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A-1toxil of lbwidr~ llracticxG iii Ubu U.,.;!-,# vj~iul Qi i !L,6i tim iyy do ie iubtsuv. 295 I.A(I'v Istariia Utxdno4l VruZV(XJstva v i ur I Iz W of Ctmtrol of XojarLoms losectop it ~li~ A 4010 USBA set tolo nor If V:t;,%A%IaW gymetric &r-pamcaia A UO G* A, WT~G~ 22 py tiWo )'erg, U A& Iftuk 68611.v Otatl SbYa layn%j ai zw. 60 igas np-25 CIAO 1. Ntiar, of Ail". *trio ~mmslitve Pakirr !.ill 11 ; dutrim lati ~Ocil ftuto&3.~Iaaxlesl rilIM10 ~Uil6ha* by, Ob 'Do PtIm'Opv. 11 bt pv* Ai )it I [Ad"rIdS '4W4 4 1 tol tm- pp Equiv,-.10=0 of I'lase and contilluutw- CO by V. A. Rubtsov, 7 P- I umss Vj'srj',~~ omt i Talwmkba 'Tca M. No 3.0, 45.. 0. Tnatru Igoe of Amr ///. 1/~ ,7 c P4)i of 103-2-eV Nucleone in Carbon Yu. A. Smorodin pp. RUSIS1110 Zhur Eksper i Tewret Fiz, Vol XLIVt 2 1(;~Op 114), 462 /j,68 hnor Inct of Phy.9 8ov Phys - JETP Vol XVII, No 2 A-ur Tim, t; j itl "Alt. by L. i)V -ISS JI 1101 11, nn 11 -Al T 09 Iix ToA aw-atqj U,Kqd j0 4ma zamv ,Ce-LT dd 'IIIXXX TOA "ZU ~VwOa& I JadmM =W 1,F T 109 $909 dd A *H 0141k,,~as '91,41 UT am. uo $A cQ *A 0 'NAOuT'Er%L 'I '-Z "AG G AOTOG fullwows -V -nx i, 9,& tT os,4qtq q "Tg'[;)nN MnITTAX99 ttl:;A A"T UOU -ta'414111,0 JO 90TOTIMM PSU-37"00 JO ucr;%06~ , 1 41url I.uauodmoo nowm-tnt-40017 sq:~ ;a uonotvwl 1:1bton component from the interaction of :LC12_ Pqr OS ulth light nuclei in the atmosphere., 75r LOT V.j* Rubtwv,, 3.1 ppe WSSIA P, Iz Ak Nauk S=.7 ,Oe~..wz ~~vus, 5S 2S I PP 575--584, -lei Ilky 2 ;~2 4. 1// ui : ~ o,;; ~L-~~l T, C" '4urcz~' till Mt 9 2c'-. A-' t T. 1~ zx ad z c; IL, pp. 60 POr. IS Ak Kaukr -Sisr Pis, Vol Sja- R 1955, PP 50,2-507. Col=bim Tech Tr 7y-(o A Hydi*Uiu~ ice for Effootbig Slow Displacements. by G. To V. X 0 Rutrtscri, 1 pp. RMSIAlk per, PrIbory, i TOM Skatier. No 3t 1962# p 19 ISA 4*%!)7-CNqb=-(ql)7-Wblwl. VII. POTO V.& YILU bao w Zbo Q*boh Dtat Vol IlIn. Son, 11 CU D 351U6 0: Aftistry Apr 1,15 M .01 '07 lillietj cis'l Of Ille Therjual Docot~v-usttiim of KI rsyroxylin,, 1-98P ~ts, Yuv 1. Rubtsovip 6 plie I )".atillill, Vol '1119 !~O 10, 1%21 42~ ~;!- Cansultauts bureau uec 2D, Vl, L-C! I etl. of L ~hrolv t., on in -s j.-~ an of Totryl, by L D. R u s I 7~!.. lz Ju, Flaul, ss,.,:rt, otdc4l, 10-Ax.; I i. 1.763-3-766. No 1 196 pr CB Ct OW CodYMUM JA r1uIdUad to Beatft jummop IV T. IL 1-mogya I can= 110 )-74 loci ------- ----- --------------- (N-Y-5253) Rff of X-Is~v IrradifAtion oct the Formation of &Ztols It' Itbe Pabere"., by 1'. V. Nikolski-Y.. Kub..Sova, 6 pp. RMOIAHt'-I'eirr Voprasy Wit IQdmv Vol VIq Vo 4., AQA~g :,'60s pp 365-367. Lill JM 7269 f Af !pUr, Ant I blot lld,~ DiUR JoW, ~,,6,114 INV O'c 99 wb A.! ~,,l -11, 14. A. P ltm'n PP ~Audy caf DlocLycinj by V- V. Yem...01"Yevap 'Ye6 K. Barezinu, L. K. Valedinskay.