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Critical Study and Value of 'the Methods of Dosage of Free G"Iyanide in Residual Waters j, by G. Nolsette., 16 pp. FMDH, Xer,, BuUetin du CUDE, Pmvu-e, Vol IIr 110 .160 1952. MA 57-32-13 801 Aug 58 lbxilll Mectro-Encepbaloam; Its Applia-ations to Cl-:::,cbra llgxk PbyDialca and Patbolo". by Manual 1-:21r-010; liula V, Hwero, Pedro T. lroiac=, 27 PP. j. 02-1 translation. Vero Archivoe AxWntinon de Naurolcaiaj, Nb 54s bkW-,Mm 3.939o PP 3M-349. Jun 53 I",TS/D= Xu j Ito 1; Vill 11 SYALACtft fibel~s- part v, at t It. 41 x i aq; A~ PolycapramidC 1"terz~oaiato Produetu I~b V Ii. i-.'oshino, 1. P XN W-3 L; v r , --v ;,Ult 7T-61-14353 Nctoww*Mo Kaziwderz. ACCOMMATION POR DISTAWr YMON jAccam- 1. Nobxvw" L mo"tion pmr In visks don objets Moign*. 11"ll [lop) (ft" tou 'act, ords Order from SLA I 1. 10 7T-61-143353 Tmos. of Archivm d'OpdalmaloSto (PnDm) 1930. v. 0. ra. 9. p. 6DI-W& 53 7 em" of 110IM14111 ft"M" piciVad Sds~--VhWdop, Tr, w. 13, =6 4 1 CONCERNM OrnCAMY ENFORCED TOREKW 1. P". R. OF THZ BYES jUbw Op" I =pas RdhWo 6w jkvpw. (10611 Illpf lareft Os6mr &M SLA $1.60 IT-61-141LU Tram. d [Anwom vm arsaft'91 ArdAlw) 40r)_ (OwmAny) 1929, v. IM V. 3U-Vfl. 2 3 Tr. 12. 2.) WOW* of T~knkml 8~6*~ 13ESKS WHOSE 'A~OKKING SURFAChS CUNSIST OF PLATES E&C4 FORMED BY 1~ C ONDFJC TOR LAYER AND AN N- -SIA-kTING LA)"-,:R. AND ALSO PURNITURE AN!, APPARATUS ESPFCIALLY DESIGNED FOR THE TWORETICAL AND PRA M.CAL TEACHNG OF 11I.ECTRONIC ENGINEERM, tr. by P. C. C. 10, Jon 61, Sp. (13 figs. omitted). Order from LC cir SLA ma 5 1. 80, ph$ 1. 80 61-15688 T~ans. of Ita 1jan pstem +80, 404, cl. XVHI, appl. 10, May 51, granted 29 AI:rI1 53, printed Mar 54, The Invention is characterized In that the stude-it deska are electronically c*tmeaed to the teacher's deft so the teachem. can nucaessively check the work of the individual students. The equipment provides auxiliary apparatus such us- circuit boards, tech- nological boardii. and osc:11lographic devices designed for practical tesiching. 1. Elecxromct5--S~.udy a:),J teaching 2. Training devices- -Design I - Noja, G. 11. Patunt (Ra k) 480 404 It". Pat"11" Off:CL., Washington, D. C, Offi-f T-A.ic.f $~ic- (Engineering- -Blectronic, TT. V. 5, no. 5) r tlcm ae 'AFb34thlorocyrJohexewP-p by The Oxi6a seplaal-I Takcdp Minoru Nolmilm., xcbj-co wavd(iz. OPOU-41114., pert chemische Beriebte" Vol no pt. :?~,956., pp 263-e7o. arA 6cs-a.,6-86P e9 Sal. 26 My 62 va x.V5 x0 8 A HotttW for the Anva7oiz of Varadj= carbides;, by M. ourevieh,v Bo V. ormonts, K~ E. llqn!nak~-% PP F..WWN,p b1mo porjp~. Z-hur Anal Xhim., Vol XI,, no 2,, Mar/kVr 19%,p VP 177-179- GU !?003a32 Cj Real ]Ro 55 Comnat=U Bureau The Gat; Palrincability of Lehr Briekworkr by K, A, Nokhr~ty:~p,, 11 pp. R,xwsian, pero Sta)do i Keramika, Vol XVO No 121 19A pp 11--iii CD Xwestlotlon 9f the 2bersod3mamlc Properties of DIXWY~Atoule Systems Using RuctrMotive F= 0 4w ~**Dtv bw A.