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O l nd -d Rh A i a y p exaip mi- on a an ws lm . vi til *&.,~J gon SulfideACh,. 11. Minachav 14 li pp" 1339.1 * 2 PI. V Otdol Kh-:-. ilauk, v Iz Ak Hauk SSSR 1 9 :1 It I 96 . Sl pp 103-106. GB Apr Qd , l G c l th f S t, eval o or avolinado efondna o .k ysts 6 hv I ca - 'I. Re;ormiw of tho ~ e Petrolam Qhw is Matlina- 911~I Ims'U. XImcj4av.. fl. 1. Shuykin) No, A -I 6 111W i ITO p6 k, Ak Hauk M, Rm Otdol XM3 17"*p no, -I 2M Cmmltaats Bareau .9. cl Chem atalysts for the R(I-fe-mr-Ing of 0. d- I I i Gasoll,1121a. camminication 6. Rnorming c~ th.-;- .c I i 89.5-i2V Iii CLIctiou off Vcklg&-Ural.a Petrolcauar. Over "ila;dl.'%'ed Aluninm Silicaie, by hL. H. vsiiaAe~~, FWashentseva, N, 1. Shuikim., 4 pi , 1- "11-111, ..,- RtWli~ 1z A Nmik SSM, (Ytd-el Khim Nwak, 110.1 ,95% .1813-1817. py CB Sel jut 6x d 1PO'Will Id, M. 1 I ssiall 0~ t i9516~ MOM ~c 57 I~Itymldebyde by a Cotabinstioq b rDpruktion-of n-BW,,yl Alcohol L cin of Crotyi Alcaboly by R. t"i. 4 pp. 1 10 Zhur Prik Khim, Vol LM, No 10, 1580-15811. Consultaetiv Burenu A~~L 4~ I 1~ 8c k Stable Palladium Catalyst for the iation of Oft-Membered Cyclanes, Ulkino Kh. M. Kimacbev.. M. A. Ms_6 PPO 'ce- ~-* so per, Dok Ak flauk 583R, Vol CII pp 107-1090 .2 Scl Trann 90; Center RT-3271 C !R=ot DIftantinuous solutlow of 009--DIMWICM1 ORA Vynoftl arA K*m'b*lulWv# 2. T. a Mktmt I Mokkv Vol MMv lb 20 7Y1 wo, to torthe PAWDXUfi Of I 9 -6 c um 3e 2"Wftmuc" of the frm 00owd Baku 4 MWIkImp So A* V~AlWvtmms b Ak am* ems 01401 M" nu*p ion 'ir A a for the Yeterimiry4bgWole bwpmtion 11 mA the Taterlmry-lygionic w6t wo umt ProaumA, by JD v. ivawv, 11. 0 - bldkbim,, 59 pp. btlint" fw die WiarLmr- 6~lwu vm Sablwbttiqwen =0 ate ]MurteUung opon Fleimeh un8 JPMB 7248 of Chmle4L Fibre fw t 01 B A 0 o Nit lywava o IV SLOG w H.100 '00 DIvoclution of ft"adlum in Acid# by A. L VdL'feon., A. 1. Ryazanwo 3 pp. zhur Prik Kum, wry, wo 1, 1963., cc ere a xzrl~ 16. IP, rob an W of Synthesizing Block Diagraw foi:S !f-Ad'~stins Control Systems for ~ 1 11 1 11 Turbo Ot nos A Afterbuntersm by V. A. I "irg' Yu. A. -"snov,, 22 pp. ~~I ~ MWIJ i bk, Awmaticbeskaye Mpliravanly-e AvI mly, Sboraft Statey, Gborwgis, 'No 19610 pp 33-50e IU1644 PM-TT-62-,1655 Scl,~Mx 0 :6t Dn tM'P lei cif Constructing Varlable and Constant 03 22 pp. ~~Wrs , by N. Ryav!.ov T t''r, Voot Statlelki, No lo Moscow, 1955, ?P 314311 JM/J)C-L.VO US SSR on 58 A~r ~6) BciaringG for Vertical Rollirig-iAll 1,, Mnlykh~ A. A. Rywarov, --p. Stal, 110 10, 1999, pp 92:5-,20 Brilish Iron ana 9,2 lnv~~At L sticam of fts-',C Ferric SmOLts, by B. A. Rya2kn 11 RUSS Obab*h 102ta.. Vol XMP No 9f Mr, 21= sepAq! 