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Onit IlAct~ Valw of the Fmbsorptlou coefficient b ix~j d6id" ed spark swatra, I. S. Fisbman, 2 pp. Is Ak U* -Ser nz, Vol X3Xp N6 135.0 m C 40, 53 at Opeotz&X Malyals by np b.V :L. Ss Flobt=9 A. A.IL, 861AMS 27 ppe VOI!av no 3g.* 9OD60a, MAP Tr 09 937 scd ll-~ MAY Analysis by Mauts of a j by 1. S. Fiabwnt 8 pp. per Tz Ak NRuk WSR,, Bar Fist Vt. 0 3), i741, pp 284-288. Sci T=zw Center ET-3245 Sa Spe.-atral A~ 11.Vais by Calculating Calibration N i' 1. S. Finhz= aripillia, Y 7 PI? - No 4, 1958: MI paro Zavod Labo Vol XXIVo PPI Instru Soc of Amer h ar, Ap 60 get variatiorm i?e't ! UNCU, R USS T~ap �5.'2' 1 V scj'61~tlflli Problems of Closed Mnifolds., by UP M` Met Gbornik, NcrT Ser) Vol MI, No T2,, -316. YAthemties Navy Tr 9W/Azi VAth Soc 90 'X, Al imi~, yso~ co"Wiss at's Lars* blitita JS ~ $iW41 ~ VISIUS courimlo by kovo 406m4ndys k 77 Y4, twavical Ent ns, ~itov) ray 156) Nrca 40 pars T~s L5',g 541 p p Sci 174113 e~'d~e Gaine(I Frcm Work With Artificial Circula 4 yp. IM';bk Norye Mdrwgidheskie A,,Naraty i 3hist i OWt M Primneniya, *Iqo 1; 1957, cas 6o-231.69 P1,J& Nov 61 tr by A. I. Fetisov- proofs ir, Geome Y stvW.CL, RdSC IA14 0 Dokazatel' Co. PLi,)l- D.c. Ave )85 cc)lx:nlbus Boston J'TSF pi:, lb Dec 6o by i~l 90-1 4 E-~ngr 3C-Op 115 'D OF Blectrous micx=copas for the Direct= an of Solid ObjectAp by ishuik# D, v.,Fetisov, 7 pp. Zavod Lab, Vol. XXVII, No 12, or, p 1528-1534* ISA 2099902 Vacuum, Systlz~ Selector Value Ilith One Control Knob., by IPov; B. I. Fochtarev, et al, RUSSUjil pe Iz X Ak KU Wauh SSSR; Ser Fiz, Vol )OCV, -1561 pp 776-- ME Sci 205,375 micro* D. et elp fist vol UV., xz Vp 604Wo 205 0 3A dtloi raftation and Conective oscinations -tawo Fump by V. P. M11% 9. P. Fetlsov AN Or 2hur Ekwper 1 Twrot Fliz no 5., 1963.. PP 1572-15W. Amw Inut or po~3m &W owe - im voi xvnij, mD 26o..33T A IntEl Bil -11ATIP 14&~ 62 .... ....... on Alpha-Deteelmr with a Thin Windowj, by sklyp 1. N._Fq perp Pribory i Tekbi Sk"r. Noc. 1, 1961., -606 ISA fjli 30 of Neftrans Inalnutically Scattered by U.,Is 11st OV3, )j 'DPO per., Af&~j~ Energlya, Vol IIt, IRC) 9.p -211-214. 