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Stec 41C,~'l Liptem for Parti cl,,~ in a ~L on A. A A 0,~ and If. -113~ !Wbin, 11)-p pp 't, V"hyl-i Vol :pr, 01 6 H Rao2ords -und liongf-vi'vY.. 'UV A.~ Ya), irlev., Y. Rdbinv 2 p. upr Inve5zle.. &13 6j lq~.Q Vol r..f., Vo 2 1161 rilic Pi Ior ion of Cold Ylem In Mxtures of IDUW1, k~r .0 Air. Pt. 19 of Tvevtl~ption of the an of G" )dxtures,, by M. B. clonditi 1~ wti 0% 7 PP - Jqyman~ b1m, It. B. MknciL 6 R pery 1 Zbxw Piz Man., Vol No 6s 1948, 61a. ;6. MA 60-13717 Sal f4ir 62 va V~I 3 go I i H~ ! i J~i L;lntoj f R~ th,% ti mm, 647 62 ~5.3 - tc., of 11'ropagat-Lon of' Mar and Air. Pi". 20 of Dwentigat..,m of Ignition of (kw Wxture3, by M. L~- iip4,_ R - B. Yanol., M-z mump Vol Xxn.. Vo G., 1948, MA 6o-13718 015; mu UVWA at at eir . , aw no nam V61 IWIP "02/48 pw 9*11P Tva=fcr of the Phoaphate Graup With Oic kold on FmciWas Monopbospbate, by eder, Kh. Koj~qNo~~,j 22 pp. i Vol Up 19559 pp 740- Jim CTS ABC Tr 204 Chosistry .1 yi~ 1 of Russian MY Literatuxe for 195�1 byll R. F. Zatrutina, L. S. Mibina, bk -wzdunarodnyy Waoifiziclicakiy ,a pi ograf Icbcoldy Ukazatcl. I Litemtur~ ~ 'I Ya--.vlm za 1959 E~-? 1560, nM Ft Dolvoir T-1210 &A 61 am at RSMWA Kvau L.) ca Obsonstlow to the tW M6 As DMMlo 361p, me" 33% ;)n of. DryLug and Coviltioning of Wheat b 4 4M,4 by Ya. N. ftritop A. L. Shpolyw- SIM40 :9 1,Rublmp 6 PP* F 1:6 9 Irr b! p NOUid Zb-Qrjp #01 XVP No 32 19~53.vl Ij i) .2036 Caaffaftfte Burmu scion ~Jfic: Chemistry CTSIME biethO~, Of atrWwVic AnelpiLs Used st the Moscow Sec - -Al-Wilnum Plant in 1952.-1954.. by B. F. Rublaa, Full t~ mm b perp In Ak Mft.. Orr Piz,, Vol XIX,, No 2, 3.955.9V1580~ ICU C MrM Colum)" Tech Tr Sci iven-ye~ar, ~ibrspeati" Plan f or Rmcb ir-'-Aie'. b" i~ P. M& Rubimt U pp. M14 0 pers VastWk Bvynalp No 5,, 1959. 59W (W4694) Labcrr oa ~Jvjty Roger" in Communications Pscil~tiasti the Manner In Mob Theoe Reservea can IM!, ~664,~! .6y V. H. zonyukhova, P. H. Rubin% 18 pp'; RWSI~s~ ve Vest Svyazip No 5 (242),j 1960. ipm 5616 SOL Oct n" i0i Itb~` uIntion of p Rmder3, by S. S. oy~tjj r!IA. .11!~==uchko"ky,, Rubtup 0 ull tr r Isit (m. Uas,~~ i: ~ei,Kolloid Zhurp Vol X[Vp Do lo an 01 i9pil 28-36. Consultants b2reau 152 Vact 42 Street Bev York 18., It. Y. cienti-ri chemistry Aug 53 CTII/b= 'A -M On thel h-~ ium of the Aminatioa of Chlorofluoro- beuze'M6A~Wid'~Metal Amides and Aqueoua A=onia, by N. u. vc~roz~lqov: Jrt 0. 0. Yakcbson, T, D.. Rubi.iia,, 4 pp* RUSSIAN perli' Dok Ak INauk SSSR, 'Vol CXXV11., No 6, pp Aug Acids of the Thiophepe Series, by and T. D, Rubimp 4 pp. Zhur Obahch Mdni, Vol XXVII 9 17o 2 p -4d. Cousultente Thweau ~ 7 X-dI6 m 19 01 m - ;. Ii- I Cr-gaXIO-6ill wn "Lxup~~k~', icu~ rb ob ting Ilbsimal lhaulntion rllla- 1. 