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-'I and Kimura, Teruko. THRUS-7JA811-ri-Y OF POLYVINYL CHLORIDR RESINS. 119631 7p. (figs. omitted) 3 refs. Order from SLA St. 10 6344157 Trans. of [Kopm Kapku Zasshl I (Japan) 195Z W. S5, p. 133-134. DESCRIFMRS: Wyv1nylch;or1de. *P1&sdcv6 Stability, Decompodidon. Am investiprion trom, the potat at view of st*Mltwra which irrevent radical decompoeltiori. (Msterials-PLastics. Tr, Y. 10. no. 2) 1. urokawa.: 11. Kimura, T. son iLkd hi h k h nin ira, ard Tauruta, Purukawa, junji, O i, A 1 Puru wa J U.1; Mrrl-!F-~11C METHOD Oil 11-VINYL SULFONI C . .. . 11. ANUDE. SPLech at the Japan Chemical Society Lecture Ill. Tguiuip, T. Meering (no. 9) 3 Apr 56. [1961) 5X IV. Tifl~:Japan- - Order fmm SLA 10 62-10378 Trana. of [Kogyo Kagaku Zaashl (Japan) 1956, v. 59. ~ p. 1230. - ---------- 1 DESCRIPTORS: 'Sulfonamides. Annides. *Vinyl radicals. SymEheafs. Toluenea. M~~ylradfcala. ALkyl radicals, Butyl radicals. Ethers, Chemical reactions, *Toluene oWtonamide A new method Is given for synthesizing of n-Anyl sul- Ionic amide, utilizing the reaction between n-alkyl sulfonic amide and vinyl ether. (Chernistry- -Organic, Tr, v. 7, no. 8) Offl 60 I Tacwtal $6vicss ' ~ _E~~~nji, Tauruta, TeIji and others. PROCESS FOR POLYMERIZATION OF a-OLEFINS F BY THE MIXED CATALYST OF ORGANOMETALLIC 11. T COMPOUND AND SILICA -ALUMINA -TITANIA. 1961, Ill. Pj Sp. 10 refs. IV S4 Order from SA $45. 00 62-12170 Trans. of published Japanese patent SHO 36-787, appl. no. SHO 34-213. by Japan Chemical Fiber Institute and Bridgestone Tire Co., Inc., appl. 10 ]an 58, pub. 17 Feb 61. DESCRIPTORS: *Metalorganic compounds, Polymeri- zation, *Ethylenes, Processing, 6AIumf n& -silica catalysts. *Titanlum compounds, Oxides, Chemical reactions. Mixtures. 'Silicon compounds, Catalysts This invention relates to a method of polymerizing a-olefine such an ethylene. propylene, I -butene by (Cheniistry- -Organic, TT, v. 7, ng)6 6) (over) -1217C ~ I ~ t, 1. ~ T. I I Piro Aw i of T"fw,i 36-787 I - 25'7( Furukawa, jungi, Tsuruta, Teiii and others. A NEIN PROCESS FOR POLYMERIZATION OF CON- 1. F 4 awa, JUGATED DIOLEFINS. 1961, tp. . 11. 'Tau ra, 171,..1 Order f rom SA S45. 00 P~tdtkr~(ja -q')i"ub; ' 3~41 17790 ~ I I 1 1 rrans. of [Japanese published) patent application lxjro 60 IV. St:.,4a 1(japan) 17790/1958, filed 26 June 58, 21 Jan 61, no. 290/19bi. DESCRIPTORS: *Polymerization, 'Ethylenes, Chem- ical reactions, CaraivsLs, mixtures, Chlorides. Nietalarganic compounds 2~2-6i ~ (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 7, no. 5) ~ 0 1 ffir.*!f Tec~* cailsomca (FDD ft2DO ' Tbei0ii terptice oflubitcaute, Haports U-12i The Action ExbJ ty idt-1 la 'Boa cc Duloam2- Sebacate,, by Toshio or ~ pal. 16 Fuu llAioua JAPM=6 per, Ka9yor! !R! zeught, nVO). Lv'p ft I- i prob 245-.249. i 11 11 CIA/FMAI-5935 3 Copyri&t 7 Sai P-t~y'ai6e lubriestiou Apr 54 M 1"hempferi Sarg. 