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"C- ~ILIZA MISTR -23: J -3 (P 19-37) Uncl. 0 RADIOISOTOPES IN[ THE CREMICAL ~XAN, T. Saito. Conference oil ii --~Iapes, Feb J-:: _4 23 29-37) Uncl 0 IRADIOISOTOPES IN THE CHEMICAL ;N AN, T. Saito. NSA EC-:~ .29 Unc 1. 2 37) 'TILI RADIOISOTOPES LN TRE GHEMICAL IN APAN. NDUSTR,~, T. Saito. ,-2,3 NS~ L Ic- tr, 4 2(~ 29-37) Uncl. z .1 0 IRADIOISOTOPES IN THE CHEMICAL ZA N i'DIULSI AN JAIPAN, T. Saito. T ,R .0; the Pmertles of e f Oxygen on a ei 17 ftilchi SOUP 15 P. to am"# 19"Plp Vol =ml- MA 60-IDM 6D. be sovIet Unions 26 JVu 1954,0 Root to Report No th Air Intel lair Sq, 22 Stp 3.954. JW &2&3 Dl~ ~oa. t13I3g On Developmat or ftv I ii b;rl !A=otm;tk-ftita4,..-YomhLlmt& Skwltolm., ikibaml. Arm sud TIOIMIgpop no 1p 1962,v pp 51"1" pp 1-2477-4 LK 63-17677 sb~p .*Zuroshl. It Toshl ) ji , t F ISM LE NE AND - : i, 1 6 1. Salto, T. t Of-Em MER 1 fS. July 63, 9P. 4 rds. MX ~ 11 - Uto. K &r fri'mi SLK ~' SA -P-55 i Oc 111 - Patem (Japan) pub. i L L WS 5" se Patem 8595/1961. C1. ~wdl ans. of ~,U IV. SA C4)de-P-SS -3-11'~ Uppi ' i 0. 29~ 11957, 30 Nov S7, pub. V. SeirAburo Aoki (Japan) l ;une 61 Itsill einfcal Indwry, Inc. l ORS-~ 'Tolyk iy lew plamica. Processing. wmr,r 1.1 0 71egler hy1m.11, ;lYmelization, ralywis, Se Y11olvents, -Alcohols, Methsnole, 1 i I hanola. laterlIal it- JPI ~!#Itlcxj; mi. 10, no. 4) oft d Tich*d trvtn 01 'Wit J.-I �rtw U Ja ftcMU= 9.0D Im d [Publ A 4d) ji 26,11-11. i PP 1 00. Juw 6 by, M tout 4 -p~~ Ii POLYMMENE POLYMER ROCPM. jdy 63. 9p. I rd. SA C40ft-P-33 *e potoo "38/1"1, 13/1957. 5 Avg 57. pob. klc*I Industry, Inc. we Plawlcm. Processing. Mtoer cmalysts, e substaums. Akmbob. V. 10. m 4) 63-17675 1. Salto, T. H. Niddo, M. in. rate= (Japan) pub. 36-9939 TV. SA Code-F-53 V. Selzaburo Aoki (Japan) Ofte F'AI )a of Di"olvod NOtram b7 Aluminuat ..Ulu* x"Wap 3.9 P. so 0 NU= Rtmoku 13&Wnd-Mt Vol XTn so OU 60 -10349 A I ~oi: Th~~ d 6tion of Reactor-Grade Graphite, by 7 pl). ~~pcrj TU=o, Vol Viz., No 1., 1958Y 6-1�~ 90MO8 r c/ ABC VP-Tr~%8 Ll the E Lirdl 1"4 ewil~ 'va APAN pp m of the 106o INTect of Blectrodzo 6f SoUd DinlectricG., by YtOc~o ).)w*i G&Jml Zwls)Liy 'Vol Mr, 3.936, IM Jul, 1) ~ iio~ LiviV Am am-T-42o Lbers XV. b3nuence of ~Gi iths Potaostum ItersuUate- ~u BI to Rea= polymalzation IW %amiebt ratqma, 21 ppo NobumM NagWaty Val XMp -17. lik MA 6D-2AAFr .ad 5?7 .~aj kWol for '6;3e &m4t;la at H4~h Energicep IDy V. 0. Griahin, if.! cwv i3,ot L7 ussimsl~ ur;EMyor I Teoret Piz, Vol XXM, o 5 Amer Vwt of Rwe sov mys irew Vol VII Wo NO Dee 5f Patternas by D. Go Saltsev, fm~ Ol I Oro Lit Prol; No 60 195h p 31. Co-op Tr Sch Tr 133 8se0de(leoOds) sc,~~ tift chealotry Sep 55 CM 6inatibh EyTorts Directly at the Eryorpriz-r: "I' tI10a----,- 3 PP- OMCM M OtqY C I P030i nas chov.. vol xn, no 14p 16 jul is;6i, p JPHS 1,2203.2 72 Feb 62-16583 R FILTERS. iINTEGRATED 1. Sal=nwui, 0. 