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Tf, "a War. iOKI; A M I Ili 11 1 1 :Al; its ram Now WIL fl R b ag oM 7 !Sim suwa Amo sell Grati ~11 C (m tbe CUban Republic (Letter to tlb!i Edi Wx I L fice), bj A. S. 2!~jpnb. h i R U 1561'4 pttij)~ Veterinariya) Vol, XL~ No 1.90' ,'L6 USDA Tr sci I t.01 &II Tied sci oct.6 nici kl~=~ US c C. Sci ffcct of n Layerca Cathodc, A. m. I-L)mtiLriv, 5 -e,i:) Radio'Q,--I:h 1. Mc.-L-1 Vc.'. IX) 1:o 2 2- Dotie m tio of the Absorption Coefficients of 6 io an..E-ie'6 ionll vrent in a Solid Prom the Regularities cj of~' Ph'''~~Emission of a Massive Photocathode, by: V. N. Shchemelev,, et al, S pp. RUS S I ~14 pe:'r'~Fiz,Tverdogo Tela,, Vol IV, No 1. 196~; 62-'68. AIP Sov Phys Solid State Vol IV, No I 210,,486 Sal; FrA pf S ondary ftdoulon Phenomena in tho X-Ray PlIdtk offt in MetwIllo Cathodes N;~ i kz~uh wd V.N. Sholmmelev, pp5 Fisiks Twerdoto Tslaj I PP7 7 I Amor Inst of fte Sov Pbvs - Solid State Vol Vj, No I 15 03 ii I Quant en vity of Photographic Materials to X-Radia,"t"'on '~v~ 'iii Wavelengths from 1.54 to 113 A on I L-A ms I by! Ae 6sh V. N. Shchemelev, RUSSIANIN! ~exx z A Nauk SSSR, Sar Fiz, Vol XXV, No 8$~ 1) 1106 T CTT Sri 2149534 Aug 62' of Oft Layers 111blimated Onto tba $6 Se Dafooe or 14kC1,, 101j, and Or ty ro To SwUp U. A. 11mahs, Vol un, rio 1 hr Amr 1wt of Phr ftv PIqla - Cryatal Vol V1.1r.. no 3 In ~th I iuv T -.1-1 -1 SOL 6i ' thO ftWtOSlWtClC TiClAi Of thl3 effect undw the Action of Utap gta Rama 1*54-29*3 AS by A, Fe A* bmils Io At Farpnichs 3 pp Wks I Spdft"p 'Vol Us ib 5l MA AV. ~n 6 for Metallic Cathodes in the Region From 1-351 to 13.3 A.0 by is A. F. LvkIr9kJv, V. N. Shchemelev per, Dok Ak Nauk 1188H, Vol OXXXV, no 55-57. Alp Soy Phra - Dok Vol vp No 6 Be (U )~tarmingtion of X-RiLy Fluorescence Yields ~ Dg I nor mission Discontinuttaies, by M.A. Rumsh and ch6~~Iev., 8 pp. RUSSL~p r, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR~ Bar Fla, 11 111 Vo I ii) No 6) 1963, pp 812-818- CTT jun 164 261., 854 0 InvIi 0 49 M of an Momentary Rkent of X-RaV Phot, t lysUg the Pulse.-Thight Arw~ Die' Oatput of a Secondary Electron ilet the multi Aibrp~ sh""01ev and N. At. -!4F!pkp V. x pp 50 Fis Werdogo, Tele p Vol IT. No 10. pe A Vac 0 sc 22 A-MIr nochromator for Deteminiric. 