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1 A~y~ation on the Ivory Coastj by H. 3 pp !per., Revue Generale de 1 'Air, Jul 1957., ppi 282'~b4, Enal to M-233-57, OAirA, Paris, Tmcel AF 1070737-T F"ach West Africa., I'vory Coast tc cla ir Tranopr4ation 57 eat i on of Recorclilig ..nstrim ents, by Tj.nie measurem 5 PP- '*zmeritel Tekh, No 5p ;Ml, per, iSA am I N Tw Gawk ODGMT I L FWNPA I 0v 10 w ambu ON it Nut at IMELM CAXP13p im rim! AA I ----------- :1;';W! IA*41;i, itriding and fiflu,t U'V by t Illk i-Visr%.,~,.o Np TOC1114 tturw, 1:0 A 12's 4 s ~14 m istion of the Half-ULfe of TelO5, by W. 059abert., J. P:!g~wiwr. pal)erp P/1026j. PMMAIngs of Internatioi Pe on Peaceful Uses of Atondc ftergy Ibld a 8-2D Aug 1955., Vol'. Vn. nitexmati Conf -- UN olear Piwaics ciA 1-669.9.162 A at Oe- s6ili Nacle e of Teelmetium Produced by an (u,.p) , J. Yieganhelmr. "". er, . P/1025.- Proceeeump of Dftemational u Peacefal Uses of Atomic Energy Hold 20 Aug 1955., Vol VIII. Ph"ics axte"Uttl Cauf -- Us ciA 1-669.9.162 m L Of tb-D Saf Life of TC102~v by J. - W. Seelmon-IMibert. I paperp P/1021., Procimd1ap of InternatAonal w on Peaceful Uses of AtA=ic Energy Hela I 8-2D Aug 195% Vol VII. f I Miternatl Couf -- UN i ~I J~ ~j I Stud 0' Ca mium Cyanide Complex, Balts t)y ~O pb1c and Electrometric Ana2,vols., by S. ~Raj lag, 19 pp. GEM~Npl perlpi,ehem Chronaa, Vol XX A.. 1955; pp 127-'13511 AF.C Tr 282S) Be, he try Id .3 A C tibodo RbZt D3C11209rsr.,h for Vncvum Recnr,~An-- by ii , ~O-k L.; I W, Rcgo luafiw, 15 pp. GFIRWAJLN~ perj~ Arch Electroteeb, Vc! XV, Ro 14, D~ c Pp 29T-303. cc '-,lan t ;2 3~ Irb 5~ aoutro by At I., I)p 'r*,n by Ti'Ll-A-11-ion of i- d Permangan--rc lon37 ally Gonerato 17,.iegontc-v7 !i Zavod Lab., Vol No 5,, 1963-p ISA ~6 16 ~7 (Ci Rall H USSR Scient LiitB ,re~!Areas A o; PC rp 10 Bioloay of the Little Ground Squirrel us Pall) in Pla[pm- Endemic an& of West Xazakh3tan, by Yu. 14. JUnontovs, M. V, 81.10ikim. Vol X11, No 2j, Saratov., M Dept of Interior Tr No 41 -~Biology Dec 54 CM Nu In me sommftt Bodo -of fte xaotftu 6 . ......... so go, VAp IM IL79-1-77 2bl) CBS sodft P-mparolmetric Titration of Total Phenol Groups in Hpwaiie Res''ins, by V. 1. Ginzbvrg, L., M:. Fl-GF,'O 2 pp. RU 101, por, ZaTod Labp Vol XXV-11~ 'NO 4j, 1961) pp 3142' -394. ISA 1941 Ile Sail 'I mar! 000"r caat*r OW V4wouS Ref laws. Md %wous f14 by AfUlsch. I POto Ar&- G039 M1141,01, Val 226a P~ A; F-9a29 A S ai So WWWOENT WE ONLY ~pr 2980740 The :96ti~bograph., by A, rleioehl h6 pp. FRMU'."I ~perjj HeIv Phyeiol Acta, Vol XI) 