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116 i'xlubility Polytherni of Pots.,,ziwn I luoro- e 1. G. Ryss, T. A., -.'.a-J.beaiovr- 6 RU33IA 1.1( rl Zhur Neorgan Maim., Vol III, NTO 71 058j; :Pi) 1665 -1668. AEC-tr-41155 PL- JEO May 2 tp P ST ~7 Lj Ces. band. I ~romium Fluoromanganates, by I. G. R:~Ssjl V!IMDMMDMO*M Vitukhnovskaya, PV1 I RUWSS J~ Zhur Beorgan Khim, Vol III, No 5., 195 AEC Tr-4453 I PL-48o Rl md Its bxorgmic Compoundsi Ftora I Ap lbarsweabsold-kh a pp., Pt. 1; 376 pp.. pt. 2. ABC Tr-3927 ro.LyLluullu of rquilibritull 3tem at, 250, by r tiE ~lta Y3, 3 1120 sy. lv5pj. Bogdanova., 3 -P.P* c r el B May ,!Ulur Nleol-gan ~31iaij Vol III) 1669-1674. PL-430 Bi;U4 6~ ~ in '461 w4mvtteo of Diby-dro)Wfloroboric i I'$ Pv Boga"Oova; 9 9/;~') Ac I d %I'y By$$ RMSLAX ReorW Xhim, Vol 1. No 10, 1956. SecIol ADis~ o6iation Constant of' Fluorophosphoric A~i~ld 1;~rss,, V. B. Tul Ichinskiy, 4 pp. Ry RUSSI p lr~$, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 8, 1961, Clcavcr-Rumc Press Ltd Sci Sep 6,2, P-U., 701 Th6 12 of SlUcon Tatrd,'Iwride on Sodium Flor S. Yatam, I. G ~op 22 pp. RWIV no Zfwr Prft Xhim, Vol Vp No 3/4f 1932,1 33 EQUIIII Ac flussikil Fe~ Scientilric in the System sodium nucwidD 'at 250C by It 0. Sjoeo N. 5 pp mo, per Zhur Palk Xhims Vol XXV, 10~ U-153. Consultant's Do-vau 1.1 cbemistry Doc 53 -, Ibric M. Slutskap# Fb 2,p CTS Tbe L rals y of Fluorine and Its'luorganio'Cum- j i ..4 - Part 2~ POUD by 11 G. _I~Suj Pa-rt 1.P.Oft pp) 376 Ru~~i 4.~bit Moscow) 1956- ABC Tr-3927 Aug;fb) r~ of PyrIdirA Bmn Trif luaride c5H511- ~,10 by, 0. 1w". ML lv~ ter MW Neorg lbims Vol 11, No 12, Co-op Tr Sabew W-48.) er Kit s 0 the BydrolysiB of probo'rontrimetbylamine., 'by I. G. s ti. L. Idellst 3' PO R U Zhur Meorgan Khtn,, Vol V., No 15;6d 1-1767. j~6 pp Cleaver-Hum Press Jul. The ic RelAtIms between the Dieso- na. iali" i3n 01 a'soure and the Soldoility of Strong c t c ~ctrbVtee, by I. G. Was, 5 pp. RUSStAW r., Zhur Piz Khim.,Fol XIII., 193qj i p. ~I pp siA R-2627 SO, Au,g Tlao L D. 11-3.uotoric JLC.I.d ill soalim ~px-LiLtras of by I. G. 4 pp. Rus AA111 ie'r, Zavod lab) ;CNEVY 11o 13, sr-):~ OT T IMP e Uis t Tat3arludborle Acid in 4Mantitative Anslysta. aravii ri~ IDouroduation or Ausu motals in mtess, liuk's, Ultratems anG VlAwltesp by 1. 