957j. pp. Consultants Bureau Sci -Iruc Phys h on the Rodent Fauna of Western 'a I. k ai'' ia, by A. 8, Fetisov., t I~jp Bull Inst Sci Siol. 0009r, -31440 1942v US Dept of Taterior Tr No 24B i c if j: Cl- Biology Nov 54 CTS r:2.3 Vol Distribution dud Relative Umbern ke Rodenta im the Forest-Stappe and the Southern Extremity of Ucat iap,by A. Be. Yetteove BuU Inst Bel B161 Ge2E -2j, 1g2v IrkUt0kx PP 73-107- US Dept of Interior Tr No 235 Biology NOV 54 CTS Re~b],~ttion;of Electrostatic Electron Acroocomu, b.ij I'D V . Petigov., F. U. Spektor, V I - MAIyutin, 4 pp. RUSSM., :0 ~61 N ?(,-rp 1z Ak neuk SSR, Ser Piz, Vol XXIII. pp 690-693. Columbia Tech to tho'MActm-adealon Microscopa the, Visur4lutlon. of &rftces Tnvueb Otroli N~Ieslon; by 1. S. Sbitnumvz.. lav,D, Vo MUM- Wbcz7 I T4ftAks Mmpwrljmntm,, No U*W=ta Pbyalml Tmdex Vol It No 7 'f:2 *s 7.1e Iff 3rc Al nt an Blectrosticitla liticroccop5,p by D. V. V. L3 Xil,,mtlnq 10 pps Vol 110 Fo~, 5.0 J5~-60- 19 5: salt Rini stronscap (DC-30311). suall p" eci ItEktIc Microscopes.. by V. 1. JLilyu~jn, D. V. ~irl.t K. K. Ruspletin., F. U. Spektor, , fth, 'Ov B. 1. 4 pp* 1170M6 i1) Ln Ti~Ilz Ak Nauk SSgR,, Sex Piz, Vol V.1 D~4s 1959p pp 454-4591- JPRS 3231 Sel jun 66 7j iris d poc' NO 1; mnt, for Plersuring thc, Rf!t)olvi.ng Polver hot,lield of Fluorescent Screaro, by B. T~ K. Ral3platin, D. IT. Fetlamr, 4 nD. .......... Hj v rpp I.,, Ak Nauk, l3clLF;lz, Vol )C"D1.11) ~-11959.~! JMS 3231 .E61r ~~Xl "UOJ4X.QTX T MKOTPISH Tt CUT-4nKT(IN -I ~q 'rlQiWa 2aTJLTOGOV KT pus edo.,)o -02,4naTj JO mar4ags i'VOT!Ido ul e!juaraQkT-d dd 11'66T A ' !R 40A -a4s UC6:~v qw~ .i- p 1. m a by Ulis 1 9f. aetic Proportles cof a Relativis,~,Lv, FlasTmt-- P. Silin and E. P. Fetisov, 9 !Dr, Zhur Eksper j. Teorat Piz, Vol '-:Ll, ' pp 159,4170. AIF Sov I-tip - JETF Vol XI.-Vj 110 1 /.?,Ooz /,~~ I'llall Probe in a MUWAc FieX., by 1. X. Fertiaov: :6 ;mw~m r Zhur Zoqw I Tborat.viz$ Vol MWI 19,59.. luo-uao Alp Senr Pbyn JWP Evi 59 fa 7--7 7 1 Pe il~ lux-J. Aea of the Development of Literata-re irk a oun r es, uezov, .16 ILI w'13 6-ill': 1)r Kolaamist, Ito I'd,:!, PP ~Y" -Id. jplis-.,. I Cf) -D us~ R c so'. 0 JEW iieno'',d for converting Eiectrical Circuit ,par, ~ il .e*ers into Frequency Variation, M. Fetisov, 5 pp. ~y ,b Sci- ug: N, per, Izmeritel Tokhnika, No 1, 1964, ~4. ISA 264,508 ?-Ath ztizu .Tov 60 , of Ta~,--~, Sewittirity, by P. V. H. Fet'omr., 3 PP Cool Nefti i G-=Zp 270 1; 1,C60" Taylor ?A Franzis 6,71; ~IPIEZOIAAGNETIC SENSOR FOR RECORDINIG ~ i it ~ALLISMCARDIOGRAIAS. BY N. S. FETISOV, pp.; !U~ S'S I AN,` PER, KLIN MEDj VOL XLIj HO 2, 111,00, 0~143-~'i45. JPRS 12174 U q~,ark- ~ Rotme-ntion iD Edmetrical Ec-uilpmut 64~-,Vra. lri~; in Explosive Atmoulb=-ea, ))'j,- V. J~ S. Kravchanko, P. A. ~wll PaBr,, Mektricbamivo, No. 12, 10 ~,60ir pp 4&52- wz m.344o ~ael,'6-,Vod Yathod of Testiiag the ot MtAOric 4arking , by P. A. Mck-tarichertvD, Fo U, 10 Ai (BY-3DW) ~&61Q,118eala Choo-ima Wuntry.. by '~ikhm 7 vcm, T. fttiam, 7 ny: Mdalyap ft 3.0,t 4/2-0 pq 20t 21. Ito. j%t6 62 1 ilmdts LWd as (Amu re e";e, 43 1"J, IT 3329 -MINVA by III !:Af.t rp, Inre"tie 30 Oct -1015-00 JIPLA:E/rr 3.4 CIAArDD X-39~24 ;^C. Ras S IX 6?0 I GIV F'roaa Sylithotic-S. by T. Fetisov, RLIS W 9 np" Audelyu, lkiccWwr 19, 9() 0 1) 16. UU99621") c 66 2049784 ~ltravonic RUSSO Scii- phya JUn Conquere Corrosion by T. Fatieuvp 3 PP. Ts"Ift7as. So 275 (12582).. 20 Xov 1957. SW Pies and Devel IAb Ft-Delvoir,, Va M. mml jan 6 ty MA Lawr Coots for t ~:,6tl Lineplaut CoustrwAlon Plaas., by *tllsc~, 13 pp. po 21 Vestnik Bvyazi,, No 10,# 1959. im 7005 L cerl @&n Pbsidbllity of Studying on or the (t*d) Reowtion., 1W V. V. imd V* no PW ,,.w -4 Zhw Ampw I Toorft FJLz# Vol XLV# p Amw M2WIP, of BVs Bar PIVw -W JW Vol 'E. No 2 cif Pbotodisintegmtbm of Lt&t Nuclei With a of Fast Dauterms., by RxV. V. B&I tiinyj 6 pp. lAr.. Zhur Eksper i Tooret Fis., Val XLV, 96,'3., PI) 532-5h0- Awr Imt of fts sov Pays JMT Vol MU, No 2 TbOW of Pb=ftdMgmdm fit the U& Nwjel wlt~ i r~w~ e of Fast Deutwonm6 by V. V. Babuftav, 17 PP. 42jcbggby F hofto L=wd P. N. Labeduva, ProtsMov A-29, Ak Nauk SSSR, oMmemonyM 9691140 1 6. NAV:F/NRL Tr 959 scl Fe b 250,739 Al ij Slow f C.11,"mical Wid 'I"ci tirltr Conditions oil Itilot Brittleness Of SL-2cl, Potc4in-Alekseyev., 161. M. C Fet.-Isova, 22 pp. by U, as 1 A 'It, sovrewounyye splavy i Ikh 1958, Vozcow, 7.,D 13-2~7,1. MIRS-2104-li- Sci lin/~ J~Ln 6o ;-Z ct of, E. JS.bvi (DC-5411) amearbim and fnxiamim m the jInjured Mascles, ty T. V. Fetieovay 8 UYMA per,, Ukrawjlw'kyy IdokbImi, ~ I Vol 0 Sept-Oct 1959., PP 562-568- JM 8054 Be il Ned 7// F 391 A I f 1.0 1 S~t',L-j b-D ii-onal Interactiun o:" Vitan4njs Bl; Shamr ny,, T. V. Fetiomya., pp. per ,Byul Eksper Biol 1. Med.) Vol XIJX~~ 196o, PP 70-74. CB rillf"Lt 0 on the Indioes of L~ IPA' I l4k~liml of the L. F. Khordtska, by Ty , r rkwo IRSIAN j!22X!E!') Bi2!;-h Z!j~ ;V6, m'u: No 1,0 1964,j p-p- 80-07* .1 w 65-60235 scd ail 67 327r335 (D0-5409) ton "ftlmicorbita" oa ftioll BW=Mtlouo by ire. r. sbomms T. ~V! Imb Ob Iroprosy bioth' a' i i ti, 16log Vol hp 1959, pp 56-70. im Apr il; m ~ s !,!a / () I-,- of Coolmit Ejectimi. in l,ucl J, P, Foctep 11, !). Grossiarten. 