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swellip'g, ~Of R 7k'~ Ratkov"LII. J$ USS~ RUSS :'Pe~ Bel PAr 611i Soil Materials, by B. 1. P,ocbvovvdeniye, No 4, 1959, pp 46-54. Ans Forest! i 4'ia ',itor Conservation Factor. ilydrolorical Import t CC D ~!Forcsts and Forcst Hanzigement, MY by 'V. lluikov' RUSS 1 4 1940. CS11101:40 6099 Sci Aug 63i ',IlgbV Aluminouia Bric1sr ~o. Furnme TAMAsp b,,r D. 3, P~ ~ro ognquy=7, VIA Wit 195)-j Dam LLU 14,1145 lo I ~kl itt,Ml- Wi :cni -18077 6 1 Rutov,skji,.B,. '4. a Gkobqon, N. 'OPOLYNIEUT, 13~~ OF htl-nlyl- ISOPROPENYL 1. Rutovskii, B. N, 'ETONIE, At D ri:. MET14ACRYLATE. [ 19611 11. Yakobson. N. P. )rdcr frorn or $1 $1.10 61-1110771 t I-at I or' itirnai PrikIndnoi Kh1mii (USSR) ndens 1.941. v. ~14 it). 4/31, ~pl. 528-538. )ESCIUPTOM 'Coix )incrization, Ketones. 'Acrylic re in 3 Opol ~.,mers. Nperiment (re ca "I out showing that copolymer; if methyl, 1110!d. t:rvliki iind methyl isopropenyl ketone an bL,'prcp1 r~ il;,~I ck the monomers are equally istribLIWd n gh t:h ndividual fractions of the prod- I r !ct. In ihe i bm~nce bf slAvents, copolymers were ob- ~1_ . I ained with 11 mnteni: off the ketone amounting to 25 and 2-59~-~ It, d e, Msekh, 6 'of WA ketone, no polymer is orrnW !~inerlihtion in solution gave copolymers Office of letlimcel Set'stes ickl .IX) containing lp~(5 ar6 12,5% ketone. The polymer's prott ~ Rutovskii 11, N 46 Goncharov, G. S. COPOLYNIV tl Allb1 bl' STYRENE Willi NIFI-11YI. q 1. RWO~Skll. B. N. ISOP110PRI ~'t , [OR)II 6p, 9 refs. 11. G. S. Drder fron 10' w $1.10 :;bndensu i t; of J hUrnal Prikladnoi Khirnii (U. SSR) 194 1. .'14' M 4/5', 542-550. DESCIUVI'O M cip $Styrenes I~uncriwtion (etont: N );it er , , Me methc ai J co4 i(ins favoring copolymerizition were h nvest gr t ed oti i lit" example of styrene and nwthN I soprorwny k( t )ne.l '! 1 ' -~311 amounts of methy) isopro- xmyl kcion ii - LOCT 11 '11%alymerization of 9tyrene in intul"Lon YJ "'~- 0 1, dd 'ess ! I ni; exceediiig 1(% of the ketone a 61 i l i l i i h r1 wescriC6 ollibt ' z n ernu yincr t on s on n t e does not pive colxAymers, Oilt, in the p ' '-senc. -)r, hydrogen ivroxide, conditiom TO V Iw- C m t-V * I d ~ j lead 1 ~to its forma ion. Undtrr favorn- i f d Offic. 0 T.cN.-I S-4c., 1 c com )t c 1 Chemist;ry COFX1 4. 9aN m ers are orme the chemical V. 0. VKI. 7) (rw c r,i silaucpl~osphoric ACidaj by Of Trlelk7l is N* Pxbm!