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Qa tlve- '1henrodynarics of a Q-71stal lattice, by V* A. A:skAmIms, A. Ye. T~L~.ndnkz, 15 pp. t,, 'Iborut 3 q) idlegkiyo i 1,.xG,,vi!renta1ITIvY'q ILMIC(kivirdya ARE '%:'.'.kikh ("vqI:."tv PO )roxpoer- nikmkl tlz~ialov I Idi-stal-lov 1965, ijD L5-26, ADVITD/jW-23-945-68 s;ci L:iky4as The Influence of the Electronic Structure of the Alloying Elements on t'*Ae Formation of MetCllic Solutions, by V. K. GrLgorovidti, 26 pp. RUSSIM, bk, Teoretich,!Lkiy2 i ES~Mrimentallnyye Metok Issledovan L amm SostaE iya DLagr TL2 Metallicheakikh Sistem, 19b9, PP 7-24. 7d-IVF-TD/MT-24-938-71 JU1Y 72 M. S. Mod a I I Use of high- t4wiparatu ra x-ray diffraotion analysis for studying phase diagr3ne. 9 PP. RUSSIAN, TeomticheskEye i ekoperirwntal~jyge metoda izaledovani'm-a-77-a-aramn ~oostouczniua rwtal wheskikh .0 pp Z,2u- 3-1207-71 aept 72 Plotting isothermal c!iqgr=o by an X-ray diffraction method, by L. S. Mo2y,z, V. V. Obukhovskiy. 12 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt,, Teoreticheski-ve i eksperimentallnyye meL diqqz~-v~ 8osto-ganiya metallich- e~g issledovaniya eakikh piatew, 1969., pp 252-21,59. AIRIFTD-H 23-1206-71 apr 72 Theol-OtIcal Wthoda of laver-t4--ption of Ing Of ClImIcta and Ebuctrol:dc Low-4bmparatum aanim Jet,:,, by G. Aravin Emd It. 14. Numetsov, at a3.,, 9 pp. RMU'Wlp rpt,, Tbprctlchejp~,e M-tody Daledo- vardau 2.40mW Ehimiche.A.M. i McktmRgL)Lh Lratuu~;,.;Ov v filzkot7&eratu n C~, idualk-prpII y] I -.& 4uwLJ, 19 5j# o) L-9. AW13~i~ ftb 67 316,v 207 TEORSTICHESKIE JSNOV~ KhIM---CHESKOf TEKHNOLOGII (Theoretical Fvindations of Chemical BY41neerlng - b:monthly) Tran-ilation bep! na- with 19~.7 Lag time: c%. b monUls order rrom: Plerum Publishing Corporation 227 4est l7th Street New fork, N.Y. 10011 2971: 125.V,)IY?ar 30.00 3 I-ngle issued' 15-00 s~.ngle article reprints add 5.00 o!! oversea subscription Calculation of the Compressibility Factor of Gases and Gas Mixtures on (omputers, by A. M. Bogomollnyi RUSSIAN, per, Teoret Osnovy Khim Tekhnol, No 2, No 6, 1968, pp 921-91~j. AIS-RJ-S827 April 72 ~?rinaij:,Ian of :ir~A~--djvigp ily ,I .,%# ;, V-i Adicill. 290 ;, ). y % I lk" ~~;Ilavv ~~A.Aaj_ 1964y 19GD. CF'.-,TS. T2 &~50331 sci/ i) rmd im 4pipit 69 389,840 UeOrctima Baftsia 3f Cie Prophylaxis and Therapy of Dishonowl. Smrs, by 11. 1. Lawrov. qlLie o 3no eC.-- I L *CB Ist quarter o -.- 1966 May 65 1970i pp A mi; of Radar (selected Parts) 13 1pp.'. 