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Angal a.,,,r. 13(--tLL -,,i.?qnma-Correlatjon During the Decay of La3..l;() 1-LIA CLi- by V. P. Rydakov, Plu3slil "blt;' Ugrlova C~r- )'---.~orrelyatsiaya pri Rx 41~ R Es -a cl'L- Lal- C L. k$ 19 "S pp - *AEC Sci I Aug Lisp t, cation of Rmia Auld cd., Diffemut OOLLB~ I ~ vk--h. UvoksWe b7 V, V. vwwbm*oj, 18 pp. 1 pownTmedenup lb ]LOj 1944,p py 491-499. Sol Tr Center NAM Ov, 9Y ER 11~1)r. IDB, ~G, '014T ZI S A 1111M M. vol 129, No 1) 19)6 Him-phorus anti lidphur in Iron and itek Met It ds 1* I teel.' I utcher 2., ~' ?1. 00 to to red Different A,ticlas of C, by~4UK-Jcbsm na Cie Woh ~vn Madbe# Jon Rydiberts 10 pp. 6 (A?!l 66) UZ;CLRWlP3ED ~ ~6rl ~t) ~,'L 1 3to Rpt IR-463-5.3,p AA* Stockbotni 1953017 i o-20 aim a-eh63 WdEur sve, 6~6 May 54 1e71, 5b1 63-203a5 I ydberg, WING Alit 1 0 lk TVIROUGH PERFORATED 1. liydbcr& J. P ED d m 11 INGS. S~p 15P I I refs 0 frc f rom SC A W 63-203a5 .. Is J1 ns. of Gcs n1mr (West Germany) 1963, U, r)6. I J 3-3& I) l SC P%I I" H M& 11IL111!j; OVcurtilation d uas, Afr,. I W'!' IL41tin& Boats, * c Pic$ 16CIU& I (if thc jecti of wann air or ai i I m aperaiurealio omil;; Injectlon of cold air (at I m-mal room ce ~o rection for thernud forces if ~ deals, with I ly Mill Moms; pelforations with ran- 16 01- olimed arrAll jibbou. M qineerLng- C~ 111. 1% 1% noo. 12) ~ , by MICIA IT c rb INO Stoockholla. Dept Of Ca=-Wism ~55 1 UWAMV by Tord 1"Was l9wo NMIA l6 a-z"s Ift c;Ak - F;vm - Ift 52 Ile. i,lalrii!A~- i tful' Lu'r I-*xuctor-,Tovud .rxuiie m v Dy P"Ydh blam 1 laai44 it No 135P5348 US Dept of Cn i mumt WAlfice Sol Llb (gift) I Sol, ring Dec. 58 1 kh ce B 'e A ZTominp by Heuryk 14einelp Irena :11nena eaka., 15 pp.. r Pc~ pe LWUSM Doswlaadczalm i mi,46upoc!" p Vol IVp No 4p'Warsaw.0 1952.9 pp W-Y-~041j* CLA,/FDD/U-73L>6 Po~nd Sci M~P-ln c 61-10759 M, en ~.~11961) (8 figs. omitted) 1. Rydhoini. S. A. L.IU ider 61-10759 )ier (iV f4i CA-rmativ) 1960. v. 14, 1110. of c~3-43 lot, P.~ sk-" U'l. M ~o6d Proce's"". 111ucrv:y-o ~ 17 --,7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . low sainw, no %6,p MAW er .4Z Miodc~h Luminaires for Street. by.