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(NY-7062) 1~kl KM W&TO MR OWITIOW OF ~N MI 13 O~P "I 13 mistilI'1 61 var #A MW WX INN,, voL xvi i, I NP 311 102~ p0 SO 197s,349 ~i l i ' c6 f s u0 , :Ce-Britholite, by A. V. Rudneva. A 11 ~tin, 2 pp uss I" ~ per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth Science S~'c on P n lVal CXLVIj No 5, Sep, Oct 1962.1 82 83. Amer Geol Inst O~t 64: ' tion of Baftovite, by A. V. Rudnem. T11 i CVEL~ a LWQ' per, Dok Ak Mwk SWR,. Voi ~cm.. No YP 1329-1332- AOI A~. 61 Is-73 ' Ret. L is-) Dietribution of Glaze Rigs in the usm by A. I/. Rudnevr.. (96801443) rM,, per,, 5rudy Mar Gccw.Oiz Otoorv, Eo -22, 4 A31) Report T-63-37 SCA Jft Earth Oci AsIwm AJAI il&," !by A. V. aqup IN A.~ USSTAI) k )rp At NaUk SWR~ Vol CXXVI 10 i o 2, 19$~Op Pp 363,.365. 1j( 7~6 cowultmts Barom, Jun 00 2 ac CWT), tia %I i gi HUSSIA11,11ppr, J10,, 59, an 6o and Conditions for Ue 'oxm&ioL, o-' it PI) e A rf-f Alt Hauk SSSR,, Vol. CM) No 1) 44 conaalt-vats Bureau Aof V itlen of Buie 47 *MbAaAppbMwullc*Owthwe HLWO by Is Ak ft* 0=0 Mftl Thkh Muk I Ona"o Dele, 16 So 1963., IrP Not O~t amewtum With To *two, aft MMZU~ po*,''Stalp 3b Is 1961s 5-9. Ilk I i ~eaa ~~'f t~~161 CotopoutAmto of Sketletal Nickel ith~ ~ I . I OxHautoo by L. Do, VnIdlins 1K. 00 on* tv'~" I *".tl InID per Is Ak Sauk, ftlel XhIm Nauk,, so 6 '1 Wi;62 -1086. CIA c 41M 95 conoultanto bmvau Scientific - dhemistry 'o al, mar 5COOBA x qepa.ri ontim, ickei Ke 0. 1 ~K Pp 16 Sci Aqg 5 n iRexwethylenediambie by the rogemation of Adipouitrile on a alyptp by L. K. Freldlim, A. A. Balandin, A. SWkova,, 15 Pp. er:p I Iz A Nauk SSSRj, Otael Win Naukj ~7- sLA R-16ig I MIT 110 1191 ii~ Retwou the AeUvIty wd Fine Cryot,~.2--- i~ or raluo Nickel, Oatalpt,# by I too DO pavl&usy Ks 00 Ruanm) It Ak NaA MRj Otdel XhIn 17auk, VP 5W-553- Consultamo Dwreau A4t, SkOletfil Iron Cat"t in Hydrogenation HO W p A. S. Kh. Preidlins K. G. run Lou. l A p ~ Ak Nauk part OBOR Otdal KUM Xsuko 8 N i.. 0 3 if~Y-Jun 1954, VP 521- 5lb- CIA D :L51M6 Oonsultarts Bureau A -IA. C" 55 7 1 e~cl I A or Inviostipting the Metal -- llydro6m . i I timM 6. k6letva Nichol Catelynto by L- Kh- sidil;' BUdwvaf 116 ~jx mrp Is Aki U* WN 2m!~ Xhim Rmuk, F-J= 1954# Vp 49&-496. CIA D 151316 Cousultmate bureau CTS 68/)W 55 Mp ilti~bi I of ,.eiPpero3, Lro, FWU t, U NO j; 6: CIA D ie c nt Ulatal Nickel Catalyat at Elmrated iy L. Kh. Proidlinp K. G. Rudnevup -on, per$ Iz Ak Sauk GSEM Otdol Xhim Nauir.,, =.x==- Conoultemto Bureau ~bemlotry CTS 66/)Iar 55 O&Olf i This P", J - W Sol NOV Pix of mamiwd lickal Auoyu, tor X. A. Ebxd'4nai, 5, ppe i 4wd Ubs Vbl XW:# 110 3# 1963s Ut, or 6mulization of ~5 .proplolactone for St-6, 41. (v, Ewe habUa )SIMI prapa. r ", L'S 0 0 r (ptr r3v Resort), W No Re Geftea, 0. JA~~ et al. RUMIA pail Mw MUcroblal,, FpLdesdol I XVIlla 80 1 1962.