'I), by Furuzanao, 10 pp. jpmva~f~B -~pv, "T'sipanotle. roreatry CJ'CC!. Jo- nal., )0= 11 : )w6-409. P5 Dac! 1953P PP S. L. P- Ro 226/1956 Dbirm-hif ~c C-~Llrni lat-PJ Kondcl~ TicUub lwl~zql~a, Forestvy 1120~ jolln I avi J4 ~4g2. S.L~A. -;,To 2.2-7/3,956 li. CI -m~ ILitry Id 0. Ut 'MdFft China CMnSe Her NOU 6 "~kdu~atlou Systemla 11 ppj, UNCLASSIF3RD EB~; Ir.0 Talriku Mondsi 1 Apr 1954,, Pp 500th MI Bv op Tr 82021 Scm 9 1~ Oduc&tiwo Fell 55 CM TP Ali OrdcrJ Tram Gols e' DFMR Caw* DP. : ~ -H W7 MIMICAL, RELAMN BE- OKEI AND LARYNGRAL CAN-- K-H 6821-s Ile Wattle dell'Or*cchlo dolls 1957 [v. 75] no. Z p. 175-179. co, Smokes, OLarynj4 "ncer, 62-17M I - Fusarl. G. 11. K-H-6821-a 1U. Kruge-Hooker Wence Library Associates, Detroit, Wch. ~. C TT, v. 8, no. 6) Offi...f T-W"f S-i-. orovi~jl ts 8 c i r '.13P 00! [Intenmtj Combustion Engines, b, O~ No 71 01975 (19-a). ATS 583 -FJ zurcwtn 1~,r6yemmts of (Internal) Canbustion Em- by 0. Flumcstdoo !i pv~ .......... Y A RT4 Up Gx~la'Aed Mae Pa cll.~ APP1 11 tent No 864,,5' )-d 2/10/31, 8/16/3-i., Pubi 9/lj3l, A=-sce Tacb Ssrv,-43F4-l,' I!T '11i Ad Bi-Affiairlor of 0.0-D'-. alkyldithiophos]~hory- acAic AL?~ids (and Derivatives) With Arseli ousl4cid. and a Method for the Sellecti termination of DEL~d Compounds, by 1 1 8~co 1G. MarcheSe 21 pp. R. 1TA*L,1AN ~er, Chimica e 111ndw3tria, Ve)i 4 jillo 1960, pp 337-3147. JUS03- pA21 A 7T/ i c r~- qVI Vol 1; liv. Ildn may i6~ Mllege ches As-Aphtitotir"aiwom. "iwim iv la pl-ej -As-loph- A*yMWtrfiW4- UUMIMPt bY Ra oft pow BUodm&Uo 13 pp- omwtu abudAm mumm, Vol U=nii i Mai popt 0t cmwm Most omto 1191 Ulb (Olft) A* As, 210 ft Asymetrlosal TrIlk- awwwoo cmvdca usumm, voi ixxxvn so ftttot offtes Got Ub (MUrt) 0.01 db" Alp TT-63-2D464 GHCMrg THE mamitwm~r OF imE DmwnEs op wE 1. FumoM G. BINARYj ELI Burit&mc aATH mact-coct.. (igidl U. Oudd. K. 12P 20iidi i ~ 11 1 Order ficiii SLA $1j to 7T-63-DM ~ Iii V 111 Tmm. ~( [DoWd,K, lapkal (laps# 1949. v. 17. p. 254- DESCRWMR&- -Chlml&v6 -Sodt=cmup=mdi6 (Chemt o.phys Tr' V. It, m Kim d IKWW Unkto 63-1 e Us Raa, iois a Pp; 8'q 1 pb~ 10. Jan 6) ; J~ 6t of Relative Density at Filling Sand 6g Radioisotope, by H. Fushimi. Fourth Japan Conference on o.pes, Tokyo, held 10-12 Oct 2, published 1~62. *AEC S~ mt of Mauges In Relative S3 I 'Using Fadiolwbopes, 6 pp. Sell 117tp 1962. 9-KO311. fiu~; Sci 63 On it miquiement of Changes in Relative Densl:by ~e or pi SUm Using Px4ioisotopes., by 12 pp..,. - T ?A430 3?j* Hippm.Ti3otope S%%i Robunshu) k 4p I -lw ABC-Tr--5W .1 -3 9,3 14 iT)C Prolfiu~nry Renaarch f or lbo. DevelopmeDt, Plan Sol., by A, N d 'Cutramer a 66, Tp-,a ,61.. tip 6 ol =/A 1- Africa. con 1: 1 i 1, - 1 1 : I I I ~ fte Moteirl is &V Vravftp by Lajas Fusi., 2 99. 