-A, a, L. K. Rubtoova CIA /MD Tr 417 r ILI; seveljlc~ Physiological Features of Hybrids and nit I , !Ili I Se -Pollinated L-lwr. of CQ. by I ~ I i .9 P9 1.., '19 ublqm 5 pp. IWSSIIL Fisial Rmateniy, Vol VII; No 6., 2.960jillp (~95,-700- Awr lustit of' Biol Sol 74 Sep ii ~01 ow Oxidisias Agents ()n the Inhiblt Ing Frope Phoopbateop by A. Ya. Shatalw, I. Ma4i6kov, T. A- Rubtsovili, 5 PP. mmuls, zhur Prik Khfto 'fol xxxiiip NO 5" ,g6d. 1 liv LO-10-1035. 1 i6i -Itt lamtton U6 ~wtbod ~)f M5 I= c n it, Z:~ MAtectLe Maltiags, Ly ~J. LPttchuOYC D010o Vo lo 1957 WD, IJU (loan) A.299 CA. Id~A'iici He. or Glu ion o olid Organic Binary System by ~bana ing Points of the Rutoctics, by U. Kh. 4 pp ex Zbur Anal Xhim.. Vol XI, Do 517 SOPI 6110-64 3. Conoultautc Bureau 1) k 1:) IN K)~ N I:.(: I'l THEIR litt 'ti um roa T N, :illll Ovd). Ord,.- r-.f rv ell", or'S no. 4. W1111 TIII: lll'~1011V 01 Ii. I: (h 1 51). 11 P. 11 r N $1. 11) 6 2 - I Y'A', MR) PT). Manuitik, 17 3 of*.. .4 T-L-..j S~ r1lotrit,14 ii ard~CaXclty for Blood-Saa-lne; in I Iif I 1 1 Blcc~~ V.leb (Di-ptera, Simull.clae), by 1 1. A. it Obo'-,reid.c. ;55,. 731-751. X, 0=0 A WWII vs. T. M. 41,11tOLE O-F, AMI~`O"ACID OXIDASES IN THE IMNIIJNM~ OF COOGE TO Mn)M CINFBF Order trom 0" or' lk $3.60 63-13574 Trans-lot I himlyt.Pkidov[Owoohchel(U.%R)k9". v. 5. P. 1 2. DESCRI R!~ eAnill act" 60xideses, OPlants oPuosus Infections. (Rotan 0 N4iws. ra w Tsar, Respi I'll I jlilology~ Veg"ableo6 .41 ~ , acbem I The fir that amino meld o2ldases dots cg~ncd con playan M cant root Inthedefenalvt mactionsof cAbbegelljo 'to tli~ "Bu* L &I== and Producle of It& vital- ihiilce. litAbor) :1, i i (APICUIIU V. r4 C Itivation, Tr. v. 9. no. 12) 63-i3574 1. Metz Botrylis c1nerva L 71tk- Cabbage Itilb" It. A. n. twasum T. K 111. Tronslations. New Yoft WS d ?&WW BA&Dr a T. m. A. ti ~O THE ROLP 'IACID OXIDASES IN 71M OF ~1, CAS86GE 70 WMM CINFRP l(r9M62UjKj3q6 refs. 11i Order or ~$1.60 63-13674 I I I I H ~ i iII Tram age$ Imlys I ovoorm (USSR) 1"g. P. I I I DMRIPMA 'Am[ scido. 00,ddows. *?Uwe (BDMY), MUnity, OFW" 14M$Orse, RespirstWoN I plamia vepwAeo. 1- IjI.I ~ ! The dome cOA md rm tkot ambw wM catdows 'li tht dol"ve reamSms d %6 tO thffimi" L river" md Pm&rto at Its I-sci two. 4AVOW) (Arkw"nw"i4 Most CNklmom 7T# v. 9. am 12) F I 1. 7111c,5mrytis cineres x -nik. osmap 1. R%664 & A. 112. lnmv T. K RU. Trm*Wkmw WwYcft 0 MR, 0 %dad %Mm I ~A.~ E ACITat nm TuA ii LATED W 'I 7liE 4 11 621[61p.~ 11 , I V ier frtoxmn M. li Ai ka I 79, tK). 