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,171HY K4GAK,,F ZASSR.' 410VRNAL SOC CHEM JAPAN, PURE CREM SEC (,VlPP9N A.Tr NIHON ARE M SAME) SOME CAPD,~ A."F t"',"c7 30C CHEM JAPAN 0" NIHON YAGAXU ZASSHI THESE HA VE TO BE SEPAM TED B Y VOL V W Kinmaki , S. Reaction of Ethylene with Chlorine, Part 11. Reaction Velocity of Gaseous EthylRne and Liquid Chlorine. NIPPON KAGAKU ZASSHI, Vol 513, pp 398--403, "932. 72-609d3-07C Feb 73 Kanda, S. Studies on coordination polymers. Ila--t IT. Pol-,,r--er complexes of copper (II) vitb rubi~szJ,~ acil P-ncl its derivatives. M.PPON KAGAKU ZASSHI, Vo2 S".4, 14, 5, 1062, pp 560-565. NTC 73-11250-07C TALWMD Rap-, KITAIMR4, S . 77 :T Tanakat Y. Gam coulowetry, NIPPON KAGAKU ZASSH.Ij V. 8eg p, 107- TWO 1967 UCRL-Tranm-10640 NX 9e 73-10486-07D may 73 NJUM, I., at &1. 1969 Alkh, IrIm and mar4pLneos aontent of wtint plarJden Oakmhu Wyo Purankutor. no kaibum tot4tu wrobi wng" saswurvo) Agab4 (Jour. of the Chan. Sao. of 7apl.n), N1)wn JW !n tapanest. Tranal. by Trardl, Bur., W. Lang. Div., Dept. of Soo. of Stat* of Owaft, for Dept. of Invirom, FTW Map. Zoology iab,, Bartwuth, N.B., 1973, 88 TrWUl- zmrlecl 1i0. 2557, 25P., typm3ript. Avail. on Loan - N?(F5, Wash. , D.C. OrIginol Arilcle Chocked.A Ota, K. Photometric determlnation of vercu--y ir. n&tura-I wator. NIPPON KAGAKTJ LUSK, v. 91, p. 35L-354, 197C. CRL T. 5030 SAMMA., T. ///IITPPON KAGAKU KAISHI,/.,,' ------ To)~)r S,D HIDA,M. //NIMON lWA4XV WSA1111 ./-/2072, V-0800100 photo& torloration of 4". Part S. A kinstio iXV""qa90K Of f4&Xg iX flMOMMUMt ahitoure pp lool-lolssiTc 74-21661-0700 'Q IN./( JAPANISM 3317 Aujrl.ii..31- 1974 ]Present Situation in Japanese fill'i.ppi.mg by Shipping Fureau. Trar~.spor,tii.1-.io:i V.i.:, '~'H ~01- Tokyo, Nihon Kaiun No Crez:.kyo Special type B Do not publish Single spaced draft plus on(- A New Surge in Chinese zI--- I I - G-OVERITME~,-T USE 01,-L'-,- aPAITEESE, no, Nihon Kei,-al 3hinb%im ' 10 Apr 73, P :). --. j JPRS/L 454 Jun 73 mew =r =ftmnft 40FAVO Gft PA fts a4m," om ,met am -90 pdbmft-- 48ma pan pftw am Mai,, Alft" Aodki Moral Am" :: ~ am* 14 29936 ;-=a=tm-7, *am"* awal, AWN" am IPJL ft 1 664mon m ims" nmwmtsn 49 NO bm'WARMI aftwo mew Guam off ammaw As bdo Andon - &dR%n P" ~4 906% 4ftw 40 Irm F" ~~ Umakift IMMMIn 4;omv: I!WS P.0, %o: N&-933-73 "286 UtU: 4Lnlstiry o( -bath an: -alftift IOAUwi Aban Xeimi adaim, I ohmseLad lbilowho jxn. IMWWV3 