1,11 : ~ 1; 1 ~ 1! ~ A FolftQz UM-tauo Val 11j, No 40 (cau lb. 01.1FOB). m2latrIl6ftib ands OpOstUm of Mfmtl a feettsw if - I ~ - A- f6r I kubmeftp by t. Rotor, t- 2. Vca is Lm No -,;!m j by R. Raw FwcUberger. P;as Rabnoubwk, 11955.* p 132- Dept or Interior 4U 178 ft 22 Bel Blol a 6f a Eemicomiuctor, by Z. Kiyao- K. !F hl I.C. Yman---Ica, K. Mte-Oks. of th* Tuatitirt-e I of enlli,41m! Commicstions !:nv,4-tr-.irs of *71 jail% v 7j, t NO 2; i95 Vp 162-169. Mr B-Tophys neq Divp AMIA c ftots of Skeletal Radiogmphic pb4 1 be ityj 010 ftelp 12 pp. ITIA 1perg Radial Wd Tatmo, Vol M Ill LM TPA3)hB T 4193 S4 77' Bcl6iitific Blectrobics np~6 mww~ U The !Turill: 113" Parachute, by L. Fusier, 2 pp. manusc ITaIAN ript, 26 jul 1~45- SLA Sc A u ir,' 59 At 41 P01"YMI MIX7R.51 SILACA- Ordar, tz Trnns .4 no. 10, "SC 1111 L D organic POLMCIS' Ides, 10C weight. spectroi ',:1.CStkfa, Talruo and C.-fliam CLEFINS BY THE UNARY ANCIOETALLIC CONTOUND AND A~ TAMA. May 62, 20p. 25 r,?!s. .LIP -107 ;00 SA C*~:~ gakii Zas shi (Japan) 1060, v. 63, S: y1c, rlysts,; Asity. )P~, Pr6 ~s. *Pollymerization. Mutal- 4radicols, Alurninwn coin- 34 Tltriz)ium compounds, L'tx- ib, Pressure, Molecular -xr~ra_ Absorption, irifrared Ruladlenes. Polymers. TT, v. 8, no. 3) 62-17066 1. 11. 'r. 111. C-!--107 IV - !.I',) Ac"i (jal-.1o) 0 t- Office of 706fticol Services TT- 15-~ -1512 Field 7C funlkj~-Wu, T. nN OF ALDEHYDE, KETC),F AYD ALKYLE~N'F oxit:JE.~ 43p, 126refs. Order from SL.,'t: ~4.160 as TT-65-14511 Trar,s.M HcgyoJ-~Ilgaku Zatight (Jap3n) vf)B n~ pf49-57, WAufacture oo Acrylon'trile,, by Gt yjtm~, J, I: , J' F kali Hiteui (inventoi-O J4AMES P~ P nt no 154,,815 - ftlied ror 7/o/41 11 k1t L - gra e d 5/42,j iosued 1/29/43[publiabed 2/24/k,' 3r Azsoc Tech Sv 97G&J 62-10377 F Ki 9. Nomura, Motoaki, and Oda, prpkA~i, yohir RYoheiV 1. Furukawa, K. STUDY FTHIDEPICHLOROHYDRIN. [19611[71p. 11. Nomura, M. (foreign c=16~ 'd) I relL 111. Oda, R. Order fib ~$1. in 62-10377 M Tran~. Ka' ku Zasshij (Japan) 1953, v. 56, I no. 3, 1:4-18~111 In, ls:S lltl~csis, *Thiourea, 'Halohydrins, DESCRI i l Sulfu ~ I - ric ac cr::, %lymerization, 'Cliloridet; A procedure is escrilx~ fcci;yntlic-siziiigthioepichlor(~- 7 " 11 q F 1, 1 j 11 , hydrin fe0l, epichl rb drin and thiourea. By treatment 'I ~%ith a S~ria quantity of siffuric acid, the sulfide ring- arx.;Iing l~,,; mcrizjidon of rhjoepJcblorobydrJn is Castiv C ifL! wd N% It; L! ibe ftret~ of rx)lymerization of tile Is 11-1 ilvely all of the active chlorine ilill I'(IIdilioll, andbN. i cadily rcacting will, ali amine ~t(inatiots or ottior ainino-comfxXind" Oflice of Techmlc~f Sw,k.s it Yield.4 Nv 6t ai-v -nti!