- VP lq%-108- mh Tr 7-1826 Sol llt~~l ~'a ge-d Sal -L -A wo &Alpuftft or 11111111111112111% at st"Ovift IN mumm ail' 10 as 00m; krho ft"vp 00 A* ow"M66 4 AP* man% "L V36 lb 2p twi xuwpisr rob* coo H E R Ell 6F THE EFFECT OF "TERTIARY" ELEMENTS ON A NE111 EN31TY IN THE SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF SEVERAL COPPER ASEP ALLOYSp BY N. K. RUDNEVSKIY, YU. S. p P. KALI N 1 6 RUSSI PER 12 AK XW MUK SSSRj SERIYA FIZ, VOL XXtIj P Tp 19620 pp 846-848. JPRS 15922 N8V Z2, 'NJ 216,286 varl With FUU NO tAw latawLtir ot Comr aDd Hiciol T4 wtmtim of Tbase Notals in Cv-Ni.AUcV9j, evok%Z, 0. 1- 0OUtaYni, 3 pp. A ft Ak ft*.p -Ber nzo Va M., ~MA24. M C OMUI*" Tbeh ft tar IC Ic Determination of Silicon and Lead in cp~~Iihe Proaucticm of S;VnthetIc Corundum., by 'I ~Qr jt1h 0 K. RvAnevu .1 p. r IMM.s 1~Uko peri, Im At Ww*,j Bar Fiz, Vol xZ.X, no 2; 22 CIA 0 440 Colmbla Teah Tr yvice'l min/ 77~7 no !,q md StructM'e Crf M-OtAUM- pectra c I cqpinie CamMmwdof Part X. Vibretimal- ot TatraatbyUoeA and Rtixwlbyld- by V. R. VyulLiwldy) 11, K, 0 %414a"k$741 3.0 YPO !am MANI pouTrudy Vo lWz I MAm so Tau 3s, 5VI-5". 002 d Inves of the Rau of RwA7 or omer-NICIM1 the M=A of an Nlm.*-ric Are, bv N. X. AO I* M54=luo R. a. obumom.. 2 pp. 31: a rjo 3DB A Voko Ow FU I. Vol XIXr '3*2 5. cm c wot CaUmbla Todi Tr *W 5b amol Pt" x on of Conditions of Inflammbility of Gas, POrt XXV. Investigation of tho Wdstion, of Butane# by A. A. D 11 H. B- Neymn (Nouman)s N. K. R k*111 19 wo p Wiperp Zhur Fig Xhiml Vol Xxvn., No ii.. wm~ 1�5 3~ I pp i6N-7193-0 lqRVY Tr 1228/NRL 530 Scie' U Pbrice OTS /00 t155 a0(; > MA of the Rom Coapwition at AreeftLWou "I vwftds 'by IL P. adrwfp V. I. Im m1$&, Val M=j go 21 7AM 0 4, R"l no i6 COMMLtests Bwmu cool 0 Oy-i.Oi) NOV x ;- for the Erection of Hydroelectric ,-Liollig J~j Poland 7rozi the ",Foimt of eration of the Pollah tleatric rvje-r ~, tbe Perspective ct 1965-1970, by ~~IlRlckl; 49 pp. iperp Frzaglad Elekl;rotochnicmny,, ,Vp 110 2/3, Warsaw, 21 1.1ar 1958,, oland lectric power m 'i~ ~ I5"hkr Awromomy,, by WlWdml z Zomn, Kmusd i . iiiu ~ $73 M- I i Iii NPPWIP Wo YVD&A7& AstronoudM Moomwo 1959, NO ions on the Mologic-al Effect of SmaU ~&ation Do'ses. 11. Postirawliation Islouse Ovaries Aftera ng-Contin- , Wo Aim with row wseu of Co y-Rays, 9 pp ~rjp Acta Physiologica