j4paus" 400m9 awwwwwommawl , Isma 11111ort. bdowl Mrs PAS it. - VP836-73 #M atut llbw double mmdu do & --A AUWAn Ut BUM 3-ammot ftt gtvm4 Jmo 23% ISM Lwwawl Jwww" Vw" tzmldbo bluirt, AONWWI MNhJ ML %b I SA-938-73 I~m rluot awtALURM abaft the declim in campimptim rmaim thargh the oseltmim of tiva Lmiolpa %mc faclimp of tclw .4Ahw-. Ahm CaLmi ~iftmt 40M JaMA LM~s Jqnmw VI"m 1 -VAmba SdIbmt Awn 2*v VIT-3 ThUM&WA, lltlntt+ $sews an's Pool %.4 s XA-836M SM -f NO TftUs MW avws t,* be vUW&wl tanxAmeely w qwt of mw=a vakouen pau"W kathm mom 9MAWA shiubm 30=wt MMM gb&" -NAWOMO Asiff ..810 an lia"SaW Imito 46WAWI Im POO, V461 WAU&T3 OM TUU: -%atokm in fLab mmi sVjo%tKI In aec iumlu Of mWvOv'97 iatakO Autbwi Ahm Malawi Eftgbm Somas Utbon 941=d Sdobas Jun 1,79 '073 umwoo I JIVOW" 40" - I Tmommisut torto 0 Iwo sk 1 RIPM73 MIL UtIm We nnbwAw mmmhfto qpmoMme 11 on 9 K2 MAIMASM P*Idm Ammom Aim OWWA IN' - saw"# Mm VMAM& mmmkoo Am '4114 19.7-1 i IN Jill I Il =~ fralikillillow fant Jananese Observer Comments on Nortn. Korea, 5 DD. 3OVERNMENT USE ONLY NIHON KEIZAI SHINBUN, Tokyo, 16 !~nv -71, , D. 7 N6-1173, p--2. - . - JPRS/L 4817 Mar 74 Jar)an Advances Into Middle -'-'ast 02 1 Ma-`e' ,,.,Iith Large-Scale Projects, 9 '~-c . ,30VERNMEN7 TUSE ONLY NIHON KEIZAT -- SHINBUN, Tokyo, 11 Feb 74, p 7. YPR97r M355 Mar 74 GCVZM&NT USE OW J&M-Mim, Civn ATiatiou A7*sm*At Signed. 5 pp Ai um rwrim �S=, Tokyo, 20 Apr 1974. p 9. JPRS/L "32 1,7s',,azora, Yoshihilto China Pursues T',Inlimilled Possbill,-~-ies In Imnrovinr- A7riculturRl l':-o---Ik-,:c-lon, 0"'LV I ZA I-~HI?,TFTN, "0170, 1, jun 74. JPRS/L 1~96t~ ---- "I P7/1 i C P- NLY -5 0'' I-T-'AT ------- Or, ion O:T MY X Kobayashi, S. On the sway of tall building in si:rong wind. NIHOM, KENSHIKY GAMI RONBUN HOKOKU-SKI, n, 192, p. 33-39, 1972 CRL -% T SOS? JnC I ok---TT --1552 1 aSt 1 C 5 C a I 1 0 r F c r y s t a Is ~ r f e c e a - TS -,-H 7A A T ( Ne t i ora i qe9earc , -ounc I d , n o t j7 N 1 0 Kessho Gakkefshii 4 77-1-1-y- ~ S 3 -.2 20 physics; :ranglations MN-34 NP NSA NIPPON )=SUEKI GAKXAl ZASSEI SEE ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA GAKKAI ZASSRI TTO) S . //&P" MMUEKI GAKKA ZASSHI// --/--/19701,vc)033,,IqOO05., P 0596-06,17 Electron microscopic Btudien ^0 the cryst&lline inclusions in the j* Imm calls and kidney,of k-bence V*Oiftz type xplama WC Th~iI823-0* 0. SHUNICHI Recent Studieg Concerning Scavenging of Tvo Stroke Cycle