14. .Rubinchik. oftdii* Ibru COW' Leningrad, Zia' Pmetioal Application of organo- %`oW;(cmpouD"p 10 ('Nc).t Irp 97-101. M.L X. But w nllx 01, i~IOL Ku::~ 1964 PI) Sci 144 64 ar Energy Losses by a Charge in a S. B.' Rubin, V. N. Tsytovich, 6 pp. r, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XXXIV, No 1, 11-10 Amer Inst of Phys gov Phys - Tekh Ph s Y Vol Ixt No I 265s39S j ()f ,L micro- Some'Utk ret- cltl Problems in the OperiLtior WSUOML Wave P6laeme mrj by U. B. Rubin, 10 pp. ve P RUSSIA.i~,, u Fa(Ilotekh I Elektron, Vol VI, No 1, 1961,, pj~~ 1-25`136. A I FS Oct f6 rik. Ubdifications or Ammmium Nitrate., MA QU=Ohlngp 1~y 8, 1. Voltkovichp 1~1 ko MA V. R. Kothialo 8 pp. b b Wo U Ak Nm* BOMs Otdol Wds Nauko Burl C Zq J> 16-1.3 a 7 *W Scion fie I ChvmlsU7 xp 55 on/= /~O ji. uIS Semi-~~Id~~ tri I Testing of a Carbonizer with an ove b )dj~ai ~~eds by M. W. SmIrrov, S. m. Rubinch1k, 7 6~ pp r~ tsvetnye Notany p Vol 1,, So III 196op pp. p8 Sci Wt The Influence of Analysis Accuracy on I-Setals c I b lY'a'. A. 300039M Ru'blnrhi 3 pp. y RUSSIAI~~, per Tevetaye I-Setally) Vol II., No 1961 Got 62: Some Oteu OLL the FrObIGMS of DeSigning and Ope ting; 6~iling Dq=,v by Ya. A. Rubinchik [j~~.4- Auss Tovetnye Metallyo Vol I. No 11, 1960, P13 Sci Stlibii'it'ylof Reservoirs Por Piae-Grained Tailings, byl Ya." fiuj~lnchik, 5 pp. ............. Rw''Sw~ Tuvetnyye Metally, Vol 1) No 4, 196o, PS SCI 0A ~60 -312 11) of Calcium Pero, i Tbc arbo ~-~ic*A~e. by M. M. Pavlyuclnt-1411~0, Y',.. C, , I I j RublIn C., ,an Khi. jur -ccrF RT 'A;5 ~11: m ""o) 19519 The cleaver-ilulnu I;Tca' L."7 JIM 6r -~i z~ ~i ~tl 'of Cuprio Oxide With Hydrogen, by T:* It I I li I Ya. S. Rubinchik, 10 pp. P'. jL anko MSSTA m0 m'rt Zhur Prik witao vol mv, wo 6,, U36R xml 1 Cmultants Bmau Vol 24, -Ama 1951 Scie: ntl~f p6emistry ~7 747 Jim Sumles In ABC ftViftA NI]Llt*"# WY MTP PP 730- XMI is"" D The, -yeii Plan for Development at.the yug hant Nmtj, by Unso !~j~ 12 pp. CROATWO part ftewstvoo 19600 vp 190-193. 31i JMS 5626 "Ur i~ VIM la"a Oct(M : ~ 111 1~ I I , , or the Harden4" of ftem by Means Cou~~ Of Additions,, by T. I. Rozmbergt t 11. V. B, Ratinovo iDok Ak Zwk SWp 1101 CX11j 50 5p 19 ~7 1919 CoUloulteAte Bureau Sci Jul owl. JOW DII FI.U~6,i ticI k~JIA ~bi SO MCI :ic untions of Magneolwa in Rulation to the ell Rl-*,thr,-., by A. 11 R. Balbij 19 pp. r., Actu Heurol, VOI Vj.