14t7-1485. CIA C 42159- Comultwu Bwrmu sai r 7A P. V. N lit Prik Rdtamt i K3hh) V o'-'. A 97. 5qA g Be i ?Tb 0 The ill o-.e the Rqtuitiun ()f )4agnetohydrodynaml-_.~ . i ~_Otiun 4 Axisymmetrical tha One -Dime r"s W11a ti t.4_ Gj,jjvjtatjcj,!_t%j Field.. by E. V- uv RUM ANp ) ~r, Prik Hat i Mekhll VOI XXIII, NO Is v pp rp Bl"t4ftmaet by P. F. Vot"bkop Ve Le PblapbMup Do Be P4`1 0. So fablacw1chlo 5 rp s No 9,p M9# Pp 7TO-TT5. A"Llaw Dr 5 UUW7 pif ion in the Productian of Glass sL)cci- molts VaiW)10 Composition,, by V. 1. Shelylibskiy, A -1 POF Ouk Ali Nauk Physcks 5ections. voi a P No .18, Miy 1964j, pp 302-30S. ~Axi:,av Inst of I-Itys clady Sov Phys vol US 140 5 Sci I Jam 651 27008116 :LO Fpym .11 11 Integral for the Dirac Equa-*L-,.'Lou~ 6 3 V. k razll Ov, ppi I SSIANp 6rp;f"i liur Raper I Toorat Piz, Vol in~ I fic 16 Cu 1957, pp 1437-1444. Amimr Inst of Phy-o Soy Phlra-Mp voi 6(13)., Fo 6 Ph J. c G A ug 58 -7771, 10fii4tation basses in an Inhomo.-oneous Ecelium, by Ii -~L- Wall r~lov., 1.10 1* r-tazanc7 5 yp~v t Russ p"i 2hur &spe i 1"'iz., '701 XLVJ .-,o r i Teore 19,53., 3d. -'>32, Amer Inst of Phyr; Sov Ph,.,,-s JBIT Vol rMI) 1,10 1 Imestilpting the ftetile and Pain q of the skin, by P. G. Hyaznnov.0 4 pp. a PWS, NMI MW Siol L Ned 1p no qfu~oovj' Sep Ilps P"P77, 78- CrA/,VDD/U-7851 j5a.. Too a. ~~ 62-116M xyazjnoy A., umm bp O;WA I X CONCENTRATIONS OF 1. Ryszazov. V. A. WOSPHE 1 3 DOOK 3. tr. by 11 Public Health Service, S. Mar 6 ' 1b* hilp. 112 refs. 2 Washington. D. C. rder,fr6tn $2.1$ -1160S 6 rans'~ of [Pr~t01IIn Dqvvdmye Konsentratoll tMoseer .ny isgrs )Moacow, 1961, M. 3 Includies tri6s cc it6al sanitarlya (USSR) 1937 v. 221 n6. 4! 64- 111" Y. 24, no. S. p. 70; 960. 4. 25,1 n, 7. l 1 2 207851 lc I ESCRIPTO~1' ,~.Atiit - ~ 1; a, OCostamination. Air, juri, ~(- I put olsi" o1. Measurement, ot=tersr)~A+r.' . lri~ 't- lants. Waste plea, l h '' 0 t ages, Publl~ Man, Animals. OV, ~ I ead, 1xid 41 i~wn4l ~SaMdes. Mercury, Ossolins. IL npors 1~12. A D1, A es"~ c mj;;~r~s a, Chlaroprenes, Sulfur Sulfuric acid Acids. a . nglne-er (E 11411 f Ing , , Tr, i. 7, no. 9) (over) OKI* *I vot6tzl tw~itqs . Ism A,BC 91 ~11 1~1 om 11 oct 'I FW by A. 1* Maf ir at the Book "Limiting .4e 00woutratims of Atowepberic by V. A. IV&muar 6 pp. "ro 