. Vol 11. No 1- 1962. 92(A799 I%Fr;-Tr-5tv28 Jul 6~ of Faot l4cwec. in n I'lo-1.11 1: -4 P -,erz, nitriev R "A otekh i Blekt, .PP A. M. Butleroy and the Culture of Tm in Rvasts. p by T. V. Vo2komp 4 pp. HMXANp no perp Zhur PrIk Disk, Vol XXVIp Ito 8p 1953j, VP 8894)9e- ComoultActs Bureau Scientific - CbmUtry CTS/mm / s",/ -,-/ E- 0 VOLXNAt T.V, Essential Oil.,;; - A.M. Butlerov's Doctcr.-d 'Ziltur Pr:L-%- SSISR, Vol 2L, No 1, 3-11) Consultan-, Trwis, avail in FIT-i'D L-.' 57me Dal;Ei t.!~- ol' Azo-coLksicce- Im Sollm of the Gorao-Altai Autonczi---,~! '-.&r4nnI by E. F. Kli!Baniva, V. A. VOIkOvit, 3 PP- RUS$",AN, par, Mikrobiol, Vol CKIX, No 4.. )-gbo; pp 15,51-T,54. A LW $0i .Tuz 61 /s- 3, ;z (FDD-U379) CertALin Chamaterlatles of the, ftr tion of Con- ditioned Reflexes to Spoch ativuli in CbIldron,, by Va D. Valkamp 15 pp. RUSSW# biso per,, Fislal Zbur 88M imeni 1. M. Sec!Mnovzo Vol lD=jv I= so 5" Noscow7Leuingrad, Sep/Oct 14953, pp 540-5W. CIA/FDD/U-6330 UBSR sci - medicine flo-e to IrAdbit the Ageing of Bitumen, by V. L. Volkcnm., RUSSIAN, perk Avtombil Dorogi., No 12, 1.958, pp 2r,5;. 26, DBIR LLU RTS 1479 sci Sep 60 10 625 V.I. VOLKOVA IJK-30 Investigation of the effect of the velocity of a stearn-water mixture in a header on Its distribution over parallel tubes A~1~ ~nerg!..-Lik.a, No. 9, 37-40 (1957) Te On loan.- ux-3o/urs Soi - English E u r a t o ra Exac I of UM at Mmmvssed ELectrulyte 0 ty A.A. soun., v.s. volkova et al.. 6 pp. noun$ PWO Tonatym MvtQ-4* Vol M., No 12,, 1969.o PP M-IT- PS sci Apr 64 25 5 a 392 LJ_C~4 Qf Ulu ILY.,Lcaaea _11"od ~Lj, 1 AUS31AAN &liw, Wahch z~hiya, Protein and Lilpll.~ in Youn,,,, on P*(),r.-r--,--,*:-*, rropartles of balh mtraes of Veq-,!, -, A. voillova. par, Sbornih Ordanatradovogo Zmanni Vj*tallurgicheskii la9l;ltut T.. V, Gtslllu~-, NO 33, 1955, pp 442-4-46., Co.-op Tr Bch Tr 416 Se'. - Charnistrv - Mar -5 %W Influence ct the Bulk the HUM llechan&W by A. S. Bruk., Ya. M. Volkovu,, 5 pp. Density of the Charge on Properties of the CokL-, Obukbcrvokiy, Z 4 1 A; RUSSM per$ MDks i Mm. No U,, 1960Y pp Sci au, x 61 Evalvation IniMcills From .106te ON tl,u al' Coke, by Z. A. Volk.Dva. RUSSIAN, Ter, Sbornlk Tiudcv rovs ki I OrdomtrWovogo, Zmawal Matallurgichaski, Iristitut Arieul I. V. Stalina, Wo 33, 1955, 456. Co-W Tr Bch Tr 415 Scl - Chainistry War .58 Drajzaiziug Properties of Purified Concentrated Parfrinpas Tozoids Adsorbed oM AI(011)3, by Z. M. val.)wvft' S. A. ZelevinakVao 5 pp. iVS3.VW, mc per, ZJ=r $UcrabioL,, Epidemaol i I=unobiol, Vol XVIn.. No 4, 1:?57,, pp 77-82- Pergamn Press Sci -- Wdicias Jan 5-B ObtatoUg rrCo Noreem BI vm6 PoXyvalent Anti- DotuUma ftft a: Up" As Xg Cm, and S., 1* ftpoft 11., by 0. A. Xcrolevas ifiLtveyev, K. I.s Z. N. Vbl*#M. LVMAWVM j=mmwbjLoj.p No 5p MLy 19%,, PP 83417. CrA 9ON969 UMA Sol - wd Out 58 V~Ftet4)'Va ~41~, ACti"- VU=nity to r,411% by Clastridium Fert)ringens Iftid :r L~xperimcnt3i by G. V. Vygodchikzt, 7. 