~ 1951, PL 610-633- S. L. A. Tr 570/19J5 i L-(~ L Th~ f ResiotaMe in MaIrmtrition and Daily Per C~i ex of Body welabi., In P41stion to the Q~ai t ah'i Type OUPOodo by F. Rubino,, V. Cutre,, i 11,0. URCUSSIFIED A r 128 of fttrltign Vol II,, 1950m, pp ~3 .3 ATIC 1?-" -8214 scie~,t ic L wicine Jan 511 MS hQ 02 CcczwQt'OM of Itw"Xis on t ?Jamoa wIth AvItaZuWals tj%~ Praofte or awainaws by P. C-6010"0" Ih Pawdaftp 4 pp 0 J. B06u6t1wo daus S=Ieta ruaJAM tales Val InTp Ims 4.4 tax I-zh~-w r I as ow O~ ComwaWtion of now H*ixrt -at Pleemn VIth AvItodwsio DIP F. AmwP 1'. pmaoltoj, ITA p! bAlfytiw Dsl3A IkeloU ltali=a Pvwb"A. tale" Vol )DOLVI IM), na Mar C, ithe Glutathione Stability Test and L4Y Of GlUODSO-(?-FhDSphatO- Imm ln Satundame -bW G. F. Rubino derv IMASONVA L124cat Vol 54, 1963, 4r 1) ge Diameter& by the Girmlii,6 -Lnov ub. 3 PP- 'Dehh, No P, ig6o,, ISA 7J 91 A Ila mms""w" Vol P"&IaUon Model,, by A, P14 bdjl, fj Ak $auk SSSRt Vol 174, )go! it 40 ?Y~-756-6 67 AmAft ism 1731 vdi~ io 3 1967 i' j V, Nov 60~ 3.540164 ~ illI a I i i -A i~ Mm_ j Ill w a MAMMOO 67 /j, I i i a 0 .ft ~ 1 06 1 i 104 ft TO I I I -,tc, 1, - .< of tbo Sacautrialty of Articlas the Center, by A. D. RObimvp 0 unritoa Takho 50 1p 1958s Imtru GDo of Amr i i t lai m ~lm Of 13 M=Uh Cc4rrex ~,Uwtlma Oati, by V. F. )'T PP. rereltete YeatnlVo ~ S m MowitjUd, V~ MfiiU 10) JPUK)363667-V j46plo-'k A N( ~ar RU3 Tdl~~ Sci J& MMI 0Id of UstablishiiiG 10he Speed Condi1lions 4,0rU' ic Silk Reels OpergitinE N the Yaread a~sion h-incipffle, by E. B, Pubinov, 10 pp. e'r, Iz Vysshikh Uchob Zaved, Tchh u "A I cm, Ho 2. ln -1. Tex Ins-Iv- m c Se f of ltwu Silll: i.n Autuna(-,ic yjn- (SIF-1878) rat 1~ ima school in Utbeklat"i., by N. Ya. Rubinav, pp- ESIM111 perp *Iel 141 a1h i Abaherk:&,, No 2.. 1961,, 1561 1.: jpm 4896 ISR Jn ic-a of pir"ellil'o o Uo n T-.rLrpr, 2591- 11C PVC1, .]:1j:, ol, C% Cal ticaj ~Properties of Concentrated Solutions, WIX Its I~Ad Fi I= of Dyes. IT 0 by V. M. Rub-inov,, A. pp. IA 4, per, Optika i Spaktro, Vol X,.,, io 4# ollu,;lity and Rate of Debydration of I Ot N. L. Chapelevetakiyp ao~ st b01' B# N. A. VaOllenkc) and S. S. xvvn, 11. bk# ssUdmanlya Po Prik Dlm Ak soot Ot"de). Xhim Nauk- 3.955j, pp 183 BIA R-2238 13cl Aug sp~cl C~ 4al D8teMJlMtl Of Flatinumj Pa.UEtdlmj Rockso by R. S. Wbinovich., qpw,vxmmgmxktcl 5 PP- Zhur Aml MLtmo 'Fal XVIn,, No 2j, 19630 41 m6i ini 1Nickel, Vanadium* Chmmi= and Copper in D et, CU ~y It, rm ADWV4i8,, by N. V. AaWlev, R. S. ubj 'Rubi OVIch A. Takovleva, 2 pp. RmsiA~j tiiiO6 Pir., Ix Ak ftuk., Ber Fiz,, Vol XIX, No 2, 195 -2 1 CIA 0 42M *awbia Tech Tr &10~ fie' njoics" kiqlawtall; Nn' ~, 616ii6x Ll I yd, Aull holl!i In s.; 3.W VOIL! J'G' LT614,19-3 link with the bottom or the arbodrilling. By Ya. B. Rubinovicli Neftyanos Khozvaiatvo,1960 pp. 24-29. perj 0. 