019 1 S4np 110 Is Macaw! Jan 1956~ CM/M U-84M 3 6 10 5 9 3*4t-91d'" ilnej sanitation aW kvgiene UAW to P3 Laltal"40 sin I ~ 135 PP- Vo A- nwamm ed. walao, vapustlam I LY "wmWyq Mmomp 1952. a" *-Zan mv. S-!7 Mm! -Iktim ble on tot Atmospboric 2p V. A, IWW=Y,, edp 163 PP Uxmvo 1955. MA 99-9U74 Sim am, Id" Y"? Ffte maiblA LUdto of At=wpbvrM PoUutlou,, Ae FMOJ 7P~0'4 p NWWSP 10 3v 2,07# 6-15. =a &W (14m) IL" Avg 91f P Fiel ~jf. 's tary Air Protection, V. Ryra :ni LIL- Mikr -o- cif. :07 1 Infektsiorint-ov, Vol 1, .3. 07P-182 USDA SU ~.d Get :0 01-11148 TMOS ,PHEPK~PVAJ . s. L, n 6t order froIm il 145k S 2. ,7 rans. 'c4 ln,.~(Prt~'~; M: ~At MYO -Vately K. 4. iontents: imitis of all~ilw4le I calitte vri~tk It n' it il )nce trad *~~dli M ~.! CONCENTRATIONS OF ANTS, S(WW 4. tr. by ip. '18 refs. t,1 -11148 no rx)puvt-1myye Konoen- ~rayazneniyj Moscow, 1960, ~oncentradon in the air of M. 1. Cusev letermInation of allowable the atmosphere o( Inhabile i1nation of limits of allowable I wethane In atmospheric air. he dmermination of the Urnit )ncentralon in atmospheric ITT. v. 5. no. 5) (over) 1. Air--Inipurities 2. Particles (Airborne)-- 3. Waste gases 1. Ryozanav, V. A.. e-J 11. Public Health Service. kkashington, P. C, by V. as Xx ltpobvwvo 216 CUAW U4M3 tLil'IL'i AZ6 Dv~OL - DJ-rivative-n o 4 f 1,6-11aphtholylenc- an%':nk&m-Ae,, by B, M. R. .4. IV. A%dochinap K. P, PP- a t M>. P, Zbur obshch Milms, Vol 1951) 45-211,89 ca 861 '0~1)e O~i 59 a ~icv rpactm. 0.. AII lilc RaUk &1381t, 8or Fis, rd. 1i .1-959,. rp Columlda NIP Lo A. I.*-o ~Or~ldtul. "'etif zo I VeTt..- Ryazanova two %%I= of vt~ nil IAIVII~108 *It tto Tomperell, "s-st M by L. A. Plysmanovat 10 !I tayot* t Xv 14 12o !~O ~Iiarjl SCIOMOS Si Astr"W Of the 4"u-1i Gl~-al-dr~ Tmik - i',avds Maj G,n 22 pD. , J J ' PlU] i . 11 ME OIUIY US. J I i , I, :) Voyenilyy D 65-11 j' J L jA on U.S. Rallrmd Siemlin en4 by B, S. 61 PP- ii/igo 31-43. AFYV A~td In AutMtla wid ReUmehaniml in fftmpmfttlimp by a ~-, 1, do, 96 ppe (32 IL280039) MUS Avbml&tlM I TulamaMniki IW 001, *too 2ftme. 0-g$ 01MA Q-44a UM BOOD CU/M Propert L i v s h il t, V'. RUSSIM per pp Ethylene-propylent Copol~miers, by I. A. Reikht K. P. Waza"ntsevs, 4 Pp. Kavchuk i Resinap Vol XIX,, No J'U,, 1960P 5 - e-6 b,. rb,."~ XAfi# toriAtica ot the W 1c; 3)a&wtxyo m. tosmtsev,, 2 pp. Nbsca,(.. 19%,p pp 25-27. AM Lib Tr 58 os- OnLulizv" :3 L-,.r r\yqZGzkt (FDD (DO-1351) Tadth SSHOI by 1. K. Daraikulov, 6. N. Pjazantaev, 167 pi, bkpl ~WsshiMksya SSR, Moscowl 1956P pp 1- US jpM/Dr.