40 Ef r61ency of ila(uation Receivers, by LtOdrsldy, Ct n1, 7 r Pribory i Tbhh Eks:peri 1"o 51 19a)) ISA 200, 06'2 DetedidAiati i )I of Fluorescence Yield by Measuring '~toel the ~~ ~L ',I'IY 0 iectric Effct in a Massive Cathode, by k.11 R66h, V. N. Shchemelev, 6 pp. RUSSI pbl~! Zhur Eksper i Teorct Fiz, Vol XLII, No 961 727-735. pp Al P Sov Phys - JETP Vol XV No 3 213)188 Oct. rhoto~" ive rorce of Usle Sulfide Ir-hato- W~ . I. I I bY R- Ys- BWUPP He A. Rumah. Lo 10 PP. vWLM1r~7-=F I am 2d& nsv vol. xUr 110 no k 7 77, f got evelo I ilt 6 jFboto Electromotivi) Force in Layors . 1 11 1 1 1 f I.Au Ill pl. ~0# by R. Ya. Berlujft, M,. A. li=nh~ P. khty 7 pp - uss. Oaro Hadiotekh i Slektrom, Vol 3:1~ No 3r 957s pargamou List ti 44 ttro 4c8 ~Ov .2,23 0 Mee, on siI ~t 7' P10 no 7v i~ll%i SCIL- Sep MD I Textum FOMUM In layers Condensed v by IL A. Rmeh T. M. Zinkinal o6r Is A ftuk SWR, Ber Fix, Vol XX.. I qp h2i4996 Colu&la- Tecb S -lop o2 44 I,P: es 'IKMU M Rul L ~~ of E ICm fl~ of!l 'ibability theory 11 1 "Elementy veroyatnostei" nZin"'itgiz, 1060 Wrreatlow b V. t Y * wim fts T"Wdw 90 Awr am Vol to the Kinetic k;quatiori, 9&. T*3.&,p Vol. IV p No I.I., XnW,, of fts Pbre - solla stste IYO 110 u e" y! lip I't tCy fOr a .1k3utid Airi ituml arxi 1 6 M 12- 1~ C, I o 1 -,1, 3 --nd WkI.1 Ila c TI) 4`1 F7 ;j 7r"7 AN 4p PVL go I Ramp Aw w mrw- 1962jo u,. vi 1'%,,mLvantsc,,~ 1 r Vi NO t~o~j Herring IhwIt in their Natural Saviron- 1w IV RM V.. 3 :pp rjo Dok A Nouk SSSR.. Vol CM=Vj. 955-958- Say PbWs - Dok Vol v0 NO 5 (DC-5341) Destxi4t 4 p US RDWCdwttv* CMOs or Herrit~ N AI by MtrasouM Wer Naturai 7 lok Ak Owk SW~o IW- 1342 No 14, vp 69is Bei st A 61 U Sovid Journalist T,lks About Recent Moscow Schoi Ge~ I~ogetber, by A. M. .~=~n~tsev, 3 PP. SWED, np fly Dag, No 225, 28 Sep 1962, p 2.1 JPRS 15848 WE'ur Swe n Poli i Novi. cal~ujn on . ~~jl kneBs of the FIlm3 Resulting c ThIc p Run, yants (.~yj ton ill a vacuum; Y Fro*%n W. rJ2.8 F pp RUSISIA1 P )ex~ Prib i Tekh Ekspero No 5j 1959P 21 pp 10 1 Inetru Soc of Amer Sci Aug 60 66 e=ar the Idslnfec)tlon of Mdes In Foot-wA-NouUt Dlse"ep by pw,, Trudy lwt Ut 711W lallab*bos Nm* 1xi V. I. Lenlnap IMP pp 25-36. OU 9004391 nce, n.f lu P. th arance Between Die cmd 6 V,~~ c 3: 1 on the Accuracy adius~ Ver''vt 6re 6t Mite CMO, u Y~~se 13 1P lborostroy-caiye,, p Taylor 60 Vic Shaf of the by A. V. No 10,, 2.959, & Frimcis /06-7 1-1"-12 9rc/I )Kohvl Namtrialty on t4w Accuracy bor A "Rummntsimp, 3 pp - UmWitell Touhl )No 51 20060, U-13- AM e0 OUL111rhent of Workind Surrace of ConoidB by vith Specimen.. by A V. Rur t rpar. On P :4) ~958., 7-0 Inatru Soc of Amer r 601 oll t~ Uns lay bbtlms of a I'lelmy Fluid at OP Beach# by B. N - Rw toev.0 RLa Prik mumt i mcep Vol. )mj-v., No 3 PP Bpi h.0 0 X, of Cauchy-PoIsson Waves at a Sloping BA by! N. RmVantsev,-,, 3 im. MS.'