~!n A. A. Ka-.Wcova, i tr AWSW~ 300 lpwt Zhw Obaboh Mftp Vol XXVI, No 3.; 13-056"o pp 267-269. OU 9MAIX Cp Real No 21 system lath Aa&tl 11j, by I. fi- Edtavao IV# Ak Ma &%Rs 024 '.Whih KtXbornato lib~ It "k of No" by D. A. NW Lo A.~ A IV- ro- skar WIk Iblimp W1 30avo so 59 owl! comoultofts Dart" xxv 1"I 7sr7 110 KI'muty of Cast Irou Zzalud at UL-talue, by C. jrF pp. trmtgjI!ggiq4*skxva I GaMaru shl oat" No 4. I%4. 6-8. CIV 0 .. ...... . ...... Products for Exsmt.* by J. GMen, I :r Aassenban&lp Feb 1 y P p rDD Sm scon 62 ................ 40 U Temur an OORWM G= ins Aftm &w art&= Wtus st ou ~ do calrdtoot blue am Nbtawp 3 VV- a W* Z. W*,',lmrmA VOL vp 901w0 CM A-M ftv*m Tnuolaticm LT., p oli pn" "coup biso lbwlt~guv Jim kileml tI fu i Iluip 02 Oxide Couteat of Metal -Pvjdcrfi Yleinrl, by w r NaUft. MtOj, VOI ill AO 12, 1961, S5559 trod, trlc Cbntact Wtorials; Pb. M - 0 of Pbrous TaAgetin With Copper and .0 we Rutbm~lp Be stdwww oft Pmce Olma"P bwt NOUIP 19X# vp 67afte tau JIM c" I ej, t r. 4., VII J~ r).2' r- OL: I J:,~,rj 4 Sal arA S.U10013 Dioxides Wit'll prommmas, by V. RLtkctf&,i. T.:ru" UU10 Vol VIXI 0 ft 2., 19,.ri6l Neary Imtobar V~36 '4? 4 211roducUou cif st -carit 10-L" CM 41 on th4 C77 juor-.j)j WiLth a114ft Grog Content; by Do 3# H al. Una HUE 3"k i3o rs caue"u;1n.72 Yol Am~ 1,95'"j, arltimh Iron arA Stmel IM (no aumber siven) jr,2j lip Z2 ratw:g ~'Equatioas in Smi-Ordered Spaces and ~ i x Q4"itative Theorma for Liaeur Partial 4 U~keri~itW Equatiom, by J4.A-,,.Njpan,_5pp JI~IANII~~Perj U696khi Mat NLUk (N.S.)., V01. XIII IM- AW, Ji., 61., /Fmi X-4669 77/ 2301 U. A. Butaft or* I"vJV lovarlast a Le a 11 NCO 40 go Ok:Lkh Bauk, Vol 3s No Bel Assum Ubp ND 5210996 System Synthesis by Means of 0 orrectica By Rj~ "n , 33 pp AV%mat i Tel*mN:hs, Vol XXIVO No 9 ~-.tj pp la 163 P; 7D1 Oct I Al M F umdon for Doundu y- co P40awl d lieu Cvndwdon t-Uno SmSmm With UAfformly Movft Or# Ya. F. Rutner, by V. 1, kidIvow Vol CLT mo 60 IX&I'M 9" 73-1 MSA f~T P*9087 4~ ~PWVERNMRNT ONLY 269,,W f CDOlilIg .1al"Ition of the Tino o Revue Generale du Froi0vo ~(xl,,%'',". 060m pp 56S-S69c, .1-Bit) d S c i All. POI' 15h 9 ietal of iTribasic Acids and Their ~16n., by B. 11. Rutov'ukil., N. SO UNCLASSIT'IND Zhur Prik Xhim., Vol LUI, rl'os p 0111'-893, 1008-13. Sci Ph L11) 54/1851' A& B* I?arnbcxouj;h 4.59. iti Chemistry N it Oo uiLla%ors, About Its Canttr of vi!ty I)II 4 i - - MI'D - Without Damping cf 1t2 , 1 . and v 1. Yu. Rutkmkiyp Autoldloto b. P* r,, ~ t~~t i Ifol XXXj No 5,, , 454 7 :Ctlmtxu Boa of Amer E I at pr 60 f7 -7 ~7 , j Involved in A6iievL-ag tite 1 k-) a t Cicipv: We of (~)en-lieare~Ajj ntw' Limit 4 ilaal by (,,. nutkovsIdy, 5 1--p. A ap Rab a,.