16 I:i,.. KII-925 t ! 4020631 The votaim of Ovorconcenta-ated Doutral Yarnish -R*F;ins,, by !Z. ~aiberj, ratotor, sairflu. am~,O r" Anctricbaittools, Vol LVUp No 12p 1955., pas i61) -ci ROV!, i i o 9 Ap etas for, Produclag Serew 02n-nadB by Rol-lin, plxr b ilhelm Aj 10 pp. y ~1` lav pmtent no 179j953. US Doerpt of Commerce Paterit Office Sci Lib -10 ~hn 63. osun Roller, Speciacaily for I iuh Pre nes , CWnt -us for Automatic mic, A in Vhchi ing, R0110m., Wilbel.1- Pottc, 5 P,,3; Wy Pi te-at Vo MxxftR 865,!522,. Dept of Comarce Sci Lib (gift) Eu m L- 62-10362 Knt Fe JRING OF 111H HUMAIDITY ON 1. Fetter. K 111di ~PLED: ~:4111:.R MAKING MACHINES: DESIGN Akbj &FRAilbk or A MIODERN MEASURING lmSTR(jTN1F.Kr.j fiqw, i ip. (;' figs. 0MRIC0. 6-6~r from SLk 41.60 62-10362 Trai of Svo~lk~ Pap[plers-titinfing] 1956. v. 59, no. 0 - 01-l ldi M D CH ES O S M uni easure olsture. R ty, , , aicntj 4pper, 'Wood pulp Madill Ca. (~Iatertals--Pa'cr!,. rr. Y. 7. no. 9) Office of Tech.scal $"Vic#& Tbo: Gas Sci Oct oa of Phot Feactl=3 in Twrbulent ft~tiqjjg - Wiclw., 21 py. uncriptp source not indicated. ELA PG,32 b fuels xy, M" a i~tl Jet Jxi a Fluldized Bed, JnA 67 334.9 lot), 116ttera and Hoet Conduction in Fluidized ~Ieda' by P. Fattin and E, Wickes P-8 pp. fj,~ pery Dachema bbnograph. Vol UIY~, 1955j, 14 ~169. AEC Tr 3648 1 n StON by, P. GOW 100, per Sai YAr . . 'I Vol 2p w0 id Reafticas in Fluidized-Solida Dedop R. Wickes 27 p. Chex-Ing4sohniks ll,)56X vot x"llit 93. 1~~ SIA 59-20tft of Fluidized RA , W F. SebuStrl, M. Herz., No pDr, j, Mmiml RogineorLog Satums by XV.. 196~~, 7~-99. 9093329 AM Tr-4974 Sai ~Im' r a CoV in jan'. T. Pluidized Beds, by E. Wicke, F. Yatting, 33 PP-1 G-EaM, per.? ic1hem Ing Tachi Vol XCVI, 1954, -)p 301-309. 6u Tr 3034 Sci atrartica ;tb 58i on Z.AtUewes and Aseiris; of I"n,, by G!m stw SIMI& Vol 390 10 1 as 191, ~9 25-41. -'rit! CT' -LI WED F~ I Cow Vhdi flr. NA 1'06ACCT). p 6?, 75 .' LN 4Aging, Vil Ijil'a 276i 'c I I I DII roil*. Mich. mt cull ivation, rr, v. N F ERNIFNrFATION NIE.11 1011. ! 9A2, 1. V. 11. K-11-11-199-b Ord--"r frilln 94~ ~~A 25 K-11 11199-1) 111. r Libia, Ac , -i:.i, n~ All~l 11 T j-19, Y. Mich. Agi,,g* *lie ot 111mucau ft=, COW to WUVM at nap by 6. R&SUVIKY" 5,9 u~ pw. zbw obab" adp, Vol ma, Ho 6 pp, Fattautg Burmu Vol 22 Jun 1951 16-1,17&ETULSCHIPUZ Vol 11, 1935 Hardening Bronzes with Copp cr-4 iickel-Ti n 'W'12.80 FET E. lderi~a' le Bro 0 rn nzes of the Clu.