( um J, ~T, Dok Ak Nauk SBSR,, Vol CXXXV, No 2., 1966;p PP ~67 -289 Air Bov Phys Dok 6 Vol Vs so sci. 317 7awrov M~ the Lubricatlon of SpImUe o' ~aUlng MM3, by 6-. X~'Iioaenktip B. pp. RUSS' A pe Metauum, go 6p 1.960p pp; 2 Act& MULIlurgics J~Ll 16 %dL*ma of Uneagised :)a "HMW I am and Adxenm,- Ud, ftd 0. 1o lkavmZwp 7 pp. 3s. mr 19(*,p Iq. L/ J11 Neutrw Mffusion in Periodic Lattiecap savp 8 D.P* Di, Rmrgtp, Vol MI, No 6 1962~ CB Ary 6~ onditiona in tho Method of Sphariced Bum CC OMP J)7 G.78. aulwantv"j; 11 pp. JRU. 1 4x,~ Sir, Atom Xnarg, Vol X, No 1, 19bl, pp 26 - CB ccrlf)4~r s n two 1--lethods of Correcting Experimontal Curv o1wn and 14atrix Methods), by Yao I., Genkin, 10 ppo I'Ius'W ~Pev LZ AK mWk SSSR, Sor Fit, Vol XXVg x'0 1101 ~1027s sci~ 2140546 Aus 621 DIspersion by I pert V) No for Appwatuft Distortion and the Type Xmu-.x Levels in Emis Ya, B. Gonklu p I. A. Ruw7autsev., Is Ak No* SSM, Ser Fiz, 41 1960.0 -9M-392. CTT idon 5- 7j pp 141.14011Pm"Yo Me to, OnmokiYo 3 vv' ebr fts, Val Mao MUM". Iftb bib,412616 irophylaxis of Inflvenza and ita Oom 01161, tia el by Yu, N, Tokarev; A, 1. Pantyu- JAII I kh !I. ;G. liumyantsev R~SSXANp ~mo per, Voyenno Med Zhur.. No 10, M68616ill.. et 1960, pp 50-51 us JPRS 7961 n I Trea -......... ...- RU~Hi i .i Jul i5 t m Prophylaxis Of HYdxadenitis, by I. B. 1 1 ev 1 ~ i'' r, . , ~.. I li 1, 1 JiVoyenno-Med Zhur, No 4, 1959. JPRS 1736-N *1 Itiumms a uilotwA cOMW.R NOW*% 19" i: H c$ 4M M Sn4M AT mOt sit V luolLut A . * 4 "m W thamrs #A K" 20*0 $011 1 , PP 06.%* MLL IL MT dl ....................... me, r t~lal Data on the Intamtion of Sentences the bm~ iddwee L&tWftm, by M. K. Ranyantacy,, 7 k (1prosy Xitayakuy Gnumatikis, photoatats p IP? ~'7 nM/X-33-16 soc :11 Feb 59 7k 7 L~ 1 7~- -1, ~, Teaching of Raclio Cotwser.) by nt,sev, et al., 17 :PP- Iz Vysshikh Uc:hcb Zaved IrViSSO SSSR per. r(ac p- lj~u liotelda., Vol VIP No 4, 1,063: The at: in,of Light Sources buring the Sixth Five -y4tar P:U'n, by N. M. 8u (Rpt on USSR i Prod 0 ~EqUiPj, 39)- Rmalrl~,) 'r.# Svototekhnika, 110 3, May 1957,, pp CIA/POD Sum 1485 USSR Econ J~ Sep 57 1i 51.5251 Ustraws" to MUtery PWVO"oo by to A. cam famomp &A 3AP t~ di or Infrared Technology, by X. A. P. nlitzo 318 pp,. (AF 7oM68). AW bi Osuovy Wrokmanoy Tekhniki.. 