- V.,. Iftkol tsbxyas Ya. I. RMINS, no W's Zhur Fix M31Mjj Vol 4nao SO inn 19% i4 MUM 0 Ali Prom Via Colmies -to tbie Commity, by 1". Nolde. 11 1.1~I FMMH,, perp F*vue de Defense Nationale, Feb lil'5~,' I pp *ETNTV-63-119-78 Africa - Alpris . Vul .Aug 63 am* *wmww Daft %be Ts"aw" *116 L. Do lb TT-65-14066 Field 9B NoRn, L, SOME THOUGHTS ON MOGRAMMING LANGUAGES. 1. Title: Working ... 31p, 6refs. Order from SLA-, $3.60 aE TT-65-14066 Trans. of mono. (paper) presented to the Working Group of A FCALTI on Symbolio Languages. 23 Nov. 61. lil;;p0trienmr laith SilnLCLtano=.-, Non, Run jxalL, -p ''j, st&clo i KQl*aDLL'A-,l,~ Vol Vr~ NIC 1958., pp D.-nendance Of Bc~,Qting on Te-m-, by A~ 5 pp. GEMN, per, Woebbl. Papierfabrilc,, Vol LVIV19 izvc, pi? SLA 57-2868 Sci Alig 58 vo 0T, 63-18810 Nosaki, Rvo, Hort, Fumiski, and Kurihara, Kanjin. METVIOD 01- PHCYI'O\,41-"TRIC DETERMINATION OF 1. Nonaki, R. OXALIC ACID M41) CALCIUM BY USING ULTRA- Il. flori, P. VIOLET ABSORPTION OF IRON OXALA TES (110COM-1 Ill. Kurihara, K. PLEX BODY. [1963] 6p. (figs. tables omitted) 3 r0s. i Order from SLA $1. 10 63-18810 Trans. of Nihon Kagaku Zasshi (Japan) 1961, v. 82, no. 6, p. 713-715. DESCRIM)ORS: *Oxalic acids, *Calcium, *Iron coin- pounds, Oxalates. oCamplex compounds. *Perchlot ates. Chlorine, Sulfuric acid, Acetic acktE~, Tart ratea. Citric acids. A 1M!th1-)d.!01 OW plID10:11ellic determinati(ni of oxalic acid and calcium v,--s Iried by using the ultra--.iole: rav. absorption cif iror axalates (111) complex body with the coinrx)sition of I ; 1- In a solution (whose pH is 0. 57), (Chemi.-itry-Anal),zical, 'Fr. v. W, no. 12) (ove r) ~1 Techttic:1 Sv,icr, 63-2D632 !Noll, AUgUSL THE BEHAVIOR OF BITUMENS AND SOFT PITCH 1. Noll, A. DURING HEATING. 29 Apr 52 f8p] Order froin SLA $ 1. 10 63-20632 1 1rans. of Wochenblatt fUr Papierfabrikation (West Germany) 1948, v. 76. no. 5. p. 108-ItO. DESCRIPTORS: OBitumens, *Pitch (Material), Heating, *Paper industry, Coatings. (Materials- -Paper, v. W. no. t2) Offlu d Teck*al Servim 63-14104 Nei); Atq- J ufjt and lIdWer, Fritz. OONICERMC THE DETERNIINAIION OF UCM 1. Noll, A. IN PAPER MR-P. REPT. 1. (1963][191P. (figs. U. lumer. V. omitted) 3 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 63-14104 Tran% of Papier-Fal)rtkant (Germany) 1931 [v. 291 no. 30, p. 485-490. DEXRIMRS: *Upila, Paper, Wood pulp, Chemical analysis, liardneas, Hydrolysis. A rapid method La deacribed for die determination of lipin in pulps Atich can be c4rried out with the simplest accessories. ne method relies on the use of the ao-called pmdered material, a dust-fine material produced by a spealally consuwted grinder. Sac- charift"tion of the carbohydrate material to brought aboput by a new rromhod with 78% sulfuric acid in the (Materi*U- -Wood, W. v. 10. no. 2) (over-) a Takka softo 63-14109 Nallr August and fidider, Fritz. STANDARD METMD FOR THE DETERMINATION 1. Noll. A. OF'nifl UCR%IN-CONTFXr OP BLEACHED AND 11. H51der. P. UNMEAMIED POLPS. REM 3. [19631 8p. (flp. omitted) 13 refs. Order f roin SLA $1. 