1953, pp'~6i.3 :94, lc/~] ATNC F-TS 9387/V Jm 50 1 if Ergod ;'t s- at 11tofessor Dr A. Moisch, 1~,.uuzuzinu, bV A. riv. ~q pp. GmW%jI;,pEk1AdvcrUsi% circubir, Sol Madiclue -24 61 11, 111F; 1,1~ v a c~ N ((11, 1., IY41 1111ij 31S r i'd 0. ~ I 1,~- I I -"flll. I ~ ri-N. I 01,1,~ I )MS1 "i, Sit") 61-W24 1,1111A AschilvI f[Url diiel G:f4hinti-) IV dVI %f,t-nSt-lIU1I usid der Tiviel ((k:rtnans) i I.S. 'SCIII FIT) lt~ 1'4r . Stability. W>Jy. I'lly g tology . ), jx-rcc-l lon, IX!lcel)tikwtl. ()17101 Audi oi, 44 Ne~,(bk U NMKMN WN.~ CSIR Book Oct!162 s of Studying Gaseow3 Exchange and F.unctions, by Alfred Fleisch. Chwrles Corsi Spnitingfield. Vol 3) No 32., Aug 1962, P 59. TH8 gja Trans,, Of Pfa on go, MAL BAM OF ORK)CULAR COLOR Imizolle Gm-dimp des Wookub"m it 106ki I lip) 14r6& h $.I.' to 7T-61-14116 erl's Archfir fdr d1a Gesamto Physiologle 221., sewn I'm TT. 12. w. 717-61-141116 1. Fleischer. a. THE TM OF THE IMINDARY UNISS IN FbIoder, B. VISION WITH "0 EYES (DI& Gr&UUBIMrr~VMVM l Iflost Au I I"ll 192 l 1161do Si bb4 I m* fi u . 3 m t te n e p g VMs" oinluedO Urits. Ordvr~ Ir SIA 8 60 TT-61-14188 z[elts *lftj flud Psycholloglel u1ndl Physial .0" doISin"Ist organs. Abt. 1: Zoltschrift Mr Psycho. WS121 1938, v. 141, p. 263-342. 2) 2 &I sciences, TT. v. 12, no. 3) (behs'lo . i 111 i Flelf~h~, RrAwL ~ CR=~WPAMWI AS WE MMOLOGIC BAM Of' 3"MULAR DHnW PBRCEMON (Dk Qwrdipiis"ci doo 185rim up UNAM 71dwwvbm~ 11961) 1112p) 57rds. Ogdomicii SLA $9.'60 rr-61-146D4 Tn=.) ~ 6t z I f(*rj hydo]Wol uladl ftyv*.lRVa fti Sbomm~. Abt. It Zd krM mr:*ctjAooej d~msny) 1939/1940, Y. 147, P. 63- 11 ft pbk*W S" -Fbysbbv. Tr. It. 12. m 3) 1 1. PlaiK%er, IL 'o T - - 1 9W. Flvlz~h~,~ C. &I Gnilkc. W. OMMUM RA*n.%4C FOR RADIAL SLIDE OR CONI- NION 15~eAMNIM I 1961132p. Order firoln! STT $15. 00 STT-145-317 Trans. of mascNnAMbautechnik (Germany) 1960. v. 9. no. 9, 477-41 7. DESCR11FTORS: aringv. Standards. (Niachli el Y. -Mad inie Parts. TT, v. 7. no. 6) 62-12191 1. Fleischer, C. 11. Cnilke. W. Ill. STT-145-317 IV. SCIEN-17ECH, Scientific and Technical Translations, Cleveland, Ohio 197091 off".0 rae 6y Band Recorderp by B. ~eisclrr.- Nachrichte .1 No It 1956p j AC81, H-3365) 0 TD 2158106 Ela t~ -ran ---------- Hall (u)-on"ie gloss IS21 I'D I"Oocj. Meier's u. J. ploilcker. Upmh Wol 329 Joe* kale.- i,f 6 r Sd - Jul - NOW a to the MemUurgy tit Top-Blovir4l th Pulvedzed Ume on P luch run, by W. A. FlWhipr Wn W.-. hi9"4 per, und EIMMA L 19 264980 sibilitios mid Opera I'li-kil 1 ~iitjj juus Tcnzparature Measuraiaenr,; -4-,z . Processes, by G 12 R v 1.1 r f %~ it, IlLpor Prz;smited at zlic ~ Yntol.