Polonica., 'Vol M., Iknyllf Ail ~tions on the Biological Effect of Fbml I lonli ing ation Doses* I. influence o Long- Jn'uedjj irradiation 'With &jI.U DDses of 9OCo on! ermtogenesis in Mae, by T. Rudnicki r i .)OLIM per) C a Physiologica Polonica., Vol XIV, 140 !196~ ars 63-U;W7/1 PL-48o 2U.610 Principles for the Construction of Ti t~ Workug on elapse,, Iry Z. W=(%ij, 6 pp. )(I= perp meabaniza0ja Holact-va., NO 10., 1956j 154-T 90?5 243 IM 60-21545 ldmtlfication of Non-metawe in Qvbon Steels.* by S. Hadnik. So Rutwx.. voi imxizj no 6.. 1961,. BMI 3099 DD~ 2;. F. ( ZNr,alufvu,q6n p the Effectiveness cif Biumicin in 'uhc Treat-ii O..'r Brucellosis llratient~, by G. P. Hudiiih, M. 14~. ~Vl- I-a-lay Iml RUISISI ji bk~ ~Biolllitsin, Moscow, 1~i5h, A pi) 53 5 CIAj FDD Tr )I!'[ Ru$lit s I '-FM15.4 M FArukc Ure 2 ()ci 62, Order (rc Tr a t,..s a gra f I i, DE.S(AtIl" tices Syt 'A LS: i .i 6 re; MI 1 ME CRYSTALIXGRAMW ~)I- e SvWcuipa o Kri stallografti I :orunloj ir. byB. 'A. Kin-shinoft. JAPL.jjlR7 W. 230-1-337. 1 0 03 -1150", Nauk SSSR. Institkit Kr is ta Ilo - 8, p. 13-20. iinum cmi0ounds. Oxides, *C~i- ~res. *Crystal structure, Lar- ~utallography). X-ray W(ractim j.. jli~ sic s ins Ho;'*1115 I jci Srrm~. V Col.* 1..Ic? N Opr? '4 Irtmcp Srvr?% (Phys iL: SIAJ~ IT, 9. no. 6) 8&ctr I Churacterictics of the Smoxy QuLartz t'isillanIn'dication of the Uncture of Ite i~',ioric'e'nters, b, N. E. Ve4len eva, M. S. i f, iw~nitls'kaya" h pp. h Wli per, Dok A Nauk IISSR, Vol LMVII, L. 361-364. Navy Trl',?88/NRL 549 -1-H rals/Retuln, Chemistry (NY-7m8) ic STIW OF ma Awnswo By M. Z. 36 v0 'SNURVAWICHo 3 PP- P ATM )Q FIZ I POM TOW I Us VOL I AWfM 19rgv MP Sko 85. JPRS 13M 193063 num Dmood cat the Plot-ern Allbucal t4 shook Bl*Wj, by T4 Vo kdbiuWaim M. Z, Rtzd 4 w4 PVObXM Gml*loeU J Pereli%l,.. t" It a Vo so 30 lof so A~S Ju~li~i6d. Modification of the Method of i 6t4Ging ~hrambin From the P.LaSMa of Donor's -Blq" * 1~. Z. Ruftltvx"as :1 pp. V# . Ci Oct.' 6( Problemy Gemtol I Peraliv Krovip 1.960, pp 43v 44- pp c F 0,~ of Noble Metals for r-antL-ig, very LrrT C=errt-," and Kontala-y, 1958 ATIC, qCL 480/1 Lorc -C7 I dtigation of the Themoeloctrie Properties ,~ I U0 - um Of PCL A -Rhoclium LUoys, by A* t ak:i y$ at al RUSSMIN) IzvVt&a Sektora Pla=,- er., c Aka i .1 A~~'Za.flauk SSSR, No 29) 155) PP 190-196. ~fiSA TT F% 14,036 i~OIYI:O.'D~c Trnas'Aonnation of Rjiodiu by 10 pp I5er, Izvo ektora Platiny i DruE. 11 'letal., inst. Obslich. i ::eo 3124k-C) cbi. I r--al taul.-.11S".:;ISR, No 29, 1955p :.)p 122-1~9 :;A -14 0 37 M a I Xbysida Vro~ irties of Menium, by A. A. Ruduitaktyl USSIAN iw Neorg Xhim,, Vol. 11, No 127 195T.