-Ni-Sn Types. r )Ught Alloys. MET MT86mn, vo-1 15., 1936.9 pp, 167-170, la 9-11 4 00 wDrdse 9 e Bru 'r 288j? h ITT Light no,.a a Mhe! r-y- i1 0 , I - Illy I Cal Vitem ty AbsorPtion and bmiaatiOn iu R, Bemerl, -the' elf by 1! FiTja-jk~ Vol 19" 1 p 45B 1h p Sal. p e~7 a AW00,4"W 62 Lou of a RIP Frequency Flasat by Means Current Probe, 'by 1. r-etzi 11. Dechaner z four Anpumlte Pbplko 1101 Xnl vv 250-03, 9CFrI693 AsCALLs No 1389 Titlei Unkamp by J, Fatimr. VW3 Z. But. Vol 513, 1963v Vog-5(6. Me XU, Wssim of SW axkd VW Aimxaft, b~ arg ftuchtw., 32 pp. oi IMusmIto lo 7.- 19159.. Viesbadeno pp im-L-3.&6-D za R R', W-6 May 58 ancl its 84gaificance f 1 st-aletun- J. -0 Y6 loy :,-,,,mchtar, ip pp. ~qutl;clmkp Bee 1925 pp 6-10. SILA 287'r.' -ca2e )~,>xmation of Auisot"OPRI- vollivi Matrx Ou li I Rubbei ystrqa~ by stric",nching; by H. revuel-iter., f? 0- per '11125; PP IIE7-a-i68. .,tg,. 1.5 MaY Til 287-1 S4 W.r 5 117 111 P, Foacibtive 7 ppq W. i ATCUV FM ltdohn""Ous v I,;,, ~,~x Xifsj!, 46 7. -p--162 -164. tA ~Lm ~6-4" 320s4422 IhRoad Junctions Witb Gyratory Traffic and ~ ii ~j i jj~ptraight Gross-Traffic. A Comparative ~k,=Ui~dtiou of Concretc B;camplea, by M. EqIFew htinger. GEBM per., Stxaffe und Arerkehr, Vol XLII* ~o 71 19%P PP 293-299P Vol XLII,, No 8,9 IPP 353-360- D.S.I.R./28282 Germany :co r plex P ~ J Pin 9 k ing spate -,A Traftic Study Based on JB6 E. Youchtinger. T 952 i i I age u t 0 B & 0 p l D.S.I.It./10441/CT Engineering MM OKLY 77 Peperbe.j, '1H. 63-20236 00 ON TC ITIE ANA OP DRIED 1. PvnwbeM H. el XuLl Xulyse Getrockoeter Acsblft~, [I OMI tin lncluL*d) l2refs. Ord6r from S LA $2.60 63-20236 Tram., o LAck (West Germany) 1961. Y. 67. no. 11, -690. D=RIP R Dm& - me ts MWm S Pi conk D,4h blifty,; n : , . g on, pony &Cf&l Bob'- ftper &rvrn&ftmylW, Infrartd V 11 WbUe ponents 4t roating agents and their COM_ re results. &a compoddon of dried ad rowdy Wy vM dUftCrAlty. a cb of fafty SCide a c Idemdficol6n I~ -Oat q t hdbles a statetnent abom d* kind Me of lach" SWvkn (Materia Pinislig-s.1 TT, iv. 10, uD. 12) (over) Ime T6iety., and Its Applicatiou., by 49 pp. G r elegraphen u Fernoprech-Tech~ T Vol It(? 