~szliaz Rydlew~oz, 8 IP. Forl Rp per, PrZf--Glad :Elektrotcchn~cziiy, XXXV111, FO 7, 1962, pp 31~ aagic 'Included In subsection 'D--cbaihr. swi~tlnar Vol I., No ho 19052, jm-*~ 162`3 ]KC01 f7 c~ I No-, 62 Supt: Stara),v by Vo ~p4j 9 pp RUMIA EnwAye Bila, lqo 8, 1958r PP 17: 18. ATID ~FJTS-9793AU Bel ki broil Aug 59, (DC-1001) la=149 Evaluat-Ing Scientific Research., by V. ~ RY6U !I! ~P- UMLAWIPIM MMIAi I Iiite vk per, Prom-2kcia Oatets, Ito 83, (227) it 12 Jul 1957P p 3. as JM/VC-L-231 set 6 DOWra Ica (W 1 1 InStIttte With Production atekvr qes~ it A. ktrjoh. M OITICM USE CM is %bjireawtvlj, Vol X., Do '(1 1960) Mij 102.1 JPW NY-5939 H C I~wl (N~Wds pr 61 U\ (Nr-6093/a) our ftrm4p P W Vieslaw ftftiarp 15 pp PO rIvat Drosis NO 1.P IS61) py JPW 9030 E BW Poloj~d Bow i~" :61 "Af -5DI't for Industrial Expausion., by # a pp. I I i-~ -I II 1~1 ~I ~rp PraoijUd Tachnienny., Vol LUXII ~1960) pp 2*40 i JM 71A5 ~ -'/ ,) 2, m (SF-1856) Prdbl+ ~ of cotut 00 W~lc'h r4* 11 1: Vies3sw Pam !ow, Scon Peb 6* !the Dwelopmt of (Xw Omwwce With are Swcalm lm&wtrla34zed,, by ! 11 , 22 pp. lbw DMO# ft ut x*0 vp BM-M5. Owl of Relative Coefficie!%t of LiG',.~u Reelect Frot Fabrics ii, VISible ai~d JLfrarcd mlllr~~ Prace In'st.".tutu V Vol. a 3 1' ~11'959P i)p. 17-36. -xFL 430 -. W. qw!p v WTV, vw.~Vw W4 Ws,r: L D. ica~i ~ ')n of the -~bsorptioti 3rectra Deu C. t i 0 Drile 31 hermi. al Darn"ages of ClelliLlose PO - 6,11 )er, Prace Inst,-tutu Wl?,ie!,,.--,c'uw-,, Vol. 1;C . 3`~.') 1060. 45-64. *PL 141SO C!1-L-' 0"0-21,,,67 ------------ Ul Wadi Accursto Firlic" oi pat t aj L. 0 To. 73'. L iol 1111 r 4 *1 i 7 R. WW, 50c' rt~ c, Odl' 2 in o A . . , . ";"-I No A MorO L~pa In Rvaluatlag tho Resolutiva of Twal' Ica! vNimrs TO**., by Th. A. R Antly 11 1 VP. lwl~ Zbw Tvkb fir.# A Fkvk SSSRp Vol XKr^.0 Amer Imt of Hqs Tft Vol NO, No 2 Sol 9 7. The lik is of Electron Commutation in Ener oragIe Stw.L i sion Tubeer by Ya. A. Ryftin, I Zhu TOU iris, vol Wn, No a. pp Awr Impt of Phys &w PIWo-Tteh Phys voi n. so 8 V6 4L Ous W6thods of Injecting Solid Materials, L A d161 i GaGeD Zato the Maot Furnace, by 1 4. V Remond.. ~S~G"R pr, ftvw Web Lwmmbourgeoiee, P I ~Rj 19", rp 30-42. Broken Hill Prop Co Ltd (CRL/T.90) sc I, h Atir ~62 AILI t StratigM94Y MA Distribution of Oxfoaiva Doosite in the Territory vi of -&b 6~ 'a' i= basLuj by Is I. Grachevs 0. 