9W, -snovy Radiolokatsii, 111!jd1mirov . V. I ,1. Temen ()v ; ind 1965 V,tJ, ~:Iiiakltwkl.i of paron+;s and VitAll-, of the progeny at the early stagen of life In some fish specles (iTchealwo roditelei I zhimestoikostl pol).mstva na r=ii,',:h etapak-b Ouzrni u nekotorykh vidov ryb) Tooreticheakie oanovy rybov, Mo3cow: 19-32. in Russian. Transl. for NLI, as RTS 5714, 28p.. typescript. Avail. on Loan - NMFS, Wash. , E.G. Original Article Chackediff, Twowtical Principles of l-"ciangisia-ating stati-stic3o by DO R. lovin. 581 MZliV bk 'lbovatidi:~Wuy-(-,- (Ulm .;tatiotidx- t S~-.qy lza~tfk=llu=#9~6 )-.) 1-72G,. ,alvlwFP-;2YRX.U-67 f " Sci/wecLM-Lias I-bb 69 375,vSO9 iltfq.Uo.#~ trah6lAtion ch6ck ET- V- 2- MW-- x r,-Zng~ish unk VYomellyanov Osnovy TeKhn-4cho?skoy Kibernetiki. j"Sist6i~v Aytomaticheskogo upravleniya s peremennoy ..;-Sir~"turoy. Moskva. Wuka- Glavnaya Fiziko-bbtemati- 6f- Hwy 1-terstury. 1967, 335 pages A of -3 REQ TH CHEC ii -10 THA -L;09T J TED -kRig'11OUGH -SURFACES SMAX IVANOV., A*F* E I I ROBIM W, Mul-OPWAUSAXmila PRIKIADWE P %rA I-A 8VMITITLE OF ENTIRE BOO El jbiAk WA E L TV0 NAUK), I TE-FMICA~ N s 187 P03- A72 -28502. -D DOCMNT Structural hinguistiva, by N. D. Arutyunova, G. A. Klimov. 26 pp. RUSSIAII., rpt., Teoret-.ches~jy Problemy Sovetskogo YazgkoznaniUe, 1968, pp 154-170. AIRIhTD-MT-24-906-71 may 72 Machine Transtation, by V. Yu. liozentevoyg. 31 pp. RU551AN,, rpt,, Teorettcheakiye Prob LeM Sovetakogo Yan , pp 171-192. ...gkommiya, 1968_ ArRIETD-MT-24-908-71 may 72 "ION 07 THE Mo. ZONAl" OIRCUL 1. Jlo AN MOO ON A OWTVARY SCAIM, IUP 19F, 200 KM "~~;B BUGA MA I V ;~t~~Ubkklmtsxly vopliosy FIZIKI 03pdum '0 1,96C nr. 8~ '(P 59-71 P ~jj 54 'L Lt . z Struntuml Changes In the Nerve list and Their P4aatlon to the Mmor~! Procenso. by Vo Ve Chavchanifteg Nip Do Sergeyemko, 15 pp. RUSSIM9 bko, Leoi~etlc]L 0 A2P I cy4ki v q4y nPZA __ lWg pp $-20q, JPRS 48073 Scl-B and M jvme 69 383,569 Idad bed StnstmOo Whr. In: ftntea of Olobia Wbrv bY C.. A. Trofloonla- Is p Up 2boru In: DOW )bnllnqy TkUW# LO!&*145. V ion 69 Theory of Algorithms sixt Macrate Converters, by V. M. Qual*ov - RUS610l bko Tooriya 11gori iv i Discratae FragbragmteUt 1968. Plemin Press I saifiasc t"Jau AR I..... -1...1.- -1- . .. .1 .. - . - -- . Van Fo Py, G. A. Theory of' reinforced ma terials vith coat:i.n[.,,r,. P -12 pp TEORTYA ARKMOVANNY101 MATERIALOV S POITITMMI, 1Q71 )TC-T-IT--3-2r)37-'(2 MWIF" - may 7 3 Theory of Attomates. By V. G. Sragovich, Agasandyan RUSSIAN,, mono,, TeDriya Avtomatov, 1969 *IPST ETC-69-30601 Sci/Mech Dec 69 397,543 EAernal Access Lan[,uage VYa-1 to an Informa- tion Reference Qystuu, by V. A. Afanaslyerv. 