~iklm~d to he new I-olyinvi-s. l (Uht-illiJil* 17. v. 8, no. 3) Fu,uk ~aj 61-20942 l(lyolilt.a,andO&. Ryohei. A STUD I F FHEIIIYL GLYCIDYL MER. 119611 1. Furukawa, K. f6jp. 2 rers. 11. Oda. R. , ; Order fro'm' 1.10 61-20942 S LA $ I rans.' ofj [l,' tigyo Ki Aimbashil (Japan) 1952, v. 55, p. 673-~OA. DMCRIPTO ; 1 ~S: 1 yl~aheru, Ethers, Thenyl ' ,radicals, Sy n PPI)mrrizatlon, Catalysts, 01 si, I Catalysis , e6W. '17he syntl C8 a and ~il e 1S-jbEequcnt p3lymerization of this conlpo6n a 6 rep; A ' 9ed Waterial" - I'lasticil'. rr,. v; 7. no. 9) Office of Taclialcol Urvic.a AND AC Order fi Trana. i no. 2,~ p DESCH Glycidyl AmIde,s, Diglycid boxylic i Induced and acid actions I re (Mareila][97, PlastIc Sub, Hideaki, and Oda, Ryohel. PXM DIEPOXY COMPOUNDS JMJ (71p. 3 refs. 61-20934 kuMsshl Uapan) 1954, v. 57, i, Offlioxy resins. Synthesis, ,a, Carboxyllc acids, Acids, iettiks'l reactions, PolymeriZatiDn r=ted with mono- and dicar- The=al autopolymerization was nd,,mtalning bath epoxide ring In tl%t-- same molecule 'Me re- casm,yields new synihetic resins. TT, v. 7, no. 9) 61-20934 1. Furukawa, K. 11. Suds, H. 111. Oda. R. 2ow -Z. Office of Technical S-ices F Ma.~di".de. F w 63-17935 A Mi. D1, FOR I tFIE CONTINUOUS OXIDATION OF Eft O l ff . 1. Furukawa. M. uly 63, 7p. (figs. omitted). CYCLOHJ~E ANE.~, j 11. Patent (Japan) Order fr SA $16 SA Code-P-151 pub. 34-5 669 Tra."S. :if blished a nese patent 5669 1959. c1. < pq O Ill. SA Code-P-151 IV. Sei7Aburo Aoki (Japan) . 16-C-8. isp 1. no; 1956 filed 21 Sep 56. P ' 9; by Kin 'Denkx-Kogyo Co. 30 June 5 rro DESCR *Cyclobexanes, Oxidation, *Cycjo- ol'i lob~--x6 Production Ox en Ge 0 a h t . ex n vws, 8 , ~,Yc , yg flow. it. catii,146t's, *Towers (chemistry), Desipi. Cobs --C (Engineering hemical, T'r, v. 10, no. 6) Offia ol Ttdolril Servicts Effect of.,B6ek-+mooure on Friction of Piston ji 11, .-. lkinpp by iiOI&I 1, 1 1 ~# MILMeyosM HODIARA., 2 " ; 2 pp TIFAiwa no lot W55J* ml to ftk* Ab Ma Or Sq. A? MOM do oe iel~~" on .3tud" yl Isobutyl Ketone Extraction and A)ete, MInat On. of tanic Salts., (First Report). ctr' ' ~Ai lof a, AntiMDny, rin, Arsen1c, Selenlum, D 'Oum.-Ja~d Germanium Malay From Hydrochloric kcidbolut o'ns by Hidehiro Got), Yachiyo Kakita, 21 pp- JAPA N2SZ,:berj Nippon Kagaku Zaashi, Vol LXXIX, 1958, 1i513-1520- AEC UCRL-Tr-541(L) Sell. 10beml M Sep!66: !I Apr 59 ,, Dimet nectrolytie Reflning Ora (ftlom)o by T'. rw%*M. or in$ WAnu ~m Ub AWCI~ Yo*adm "d C&IM IMI OF ACE= ACID Fit= 6% op DD Sh omb-p-M poom bycudc bduabd ,dead" 4 mj~ babw Amman k% am 63-179W I. FWUML K U. An" Y- M. pbmx thmeal pL W-4-137 oAv-P-161 Add ~~4722 -00, Tr, IQ, 7) Oft d TsdlMd M iq o. J P I 0-16 -VIL Wi t i AA 40dn thv &Z= Gamot I!. Of thm susar camn of t-hQ Ioland cf, I.,,y Dei Yamda, llt~-,zvv Purunato. ko t parp Sailacm Ziho,, PP 85-38- of Tifterlor aq(qoojq,v-a~!tyr -vo 4.u 6k! oil bQpMF#WWt AIOtJVlty ln-KOM Itsm IWMWP 19 Fps 'rebo Oka..% 10 Jan 1960f lit: pp Alpr 191SM8 T20. A i4amlon of X-Ray Absoxptloa Analysis ib~~Oisotopes -to the krialyses of rue"[~: byv muss, r-mmoto., TOADhiko I i . - et all. JAPPXEM, Proceedings of the FourLh Japan ! 