9. DmIft va Fib '4 pp. p Wk Ak NwA OM, Vol M=p So 2, 57.P coamatfulte bmglu 7e6 weutr~,~. pri5i'le With Adse ftesion Chamber and Tr%- Ferri i~ 6f ormer by Pavel Km,amc and jtulos PO P cui~k er, Juderna Bnergie, Vol. Vill, 1.962j !4 4 7-- .28, AEC-Tr-',i923 Oct ANN~~Al~ R ~TS~11960-119611 BY H. V. RYGNER, 'p DANI~$ PER,' STADS-OG HAVNEINGEMOREN, VOL Lill., No.~~6~;~Op (CALL NO. TA s77, ENG TRANS) 9 AMS E R-~, HE ETHERLANDS / EUI ECON OCT~ ~2 212 ,105 'nEian of the Positio*~i of Double ~c cXt11,c b on Wadi; by Ms e S Ve c trom try 'I. Bandz in tha i4athyl taIL,.-ni 0 Maic r-nd Slaidic A,-,id,-) b r P.-Byhagp., S. StallberG- t s iiwpil,~ 14 pp. V1,16C~Ji, Y(Iri, Arkiv for Kemi, Ifol xvj ).,;,.,Ilg) pp 433-436, tam 1 -14 -~,2 suod 1 eandv by S. am] 01 01~ 4'ig i4ii3s (P-wrota ;stvc)w:L i;ail.. 3 i~ Ragfors, smitt -coat! nu OUB M1110), V= pail 4arakostorsts A=, Vol CO=IX, I /Yls~, '00, 44'j-6%v 692-60. Von ana st"a IrA Ino nuaber given) by Pe Kovmic wid J. P, 9 a , j Val X=g No 4t Oo- Atom sa rgi,,n 59 DeveUt I Habits in Pilotev by Yu. B. Rykae pp IY, lite V r i58T r Vest Vo2 Plot, No 6, 1957 1 &5848 "IC .10taLlar,., 'I 1"N"DZ I w~4 rlmg In slavlAj, tW N. N. A. N. Obubkuvp pp Per, Oftrmh Problo ND 3s, 1960P 176' A. N. MftgbkOvii 6 PP- perp Sysioch Pmi:z,, No 3# 1960.- 6'-:~ -V76~ ~I l~ ~ f i i On C idlt arw for plitting Vie o L14 r lic lq~at.6oma into Ortbugonal GO e by N. N HAaliNs, 5 Pv. RUS S rO Dok Ak ftuk BMI, Yol MM, X6 V49 I * pp 519-- Amer Inot of Ph" Sov Phyiv - Dokladj Vol V. No 2 sci D~ ur.14 U1 Curren A. If RUSSIA Sci Alug 60 j IpCtr Intermittent ifeut~ng u,-' i(odc by Th(. Flush-Butt Weldiag, bi N. N._~~ylln, pps ~varoch Proiz, no 14, 1959, pp It -6. Britich Welding Rea Assoc Die r~ I"en des Schweiesvorganges: die 6 , w...M(-.br'6ltungsvorga.nge bei der Lichtbogen- sciiwe~ls';'~Uw'o 1952.. by E. N. R )mlin. r Trans a edd om the Russian original. 1947. DsiR 6P-1-7511 Lending Lit, Unit G. 12252 i * T d W D em 3 atu iotribution in the * e1dInt3 Flam andi AB bi -iect on Cracking in Thin Chromanuil, by 11n,, H. n. Shormhorov. RU II l 6 r, Avto De o., Vol XXI p No 2, 1952. 1 B.S.A. Reo Group OT/1322 SCI 9 n g ne e r i ng fmmiwm q&E ~M W wu The II16,atlAg and Cooliag Of Ru4w Du" Welded p;r':J'6tioa proceso.. by li,~ ~Iln A t'. vas 1 ycv-a,, pp. A ~aj, -I~aj7, Fwaroch Pro*z;, Ho t4l.459., YT 0! SH (DC-54,88) us e Developwat of the Production of 0-1 no, Is,, Woodvarking Nwhimea, Preeaes aad U19M ra; at., Four4ry Sjulpmatp Tools, and L" r1alm In Bastera Slbft*Up by L Z. 11 lop. 