-L-425 AMS Lib Tr Call. 140 IIC337y T2A33 USSR Geog scoh,cale iw~itlc* in that DistriWtion o.C yAda~lp s~apee of Imm, Tlext Sban, by b. K. Gid!3 Do Wrtain Problem of the roonoinic Diby or Westem PAUsftkul7a, IIW S. V. b* As Torolatooral, 24 pp. Ostograftcheakiye Ingledovani-,a v T rAib by keadwy of Scienceo 534ko 187-205. USSR 1. Satpayev (on Ific 50th DirtMa), by A6aa IA.l pp bil 0 pert Iz Ah Hauk SM Ber Geog i Ge&iz., v X. -loscow.. Sep ell Act r,%, PP 379-3W- sct(.$n I P., ic Gecpbyalco, scientiLat %CS& 1140 No lovo ;.pat by A. A. Grigor 5 prr El: Ak ftuk BMp ftrija 0' im i GeofisicheskalLas Vol Vulp it'~IR9-380- L. iic Geoph"ics sci Tr Center RT-32ft 7, Geo NOV 1115b N4 RjmumtaeN,o 10 pp. *&Twh., ELmiziyaj Chv 3j. 1951. =Y'SIR 3090 ;2 P.;Z OU To by~ S. Pr,*16 15 at Problem Corweraing Introduction too lhto the FAdIrtad TmffIc Systim, r~ml* to xftntowo 8 PPO Lj~tamsly% Ak Usuk SMIR po NaumcwheZuw, icowtimtell ftols"astvap -04-75 PP FDD/X-31M Ar-oust ~!Co~ Uctivity of it Rigid Burning Surface, ~ I i ; It j. ** 'iov,, Yu. S. by S I)IN04 _!tazsntsLav, 10 pp. RUSSIA 11 !Pori ilZbur Prik Hekh L Tokh Piz, No 6,, 1961# 9668568 PTD-TT-62-1690 IJAY 6s~ 00 tail ~:,On of Wal Waves in A cloutimlux i I I I%m of Radiant Euroy Tr=;14,ir. SUN,,, part Prft Natumt I Mekbp Vol XXIIII 4"1 787.p7fta 160 ;2 cataxyt P61porties of Pilenium Sulfide li mrti~-a 1~ Catalysts In the heactiou livxml~ u0by4rosenation Under ~J. mineshev, .1-i. A. Afanexava.. jra %.Iauu "SSk. (Adelemie ;k 1'k hi 1. k ave a t 0 9 9 ti C 16713 11rc 6!~- Si M~ ly o 0~ 186,b44 by hw Truss. iLd.. I Dmrj *"no do 7% No such I Sarsirv. P. CL. Bad A. THE. BULBS mus ix momm, tr. 13 Apr S7, 23p. (Pigs. amim4. w 63-23S" lartl trcmamod6ondftedomm.&p., 1 1% 1-1 ~ if Irco SLA as A-ODPK M. 48~106, virwm, opcisla". uos. lWommehy. Free -dryft AsOodsm- Od ce hom" mossles Sim life to 4-1, -fewas Im make". " a rwuu cc wwq twooc" M p w MWWW vim at rives It of Its -c pnpwum Drying at -m0 A I v W. of M 62-21M 1. n. seco", ip. cL M Shialtlyandkove, &L A. TV: th"Mal beaux" cc ""3r4 a 0 Md. MA a AND" formal rnoii 61 lit per YOP-my 15 6q I of a Metbod ct Aotive Aimt *28102 In 110nimps by No 34-!~~Vmp as V, VirusaogiJL., Vol IV, No 5.s pp at ar riumthl Pei 0 2, V, BXLMMO 8 VP- bk thomtSal and Pnmftml Prcib Of 106 W t5 on mm zd WGIAW in M . 