10 63-14109 Trans. cd Papier-Fabrikant (Germany) 1934 [v. 321 1110. 15. p. 169-170. DESCRIVTORS: *Lignin, *Wood pulp. Chemical analysis. Bleaching, Resins, Paper industry. Two parallel research series were drawn up. in which one Is designed for the quantitative deterrains- tion of the lignin -content Vdle the secovid serves as n test of the completeness of the saccharincedon. (Author) (See als* 63-14106) QMmxW9--Wooo, Tr, Y. 10, no. 2) Mae 01 Ted1fild 1WdM Ndt-AluguBt), Mz. P.. and Pledler. H. ImPROVEMENT OF 71JE MMODS FOR UGMN DMMRMNA71ON IN SJLPS, REPT. 2. 119631141p. Order from SLA $1.60 63-14108 Tmns, of Fspler-Fabrlksot (Gennany) 1932 Iv. 30) w. 43. p. 613-616. DEXRIPTORR- OLIgnin, *Wood pulp, Chemical analysts, Paper Industry. ."rtmentRI asamples that the resir, It Is slow by a which Is pnxipMatod at the some time, Increases the lignin detertnination. Several ways are shown of oto- taluft a resin-free lignin whicb provides ow improve- rm= in the general method. A now roodue of opent- tion Is given wifth makes it possible to analyze bleached pflps with excapdoolly low IW" c, , 1 a. (huftir) (See also 63-14106) ClAsterials- -Wood. IT. v. 10. no. 2) 63-141011 1. Noll, A. U. Oda. F. Ill. Pieffier, H. 010 d TsA" Sento The Structure of a Vitmin Vaoilli md the Synthesis of the Vftmiu Te Sewles.. U. Gloor., 13 pp- %-Camlound From Tubercle, of Higbor looprewlogues by ff. Ncdl., R. Ruegg., a,zwAx.9 part ftlvotlca Chlmlca Acia, Vol XLIII, No I., i*p PPA33-438. NIX 3-4-61 ftl - PAd i4w 61 /rot 5*90 DOV*10PMt ASPOCU at EU It a In Ou=Wp by usba W,, xmt 7 pp. YIM tr amms, pwp Obow4odw Zpbu*le Vol Vlls No 3,v -3 1 19551 PP 97P SO- 114 ~~ ATMD IP-M-W6/Tn Sej - Chemdatry Oct M6 am/46X 1 No I I W. RECE-NIII, 1jN%'E_N_T,1GA'1`1OjN OF RVACTIONS IN, 1AVD11UN ~IIACATF. "'A"KFEMS (Nuilure Unler~zijc huligL'll Voll R~;IkJjOlll'!) 1.11 Wil 1,,SkA_ fill I I i gLAI SiliCill- SV.;;lL'illCT1). 119611 127"1l. (l'or,.,ign text indi0cd) ~0* rufs. 6rdt-v fri,~m SI-A $2. 60 62-11)446 16, P. I.)E`SCRll1rl-0lt';: Wllur, "Silicaic,~, llydratLs, Ch,~mi- ~7al rt-aciion~, 19h,isL studit-is, "'AluminUill compmuld~, 'Silicon coml-ounik, 'C)xid~:s, Reamon kinetic,. 1. V". 0.0 1) 17, no. 9) Office of Technical Services Dmiun, K. , and FausB, R. STUDY 01--l '111L "N",fl-EM 20-2/1120: SUANOL AND V~'ATER CONTENTS V AMORPHOU-5, IIIC4iJY CUNMIINSF-J) SILICIC AMS AND THEIR BEHAVIOR 114 DEIATRATION V.P3 REHYDRATION. [19621 28p. 24 rufs. Order f rLm i i Sl 60 62-18665 Trmin, of KoUoid ?;clji%;jjrjft (Weat Germany) 1960, v. 169, no, IJ2, p. 19-25. DESCRWORS: 0"Alicic acids, Dehydradon, *Slliox; conXx)undt;, Dioxides, *V, ater acids, Coi-odensation, ChenAcal reactichris, Reaction Izinetics, Gels. 62-18665 1. Noll, U. Dnnui4 I-' M. Fauss. R. RI. Title: Stlanol. . . (ClIemiLm-y-mly.11cal, Tr. V. 9, 110. 