'IAMB b3tq Ranvitiya Pralvroditellnykh oil ha Sibirl. tkshinostiroyoulye., 1959, im Wo6 Evalual, ~~l 0 6e Accuracy of Pol:,,Coi,.o::-o"-ric Traverses Adj 6si "1 1; 1 e~ll lified Method Ye. I. sil-ap PI USS i)er,, 6,eocle,.. i ICai-toL;, '110 7, ll-~ 1, R IN AGU scl JLUI 62, k 64c - - - - - ------------------ or CCU :0, V, 0 rp ALA% So 329#530 bis-t Proolvitator far CD11lo-etti-3 V. it iol olk Pabot smusu n, .1960,, NLL M 3931 of Chlavi Main., b 7;, 3,0 flo Y The'$ i aW ftcjii~rtlem of s thine - A Hsv~ tub~iaular Owipound, by L. H. Rulberg, S.i 0. Ijkli P. A. Yuftt R. P. voltmnt 4 pp. Fmu Zhur Obahah Khinj Vol )MVI, No 1, OU 9DO0404 0* H"i so 21 Sol! hmd Ary /Y A s .16i DIIII(V) ~ierluction fj-! lfy,- Lj-k')J~.071 E51 Zaitsev., V. fl. Koryal .50bolev~ G, 11. ywt-wicv, I'a NP-7514. ~W, t r 337 7 L! L, DO&CUM of An (VI) wA AM(V),. by v6 is Koeyab", A. 0. raimp 8 VW.* At= Uw*o VOI Mv ND 1t 1959j, CB too"If, lc~.i~j 0 n of Amarl lyt. cium(VI) mid A, 'At tci&-ri, V. N, Kosyakov, A. G. Fl~ykcov~ Yu. P. Ls"- Is, M, t AW Tr-3935 I r 60 ,L~lll T& AL MMoodhn A. V* 4t !Fps 0 -d !rsjon of V:Lidble HDrthqLs-aIm Tracce into Sykjov; yu. A.. Kolesailwv: by rIa Geofic) VO 9) pal 1z AIL No* MR) AW ligAld 3 FIZ Ablup Vol XXXV.P no 9., 19600 ~c ur Mower-bw Prew IL 0 071 JC' I f d IN -7 5 I'l An A p) I : p,, I oord 1 by A.1 11 RUSBil 1901 sol Fobi al ation of the Map tic lktodulator and i I lifte r in a De4oe for the Re- p k1l ftergy nu of Ssimdo Waves, R~ 'To 9 pp, Ak Nauk SSSR, Ber Geofts, No 6, 74-0750. A 913i , r9 ~ 77 1, , 7u ).131 trIc Dwdca for Recording the 1: 6~ Seladc'Way"Oly-A. V. Bykay., Is Ak Sauk OBEQtj jib lp I"gp Amer Osapbplas ftion Apr moat "a a smog for Acmevuw IL T. 5 *w, man m&4 6oe, jb rr, Li ki l ivo."Itf o~20n, bv Io FtYk(,Y- (loan) I ! 1.1 I i i i i -1 iI i I Rywvj 1) 1 ~W , Go~l I I ~ I I In U9 I i I a&.# I I i am AraW Form I i ~ i I i i i I i ~ I wMp 1. 1 . Cal momilme of Pooduftim prom"S covatiors'p, loy A. A. Stomoleakly, ;k""Wooll, bkv~ $keg lkwourowndo RV= 40 is i 66 ~ic ~~14estigation of Tracheal Tumours, Tomogm~ by N OY 5 pp. XVII-I L RUSM YORVOSY OnIw)A)8v Vol VII,, No 3,, 1961. par SCI wr 6i' T-7j 211 ~DD reatiy.,eil of 11 lients Suffering i'mm Tvphus wit'l. Iiomycil ~by Rykova, 0. G. Gatun, 0. I1. Eul-.idnu al) - 3-~J~ 'k, -tsi ' ) juriji 1), Moscow, 1,I)p 66 CIA/FDD Tr h17 IL ! Lam i -111111 It W ! . 