1955,, ATIC F -TS -10089/V or (NY-7203) lli~"a is~ 3r'eventing the Compliance With the Aclci'dcft~tll Orevention Rules?, by No Ve Luqy,~a~_Sqy, i 7,1 RUSSI PUN Odt~ 162 per, Vestnik Svyazi, No 6 (267), 1962. MIS 15561 is 41 velill~pl Of mactors fur 10-40 Syntiws din 4, J IM- MIA, lookuv Or"W3 1;13uo 291PI L j Grain -110,. E P. I~MA CIA 4 Apr mtwol Notbod ftr )hsect Pests of StoretL ! Ald of zonuing IRwUntion, by A. A. Iv., Zo RWUMmo A, V. Bibergnllt Bo S. P*rtomUy, TxW Vets Mmob-Imaed 3hot Ymm I *6w,~ VOL IWp .19560 pp 21~42. Po~t~~,,~~. mt eneration ProceE;s J-n the I-1yocardiurn of Rer, rog" aLmyantsev., 12 pp. RUSS! i bk 1,1 rosy Tsitologii i Protistolo-ii, -L~1 1 01) 0 he, Ral;c 196o. SblrnF oTs 61-31olo k W P L - W-1, o, itin 62 PST 602 ONY -5502) 11 7na", '11~ Tb~ bai rature of the lbroccardium atA J, 16C lants to by P. P. Ruig.rantsev, 27 pp. Taltaloglyal Vol n,, No 5., 1960. JM 78% Sol ~1- ~bo d Pp U a Source of Radiation for Gt'y' -Flr-v- S ~- D - ~I~~ant~ Sna- L - 411 - Mal r, yuk., 2 pp. Pered"W Naudwo-Teldmicheakly I W-L OWt., Tals 32,v So M-58/.IC)9/1,, 1958., Om 60-51094 FL-480 .2 q r;t", -hgo I) Tbe 181 of adioactive Isotopev and Nuclear Bad on I A Machine Buildiq5., by S. V. Belt,7 Rmp AtCWZYS X06v"'P V01 IX., NO 3o 231-233- 1 p im 68C4 Sol md Cerium 144 its sources of Radiatac 11 uik~,Wlography of Matclsj by S. V. -Rita L. N. Matayuk, ~l Radloaktionya Metody Kontrolya I allr4r'' Iya Proizodatvennfth Protsessov, I r40-249. Am itr -4139 41 (SF- 1 ~~,Nll kAD CHEMINSTS MARCH AHEAD, BY IV.1 R YANTSEV., 5 PP. ussl H, NPI MON GAZETAI No i8l DEC 1)61) 200i JPRS 13788 IIISC A 621 1)4lc65 y N -------------------- 511 .'NF'~ 17,' 7t 1;-* PM'41'~ LE~ :S Ft% ",I 1~ i i 1-L E 'AD lki PP. :11 j. L; Y V 'T S C 'i OL-' I ~;,)l p LKC1,! ','AZETA) JPRS (OF-2179) 1! by FAXg "tots sqpftrap 22P r% b V VIN=vantt FITA Vt attn',L t no 12, t A'; ii a,4T SIUDY OF TlIF AGROTFCIINI- 1. Rumyentsev, V. 1. CAL ROL F FIE ID -PVOTFC1'iVF FUKFsT 11. PL- 480 Agr (60-51004) STRIPS (( y Vic it lya Agroteklinich lakol Roll Ill. National Scle ~ce Polezali 1C ~ i it jkli L~ 141th Poton). 1961, lip. 3 refs. Fouadation. PL- 180 A; r Washington. DL Q Order froi 1 60-51004 SO ,rrarm.l oil 1 h, C iskovik y &,I *akuktiozyal sit vennaya Aka0er111441 K ~(USSR~ - 95b. no. 4 (23) p. b9-9 CU'llure Plams *Forestr liF -crii1it , . ), ~Fertilizers, *.Ivollb. "Maist -it ' C, 51*14. wli ~ri, bei arts. Water. i%jnd. Watet entry. ' %%%ind- ki. li zile stir le r batt. in itte southeastern reglon.coil tri bi "te t0 Iard m mor' eveii distribution ot (Asrlculttlli rite 17 v , l o ii . 