14. Vo!Xov- S- A. Z31A-mrinalmya, 1, A. Larimi, 6 pp. RUSSUk pwr, Mur Mikroblol grltiemto.-L t !!Trvnolir-i Vol :*tVIIII, No 10.. 1957, pp 120-125. Pergamon Inst se Iw " Doc 5$ r, i- lill, -0 -~' *.. -I ~- , ;. 1. ft. Ql:MVELIS Zbur Mikrobiol Epidemlol I Vol -,76kcLi, IN:) .3, 15580 np 77--13:k Perae--mon fin*,. .0.0 1 41 14ed k~ab '.5 9 The rrlx~parution u: Ttwrapeutic Typec C and E Botul Ln= Antisera. in Horses - 'Ej, by C - A - Korole-ika. , K. 1. I'lat're'Y'aV4, Z~ it. Y9-kyup 14 pp. RU3,SYJJM, jpivr, Zhur Mikrobiol EpIdemiol I Imaxwobiol Vol "COX,, 1110 3, 1958, PP 102-105. Pergamon Imt - Med Sci Feb 59 ~t'j I/ 3 Rf,'14r~ I.t b.Y 0, Z. X. Volkova. . .1 ~ - ~',bur KLI-mbio.' 71-alliciLAoixigki, Vol LM, Lo kiosecof, py ir,6. CIA. 9035503 , Z c iW e-~: Feb I,i9 Vle Contamination of the SoLl Witb Cl tetani and tb~ Incidence of Tetanus I by K. 1. Yztveyev, S. V. Solovlev, Z. M. 121~avax 5 pp. NJWL4X$ mo per., Zbur MikrdAol, Hpidemiol lummoblol, Vol XXVIII., No 3) 1957. Pergr- 1"mas Bci - Madlclne Oct 57 Reactlotto at'ViVI Ztbws- CO~AMUOM VM- Re- actiom or Ao*wA Derty4d Imliew MYCO2.s, by x. P. Sb*stAtav%lwp N. A. Owebt*:Luo Z. S. V 8 yv. Fuu t'TOWAM.Oft. RWOZM,o bim perj, Is Ak Mak SMij, Otftl Xhim M&ukp 30 110 J40ob 1953P Vp IOD-IM. COn8ULtALftG BM*MU Scientific .. Mmmt try Aus 54 CM Byatbesis of Acetals 14. T. Sbostakovskiyp Volw". of Stbylene Glycol,, by W. A. Ge"htein, Z. S. RMUN, =o perp Zz Ak Pack IMM, Qtdej Kbim Neultp to 4~ 19520 py 671-681. Assm Teeb Svc RI RJ-111 Stleatific - Chealstry Y 11ae Proms of Yonstion of Agjprt*&tes from Bubbles e-ad SoMd Particles, in V. I. KULGGen and V. A. Mok- raQWW'* Boa "ZUUVMwt:LOft to the Tboory of Flotatim". by Z. V. voltvMS 4 pp. RUSSWj bim per, IWIloid Zhurp Vol XVII) I;o 4p .955, PP 328-331. CIk MIMI Consult&ats Bureau )cientlflc .- Cbenistry -5~ Iftr 56 ms/dex .,E.j L I Bmtiblc3 and Solid Particlam, in V. 1. Klapen'~-nis Rocik n-byt"duction to the Thoory of Flotation", Lr.r Pr. A .111, biwo per, VP 120 '1201 . hollo*.La 2'. CU 9m"~5 t,-orxvlatl~on ]W,.veea the SIw Distribution of Bubblea ,~ad Solidl Parlellc).ex In the Pr6CO88 Of FvxuatiOn Ol From Them., by Z. V. volima, 7 pp. 11=10,0 bim per,, Kollold Zknw,, Vol XVI,, No 2,, USSR,, I-Ar/Apr 3~9540 pp 81-88. CIA D 167133 Consultimts Bureau USSR 2cientilrk Memistry cTs 65/ Fab 1955 D.In-;-xVitotion ar Ynclueorn or n. 6':,O9.ld Ton T.)Vipcr:v Syntormi fr717) It, t"'. 