~rI A-1-0 n Cmigrass on Oxygen Ste!al Plarits at, I , 23-26 Si!- 1f).53, ikil Dunicirl, I' BISI 3477 'S C i44 n 10 J, all 41i m icasseaot WN 'r. I;e y 60 Ageing in the Bar by K~ lvleiacher~ 7, Zuer Altersforachung, Vol VI., 1952., CSIRO (g-6450), The Hoi~ 6f t~e Deutsche Reichabaha in the Trwa.f e, rl of 60dis in GDII Seaports, by Karl Ild 6:~ ~ ch 4 PP GHWAIV,~,! )~r, K)6r Operative Dlewt, Vol V, No -U-ii2; ~i 196t~$ pp 371-.3n 374. JITO C1371 ir i!ll iir V , Soon ii-4acu -.CcorLdn~ to + co; p~ lems of Idmit Ratings In ConmevLon 'I th tb"a Develq]pwat of Mectricity Supply, 11"'i0is Cher, Irer, RiaktrotecluAcc:h~: 17-itcchrifty 1~0- *kda, NO 20, 1955,P 722-728- Syd 16-1~ar 6P Prob PP 9 Sci -YUI 59 Mrait Ratinga in Connection With the Opment, of Electricity Supply, b~ W. Mektrotecti, Val MXVI a,, No 24., 1955p ABLIB - a It-ji 31 Ing laullownecind RDUry Hapats Cor a s- mi DAvo,, by Brich Ilaisabhmmor, 7 --op. WmAilp Pat-tht no 720:476- Dept of Coswree Pain" Office SWL m (gift) jea 59, 63-16499 WITII,C0LJ.,ST,IN (Ul Minische IJ~fi, lirun~c Available o~ I ,in fro Trins, of De6zIscliel (West Germ''any) 19(C DESCRIPTOR$:' *Blol Antlbicdcs.11 (Biolo.gic-nlisclences- AND CLINICAL EXPERIENCE3 1. Pleischhnuar, G. Rest sten-priffungen und 41C Collstin). 119631 Sp. 28 refs. 31-A 63-16-499 li,41niscliel Wochlenischrliftl ~d i. 85. no. 39. p. 1717-1719. Ical nssay, *Collmycln 17, v. 10, no. "ii Ofte of Trchkal Strvicts teclunum of the by 16 PP. ,.~O, f3cl Da Dar Nerven t V31 M No 7, 159., pp 305-309. IIIH 10-27-60 "7' 7 iL roli. ii-hci- v,-ta:,.j4km - bk 1100 v :A. 57-lk~-.~ Sad LB 543 a and CcmotdLtutlon oir Copper- All'i by F IAU 0. F.IeJLocbl. a F No pt2,j; mt&UP Vol VMP NO 1p 2), Dratchar Tr No 330,~ Scics,ilfiw Xin/MetaU JIM 55 cTa/m GI I 1- 1 U~e of Higft Strength Steel Castings in. Air- t~!Ccmstrwtlon, by H. Tauacher, H. Fleischer. perp Neue Rwbte) Vol vi) 1961, pp 151-15,'5. BISI 2820 X/14 1,0, ROV ED 'i' FLEISCHEI 7 GERMIAN, I 6-2( PPj125' USSR EE, E E C 0 1 06T! us?- UALITY IWDISPATCHER SERVICE, DY RARL 24 pp. R, DER OPERATIVE DID.-ST JPP\S 15554 2 14, 1 '4- DeteatM fjlll thq j,,3tGC,6jQa of a W~a sje.Akl. in by D. S. rlc,:!zcb-r=m; Rcdi&xkh 1 77, 6k ~0514i 126-734V Q, too 604 V bv, L950,'~ vi watem Vith dol-thmewd SaLlysm D. 8- FUlp*p& *VA M. A. Somokhin I Emma=,, Vol 1x8 NO 91 pp ~it ust! 11,izziatfacttiring nr.J la--:-rsdc~ J..- t--,e. 