8) Office of ledmkil Sertices TF44-16591 NOU, W. SEMMANT DDuwrE (Ober dm Hampbmwom 1. Hou. W. IDDIMnk). 12391 (brdp tM twb*d) Mdf order tsom SLA SL60 Tr-64-16591 Trwo' cC Auvwleadtal Chanle (Won OmrmmmO 1"0. Y. 62, rAo. 2f/24, P. 567-572. 9kaerids, 7T, 12. w. 3) O"We of Toommal DWV&om 62-14D53 M Noll W. , Dam K, and Krauss, W. ENSATION AND HEAT RESISTANCE OF 1. Noll. W. SILICON RESIN& [19611 21p. (illue. equations 11. Damm, K. omitted) 10 refs, Ill. Krauss, W. Order from SLA $2.60 62-14053 Trans. of Farbe und Lack (West Germany) 1959, v. 63, no, 1. p. 17-24. DESCRIFMRS: *Silicone resins, Resins, Conden- sation reactions, Heat resistant polymers. A new method (a described for determining the functional allanol groups ard the water content In silicon resins, and the silanol and water content of various t)pes of resin are determined. -1be conden- sation behavior of silicon resins to studied with the aid of this methrxl and of infrared spectroscopy. This can be combined In two phases, root sharply distinct from cacti other: a first phase In which offic. of T.ch.i-l st-icos (Materials- -Plar, tics. TT, v. 8, no. 3) (over) Synthesis of Serpentine Asbestos, by W. Noll. UNKNOWN, FIAT Microfilm Reel T-14, Frames 58-67, 1942, T. G. Farbenindustrie. Dept of Int, Bur of Mines, Electro-tech Exp Sta, Norris., Tenn. Nov 5B =7r- t.!9=*m:km by Pybw of Past Msmonm6 Humv NO -PWD PU TliltvOlml, Spig t3.44 scl - jr-lbys Jul 64 2630,W 1101yarthritic. ,.'-yrdrme in the 0" 3-1 pp. L. 1s& Full trimalustion. Russluiv POITP -1212,01Mj Vol M-U.- 111c) 7.. 15P-55 Scien-wiSic -- Mma:Lcina Carrier Generation Centers Jua D;'-ffused S-Ilicor. p-n junct-* oms Un L Ye,, L, Nolles Go Do QaIl Opq RUSSIhAq per,, Fis Tverdogo Tola,, Vol ILT, No 9, 1961., 2 - 2.354 AIP Sov PWj; - Solid State Vol 111,w 1~10 62-17686 42LIer,_B. C. d LF -LOCKING NUr. 19621 5p. 1. Noller, 19. C. OrAer from ATS $8. 00 A7S-43P61F U . Patent (Belgium) 523 595 M. A7S-43P61F Trans. of Beljoan patens 525, 585, appi. filed 8 Jon 54, IV. Associated Technical granted 3D Jan 54. Services, Inc.. Bast Orange. N. J. DffSCRIFTORS: *Self -locking nuts. Nuts (Mechanics). C (Machinery- -Machine Nrts, TT, v. 8, no. 5) Offl.. of Toch-le-1 Servic- The Decomposition of Alkyl Chlorideo o3 Hc~t Tungsten Wires; A Caj)v of Pseudo. lieterogeite-oun Catalysis,. by G. M. Jehwabj D. ~11. Yow-IG) 11, Haller: 28 pp. QZMAN., per, Zeltsahrift fur Fbyiikali.--che Chemie~ Vol YLVIII. :~958. PP 118-200. WS P vo:' III r No 7 BLA 6o-14oi,,) ON THE ACnCW MAHMA OF SALT CATALYSn AT TIM SEPARATI(W OP HYMOGEN CHIORtDB FROM ALKYLCMMN=. IZP(lQpSMUt*QZ4r9ft. Ckrdw tram SLA $1.60 TT-66-16137 Trans. &ZIettacial ]f&!