RUP-1--28. NIPPM =a GAMISHI, Vol 64, No 504, pp 74-81, 1961. NTC 73-10134-21C Mar 73 Toyokura, T. Characteristics of Axial Flow Puips - Part T General AspeCt3 of Pump Perforavice NIHM KILU GALM ROMBuisilus Vol 26j, No 16P Aug 1960s, pp 1069-107r, C.E. Trims 6085 Toyokura, T. Miaracteristics of Axial Flow PtuTs - Part 2 Analysis of Discharge-Theoretical Head Characteristics NIHON KLKA1 GUM ROMBUNSHU Vol 270 No 168 KU-9 pp 1076-1083 C.E. Trans 6086 0. SHUNICHI Research Concerning Scavenging Port. NIV,ON KIKAI GAKKAI RDNBIMSHU, -1 5. NTC 72-15257-21G Jet in Scavenging Vol 32, No 234, pp ' Mar 73 - . i o; -" Thc Reaction of Sclid W-It'- If ~- i~-Ippoii Kllzzolcu~ VC4 -- 3 -~ 1. - - :i-MI -., P4, - " --~ - i -) II.Tr T, at -.- 'J,- V Effect of Austeni7ing Candit'-ir -n the ::ower B~,,4r-l-,e Transfomation in an Eutectola Carton '7teel 1~ I NIPPOK KINZOKU, 7(?72~ - (-', P-P ,,!: - ll(~ IU) Bisi-112:L8 Effeci of the AustenilizinS on the Eaiaite ard leatherml Tvw-,~iullarmation in Upper an fttoctoid Cartpn Steel. NIPPON KINZOKU, 1972, Vol.36 It!-:) j- . 3 5 2 - 3 E 6 . ;BIST -1-1-5--14 Ya,ilima, E. et al. Effect of Retained Aus-"-.enite -n the 1~1,- - Bearing Sll-ee- , -1 ?rirpoN =ZOKU, 2')7p, ~6, ry ~ I .-7-- E I s 1- 1 i -"r, Kondo, Y. Roastin and Reducing Reactions. NIHON KINZOKU GAKKAI KAIHO, Vol 9, p. 213- .n 0, 1970 1 TC 73-10676-11F N mav 7A A I-Oc t-7 3 Uncl (ORNL-tr--2703) Role of car4ide prsc!pitstlon an the erisep rupture strength of the austenits family of stainless steel. SHINODA, T.: TANAXA, R. 'Translated fro% Nippon Kinso)Ku Gakkei Kalho; 11: No. 3, 180 191(1972). 26P. Dep. hiTIS $1.50, 11F m*tallurgy: trar.slations MN-25 p Is SA is 21-Jun-74 Uncl (ORNL-tr--21928) Internal stress In creep defoination. HASEGAWA, T.; OIKAWA, H. Translated by H. Kuiota from Nippon klft~znkzl Cakkal he; 11: No. 3, -2f12(1972). 32p. Dep. NTIS $4.4! 92 7 1 11F metallurgy; translations MN-25 P NSA ,71- 21-JUn-74 Uncl (OR"L-tr--Z817) Diffusion creep. OIKAWAI H.; NARASHIMAt So Translalted by H. Kubots from U12jLM Kinmaku GAkkej Who; 11- No. 8, 567-576(1972). 3'kP. Dop. NTIS $4.7y-. 11F metallurgy; translations MM-25 P NSA W, WP .WOW mmillh6t off ~Wrfmg Qmr r lilt qj. A PIP. A ka%4*. 2*w Z4p"Os Loddl4qV alomouliomw Ap;r A44A 4wd oxmw xazm pp. lm. zot mro 7342758-148 -In the cnrr-)s4Lc,n nrct,-ctinn .,)f In pr1lutee. x,,:;tt--r b- ferr-us -r :_erric 1-. Vn! NTC 71-11-554-11F i Imp 7777 of Havii-Ximsis co! 4Ln WC- U'loy $sat*144 under. ii c o ll:.. 