'States of lKarth Anerica, by P'5. r w a r b sz w nono, old' i39; hilel der Vetrainipten Staatori vollf *C F Sill TT -io-5ot'go lil c rth it,w -r. r 'Aca/licon 7 L i-7 r, 7 J01 4 CSO DC-6 A: C=vvrva~lon With Lmtr CiN-Mir Abcxtt All Sort of 11 , I Thin pa Iculurly Art and Vkxlerniam, by Ivo 6 ppo r Literami IlOVPinYs Wo 35,, PrOM, 30~ A04 1958 i *.o 3 us JM/Do-I.-MM mm~ C", ~lbcslovakia 1~4 govi Tbpi tic Field Strength in the Plane of a a t'] Aroa Around Which Current U Flotdngp 'L. !,IeIscbmmun,, 12 pp. 0 per& Arch Elektrotechp Vol XXI., No 1., -034. oat pp 30 SIA 57-2378 Oa Appar,&' fpr Autowtio Adjustwat of a Grinding D I so Wearv by Nikolaue Flelsoholaunp GUM Awl no 8W5. M Dept of Comorm Pa^in-t Offloo Sol Lib (Gift) Sol 3 1119 Doe 516 CTS 1 oona"it !a ftr*m of Rydrogen Atom With Uadlr'06t& I c r fipjzp t7 Q a CiDuenitzar" R. Fli, i!Cbm jp 9 PVI. eERM,p .P"o z pboltv Val cnVl 19561, PP 336-342. ABC AM-Mb Tr 768 stl Ale ~m Bev 7 can Kith 01cmure StImp Whose I , i, Praisbzt~a P~6 Whan tko Cmr Ic -T-==:1 .&re Allq~Aie~' Against Pressure Sudecels Airr~*,-'-fi On 'tho CoVerp by 11. -w. v9=19o Patent VO 235m517. D~av., of Comarco WUQUt Off i" i Sol Llb (gift) Tbi~ ;Sel* 8 Fleti Ing Col (of Clumius and DickelY, by usuny No Jensen or$, Ergeba Pjakt Raturw,, Vol XXI, 1942 p pp TPA3?fIB T 4132 61-16428 Flei,;ch iw Itill, R. and Witt, R. I INVES-171GATION CIP 111L STATE OF POLARMkTIDN I I'Mschniann, R. OF I-IGII-r 1:11411-EkING THF THINNER MEDIUM LAIDN 11 Will. R. TOTAL REPLEMION BY MEANS OF SCAT-TERIN13 PARTICI~.E$. [100Q 1.5p. 8 refs. Order from SLA S 1, 1 (it) 61-16423 Traim. i 'A' N-itschr~~fl ffir llh~Isik (West Genitally) 1960. V. 159, io .1 3, 1). :Iii60-308. DEISCRIPFORS: "L~Ight. 411olarization, 'Carixin Mack. llcflc-,~'Aon, Scattering. Th,, slat' of polari~tatlon 01 light entering into tile thinner in yn total reflection I,, examined by means cii ;L-Illlcrin'~ particles. The result$ -111-C, III -igrL,,m with d4bretical exNciations. The calcu-- lated va~llui- is ohtallnl~o in particular for The ratic? of the longitudin.l. conqx1ficni to tile comilonent which is ' I perilend Icular to tl','e~boundar% plane. Carixm black particle-1, are usedat'; scattering particles. A separate (physic.41-DpEics. Tr. v. 6, no. 5) (over) !D prmij ation of the Vapour ftnsion of Tantal= ia lNi6l'' um chlarlde" by M. A. Opykhtim.' I eisberp iml ~~erp Zhw.- Obahch XhILm,, Vol Vlljp .N P37s, pp 2016-2021- TpA3/T33D T h289 i;eutllic Cbemistry Feb 55 CTS 0" an i a;Vie-cosity Depres3anta for DrIll-ii)g Pluilis, b.ia Tic'.chanko"and S, FleiiLher,_ 9 pp xxx v RU'I'MNII per, Zhwr Prik Kldm;; Vol r U-10 3,. 