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ft"Bles 0 twing a Gear PurQ md Gevk~ B1, tAined by Such Processee or PUMP Similar asses., by Gaston-Setbastion-Forichon, No 1$073,,038- patflat Off ice egrobes In Trl=*UVI mium Basoo, Reaotlon i some Mrimetbylamonium baws with Permansante, ~,. Idnt=a fbadn. Ro, per. Z 0 238, 1931, p 452 .1 Lj. ~, /,A/ 72 C A- r- U r~ /' h/ 67 :36,604 Dev x E NO 6*j 0i 6 3 L949-195% Ila-using Of 20 pp - t, ~13 Zt p 2(A-212. JPRS 91M lli~I;Stn~ctwe of Glass in Relation to Some OJI~ the I I 1 11 Piporties of alass., by T. Forland, 6 pp. ~jlp~er;, GlWtekbn:LBk Teidelk-rift, Vol XV, -1~60, pp 5-8. 716 ni Jjdi 62 v& 43!. no 19 in pu---od S-alt Ylixtuvos, b~y E. lFloc d, T~.]#or-qnd, K. GrojothheLn i~ ~1~~ery Zeit ftorg -end b-ilgam Cbom, VIcl '1~j,1954.-p pp 289--315. W. T 2, V, 10 56 ib.TS/dex Cons, tution of Fued 13ol,W, by Tormoo Porland 6 I, goLqwrsnlAlp TIA29krlft for Kjeial Bargveoeen 61 03: i0 Eo 6,, ig5ip pp ig-82/ 3clent V ,o I ob eut of -the MA-th(A-3 Of Illvestigat-lo!) ! A-cuity for Diatar-ce, by G.F. For'-Ilv pp 69-,f-0, c 19c; 7. -,65 Mating of Cold Draving Dion or &W Ib= W. F.Uso&WP E. Arend.. -P. Yom. -abarf1whom, Val Ma 1949.. go 3,9 Rrutcher Tr Ro 2305 $2.80 (BY-5539) Pmre site tor Hatabliebmut of a New Mathm of W&W S-Y'W'ut~ ~by B. YOM=k.. 26 pp. MICUL. USI? ONLI =-Cg;' r ~ Zsmdelska Ekouomiks~ Vol VI, No 7, 19601i,pi 599".15M. JPM ?633 our Czea)~,'mlovakia sea Octill 6i (DC-6072) Stra., CIL,Ulgher Nervcus Activity in Mechaxdzed an~ t ized Labor, by M. Horvath, R. Fischer., ! at alp pp. C"ICDt USE CNL:f ovai look stvi.., Vol XIII~ No if per Yll 961~~J~ pyp 163-167. ipm 89, 1!4 Jim, t* c17m Iwo Apr 6, Pant of CID PraMe Enterprise, by FM OFFICIAL USE (WZ =a Flmxwane Hoopodwvtvi" Vol XIU) 390-395. JIM Iff-593551 ct i th 2 pp SSIA 60 LCU 4 rc L ~klll,ler juc. DO antration of TTichloroethylc;n., ous Actirity of Reits Jx by Ul. Kborva-a'-,,, Yc-., Fbna=ek., Vyuahey Xemioy DeyatellnoGti Vol Up- No 6.. 1959., pp 016- IVY? TW 7, O"ILOGY, AND F.COMX( Or lNE MVELopma OWF, reD iwmAKEO ev if rmam, 16 pp# OKY PALIVA# VOL XLI Is HD I IV MW Cn JAN 63 218P76k FOTJRE DEVELOPMENT OF PRAGUE INDUSTRY, BY JAN~IFIO[RMANIIEK) 11 PP. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY CZECHJV~ PE I.PLANOVANE HOSPODARSTVi, VOL XV, NO 12 ~19 PP 65-71. JPRS 17481 WtUR -~CZECH EtOh. FEB; 6 221,376 Reorl~~Litaftd ~in af the Ecoacw and roraipm TradO by Joa Pvc-manak, )I 50) &0n rei~a Trade Dae .T. WDRK PPAMTIV17Y PAMM O"IMA R OAT or rF==lQN2 By KID FMWUr~, Si FR Ap ~P GDVM*4:kt U39 OHLT CZE poi pLkOAM mmumv I I vm xvg No I I. m i 67.5D two ECJM r I r ; ~ -1- I., L~;~ "I ""I -, L; ML" ;,L..4~ Oi :., i,6..d 00 7 4. ~#~ f, MTO ly4ow (DC-3986). C, :160 t and Per;CxpeAives of t2ae inorganic hdustry In Czgehoslovakla) by Jlri pp. FOR MICIAL U13B ONLY Chemicky Pr=Wsl) Vol X.