4. J Vokbima. P. p 'ali 1POLY11IM401. Omwas opillis coq," PLANT As E R.1-ASTANCE OF IME PLANT VEIIIICtLUUhl ALIDO-ATRUM. ir St $1.10 63-13583 kiyal llal'&- mill. Dalody, 1951, "omen, n4= cBmany), *(AXtOn# *PWg= Iftifitilli'lom ftrn". Increose ot polyownols Which Lm Ith OWY*dQn of the =ymcs a an example cC a ddemire Moped and Intenoffled in tion. 7T, v. 9. oD. 12Xam 63-13583 1. 7UIc: VcrdciMian 1. Rdi" IL A. U. vokbumal P. M. Tronakdonojkw Ywt offim d IMAM" &O"im A.. AM111khMkoky.. E. V.. ..d I T-11AI, .m7o1;;j;'"VERS1ONS OF PHEMOLS AND THFIR OLIH IN 111E REMANCE OF KYTATOES To "W~ 23 refs. WMANS. JL9621(201p. Ordei fm-, 07S or $Left $1.60 63-13344 Tr*=~. 01(1 6~"Mmiylol (~USSR) 1947, 1. 12. W. 2. p. 141-152 09SC 0 $m. SpMesis. 'Pberals. Remist*9.1 *PmSus infacdoro, Perooddeme, Lit It"pirsdim n9mi* ft)*V). nisesses. Plants (10t&!Y)-jj I ~.II to Fa~wg. ~ikk. ~4~ dDiatfactively resimant so the fm" pii*~Mhmrm rvoftt* variety IM4) am r"ptr*- two rate ~*Qti otmRsdime actifty ore h4per than. to (ApkUlturp- -PUM Cultivation, rr. v. 9. no. 12) lover) 63-13584 1. 710e: Phytopmhfts idestans L Tule: fbtsto bligm I .Rubin, 5. A. 11. Artalkho"keys. E. V. 111. Proskurnfinve. T. A. IV. Tr6naladome. New York 4 1, Ridg.m. 8. Chetwrikova, E. P.. atul t Artslkhovsta)~~EE.' lie oxv),N () SYS- E AND PLANT IMMUNITY. 9621 (40 'refs. rder fro S'or SI. .60 63-13121 rans. of hur nail C)1?11 hL I Riol 109111 (LMS R) 1955. 16. no 2.!!p p,-S (C It I I I-Oxictai 'Plants (Botany). DiKca.,~eF, Immullity, Putt a lnf(Ftlam micmirganisms, Irriculture- Plant C614 viation, TT. v. 9, no. 12) 63-13421 I - Rubin. 11. A. 11. J.'. p. [if . ArvOkhovqLava, [~, v. IV. Tranqiations,- kJe%% Yor~ ltll~,B and Q Jowl IWAY I~ -rAT I r (A 'or S! F. of , el nlil-A -giche k.' IL 1954. ato an C t dation. 1,, ri tbe~ L, omphate brkil it Ohoso~ I~w t1w.- sum'-~ )~Ihd or. 4 (tineral rcspl~,~&Jl6n rk. nd In the r~jyq~lia ar yt Inthhora Infentanil. Agricul ture-~-'Flj~lnt C~ ~tskovaltaya. 0. L. SMATE, R MMRATORY 1113EP.S. 11962]122)p. 22 refq ;2.60 63-13420 uk- SM. lzvestilya, Serlys 241 no. 2, p. Z57-264. InmPhates, *Pliosphorylm- ucose, Enzymea, 01"otatoes, 01mmunity, Respiration. fmatic system for apotomic re storage period glucose-6- loconate dehydrogenases ngem in activity an doem the Apotoirnic oxidation *an ~ pattvgenwfunguq men potato tubers are arti- ration, -rr, v. 9. no. 12) (over) 63-13420 1. Rubin. B. A. 11. OzerelOovsUya. 