19 p 6)8~- 47. .giftf Jul 63 2f f, The B. S) RW31AII 110 Jun 5,4) Imum,11*1ntropy for Au Unknown Discrete litionWhan the First Moment iz, Specified, by . ji 16ist~~no G. B. binkovskii, "+ PP, par ~Radlotelchallm i Blektronilm,,j Vol M, 554-56. Autmation L'Xpress Vol 1; No 2 Internat'], Physical indel-. SqL I 8LC- 411V opt DO, MA *C~~ *64-Ad& MW Sal Apr I, boding System for tb3 Zmnamission of the ~er of Paranater Vabaea iu the Preaence 4 live RAM.. by D. S. Flaishmn, 11 pp. RWdatekh, Vol XV, No 8., 1960, x7,(. C) On the R~fiojpmcy. of the SequentUl Analysis methw an idea-Which are Uned For DetectIng D6 Weak S!, ini Ise, by A. R. Buoharinov, &=1s Ibl.ahman B. 3. RMSIAS., ~per..,~ Radlotakhollm I Blelctroulika, v I 11', No ;1958a PP 835-39. Automtiou Upmos Val IP 30 luternat"I PbysLcal Index Jun 59,~ L e- !S- The Binal Dis~ribution 11 by 1E. icAion of Sequential Aimlysis to com~unicatlon SyBtems With ;a ]Rayleigh 1! 1 of Bigaal Intensity Fluctuatiom~ B~sharinov, B. S. Fle:bihmn, 9 pp. per, Radiotekh i Blektron, Vol IV, No 2, ;P lj5-160. 1959:? sci Sep 66 pp 1.0 6811 GE-1 D. G41 L' L lob L. G. SHAKHIDZFLkNYAN A new plasticscintUlator for the measurement of the activity of su~pensims Ein nleues Szintillationsgel zur Aktivititsmessung von S,USP6n, lonen Atomnap En r' .1 6, No. (1) 1669 (1959) R-ernenprgie 0. 1-, 200-201 (1960) 307 G rnm Euratom An &Ktert i f EM.A.em by D,;': G RIUASIAN,.: pp 5.5-58, Apr 63 Standard as a Meam of Determining the jland Background of a Liquid Scintillator; I.:eJahman, V. V. Glazanov, 3 pp. w, Pribory i Tekh i~kspar~ NO 3,- 1962, ISA ~U ~M,-4 ~ of wataral Ptadloactivity in rlu= G,4 Sbaltbiftbanyim., D. Q. 7 0 Leontlevy V. 5 Vik Alt Ilault SW- R.. Vol. M-7., 1959,, AM M?-tr-315 otibd Decreaso In tta lbasuremutB of r An ties ln Liquld SalatMation Counters.. b. CIO kelebmup L. GO MA 5 pp pribo" I TeUb *sper-p No 1 p 1959,p Iq - 1135 AM tr--3933 A/ Pl. J, on lAzoncircGo-nouin of t'Y3 Trachea airl (vientation of tj,.zt pha. - m-m. E~rlwvon. 182.), F1 7 C /Ll 63-27346 L SCHALUM Wr NMM VE)171- 1. PIOU&MMA, I- L LEN iHOCHLMMU)KMMXKHRXXM (A I . U. Tochnimcbe bdu mmkos- with Nue Valm for ?am Roc- su. Hmomoww I ~ dfl=4 !N (wm awmwo o ocder~txx $2.30 P. Tr. v. 1% Mm d lobbd Wnsm DIf a melaterebs Wit on the I b a cyUndrical lowll with a r 11clev by S. Pe Flolshan# S pp. RN,v per, Dopowidi Alt U" URSM, No A106 Navy Tv 4688/WM jrr 316 29916S3 St E! h CorjcL,ntr' ;I i N. lip. F1 Scl. juj e2 f Circular Plates and Ring-s W-j"Uh 'Pressed-In Fonnationo, by shman, S. A. Grach, ~1 lQ pp. er, Vest 11jashinostroy, Vol XLI, pp 19-23- 2 501 Th6 A4 idu plasii6 Me i)p