6, Jun 1930P pp 1.67-180. SLA Tr 57-2432 Sai Aug 58; etamsrdia~ or n*wmuowa wlopwh O&ASsill I' X6 Fewrbabut 7 PP* QWMp ~erp TeUWapbw u Yompreah-Tech, Vol ~pl Map, is -MiA 1932P &106 22n6 SLA Irr Sol lnfbi~itce of the Tractor Wheel ion the Field by Wp'~ ftxftim Fewrlsin. GERMAN Landbauforschung. Vol 110 No 30 19(1 1;J a 1672.p CSXRO/No 6032 Sci-Engr may TT- 65-14 15S Feuerlet~. ?LCJATIG.i- ~ Sonut). l3p (! Order from .9 Trans. of x Field 2C IMG ELSE (Muegen - oder was I included) 4rela. is T745-14155 kest Gerrnan)l vl9 nl9 p708-11 674 0 acbmady IM Most PIums# Th Nut ft 10 )e CS *AI oojpt~ 69 391P%8 %Fe 'Itade, Q. j and Marette, S. 62-10D96 14 F SURFACE PliENOMENA DURING 1. Feuillade, G. Ijw~USION OF IMPURITY IN SIUCON- [19611 ' 11. Marette. S. . 132)j).~ 31 rof bider from SLA $5.60 62-100% Trams. of JoQrnfal] do Chimlo Phys(lique) (France), VmWv. 57. 66. 3. p. 228-247. D17 RIPMMI S: *Silicon, Surface pr,~qwtties. Oltri- Sc I 'Ps. So bin. Phosphorus. GaWwn. Alumlnun'6 LI uslon, Theinxidynamics. (Clidaustry- Pl;iy8Ica4 Tr. v. 7. no. 4) Ofaft of Yocwj S.Mcos '0t ,e bn Electrode PotentILI of Semiconductors 8011ition,, by Oeorges Fft"Ied 3 pp. ZZ..'Ver, Camptas Paxbw Acad Scip Vol CCUI,, 9., :'961.. pp nW -iM. nz 12-16 .SU~l Of i L P"PW*Um of JmMatlWo n-p by l(illcif Bum wA in $1limp by J ChIm PhP Vol LVI., 1959,o pip ABC UCRL-Tram-625 15.0 3ff 61-10994 Feuilladq~ DY;OF(l T . forges ~ F, jHE PRE i PARATION' OF JUNCMONS 1. Semiconductors- -Impurities n BY DIFFU~' ~I qN' of-`k iA AND PH ORUS IN 2. Silicon crystals- -Impurities 0 IRON SILICON. 119 ,61145p 43 refs. 3. Boron- -Diffusion Order from S EA miS ~ : .30, phS7.80 61-10994 4. Phosphorus- -Diffusion : i i~ I Trans u fj ~ j rn[aild i 1 1. Feuillade, G. a Chi ie Ph si ue (F cc) 1959 . o p V. 56~ no. ~6 1 , P. 593- , m r n , y q . 6m. After presen 1 4 tht eans, of research, we consider the sundry!in h6ences ihat are manifested In the course of an "actiu~n"Y ' 'j diffu.94i The results' derived from this study ar o e~.x ~ssed A s 'value o a single parameter. f surface C(4& ~iTati6n' ,l the variation of which, as a functibn,of ili ff6sionic 6naitions. synthetically indicates the areas c~ ' ' +imum jj~oductfon and, on the theoretic , level. the C o ' PI x q), L V 7 hernical arrangements to fi~ which r6cil. ,,I ;, terfacial region adhere. This ' plan is iep~a the commDR'' ted for!b MAtures or and phorus, to bring out 01ACV of T.C61"I S"... Ilubject to generalization. (Author)l , (Physics- -Sloill~~'Stat e~, T.T. v, 5, no. 12) Feuil TO E`f LINE~ I 78p. . Order Trans. V. 580 DRSC 0 kinetic Georl OF )1' OF n ,,~LA' fournla P. prope'r101's.1 'iy Li, T his slut stalnjhg!~n~~ lit silicon aa( (chemical or veneral 901161 phys IM. I and Marette, Simone. iE RFACTION RATF TIIFORY IF CHFMICAL AND CRYSTAL- [TIES IN SILICON. 