0. Iftlusp 6 ~Qr Awl map Vol lbals ND Is 19"s Cmnltanto ]Wreau Ind, It so at N. 16 slutokApu A Maw ftdk* 16t XSno 3110 to ez;4 ~Jl ONWAUN, slimm va 3=0 ED is, OA31 Solubility of blan-anous Fluoride bY I. ~ ~b. ~~Issjj- 13. S. Vitukbnov9,kayap 4pp 1~0~ S~ipa 51 rj'Zhur Obahch Man, -SAP, Vol XXV., C! XA C T9-5'~~ Cbemistry Caaeultante Bureau Th6: on of Bovow Tritlimmide by Acidia ne, b~ 0. Rysso H. M. Myakova, 9 p. P.- Mur Obbbabey Xbitap 1949s, Vol XlXj, 1 ~4603- 9 PM -64L,'3M Jai 60 va 00 KIP. iti IDY. RUGS I c)6o 1 ITUI6 apf~ TrifLuoroborondimethylamine fVdrolyais), Aj.6A.-S. L. Iael'o, 3 PP. pi'6i,, Zhur Seorgan Dim, Vol V, No pi~~6-i%o. pea 1959 by 1. IP zhur Aul its G. Ilyss An~~~ fine fluorides, by 1.- 0. Pyvap P'. T 0 tenberg.. vw 0 zhur Neorg Kbill., Vol IV,? r1o 61 Uwt ~m 3-9.1i PO 11431-1436. '49 F a Ltd. London ~ch .7 181, 60 3m, mothoa or savanucm of ow swom wtn-nuwt".. by 2 PS 36~,%es Mad 90 ciet 33s 311 *W 3ke )Jv. tl~A-63 ~W Acid I X. 12 pp 1.3 of Hydrofluoric rnd "OrIc J`,cikic w 14. 1,10 Slutskaynt and S. SLA R 213c, 50 NV ,11.5 N. H F )ztf(!r frain :)N-'I'*l pr SO (it. 51. Trans, of Z11001,11 K~ 1957 (v. 12 12, I:Xlvl,jni ,v 11 S, -howed to pyridine(v iii to tx,ndud to ilian U readily w1'6'hj(j' in lh~ --olvate '~,4 d cr. iiiis ar, The solubil'it.' Kii 1~~, Silion Of 111:a placc;al 111~111st oil Ie IMIN(Wil tt~- klqjoclt~)- peraturc i ~~-~crilx IIE- PROPERTIES OF ~:IXORIDI ," C,5115N.111',j 1p. 9 refs. C T. S. no. (117. nliSI.80, fqlsl.80 61 - 1,5159 anicheskcA- Khimil (LISSR) 16-2722. lit HV:~ is more strongly lKinJed r'; pyridine is more strongly 4.1. lly, Br-:~ I-.*, extromeh, hic: Vyyl3l-,~j 1, 44 - 4 4 1. 1 95t; oi fornied ill tile ratige studied. 3 ill 1:,t1wr is OIL 'Comix) ght. Dc x)us alk3line solutions uAvs vaction through tile Slap. of IC dliSix:ialion). The conmmi") instrint; (in inin- 1) and tile tClTl )y Vic equation log 0. 4343k . -I r, v. 5. no. 8) (aver) L 11m (in fluorides - -Chcruic.0 -1. pyridines- -01,-1111,7~11 reactIMUZ 1 ~ RNss, 1~ G, if, 1j, v., III . IN' Ilk-1xirtme-il of S~-ivnlific aml Indu,irial R~7,c,irch (Gt. Brif Offic. f Tioti,.1t.1 1-1... FO 253JO) meik'~~Urre6a tior Combatting the fitem-Nematode Infection 0 to Tubers . by R. 0. RY6 so 7 PP - Irreg per, Trudy Prt)blemWkb i Tewticheskik 60~ imail zu, Vol III, moso.-ow, 1954, pp 219-222. CIA/FDD U-8007 7o?