15 PP - lUJSSIAN., per., Seminix. Teoriya Avtomatov i Metody FormaUzovanllogo Sinteze. Vvchisldtell- rjovkh Mashin i Sistal,, No 3., 1968., PP 3-17. AIIVFTD/MT-24-21 7=1 Sept 71 The Optimum Synthes:L3 Of 100-c Gircuits Using Ox"Ot ELemerts~, by LE. V. No-Y:Lkov. 17 PP - RUSSIAN, per., Smd r. Teoriva Avtomativ i Metody ~bnaaUzovann)go Sdnteza V~rchi slit al I lly!L Mashin i aLstem~ No 3., 1968~ lip 59-74- Al -24-20-71 Sept 71 On tbo Forml. Soloc',-Aion of -Stmot-,uroo of Digital Wvicos, by V. P. KoiTachko and Yu. M. Koroshunov. 9 -op. RUSSIAN3 per., Semin,,xe Teor-'6ya Avtomat-ov i Metody Formalizorvamcgo Sinte tel - j, --.._za Yzel-lisli Mashin i Sistem, No 3, 1968, pp 75-82. AIRMD/FE-24-19-71 Sept 71 The Pinblem of Raliability or Automatically Do- signed Omputers, 1, by Yu. G. Savchenko md I. V. Safonov. 21 p.? . RUSSIAN, per, Serdnar. Teorija tvotomatov i Mato& Fortualizovannogo -SintOZ2 V diislizellay h Mashin 18 i aLstem Mo 3, 196 , PP 3-104. MTF-TD-M"T-24-10--il Aug 71 Themy of DiParcati.ons cf Dyntim.!c Systems on a PI-tuie, by A. A. Andronov, Ye. A. Leontovich, pp. RUSSIMT, bk, Teoriya Bifurkatsiy Dinamicheskikh Sistem Na Ploskosti, 196~,,'. NTIS TT 69-55019 NASA TT F-556 MaY 71 19i, 5 %'beory Nuh populatloii t~-- ns tiie AoloAcnl I'or rntloi~nl e.,ploA atJoi im.. ai.n-a ci,'. of' fin it r; rk`13our efs f, (-w I 1.,. 1 , I ~ .~ 1, , !., 1. 1, Clk).:, i J ILI 1) %ia 08! 0v: I I"', I n, J 0?. o ~q u vcsprol-v--.t!sLk,Li r i~.~ res-ars 'I pA*,. !iouse, 05 ~C,l. U!; 5 i'- rn E' 1.~ liur.,-,! 1, 1 9lj 9. 3 a i t ~3 J.oan - Ciriginoi Arliclo I- Theory, Esperiment, 1). L. Kapitsao RUSSIAN, pamplilet, Praktika, 1966, pp FDD X 6160 S-534/67 Sci-"Nlisc Mar 67 Prac -Ictl,, by 'rcori,2.L Eksperiment, 1-40. 321,862 lheovyj, mWerimmt of F ca(-.ti*ej, b3r P. L. xvitsai, 51 pp. I . . RUM% Up pmatmkRl p 91 . p M'W 67-17 sel-pik" jul 67 12 31 a 4kf Win 12outria Fielft In the r1mi Cum*U of mgnsta.. 4y t, bW A. B, Vatakbin and So A. R~gLrer AMIANs bks ;;;i=" *.ft I awn INWE&A- pwd"~f 19630 ULL FM 3w sa-pbrdes 3m 67 3"o334 Theory of Electron Emission Fr)m Metal Surfaces, by A. M. Brodskiy. RUSSIAN, bk, Teoriya Elektronn)y EmissiX s Poverkhnosti Metallov,, 1973. *IPST NOV 72 Special Areas of UUUmat Lon of the Theory of 'j'anatic Infomtion and PDtantials of Its ftVtlW I Ovelovimt 0, 11. Z hukov-Berezbrdkov. 15 ppo RUSSIANO bkl, Teari" ft'Mch koy-laborwtull, 10. pp M-305. JM 42837 SCI-B aw III Oct 6? 