179-Ift. OrA 9004 .37 sei 09 meek :9r W. lems MY 0 Ou b1molas AwoA& MoWteys 1 9TA4, PPP - WSIA idb'' o I wo Zhw Mikrobio1j, RpI F~ ft A 19)6 me lu erAmp pr p CIA/FM U.!?Dg C, dic, epidemiology JAI, t 56,1 i ,, dmiol by N. E. p 889 Stid~~ of tile Immological affinity of Measles j i ~ and a mr ViruBes-l,. Infedtion of PUPTO i Wi. 1 canl~e diatemper Ifirus f93-lowing immLl d Hawass infection,, by No Ye. its&irij N,, Do Iterem*# at alp 7 pp,, MR Vopr Virusol,, Val Vs No 5s, 1960v pp pp -Aug is. e, St:;,te of McLterwid 'Uzuuity ~u "aslea iounity of tho Child. I laboratory Ablmalr,, by~ I Mo 'a Lt Aip i' I V. ~ Smimova) 'pr prosy Virusologii., iol V, N:) 1, 591t P r. 6# Forgamn Press y i cattl) SMyo B A. Stepruiciv, Rynzi It V. Serebryakova, pp iilj*b,l It I ur AM KUM, Via! XC( 11, rAo 0. Availnblf~ Dr Sci Eff c ot~ podium Sulfide Upon Decorqmition i Solutions,, by P - P. Volf p 0. P. t Rya too a. I. Kusmetoov.0 4 ppe R per Zhw Prik Xhi Vol Mmlip 0 no Nor IM-ii 319-3 . CrA D 270075 Consultants Bureau $Cie cbmistry w w low (716 3560804 . .......... (NY-5596/b) The H~td Hype 6 ct 1d si6u f Reparin on Experimental Renal in Rats, tor Pr& V. V. Fqozhenov, RMUM no 5; 162 Pal 1pt--!'( iamakologiya i T01:61kol, v0)- nam ~t 1960; pp 41T-421, im 7592 Bei M d Apr 6:1 (BY-5197) 104 ~- avid Antihistamine Substances in Ungi bhe 11 P&W 44 of Shocks by 0. A._~yazhkius 6 pp. ZS O.'er,,; I,Vest ~XUrun Imat 1. 1. Grekova, DJL no if 1960,0 pp go-101. JPRB 7579 01 do% leb 61 Ryazrkir. Pc mal Veelt omposition of Peripheral Blood I~of 6a L-filor Cof Dogs,, by 0. A. Fqazbkin.. 4 pp. yul Mwper Biol i d, Vol XLT, 5). 19.5! ) pp 15, 16. Consultants Bureau 5~ tlkQ D, 66o, of 2hft PlAtup by a. A. plwk.. Murs Vol IXj Ikop 1963; Amer Dot oC :Ptqe ftv fts - Aawastles Vol Ixt so I prq Olation Of Ims No tmpwlmg Alfto I-Vvea irl f 3 th-lmw;kwe Wev"dde Cbamal . by o 0 0l ];~i ~m and F. lit, (~Mmdm, u 1,161 v.To no 50 1% Ct a pp W-mo AMR; (WA50) IN LIOW W NMI LUs BY JEW HIAMO VOL Xfor "D 108 187*0 (NY-5621) Cost as ruction Wta.. by jerzy 15 PPI. POLIMSH vbl xio no 1l,, ig6o, pp 11-15. 9030 F. RUT -f b lm d soon i Apr 6v ort~ Ydaris Of VID SOVIet Oil Refining MUN' ~i7~p by B. M. Rybak) 13 PP. UNCLRBSIFIM ssi~j m0 per, Khim I. Takh Topliva i Masolt 7'~ ~Mosacm, Nov 1957., IPP 5-13. Us Twaf,DC-41 (Dc-l.,- r0 11~') Econ 6 j kil ~of O~ms~ W& of PO py 6cl - 4u]- 57' 1 tie UtlUtatim of Several Pbysico- qto for Stadying tho Hydrocarboa Petrolmm OLU) by 11. M. Fqbak. Xhin I Tekh Topli,m,, No 11., 1956., i Tech and Cc= $W.00 The~imj Exec~u't: b~ an'16s of Dissipative Layered Plates ~'' etric or