- Y 31 El C!Zo ~by er, P P the Therapy cf Ulocro-us S. 83 PP. Vrachebnoye Delc),, Vol XLU., NO 4p .3 itamim in Bematolo#ar,, by S. H. 11 IS U~ef of Th pp RUS's bbilo per, FrobloW Gemttologii i Pcroijiikni:~IjKrovi, Vol Jjj No '1., 1957.. pp 3-10. Pargamon Press Sci ladi !i!:ae AcUtO 6 by 1 VOW" vp 259t789 P . 0." U. R, La a=i 1) Yo .3. IVO 1; OL 11col Poe. Vol 61, RM I PRO IXFXCT : 6;L I ~ order fro' so. 11, P. DESCRW LOW manw. IL IL JL Fop cac Rx"Morkm Wfm WOLO 1196111 ~Mcjuw= CURR, I I %lv6uwR OD 1961, To e"ftm (U Ical Promwtu* *00*73 cunvom cwm~w. usectric TT, 62.12077 YtL L U. JL Qgtro, So L m rj: A-jTr6SHSSR ad T*Cbdcd V. ASSMW se"Ices, b2c. iL OM -7 cc PM-AA o A bV tao -Iwo AM $41 oil 329#441 E U, IWo S Df* HypOphoSphAtaSia (Case 11) iby I ssi4& I I)Auh SO' ior,, Ugoskr Vol 224, 19620 a'A all 10=38-65 (un Loan) 2L A[ .:ar Ki DAI NO 23 amine PolsoaUg In An Astbmatic 9 PY. c r, Ulpstriftibr Luepr,, Vol Mn.. pp 662-664. MA 60-3.6917 8 6011 ~14* .4 Ap'pavatus for Distribution la SM91 CUS Smialt RyStio L, 0. WlklaWlaw. 6 by A. Up p*rv Patent So 18107259 of cowdrat"t Office 7-1 320&523 yet.Wimwy and tootechtdc Services.. pp. Jul IWO Pp 441-j"17" OW 67/Apr 55 MSI'173~!. ltlrir - - - - - - - t1eia Ibi ebl! Constxua"Ion material ,x av arA I J I ~ ill In R, 12)1 Pe. RUB Wfilf.1j, 203L,-.V6. SCG~. 14m,t4taturing ccustructliot'. machiacz pluu o&' 3tou.,l In by R. Ur..Cl. ir, Now Huettes, uo 60 1959o 343-351. bl:ii~ V, A46 1~t ~59 m i . . i I -I WUQ A MlOliol 11M.' DRAM 1. BETValEN pf RE.-R ~ll ~ (IJJNU'. SEMIONS. Doc 2. MD c 11 I'l e, - 1.~ 11 4p. (6 i1p, &IALO~~ RVIL, N. Ordcr~ fron, ~ .15.11k ni . ~io' ph$1.,q) I - I 061"N 11. il., i! Tram- of 31 t ri t:i~l (Finland) I'M, v. -12, Im. 6, p. 44~~-.1471 A cowip;!l'il V nwaskiremelit of drims kq%vc". 1 sc A is clin 1 ) It ranp.,xl on contirwom; drive , PaNl', mac. ill witi ilie 1) of 11lechanical or vlt.-c - trica I Jifk . clices, in r 11 'Ill v"11 t~hirll' 11 s Ilic differ-- conli-kil-cid by tn,~.ms ol the 1 1w differmin C dl be t'1 . Lpitiol" so that Inchogencro[DI, incastiring et ~')rs .04 1 Inm ~ipprl.!CIRWV 'Iffect t1w fill"11 * llo.~ for. Ilse ull a 04 twell adapted paper rnalc equip A wlth a mechanical differeclual drlvc~ by ! sl iij thc-~ I. I vremini genrt in the p--ir - ~ b...Ixes. of tt &tioil.l ; all aid to measul clilent. a (Auth or ) (Materf I N a . per . no, MOU b ~N d ) e Ili I o1q..", I LFt), i iR Rm,~I~ANJ erg pp 4~78- for Determining Ptictional leactors Ung TuboBs by Yu. F. Sheyakin, 2 pp. Tsvetnve HoUL11y, No 10., 1960., FS 0 of SMp*d Tubes 9 b.