43 9 397 Theory of Inertial Navigittion, Error Urrecting, Systws, by V. D. Andreer. CGS ~s. RUSSIAN! U. Teorlyu InGrtsjzlnoy Navigataii. Korrekt:Lruyemye Sistemy, fcFSTI- TT 69-55027 #NASA TT F-564 Sci-Navi Feb 69 Information Theory Range Radar, by 1. RUSSIAN, bk, Teorir,i Problemy Bliz Fie-ney- 143 pp. ACS1 3-6254 FSTC-liT-23-446-68 Sci-Nav Apr 69 und Problems of Short- 11. Kogan. Inforwatsiy i K7-aWoo16k-itsJ1Ly,-'l969, 380#557 Mechaniam of Adsorption-Complex Formation Absorption., by L. S. Alaeksandrova~ 12 pp. HWSIAN, per,, Teoriya Ic.nnogo Obmena i Kromatografty, "Naift", 1968., PP 231-237. Tridy Vsesoyuzn&ya Naucbno- Technicheskaya Konferentsiye. 196-57. WIPST-57w-23_208-72 Aug 72 S. V. -Ba-:Jrev 'Question of relaxation oscillations of a system with dry friction. 10 pr. ., per, Teori~a koleban~Z i dinamika, mos-ov RUSSIAN No 89, 1969, P-P-'IT3---.g 0 AIR/FTD-HC-23-9-72 JulY 72 'Theory of Oscillation of the EELrth's Atmosphere, by L. A. Dikiy. RUSSIAN; bk., Teoriya Kclabaniy Zemnoy Atmosfery., 1969. *XWA TT F-6fq *KTIS TT 71-53152 June 71 The Amaysis and Synthesin or Contnatleso MAltistrake Circue-tes. by M. Corol-Nedelcus 15 pp. RISSUR, perp Tecwiva KoneSbayM I y t- pp 199-210. P 341267 M6,W-66-92 Sci-nectronles JLnd i= 68 346,1M Theory of Soil ConsoLidation, by Yu. K. Zaretskiy, 308 pp RUSSIAN, b1c, Teoriya Konsolidatsiy Gruntov, 1967. NTIS TT 70-50131 Nov 72 COMPLETED SPECIAL 181 pp CSO: 01199172 15 nec 71 TRORTYA I KONSTRUATSITA GUROSK(PICINSKIKH PRIBOROV I EYSTEM 1971 Chapt 13, pp 488-504 Chapt 9, (3,4,5,,6,,7) pp 377-401 Chapt 3 Sect 3.5 pp 142-161 Chapt 12 p* 43?-487 Phase Separation T.iocry and Atomic Tonic Struc- ture of Some Two C-3mponent Glasses, 15 pp. RUSSIAN, bk. Teorkja Likna-t-sii i Atomno-Ionnaya Stroktura Nekotory'cn Dvukhlomponentnykh, 1969. ACSI-J-9425 FSTC-liT-23-445-71 Aug 71 Theory of Linear Accelerators, by A. D. Vlasov. RUSSIANS bk, TeDriya Linein)rkh Uskoritelei, 1965, 240 pp.-- CSSTI TT 68-50322 AEC-tr-6718 UC-28 Sci-Phys Apr 69 380,292 ;boozy of Lubricalon in the Turbulent Reltivo, No Canstan',lnescu, AN,, bk. leoila Lubrificatici in Re&Lm I Arm.342 pp. NOY 66 Theory of ~kaqmt:,,Y-ordaxing of Ciystals TAth IxypuritieE;, by :lu. ik. Izzymov, m, v. ~L%chedav. C")=M 240 14) 0 bkp Ulmmiya I togm adc)q!MEa XAstaUov s ri'lliles U. 197L 1 s UWA M. 13 UM. ED/-, 4 &P 1 p am s sci/Lilysics S%)t 69 3900,861 The effect of vibrat-.:on frequency on static friction, 5y V. M. KobeZav, Yu, F,, Kopelev. 5 pp. RVSSIAN, Paz,* Teoriy t MeManimnov i Maphin No 5. 1969, pp 76-78. AIRIND-HT-23-2239-7.-F apr 72 UNMORMUMIJUMPU Ilan hol'ahakova Ai,s*y of, the Tohange in thicImess of the oil lquar in W~fUm boarings in oheat PdZI-8. 