1 - !I pp, 1". V. 6 Wmo perp Kollold j','bur,, 'Llcl ;LIV, NO 3j, lent-i-fic Chimmistry 4thcds W~ trviatin& a flCw in a doi)bl P-layer evi , SEM.X,R(MT:Lf0lll pert Saopstenj-, krzl !y... N!~; 2.3. i962. OTS FL-480 currea PrdbUme In TocbnolqW of Fertilizers , by 3, V6 ftjt3kDij Sale 'fO4*DVIfto 12? PP- MB8W* Pori Udobroule I UrosbalL, 1929,, pp 299~-W. MA R-OL6 Sci &W 59 9,~K. 10,5 On hofiles of wind and Cheratteristics of Tur'. bulm~t Wgies in Me Lwer 390wAfter tAyer of AUw$ph*jM* by Z.1, VolkeWitSkayag G,R, Mashkova S3 pip. RU$SK,A.40, bko, AN SSSRq, lustitW Prikladmw Goo- tiki. lssl~io- N .0 300-Matfaw a slgjii A"Ostery. 19636 11 14-se P100243067 FTUaKr-64*361 ScilAtmompheric Sci mov 67 343,31S irito ~IlerMO-Conlred'jV,~- in 1) r V . Vo lk ov ~Sky., q [I.) U. 1!C jrj,3 I,- 57 PLIIII, Sci. Wn. Mr, --Mc c MM.erimls OV the Hygienic lAkjor Coad.1tions In Working on the Syrichrainycl&-rort, by V. V. ifolkayi-tcka~a, 1AP'STAIII, per, Gig Truda i Ifts.]. vs No a, 2.961. ilk 7v, Avg 61 Calculating Vacuum Tube Coefficients With a Spatial-Purpose Computer, by K. Ye. Volkovitskivt W S. Shumilin, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Blektrosvyst, No 9, 1962. AIEE Sci Apr-63 232,984 OIZI r)4! Strome Oaculation for Uverloaded Hot-Forging Crswk &memems, tW V, F, Volkowiteldyt 3 PP EtIWIAM,O per Vast MoldnoMoy, Vol IL,, No 1. 1960, pp 45~fA PERA Sol 1'~Zk x~ - Apr 61 ~7 Qmsl-Couf*rwal Mapplugeo by L. I. M& Volkovyski. RUBSWO b1t, lzdat Llvovsk Univ, Lvov, 195L. sp 155 pp. *American Mathemalical Society Sci - moth mar (-,(I Cql,,:as:l. -conromal Mapj-.i?-_-s . *: :. L. 1. 1 Rt735VIN. per, Izdat. L'vo-.-S-K --. 7 . '., I-!-, ., 'Ulcr ..,- , Yar ! ,C) a,:-4';a=ariD,L-ion OZ the TYpe of' Of Elil*ly 1 11 ', =n -,d rdex--mt- Eurfiic--cs, by par. loatmwt 50oznUE) Vol no Amr Rath Sc~~ Saill '1131A Secluicl:lccs of 'tl ir &or-, 4J Cbmmaterlstl= or a Bev Mid of S~mcla,mc-w lbtor'Nith X=Itatim by Barium Ferrite Mlagnetu, by W. Volkrodt. G&WMp rA, raluatAet lUer Hasehinen., TecLnircbe- Hoebsebals, Brmmochweig, (Mmminy. zzz RAE 994 Sal - BOW g49 Doe 62 Volland,flans. 171111VE9110t; OF SLINKE-N 'WTS. AN!) INTERNAL ',TRES%'~ IN TIf1CX'-1VAl.i.Fi:i rjif.wm, PLASTIC RV-S[W CW TIJE LIKE WITH LAW11-. DIFIFFRING WALL-TIIICKNPS~~F-',- f196217p. (figs. on*1l!z'!,!). Order fmm 1,LA id. i1:1 t,3-1(XKm Trans. of KunsmMle (West Germam) 145,4, v. 41, no. 11. p. 525-;2F. DESCRII'MKS: Resins.. hijv(tion, 'Wldlrkg, Thickwim. Stres"es, Fk-formation, Manufacturing metlitids, Ertors. Thick-walled injection-agAded Ivris and the like Aw greatly differing wall-twc~nvstics tnadt* of therino- plastic resito are E)ftmn made under very great difficilties. Differont ryiethods of manufacture an,! Waterialp-Plartici., 17, v. 9. no. 11) Application of the Membm-ie EfTect to Shipc ~ HuU.