1 .)621 32p. I IS B. Mer fivni S 6" 62-16583 uns. of 11 ;1 1: I-a i ssko 4prance) 101, 48-~5 is, roo. z ) ')R fold t ESCRUM ors, *Electric flIters, Low - lis flltf~rs, -pwim Iterm. Atteimtlon, ModuLs- 1 4 0MUltidomml telephmw 1 1 r. sruffialp b I kG. c arr arod ). Censel on the ' v U ictiontr Cini 6i. a tinAde ve sb4mi 0 kr --es ibs- omplex impodanc Nrl akn conittims the overall 0.14 964) 024 , uellusitim loi Ili (if a Co If Igursdon ouslathIg d a ring ~KIUIRZ It, Iters,' ~ l 411 I mji bo. very low, even 7xvo. - racdcnl u9c c4 6w the Y. em A! ! ~. uemir~i - cyvrj p ~murdi:ation Tbwry, TT, 8. lx~ (over) Of'. ftw'Zircatkim and ofi~ Mromim Dlavidep by A# on IftooM ftes or Atmdo mr 8-20 Aag 19550 val VM. P, b Lou! Riab ftrity Metallic Blamth; by H. P. r P/637,, PmeeediAp of Tatmatimml ftneftl Usm of AtODU ZmW Bold at imps QD fts 19") Vol Igo Wersatl Ccaf UN Ox 7 Apr CIA 1-669.9.162 I Id W BUst-Furnace L Ai~,h less 1, ut 1* Vol VO NO 1,P 9500 9 mA 6oiM2 144,14f 6i Tai~in on Edo=,, by 00ok"lovewks Aso Vol. 9.. 19600 tudie'! e~ md ~S~u :Otuid~ 'APANV, lo 1 6 ACS1- C~ 72 n Aill-ir t,;~-'nolon "ervt--- Action Pctontial. tirici Potential Recol~ded. -fror-, .(lod b y T. Sak pc i~. Me, Minai, llana. O"-ej ar,"ose.) 9 St4~, Application of Spray Dry Pro- 111. Spray-Orying of Paper- ~w Arabic-water Emulsion, by AP q 'S I. u Zassid, Vol per, Kogyo Kajak 640~& 1 1961. pp 1998-2001. NTC 6 -11 D2-07A. Sti - C Owl I 386,999 ~d P S D f i i St M 6i ro- ; cat on o pray ry Appl ~ 11. Fusetion of Protective C 11 s a Powdered Flavor Manufactur- ing C y T. Saka. JAPA I' W~~ *r, Kolyo Kazaka Zasshi, Vol 64 6 11 2961, pp 199S-1998. WT I:tS) 4-07A *1 se i - 1 Ott July 1 ,) 386.989 MENEM I I I civ Y ~Ti COM1 ,j ructiir,e ml~I cii, Its Bi an -a Poeudc-Bitumen., At- SI dabe ii 'BUYELP ~j IAMB) pi 3 1 I~K ~ ~~,o 110) 319j PRO (5110-. 0. Ji a60 aB Observed F--,-= Flr~ by Taut pp ka -Shi,. Vol XXXII., MA 59-16355 =ticc =up ro IF bY Im"la Sak", Ka pp. rpt pub]. by KMU Book Store,, Apr 1941 Wth MI av Gp Tr NCO 3 2w A',' 12 01 ap arA Corrovion Potential of %m (3), Reducing Potrer of 1, Rectrolytic Reduction of Maltic lo ,~~d, by T*jIm and Sakae, c A go! 6rp J Slectrochem Boc japan.~ Vol XY.-T-V., iq~ pp 461-466. JOLD-039 0 'M21 I if all, 1P '42 M4 it-III I ?oi l Thc I 9.Cs. 04. iWestAiDn of Vinyl Acetate- iiiate wpolywre, by Ichiro SakuradLa:, :0 or.. Kob=hi Kagzka, Vol MI., No IT8.; m'.t~45-U96 62-12212 hl OP: RACYCLINE. Pt.3 of Color. r7L q I 1. Saksguchl, T. Imerric Dite mation of ~Tetrscycllnes with the Ume of rm !