9 pp. RUSSUN., Te4~!:~hg Mekhmizmov i Maahin Respublikanski-M 4n#, -Ncw,!hW--mTekFr, bornik No 9,, 970j,~; pp 40-44 A~/WD~IM-83-859-72 lit jqn,:n Thoory of Mochanisno and Muchines (Theory., R'um- ple, Uraphical Operations), by Sh. F. Margolin. 515 PP. RUSaIAN., bk. Zeox&3. Mekhanizmov i Madiin. Teoriya, Primery, Grafiche&lve Raboty, 1968., PP 1-357. . AIR/-F?D-HC-23-510-7D Aug 71 Mieory of tMolecular I:xcitmq;,, by A, S, Davyduv. RUSSIM,, bk. Teori t Molekulvamykh Fksitmav L969 PLENUM PRHSS Sci/R&N Sep 68 3660486 G. S. I's-,:rawua A mothod of synthesis of a digital aggregate of ;a "i4b "0 struoturo. pp. V"' 'Y jS AN.0- TeoriLq nadcshwati i mageovoye oboluzhivaniye. 2069, pp 202-208 AIRIFTD-MT-24-1752-72 sept 72 Lifting Line Theovy of a Hydrofoil of Avbituary Shape Mming in Shallow Water,, by G. A. Gashey, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt. Tewiia Nesus-h-&,cii Unii Podv0dacgo KryTa-l"t-Z ~10 na ISIkov 3,vn 1 �96. me WK a-W&-v-y-fBu5hl ps Tr No 966 scim 7hscrY Of ROF r8sentation Of SurfacAs for Sumyovs 4ml Witographers, by FrmC13ZCh' Bio=ad;i. POUSH, bk. leorA o(bizoman ,)Owierzdmi dia Goodetow I Imok -atow, Warsaw, 1963. i-ISTI " M-11313 Sci ~ fis Jun 66 3020329 The Theory of Plas-Licity, by V.V. Sokolovskiy RUSSIAN, bk. Teorija Plastichonosti, 1969, I?p 3-608. ACSI-J-9749 FSTC-HT-23-656-71 Oct 21 A. -B. Wkhaytovskiy Theory of plaama inatabilitiee. Vol I. Instabilitiev of homogeneoua plasna. 310 pp. TRORIYA PLAZMENNUKH NEUSTOYCH1110STEY. TOM 1. NEUSTOYCLI- VOSTI" ODNORODNOY PU;NY. 1970. pp 1-294 AIRIM-W-23-735-72 mar 73 2Mr.y Cf IllaW a Lj~-,tdajjty , 170L 1: II)Stabilit.,, of UAW= by A, B, 11i'diailmn-kiy, 1:x-3r,, lbod, - 11 41 llbustOidliVOStAA, va 1=mp Irs- it buidiv(sti ochoxxxhca- - 4.vxo.-. 400 a--), - - - - - . ~amlsax-Aas Bull 1"uAliziu-i pm;3-J sciAllysics sept 69 392#997 -91 P79-: Forced Feed Ao a ~bms of Ebtimat-:mg Reliabilit,~r and Service Lfe af JbQrauILc Machinery and Assemblies., 133- A. A. Kaaaro7 and Ya. S. Urbanskiy. 11 pp. RUSSIANY rpti, Moscow. T22=a Pnevmo - I - GodroDrivoda. 19 9., pp 196-204, AIR/FTDAC-23-30-71 Dee 71 Fl=ld ThoWs b.~r L. MI. AllPin. :i~ It ,, bko Xvlftn kdn. ;'.966. plemm Pmvs Scd/Plws PAw,68 3569633 Theory and P.-actice of Dast Control in Coal Mines) by A. I. Kaenofontuva and A. S. Burcha- kovi. 13 pp - RUSSXAN,p bk. Teoriya i Praktilm WrIby a Pyllyu y Ugo:Ll i ShaMttadk 1965 J~?RS 36195 USSR Sci.