0. L. Ill. Translations. New YorV office at Tecwk2l Services ~Oket or BuZ For the Pmention of Fr*dsr:Lc-lcon by~ 3 pp. FMC Mant Ro 61,46D., p-NL by Frewh Patent Off. stry of Bdustry w1d Comme, 4 mw 195 CIA!! ATIC-F-M-IL01MAn 44 Febi pla, ILI Bc~~, boulze Gasolinev by A. D. Rubyet5s 5 Rusk EkswnVa 13youslout Moscov, 1953, ftAl to 577-561, AMIN-W. AF 1022838 UWR .571 1 11 ltc~~Imie mwtor fuel Tb~ ~(~il tii ~l ~ r thS Bonding in Die7clopentadianyj 00 Ol 0 E. 0. Fisaber, pp. Ful 9-aLtmob Pur X&tjM&riscW&W, Vol VIIb, 1952 676i Aug 55 !.PrC b1 IBOUft ila Dicyclope;ataaenyl )np by' S. Al~h~ E. 0. 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Pr 5 ~3 AM-tr-4061 Sol, 1: 'Un eatl~ ~Jiu6matWninEdwaUcnW:ResearchbyV.?,I. v V- 0. WWftt 13 0 V~ Ii Uk 4NM 0 Pero R�gLM.%Z �ftllk., No 8,1963s, pp 46-49. -1iL JPRS 23476 m 251tC.7 The :Dimt Action of Diaoarb. by F. T. Hishcheako,, 7 pp. Hu '3: ir., Sorat PAd., Vol XXIV, No It 1960., IPP im 74i9 x 78&,Y and UP Bel Rep 157. -P~,,~Per, iption of the DepeDdence of the ~a Paladqua Cftftlyst on the Con- of Its Electrolytic Preparation *Uwnto by V. D. Racbklw,3pp. ma Sk an* 885HJ, set-figis Vol 56o, P 761-763. p CoUmble Tech IMD~J*~g6a~ ChwpS of the NwnMus System in the 11. e 6jA ladbrlocess.. by D. S. 24 pp. HM bk~ Cla On 6D-M860 PL-480 Apr 611~ POT vo~~963 I N $v Shovl-~Iji ~!;Wt o~i RUS-131 it Q 5c jan. oV Oacology in Oc )~coxs (1917-1.95'r), by 1. L. 1. Karenevakiy, B. Iroprouy Vol Iv, o-1104 the of v. iw~, htil' reaction in Rabbits as a z Method I S ing Cancer in Man., by S. N. Ruchovski3 4 ~ 'Goi 4 pp. TA IT, 'r, Voprosy Onkolog,, Vol VII . No 9. . 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Relation Between mplex-Formationp by G. Schwarzoubschp No V Win Acto V a xc*l* /194 9P Dal Sci Info Sv Mil Camda,, T.iU. b"r Jwl 53 aft of UMd Coffer Cry"& C) wvi a Of me tv~ bum on Moos, Decarrawan 113 ~78 aW Ddarwolon Rva, by Armin lluckwtio# 33 i I OE :ter. GE LkN', per, Z fty mama Val LV. 19" AEC-, L-Tr-3 Alm & Mot lun 6 1' 260,924 (ia-64-34/3) 3 chic. oatlwAm C: Mmiua Parto by Zofia P'iWA ak, Zbiguiew Racz;Lt, Zu=a Kints zyk- G4 I et Cal, 1 pp. pers W,*4ycyna DOMO. adczalm I Vol XnI. 190 lo 1961s D-P 53-62. JPBS 96(6 o 1A Pyrog,djAc PAOrlals tmd-TheiT 4upuml Frw-. injvattin ~~-;JUO~miso 0144insmsg Illood Trapsfiisim A-.- uratus,, allif PIN r 'qto-~ilc i..quipallto by Ke iu~la, .1 .. 0-11N. iwks Vol 13, No 11, 37 *I~cs'j , Mat 7f iI I i~ I t ~avl Do-atyank 14.1mell b.", Yn. U. Milk) 6 Wvotnos Hatc.1.0 ITO 1"C", A) (96/97 ~9~ ':Z7 =3 231.yl' 2r, on M !,Ths--L- ~lj Ri. kdrIna tba Productiom of good aot,b'm ti by'19, Mrillor, A. Ruftkov., lip. Mi'ZI 11 pri Savot ribrgavl.)ra, So 3y im 14iTp L, t F: Rim~rlug the Broducrtion of Good -0;-lo, rdrillov, A. Rudakciv, pp. U sn), at Torgm-lyr-, lro p 190, 1 42 " I . im Ant:2 m9R 8.113 (DC-2010) ien,i~ tic, Its The Tr" KwAv of Creative k Work.' ~y do