~Iv) Reige, ji96i)jsp. 11. Tagwhl. K. Ill. Title: ODiorimetric ... . Ord,,r 6ot~ m ml ATS-75N561 IV. ATS-75N56) V. Associated Technical rans. of Bun -ki Kaga 0 Oapan) 1957. Y. 6, p.797-790 Services, b-mc. 14 'retr Datermination PESCRIPMRS spycUrstp EastOrange, N. , . , , ,1 Cbeml~try-,~Ctr'pn~, TT Y. 7, no. 3) ate COMMdB Of TeltrawJCUW Dori- V - Str=twe Of the AmvauWoi.- oxf bj T, thi;, A. Hanaki, 6 pp. jPWj* J Pbam Soc Japan; Vol =7xo )'o pp jL76-28D. soe Tath ev Cb~ CmV=tB CC Te-UWje1iW Deft- "SP !:Al. Isolation and Properties of Notal Chelates) To 7 PP* Pao yabloft z"8111.0 V,01 LMIX., 1~ W*1.385 j: n AW-4UZW Ve 62 vot.. in' lio ' 61-16539 sAurach'i., asu bland Ishizu, Inamaro. ~Y PREPARA'n OF WATER -RDLUBLE DERIVATWHS ~N I , ~ By c4i,t DOXYMETHYLATION. 11146111111j, OF STAR 1. Sakaguchl, Y. 8 refs.: ~ 1 1 i: ~ ~ It, Ishizu, L order fr $1 60 61-16539 om J ~L ~ ~ skl -i Trana 0 ishl Uapan) 1958, v. 14, no. I.I. p. Bl4-81~ ' I iL ~ IS: O IR clhes, Chloroacetic acids, Chem- DESC Ir-al rescil 4, Ti6~11". , I ; ! hi ~1 ~ hl l id CA i S i ~ ~ 11 v c ct th rnonoc oroacet e ac n tar ) ( the praik~'of Nim L ne efrect of the uture of starches cibinpoi'i)'06 of resetlen mixtures, reaction -~ n and ibil~ were examined, then it was temperat 11 observed!i wale soluble derivatives could be ob-, us about'! CA and about lOg N&OH for 100g tained i starcib. durtm~ th etherification degree higher harl ak:)4 1111:~I I -vm.- mole were soluble in cold Offirt of T.d,.Ic.I So-ic.s wat. at r 1*141 e, derivatives were also obtanal p, IW0 Orai ic, TT,' v. 6, no. 5) (Dyer) - - OW-717 I I m from ATS,$1 is. of'?(~~ lahl 182, P. JX ~'33 rials-1 PI r RIC STRUCTURE OP HIGH j'.~ I ATS-32.%1471 a:K"0"Ijapan) 19fA v. 17, icii."J~17 v. 5. no. 7) N -12676 1. Polymers- -Molecular Structure 2. TRIM Steric structure 1, Sakaguchl, Y. 11. AIS-32SI471 fit. ABswiated Technical Services, Inc.. East Orange, N. offoce of Uchnice) 54friges IREPARATI NOF WATER-SOLUBLE DERIVATIVES (?I F sWTr A R 11 (1 REA ION MTH AcRyLoNrrRILE. tI I 9 96~ 19 [a. N r d' r f. 11 61 -105:18 I Tr a n 9. of, Cxl yaks. 7,18. v 14. no. I], M-921.) I?IESCRIPTO, S bstaickes, *Acrylonitriles. Chemical fvactlons~ 6"t rs, nihesis. rcht~fl Wel e reactit with uAyltnaltaile in the co- i'lesente,od ~' I) o'll. 'k this tinne. cynnoethyl etherifica - icm and as ~Wfjcatl6l reaction of this ether to ear- Pi. xYvtbYI 0-t It; ad. Under optimum conditions. a at er - soluZle er c( uld In obtained by using the itrile and ?4( H each quantity of. about 10,; uf the aarM Thd~a oxi ir te' composition necessary to ob - aint Aa I ng a olul,l jwtpluo was. a degree of car- an16, I v, 6, no. 6) (ovcr: Chemi.r'tt 11; 0 61-16538 1. Saksguchi, Y off.c. of T.C6-4.1 S-c- NCH-20 $63 (p. $3-363) Field 71) ~Jl h~" .1.1, Saul, K.. ToudA. 