---!ektrochemic(Wcf;l 19%, w. 60 foo. 91 p. 921-9". 1. HQUIW. H. U. Omescowder, K. (CbemiKry--Pbyok*l. TT. v. 12. so. 7) Clmmeterization and Catdaytic Action o-4' 'Sol-id~. MOMN.t pero Augew Cbemp Vol I.XVIII, No 24; J-95t: DP 761-77618 Asno Wch Serv-38J16G 06.95 sai Aug 58 Fine Vacuum Pumps According to the 2! Roots Pi*ln- ciple, by '11. G. Noller R Thees. GE?Mklq, par, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure Z, vo-.L xcrv.~ iov.. -DP 613-63.9. CSIHO Sci - ftgr Avia 62 MPIMI PrOessmes In Dlfr*BJAU Pj*e w2d Ejector Pdw. no 26 lutwallming CC Alr =d Goemtlag VaPOur, sud P=VU49 8PWdp bY 3- 0- Nollers 13 PP- OBIMP pw) Z rw AWW POPP "i VIIP m5p 2254M9* Bel . par 59 PARTIAL. MOSME ANkYSES 'OF THE FINAL PRESSURE OF -0,11. DIFIFUSION IPUWS BY THE OMEQAUWS~ By Q.- REICHo H. 0. W)LLERs. 15 PP GE"No Ms. Z6 FUER ANMEW PHYSIK# VOL lXv NO 12v 1957s PP-617-421. 9082D6 AEC UCRL TR-700 scl PHYS ~m 61 1730203 Tp p pill. ~ Wo". -11 i,= PMVCDMlft or mm= i ~ lmmi5of, I ~ 0130% Nwmmm-wv 1% %1 It NO loo ! ^ 0. " I M, N " AM V" Pft IWO Ingo 719 DIFFUSION EFFECTS IN CATALYSIS WITH ION EXCHANGERS) BY HEINRICH NOLLERs AGATHE HASSLERY 5 PP. GERMAN, PER, Z. FUR PHYSIKALISCHE CHE141E FRANKFURT, VOL XI., 1957s PP 267-272. 1 oTs 6o~-iqiA SCI - PHYS 11 OCT 62 VOL VIIII NO.1 212Y315 PrObbW In Ansutbosio-Ist by i4 Noftep For$ wobmdisixiwdw mmats9chrIftP 06 1. 10060 pp 741,~no **"I Awom 1:0 Muoftl"fi fty _r to the Problor, Alistologic Aspects Portaimin Oxygm Pat"niago by Pmatmt Nolt:00 16 pp. M R 1 'As a rpto ~Smftakrtwd 218151695 Institut der bee pp of "favy NIC T"" 3m L fty 70 &ftl*ftX 4070115 Selection ond Upraising of Gum Inhibitom and Metal- Deactivators for Motor Imamft Fuels.. by E. 0. Ns~~JL' OMKR~ mo per, Erd Oel WK Koftle, Vol IX, No 122 1956.. 'AP 853-857. Tech and Can $59.00 Sai ... Paela; Chem Ii-ell 17U Aug 57 .,,Jorl of 1 Ly J. -401'tinz, .5 pp. '10mic H~Duv Fv lt,.o, Vol. 1~, LA: F 14 w.; .r'-. i r Puf1mlon Coas~ll C. at Continuouo ns-t'no-I --.aTUres (:Xe RI-i-diCaCti-TO BUr.,7E!.C~G, by '[A'."' PlWaili Chm., VO]. -MMIY. ASO-Tr-5761 The Dinuenso of SwaU Addltlaw; on the Rearys,taMzat:Lm D"vlotw- or fWar-Parity P. pm F-- OwIng, Y. lualm, and W"t per, Z. NaU"bmftj, Vb3. XLVII,, No 2,, ftb 3.956,, -vP 6k-74. MA 57-2341 -Aug 58 Y 6 62-14645 Mltin&- -P. Posgigil-ITIES OF AUrOMAIION IN CON'nNLJOLJS 1. N61ting, P. .CASTING. [1962) 6p. (3 figs. omitted). 6rder from SLA $1. 10 62-14645 ,Trans. of Zeits[chrift] f[Url Erzbergbau und Metal]- titittenwesen (Wvst Germany) 1961, v. 14, no. 1, 32-35. 1DESCRIVrORS: *Casring, *Automation, tActals, Mold- P9, Liquid metals. 