1~ Conference: on RaUoisotopes., Tok,,,,o,, October 10-22,, 196111 1062., I.;V = 197-20-1 9020,4983 AF-c-Tr-56i4 iftel 104 Apr 63 62-1090 HFT,ECT OF CPAINS, S17E COMBINATION OF RAW 1. Puruuchl, S. NlAtE~IALS ~A~b NViLlING TEMPERATURE UPON It. Title- On ... HOMOGENEITY1 OF SODA-LIMB GLASS (ON THE ' Ill. Title- Study . . . "MELTINC sernnEGATION") Pt. 3 MttH~NISNljdF IV. Title: Centril'upi . of siud&f the Oo~notenlzlng Process of Molten 'jao by Cei~rllu,gal Dcr~~li~ Spread Technique. [1962][19]p. (foi4--i gii text includo-d) I I refs. Or(Lbr from SL $1. (10 62-10963 Tra...1 .1 [A. Garasu Kankyu Hokoku Uapsn) 1959. 36- 43,, DESCRIPTORS: M.Ixtures. Sodium compounds, Calcium ' 4 pouiida, Ox dell. Silica compounds, Particles, com Se ra'tion. meiiing. Temperature, *Glusa Wit ~, I ~ tlf~ consta it sin size of the sand and the constent melting temper hure. the minimum density spread *-as obtiinc d when die 'grain sizes of all the botch materials (Wier lils- -Ce~'a mics, . V. 9. no. 1: : 1~ F ur uuch Shi ~ I L1FP=T'6P_W ENTS OPON HO? GLASS jUqlNG C Studi ofi &.' Hom Centrifu' ga~,ben6 (forelgtki~xi incl Order f il"oqk~i SLA; I ~! I , Trans. bf [Asalu v. 9., p.1 30 35. Dioxides, Silicon properti.;-w I Carpc Impurid,~aj The subitibiLion ofilsilt 1 1~ tion of ckllon had of gl&sl (Marevia 1h3 D'ITION OF MINOR CONSTIIU- NEITY OF THE SODA-LIMI'- N AND SALT CAK E. Pt. 2 cd Jng Process of Molten Glass by reed Technique. [t9621 jt4jp. 5 refs. 62- iW62 su Kenkyu Hokokul (Japan) 19!,9. 62-10962 1. Furuuchi, S. U. Title: Study... 111. Title: Centrifugal Calcium compounds, Oxideti, Linda, Additives, Atomic lum compounds, S111fateE, cake for soda ash and the adi'i- 11 . hr grea., influenct~F Upurl homuger'VOk 11U)n-salt cake ratio, initial S1, ~c s, 17, v. 9. no. 6) ((j r) !~` Furuy., ii.0. DYNAMIC ~bdNTAC EWLPwE:Ntr.j [ml Order frotri ATS $7. Trans. of Elficrrical Tohoku U. jPr6~vedij Danwakit kLr6ku) IS l~ I DESCRIMRS: wring-Flect! knd others. ESISTANCE MEASURING ATS-57MOJ ~"dmrnunlcadons Colloquium of '.?s~(Tohoku Daigaku Dentsu j~%~ v. 28, no. 1, p. 39-40. B- TF, Y. 6, no. 6) 61-22381 1. Furuyu, T. U. Uno, Y. III. ATS-SMOJ IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc., Fa,;E Orange, N. V. Title: Tohoku Daigaku.. 0(i- ~f 1-6-0 S--. WV$k se mrding~ Theodolit6,, by H. rwep fur lustrumeattwde) )10 1921P pp 281*289. 