1 1. -U-69 =1 1 1 1; ! :, i ~i I . I I . I HI !! j, 1: i i i ]I ii i I & I bwom*w *48*W AD VO& OT P-Wave Dif f", acted at the Eax th a. Core und e ~~a I,, unovp 7 Rigid! fifor Core, by L. N. It V Rusm~'N po' Iz Ak Nauk SMR, 3er Geoflz, NO Yol~~A 59i I'P'P 956-964. 1; Amer Geophys Union sel Aug HOUI of a SGIMLO Va"iPide With Soft: "W~LA*61 by L. L Aykamwo V. V. Kbarombeis.. V. ;s"6T* TARP Ak Nm* SSMO Swr Ocaito No Up Ift-W3- ABU sel 6i jc muitter cif sin&le-Stroke A; Pi4 It- SLXJSIUJC for Modelling ultrl ~:l ic P ses 6n ~ 1 1 6 pp. I L Ii, unov V. D. IPL-of ilaktOV) by Ser Geofiz, No 2y iz Ak Nauk I1964 iyp 4. AGIU 63, s ep 1 0'' Tbc C~1.0;:Irtlltltzl- tho Free zcUlationo of Mazo -.1ichz4r~11 66cd -i'i t-bfteUing Seismic rhentowna, by V. ~i. L. N. Wlamv.* 3 pp. Ak Nauk SSSR., Ser Geofiz, No 5., Amer Geophys Uuiou I Sto: Or Of the Azi=tbii of ,i 21c--ir-c of i cr6 61 SW k 1...% 4. - , Cmmed by Cond ona L, It. Pykimo ton b~ M~WV~, per, It Ak Hauk !MR, Bar Geoflzp 16 81 19581, PP 1026-io28. 1"A Are: n d 'WorkshOPS, Injur ious to flealth?., by i.:w G 0 Byl"dsrj, B. ftm~ndel$ 17 pp. 7604 OaV. 951, :2340-2348. wrH 6-2o sci Wd AA 58 d7i S~?k Boill I ~Jktt6 ~I~by lVlenkov. 1 ~terary Gazette, 30 Jun 1962. IP., FBIS 'lim USSR Pol 16 jul The ~ 1, ~: mis 1955 Sol - 4ion of Acctic I'D th-- at.11 I PrOC'etiaela of Becl. Ye-matit; by M. 41 Pp" pi4i! PAJ.ktobiulogiya, Vol YO Amer Ingi; of Biol Sci ioRmaTICH w ollposm ww Ii Al smi-TAL, w amosm M94 w"Mms, vm, MVI I Is ND 716*71ti NIL: DEC 218*127 t~~ Control of laboratAwy Heat- Weatin cesp by As P. IX IIAInUwv. I,,Irk RMURS, r,, Zawd lab, Vol VMq No 8,9 19%s, pp: Bmteher 'Dr 42o6 $2.00 Bel immeac ionice S4 Al, Sam 3 Jul lk Polyvl[4 I BID Do N& sortp ot QlF er mur uwftnW xb:tu, vol n. CB lee Concerning the Time Dependence of t he tv 'iti Glasseat by 1. 11, Razinskaya, ov," 61 pp, RUSSI ~~Pe z Twordogo Tela., Vol 11, No 5, Alp %v Pbyv"olid State saj 96,ii!~l 5/7 Jan 6.1 tr. by A., I Onler f~x Trans'. m 13~* L 63-11 t63 III. NO. 3: PRtMIWATCR 1. 'ntle: CyclopDdla ye: CyclopDids Prmylh Ved) I .Ryloy. V. hl. jol 963. 314p. 292 tea. P L- 480 Snd. 11. 71tie: Freshwater 25 63-11163 111 .'ntle: Cyclopolch I IV. PL-480 Sml (63-11163) Wor- Imovoymoorlyal 1948, Y. 35 V. National Sclesce Foundatioa, Washisgum. D. Q hotsm, Riven. osholmok kioloa. AqvMk oulmals. -24 7 1 64 s M..Uolm, Tro v. 10, m 1) L-4-- WO d Is*" bo*m ~r 0 idap by V. If _141oy,. 