161. '0 L ,m CLI& POIAT ROL iCBEHAVIOROPCOPOLYMERSOF 41~ IYD MALW I WbE AND STYRENE, VINYL ACETATE, VIN AND Ili BEN7~ ATE. Apr 65, bpi Orefe, order li6 ICE In ~ternatlocial Cbefnical Engineering, Y6 n2 Trww.t ill aga)w (japAn) V22 A235 p673-7 1964. Azother O~ns. its I SillAble from ATS $14.65 ATS-13SSI 1. American Institute of Chemical Engineers New York. N. Y. :dj. W7 71m11 L'AfJO OF f 9 f0 St Trans. or K !no. 21 Pm D 0 c 1 M; NI.Moo, Yun, and NUU, Wpm soLvEm ON DEACMT- nNYL ACETATE IN MMWANIDL .10 63-16415 KApku (Japan) 1963, Y. 2D. layl raftals, *Ac" radkab, action, MOtIva, Molowls, Irftyl acetate Was caAwtsd bl no tym ct WW or albul &I yen of fin A&bd soma an the as stuMs& When a suall armoot of the read= solutim. the owayla- &, Tr. V. L 1% an. 7) ("Iftr) Y. 1. U. M. Nitta. T. 24 729, Ollm d ink" sm Use,6f 0 gar for Better Cambustion in Blast- Purngic J41 0~c 9's In conjtMetim with 011 Idict W6~ the Blast ftnece, by C. Saki JAPNW ]a pois. Totou to Holmes Vol XIJXI 9 i. No q 3', ~: fp iN 6017 SCION/ 76 AuS;63 of Avito Tubmmle B=LMj,,,,( ask& 13 Ipp 8-44 Md*aloi (Tubmiul(nio) a Vol XXXp 5738 mil 9-19 'Vator* tv nw. I'm WAS's "'Pso. Pabs GcBVIC,)560 id. c Am xuL~ ir tme An kMt a 0,61 =%Wlr. ILZZ %w Xp ft Ims 3.9&l am ftlu 09 Pa- 61-10432 ikai, K. 'an imanak 11. 1 Sakni, K. I R Ium()R harrfl EFFECT OF M11I)MYCIN 'I'eranaka, T. EXPE.RIM& IIAI' MORS. [1961] 4p. Jer from stA $1. lo, 61-10432 ans. (4 [Ka ail ti R Capan) 1957, v. 5, no. 5, 222-2Z3. #An4li It. *Neoplasms. ESCRIMTOR 0INce *1 yea"esi S"cee 0 ologkot Sc lc~ t1 ology, IT. v, 6, no. 7) Eff I al"d Maltz- a 161. oche Ical S'Wud ie6 oia T. the' Igiectroconductivity of the Mixed ed 1'~Ito (part 2) by 11. ''Bake I 9 pp. igx~ JAPANESE,, per, J. Chem Soc Japan, .01 Sects Vol LMMt 1955 P Pp 01-1011 - PRC TH 230). 1 blemistry, Electricity or, ovim 9("2 ades. 3v)*?S* by YJ scial Dropertles of Fused uvit,v of = a mj;ea sait (pw*. 1) 15 ype Jvt=*Cb=-,8*c*Jlap=# Pure Chemiatrl LUVO IgAt vp IM-289" B.L.A. No 388/1956 Pbudetry stxUatuivil tl Po 2.11 '111-IL-9-V ijcvcl.7,; by: mi xvllp~ IV 66-74- 92155a1 SAW. O)i,Tiw OF,:mm TuVA Cbga, Takeo and 1. TMW colus Stew 01"CORROSION "StSTANCE 1. Sskst T. 4~9~ Fr. 2. 120 ha 641 123p) 5= 0. Dwdk T. , 0 Iff-U-14315 1 I L M. Chft T. 3, "k T. v MO) OPP) l "lmMW" A OODnv Irr. v. It. mm. 7) M4 MAP it II! aft Fit; oLk I L I i cOaduaivity Df.!lixOl &: lii4lorue A!illzj~,O porl, j of Cl,wcr, Smoc. Vol 1AXuls, ial'Electronic Computere at Kyoto X,bbedaj T, S"ka j T. Tanaka. Deaki Tsuohin Gagiml. USASIA Tr qrJ28 tec Eno X-Fay DiffractIon abiddes on Mickel kj,~ja. 1 Aet1m of AlkiMm Solutim on xWol b'y T. seiAmo u. moubep w., 6 pp. par,, Z. Chem Soo., Vol LVII.. 1954., 19A.A. Tr 57-23 253 anA X-PjW Diffracto-ion ort Nielml Anode. on Anode Profte1w by X-Itay Diffractionx Selymbo Ms Abep It. SWmip 9 pp. b M per., J. Mm Socs Mil 1954, pp 343-346- 13.L,A. Tr 57-254 57 k tive. Film* Uy Z. S"Lait A Ljeqai~ Vol 3u#gw it or r a t Ii SELE ON I P"P.NOLK Pi Ljjr4 ti~iler I Or4eifibin A. Trans'! 