2PA3/M T 4322 Ingirsering IM) 55 CTS il ''~ i UH HH The Askiinid'i Cinalv~ ,-0,219p by H. Fuse, instrMue" Vol mcaixv 4,~o ll,* ~p'529- TPA,/T!:B T 4262 u r-b intogmphie en phase jpzeime et MON, 11 ixtur a campeELRatUMv lrj Y'.. H. R UU1, ME NM r. Bogejwjpi;e=haikm Vol II., NO 1 Translation CFA-A--1561 Oct 64 Mao C I To -IT V 11 ess ror the production of Diff Imatly- Thf 3 iand Solvent-Realstaut Pulywrsp by B. R 1~1~ R. wiuers:L=., 1,,o66.,T43, srA 6D-ihwB sei Feb m !.U Val !In 15 TO 19, ERDMXX bx Ac3c ler fwm W& oc jc~ Is. W. I HE VROM P.WAI or s1 3arso t" LHVUM DONE IN kH VIIJAGH OF TO LAKH BAIKAL (19621 $'4.60 62-25443 SiDel R, Geograficbeekoe PD ObsbCbet Goografti, 1885, Earth 66iT-cux Tr. V. 9. no. 9) 62-25443 I. Fust. V. 11. ACIC RR-42 111. Aeronautical Char( and Inforffistion Center, St. Louis, W. Me of Todmic3d Sortkas Of Y, j?( 2e Siberl.ari Lpvellm- in a875 tr, VELlage of :Fut;t. &f ~311ahC7 Gcorxav, -vol. )Y~ AC, Ic Ift 9p m SRO" I-Ter :~-t,.Lon lr,:~ I'ol-irmyclitis b-c. Keana all G.L -0 'Lon, by D. S. RUSS vIr, Zhur Wevropatol i Psikhiat; Vol NO 5J! Moscow 9560 pp 361-369- c NIH 193 Set! M, a d. B 6,) ,ertain Data on DiamorAs FDund in Form of I o1yar"'; alline Aggregates, by Ya, M. Kravt volt Ist L. iutergerAler, 7 PP. per, picki Vsea Hineralog Obahch., Series 2, No 4, 196o, pp 464-466. 61 JPR8 9331 E ci. ma/pletals ,ran 6L, s d Ft bn lir h of-, MGIIU~- Ar vagotat by G. I M- RM rp 9tichters Vol XLU,, No &,, 1961,, pp NRC/C-4,078 sci-koi i~ Aug 03'~ 13L. tj* Un at SU Year. Loos by 0 vo me ftt4xKwil 0 Vetwftwl4mp Vol Vol Us ~:L03v 13-15- s0 ileat It AlimooWv MWIcUm Doc CTS (SF-2286) Ol , F,PLANNING IN THE UNDERDEVELOPED PROBLIPCI SOVEOEIGN COUNTRIES OF ASIA, BY L. FUTIN) 6 pp. RUSSI'~ PE MIROVAYA MON I ME2H OTNOSH No 6, 96z.0 p 97-loo. JPRS 0870 USSR ECON AUG162 2o8 ,423 'DC-~;C-42' Prot, Volt .Lg( 30 Development of N*dium and Low by Istvan Fu.to,, 14 pp. Blektrotechniks, -'Tol No 10, 57. JFRS 8281 Imur R. Un8t 'ry Eoon May (NY-5726) De-vel a ?rob of Electric Power Distri- butiloi'%' in ryp by ISUM FU%Ol 6 pp. per,, Japis.. Vol XII, No 21 Nolv HUW*M" ILgoly 6. im 902T z~tW anq FT w0,- I .qpr 61~ sd!II Se N Ts pp C11 58 dn of Batch Rectification Colmn-,, I ~Id-ftui 15 PP- ZJ%ur Prik Xhim, Vol X>.-,., No C,, -837 5 - Consultaats Bureau Highi 'ess, Ut Pe No 5 1956 Sci Jul Pumps and Machinev, by Chem In 'Tech Vol XXVITI., ~P 337 A,B,R,B, Hoavell Llb Tr 43T/2371 A G. d. For DetexrdaninG I;be Emission Of, Activated Luzinws Substancia-9 t ia th'4~ Cc, ed lamersion Test., by r,, H, Gxuul,, '-R;- 6hit, et a!. M 'i CEM14 lltO-qprMLis' 5s 1962., ler , VO:L VIM[., lio 51.L~) 10203655 17 ABC-Tr-5557 Sci Irual Sol Tech llli~xl 6~ 2 magae ~~c C W. F-utterm Gtffl)~i;A Pe NO A.. R(?sOr-ance Ab5oebers for itimeter Waves, by H. J. Schimitt. rt, a r., 2 5pp - 7,. Fuer Angewenrltcl~ Physi?, 'Iol K- 1-7. FayE 13,Wdy i. -11 ReaCUOUS of Alky.1 -Q~ _-mphic Method, Commmica- tion 2. Re tims of Aliphatic i-zv=~-Itcs.. by B. A. ArbU,ZQIvp A. FuzbenkOft 7 PP- RUSSUNj pei~' U Ak Nauk SMv Mal KWA Nauk., No U., 1959) ~0 193~41941. CB p Sci may 61, Studyb !the Reaction of the Esters of Phos- 111 . I phorous Acid vlth AIJWI HaUdes by Pbys:Lco- ~Nothodsp by B, A. Arbuzov, L v 4 pp. FMSTAN ~Ok Ak Nsuk WSRm V-31 ATTLp ft 6,4 pp CMeultents Bureau H Scl - Aud 58, r -5- ~An I 4 ppe RUN 'per 89-W - Bel - Mom ton of the Arbuzov Reartangement by B, A. Arbuzovp A. V. Fmzbenkovas i ftk Ak INK-k SM.