% No 4~ 1960p JM 3757 COPYRIGHT ~ 9 1 Cathetarlwtion of the Left Cavities 0 by.J. Pimmnp P. Ieumens, PPO - Arddves doe JULaftes du Coeurp , 1962j, pp 6M4LB. EM:L-1"3 gkd V 3 a] J9. ~ H 4(n, Owl~~ Reswvei3 in JUs [im C*.,,echoslmakia)j by 33 per,, za sociausticke zevmdqlqtvi,~ Vol X, so 8i'196op 68o4& Fm sum 2Bgh lour i--~ czachoalcmalds Ecomll-lAgrievature F6 62.~ riumne of Ruzu 9 pp CZECH, UAIT ~Jcotl (NY-14-758) u1iremetits for Assuring New Methods an in XMIs. by Bohinall Formanek, iname a Uver,, No 7,. 1960, pp 4lo-4ir-, II Re Imr, (~Zeck -nW 7540 Slovakia Dove Ic Et the Brtquetting,of Lignite and C iD ad, sh'Out PAmdxture of a Binder and Demcri~4iio~, the Nww BrIquiett1mg Process for bf coal I i''12dil WlthwA a Binder by the "Dolni Llg6lte flyatmo~;,,Wtfi6do by J. Fm=mkv E pp. Obxwo Val 331s -Yul log., pp 917 Aui 11949s, 'PP 121-123- MA 60-IM27 0~1 Avr 6*, C] TT UPNP PP WEI 7:1ta: se? 160 Experience on Head Losees in Canala nger, in Section, by Foru-'Ica per, LIEnergia Elettrica, Vol 1,10 554-567. Dept of interior US Bur of Reclomation Technical Lib Denvcr., dolarado Absor$l in 61ii El RMIAH; !I I 1966lij Jan 6,1 Infrared Radiation ty &9emiconductors Fieldo by N. V~ Pbzmin, 3 pp. Fis Tverdogo Tela, Vol U. No 4, M. AIP Sav Pbla4lolid Stato (Nr-4695) N. V. I Foam 7- RUSS Oct in Operilsting Wired-Broadcast, Centers iand M-10 r4ulpmenta by T. G. Ivanomp A.~ 6 pp. lrg Vast SVY&BL, No 6 (243)p 1960p 25. JMS 5517 Jdy of Complex Cobalt Oxalates by Means of Aniolh Exchange,, by V. V. IForm;LA, V. V. Sinkovskiy,, RUSS, LUX Psr.. Zhur Neorgan Xhimp Vol Io 1956, ABC Tr 3212 Cheim Sci m .utolawtka. Regg ation of Process foi- Pre.-i- d.t..'sutn't :)f Rmbio, Uirkel. Carbonate B-_~.sed on, es z. h--, pH '"If 41-16 in 't-lic Systom Ni a 2 Y'LO NO Vassermanv B. A, FornAna, --a Kh, L PrIAM-1441hy 15 pp(o ;Sian 121, 1,~ hur Px,:"-k Vol 721.11, 11 1 9 rip 2619-2623, 60 DIm ak' 117 RUSSI#Jji~ Scie List ridnatlob 0: SaWk, 0l' I in v W Air, by IN 1. P. A. il,,p Gig I Sanio 1952, flo 50 pp 49-51. 7 il 149, 1 D.S.I.R. Tv No CTS if 0(00 mea f t-w wavimse 0i- Bearing RI G. S. Simkitip 0. P- ForctinAp 3 PP. RUSSIM r., I=tritel Tekh., No 2., 1958 Instru Soo! of Amer Ap~ cmee of Sww Cover in the Ecology-and Oe;6rV'hi ca Metribution of YAmmalm and Birds Bole of Sww cover in Natural Processes, ~~~'Fbrmzav. per, Imt- of Geog. Acad.