4) (ove r) Office of 7-"1C.4 Uor.$ J I An of~ Sol ~101: StOy of the Agrotachnical Role tive Porest Strips, by V. 1. 9p* MM., V61 IV (23)., .195-6 JAW oTs 6o-51ooh, 'al'lt-av v I. Exp6i leriL, ri the Study of tbe Agroteclinical Rbl~ 'of lite* rbelts pbr., Izv. timir,?azev. S. -kh. Al,.ad.,, pp 89-98. *Pl' IWO aT6 60-raovl lo6l , pli oi jiulld Ing Up .1 by V rdin Sch l m F oo . . ar:Waziisoz-v g , per, Sovet Pedugogilm., No 'pi Interntl Arta and Val Ir Ro 12 s I De 59 ................ ,.,.Ubmt"v of C bntral '.'Yttme r~j Zak Vol 20v 1956m, 4,p do- Ir".12, 116.11 NO (MO) V~p all! ii:oaaa 363,633 The 3ta 'ili .:of the Rotational Motions of a Solid i 11 i Bo~y V1.6 ca, quid Cavitys by V. V. Rumyantsev, 13 RUSS I* PrIk Matemat I Me);h, Vol XXIII~ r1o 1 -io65. Pergamn Prese sci Jul. 0/ "7Z on Ms. rith Friction, by V. V. antsev, 12 pp.,~i Russv. pq~Ixi,*ik Matemat i Mekh., Vol XXV., No 6, 1961., 969-9770 pp Sci oct 6e' 2163023 OZ R*tLoa of a cvroacopa ou pp. .T# 4 -.-) VJ S7 CT! ion !C Basic Parawtorn for ltigh-MnorKy I,Ino&r Id Im t. Aceall-mratorm., by G.A. ZeltlexIA, V.vt 11 1 1 L.P. FtU&iZ,, Y.K. Llokhlov 1-iA.i zoold1lus a pp. R Ut, ~purj, AU= mmergs Voll lyp no 50 1958.v eommitanta bure&u 1 8 ty of Rotation of a rlbp With a Cavity- e Fi 14 1 d Viscous Llquid,p by V. v. RuEwimtsevj, PrIk Mstemat I VAIdij, Vol MV No 1 171 !1~1 yp~~03~(09, V. Rli ge I 51t.1-1 Yj OF W ITtON RELATIVE TO PART OF ~! ' Ob~ L!, -IE VARIAII ! ;~.alchivosti Dvizheniva po (.Xnc,- ml)ii'V, 11"c1,01, liny0) ir, I?y Willifirn G. V~Igi, OL I (1 !5 1*11 Control Theori Group Tvcb - C31 I'L!pt. ll'!ji- rder (wip 1! el t'~ of Ii. -(itrlcal Engineering L)cp,., U. Pitt sburghfl P -~'l sbui- i I I ~"' Pa. rans. dM(scPh U. tlimik, [.SrlvaNlaicmatlKtj ekhanki I.,\! tj Ulki, Klllr~ii)(USSIO 19.~' I 12] no. 4~ SCRiPT,on,s:: ~Equ'll !)its of motion, Differenti3l c-qua- )ns, ?L'm~r 4idon th-ory, ONlt~chanics, 02-34406 1. Ti-lv: Liapuru~~ mtth:~Jl 1. 11. VPCK IK-S Ill. Pirillu.,zli U. Schfxi! of Pa. CO qtaoal~ r of Equilibria of a Rigid Body with L41iinFill CavIties$ by V. V. Bujqmtoevp 4 pp. mm 1* ?0 Dok A NwA SM.. Vol CXXIV., No 2j. :I i Amer Mast of Pbys Sov PbyB - DoXImV vca w,, xo i The! t iii of M claurin 1EIIi-psoicht of" 110'Ul ti U lk F'I. d.