corcalmmkly,, A. is. nu4zkm; 0. r. w0 "r, V*lt V"Sh" atoly, Ito 100 m0ecow, Oct 1 41158-63- US JMO-L-536 4 u di~ lo"he=lc Can$ IW B. 1. Rudakw.. ion. Apr, 1~~ Scle Vaterinar4a, Voi xUp Do 4s Moucov.. X =A Oft ffect A 1 thn. !:If.)jvejjt cn tl-tf-, 003-701YOis of T--I'Llary 11jutyl hlor4~ J.n and TbXce-Compontmt pp. j3sL%l.l, per i fUnetika i Vol 1, tic) ~60, pIP s2ak- ~.jG. CIlk 7bm lli~l w:itb Bo" RMS 6 if the ROAWM of w4h2wsld I ah2atu In Mixtump of B*Wmn and L.O. WO mod So Sm KtwUka I lataUsio Vol :1370 No., Y4 of Rate W, a Lit 3f Simple CherAcal Pumcflurv 8110 1~ ud.6 q PPO Kinetika i Katal:Iz, Vol I.. So 2 pp CB 4 pp. W19,9591, Sol wt 0 nc. fol CT.X--DL, lito per! wk A Smik M]Rj ;rv rivestifyation -Ac Cata.;4j 1 gt"qy~jl SIA14 -re of Catalysts UISC~ r tjja hTa-vu 6, zation of jjydroccrivor on qid Polymeri Ci 'hv G silic-C A YroPrti~s 0 A --. 11 6 pp m Vol. x IT 7 1 Ii~har r, Obshoh rJAM) ConsuItfintq Buroau ono of' Terponos, Vil' j C i:mva 4 t115 of T. 0. by M. Y, Shestl-IY9v-`,, lip, 2 0, b -XX 1,099 Concultant-s B'arcau um SynWesin Roaotlork with Maloic Anbydride., 5 PP- Zbur Prik XUa.4 Val UMZ,, No 1.1, ou c 4y)56 i)f ,J:r: IR! ~oterogeneous Catulqt1c; Is itatiou a Over,Aoldio Cats:k"to. I. Mechanism t of PLrA=# QwVbopoo and LUK=ne With %tallota - UthalLum DiWdde &M Pt b-Y G!V_Ao J!!!%!pvfp Zo S. Xhomenkop rva 8 VP 0 ZbW ftbab IbIl" Vol XXIVv No 3# PY-557o CIA D 151317 Coumatam" Dwoau 7 ffimw 55 ad, i 63-225112 I ILSICIS E 1 OF TERPUNES IN 'ME 1. RtOakov, G. A. PRESEMI O F ACM CATALYSTN AND A CONI- If. Title: Ilrobicnis ... PARISON bl' p KING PLACE W1 11 Ill. Title: Truth ... Tl las 1. (,1 IN NXIVRE. 11903171) 1 V. Pile: All-Union... Order fro I TS, $1, m ATS-S(X~7,[R V. AIN-S(X~711( \1. Associated Technical Tram;. of f it). Y-:l Itic. r[osy] KWm[iI)Tcrj-A:nov i of thc Clictnistry of TerllencF, 1:ast Orange, and To I.lx! kil 9 . 1%0, p. 113-120 Cl'rtO\ , c unlya p) Voprosam Khimfi 1,L-,-rwifq V 11. 11,I-X110) kiv (All-Unlon Confero-mcc cmi thi.- llrobh-ms If 1 ~t Cfiq stry cif Terpones and,rcrjvno1dz) pi Vi1'n%,w;, , 59 , g DESCRIPTY "I'Ll I reaclionl, l1losynthesis. 0,*',,if" V. 10, 11o. 10) effm ti ltcbwll Stnic" Resul4ill of .1 Covvtit1,= for tiae rest worYw of tt,iie Centr JJ. Bona of the JLU-Wou Chemica:L Society 1wril". L ~~MmdiAeyeir -for 1959., by D. L. Margolin.. G. A-4t CIA10: 1r5 Yp, RUM illf pwi 221" Veen Rhim Cfbflhch irm-nA D, 1"C"I'Idej eva gTO .1-y 1961) pp 102-1.1607. JPRB 119PO jell (NY-3479). U= for the Dot Worke In Cbeslatry and rus# by Go As Jbidaw, 6 ppo am;, I6a WWI 'kilo we sauk i PrIms, vca ivp mo e.. i#403, JIM MUC 04 .