119621 0 Chimie Physique (France) 196 1. 441. on, Photoengraving, Reaction nistry, Crystal structure, Cor- *Semiconductors, Surface s' to generalize the theory of A the Hurface Irregularities In therefrom the different atApecta I attacks on the surfaces) Into a 1h can be directly interpreted by TT. v. 9, no. 8) (over) 1. Fetifflade, G. M. It. Marette, S. Offlat d 7teMkil UnIcts F~ Pourer., by Ferdlwnd-Georges Feuillardo, clkn, Patent No 941.,772- Dept of Commerce Patent Office 50 1!-; Lag Aug 157 Sci Lib (ilift) ILI in Lipia Xixt~ma and in Org=o, I~y R. FeuloT n. rlg,, - H. Grutil mr )~a-Seylers Z. FAysiol Chem,, Vol CCLVII, 1935~ ).62.- Nm 5-7-61 Sci Ily. jul 61 0 r w Dolmirlroln Parlu;,.ssus~ P:omsoi-nolshaya Prr-v&l., jz~--! l- FBIS Pol 2 6 Lill ish Gr-OJAIN Ex It r'bul undlSat Har 69 k litle Unknown, by manfred Teurstain. 'pt;iDetektoren zum Naclive, 'is :id I 'Ait ~liten. ]T-12.182 u ,V~. 'rIlOt Order Trans [Allsp 1927 1 'I'liert Corre, vic-Ibct Pl,')tll)U offivi I wv I I - k th,~cus which (Ilh%-,i( V, (,At( f; I- Illirlimocoul'u-s WFTII 111GII - I ~Oi~ 01! ) -ELECT hC FORM 119621 9p. (figs. orlitied i tit lil-N 11) 62-18282 1;, 171 11.11'.cil-OhMinische A-iischrift. . Zen kilhlazt, Rif- Ficktrowchnik) (Ck~rmany) )[to. 1). 535-537. 'ORS: '3-hLTTll(X'OUj)l('H, Matcrials, Allovs, IL-CIT-id V; Economics. i, i I I gfit FhOl' ffosition in Ilit: pvrjoilic table of I11110%~; ~6f J'Old 111d Sil%ot!l- With P-311ildhilo lold .~O'Vt' ibl"i-1600ILTHIC fOrCUS 'IgAnSt C0j)jW- of magnitude to that of 1114 ', $.~ if alloy 6iistantan (coppur-nickel). Aftcr tit(- ofi~of gon it-41 points a nov alloy is dc-scHINM 6sediffill the prepration of if new noblu wetal -h, 7 rln 1%maillics, 'I (ovur) v, 9, no, 9) 02-18292 1. 0. Office of lechokal Senices FPDI t~dl s 116 on Culture of Pbytophthom Infestants de~; vkl~v in -.0t-rient media., dr A&-Unt solutims mad)w by, 31pp#,40 I t lrrog pub].. fmml top ammmmoddb RvAi41W Va CVMO No 19/200 jimv Jky 140.19550 PPI i,-5301 scl 16 IWII;lm NOV i056/dW (OMMIRMW) T. Yuma, J. Ltbem~iq MOD ft IWO Is Ak ft* SWp ~;u ]Plzpyol. lbap Colas*" Tech Fob Ibio p !I k of SwJw and Influence of et DipstibUlty of NkitriemU by ftimp P- Toebels, tt alp 3-3 pp. WAs do Z*vWftdem, 'Vol In.. 195.1-,p M 59-ODW3 Of ly~ CjjjajDj.C L;Zprr_-' JL,,El by 36 r, RM41 g", =Miqw4 IV1.9, 701 No *Arp 9" 5-937. i SLA 59-172e'!4 Sci MS 1 2 ;No 6 1613oOl