-Sci. USSR ieriokai Vol. in Houncur of G.D. Rikhter 1961) pp 166-2M Mf C-523T Sci J Study !Of 1-~ctuatlons in the Umbers of Exploited 0 is ~#the rganization of 'Yield Forecantal in Odw 14daMement 'in the LWR Betveen 1917-1942., by perp Zool 11ol, XXI., 1942., IV US Dept of Interior Tr No: WO i~ B s c 1~ ~tri( iology Nov 54 CTS e cn;~ -.0logy and Agric 1"-u::,al Tx;po~:-tancc U ,or bi rrb, (1--tooer Domaticuz,,~ Bactriauun Zar Et Ilt d Pasaar Montanm, PaUl iduj, Zar in ~lrrjl'. L~rkwniya, bv A. H. lPqiM::o RUS TANj, 1,~~o perp Kool Zhur.. Vol X7,rll,, I .. 11 -3500 US Dept of Interior Tr No 207 i o v 5 C avsj if 1.1 Biology pn 1-1 FC 11 b: 6 32 on B. 14. Mitkov a t~s' aud Som' Conditions of zova~ voi. xm n perp K001 zh~D U3 Dept of Interior Tr no 2o6 Nov Is Phe -r 194 54 CTB Sc ey and Rodenta., by A. S. Forg~.- perv Zool,Z4ur$ Vol XIT-I, 664-6108.'- 3, ri oTI, J, 'US Dapt of ruterior Tr No 150 nov 54 cTs c IP'r Aw-m ~Ok- Tal-dog e. Cansun of by lkda~kn, by A. 11. Fomot'OLVO j 1AU10 perv Zool Zhur) Vol -60 US Dept of Xnterior h Tr No 100 se.lfti!nti4p Biology IIov 54 m lueltiona in the Numbera of EconamicaUy plb-hed Animlas by A. N. Formozov. P~-AU-Uaion ft"rative Assn. Pub! ousep 1935, Moscow/teninW-ads, :L08 p.01 US Dept of Interior Tr No 94 I S uti~ic Biology Rov 54 ie Lin -,m Integral Pamor of the 't and Its lq)ortimco in C~a vad Uirds. by 10LOV, Or. NateTialy k Poluianiyu pry ~Ssll ?10vaa 60 Y 1,tdal 1 V0" V(20)31 'JK461 7, 1, 1 7,- m- 57. Pp. 3ho-. Survey of Works on, the Ecology of Bi:~-~ I it During lVenty Yeara (1917-1937)p isLqj, bim per., 2003. Zhur, Vol XVI~ 1937Y U&.6449. ~c U3 Dept of Interior Tr No 28 11ov 54 C."'. FOR 4D14'E Jer ont~rets Annaler, vol. 123, No- 7, h5~ 11 0 ~rd d'art translation; 1939 - of Swedish Pig Iron and Direct Stb~l~Production- Electric Low-Shaft Furnace High-Shaft Furnace for the SmeitlinEt ~Iof Ores, Brul'64,e~j~rans,, Order No. 820, $1.00 offl$ 'MERE jarnk~Jl'llt.o ets Aimaler vol.123, pa-es 527-544, r 11~ 11 1 l~ I 1 0 'f frures, 1000-word abstract; 1939. Tein )eratlub~ moasuxements on basic men-hearth h-,its, "l. 25 n he, Trans. Order No. 0163~, ur g in ~k6jt.6 Steel. tExcerptr.) eis in m m ,en b;~ It no Am&'L pe V01 1 Ipp! #'I :2-2Tv 2 V S.L.A. Tr tienti ric ~1 ~ ii i At by Apr 119,~B.,: Jul 161 j~, .,IbnB AbOUt Conjrnite-l- Tracheo-D--rmchur,- lkatUasp With or Without Esophagc,,s:L Obout rUnir Surgical Cure (TMatr_eL-t), !