3 177 U c 01 396,051 ~),Y"I chp 6 pp t, Hu 19111 ~opr, kvtomt i Telepiukh, Vol J 'rill, MQ, itric Ithe !,JPst*iu% of Sources and 14twmic 4ult4~01* 21 pp" ~Wrs AOS Ph ita %-%:676 J~v Vol J. 7~1 at on, S?r~-cljnisac der II.*-',,:Cj-,tr-~n 1"C', ~u -0 11,1,2 1'16-21(o), AIMS,, Ifai-ocli Tr-I.. 2 k0 III t1 sclimt, W by Blewntary Iavop by A. Ru binowicz,, left PhWiaa Polonicaj, Vol XIj 1951. CIAIFMIX-978 Yoko Ju). 53 CTS KilrWhilot. a Difthsation Thawy, by A. Rubinowict. re Ammpa ftz V-01 73. 110 5/6, 16862 Wit 7 ~j 339.951 One ab t the now Draft Mw~am of the j )LUotr by A. Rubluebtalum Uri 6 D'i pp, 11, r 103131 Pl vopma mmmm, Vol I NO 31 kvto and Sci p"as Vol. I'0 No 5 UM Flor sap 41 1.9 Eleamo, 'I 15dulI Pitt ~J-al A" '.0volUL-Ion by A. RublmshYeiap :va-prosy Mum,, u-0 Z95-1; Vol 1; jWo 2 In RO Ateln, ~aM ri-lb)ikovs, N. . TIM 19' T L9 I A'E 001 -I' R iR PRIMARY SUTIMICAOSCOPIC CWfS- 1. RublnHhtcln. A. 961 O A E l GEMOUS CATALYSIS. 11 1 11. Pribylkova. N. JBIP 112: keffl. ' .0 rdo 1 r 4 . an 61-200.6 or SLA $1. 10 I Repr ntl ofAcla P hynicochimica I.I.R.S.S., 1946. v. 21. p. 7 -1 0 0 D - rystals. 'Calslysim. Deformatim, Laid .0 Cutil mis, Reaction kineticc Butanols. Cheri' It I equilkb riurn. Thermochernistry (Una rx rled) #0 76"ej swV1606 prin rjajSjWWjpg-Cac"ALons for Ddbimaticra Uuftr IrAption Iu- tkAb. by, A. L, ragAmahteimp 3.1 yp. IMP p Gid i W A s go Bs 1958.o M 60-21159 (pi 4801 sci 7 1 Fri Hogimering Calcuktions fO" I Deomstion under irrigation lnstt~l- L.OestA Od I RLM: Gidroteld' i mali=bsizraj Ila 3.9581 OMS 60-23-'L59 K. P. .111d 1. Rtjt,m,h;cin, A. %1~ VI'ALYTIC IPAIT'jIN OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS H. P:, Ili ("A'K50N IIAOXIIA" 1. [106ij "p. 14 M. 1- S. f r~~ i), ~i..; 1"1k 4~,~ of Nio ~Cbw P. ItIcht-11YL fill (P I Oxidation, C.1 111m diov.,lik, VaIxti 11"Itioll. lltllm~, Al"61 1,. "in ~c ,m) 1.14 wild S, Calcium Coll) InLi;, Villl.idjll,~ Vmlithun) com)-K,un(k. it 11 stip t,,.xej and Tex-Wre of clxt-,4~stai amd Thuir Aotivity and Selectivity In the Dec' raimi iOn Of i-C31f70H, by A. !,'A. Rubinshtoin, N. Pri 5-tkova, Vo A. Afanaslyev, -14-'*' pp Rlj.'Q.P AN, sro Kinotika i Xatalir.. Vol 1; No 1, pp. 29-143. 5-T 0 chm Um or Isopraffl Alcohokl an Metal Oxid6l- iumina Catalysts,, by- A. H. Rublm&tein.. L !III Sic-46tebw pp. aws or.. Dak Ak rkuk SWRp Val CXXXIXj, !i 'pe w0 311 1~6 pp 626-629. CB Sal 0 a, J" 62 MOO I XbW OZ1402 04 the ACtlvlty; 4 the Bme Coopultion of Ditmwy d on A'203-0 b3t A' H' Mblasteiny fmjp 6 Ago 4- Is Ak Nok 3SSRI Dtdal Min Naukq CH 202P796 Of I., CL 1131V tion oi the Adsolrption of AluziU4~ uui It drq'~ lido and Hydroxide, by Yu. A. Yelltakov. nus Atj~,, ior, 1xv AN SSSRE Otd Kitim Nauk, V160, pF'-2-107-2117. 