314 pp. vwm or u.s.s.R. MMI bk VOI III.- Ho 3p 1948P OTS 63-1116.11 soil wd sai 21-131 9 Do. A F'lC r"1"' 7~Rub Ruble KCI C f,^" 4. RUSSI pp tlion I Irilthod for Studying tlY3 Effect of Prl~ e Pnt as an Impurity on the Density o" kal~j~~and the Determinat',lon of the Rubidium ~f Pbizaal= Saltaj, by V. S. pp. re 17.1wr Anal Khim., Vol XVI, No 1, 1061) Sci CB moval~~ OIJ ~tjcs Frm Piftassim CILloride by e J6nic'Llifb'blilty 1,16thod, by B. P. Konatantincrv, V. 5. 5 SSIAN~ ri zl~lm. prik xhim, voi xxxii, No 195-,:4, 1368-13' CB A 6b Rylov.~ ~U- !A 7T-64-12533-1 (p, 114-121) COD~ 61NATI S AND IME GENER AL RE- 1. Rylov. Yu. A. ATIVITY PqaCIPLF. F&116% Sp 10refs 11. International Physical rder from Inte nations Physical Index. Inc., Index. Inc.. New York 1909 Park A Ne~ ork 33. N. Y. $100.00/year ig Russl n sic& Q~ v. 1. no. I (p. f U V k S 3 P L ran*. o o cl . stronomlys, U R) I of 3 nI . lilka. erlys 1 1 Iv. 181 no. 3. p. 55-63. (Abstract ova to ESCRIMf & Ftelails i Transforrnst ' (Mathe i on 0 ntum'meih nice. ty theory, $Gravity, Equations, nstlcs~ Ttasor analysis, t to demon sit& that th e postal relativity principle an be formulat in a ( " onaloma to that uWd in Ow "lei r, lo I'YItY &I miple (1.e., as the Invarionce tht'heiric''te ior ofI -O t t a ~ planar space I WMCh Is ' th w al al of TONDOW m# nvn o "c (Physics--, Mal, r X n re ve to 4 cert e p0 1. 11. W. 11) (Mr) r on Rw~= NO 61111 Sol ftb (1~2 tles in the echvwsewad Saution Of the iqu"10", by Ya. A~o Rylov, 6 NO mw wpor I Tft"t Fist Vol. )MIJ Pbysloal BAB ptmdes Rqvws Vbl Vq No 2 hA cwt(. AnhArido on tho 11hitterc.3i; of by V. V. %rargin, R. 3:. Ryicn. pp. vircw ftft 'Vol XXIX* NO 21 CIA 564937 0 f 'Real DO 16 Conmatmto B=Oau ITIf 131412ff "Vag Ecolicad qOwl ition of the Tvo Systema and the Probl: ~, ~f d, to Ubdardeveloped Countrlea, by 7~rob ~ V. syniiav., pp. RMSM my& Euv*WlrcL I Me"lnsrodWe Otbosh !mk) go UtftvU Arts & ftl P"as ftoUma *C ftoacmdes va nx vm S44 ~Ds ut or a M51" Metbodl A for Btudying ~na of rolysis and OxWmitive Dogra4ation of ~I c JAOD ~ In A]**', HWIIas by Ze A, Rogovin, I I~Iis All, r;, Zhur Prik WmO Val XXVI, No 2. 1 0 ret ,953. ~q 191-197. cougultQats Awasu Chmistry scim tirl