2 7 5- Ow (Metallorgy, I-T, v. 8, no. 7) OM~ of Tock.1c.1 SoMces n the Re- Tho In-flueac* oZ Small Additiow 0 crystallization Bahavior of Bupyr-Purity Aluminum, (MMIN't yer., Z Netallkundeq Vol XLVII, Fob 1~56P pp Alwa Labi Ltz Tr D-TA'-20b-57 OT12476 LI sci Two Vjess~Halls of a Garrison, by N. Noltorakov, 3 PP-1 RUSSIAN, np., Krasnaya Zvezda, 25 Mar 1959. ACSI, H-4013 USSR Mil Sep 59 Studi*:$ 09 POlYester Paint. Part VII. Metal Clialate Modified Polyester, by F.. NOU*0, R. Yosomiya. JAPAIUSE, per, ShikiZai Kyokaishi, Vol 39, l!)(i3' I)p ci -'I at July 69 386,783 Part VIII. Studies cif Polyester Paints. "'odified Polyester Resin with Tetra- IA hydrofurfurly Derivatives, by K. ~*"oiaa, por, ShlUzai Kyokaishi, Vol 57, o~2 1964 pp INTC ICII.S03- I Ic Sci -~;at 386,782 July 69 studies of Polyster Resin, Paints. Part IX. Polystor rosia Modified with Tetra- hydraphtloalic AnhydrLde. by K. Noma, R, JAPANESE' per, Shikizzi 110kaishi, Vol 37, Wo SO 1964, pp 16S-148. UTC 69-U1890-111 May 6 9 382,671 The Polymriwtion of B-Carboxyphanylalanine AnbydLri(lep by Ono Kei TQUj, .11 pp. jApAmm., chem High Polymrs (jaloan); vca vi,, :L949 per vp 109--U5. c!rA/pm xx-241 RM famgk_BA_M_Z TO 7=105 NATIOMW ft:l Chmistry li- /~- 19 i~- Feb 1957 CM/&= iw., lv~~ tw ow Alm.irki,jeatim to jbtgjjagmpW, or Iaterforences ira- methods with 2 Polariged WaNle8j, b7 G- Npmarskip Wello FMCB., -per, Rev de Metallwrgle, Vol Lllj, No 23, 1955P pp M-13h. Scl - M,neralS/Wt8lSj,_MWAWM jun .1956 A Ph*&#; Cwtrast Appmtuo,, SOM~~tained as sing a kskm Phan MW Co Kit kmd* Sal Parist 230P 1950fi, W50.3-05L Tm3llrn T W-1 P ZM.?2(a)T VOW= G* Pbi*os TUto vath a omtrant Variable bv Rof 3zation. FREIMIs, C.R.Acad Sci Pario, 230, 195DO 1392-1394. TPV/TIB T 38W A P 22D92(d) ioptimm cwrant Dmlty vam zleatrwefinim Copwp ,by Ae if IRVIAP He I. loodwso 9:pp. Tmove *ttauyo voi iin,, No 9, 1962p PW Ps fM 6% u, i D3 The Formation of Acetonitr1le in. the Catalytic Condensstiomiof Acetylene and Aumonis, by J. Amiel, 0. Nomie., 5 PP- H, per, Compts Rend., Vol CCXXNp 194(1 pp 483- 484. SLA Tr 57-1953 Sci Jun 58 990 Determination of Sulfate Ion-Conceatration Versenate, by P. A. Kryukov, L. L, Nomikos, 1~ pp- I=IM, perp Doh. Ak Nat& B=p Vol IrIIIv I 47-52,- SIA B-1519 2': (rc.-,,760) lbi-p-exiencen of Dotonists,, Physiologists, and Tech Scientists, Iry L. K. Klyabev, Ts. D. Pominklianov, N, S., Kalachev,, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, , elr, Vest Ak Nauk I(Azakhakay S"ORO No 10,, P 1959., py, 1-02-109. JPRS 3429 MOM Bioir, Sci - I-Si4ic', Sand Mound and Ripple Mafts of lake and Sea by Regular Wwmop by Xnxji Noodtgu. Alb&11220"I1*x,, Chikyu Bftmwi., Vol 1, No 11, J~me 1943, pp 61-79. AACSI X-1751 Feb 72 _N61nin, an:,, Aidlia, ik. K. PHOTOELECTRIC D:)LARIZ,\UION OF MIXE-1) Zf.N(* AND CADN41U,10 HH" F1 10SPI IORS. I j refs. Ordcr frilm OTS ()I' :,:1.A $1. 10 0~1 101)7~, Tramm. (If I I.t Nauk F,:ionskm SSR. F;d1imi- hisnum Fiziki 1). 249-2261. DE.~CRIRI 01U~: '~t:niiomdu~ --i ",:I vsial ph~) .Znw comp