24TCI~(9-iI403-07D July'11,69 387,083 Its' t 94btIVIbutem-2 im a DeWropution A# INbUohUlso, K. 1. Slontsboap 0 I nattlu I "tats, Ta n, No 'he Phase CoraPDSition and Textiav of Alumino-Chrome ats~jk6 ~Pr6~16red by Simultaneous Precipitation, by ml, fki~~ina I6in A,, L, layachko-Gurvioh, V,, X. PC, Nj:~, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR. Otclel KhIm limuk,, lo 5j, 1961 2 '760-787 P CB . ~ J~ ~ ! ! jimb-111 A. hi ru a., . 1 CHE i IV ION 0 CHROMIA 1,011%.351 Orderfr k!-,$7. Trans. afj4adjeni v. 134, rx. p. 1 i 1~ DPWRIPWI 8: Of Adinrpti6i, Surfac ChrQrnlu winpoo I 61-25195 'Slovelskaya, K. I., and 1. Title: (2ionilsorixion ISOPEN"I'ANE ON ALUMINA- I . Rubinshtein, A. M. CAIALYM [196115p. 11. Siovetskaya, K. 1. 111. BruLva, T. It. IV. AT.S-88N,1811 Nauk SRSR. Wklady, 1960, V. AssociatedTochnical ~839. Servic", Inc., East - Orangt~ N. !anes, 00italysts, Cyclop(mtanu-s, irope"icso Aluminum compouivis. Pwassiurn compounds, Oxides. Id RUbinil~ e Brim ~i 1 ISOPE ~)E Order Tram v. 134 A ATS-9 DRSCF Alundi the with (Chc .. ~Im~' Slowetakaya. K. L. and - R~ QPMISDRMON ON ALUMINA- WARA CATALYST. 1196115p. 17 refs Mi6i SLA $1.10 61 -1 l!5" 1 ~ 1~ Aksdjq~_' 41 0.11C lansistlix i~R 11961' 'ORS' ~11M comp~nt com~~r' ients *in ~ hyd~ &I iAi 1 r1lon" t .; 81 *-4b ya]NaukSSSR. Doklady. 1960, 6-839. to available frarn ATS $7.50 its 5p. lea. Adsorption. 'Catalysin. Chromium compounds. Oxides. made of the chernisorption & a on on a dehydrogenation catalyst. m of paraffins and Its variation npersture and pressure. Tht: J, TT, v, 6. no. 9) lover) 61-18599 1. Title: Chemisorption 1. Rubinahtein, A. M. 11. Slovetskaya, K. I. III Brueva, T. R. and Us CaNQ3t:L* ftOPOrtiOs Of 'A. X. Habj=h+.A" Ot fil- Is A WOOk SM.p Ot"l ffift 'h'm VP 31-38. ATS 8U*3R Cal bY Ill. ~Nj No 2p Apr,61 toperties of tno Sptem A12U3--F6203, R,,. bbinshteiI4 N. As Fk1bytIcova., 7 Pp ry Is Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Min Haukv ~Pp 173-181 CB 3'1 bNdma propwum) of % c"bly"go Sc WbaAM AsIAVAY-a an Qvii fm wo up of At M* bumm"t pp 7 OL OV n Ak Rok MIN6 Ma Ims swks 14 12 7- #.3f ma~,:~atl G=a f K. 1~ sap ~6--L or the Adsorption Churacteristier. xif- ~-al"-Potazaium Paraf fin bwaywm- ~a Cicft'~4uts, by A. M. 10blwhtein, ilai~,tlzkayaj. T. P. BruWai 10- y pp. I "rim Xtmtlka i Khtallz, Vol 1) k55-463. pp CB Y Ca+ j ~gpor pimae f(etone Fi)j=tion frcm. ()v(~,r Magnesitm, ZiMCI Etna Cadmitni Oxidl!s'~ byjA. M. Rtkbinshtein, V. I. Yakerzon, pp~ Zhur Obshch laiim, Vol LMC, No 10) 196(.