~~ 19 pp. idnerva Nipiaogeal vol vni, No 2; pp 44-52. NIH 5-53-61 4 IW4 162 .1 Me-Nos 09 Coftm ftbrleo by IPP ftwUrJa. V01 Uv 1954., 359-31% (EIF-1857) tion of 7A= Sulftte Frc=,Waste Materials In Produc Tft,e!W~6fer~~w Metals lmdwftry, by Mmeuez 'Taskaidd Lem hm-T, 4 3;9- P=01VOC.) Autr I Ngtale Rieselame., No lot 1961p of p-Bantoquinow., by H. SlUtimireicli) , 12 pp 0 Z, iVer nuULr:oxvcbuug, Vol Ma~ 1952., i IaH 12-17 - -?.Or ~r m I,rAL.Lj~wj, 19361 pr Ibr 51 it~qtinal LymphosEwcomatosis of SjRpjltvmec-.1s an by A. Fornerv.. 5 PP. pqr., Arch Ital Anat e Istol Pat) Vol 'VIIj 4i9-427. SLA 57-1687 L03.ae ~~"Td t r m 2 1! J; Alf, .;X ituatmft of a 5W th tm~l .6-4 141th CcabdmUm of 13, -far), P. V 'Ift J,-Ii' TXQ`UC)j~ b'-" Ul ild'othu"r Antil"lot-ic'r; in, 0 MilerNU ILOI~~ Vol XLVll,, No 31499017, M%iA Vol.' ox sj,~- Tj I'y F. V. 39 iv-CII-iVI? 2:31' q0 1~1) 22 253- ~Iblq# bV Ai V. E. QxLdettJL, Mmm MUM 1956, va 4T, 305#432 ,~Resistance or Candids Albicnn Antibioticaj, by Paolo Vittorio pers, Giornale di bitter t el WL 51p i3'- -(.Yi-lf3613 p 3"l C3,' i - j, tho ;tWorobia SpArgum Qf i&e Tmthricia- b~c:, IrLd'obalt Assoolationj - by 4 pp Arch per le Sai Ked, vol xcvn.. no 1) 1�54) 1m; -10 0 r) sail tifla cine,, antibiolac Da 54 AA b464- *Wp~ k j: j i 1 21 ii L.ci,Lm* lm*oyn ot fte, Sam Earth FIeMTG 70b Rom= of 090A&Uum of Ta VmWr Dombir Or Prot= - PUt Xle; by Go He As No 16-krimo V..N. Pwwo"ay-I --I. K Is Ak Xu* OMs GOT FU Vol =1 02 Anode ~P-- A3~~ FMUN.oi ~ Q., 1~ '' 1 196 3m sai se.P; 6i )~~as in Electrochemical Polishing of 19. P. Fedot 'evp S. U. Grilikhes, 4 pp. lij~ SAW Ptlk lhft.. Vol =n., No 92 awAcrobatices by Ya. Farostenkol 6 pp. per,, * Kryloya itoisisy., No 6,, 1954p 8-1 Encl to 3R-n36-5 . clA D 3 23. 0 AP 702377 i - eronautics T6 A in v"IT ai10'a of the Reaction cX layinim With PIP, pai" G. V. lasurlyeTW7, Yu. N. Pu**" bt AUSS! Zhur Obehah Xhiml Vol XM, No 10, 19 pp! 500-3503. 3 Octil ~4ng tue Rewtion of MterLe\Wit4b b-CoutAining ftses. 1. Acet~4&tion Derivatives With Kete~e,, b),,r..Ii. Ijs 2 n k1tw3aw, mo p,er.. Zhur Obsbch Xhl 0 Vol xxvp I it 20' M50 w 196&107- CIA -cp Cansult'AtantB3,ureau chemi0try ~CM N u ro ei iffractior, Study of the Ferriz..,317et, e50122, by F. Berta,,It F - e t a~j CII,, pqr, Co,,m,es Rendus, vol CCX-1.111 8-901. '956, ATS -i ~-)Y, 3 Sc voi ~7 priatior. of the FWsturesis Clycle of ty tba Curie Point, lyy R. Forrer., WHO ~r, J. de Pb7s et Rmlium Frence,. 97 - Lauguage 13v Bu ilaw 60 3 1,3 ts of nam 'nart.)ass, u 41 IMV? f mrrimsawtic Fazrita by pq ix P,,-'rtamt, Pr=.cii Format: 6 pp. i mmkll~i -OD~ 4=pt*a Reniu3t Vol CC7M-KIj, NO 3.