- c. t a L,:: c 11) 4 t 7~, 13 7L' LOKI P.- D~ Til Moo ov"lli-op. on: it Sa:---7it li'rfD MCI- t nj o:t CopolymrizatIon of %etoyi Methacrylate Vi b Al: INetbacqlateo by 11. N. Rutovsky, A. M. L 7 U d Istion L Voi XXIVj, Nooll, RU IVANO prr Me Prik KhIm No r1~;A Ipp 1173-1100- C.-mialtunts Bureau USST 11". bbl. 1 1 '1 0: Oxygen In th,~ F2.AV~, C L tt ; '01*rv ticill 3-r - o: 8 by B. lid i e C G. D arc V ) I in 19 pr ~ 1 hur Prik Xhim., Vol XXV1. V. , Comultantu Zarezu Scieni to C a imU try Doc 19,r-4 Mrs nlu 141. qx~l r--- Intensity Upon the Rate or ilk t 1 bacrylate Beteropbsele 36a-] z sit ftlynrizaticout by B. N. llu'' toij ov, 2 Vp RUSS] K I Mur Prit xhing, voi uvij, so 4 j consullauto Davau Poo let t-I T16 Choodstry Dee 195h CM -14 Are 0 a ly oxmi Shur, 11 lyp~ ml . yy 110 0 a IM!" a '!I ic! te CoWlywre of t~,-thyl Matbacr3qate *73AU, by B. N. Rutova.'V -wFA -A6. -M. Prik Vol ~.F*j PC .10: P- ILI Consultant4l Bureau Chmietry r;p w4 ProverUea of Copolymorc,, ;11 RU!, am A. H. ftur., 0 lp. RUSS, pt~ Zbur MI" va;t 24,, to Aug m Tia Pol Yor zatj n no by B. V. Rutovs!W, L. A. AIf4 P* R I K) ilpel~~ ~ur Prik Kbim., Vol, XXIVj, Lo USSR., Jxt 1951, ii t78. cc~z'ultantv Buzxmu Vol, 24, J~me 17;1 171, 'R 6.Aentlilt Chid ~"~try 77" nt~7*i. ana ir-a rc;-~,mtivca.. by D. P. Ul ,Tr.SSIFn, Alicrow, pp. Ir cr p bur Frlh lChim. Vol 2k ITO 10 , oc" 1951, . , Cc-.3iltantii Bureau NONNI--- 7 t ~v Twrpent'Loo Pollarlutiou and , IP Ion# by S. !9 A A. Lmb*4 371RD i rvpp lyng_q ' w o Ptom orpil mfto Vol Iva No 140 i937 !,; 1- .109. 11c1 Tr Center JIT-1796 ~ ~ i ec~ ie if I t Cbmistry me ~ 115tlwo In Poland DortcV Peft Tv*nty 0 Jormy 14*bmsk 19 5 pp. VON pp to-IS. l ei. Lake Shcii,b 8uilibideuce Cauued by Structure 10 -vri Viin floon And R. P 7 P 1) - 1: 1944 p 05-4c ~I 58 J, Ovol pleb., Vol MVII, Nic 2,Ael SIA 3333 TXULUMP RQ-aOMbcm etIcs Mdrdas Acu,,v 74 lg%- Am's suvell L Tr-1684 L Chi 6o The dization of CentrMagal P=pop ~y r its 0' G. Scb" iz Douzoitun Vol 1947o PY D.S.-T.R./10464/CT Scl c neering eW ony r - 7est's' A " lip X~l of Centriftpl Pmps of c Speedso by K. MacbL. ral c It AnSev WJLss Tecb, INO 1951.- VP 3346. 1HYdrceechanics Researcb Assoc T h32 OT/1224 Bl~c t I oil of manyl Hydnsim; by cl Rbidwdon of Diazabian jRx-Rmts*WLw C. Tvampler, Helvedu Chb4a StA ~ pp 2 ul sa 327o227 4u :Jvl 11 kiQr;(l V