-f Yu. F. M. Ayt Ikov, UXIL r) Tavetoye Wtalj, No 12,1 7o L,r7. wiR Lw (loem) ig.496 act ~inm I -:5r The pol. iccA tw of tho i3ovist Armed Forcesp by Hytc RUSS a $ 6=t, Arlntoiyaj, 27 Ifty 1959. FM DIMY ROPOrt USSR Poll 9 1 Jun FJ ~7 I'dna !of c Matliei~land, by ii~Uv ;IAN ~P, A L "vLic. ukrainy, 13 Aug, 6~ FRIS Dai-'-.y Report L*t Us U~U~rlnglyftiee the Standards of Party- pol calwor in the Airforce! Ubits,, by Rytov. K~i# SOVItSMY& AViatalyap 3 Nov 1959. IBID Daily Review somw L C~ clenm of the Sovict Aviator, by A. f:6 ~ IIWMIAL MR ONLY v 7; A~' autya I KoswowvtlJmp No UO 1962. 630 71i M-iyf-62 11 63 (DC-2800/0) - Stre (Zing one -4hn COMMA lo An Important Task Of a IiAer6 and Political Orpas., by A. Rytovj pp! M41" P., t Avlats'Ya., 13 7= 1959: pp 2, 3. 4MB-938-D Ru. ~59 I kii For '11"b, Agressive Propaganda, for Improving the Comba''~ ~cv&n~ess of Aviation, by A. G. Rytov, 7 pp. Ross Vest Voz Flot., No 3. ig6o. 658023 ATIC Sci OA 6 Vs. 1. 1 ~'Cin De"I"Ing and strevatbening the I by A. Gs 11torlp 12 ppe Pro, V*st "S ricto No 2.4 19580 ATIC 1( 6010'! coal Temperint of Aviators. by A. 0 Ryloy T 16 np,,! Rusk ra Vest Vdz Flota, 'No Us 1960, 9662461. ATIC J,41 i". CJ ID ne 6c e Imd the Party Orpnizationj, by A. 0. BUSS . pl~1~olvest Voz Floto Vol Vile 1957- h CIA um Nil wy 5~11 ATIC A MA.& in the Stmggle for High (~~j b y A, G. ltyUv, 8 pp. CIS & V uri Vest Voz Mt., do 4, 195 c ATIC ty 7) in V Hi~h-Prtbis ; I by:AI. RIMIA ~bk Prot s ptvi Toqogpw,U,! pp set Feb,cii and Precision State 1'eveling Netp Sbmik Pawboo-%khnicheakikh i p,VM BUtey po Goodeiii., Kartograf ii 6roslyemki, i Gftyimetrii, Vol V,, 1~)4, ACIC 1'~jI f A. T c h o i ricaL Fluct"tioni3 and -Phcrm- i TZa.(j,jj, t L,l 41SI 1 I.I. PYtoy R U S L, '9 5 3 Ai F o i c e G 9 -1 n, s, i7 e:,. t, er 5 9 - Fell Of awbo. tw M. IL jotm, Zb Emma I ftr lu Val 170 "'Park le t ago Ulm, .. ........ ~ Thi l9lectria Fluatuations and ll,enml R latia. ijl bV S. M.. rlytov, Zra pp - RUB'.3 .Ibk, Tooriya Elaktritheakikh Fluktuats!] o Muchealymp yubl by Adad Mauk C, (a), 6o-15944, 60 (NY-4341) rib-Ilion to the Theory of FluctuationG in C S~A I-Oficl, , Mating Systems With Plecewiee- Lin ar~ ra teristics, by S, M. PTtov., 28 pp. ~RW IAII per, Iz Vysshikh Ucbeb Zaved, MVO SSSR, Bey, Rad 0fiz, Vol II., No 11 1959- JM 5279, ~2 ;7 0 t (DC-5598) Re ft ip Detwm Charged Particle Measurements doxmic Rockets aw *LgDetic Field M~gs b eme to by Explorer VI and Pioneer V., 1.