Tr~'~ 7-~7191- sci 24 Jdi- 62, Bot I.. tom layer in 1-11otion of a Visco- ium, by S. 14. Fleishman, 4 pp. r. Kolloid Zhur, Vol XXIi, i,io 6, iqC CB 203,991 The 110 2ii Bel Ang of Structural Silt-Mrannporting S. M. neiabmnp 4 Pps i.11 ~~ Dak A No& SM, Vol C)CrV. Is 1951.. p 281. ConmItarrWi Bureau UAW A31P I to or DOTOlOpMat of tho ChlorLne Owlef, Unioup 'by V. 0. FlelDb=n. xhim Promi, So 1., 1959, pp 9.1,6 D83M YQW ms 1344 (u. oil. M.) ool~ P202 A.V i cc the (Mil im aid abiwine Im,try sm the vm& by L DSIR un uni luo CA* ZMS NER Slip ailing C?~tacts With Low Contact Resistance for 116a,sulil-!~Ing IAstruments. ~~Arc~~ Tech. Ifewsen, 178, T 131, Nov 1950, TPA3/9' IB T 3913. P 22205T -LL VO-04 90 ProtvactOn Corrvjiw.. 11, l0r~-00, K. Flelowwr. Volh -hn-be jH-A 100, Vol. 1959 M11%- T!.3 R-14.7,/64 TheALonglRange !I l Plan for Development of Electric P-,,.- i, by,~Mario 0. Fleitespobj- SPANISH j1per, pp 42-46. - W/J IIRS/NY-9145/SPECIAL Cu''I bm1cI Ec:on I A~6`r 64 3A956s De~-.ip6l No 40jp49a/- Iteplation Rstablishing Air Base . ; jj~,l I If! Org~uftatibnj, by Jacellno Iftbitscheki, Herwique Vlei'"s,# 51 PP- I I... CIE arl M. ario OrlcWLj 13 Doe 19V ewlliio A-0-57s OU2*s Pdo ata Janeirop Brazil. Ap noo655 IA,_ Ji VAY 57 Br&dl r, 44 so" letheat omas or rz me Dletrlbut4m in col"C"61W, Fum .p by. josof noi.... zy ,m. czam Sm W*L., No 12j. 1,Wp Praoiej " rl JPW le-1613-D C onlovakis he 'V~ pi'~r., the Strengot-heninS and WealienlpL~ the EXI'lect ~6f Sympathomimetic Antines by iohbr Drugs, by A. FlekenrtciD.. GINNIM? c Exper Pa%-,hol u Pharmalxxl~ Val CCXX 19,~~!., 154. 153t SUL Tr 57-1,815 Sci T JuTa 58! i i 4z// j 176 lanuthViae, 64' 91weefacticm of the Atmosphere b~6 ~~6"tic Sensitivity or rewaons Witt& . i I ateit btatij of Color ViDjap, by A. BO kp pp11.! xa#,'~ 0WO voye M -Mad Zhur; No 5j, 1959. im e443 d 60 he Influence ertaim~~H'Ulwa V.lm perj, 60 Long-Acting Acceleratione on lual Fusctiobsq by A. B. Flekkel'~ pps Zhur, No 1959. JPSS 2551 ,ignif 10' noel! ~.r Absolute Color Vision xOahol~z fl6r the Praotice of 'Uho 111it2ary 1,10 J,ipna Boardso by Ao Bo LUSSIA~4:1 mo iper, Vayenno bled Zhur,, T ic> 101 Ilro,~c Oet 1�58v PP 51-53 US JPRS 1166-a c6l~w v R~SBLVI 3, ~I iem of the Differentlal Diagnosis of iicmy by As B. Flekkullt 8 pp. thrIce-MD per., Dak M Nauk SSSR Vol C. lamp 1935s pp 57-6o.. CIA/FDD 11-8093 33 An A'te! t lo DetermLne the Toxigenicity of ~ I MD- 1, Diph heria Bacil-U oja Solid A-Aia in a Childrens' I ~ 11 HOSPARI,, W~T, A. Sergeyeva, A, Ia. Flekeer) 5 pp. RUSSIAllp perk Zbur Wkrobiol,, EpiderdDl i Tummoloy, Vol 1 0, 10., 196;)2 pp io4-icq. CB oct 61 The SlAbdkii intco,'! a Clw S. 1mvit, 1qCN')l .PP S-ci gl iioti of a. React-Ave riour-TormLnal Aetwork i of Elementary Fo-tw.