$ Vol Rmf No J~ PP cmault"to Bweau (DC-5778) Mir Rom o by Bela Fuzeseary, 3 pp. , J&rmuvek Mezogazdasagi Gelpek, , ig6l, pp 11, 12. im 8762 Stu Of ROBICUM Of Fb=PlWrous Esterr With AUY1 by Ida' Therwgmphic W-Waod, Cov-=icatiou 1. ions of Arowti c PhospUteis; by B. A. A?4.-t-;zov,. A. V! ..Fu*.L, 6 pp. Nil 3q 3i r U Ak Nosk SWR. -OtdOl Xhl '-P."Uk., No 13, 19591)1 1934- CB May Nutritional The Rel~tia Str or Uit by 8 ujnu P JAPANESE, 1) f tb 0 6 Agri vol mvp N Sci med itudies on Fluorine Report No. 3. Betveen the Mandible's and incisor's [~~esa aad Their Fluorine Cont-ent, 4es 7 PPi MCI 3 Atteli. Nippon MoSelkagakit x~aiebi (Journal d-tur al Cbemical Society of JaDan), ~23 ig6i,, pp, 19 HIE[ 11 -23 -61 of Oscillator Valve for Operation with a lable CCOPIOX Und, 'by Z. 1. Mc&I A pp. Fadiotekh., Vol XXV., No 5, 1959, Pp 149,,~,61. pp SCI Apr e of Vulcanitation upm the Oxida- Vulamod,zed Rubberp by A. S. ii Ipp Aug P", Vulkanizataiya Resiap 1953j: 172. ASM--'-3B5T Yd Davel.0 titl and present trends of the BloW Tri"":W4 Service In CzachwInvakJas by . j-, , E. Dlb*yv iyal. Nalo, E. Guti'mudova., 5 PP. IwW Gmatol I Parel Krovi, imp it ?rob Vol NO 19570 PP W- Pargmm lost A sdl- ,A;r Influencei,of 'the Distribution of -the Cc7~oustion 's 18n :~~t Furnwe operation, by B. S. Pyza--Ld~r" V411. Grazinov. RUSS af, Stall, No 6, 1958) pp 495-502. DsiR LLu m.i947 (loarl) ctt~ 6o -7 7 -Icte ic !0.495 oy A s t r r, n Vc,i Zb rn- -TnEit Q,:, ov Antron V02. 1T1.,, I sti Ann Ution of Meteor Rad~;o El-hoes b~111 n 1. Rcelectioa Ii~.Cni u;Y7 PP - Astron Zhur, Vol K U), p 1 867-873- p Amer Inst of TebP Sov Astron-AJ Vol III~ No 5 va ~o Ci- Au~ 27 i n in. ~ o: Ila-l s :I ~'41 I.: 0 -3"~: 'A tro ion, -IBS '(VING 0 E USASIA J rans. Lop i~:*,!-,I" 62- 32:~04 I. 11~ ;'SASiA Iii A;-Iny , 1, Vc,-. Autroy, ZbtL 1114 NID '12 0l V EIi r-n u- HatL~dZ ~,rlkqtl: P%, RUSSIM.. ~pst~ As Xork Out 59 Dax-tarminina thm Radiem:t of a Fatl~~r Antenna of lzw Directivity, by Z. Astron Zhur,, Vol YM.Vl, Fo 1., 191-9.1 No I Vol I T 1. Illoan cli~te' by Rad~l"x;l' by~ FLWIAij I' j>a r, pp Oct qj~ stile lbiGbt of Mteora Dctc-cted 1. 'Fyail:o., 8 pp* istron zhur, voi mv, No 6, 1958, AIP Vol 13:1 Ino ".'Z Vlbr-to-v Grinding on the Pro-nerl-,ie--7 c-i' Carboia filat.,4 or Carbon-Graphite Materiels. 'by I Temkin, 4 pp. PA--rl Zkiur Prik Khim, 'vol !,:o o,, 17 3-1766. Cl) Th6 Use. f. a Conical PlAwt4oter for ii I :.,: th~- Rimuty 0A., Mixtums CFf Cqxbon Compositionst 1 1: . . %4 S.~,I alJwvp Yao Go -DaVVInvichs 3 PP- .