~ inpuz, E;. M. RytOTv 5 pp. lk br Oelrp DO'k Ak Nouk BSORp Vol CXXXVs IRS~ rANI, No Il NO' ec, pp 48-51. JM 8924 Sc a ce, lies 0-,i t RMOS, Ser IR s I C wti~ 6 (NY -4 341) Spe6trum of a Quaai Periodic Randem *"iis. M. Rytov) 9 pp. Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, MVO SSSR) Pro io~i,iiz) Vol II., NO 17 1959, JPRS 5279 hyl Tho T~ ii 3quation for Gwier&Uzed Llmos With Ioov L 69V M. S. Mabotinakkys N. L. Levinj, S.'H. Te)& FIzo 1990,, Vol XK, No 3.s, set lay, 66; 04 1 Agitation in Distributed Sptew, by 8.! pp. Dok Ak Nmik BMj, Php See,, Vol cxj PP 371- Awr 32(st of Phys 9ov- Fbyz Vol-Ip No 5 P~ J7 Aug 15 Elect le FluattmUouis and Thenal.LL TZCtin-LiCA, b.,;- 13. M. to~ Iip-a pp. Flu sil p Uspokh Fiz Hauk WSIR, Vol LV~ ljo 3, Mar; I J~ 1-1,99 -- 314, 141 S.U Tr sci! - iaclbl: ilics 91 ift-V 5 FIUCI itiiy in Oscillating Spitems of the m (II'l Ti n, by a. U. %rtolp 11 PP. mms, U~ perp Zhur Mu*er i Teomt riz, Vol p fto 3j 1955P pp 315-X:5. Awrican Inut of PbyaicB Soviet PlWaicap Vol II, No 2p yu Feb CTS I ThIrk Psecidlinear V(a XXV 0 No 2. Zhur TOM Fis 3 23 l p 3e. fty loo Itbe TWM of NonlJneeLr OsciUations the 1 .4 Y, No "VO 32 ppe ;EAB'l ~~cr* Wto L Sleks No Ils, Moscows 1957s, IJ FM/X--3719 m C 0 otkill corv for Rayleigh Scattczing c-;' -b M., 7--,yt- ov PP LACht'. IPITM'31Mi rovrt 21hur Fkrrzi, I Tcorot Piz, Vo'- To 2 le"Y P'.; 514-524. &ma r lut of Vol VI (33)p Ho 2 MaY 5(11 ccxr Betueen tIW DistributicM Of The stributioa mi'd tile Di Statiorga7 Proceso Taon t4 2 pp" t5 e1q ar i~s p~-j by S. its 'a'm 1.2pret FiZ, ~mo I orj, 2hu-T vol V"XIDt o! NO 5" 702--703-, ~wr Ilwt Of PhY-qics oviet Physiosp Vo). 11.~ 110 7, Sal, Qrsic 5 Feb iA X 6SUC~i pr r.'arties of a Thinly Lamitiateu Medimi, SI.; 1., 01 XpW 14 pp. SIAM; qu ,r,, Akuot Mur.. Vol :11., No 1,0 Jan/Feb/ .19561 -830 Amer Inst of P4sics Soviot Physics Aeouatics Vol 1:10 No 1. - ROACO 57 "alz D-4vel Ma .tIn t e U&cgt of the TheorY of Eon- by S. H. ]Rytmt 18 pp. =SILO IMKJ, 14 LUMOLA lab Grow apt oil Wa Of Noise,, by -33 -mo per., RaUo tekhTdlmj, Vo)- xp -,To )ip No 3) PP 3-3-3. I ROXT119 D. Frie&km i~6 loit of %orma volsej, Part n., by