[n*gIt mlon of the iNature of t))& Cat"ta Used '~O~j 16 filri 102i at paperization of Hydrocarbons. I, ~ :1 C40 Orni tt~e came or the I Catalytic lci,14 $I or ItA&C A01do by Gs A. Rudakovp Z..B. v .jV8STA ~rj mur megh.ml o1 XXN, No 2, CT& D 151M vp 3 Conmatafts Bureau ~)Ocieht Uc Chamtstry CTS 67/Apr 55 0101 The iiiu~of 11oterogeaeoun Catalytic 11301ro-rizatioi of IC as on Acid CaWynta. III. The H* t~i~acemivmtiOn Of CCqPhCae On Titaaic Aci(]. by ~a Itu ~wj H. me shentaye-M, 8 pp. i. 1.9441WIP6011,..II .. r j, Zhur Obsbob Diia., Vol xXVI, lo 9) Sep 19. 9~ i pp 2426-24324 Cousultmto Lureau fici 113try ica ca of Camphene, by 0. A. Ndakov, M. M. ta0v Zlrur Obsbob M21mp Vol MI) no M consultanto B=eau C) ayti. Plf~~xm*ona of Terpmes. VII. Preparation 'Illtic~aly -Pinene rrm/7 -Pinm , by G. A. e8 via, 6 pp. shch M2Jm Vol MM., No .'557 3 Conmil tants 13tweau 57 ReAer ~4~s X Transformtions cif Terpenes - VI aytic leawrization of CL-Pincne Into too by 0. A. Rudakov., M. M. Sheetayevap mo per,, Ztnw Obsbch Xhim.9 Vol XXVS No 3p -19558 IV W-6301-0-GIA C 393M Consultanta Bureau tric - Chemistry INOV 55 000, ltudsk~. V., QUALMAME Rl c~wc).-.,bis Fitt ONAL DIFFEREWrATION OF DIPFERwr PETFtc)Lsm rED MH CRUDH OIL 45. 6p 1 Srob 0 TT-64-16416 Azo (Rummailk) Im. 14. rr, 12, em 31 TT-66-16416 1. Ru&km, 0. V. Offift (A TaftWel WMWOO Ruda OVII V. PARM iNEW OF .14,11YOR AND MWAIAIC- IWSINOLI~i .1U13k,S-TA CIES 114 DEVONIAN AND CARFION IFERousPC O.'DE ..S -j(ONI '111E VOLIGA-URAL IN011 Ordor f reiJil vi's m11o A 71-5- 71 N51 P. Trims. of e USSR) 1100, %% 4. al Neft f I Gaza no. 11, 1); fur, (44)WIF ('~Ilucal, 17, 6, no. 5) b I - 221)4-1 1. Hodakov. G, V. It. ATS-71INSIR 111, Tolmical Svrviccs, Inc., Oi,m~y, N. ~001 Of ax*w on the Rowkwenumvity bf 1~ is WW Ebe WW"I of the Radio- PzWkidve Acdon of WreadrIA, byP D. GCrIZDtOT, 1, A, Ruilskov, 10 pp. -OTB9;;r Teraviya. Rus 11414 P&Wm Fix p 5 25L30 jun' 262,027 Ta:ble of tents of lbe Ifev GAZ Truckol"]V-,, 6 pp. UNIASSIXIED (ID 674578) 14618CC6~',,End ~7 to H-h6.-50, G-2.9 0611SA 0-2298 A EC:06.~~c , ~Insporteitlon Yhr 54 MS 7-7 00 kbllj~ or SpattaX4 meova P) an= In a li, by A. S. UldW wWW,, L. 1. pieti4 set - ftel,14 ~2 47a 6~, ~ : I .4.34P (in -the I stale lllty of Ilon-Fo;x,(,;cneouc- R?Lro~dcd 'PlasTro. :1 a ll cn~erful VnEnetlr- I) c j ;;dtrjli i vj 'i pp. IUSIA RL I Pe'r Wh lik Nallk Vol T 'r 1961, 1 583. JFBS lC60i Sci On Sol btl~du of a Charged Particle In Rapidly Blectro4bguetic FWds, by A. A. L iI. Rudakcwp 9 PP. I cgrapbs Mika Plass7s Vol IYP 1958. Apr 611 SIA 59-22426 me fteii 'I of a SpattaUy Thh iDgeneow Plasm PA16 heldp by A. B. tManovWdyv N MI ~'mIIIA Atom Mwg lmsd I. V. Kurebat-ova 10 W.. %W.4 1963 AM) (10890) )0.3