61tilmol . i9-1 1 )1 f DESCAIMOM catiliil L11 ATALYS73 FOR OBTAIMG i studies of the HydroSewlyste of Pressure. [19611 8p. 6. 25 ATS-51N55) Gakkslehl Lispan) 1961. Y. 7. no. miols. Syoftels, *Catalysts. Hydrogen. Pressure. v. 7. no. 1) 1. Sakakibars, A. 11. AT&U, T. Ill. Title: Spioes ... IV. A-M-37m~j V. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. East Orange, N. 1. Do" of 7841mmeal akakibI ov 16 HiFICAT Xi ANE~~ 11-IBODY - 'j- Molt, the'kniA. d~ Prom der fr6m V $111~ ans. Or'~ n, sail'; I 14. !rxi )J1 8a $1 ~ *Anii ysta liza I 6 , a ra. K. and c-thcrb. XSTA1A.mA"no,4 oF 'im ; FACTOR. Pt. 1. on Studies ig Factor. 1,19611 8p. ATS-6SN57J kku Zossht (ppan) 1959. 12. lics. Put if icatim. 1. Sakakibara, F.. a. tlaglwata, L. M. TIZIC: STOICS ff. Al-,-68,N5-,j T. AssociaZed T(\;m!, A Scrvlcos, Inc, 01 ang(. N. AgIrAil i~-,hetiilstry. IT. v. 7. no 9) of 16awcaj %-,AG.6 from rang. ~~,,'d .I" cl. 25-H- 1 July 62. I RI. S: *Hpox A 1 ~Alac: =%iliffri i" bill Aldmfriii~ P I. nol! Oleic adds. c Aoki, Horfold, and COMPOSMON. 6 July 63, i SA Code-P-94 itent 8724/1962, a e po !10. 49t/19W. 31 Mar 60. pub. U*e"m Co.. to. plastics. *Powntsldehy&, iifts. prodwaiam ~Ildillfll'corllj-omds: S111fors, 10, co. 4) 63-17656 1. I'Me: Pmral&hydes 1. Sakkkibars. S. 11 -Add, .4. fit. Kuwaham. M. IV. Patent ()&I.") pub. 37-8724 V . SA Ccde-P94 VI. Seizaburo Aoki Ospan) Ofte s# 7odv;mo kr*n of 1; 1. oleon's Military Science, by k p er. ~* rVairiku 14ondaj, Oct USACMPAC (Yield) PD ld:lo 9), Due No 100c)221 0 r 3;iia; IQA imbbitiolm of owa At the Y&Nwlwi Tyrio W V Ify 1.1 Z,, Luosuromylo V. V. aulalm KOWA I aNdmi IbI Up ND Us 194; A 55~ .1 Oct (d m of oxygen ila 811M IDAls 13 DR- Kopla3p Vol VIIS 195as ft XWth M=ftp by ftakel Mddft.9 97 Ike 1M. MACWAC tr So 101111 (2a) X t t MPUPWAr., It, v*ut tbo Fossin of SlIvor oil L~ by 1wrw 1101'a. Elichi All IS IL 14 - A_ot awfiol~* e~ CL I lit 313pSVr, All~ t, i i"JI k LJ t! 4 14, p 4*~ of Protein by 141c"bial Pro- teailj&"~Its stilization. Part 1. F31- rotain by Various Acid Pro- A. Ssakanote, Y. rpoziaa. JAP Sr. Iper, Ilakko Kyok. Ishi, Vol 22, 10 4"s ppp 341CI 006-06A glhk'~i~9 302,376 On th 'J'rigbfidual Nerve with Special Rof-crence to Lye ~ ti~ 63 [MtAPII 41p by M. Sakanoto. JAPANd 1)r ka Gakkai Zasshi vol. 56, -NiRgon Can 19$2$ 13 15 1357. Al 711 sc sirc, 7~ ilm'ILWI 171 Auj~ 7 1 tsti6 In Maniftai Beverage In Bhangbai 77 l bko Ymjuddehinin no Mite Shin-Ch pp 51-55; 1.56-160. 