- f SU. 59-15223 sci 1 iTr,v 159 Vol No ar a vith Mmdosa, bY Z.J. Fcvrer, pp. e PON,= 1953, p 198. cientific Ikkiia Study ''of~ m~ium-Alloyed Free-Cutting Steels, by 1. M. ~riov' I. K. Suvorov., Yu. E. Formenko. RUSS per, 1z Vysshlkh Ucheb Zaved,, Chern Metal.. JV 61.65.' No 31 1 j HB 5091 Walminiary Experience an Heacl Looses in Canals 11 lj.~~nvjja Dti~ to Section, by Waml Formica, ri~,~Jpwp LSuergia Mettrics (KUano), V61'Ij=IIL so 7., 1955, pp 554-567- Dept laterior TC7 1957 No 3 Bw 144f ul~ 61 )RNI,,I,A,,! . i cupa III adna T~a anle ~ 1 ro others. Cytogenic studies on subjects with I cIosure to small doses of ionizing radiationi p 60(3)-.169 -74 (1969) (AAEC LIB/TRANS ilitg in Anlied Spectroscopy., Vol 3., Farrpjj~e and Mmm. Ianterman. ~ ~? I bk. . ~ i Plenum Press :,i August 1964 TIC Ila Laucamra k.-OC:4~*f E M 1bv 19640 Pp 17 n *Ova Set L with Railoactfiv Isotopes;* A. 46 Forsberg, ihna, Val fas, J11" go cX Direct-Current Pl,octrical Field in . J) ~' P I B lie, trol~rzers: Gmi.hisual d , f Field cnv~l ruAi-n, by G. V. Porsblom, 25 jer, Zhur Fiz Khi.-r,, Vul XXVII, IV 3, 1:.)53, ~ic e, Bei Tmns Ccntor P. T - 21:-` S BlectrIcIty (Blectr, -Climiistry) Sep 55 C-rS/DEY. Di tri~utioia!~of Direct Current Electrical FieldS in Elect,~Ayze4ln', by V. P. Mashovets and G. V. Forablo.--- 3:* pp'. MIP Zhur Prik Khimj, Vol XXVII., No 3,, Russjt~ mo,~ per., Mar i95 29T. i~ 1'4) *280- CIA FW35 ultarts Bureau Cons Scien" fic Chemistry MS 73/Oct 55 ]Rel%tionships of Currentp Realotance., and Thb -of'sn Electrolytic tafp Drop- to the Geometry. voi 10. V., -Forablamp V. P. Mmhavits., 6 pp. Y r.. Zhur Prik Xhim.USSRp Vol XXVI., No 10j, lpe 95..:0pp 1020-MMA 10250 Conoultents Bureau ~c tific Chemistry Jan 55 CT13/DZX '10 Title InEl o, nC Kc T i-4~il Tet Io of cartain Technolop'.Jcal. parairatars of Mr4gnesium-Thwmic Rodw-,tior. of -hloride., by G. V. Forsbiom, R. A. Sandler, Wy Tavetaye VletaI3,v.. No 10, 1960 voip RMS pp Scipu,iinc of ttw voitap Drop in Ilectrolyzers for ion a Almiuam., by Ov. V. rorbb cg4., 'to 10 pp Zhur prik Rhifts, S&SHO Do 11p 1952p Consult-into Bureau chmiotry T~e' a of Geomtrical FactAmD in the So-Called 'Di e&dbftity" of "Ivan-Ic Batba, by V. P. up, Mas 0 (1. iand G. V. Forabl(m. 13 PP. Full L~tlion lit Vol XXV, No .9 N 1532-5 - Cobsultants Bureau Sci -,!Chom i~ Doc 53 CTS 7V 73 eb~ Malamo of am Blectrolarver, by 5 z0 Ituspli iper, Zhur prik khIm, Vol XZII, No 10 CIA/= E-22 Elect-rolyeer, rjo-MINKSP TI Oct 52 CISID-14 i 11 , ; . 11 1 For TT-64-14291 THEICHEMSiRY OF PORTLAND CaM;P. TRE 1. Title: Clinker cement ON COWITMITION OF, THE COMPLEX HYDRATED 1. Forsen. L. CALdi]~i!AUMIMATE.