- p B., Clio b L*.y 6., L 8, PST go i A4 A. Movikams :~.Lver-Platin= System' by 0 3PP MW BOMB WMI Vol n,, no 8.9 195TY 47a .2 J-L/) A ri !Dhic I Method of Interpolation, by A. A, 3 Pp. r, zhur Heorgan Xhim, Vol. V) No 21 OP PP 1 -400. Cleaver-11mie Frese scl !Zav 60 N oe 63 btric Method of Studying Transformations Ind Alloyo 1, bor A.,A. ftopltSk LX, 17 PP, oar, Zhur Heorg= XhIno Val 1, No 6, 1956. 0 AEC-Tra45871 MVICCIII iag L-m of tbe TitauiLro-Palluditim 'Yotem, A. AJ 'I~idx~161dy, N. A. 131run, 4 pp- Mur fleorg Xhim) Vol V, No Bliss ki I~,f 6 211 421. Cleaver-Hume Preas P I~M,Q;a lea of Riftetdum., bry A. A. RoWta 7 vp. News Md% vol n. no 3aj, 195T Awl-tr4m* 61 o6 i a no 80 kly., ud the SyotmM Cold Silver Platimm, f NOVUova) A* Ao Itudnitakiy,, 32 pp.. Vssxj QI) per.. Zhur Haorgw% Xhim, Vol 111, 3) 1958, pp M-7490 ATIC F-W-034V I~ci them (103,mm,, RLUS ; " ~m kuqyao by A. A. Rudnitakil, b. A. Idlt, Zhur ITearg Xhim, Vol IVO No 7, Clt*var-&= Press Ltd. tondon 76? & 1It I I: .: C ~l - henium Alloyap by A. A. Rudnitaki . kovm~ ZUw Nearg Xblmp Vol lVj No 7., 16M. Oltaver-Ewm Preos Ltd, LoWom / d tl'r, -7 717 A 1, -Rutheniumi System, by A. A. Rud The 10 d'i ir~ nitski~ RMS1 pp Z-nt= flearg Xhim, Vol IV, No 6, 1959, Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd. London Bel -~l 1: kiem, Jan 6111 The fnrftst~tiou &w Choice of h11Wj; for High- ~11~oxaocouplsisp by A., A. Midv4tskiyj RUM Q:rj, Zb= Hewa xhime vol 1, 1956, pp AM AM, Ub 798 Sol I Wc Li AlWcanck-elch Rudnits Uli, FJaadr 4ik . . ,... 234'p:p4 llussyAll I.-: ~ Iell*cNej, q*.trl Cho skiya Z- IS9 1. 1 y Nztsuov i i~-Jl S-nlni Z) , ~2c 2 T OCA. k, 59~ nnz-h,"-,Ds fer AUPIA C! -Aiol, P. -,v Sol )tar ,ona and K., Ru6_lAts, s ~=Iy -y V. 7 1959, 131-135. 966765,'~ wid Aut'roll 411 -117~ do Defac~s ~of r,.G, Iron Rolls snd Metbods of Their Pilo "I L, S. Rudultskin N. A, mi~ ituss 1) TO-1, Potuchonye i Svoysitva Chugma a T shtvo, I Y111 brafitom# 19620 pp lill-317, 14 ~,t Riail:~ 5028A 1963 (S404) (Iotn) Sci ft~gr' H114 Tochnrli'l.),gio,61 Climetaristics of Production of 'q,cz Ilrb in RdIlas by A, B, KTivoshyev, L. S. 4t6dnitsk~y RMSlkll :qV Poluchwuyz I Svoys,,4'va Chugwi"- s lrafitcm,, 1,962, pp .1.102-31L Nj~ R MMA 1965 (5405) Sci I~i4rj, !hUllt) Fob Atw~ 1~ 5 PIP% U96 xgkri (DO-2800/10). 0 OU ShlVas, by X. RuWtokly., i Plot., X03cov, A~ Bowe# 1974M. me 3044 Repolm 10 ltrrw~- - i .4- 1 2stua In the Wat (6) %be SborWr Workdv~y. aua Wafie lbationali- 7ma Wt&Uurar" by D. tmvtoovt M. YA 8,0 )Ibcwv.. clk~rw &M 2DW (DC-4700/5) Tb6 1106~ atals b*=try JWMer the onm~j 60 t umtor Work*f and Bev the 600~ Plow., by M. Radnititkip.. 