-Terminal lietworks, byr Lta" M. ED,. nekser; 17.?- DA Ak, Nauk SSSR,'Vol. CMV., No 55 44. Interati Phyrical lnOex Antamtion Express No 7 1.&~pq"n"sio6 bt a Reactive Four-Terminal Hetvork Into a Chain' 'of~S lest Four-Terminal Netwarkap by M. S. L't Sh. Pleks 3 pp. r, Dok Ak Mauk SSSH Vol CXXXV, No 3. pe pp AIP Sov Phy-a Dok Vol V, NO scV i Juni (in I.S, 15 P" Rfu i9 pp sc, Of BB.113) by 14. 3h. pbth(--rial utination 'B--st in DJ per, z4ur Ui~biol) Xl]x 2., 19513., RD -37 un. lolj Vol No 31 34 rp t 5 FCR-T(..r Plents :La Po2?th--=. Cam.-~~us, lab-, T. Tit s LIP Gidro- 0 Ing Im toi, --vu Mego NE-71, '956 y JPM 3.25-28 612) Tvvieellfor Cl)sing Zeon fIleml, 1 1,R H ten sop 62 1 R actor Channels, by Panlel Voelthel, at al, 8 pp. ication, 18 jazz 1.962. 4 mc Tr-g62 /.z Tbe T6 iaiqu Accelerpmetc. 1960~1~ 2! Igr 27 N61,61 kj j and. lustrumeats fox, Testing rsj by H. Fle Icl pp Rn Deutoche FlugtechnilE) No 7, 9671601 -258- I land MULerqlastion cef Present Productive ties of the Mactric Power Systen DurlaS the JPive-year Plan.. by Bohimil Flamala& 12 pp. MIAL USE MY I ~ per., MeriptlUp VW. Xs No 4m 1960p -160. JM 5725 Fuelsy pmr 1, b- ten, J PT) 9671496 IUD 15 H (NY-4575) coust'ructil m Materials Pftde of Fibers and i 'the ZoonoW of Bait aermny, by ahav I i I ~01110 3er F 8 GERMMI, peri Die Material Wirtschatt, Vol UTI~, 30 3. 01~ p-p 6-8. im 5w mui FA or ObWyking. Ptm "LUUMP 809milm ,%y W. riumdLs*o 5 pp- am 17w at TM&WtZIGo VID1 I No 6, per ]he NJ Ll"n"t 00 ID MeoGe Sol Cbm 61 /17 compa#j~t~:iy~e tbe r Diphth0r* A'~Ilu~essment of Preparations Used to Treat 86te in Patients Convalescing After b,~ 13. Ya. r1eks r, F - G - Tairlim, 4 pp. !4 !Zhur Mikrobiol Npidemiol i bmunobiolp >9 js 1957p pp 4 -42'. Pergemon rmt Sci Jan 59, o il Al p ik U Manipulators ar4 Til-lera R eq ~6n~ or ia~ rating ExperlaniiLc,, Ly I.,. ir'lCnilcr~ Dic bt, y (n1SMR6itAA -to! St u Risen,, Vol JZZM(t, 1056., pp 45 454 iritish Iron and Steel Ind ~,rio number given) Sci 4 6 Sep, 59 or the ewpositi~In Of Anodic Garjes Durbs t B 6.%otm4os's of Cryolite -Alumina Yelt., by V ~' Dt.1 :Yfets$ M. Y. Dogrumaizhi,, E. bf. 11181;, Flerln4- pp Vol Mwo Russ Zhur Prik Milm, rio 6s 2-952., pp 955-5565. J, p0r, p Cousultcatc; Bureati Sci Uf c ;:2- eDdstry CrIa, I CIJ' c a I~J am CjoraTming tho Watting of Clayp by comqmj, vmv :19400 295. DSIR LW M.1209 (loan) 242 m todustrIes WN