% ANDTHEIR SIMPICANCE 13. Title: Constinsion... INTM*OUIALI OR sLow srrnmOF CEMENF. (AvZ 311 3Dp (0t9 ' . Ordff! film SLA 2.160 JT - 64 -14 291 Tn.!~ ItITeldnisk] Tidakrift (Swadm) 1931, v. 61. P. 33-36,141-47, ~O-SC !1 11 11 r F ~ 191; 064ments, *CddwncampauDdih *AI,-dI-i6 011jontes. Hardenb3g. Cbendcal rme- oq~s. I P~Tdcsl,~~p~k A*Oddm StUcatm 9) P. ;HEMLSTRY~ OP PORTLAND CEME21T. FM 10631 172p] (13fip omLM4 66rds 66m SLA!$7.60 TT-66-1443J be I~,(Gcrmanh 1935, v. 24, = 2, um 3, ' 33-37., = 6. p. 77-6% m 10, 13, V. 191-197. dth 7T*l 1. a& 14 1. Foram I- Otnee *f Tesbnfto Tm~ c~HEmMly op PoRTLAND catEmr, Frs. 1. FormeN L. MV.' 119631 17,~Pj (13figs cmittoO Web 006r, from U.,~ $7. 60 Tr-66-1401 k ~i ~ i1 ~ Trans.1 of Zemom (Gemany) t935, v. 24, no. 2. P. 17-A ami 3;'P. 33-37: m 6. p. 77-82; 10, P. 139,146; 113, p. 191-197. of"" of Took-low ""~911" TT, v. 11, am 12) part 011.1 E. m swa-polso A w (1962 Oideir fict 'K-H Tr Ians. lu P. 993- DEXRIVMRS: PI AND UTHRARY ANOWSH. K-H 9372-d LAmrtidaingm 1959. v. 56, ~codne, *P0110ming. --htbolcgy, 17, Y. 9, w. 6) 62-17947 1. 71de, Literary anguish Fongrw4 L U. K-H-9372-d JU. Xreege-Hooker Scivws Lilwary Associates, Detroit, Mich. C20202934 Offite of T"holcol Sarvicas 62 In IncuMble Disease of the ftople? Mr, lavensk 7- -1., Vol Lvljt rM 2-23 -62 ~.,.,atl wi Frua the "m- Iii llldl~urv of 3-942-1945., L. F. Fr~rshp i~~rice-mo por. Dch AR, P:t7at' TVIT Tqo 2) 19490 Pik) 195-,, T 137 it alecPhysica 'T, "'r IN. N. CARBONIFERO ism I X D PAIA FOR 1. 119150 j. Order A7 of Akk Tra V. 137, no. 1. 4 Xltramov. A. N. NET- I AND PERMIAN PALEOMAG -LIMATES ON THE RUSSIAN PLAI 55 ATS-34N54R 1961, Nauk SSSIL nlya 154-157. _~4x 9 WeOeCOID&Y. MAgMUSIM, ClInUtC, Tr. Y. 7. no. 4) 62-iZ84 1. Forsh. N. N. 11. Khramov. A. N. 111. ATS-34N54R IV. Assmiated Technical Services. Inc., East Orange. N. Cj 2 Ole" ,f T-b.3w Vig of tile N, wi% 'VaI %'5~', 41 Apolicatic - 1 1 the D~in8i,s ';~f the Gel-Diffusive Precipitin Test -i:, 11 ation of the Swine Plqgue Virus. bk, Veterinarski glasnih, Beograd. 1948 *PL 48o oTs 61-11273 1961 (FDDi The ppjto by, L7mj~ wid PIM Irl usm sai aia y' M .96 the Nechaniam of Antibody Formtion Is p by F. K. Forah6er,, rr pp Zhur Hibrabiol Wdmial i i0 awt Now lq'i5s pp 100 crA/via) U-8174 3o -~v 09, o.) immolov at yval in Imeatric by A.; as Venbbovt 3,3 VF- owxmnms so Sit I MAD J.!~3 4 EffectI6 Lisone on the Inflamatoi-j Reaction i I I I Pro~ulcn_,d i~byl ~teria of the Enteric Group, by ,~a Kh. F0,rah, 6:~' 5 P. ........... , ~ L Russi& P 1 Zhur Mikrobiol Epidamiol i Immuno-W.1116log.I Vol a04, No 2, 1959,. pp 82-85, PP Sci Jan;6ol