1967 Iwo. a HB 9048 -77777~~ Eloatron Prob6 Hicroandtlypia i4sOP Rhc);mphorus Sopegation in the Aust4inite Illivain Rioundairies of Miekel-Chromium Sttsls. NIPP21 Klmmu "KKAI-Sill. -eOl" K." 1.967) Mr. 3, pp. 303-304. HB 9049 Kcaika, Z. TherwdynaAic study of fused SnO-SiO2 System, KIPPM KTNZOKU CAI=SHI, -. 31, p. 1272-1278p 1967. !FCf rl~1102-0 7D , 1j.1 I ~; 1 .1. 1 17 hB 8654 it :xd D#tet*i 44! 4~* Ars m iipg I ZO,Kt) 1) 1.971 AW6" AL hjl:!,:i, llli*ilk~-~,T 1, Ar I If$ NTC f3-12202-11]P. 1 Lill !~ F ~1! 111 M T!l lis qm~0 q + ,roto PP 550-5559 ow 94~ SWW'. 41d, N--,Ji. 5 &A ft A&LOY at 14--thl t*4*(Ot4~0;0 I.e! ipp pp 09-663., AK/oWL/rb-281047,W I hikita, m~ Japanese Engineers tour soviet minee, and ore dres8ing plants. 51 pp, NIPPON KOGGO KAISHI, Vol. 85, No. 911, 1969, pp. 195-204 AIR/FTD-KC-23-1192-72 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOV't ACENCTES ONLY; COPYRIGHT INFORMATION; OTHER REQUEST FOR THIS DOCUKENT MUST BE REFERRED TO FTD. 7RE CONTENTS 7 71q-S ARE SUSPECTED TO BE SUBJECT TO "'!; - '14 OW64- 1. "i6- , , , ` I'm in *be Vhdtwrjro-otLrt~, 4 ", P"*w of ftel, pp 99-103,M 74-20061-MM) Hasegawa. On aerial mapetic searches for metal mines. NIHON K02YO-KAISHI, v. 85, n, 976, ~,, 10Z_ 536, 1969 CRL as T. 5069 Ogswa, K. Aeromagnetic investigation of oil deposit re ions. N1 ON KOG"O KAISHIS V. 85, n. 976, p. 536- 539j 1969 CRL as T. 5105 YoshizuUL41, R. Data analysis with analog computer, IIIM KMO KAISBI,v. 85, n. 976, p. 542-5444 1969, CRL as T .5104 Kuri. Analysis of results by clactrunic computer. NIHON KOGYO KAISHI., v. 85, n. 976, p. 544-547, 1969 CRL as T. 5070 Kaneko, J. Hydraulic mining at mitsui Sinlagwe coal mines, NIHON KC(;YO KAISHI, v. 87, p. 916-919, 1.971. NRC C-1B29 1,~aki, S. Some considerations technizue. NIHO14 X2M KAISHI, NRC C-11928 about methane drainage v. 87, p. 950-953, 1971 -Itu&r to Eliot Y*nswee ldninc~,, INv)1mvw auicl t,~tthodo w Of BOW, ion , A4.zvw- jam TEMOS Mu. IWIJ, pp 3101 U305 . I - ".. . I Takata, Shigetoshi Current Status and Future Prospects of the IN, Promm, 27 Dr. GOVERNMENT TJSE ONLY NIHON KOKU UCHU GAMISHI, Tokyo, Jun 73, PP 329-341L. JPRS/L 4784 Ja n 74 elm'' rfzl p .3 On Structural -)esi7-n of Artif ici-al 3atellitles, 1"j01lVRT ~Y-ITT ITSE 07TLY YIIIJOITO K0177 17CHT7 gAlo(AISPI, Ic ryo, Vo~ -22, 'o 21' May 74-1 rp 229-P39. JPRS/L 4969 ,~,-'e-p 74 Satake, S, Concerning rhe cases of arsenic poisoning caused by prepared powdered imilk. NIHON KOSHU XISEI ZASSRI, v. 2, r. 11, p. 22-24, 1955. NTC 73-11012-06H monsoon ajLua adm~., I T-5 IS, Stu4ofthe Idethoft of Nrjasur~ tip Ill the j%4- -4!, ,,r Imlivioi - _" Am cit 'alkal ~ IT L31-4,u V M%ck;t 0405-06.0s, 14tolor' '. 