-Platme., by Er:Lcb Y21jbMq~it# 13 PP. SPKSISH,, per,, Ingeniers Naval,, No 245.. Ncrv 1955, PP 744-752- CrA 9D11263 ACSIL Tr 93D sci - Eug '.3 -/ d '/ e Aua 57 1 Beiodag of Screw C ctiona at Hisp Teopwatures., by N. YpILbradit. OXWN.. ~per, Araldv Fber Due a ItLsen- buttenwasen, Vol TXp 19360 Vp 397-40h. CSIRO &d - lh-4p 4pj;~ ,--19 Mr 6e / " 1 ~, I., "I"Ic-L uf :fI,vd--cgcn and 4ydrorev suil'-ai.-ir, and Flevated Dittrich. pul.-, C'hemische rtL;)riJc. Vol NO Nu Vf,Dct af Doses and Ratios of' Nitrogen L,izi Ph-;zi-- phoriis cyn Metabolism, Yield ani Quality of Spring Wbeat Grain By T.V. Rovolov, L.P. Vo pp 6 ,Us RUSSIAN, per, Fixibloglya U;stanli, Vol TX, No 2~ AT913 S r,!. CI Aumoutio oonmwuw 0=6aftlog "bospboru".. and the (Xmpomd W? P07. bw A ittmnn,, IL VbWoklel, at ONMPA~ P:ws SWAMWW Om ant 1~-" VDX =XVv 3b ap V0446- AV r 6"1 Concerning Certain Errors of Spectrum Analyzers With Preliminary Magnetic Recording., by N. F. ~~4~nqFj V. G. Kriksunov,, 7 PP. RUSSWi,, per., Iz Vyssh Ucheb Zaved, RaditekJit no it 1964. JFRB 25138 Sci j,un 64 261,517 Noise Immnity of a lZeceiver Generating a Set. of i~kausrekents of the Autorurrelation Function, by N. F. Vollerner., N. G. Gatkin, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Rd Radiotekh, 1,101 XVII, No 2 1962. AlEE Sci Aug 62 :!090871 (I,--L'-712u) Rational Indicator for a Frequency kial-,-zer, by N. F. Vollerner, 13)W N. G. RUSSIAE, ].:,er, Iz Vysshikh Ucheu Zave,-', 0 SSSR .0 1, 2. ~ii,2, p-p )0. Ra(U otelth, Vol V, N MIS 11,14,01 Sci Jul 62 Some Problems of the Automaticn o.-L' A-oi.)aratu-; for 33K= Spectral Analysis, by 'Jo2-lenicl:, V.G.. Krilsrunov, 4 pp. TIMSLIZ, ~~er, Pribory i Tlehh Ei:sljc,- pp ISA liov 6,2 ".en-Laissible Deviati.:!rn. -3f ot Raft-LotmolmAcril Pasemblies oi~ vollernw-, I,$ -pP. q6ai4sOlf Io d., RW5~.Alio pcL-g* :%3diotjekhnM, Vol ~a, 7o 1-.Lj My?, c i;, CL r .,j 14 A M~3th,,.il f',,:j:r the Accux-,,;y L: Wit' c-ai 15 pp, (AF 74215~6). RUSSIAN? mri per, Radiotekhnikii, Vol 1, lic D;~,,c 1,955, P;i) 51-53. ATIC Z)ci - Tlccl-xonica Apr 58 " v4"0 WWAWwr idlh =**Wmlc 3* Ma 169U c& OnLlUtor With Exterml Limitation of Amplitude.. by N. F. Vollernerl, 12 pp. RUSSIAX, b1m per# Hadlotekbivika, Vol 11,, 190 5,,X947, pp 3hhi. Sci Nkm Lib No 56/2967 Sci. - Xlectranics 1-4 19- 0 ? 9 J