9 pp. per iSotelal TtW,, No V.L j 19601. pp 52-59. im 6961 Har 61 ry ,~U, of 'the Thermal Sensitivities of al v t! C Rea.tit";I P11.1pa in Soaking Pita, by Yu. 1. Tseluiko, 1". r~a~ aLmelenbopn, Ya. N. DuduitsklY) 3 P-P- Ruls-di"XIN, r, Stea., go 8p 19,61, pp 753-757. DTsT -9'0 Sci Da.ck 1,51 Epideiiltolog, lof Infectioun Dineemes in Czechp&:hov;O! a, in 1960, by A. J.J~~, 10 pp. OFFICIAL WE 01ELY jOeakoslovenake Zdravotnictvi, Vol no 1961; PP r,91-297- JPRS 1-1.772 Sci ~Lmd Jan Sal t oTn%- otriall zo Agej: cultural I-ml=tlon, lu t by J 17 pp. OFFICIAL UL~ ONLY CMM (*ialisticke Ze=0A%3-at%,ij Vol XI) I -~41 I~P 577-561- tTM 120111? Hoo L vCb (DC-5965) with ~S~ Vloientists Toward thtt Expansion of our Pro&wtion.9 by %Iriri Rult3y, 15 pp. Jell ticke Zemde' lstvip Vol XIj. no 228,~ 1057-U)63. JPM 22502 P'm 6~umwdu Boon AP4, 4417 uo;r 6~ go -ordimUon of Beiectific Resewth work, Imetlyaj, 6 Aug 1962, p 1. ML Tr Btluetin Vol r1rt So 10.. 1962 visa il~ coi r~dlnatlou or Sclentifte Reeearch Work., npo Izvestim, 6 ja* 1962.. p I ML Tr Bunatin Vol 3rv,p ft lo,, 1962 'hr- cL De tj JIM - -.No 1 Ina ~t-~a Pulfjo Qljivlj~-n Rat'p- :7-t. "be by V, 14~.~ ~-Jex,~ ZICAlotakhasi", Vol xxt lio *A ft 01 Mi iIA pp fin I III I NO 7K UK W UNIT W MW STMM=o 4~11"VA* N. -"4 3 FP- IDUITEL TEMS NO 6s, 1961v ISA 183s,044 - - -j i F - -- -- of Pig~ lron'.,~~ Pei No 3p 1101i'l Pon and Silicon on the Surface Tension K. I. Vasbabanko, A. P. RWoi. is V~Pqvblft Vabeb Zaved, 0 Chern Note 1, n-o' sci immuw".18 Az 0 ~b St, itw,~ o," tho Prob1cm of Blood Sc;r=i ~116~ the Olinic of Tubarculooin (FAer!- Renenrch)., by N,, M, rwdoi,~ j~bis,, Sovrem Frob 'erk, Vol V-11 15f'155.- AP 3-8, RM 557 kill tied m od -Bar= J?rot4aiv. Fftctions as In- 11gas 1. DIV dl" re I tbj Cowie of Innaamtory Processes,, by jms Oko 5 PP- d~i er# bya Mmper Siol. i Med., Val XLIIX.. no 53-58- Consult-Wrts Sureau act Me 13~ 4ig the [Umi 11atorlub ficiources of i Xellt' cm t1te Bafts ut' Paraffinic C re ilico I IuLt lapil i -~asclp is to V riji..* Z114iX+pparutus for OperatAng Internal 01) En, iq, by Sigan, RUdolf p pp - ALTSTR Illv Iliatent No. 100,p202 US D!pt of Commerce Patent Office Sci 'Librury (glAt) lit Wail "0., tbz~ ResylYrttn7 L OU t".. t Thai RP" SPUbmals and apfttro- Ip by Is Do ToWdnap To ppa. mw onhah Xhinj Vol M=$ 019 p0 iV 2513-251T., 64 Ogg% rgm-L 93W .inskQ E t3 wnt oll of CommvRets Ton. --rd WoTt in At the tile Utho, lbvs 0 by t7anUo fbzdo-Wo 5 p?, (001 UP,= Fol B i bin rrr.. Kamunist, lb