&gr ,jul 66 3o4,658 ftmnww&Qpnsim ommtorixtim (on the DBMS of (lie lnbmp) of &pot ROM1984 In Map# bCr I* Fe Mmiadqv 6 ype nxmmp pOro Rmlys I twim n3kq2. okw &Allmr No lp Jar 1965s, PP- 32-35- x. irm 3WIP tam i..a MOP It [it! 111 On PxdOmv of Parftating Coaddn Methods in Omqputivo ODDrtpp lby V, 5, wtawj, a ppo p yr., TdOX13m 1 P~Qrtmm nalchaNa. i0 l.. Jan j~~7jp PPO W-50. m" 3M um 981 451 Cyj)e~om mal Pbysical TralnUep IW Ve Me ip 43 W-0 vwp I amulla - I Pftktna agdeM No 4p l9b3., pps Y!5;7W- vW ibld WW 205 p pp 9 22-30,p JPFB um BrA-Pbpo jkm 65 O*PW Development of the Scientific ITinciplas of Soviet Sporto ~'.TaDeral Tikerry)*, by L.P. Matveyev, 1~ pp. RUSSIANt pec, Teortya i 1.1-raktika Fizicheskp_y Kuliturlo Hucnw, Dec 67, pp. 5-11. JPRS 41,053 Sci-'Ao. ard k1ed.Sci. April 68a 355,588 Of in the ,ittpvnr OvUt AVMA lpc""* by A. A. BMt$W 80d A, B.:sm2mwfp 8 yp. IrPisiche Walgo pe]~, ftorlya I-LEm NRY 94-tam. P*b 1W, pp 2-7- im Wei ftd-mw 350.v8T2 July 08 On Pocholosl.val Trainius of Candidates to the Sawlet 04,,.31 ~c Wrestling Umm, by Yu - Ya XIMIW and i1o Lentsp 6 py-- Mvrj ktika Fixicheskoy m I Pro "tury. War 1968., pp 23-2r,;,, JPHS 43621 Sci-M July 68 350073 74-110mril Irnibion `L'oc-imo in a Couetto Flow, by ~Z. Yerallikil. R ?" ;j fbalova. TLIUSSI.A~!p b1c, Toorl'in o I SA T 1 6 2 soi/, -,, i rys 369, Oct '03 I "jj Ull 19 A LLU~- Uliil i 2 TU, I I LL, ~l i el q'u'e'! s t tr'anslation check volo.C.1ty ond tempe:7ature distribution in a system of ~la~e jets M i iiyumov; D It Khzmalyan bobk::! Teoriya i p3!aktika szhiganiya Gaza. IV. kaluchno. ie y Okbiaichvskoye* obshch(!stvo energetichesko pi~~yshi~jin6 .sti. (*MEP) publisher: NEDRA. Lenilgrad 1568j, Pa I S 25-39 ge Efficici-icy of lll.~at Transrer OjILO tile (Iurfac.' of a IIIalc! frem a iligh Temperature Stream 0.- Combustion Prodicts, b~, 7 S.N. Shorim, RUSSIAN, per. Ti2oriya i Pr-a-ktika Szhicraniya Gaza, No 4, 19~-,'f, pp 134 KC--,~ff -- N - 1. 6 8 0 *F')TC-IIT- -) 3-110 8- 7 2 Jan 72 77 1. Rybi.t ::,Tha~aff~ct of defoote in the geanstric ehape of anti- frwtlibn bed"Pings on the_balanciiV precision of rigid PO 0 TP Tel' : Wa i hsaktika UramioveahivaniUa Afashin 1. ll!~ibo' 1910.t ~ PP 371- 377 -24-99842 Jah 7X 1: Representatbon Tbeory and Automorphic Functions, by I.NLGelfand and M.N.Grayev, F,Usslz,.Imono, Teoriya Predstavlenii Avtomoirf)ie Punktsii, 19667,32pp. .*API , *OTS Vol.16,No.3. Aug 66 Theory OP CoMpaCtjL%g of Metal Pouders, by G. Me ZWanoviche 281 pp* RUS3I.AN,q bk,~ 122gva Rresso raniva Metal-Ucheskikh Poroshkovp 1969, Ip 1-262o D41C-23-7?5--70 e, Aug'71 Fundamental ProportionaT illavigation 11' u a j 1) ~ V. T ,,q tions, . Kan. RUSSIAN, per, Tecri-vi. Pro gortcionril-inoi llaviga-tsii) 1065) pz 0/-17, NTC 72-11187-17G CIA X-?50? 