AntisymmDtric V.Lbrations, YUM B. D. Tartakovskiy, 6 pp. b RyA e ~,~Akust Zhur, Vol VII, No 4, 1961, 4do pp .4 AIP Sov Phys - Acoustics Vol VII, No 4 Sci i. Au 9 2 --------------- und 1! o t sm on Through a Periodically S Inh ~ 1 1 I~ou~ Plate in a Liquid, by S. A. Rybak, qmpg, PO RUSSIAN )er Akust Zhur, Vol V111, No 1, 1962, pp AIP Soif Phys Acoustics Vol VIII, No I Sci Oct :62 2140402 to" L e Tbeory of Sm-tterIng of Might Near to ~of c0 Z"r Ph&" Trawltiods, by M. A. $ :1b SUz,v 8 Pybakp 10 pps MI Moper I Ift-oret Itz, Vol XXXMo 1y 195 PP43~-150- Amex, Inst of Php sov pbys-jRTP Vol vil so 1 :L Y 56 tit VmUMM Of QpUma laftr- ofte"I PUrPM (WWRUMp by A, �ftlotol ppo M ~ko MIUM 6 lam UW* 350#535 c ba, Mmag-=15730 din'' jby P. A. Dedyanin, E. 1. ft ftybakevich, IV* IAN, per,, Stanki I Inztrument, Vol YYOU, No 12 26# 27. 71 rnized Rotary Kiln xt Ube !Worl by P. r. Folxkln,. h pp. sa Par ~Ifso=nt, I'd 1 1956, yp 25; 26. set Oct 58. "OVIS IW COPUM OTGOT ION W MON# IN N, V* QtKNIKs AW* IF ~` A* 7 PP, pl* lati M~l TSDM .9 1`0 3v K%YjfJm 1962# pp J~ PIP JIM 14930 U.*A*t SEP 2100290 'Mi ar~ ~Mxillofacial Surgery by A. 1. Ry Lv Rts"S ARP I m,o pert Voyenno Med: Zhur, No 5, w M y 1960, ppo 95'9'4 i p: a us ;rPRS 5-392 I'l, a. Wound in. Radiation Sickness and Gins i, I. eOf !via nd ib I c b v A L R U54" 3" ).N:,, -il' r) c r Voyenno Mi.-d Zhur, No '163t 1901, pp 30-36 h US JPTILS. Hy' i 9 o ~the Oral Cavity In foledical 11 the Army cind Navy, I n.�s t1! jjt~i;of by.' A RUSSIAli'l) 0l p(trz, Voyermo Med Zhur,, No I Mosc, if IDSOO pp 39-44 US JPRS 2641-N ;c ristion of the Treatment , tact 51,Inj%es of the Mandible Cc6~.'li6ked by RedletionInvolvement i.,I~Hjbekov Rd.~ iIA' I ~no per Voyanno Mod Zhur ~Oscowt Pob 1958, pp 44-48 us JURSAY 480 (HY-50811 Cit Mil-RaWling CesUrs by B, I, Rybakov P6 5 per, Vestnik Svyui,, NO 3.; 1S47. JM 7027 7hG, Po sl6iov,! : 11 fi ~ Was No 1,21,019f gReactIr In Lithim and the ;e 6f Be ,by G.F. Bogdanov, N.A. 1. Kalininp B,V, Rymkov, V.A. pp. r ,Ato=ya Saergiys, voi in, pp 2a-23.0. Past-4.,I~ woli'l %Spec t1los copy) by B. V. Ryhakov, V. It. A dorf) pp. Itu.961A LVektrametriya ]3yutj-ykb Neitronov.. !958. l.,QF4 8 0-C Consult-wito Burcaii sci vac ft Apr .-A!I; of Protons 112 Ned-Lum and Heavy Blematep V. HybW=j, 4 pp " , , , Np bin* pw, Zbmr Mwper I Teoret M, Vmm, Aw 1955,o Pis 651-654. CIA C hA7 AmorIcas bwt of Physics 57 mot 55 Ot, New 'fork 22$ N. T. 31 A Pb"lcs . 1,qS~ mum ft--&* )I* by ,I, 9100~,esvtfmw low