s. m. PP- (AF 6765.5013) 17 1~ iQE~~6,p bim perp Hadiateklmlim,, vol x,, ~O Mar IS*5,, PP 3-13. AM F.PM-8592ft i Electronics *.b~i M/dm It 'r 31~ 'Iuc Lua t ......... . . DUL.1 cor" lu"Wory for Raylei& ocattering of S. U. pm Usper I Teorst Fig. Vol N6 9) 1957# pp, 671-W, i Imt of Phys 1603), NO 3 7 IA~ 011; 9'5 ~i,s Vol- "uo itic PtOW Imm of a Finely Stratif W pwp Zbw Moper L Meor rit,, Vol pp 6D)4466 of PbYsIcs (10 ion ry of ftenal PUtatuatiou in an ISO by S. M. Pytovj? U pp. ~pe~, zhur Mmper I TOM)t Fftv Vol XXXIII.. 110 1! 57ol. 16601780 Awr :Dwt of Ph" Gov F)*%.Jw Vol TE., No 1 sai - *8,00 my 58 ct Fafto Dlvtuftm*G.# ty Ya. L, toolorts mite Ttkb Pus veil nv, no iep 84i, faw6 fee 71 rAr LWM i 7~, ml a~ 04 a SoUm 99horl"I losmator b7 a Ut tval~ al is ~ its Outer, IV B. W. Wtms ow pie, bak k- am Vol. up 2 UO 681 ANC F-TS-7 - - lial V a pi lam =I oil 111"Im 'k 'Till :yu T pe 11 Nav 19649 p 4o LIU. 51 uzvmss~ i l 282C' u!S s i 65, 27 4 9 LI, by 116 lows 1, -k t I lift. J .-A tj voluwe~j ie, ArixtAoa of Cmn*nt Ouviers In n-Tysm N. oawnj, I. B. ktvmo V. S. vevilov., pp RMT^ Pei, Fit TY&ZAW Telap Vol n., iso 9., 1960, pp AV &W pwo - 8021d stou Vol 1TV Ito 9, sci j7V AW 7 7 -wor .t OW, AMA Moko Is A ft* so Rm K401 IWIES 0 k MEMCA AM: AC OW-THMF ERUM CH EMPRAI refs DIS IS order (rcm Anti. or X 35, 1 C e Ill th ~m 1;r" u". At - W~ OW-TEMPHRATURE METABOLISM ~TWY~ bit TUS LOW-SATURATED I JESP1161ALLY IN C&NECTION wum MRSIMETABOLASK. PAPER NO. ISTERM1CHANGES AT LOW 1~~ 1)~ P- R. Hope. 5q) 63. 6p NRCC C-0 Q pkisl ;rAnohlJ(j&pan) 1961, 1317. I~Bxract available) J'A10111 lam, -Ctwl"terol, Plorxi j olin b. tierton choletiterol at 1cs TT-63- 22919 1. R yu. K. H. Title: Medical... Ill. Title: Serum ... IV. I)SIS-T-76-j V . 14RCC C-45Q Vf. Directorm. 9&teptific InformationSer% ice- (Cawda) dinve'i"i gated, " 011 fill'~In~ 1. t Wail very blight. (7) At wieS--610~111hewnintry, -IT, v. 11. no. 2) 1 (over) "we 'TWb ~1)1 ~lbil' of ImIA*Orlng the qualit, o2 Bwo Pa&erp by N, V. mm~l r0 Iltunath Prm., Vol 3MM:X., ITO 3.2, M (50-14062 Sal 26' ~62 IX'71 72 4 by NWWWro Tuo ~L Rnmtno 4w #pow= *60p Up AN VAN." I I .1 11 Ebmamms ow 11 11 i 1n SM&MMUCtons by !I. *""+ -,I- !! I'll 411 xmxii, "P so= "I III d . . POtOkIfttrichaskie Tavionlya v ft]LqPl I *,VOftftakb Ili v n.p. 1963- Artistic Amateur ActivitLes, ~ kl, 12 Isp. Mlo j'.%P-Wj. 19(4, 2 75, I'M