-tilf T-A r; LmbA :t~ql XXTV, Flo 2, n41, 242. IT-f8tru Soc of Amer 60 Rat e a.fFlov of Granular Pateriala Frw, an Opening anal ht he Shape of the Higlh-Perm-embility Zone,, P v,6 V. X. G-rutinov. :y B. 6. 0,per, Iz Vysshikb Ucheb Zaved, Cluern Y--tal, De PP 17-2;~. ED 5105 Orr 1; 13161 A!; M . I jil 17ya lkov'! B,.i and ci - _ 61-13329 6~nov, V. K. JNFLUENCEJIOF~ THE I *rRtBvrioN OF THE COM- 1. Fyalkov. 8. S_ BUSTIONZONES ON!BL AST FURNACE OPERAMN, 11. Gruzinov, V. K. tr. by S. DD6riiinskyjI ' ~ Iir (0 118]p, 21 refs. Trans. Ul. CRLIT-345 45;' JDSIR r1o. CRL/TA LLUJ M 1947. IV. DSIR LLU M. 1947 , 6rder from 'or SL~l r6is I. fl - 13329 V. Central Researcb Labs., Broken Hill "rietary Irans. 01 Stal, USSR) 1 9~8 Iv. 181 no- 6. p. 495-502. Co.. Ltd. (Australia) S IPrOA t 1 * O i " 4 : CR DE b6stion charn6ers. Com- r na perat on, Ces, The location bf the fo~u6 6f cornbustion during the ribrmal opergjiii~ of tfiel Nrnace depends not only on t6 temperatu'rq L blowing. but also con the ~ cUstribution (ik lh~ .t the mota Inwnsive for - 1~ation of the'IsmiAted: ;a. The material distribution a~ he top of ]&Iblm f~ i-riace is associated with the d '~ t6 Ostributi6n o nibu4ti on'zones. The efficient use a( the tuyereIa piojt&tion~ 1~ ,v6ura the entering of the Olipsoids th-.- furnace prolile (Metallurgy, ~Tlj.i v- I n6. 1) (over) molem~ ~andj MetalU, c''i6mr6 MmMi'Jewii~ pp sal Apr 61; ST I* Ybrw of Complexes -4th a lion- AUm., tV Ye- A..,,FM4M 20 pp. NOW9 xhls4 vol n,, no 4., 1957, Aw-tr.U.54 The sel Apr 6i PST No ~ Ij 4ex: ~ O"CUPMMU Of MUCOuic Acid With Cationn of *talap by Ta. All; Fyallkav., N. G. Peryahl-,jra, MPI Mw NOOrg Mxtu, V?!1 np No 4., 1957, 81 , AIMArJO54 av, Ya,~ I .!i and 63-16158 yidenlo% N. K. I Z004EM ICAL AI~ ALYSIS~017 BINARY SALT I Fvalkav, `,a. A. ' - :MS IN I ~WEOQS I Ad.,mk-,;, N. K. SOLLMONS. 1. ELECTRO- 11 Da jgnvq, `YjOF S.YfF FEMS CONSISTING OF THE .11. Titlt.,: E1t~cz;occxiJ,;,!1;- MS OF ' TOTASS UM, 3ODKJM AND MAGNE- Ity... fI963]1 ' 14p'. (fij6 I ' ' ornitted) 32 refs. -1 f ram OT , S r SLA -16158 $ 60 6 Ukra of l akti]X 4 1 t~jichesidij Zhur(nall (USSR) v. 20, 43-3 9 UPTORS; * ur4s; 0 cig,it Ei~js, I ' l sl assium compwnds, $Sodium t - , - 01 'Sulfates o nda 4 jc~m ~~ El a a g , , p 4 *El t d i t h i e Ms, ' J t C ' c roc L ance, ec em stry, cal anal Y SJV. red wert ltb~ literal e data and the theoretical of the p: log! em of =' appll~catfon of the measure- of ~the e ectrocolid clivityas a method of physico-! Istry-,-i ji,ticali v, ~ 10, no. 6) (over) ilffr! Tezs::~=31 zt~~ ZOO %~HydroahloriaoAcld BoXutiork Qf -Illaostux-ated Com- lodim~.. ic ridd With Certalz 11 j) I Sp A. Pyallcovs, F. z. ragan., 4 pp. po%znd py ~, 1~ RM Tj ~~i ~ I# ~ Zbw Mahch Xblmo Vol XXV=,p No io., Pei, 1957,t 26~'Dft,"Ift2 . or 1=6 In soluums Of awle by Yu, P. NU4M*D 45& Ya. A. VP a tbrld*-w 18 per., Dak A NWt OWS Val VMo 3; .3, almoltmom am Ing, -1po 1014, *11, L 441, 4 d