~),), -'~i,53-316i. GB 10 01. A. in 'cc R~, EIN, et rd,' UK-30 ructure and specific surface area of NiO-AI90,4 the variation of these properties with changZa- 1 and thermal treatment Fii. Khlm. , L3, No. 2, 310-317(1959) n :U KII -30/M. 1405 - English i Euratcim Thel, 18tructure and Specific Surface Area of i6. 2 fttslYsts aud the Variation of These Piqie~"ti4 , ith Changes in Couposition and Thermal by'A. M. Rubinshte3m, et al. ,~erx Zhur Piz Xhimo Vol XXIII, No 2.. RMS 19* pp, ~io--U7- DBIR LLU M-1405 (loan) scl Chem oc~ 160 bD4ehdenI'e of the Distribution of Platinum in nle Pt-C Catalyst on the Concentration ofl~ 1-1~e 01 nal H2PtCl6 Solution and the c t of the Carbon Grawilation, by A. M. naht in, M. Hinachev, V. M. Akimov, 5 I r), Zhur Obahch Xhim, Vol xxix, no 8, pe 9 2 W5., 503-2507- Consultants Bureau sdi~ A~g 6o Tj lx~v 1435 scl ul L:ra uti'l ii ca N, A. P,iln M lal*. SS),S~ 1 A~ ~"!st~ptlon of the Utmwtion B4vetm Sme clsdtmisii,*~~id ompumm or Futinm and vp. 2 Ion Deftean SM Wmadimdnetetra-scrid Of Pualu= =d Pyridim.9 1w A. N. p A* I* u I yawns 14 pp - Mulp Vol 110 lb as 19"s -tr.4058 A BC tio caia It i4ertness of Amorphotts Nickel in the Hydrot geaa ion oPBenzene and the DelLydrogenation of CYIap''bO'xuO g, by As M. Rubinahtnin,, L, Kh. Freidlin# N. V:L ~Or~ avaV n ~'Ila of)* RUSS mo per, Iz ALk Sauk, Otdel Khim Naukt J,b No 411 ul 766-7671, 9A c 4A76 ug 1 55P PP 41 Consultants Bureau sciefi~tllfl Chemistry VA r Rubtns I it 1.~ X-RAY i , Y 01 1 [I Trans . adeni ~,I' strilaux Cocrals V&S RX, prerare mode propax of an OP Mlycirs XIDE CATALVSTS. IAGNESIUM 0 -1819-0 1 6 14*uk SSSR. Otdclenie 17vestlya. 1943, p. 427-433, n compounds, OOZdes, X-rm),=,Ion analysis, Crystal of tile hato peitaInIng to Cjtgl3qjC con- thyl 11!ahol on 41 sainples of a csttlysl. %nI nill nIULum oxide. but diffming in flielr with the physical structure of tlie~e 11 Supp iris the assumption oll the existelice it disc- trWoo for heterogeneous catal)-tic FiWtlie reactions Investiguted flic max. 61-18190 1. Rubinshtein, A. M. 61-16863 ky~ ilitimb CklUync MWIMTW IN in VAROR L RWAnshtsis6 A. kc nWAs APrwm By m munow or m CA14 Mr. 30 nh. 000 $L 10 6L-16ms OHNO Irz by&vfmwtkn d bftxmw 8*1 d corw W In tm pmewe d of 1 at &"Gmkn w4re oft &* medt" of do do as N ke d to SC&O 0#4kC. T.,h.j.%j TT. 6. 6) Rubinshteir,~ A. M DERYDR I A*nO ON NICKEL CATALYS1 OF I. Rubinshrein, A. M. Sm OF USPERSION. 