5wth MI Sv Op L22 Tr n, cu~i c .. ugoku, loy TOP L" ~of =wed ZW#l Sheet, by T. A itsu, T. sakmoto JA OD ..AS~L-.rNk. J. L13 VO 2p 1964) 4539-290 7c) S'C! tw~ 337-160 at- ''Allat t ~n 0'r he Organ (Dahly Newspaper) of the cm Party of India, by Tokumatou Sakmoto, 10,,,ftpppu Dokucho Ohm :3himbun, 2~o oul to 1R4452-57, 60(*th AIM. 117 11549M USING 0 orde r! h utfliq 3i1 DESCR' Radio V (Engti RECEIVER CONMUCnON OR. Sep 62. uding drawings, of 0141~ nc, 37-23868, 11 Sep 62, -P'M'~t I 0~riecefverv, Construction, FomOkx~ic' III*, v. 4. nu. 62-34068 1. sakamuko. t,,L H. Utility rrw4el Qtpan) pub. 37-23 868 1H. BirkeMes4. Warren, Inc. Sesule, Walli, :01, On Dali ~UwatIM Of,8 -LftCIA*1obu1In by the io3m~~ ~ 4 UUMVIOlet Mehl, (Part I), by ~Sj- yo cbsta.4 9 pp, i per,, Nihm NWI ra4*U-W shis Vol Jbim, INO 9.. 1958.9 pp 667-670- 9090 (a V6 AMC Nwvoll llp-er-68o 7 J"14f Bel ta tht 0144M"a hbc(W&.v4; of AbsovpUlOlk A' Lwp;t by s - oh - &,kawan, lei, MONO M OW 4W Beebanavap Vol 1 *60 67-T0. ad P*d I 9ftective Host Tt=sftt polls by Sow It"I USE ONLY 11210~ 540 lip 5076MG65,0 DIDM67 67:111 3200492 PtUK"IC 6 dt'-2~ i I Derives lu Cyclohexane Au Point de Vue 111 A e i", Chi 'e Structirale ("Eme Rapport), Spectre IC DO. k6rp~iuln Par le 4)5 - Dichlorcyclohexane -(l) IDanl; ia li4glion des : layons Infra-Boug-c s, by My '~i Mkashita, A p. 17 ~TAP a 3E l.-. 6 FRI91CH, per Nihon Kagahu Lasshi, i('5 ~01 Lxta,.(, pp 329ff. Feb 6 61-16519 1 S Telp, and aws. PO Tu IPON OF PROMENE OXIDE AND 1. Salata. R. COM %Tni DFRTHYLZINC IN THE 11. Tounita, T. COChTALYSrS. 119611 20p. 30 refs. C)r' 6oM t-A $1.60 61-16519 TrL ot ~"Z~ Ksgaku Zasshi (Japan) 1960, Y. 63. 6*11 p. 1 1-1822. *Propsnes. *Epmddes. Viny1rodicalo. z~t on, Zinc compounds. Ethyl radicals, CA rst "beals. PM t eollA lypropyleDe cadde was obtaineiJ by thr 60 Ci u 1011 Ing binary system catalysts: diethyl- ki ~d ethyl zinc-water. dJethylzinc-snetharol. "Yli c-'ethanol. Tive polymers oIxatned Included tr*' june 061 re. Zlnc alkoxides appeared to play in in~~6rtatlt i It by the uM of catalysts whole one Of6c. of Toth.lcol S-i-t 4:016p$4ent jiq~sioxygen, methanol, or ethanol, The lvtry'~-.0j-ginlc, rr. v. 6. no. 6) (over) 40~ of lovdztii,,,- i'W* 4. We&IW Flux in 61xv X~~41Y lakstoo T, lduoLajo et al. 6y T* r vil xxiv 109, -aTcz ~d 9atr&in=nt and Ito Removal. of Large- Se a - 9 or&tion Unit. Xwtporation of Rtdisactiv Ll 44id.k to, by NOIA10 Hitaidshi., Sadahlro tq~ inij i Mitsuda) Yutakjk ummoto., PP A) par. j Atomic ZaargZf Soc Japan, Vol 1, I ~ro ABC Tr,-4225 To S I ONO '17 JAN A 1.