34 pp May 72 Proportionn'- Na,ri-at-fon for the ValLle of tile Navil"ntloll collsLqllt, - -V . L. Kali. RUSSIAN, pe:,, Teorivi Proz)ortsionalnoi I ,-4aviffatsii, 1965, pn 13-57. 11TC 72-11138-17OU 1--lay 72 -tit" IWO$ ZAYIVV S. malraron 244 ppe IRV i Raketno- -M, nmot I'loscow, 19 L pp 'ibeory uf 5olici llueel lkxket !~.ri(fimes, jby Ya. i,!. (,. Yu. ~Iazinq, ot ad. 261 lip. IUSIMg, bkj, 'Raor .A RzkctllO(~.) Wit_JAAJ~Y.A 110 Tvunk.x~i 1966 #, pp V75~6. sci/l.)rq)uisiai Md fWIS zpr 69 377o922 Theory of Rocket Dgineas by V. Ye. AIGMO-Tj A* F* Dregalin. 7.32 pp. RUSSIM, bookp lwxiya lLaghufh auxatfiemp 1969,1 ~nd &dtlanq pp 1-547. LWAD-4a-24-1 16-'I,o isci/aero nov 76 ar-A-Ircrato,; Tuirbomadbines.. by cUvnl kov 967 TOP 0 Iftsbi, a5 19702 :pp 1-61.0. --.,M-7FTA -23-754-'71 I MTIWMF~~ A*i*Uoli Vibration Theory 'mid Calculution, by in ~12 ple 'b airlxtl lg?ov p 1 L64- 1J. I Grids for Trasiscnic and Sq)ei*scriic Ficu Vblxx:itie-s,, by !4. f ilkutav. 13 11). ld~;~.;,[A 4 lillon I Wrdiet 1~~Zltcxaulo , 'i.L - ~".jo -V= lffj--un67 60 pp 174-184., EC-2-2y3--12 S6- sci/ pnpuslaicna j;d fuels A~c 69 3970347 1971. A oM?pamtiVe RWiew of DmiEstic Autamattic Cont=A Systm, ru, S, YaJwv-lev 31 ppv MSSIMp bks, Temdya ,,,, &=bet i REi~ntsi~ . ppo Sci - Matb/DP 303,437 1 . -n- r-r- Camators ol: tbe EhW Syster4 by A* go ZWduWDV,, 10 pp. passime I*jp 7k X)ri4g PaEchet i P-rintsipy LL t~~~~Y-Yrlwwy 1965 pp. 3"7 M' 35,932 sai - math D/*P 303f438 im, 66 'Me EUPE-1 SarMtor, by V..G. Gri&MsOV, 9 pp. MWIMg bk* ',.Wriyas PAsdvt i Lx~lntw~ M~~ Lya t:z Uhif:L li;~ gisbmWc 5, pp* 4 5 JPW 3506---Z Sci - lAth D/? 303*439 Jun 66 luialysU of U* RP1 Eleabmic Mock Circuit and Structural - Am of it, by A. Kh. Sldx% kin, U PPA IMM# bk.f W=iYall-16ilet i PrIaIgm KaftstrAmUmE mAktrcnrw !SERotm Ev=ltslTamffpy S-tstew, 19b5, ppo 5=5 JPW 35 rb3z Sci - Elftt 303r440 JUn 66 Dynmic 0mracteriotics of x1octrical Ser by A. A. M-&koiriv Yu. S. Yakovlev, 9 pp. RMIM,r bko ot i DjEtEi B2LI&O w Iya- Elextrampy- !R!Z~m no 33650, pp. 66-74 y sci -, Elect jkm 66 3030,441 Min I;he Pilm Characterif3tiCS of Achating An the Dateodrurtim of the Dyrm&,.-, P=p6zties of PI-Req~ks# by Ya*V. Nmvwl)v, 7 pp. XMIMO bkj,, iyam Rmtet i printsipy Ca OLMUMMrs, SL5PW 19b5s, pp. 755-81 Sri - Elect 303,442 Jbn 66 Aubmatic l(kxitxol sysbw for the Twpmture 6f qgpezhwUd Stun, in ttug M-7 EISCtXMniC 1)3, Yu. V. NCVMIPJovs, M. A. Griioilymo, 9 pp. MWIMI bkv 3214A 1~~xt i Print#py x0astruirom- . 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