41"I'll"904 :11IN-bt-tUty 1. -An , 1 (7.11 0 f N. Saruta A survey of air pollution dise"es in the Kitakyusbu NDM WSHUBISE1 ZASSHI, Vol MM 72-15151-'W and closely related irkustrial districts. 16, pp 913-920, 1969. may 73 TOCLAWA 0 K. //NIPPCFN KOSM; EISHI WSHI// --/--/1973,VO020,NO006, P C'3.15-0---25 Studien of the effe~:ts on the respiratory organs of air poLlution consisting of duste composed mainly of m&ngane5e. Fir;t rel-c-, effects on the respiratorj organs of high achool students IITC 74-1201"t-06J 2-Jan-74 Uncl (LIB/Trans--511) Pulmonary scinzigraphy with radlonctive HgC12 glutathlone for lung cancer invesligations. HIRATA, M.; TOCHI,~",, MARUKATA, B. Translated frov Nlpp:)~ Di"Sho: No. 2, (1972). 18P. De p . NT 11 5 $3.00. 06 biomed; 18 teacmr rludi*s: trantlitions MN-48 NP NSA 0 4- -Qt I'll..,- - i 77vT a "~~ ~1*0~! 11.10 ~i I* ".300jJ2 T 74-2*2.VM ' ; v i It M"I [fill 5, T. Studies on the oynthesiv, mi(l vtflAzwv~~I.m ,v--' Part 1. Si3gar formation by the sation in the presence of bases lilm YAGJM "Shz~ C T st 60 on Notabolism 15? phosipbor4r. kail). and Rxeration of PP 413-440,NTC 74-10558-o6mg, 75, synt4ois of B -ketodu-149we, (too b of Wlfttic sufvblml pf. -771Z '7F. -?27%1; SAUGW~I. //ATxiar NOW XAaUV WSHIII spoetyvPhotomtrie dftodmlftdo~ox 0j, g2*dvm*iao Zid as tobil pm,~w" pp 443-448,vffc OXApI. ,//'NZNOff NOW JEAGUU WS9111 ././1$ 720 vos"S spoils Pmam*cv" of PkNtdhfaIvfrtutim~R fom PAW041W 000040cw, PP #20-ISS,NTC 74-IJUS-041AM IS OGAI 3 A. //NIHMv-ITIHOli NOGET KAGM KUSHI/ --/--/1973,voo47,N----, pp 0215-0279 Grov,th-inhibiting effects of nirtmeg phenylpropanoids on isilkvurm larvAe NTC 74-33647-06C Kanazawa9 blasatsuna PPesent Conditions in the Organization t, Promote NOW Energy Technology, 13 pp. r,0lrF,RDTME"7m ITSE OITLY I~i NIHON -NO KAGAnT TO GIj7j7s,- OICYC), 17P -r-T?i-y pp ,7PRS/L IL99 S e p__V4. IYoshio, Matsubera Oceanogranhic Conference Outlines Plans to 'PAriloit MRrine Resources, GOVERNMENT USE ONTLY NIHOTT ITO KAGAKU TO GIJTJTST.T -or 22-2U. - I JPRS/L 4896 12 Dr. r" o 1~7o , "To 2 , I 97Li , IJU! 74