Yr XM, 22 Vo-ur I drEA. ip 7. CTA/lrW Tr 686 Pal Off-10) A 8 A We6 od of ftepring Anby&,ous a, I I,, bV ff. Beek, G. Rudolph, 3 (MA rar z fter Anargazdacbe rad Alle~O M nI3 mia ', Vol OOM., fk, 1/2 ims 141*024 Sol Jam. Sun 611? (BITL by A. Arzmaier, PP 0 legmphan u Fernseh Tech, Vol XXIV~ j yp 245-250. SIA Tr 5'1-225ri ~ ~I ~ .3-r tic - lind Applicatioas of' Vacuum-Tig~it 6i'mi 'i'Vacuum Tecbniques, by H. Rudolf i pea!, ElAboproudy Obzor.. Vall X41; Vo 9 OP 542,, ACSI B-9203 ID 21WI65 Ire S: The A, ~C. elegrurph Sys-GemARjli2/24, by Eau I h 15 ept (rEm Vernmelde --chniriche NO Mar! 1 54.1 A. Eloctronico Apr 1 57 CITS/dex Ftpvt Idth 144phtime in GARMAN o p HOW, L PPO aim Haft Itrunt 4 0 Oct 69 M- um~~ I.h-ni Flf~( bt nF "&:!n0 Hydrqpn,~ ;end 7 W., tbp 'iewi;I4cal C=d,,I;tivity of Bm-lum oxict'. ml Uadep by J. )Naqjj~b, 24 ZalteabWt fuor ftturforsebung,, Vol 41 $80, PY 75;7-7670 920917h, 11 74 Sal -kc, ICTI 'Tul 641, ECONOP~ ~iPRO;131. SOCIAO~~: ~O GEFVAN~ W i4f S OF COWREHENSIVE BUILDING or ING IN A NEW MAWqER., BY 6-pp. DEUTSCHLAND, OCT 1)062) p 4. 27 JPRS 16696 218,503 on pelpl ji aMMU No 5 11- Raw (DC-5208) lax-A"" 200nomic Johannes Itoolph. Raw Knop,, Rolf to Sozj&jjgtl~cbv Plaxvirtachart., Vol 1, ims 69M r -2 a;7 or GEE ro (sF-1856) O'Peration Betvean Wkwtry mid pp. 4 paij, Der Auseenhowlel., Vol XI., 196, 1 2. T110;, v~dWt~ioa Mechanism Of Oxidic Soul- /27 coin ctor's flat Uigh Temperatures, by J. I GLIU) 1~ ~.0 zeit fur Waturf Ors Chung, VoIj 4 A 0 8. 195.9.-ip AU loo,~2-20L ,;Ci- s Aay 382,722 11962 60.' (7 0 from S A $1. 11 of Ra~ el, 15, elO, FXTS ON VARIOUS 111- omitted). 62-14647 c9 Synthe0ques JklSiwn) 13- 1 12D. fibers, Elasticity, rials~-Teitilm! IT. v. 8, oo. 1) Ilk 62-14647 1. Roaol* L. Omgg of Teshemd lution in Diabetes Treatment, u-.; W, Rudolf perpMed Klin.. Vol, Lp 1955P pp 1837jr ASLIB-M LZ ~7 (NY-6"0/5** 'I b J 1 1:Md wA the Plwming for National Econcoy,, 741t s a t 9 y . r ug pp. , 1 a li i h wo 0z ft stiac e Flarrwirtach&ft, Val TI, r, LI ".6. JM 9921 0 2 EC( M 40 or 1AT14N AND Pft%m Wr swel".1 i i- _ i i --77 - ! 77.79 wwww-O :1 "*!It] ~V#l timolli to 110 1940 pp so&. I i ! i I t aft 1*1 I ~ I i ~ I . ~ !~ ! i i i I inve,#t,igat ().S-,jWK 1967~1 146 p *NASAITT 11 Aug;li 68 1~; ;i !, i i I j on of Crater by Micro --- range er second, by V. Rudolph. -1~ 11#890 CCUPMAG of AIWI and A3 kial I no n ND]Ybdum DLGW&do and Tumpten --ftAwffj.R- N. Sickp 2 vei AMW Ohm) 1959 p IrOl 110 3 MA 59-17936 ui Vol, IN*;, The .,,.Graphite Compounds, by W. Rudorff and 114r. Z. anorg. Ally. Chanis., Vol 277, 1954 6-171. iia r