(Ij, by V. V. Hw4untsev, IL' RUSS] 11 -1 Pinik Matemat i Makh) Vol xydii, ! ~P0.1 I, 210 3) P59'j ~)P 494-5o4. PargiLmn Preus a,7 Feb tho ,or the NDtion or Q Heavy GoIld LY, wlA FLVM PbIntp by V. V. .4J- c2 ID*,a ftt* Sams via M3, Ito Conmatantm Wreau 58 A! Als"d of b"Paptwo t1w ummry ol m4W EWbo vft Uqut&r- UW ;UJF V V JINIVAMAPUT hN I" L 294o441 I "glop Of $ww'Gldiffsal to Al -7 Mel 11-Iiiii 'lit la V by io' 1. ) -rip. Voatuchnu no-116. AW rC.M., Tr- O ci f a S ~f Isolatica of tho Plugqw Agent vill W~ Mtes loaclops Algi.,,ricus ll:trst,, ii A alitsevO 0t ale , I ZIM j:)or, Zool Me Vol 39,, No 119 0 ~0.1, J )o .1732-1733e - 4: J1 7~0 5 0-65 IS 2879403 T. Ruamt- s V" =p ft Sip 75-79P 40 moo C"Cityl, by B. A. Minov, P. 61,iB Madbem ZhUvvopt Prcnp Vol WII, 22,2k. I" RU SZOT 16 S Sec i&S scli Jull 6 611Alkal-ic Gabbroids of the Urals A,,,-RaW4MPv4,,, 3 PP - ;er, Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth Science Vol CXLIX, No 1-6, Mar, Apr 1963. Ajm-r Geol Inst IdICLI' lovich Pedotov: Oll Hi to by 11. llul'-.~ Aseva, LZICL. i , o n b i , i h T . ~ ap nik Institufta 11o2q)JI010 , r~ii mi vo n ( ~i A. N. Sveitsova NO 21- IC17c, )p 5-25. , 1 JPIG SF-1203 3.0 c d c , "7c!.J.( CMA mt of Finnly Grot-d MuzcA, Vii ;4 Grafted Subcutanecnu~ly b~~ ru~hntueva,hyp. ..." I'T. wt, r-i ~)OiL Amid '10-L 4.LKA%" -.'0 n pp: t B.-I - R77 An I ,on of the.lnmwutl.on of the Ring- ~kls, by 0. 5 p P~ RUSS lpw,~ Dok A Nm* OSMs, 1101 CMv No TAN 39 Amer Imt of Mal Sci Mod Sol Avg: 9,0 Vill pmtion of Cyolla Hydm=b=o Part or Trwo-J.., 2- and Truns-:Lt3-d1- tbae In the Pivscace of Platlaum- skiyj Z. A. OarbM, by B. A. Koxan M. 1. utuov. pm) Is Ak rmik SSW, Otdel Khim Haukj yp 473-482. ]Reobamh Liformtion Service R 565 3 j e7d B~Ivat, i0 ohmistry jan 56 =/m Thei The' 1w B. AMR4^14~74 It 941 jet 6/C Mton of Cyclic Hydrocarbona. Part U. ~tjop of 1.1-Dimothyl-Cyalopenftne in I ~ of tin=-Att1v&W Carbon, by pir mmki p Ze A* Rum*~tve"# He Is B84 - #I In Ak Smak Sms Otdol Valm Muk,, VP 463-493. Ron Info Sv Rs566 xy No 77 7 Ym York, If. Y. 7n Ge 4 .)Radioactlve Isotopar, for Detection of' No ils and tha Effect of these Non-Fuslom Oia abliity of Walded JoInta, by S. V. Radlo6ktlonye Motody Kuntrolya i 0 'iys Proi%odstvcnr*kh Protesesnov, 2-239. Li,,,I0 jar# JLs on the Obeid", of ProtActbAm.. Dmlmwe A. 0. Urnakow,-L.-G. Zhur Sobrg Wax Vol 59 CIA*Yer-4ftm Pmas Ltd. LarAm lei &/, rVo Lee rue ogruaile Reaea=h Dats on kqotropMc ~tc"' 863[;~rosi-a Pationts, by M. V. RmAyantseva- RWS -QL,.r NckvTopstol J. Psikhip-trii I'meni Elo 81~1 ~~6rs4i6va, Vol LVIII, No 10., 1958) PP 1248-3-252, 90761' nn 4-44-61 sai Ned Jul Ol 3