119M 1 7p. 17 rds.' Order from ( rsox $1.10 61-16861. Trans. of !Akadernl)l Nauk SSSR. Otdolenle K]Wmi- cheskikh ~4uk~ 1941). m 1. P. 135-142. .j.,~II.,rogerimlon. Catalysis. -NIckcl catalyats'! B. TIC e oft e activity of nickel -alumins cata - I)Ids U I-. It*. i a '~i6n of nickel has been itmestipted Po for the can deeh' J [ion a( &Bphatic and naph- thweenic c6r~p~6ids- :I' study was carried out with seve Prep"'ration's - thcic IAtil t. in which the dispersion of nickel varfl,d ?r 4, to 122 A. Activity-dispersion laotMr 'Co .. for dehydrogmation (t cv- ci=n,- m- forn~ll ~cld The dependence o( the When~jitr~'-' rganwl ~rr' v. (., no. 6) (ever) I : 11 111 11 it I Vacullm a of Bosbmita,, by Yu. A. Elltekov, V. W A A. M. Bab-'= In., 3 iv - RM.Lft gr 12 Ak Nauk SM.9 Otdal Milm Nauky No 11j. 4, 2C45- Pp igy CB .%y 61 /-57-3 Z) 9" pataa~mts for the lRaftmin'r. of ossolines. owm~mi~mt6m 5. Sam Bscuuw Fmturw of the C~tai~iic 6d ftruiml hvpefties a ftaleAium Chtu.- M. Klmebevo M. A. Rya~aatseva? A. M. Rab, Is Ak NM* Swo OW03. Mdm Naukp no 1959.*, 110 5. C3 Sol mw 611 Mm, -ad Mffud= oxu"'t adenum In The nwkmrklm at filt'somiumn at a MoUnjo bV L IL.-Md ,A* A&I Ov XhllkDVj W, A, 7 PP. Is Ak ICMB MkiL 50 ftutatuft Down Sal a a vuf A Po JLbUJLtAos Am, t i3mund TacticAa ttm Ti,16 re. 0. UWM9 A, go Rubla3bta Yao 5 py- Aw vast voz notap No 5. 1958.s pp 30-33. AM 0;cti at nalmlo aim " ovadm J, ma ftimomp in h; couirm -As aq"pA AU",p tv A* IL 80.0*1 *Aftwo & ~L zoma"MR9 Iva DI A M. 2 ME No ad m1lard Chcodcal Frqpa~aos ofe WSp amwaimtAou 1, Effect the CccWsitim ard MeorpUon of WS Obtalued bjr tho Deocoposition bl? S. H. amoilvi., 7 .0 A li,;*=., Xz Ak Iftut 8=1, Otdal Mrs Vmtt, Couraltunts Dwenu RUBM! Ulllll~ A. M. rl, ux! Ic. h,oncr'-Ics cf 4 IQ, ir I o 1., o 1, p 1 :aW Otclel 1:11-IM 1.c i ~~ I IN ~ A* Me de &'~LA 1056t Catalytic Properties of Titanim Di AKAD III NAUX SSSR, vol 67, 1949., No 6. pp 105 iw 1 ~O r'ds. 466; BrutIC No' IfNS me eleA'~'."i~y i'' ~Alcohol Catalysis its Determined by haslel ation of Titanium Moxide. ZVE-k~IY AIKA EMII NAUK SSSRj, Otdj, Xhim Nauk,, 1950, o 6500 words. 14- rutcher ~[~o26 Pr,O~ I Corundum at Low Ilezparatures and It9;c Acti-fityp by A. M, Rubinchtein, 'A. A . RUMSS Y~* Zhur Reorg Khiu, Vol IVj No 71 1959 -1500. Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd. London Jan iaor;4;L~ou oL Lappropyl AICOSI(XL OR iaLskiySt6 ach, by A, M. Rublmhltcia, Yu. A. "ov, alovvt~.-&? 4 pp- Rul Doi~ A IIUUX SSSRI Vol CXX11) L"o Lilt CB ~rpf aud CataXytit ltr)porties ol" T;Itoutjm A. R. Habinubtein aW S. Gb. KuLikov jS 8 Dok Ak nwdk SSSRp 1,9490 Vol 67,1 NO 60, Scl Me LILb No 52/2r,29 tli~ 0- Cbmdo try Be 11 ~t461